THE ONTARIO 'ARGUS ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1920 Rex a 11 Remedies Eastman Kodaks ONTARIO PHARMACY Prescription Specialists TIIK HKXALI, 8TOHH 1MIONK NO. U Nyal Remedies t 4. 1- - i h 4 f; IP ,a. 3P . A - f&mm .. kI$MSk. m .". m&3m "Anflt i Lon Chancv ano Seena Owen A ,,. -v., MAURICE TOURNEUR'S production ICTORV ji (SiinnnwLtfrlmfl (Wiif ! ! .. 1 Jl lOV6& GOM ifiwhere nature laughs and homeless rakes woo fortune. A dirty port on a sunny sea where rogues have drifted seek ing loot. I im 0 CfA A man with a I LUVKtXUUIU clean heart a woman, and a struggle that sets the blood on fire. Dreamland Sunday and Monday, J August 1st and 2nd mssuimBEmMmmmmmmmmmmmmm UimCS, I'UIIH, AM) PKLT8 Uiiiii'Iiui-n, Hloikuion, Trappers: ,V s. YH .. ilXSRfcLTxiUaSH It you hnvo r.ny hides, furs orpolts Bend thorn to us. Wo pay the highest miirkot prlcos. Wo pay caah. n01)(!i:itH & COMPANY Ontario Oregon Telephone 18JI-W ybu gain, an advantage, You Rain an advantage in the resources, experience, knowledge and equipment of the Standard Oil Company, which combine to make Zerolcne an oil of quality. They create an efficiency in the manufacture of fine lubricants hard to duplicate elsewhere in the world. Use Zerolone for the Correct Lubrication of your automobile, truck or tractor. 8TANDARD OIL COMPANY IC.WornL) Agx trade jtbr eacli tvbe of engine 0. H. TEST, SPECIAL AGENT STANDARD OIL CO. ONTARIO, :-: OREGON .Ml', Ull.l .It 11. .11. I. . HUIdlllliO Ult luiiuiuuu iu unnmr ouuuiiy mi. una iIih. iinm viiiihhm tinu nanny, ui lUjoite, uvui vjiuuihii una pusiur in nit. Diijuini uiiiucii, rriiiliunu, .11 B. ClIUi.lM ruiiioui una CIHUIIOIt it it oaiuiuur wxiimiu ioi iter iiuuiu in tuiliiiiiu iiiiur vuiui wuhkm Hull Willi tnu ivutvu UllU 1'UIIIVUI mllllllUS. uuuoii nutcii went up to nig v i- io w ouuiiuy to visit uiuiiu iiiutiipnu.i tor u week. ' I'l'muy uuurnuuu .urn. it. b, ivutuli HUB I1UBIVM IU IIIU .UUIUIII nullum chid uuu ii iiiotfi usiigiuiui uiiui noun wus ltuu witii uunvious mtroNii. incuts later. luursduy to dinner Mr. and Mm. Albeit lliucowoll onturluinod Mr. una .ms. a, it, AicCuiiiiuiuuiil ftuinu, Air. uuu Aim. J. M. luinwy, the Misses r.utiicr ami Miiriiin Kiusoy, Mm. r. M. Cridor uud Uuughlor und .Mr. LiiuNtur LucKuy, oi uniurlo. iu the uitunioon tlio untlru purty wonj. to Atrn. A, C. l'utlioulg tor cako una crcuni whuro woru Mm. Chan. I'utli uul uud vhlldroii, Mrs. It. U. Kutcli uud Alice l'alhvul uud children. Mr. uud Mm. William llulluuucck hud uh tholr tsuoHtii Sunday Mr. und Mm. C W. lllnkloy unit duuithtur, Juuot l'ue, uud Mr. uud Mrs. l.orou ituuoipu uuu luuiiiy, oi iioisu, uuu mh Mury llolluuheck. ChurloH Itoburl Holoubuok wuul to Uolto Sunday ovcnliiK, uccoiupuuy tin: homo hU uncle. Lorou ltudolph, uud family, for u uhurt visit. Mm, Idu Klrkland wan tho kuobI hut wuok ot Mr. uud Mm. U. 1. IIol- lenbock. .&. I'rnnk Hick uud uuu. Cecil. loft hint wuok for tholr homo In North Dukotu. MteuDlni: ul oull LUc ssu Urouu Ittvor, Utah, vlultliiK rolatlvea. MUtf Mury llollonbock wuh tho Kuoat Wuduedny nlulit of Mlui lloth- ul Colwoll. MIhiiuh Kllu uud Huruh Itostotlor uru in Yukiuiu, tho iiueats ot rela tive. Mr. uud Mm. Llttlu. of Utuh uro tho cuohU ut tho Unulo home. Mr. uud .Mm. Wise, of Colorudo, uro ul- no L'uuatii of thu Kniilou, tliu luttor will tuacli In tho Krultlauil hcIiooU tho coming winter. Mr uud Mm. W. 11. Volton uro KUObIh ut tho Docker homo, Mm. Vol- toil uud .Mm. Decker lieiut' Histom. UoorKa UtovouH returned Buturduy evenlni; from I.ukuport where ho hud been for u week outlnn. Mltw Mumli. ut Texim. la vlsltlue her I'uclo, Mr. Mumli. Mr. Mursh. Mr. Ilulliuau, Mian Mumli, Mr. una Mm. Churluii Stuvenn, 8. U. Itauuom uud family woru In WeUor Sunday to tho ball uumo, Wduoday uftornooii Mm. Kd Jonea uud Mm, Chorion Hlch wero hoatojiseti to u miscellaneous shower at tho Colwoll homo, houorluc Mm. 1. M. Crldor mid Mlua Marian Kin- soy who loft Tuesday ot this week for Toledo, Ohio. Miss ICIusoy ox- peetH to reuiulii u year lu tho oust. Saturday ovoiiIiib Mr. uud Mm. Charles L. Illch wero hostesses to n party at tholr homo on Pennsylvania Avenue. About forty guests wero present. Cuko uud ico creum woro nerved. Misses Marthu Wilson, Mury llol lonbock. Klslo llayor. Messrs. Qrant Gardner uud Ted Ruben; wore in WeUor Sunduy, Messrs. Arthur Lluck, Itulph John. sou uud Misses Uornlce MeQea uud .nolle Hill attonded tho bull gamo Sunday lu Wolsor. Mrs. J. C. Oelslor and daughters. Mui'Kuret and Anna arrived lust woolc from California where they have boon spending tho winter. They will attend to business matters hero and return to California lu tho fall. Thursday ovouIur Mr. and Mrs. Claude llrownliiK outortulned to din ner Grant Gardner and Miss Martha Wilson. Miss Klslo llayer spent tho week uud lu Puyetto with Miss Marthu Wilson. Mr. nnd Mm. i'olly, Mr. und Mrs. Pobst nnd Shermuu und Mary uudj .'11. llllll MfO. II. I IIUIIUIIIIVUK WUIU to Lake Lowell Sunday for tho day. Mm. Hmma Hruko. of New Ply mouth uddrossed tho Krulthind poo pie Sunday uvonlng at tho M. I). aliurch. A largo cougrcgatlou was out to hoar her. In the morning K, S. C. Ilralnard spoko to tho congre gation, Ilov. Van Duseu occupying the pulpit iu tho Payette M. K. church. Noble Peacock who has been em ployed lu the mill at Dry lluck was unfortunate Saturday afternoon to havo his third finger on tho left hand cut oft at tho second Joint, as well as having tho little finger bad ly mangled and the tips of the othot fingers taken off. Ho was brought home and Dr. Drysdale called to dross the injured hand. It will be a month before ho Is able to resume his work. Mrs. Peacock went to Parma Sat urday to hrlng homo Mr. nnd Mrs. Hobort llaldwln who had beon there for n two wook's visit with Mr. Bald win's brother. Sunday was the birthday anniver sary ot Mrs. Hobort llaldwln nnd honoring her, Mm. Ulomstrom, ot Payette, gnvo n dlnuor to which wero Invited Mr, nnd Mm. llaldwln mm Mr. nnd Mm. Peacock and family, Mr. and Mrs, ('. W. Porter 1iavo Bono to Scattlo and Hvorott, Washing ton tor a month's trip. JSVIET GOVERNMENT AGREES TO ARMISTICE Bolshovik Commanders Ordor od to Arrango for Nego tiation With Polos. fc Ontario Transfer & Storage Company Long Distance and Phone 1 59 Local Hauling ONTARIO, OREGON Headquarter White Lunch Cafo London. Tho Hussion soviet gov ernment has arrcptPil Poland's pro posal for an armlstlco and has order ed all bolshevik commanders In the field to nrrungit for negotiations to that end Immediately, n wireless dis patch from Moscow stated. Hussla's reply to Poland's applica tion for nrmlstlre negotiations brings In sight u possible solution of one of the most serious crises which Kuropo has had to face slnro the conclusion of tho armistice with tho Goriuans in November, 1018. The official world of allied ICurnpo tins been stjrred to lis depths and un dlsgulscdly alarmed over tho sweep of the soviet armies through territory held by the Poles to the very borders of Poland proper, with a menace to Warsaw nnd tho vlrtunl wiping out of Polnnd as u nation looming up to the allies us possibilities It measures were not taken to head them off by giving efficient and speedy aid to tho War saw government. Till: COOIiKHT PLAGJ3 IN THU OITV Two largo ceiling fans havo boon Installod in tho lluptlst church, pro duce tho broozo. Individual drinking cups uud Ico cold water in tho voitibulo for tho thirsty body. A messugo from tho Living Word for tho thirsty Soul. Como and rocolvo tho boneflts. Illblo School 10.00 Public Worship 11:00 II. Y. P. U. 7:00 Qospol Sorvlco 8:00. The PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION of Oregon C30CD LIAS THE POWER TO ADJUST OUR rates so that they. will be fair to the people and the Investor alike. We absolute confidence in the fairness of the commission and in the fairness of our patrons. No one will deny the fact that the cost of furnishing ' telephone service has greatly increased as compared with prewar conditions and that our rates should be increased. MALHEUR HOME TELEPHONE CO. J. A. IiAKNKSS, Vice Prm. &;cn. Msnsgcr rj?" As sure as you are a foot high- you will like this Camel Turkish and Domestic blend! f- as YOU never got such cigarette contentment as Camels hand you. Camels quality and expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic Tobaccos make this rrnnrlnMRnncclMo ,,7r prefer this Camel blendto either tiinaoi vooaccosmoKedstraight! Camels mellow-mildness is a revelation I Smoke them with freedom without tiring your taste I They leave no unpleasant ciga retty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor ! Give Camels every testthen compare them puff-for-puff with any cigarette in the world J ?,"?, a,d 7w i of 30 .,... &, So ' frtnp,ckt4..(300ct4tntt) in Mn-pjp .,. thit carton hr th hom or of flc mpply or win jou trsvl, R. J. REYNOLDS TODACCO CO. Wlniton-SiUm, N. c. nMi.j-N i1 i TURKtSHbDOIESTIc 1 Hlltl ; ' rtf It" v.