The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 29, 1920, Image 6

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    . --
Ity L. It, Htoltlinupt
I'oult iiioii Join lilnlio Hxcuralonlsta
Tv; nty-fivo or thirty Mainour
ceunt: potiltrymeu rocontty motored
ovor '.itu I'uotto and Washington
coun ti-s to lake ndvnntago of n poul
try ov untlon nut on by tho Farm Bu
1 cutis of those counties. Tho trip
was jironounccd well worth whllo by
alt In attendance
Home ninrio Fly Spray.
A home mnilo (ly spray can bo
mnilo from tliu following ingrodlouts
Four and ono-lmlf quarts of conl
tar dli; tour nud oiio-hulf iiunrU of
(lull oil; throe aunrts of coal oil;
throw quarts of whnlo oil; nud ouo
nud ono-lmlf quarts of oil of tar.
Dlssolvo tliruo pounds of laundry
soap In water, mid tho lngrodlonts
of tho spray nud bring tho wholo up
to thirty gallons with luko warm soft
This sprn will keep off tho fllon
mid prment tho coatH of tho nnlnmlB
from huGomlng harsh. Tliu cows
should bo sprujed twlco n day In
the morning and afternoon. With
portable cart, mnilo from a half bar
rol by utluchlng wlmols nnd a spraj
pump and hozzlo, two men can spray
forty cows In flvo minutes.
Sunt I liu Monitor.
Now Is IIib tltuo to got rid of all
innln birds, or at loast keep thorn
nway from (hit rest of tho flock, Ovor
fifteen million dollars wns lost last
yoar bwtuiM lwoplo did not swat
the roosters when tho tlmo enmo,
WVoll Inspector ItritorlN.
Mr. Fulton, tho Inspector sont to
dstormlno tho ureas In tho county
Infoslvd with alfalfa weovll has fin
(shod his work nnd roportcd to tho
Stnto Hoard of Horticulture, From
hero ho goo to llakor, Union and
Wallown foiintltM on u similar mlx
nlon. About halt of tho markctablo
alfalfa liny In tliu county was found
to ho not I n fented Tho rost will hnvo
to Iih mttdo Into alfalfa meal boforo
It ran bo shipped
Oil i o iiuicau Meet.
Chairman Doun called a meeting
of the monitors of the Cairo com
munity Farm llureau on Frlduy eve
ning, July i!3, ut tho Urnngo Hall.
Thoru was u lurgo ultciidauco und
consldorablo Important business trun
The first matter taken up was
about holding u community fulr.
Aftor discussing tho mattor, u mo
tion wuu paused favoring having a
Community fair und uppolntlug a
committee to have charge. Next the
proposition of recommending that
the coyote bounty luw bo repealed
was discussed and action taken fa
voring tho removul of tho bounty.
Tho life history uud habits of tho
ulfulfa weovll woro discussed to some
extent and tho molhods of con
trolling tho post woro oxplulucd by
uovoral of tho members. Tho propo
sition of forming a co-oporatlvo as
sociation for Installing an alfalfa
meal mill In tho community was tak
en up nnd thoroughly discussed by
a number of htoso present. It wns
decided to appoint a commlttoo to
examine into tho feasibility of the
undertaking and roport at uuothor
mooting. Tho mnttor of marketing
tho nlfalfa hay of tho county was ul
no taken up.
Tho following specialists have
boon in tho county during
week in consultation with
ty agent nnd county leadors of Farm
lluroau prejects: Dr Hector Mcl'hor-
son, in chargo of rural oconomlos
work at tho Agricultural Collego
and Interested in markotlng organi
sations, otc. Mr. It. V. Otinn, Farm
Management Domonstrutor in Ore
gon, who Is intorostcd in farm ac
counting and production costs, Mr,
O, M. Nelson, Lhcstock Specialist
for tho Extension Sorvlco. Thoso
gontlemcn nro now planning their
work for tho following year with
tho county ngonts of tho stnto und
Fnrm lluroau committeemen.
Malheur Oct Mention.
Tho Mnlhour County nnd Shurmanl
County Farm Hurenus got front
pngo montlon In tho 8tnto Furm llu
reau News for July as tho pioneers j
In the state doing cobI of production (
work with farm cropi This work
is handled under the Futm Hecordfl!
project of tho count)' bureau of which
lan h. Oakos is chalimnu,
A generous package of books nr
rived from the Htato Llbrury at Sal
em lust week Tho) are at tho Dank
for dlsttlbutlon nnd there nro umonn
thorn n good many Interesting titles
Tho four )oui-old son of Wllllun.
Lytlo had the mlstoitune to rait down
stalls Inst week, breaking both bones
or tho left foro-urm He was brought
to Juntiirii from Otis Creek tor ntcd
leal attention.
On Wednesday afternoon .Mrs. 0.
A. Wetterstrom eutortalncd a num.
bor of rrlends in honor of her hus
band's sister, Miss Kdlth Wetter
strom of Omaha, Nebraska.
Itoy lleedu of 1'ortlnud, who has
boon spoudlng his Micatlon at his
fathor's ranch abovo Drewsey, wns
a Juntura visitor for n few days last
week. Ha was accompanied by Ai
Harold Itydor of Ilyder Ilros. a
stationary liousa of llakor was a bus
iness visitor In Juntura last Wednes
day, ,
boon visiting nor parents ai jiouiuii
T. D. Taylor of Umatilla Coun
ty Losos Lifo in Fight
With Fugitives
Pendleton, Or. T D. Tn)lor, sherltl
of I'mntllln count), was shot through
the breast nud fatally wounded Sun
day afternoon when six of seven prls
onerH confined In tho county Jail innile
their rscopc. Sheriff Taylor died four
hours Inter.
The prisoners In the Jail break wete
NV Hurt', Indian, aged 22, held In Jail
fitter a duel with To) lor and Deputy
Rhrrirr Marin In the hills near Itelth
lost week, and who fneed charges ot
grand larceny and attempt to kill,
.lint Owens, Indian, aged 29, cniubl
with Hart; Jack liathlo, 22 years old,
In Id on robbery charge; Albert I.lnd
grvii, nllcgod check raiser; Itlchnrd
I'uttcrson and I.owls Anderson, held on
Imil check chiirgos. All of them wero
awaiting grand Jury action.
The prisoners first ou-rpoworct'
left on Wednosday to visit her mint, j Jake Marin, a deputy sheriff, who hai
.Mrs. Osburuo at Kimuoriy, mm win
s tho pusl go from thoro to hor homo In Holso. j1Pr jimmr,
tho conn, Mrs. A. M. Ward and dung liter, , 1au ...
tho conn, , uiauolio wero Juntura visitors '"'",, l""
"W t
i:i,i:TituiAii wiiiiNo
of nvory charftrter and In
connection with InstrumontH
of tho most delicate mitiiro
nro performed for us by
our skilled electricians. Wo
aro nt nn ouvlablo position
lu that respect nnd you will
do well to patronUo us It
you want to savo money Wo
sell nvorythlng olectrlcnl nt
tho lowest prices,
I'liono 18H J ONTAKIO, OK!!.
WW"l'"W"il II
New Wagon Sheets
tents, harness,
Blankets and other Army Goods
A now list of now banrnina justuvuilablo! And we urjro thnt
you not cotfiiso nrticlos oiFercd hero with "anlvtijje" or cooda con
demned iih unlit for service. Kvery item offered is in thoroughly
scrviuoablo condition and so guaranteed. Many nrticlea aro new.
.Now Wiijjon NlieoU
Aimy Wuhoii Count 1 ft, C In
thou by 1 1 ft S Inches, of heavy
(iooiiininnl lii-uuiico olive drub
duck- h Jiwity as 12-oz. commer
cial whllu duck. Coihplcta with
ropes uu ends ami sides. Uso them
fui Wuhoii UIiomih, uso them to pro
tect Imy, grain uud machinery from
lulu, tuku one on your trip, fasten
It to the side of your cur and you
huo mii Hutu tent Cost tho Oov
oriiiumit Jitftiu ouch; our prlco
$U h ilellvuiwd to your stutlou,
Nuw full ilKgtfd stock saddles
with hum; western typo; weight 40
piiu mis (well. Now uud perfect. C2.
60 ouch.
(iViiulmi .Mit'lolluu Saddles us used
by I', a. Cutulry; guuiantoed lu ser
viceable condition, flu. GO ouch.
.Sow Mass Kits
Frying 1'tu and l'luto ot alumin
um; idoal for cam pot a uud Hoy
Bcuuts; all new, doc complete, post
paid. 4'uiilctm Something ouiry Hoy
Seiiut und camper should have, V,
S Army wutei-tlght Canteens, 4Gc
ouch, postpaid
Khul.l liiret'lu'h Tho genuine
Aimy Khaki llroocliofl; a limited
quantity ut if 1.50 pair, postpaid.
Owimuis fiip, All now; oery
one porfoct 05c each, postpaid.
t'nbittakalilo MIitoi.s, moasurlng
:ixR liichos, otieh lu case; flno for
hunters or Scouts. SRo each, post
paid. llaiiMcl.K Mns for clothing or
laundry; splendid, big bags 65c
each, postpaid
iloMs TCnlt Jorsey gloves; ovory
pair now nnd perfect 30c pair, post
paid Money Helth All now Idoal for
sportsmen and Hoy .Scouts 4 Be each,
Tho lieuvy U, 8. Army Whool Har
ness, (collar ami hamos type) com
plete with bridles, full length trace's,
breeching, otc. Tho raw leather a
lone cost tho Government f G2.G0
without labor or trtmlngs. Nothing
bottor for fnrm work, heavy haul
Ing or gouorul use All lu splen
did condition; $54.90 set for two
animals, freight paid to your rail
road station.
Ami) Pup 'IVutN
.Shelter Tents -1x0 ft comprising
two regular sheltor hulvcu; nil
guaranteed frea from hole. Flno
for Hoy Scouts or piny touts, f 3.7a
each dollverod by parcel post.
Jjirge roiy Tenth
Dig Army Tents 16 feet wide, It
long, 11 feet high, with 3 feet
wall; made ot 12.4-ouuce doublo
filled duck tho best tho V. S. Gov
ernment could procure Kvery tent
complete with polo, hood, lines, otc.
Free from holes mid tonrs. Class
i XX Tents $32.95 Fielght paid to
your Railroad .Station,
Class AA Tents sumo as abovo, but
used loss; will roudor same sor
vlco us now tent, $41.96. Freight
paid to your railroad stutlou.
Now lllanketh
T. S. C M' U lllanket o. tll3
.Splendid now Gray Wool lllaukets,
uvoruglng 66xSS Inches; nit new,
liovor used. Dost grade purchased
under Emergency Act 6.75
ouch, postpaid.
Khaki or OUo Drali ,iiii) UlaukelM
Kveryono knows what thoy nro; all
wool, all now $7.95 each, post
Nov, Full U'ligth Pauls
Men's Trousers, full length, of all
wool Olho Drab Worsted; excell
ently tnlloied, every pair now ana
guaranteed porfoct $6 15, postpaid.
You run no risk everything guaianteed exactly as roprosonted Sat
isfaction or your money back Ordoi nt onco tho supply won't last long
Federal Distributing Co.
359-361 E. Commerce St. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS
Inst week from thn Winnie Scott
ranch nt llotilnh lu tho now Ford
Mrs. K. Ii. Hleinuru and children
of Doulah wore Juntura visitor Ins,
Mr and Mrs. Alex Murray of lieu
lull were Juntura visitors lust weok
Thoy wero nccouuwnled by Mrs. Os
car Newell.
Tho Misses Mny mid Margaret
Murphy of Doulah were Juntura vis
itors on Thursday
Jnck Wobor Is putting a new coat
of paint on the David F. Graham
Mr. und Mrs. John Palmer and
daughter arrived from Vnlo on Sat
urday, und left later to spond u few
Hays wuu .Mrs. rninivr s nioiuer ai
Mrs. David McDonald und iIiiiikIi
ters, Lane uud Margaret, of llsulak
wero shopping In Juntura on Satut
Pete Joyce returuwl on Saturday
from Omaha. Nebraska where ho hud
gono with a shipment of sheep.
Mrs. V J Hoi'kliu has be mliii
III for a iiiiinber of days with air at
tack of toiiHllltU. I.lttlo Peggy Or a.
ham Is also on tho sick list, mildly
afflicted with mumps.
Stanley Asp, Theodore llreck, Jr.
and Harry Churchill wro week-end
visitors In town coming lu from
Otis Creek where thev liuvo been
haying to attend tho dniico glnn
Saturday night by tho Juntura Juzi
Orchostrii Tho dunce was well at
tended by tho young people of tho
surrounding communities.
Hoy Curry und family and Walter
Sklons Kiid family left on Saturday
for a wek-end outing ut Summit
Mr. uud Mrs. I.. P Delsolo, Mr.
nud Mis II W. Wolcomo and J. J.
Donogmi ot Hums spout Sunday fish
ing on tho North Fork
Mr. nnd Mrs. J P Joyce, Miss
llarhara (Iroallsh und . Miss Aunn
Courny wero Sunday visitors nt tho
William Altuow Itaneh abovo lleul
nh. Martin Joyce spout Sunday fish
ing on tho North Fork. Ho wns no
compnnled by Jim nnd Hilly Mur
Fred Kuuphusmnn wns a fiunda)
visitor ut tho Murphy ranch at lieu
Frank Scott of lloulah was In
town on Saturday with his cousin.
Genrg Smith, for the dnnco
Harold Wilson and wife, with his
brother, Woslcy. came up from
Jonosborn last- Saturday to attend
the dnnco. The men will stay and
assist Jim JonoM with the rattln
Agues V.lnk also came up from Jnne
bnro for tho dance
Illlllo Wood fiom Witchlta Kan
siis drnnped off tho trsln on Moll
day on his wuy to Crane to visit a
few minute with friends hero ho
expects to buy a fv carloads ot
mulos nnd horson lu the Harney
II C Nlckorsou the cattle-buyor
from Portland, who has been assist
ing Ralph Cliamlwrs with his hay,
pending thn boys gathering tholr cat
tie wns In town Monday and reports
having bought about three carloads
from Donald McICoiulo, Smith llrnth
ors, und Dick Scott, alj ot lleulnh
for delivery ut tho ond of tho week
on tho tars here
William Alton has routed somo ad
ditional pasture on tho August Mul
ler ranch abovo Drewsey
Jim Junes nud Donald Mnstorson
wero visitors last week at tho Wll
Ham Robertson much on Otis Crook
entered n roll to bring the prlsoneri
nnd then lrd by Hart, tin
made their way to tlif
sheriff's office and began n search foi
guns and ammunition.
Hart evidently obtained n rlfh
which he loaded and, accompanied 1)
two of tho other prisoners, loft Toy
tor's office.
Tn)lor nnd Ouy Wyrlck, a friend
were Just en.erliiK the sheriff's nffte
when they saw Owens nnd Patterson
rummaging the drawers In tho search
for ammunition. They rushed tin
prlsoneri1 and Taylor threw Owens
down. Wyrlck owr-powcred Patter
son. Then Hart entered tl: oi.':.
Willi (he loaded rifle and shot Taylor.
Immediately after they obtained the
guns tho prisoners fled from the
building. They then made their wii)
to the O.-W. It, k N. railway trncks
where thoy boarded mi rnslbounil
freight train.
The fugitives rode thn train for
four miles, getting off nt Mission sta
tion. From there they fled Into the
One of the escaped men. Albert
I.tndgreii, alleged cheek raiser, was
ruptured near Chjiiih Monday, morn
litU He was niloop when tho posso
men descended nu him nnd put up no
I.liidgreu Is believed to huvo hud no
liuiul 111 tho actual killing, although ho
told officers Hint the plot was hatched
several days ago. Tho fact that ho
left tho others and plaod n lono hand,
clean, at hast, or killing, Is felt to bo
(be sole reason why ho came back to
Pendleton ulle.
uiioweli Undertaking Parlors
A. L. McDowell, Prop.
.1. O. Pliillabaum, Licensed Embalntcr
and Funeral Director
Funerals directed from the parlor-clmpol, the
home, or from tho church of your choice.
Parlors situated in a quiet district
First-class services rendered to all
Experienced Lady Assistant
Day Phono 10CW Night Phone 89M
8TRAYKI): Ouo gray mure weight
1060 lbs,, ono sorrol mnro weight
950 lbs. Notify L. 8. Pobst, Pa) otto
or phono Frultlnnd 13-2, 34-tl.
The name applied
to the instrument
of supreme musical
quality for nearly
300 years.
It Is nttinjj that the most
exquisite and eloquent mu
sical instrument of all he
called a Cremona.
The Cremona phonograph
adds to the luster of that
great name and every kind
of musical instrument re
produced places a new jewel in the crown which graces
the heads of
If you want the best don't buy a phonograph until you
hear the Cremona. It plays all recordsbetter. It is
an old music idea applied in a new way. The music
producing parls follow the same principle and are built
of the same spruce wood that made the Cremona violins
Cremona can be teemed In ten beautiful itylu
from $50.00 to $300.00 on easy terms.
Small Town Copy 636
ffill Heads
L Pjtotto 1
FOR more tire mileage, more miles to a
gallon of gasoline, greater riding comfort
and for the best possible tire investment
Next Time BUY FISK
These Urea are built to this Ideal:
"To be the best concern in the world to work for and
the srjuaxeat concern in existence to do business with.'1
iuvi n 9w m aa