-1 THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1920 LOCAL ID PERSONAL O. II. Uralium returned Tuesday (rum a uliort camping trip at Iho Lakes, mediately to tlio Lakos following tho departure of tliolr guest, 'til la on llialy loo hoi down hero," was Mrs, Ailmn'd declaration on wonthor conditions. 13. W. I lowland was In Holsa businoas tills wook. Geo. McClaln was a Holso visitor lotto returned Wednesday from n Monday, Dick Hobortspu llolso this wook. mado n trip to J. 11. Hlncknby returned lust Fri day from 1'ortland whoro lio wont on business two wuokn ngo. Mi . J. It. IhmmiiMOii mid children Iloyd atid-Atnrlo loft Wednesday night for a month's sojourn nt Montpollor, Idaho. Mrs. L, Adam and Mrs. C. II. Kml hoii nccoiupunlod by tliolr ijlstor, Mrs. 0 It Young returned Tuosdny ovo nlng from tho Pnyotto Lakoo for n short stay Mrs Adam returned lm- llorn. Wednesday, July 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Urcgg, n daughtor. Assistant Postmaster I). A. Grady was In Ilolso on business tho first of tho wook. Irving UnrrlH and wlfo visited at Holso nnd Harbor, Idaho this wook. Mr and Mrs. Hay Halsload and Miss Klvn Collins of Salt Lake City nro visiting with Mrs. W. L. Holier. Mr Halstnad Is Airs. Hobor's brother Miss Margaret Hlackaby returned Sunday from Pavotto Lakes. J, It. Hlacknby roturnod Saturday ovonlng from n short trip to Portland, Mrs, 8. A. Hlckox loft Monday ovonlng for it visit with friends In Hood Hlvor. . MAJESTIC 2THKATRB DAYS ONLY 2 SUNDAY. AUG. I MONDAY. AUG. 2 (mo Xl 1 5" IRCtlN cfTAMBOUL' Hie Year's1 Phofodrama Universal Jewel $500,000 Production delvisxe T)ir?tTfofl lw . j, , , , v4- i . , ' J " aiSi TOD BROWNING taiTJUf vs llJI L DEAN ILL A w5iatuEp rAfSSl m& SPECIAL MUSIC I I 'i'O KIT THIS lO KKEL, SPECIAL, They're Here Below are the prices of the new Wayne Washer. Cash $100.00 On time108.00-$18.00 down nd$7.50 monthly. 12 months to pay in. We have this washer on our floor for your inspec- v. tion and can make deliveries at once. Northwestern Electric Cot Phone 188-J Ontario, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Hobort Maddan visit ed Friday at Nyssa with Mrs, Mad den's brothor. Mrs. A. A. Drown returned Mon day from Holso whoro she has been visiting with hor hou. Mr. nnd Mrs. Claronco Wood re turned Monday from n delightful trip to Yollowstouo Park. camping trip on which thuy visited Kmmett, Idaho City, Montour, Hanks and other Idaho points. They passed many tourists on tho way and port a most onjoyablo time. ro- G cor ko Clark of Portland Is hero visiting his Bisters, Mrs. Ward Can field, and Mrs. S., II. TorwIlllBcr nnd his mother, Airs. Sarah McCarlnor. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wallois nnd tliolr guest Mrs, A. WarliiR of Pue blo, Colorado, and Mr, nnd Mrs. J, D. Kobortsoifhnd family left Satur day for n fow days outing ut th Lakos, Miss llutli Lnckoy visited In Ilolso tho last of tho wook. Slio was accom panied homo by Ollbort Koenlg who will visit n fow days with Itobort und Kdwnrd Troxnll. Mrs. W. II. linns of Caldwell spout Tuesday visiting nt tho homo of hor friend, Mrs. J. II, Anderson. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. L. Potorsou and children returned Monday from a week's niitlng ut Pnyotto Lakos. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. II. Udlck and family loft Tuesday for a two-wooks vacation at Hound Valley, Idaho. Herbert Wells and wlfo of Ilolso woro tho guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. 0. Mooro Tuesday whllo rultirnlng from a trip to Pnyotto Lakes. Mr. Wolls Is Mrs. Mooro's brother. Miss Florcnco Audorsnn, a trained nurso from Spokane Is horn visiting with hor brother, Dr. Anderson. Miss Ktith I Ionian visited tho first of tho week nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. I). Karnos near Wclsor, Ida. Mrs. K. C. VnnPottau Is enjoying u visit with her mothar( Mrs, Kllxa- both Howies, from Cloarflnld, I'onu sylvnnla. Mrs. W, W. Hoso has gono to Kan sns City, Mil, whoro she was sum moned to tho bedsldo of hor son, Chestor W. Hose, who Is In a hospi tal at that placo with u brokon log. No Information Ih obtolnablo as to how tho accident occurod. ' Undo Dick Ituthorford Is proudly tolling his frlouds'that ho In now n groat grandfather, having Just re ceived n lottor from his son Hoy Rutherford announcing tho arrival of a flno baby boy nt tho homo of his son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Stone. by Mr nnd Mrs. C. S. Wtson, which thoy will occupy on tho nrrlvat of their household goods from Portland. llruco Uonnls, owner and publish er of tho LaOrnndo livening Ob server and tho Mainour lCulorprlso nt Vale was In Ontario Wodnosday night onrouto for Vnlo to view his proporty thoro. Mr, Uonnls who has long watched tho dovelopmont of Mnlhour County doclnroa that no county In Knstorn Oregon has moro undeveloped right horo. poisIbllltfs than exif A number of mombors of Star Chaptor, 0, E. S. visited tho Nyssa lodgo Tuesday ovonlng. Thoso attend Ing wore: Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W, Lot son, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. B. Hrown, Mr. nnd Mrs. II L. Poterson, Mrs. Don Plntt, Mrs. C. F. Trow, Mrs. Scholos, Mrs. W. F. Ilomnn and Mlsios Ktta McCrolght, Dolta Hill, Joyco Tumor nnd Holon Dunbnr and Mrs Ida Vmbnch F Mrs. J. D. Illlllugsloy loft tho last of tho wcok for Oregon City where alio will visit hor daughtor, Mrs. 0 v Unntln. Mrs, A. Ij. Chnnco and son (lerald, roturnod Sunday from Pnyotto l.ukOH. Hoy Hondy or Portland visited Tuosday In Ontario on his way to his old homo at Drewsey, Mrs, W. W, Lotson has as hor guest this wook, Mrs. Ida Umbach, Worthy Grand Matron of tho 0. 13. fl. Mrs. Kmma J. Conovor and son aillard aro visiting with relatives nt Imbler, Orogon. Mrs. C. It. Kmlson nnd Mrs. L. Adam, accompanied by their guest Mrs. Young riimo down from Pnyotto Lakes Monday In tlm AiIiiiii'h rnr. Mrs. Young left for tho Hast lasi night nnd Mrs. Kmlson and Mrs Adam returned to tho Lakos this Koralus Frank Dorniiiii camo down from tho Lakes with thorn nnd rr. turned with thorn. ORDSON POWER ON THE FARM The after-service that goes with the Pordson Tractor is second to none. Ford son dealers are located in every community with stocks of spare parts and employing skilled mechanics who know just how the Fordson should be kept and taken care of to do it best work. This Fordson service means that your tractor can be kept busy every working day during the entire year; that Fordson mechanics are ready to show you how to get the best results from the tractor. Fordson service insures you against delay in getting parts. It is your protec tion. It is a protection now being enjoyed by more than 100,000 Fordson farmers in the United States. Let the Fordson dealer tell you all about the Fordson service and tho Fordson Tractor. FORD GARAGE ONTARIO, OREGON V. IJ. STAPLES, Proprietor Mrs. C. M. Cnstloman accompani ed by hor dnughtor, Miss Ilarbara nnd hor mother, Mrs. Wllloughby, arrived Tiiosduy ovonlng from Port land, Mr. nnd Mrs, Castloman Imvo leased tho Hon Drown residence on First Stroot N, W. fonuorly occupied Pi AM if ONTARIO OPERA HOUSE UANlt Saturday, Aug. 7th Shubert's Original Jazz Direct from Chicago Singing Novelties. Melody Jnzr. DANCING 9 P. M. TO 12 V. M. Qngo McQueen nnd Miss Lola Stcon of Caldwoll "vlsltod Sunday with Miss 8 (con's slstor, Mrs. H, C, Townos. Miss Dorothy Turner roturnod Sat urday evening from Corvnllls where sho has boon working slnco tho closo of tho school term at tho Orogon Ag ricultural College. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hlackaby nnd son Hilly left Tuesday evening for a visit with Mrs. Hlacknby'u pnrenta at Ashland, Oregon, Mr. Hlackaby will nttond tho American Legion Con vention at Astoria. Mrs W L. Turner and daughtor Marjorlo, and sons Lester and Hilly and their friend John Moasoo wont to HoIbo Friday, Sunday Mr, Turnoi and daughter Dorothy also went to Dolso, all roturnlng on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Horschol Drown and son loft Sunday nl their car for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Canfleld on tholr homestead near lionslde. Mr. Drown expects to bo gono about a week but Mrs. Brown will re main longor. Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. Watson and daughters, Phyllis, Allco and Mar garet loft Wednesday for Salt I.uke City whoro they will make their fu ture home. Mr. Watson has owned and conducted the Ontario Phar macy for tho past six years and dur ing that time he and his family have made many friends who regret their departuro and whoso good wishes go with them to their new homo. i Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walker and family, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Van Valk enburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Van Valksaburg and family of Pay- PYREX We have just received our fall shipment of Pyrex Cooking Glassware This has been ordered for many months but on account of the glass shortage, we have just received it. Our marked retail prices on this lot are lower than the present factory costs, and as this is probably the last shipment we will be able to get this year, we recommend your buying now for present and next winter needs. Our stock is now complete and we will be pleased to show you through the line. There is nothing better than glass for cook ing and the best is none too good. Pyrex is the original and best in the line. E. A. FRASER