The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 29, 1920, Image 2

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GJIjr (Dutarin Argmi
Published Thureila8 at Ontario,
Oregon, mid ontcrod at t ho Ontario
post offlco for (llalrlbutlon na 2nd
elusu matter.
CJ. K. AIKEN, Managing Hdltor
T. McPAUUN OOUall, Sup't.
The Argus can nut let the days
pass without nol:noulodRliiK tti
consideration that Im been allows
tha publishers during tlio tmit two
Week, or Mince the (Ire which mo dim
terlally Injured the plant
Ah with every publication that
takofl n part In public (if fairs wc
know that wo have at times otfondod
Koma whoio frlondHhlp otherwise
wo might have that In part of the
Kiitno mid we must tnko our share
Yet we aVo Inspired with a more kind
ly foolliiK toward our fellow men
for Nome of thoso with whom u
lme differed In such matter, have
been iuhoiir the first to offer heir
mid to nmturo iih of their regret In
our Ion.
It In JitMt such exhibitions of frl
Midline that innko life worth
while, and tho the cent he Kreat, It
In a return for udvorslty to find snob
men umong onus associate. Tho
publishers of The Argun, appreciate
those friends, and their kindly emit I
hkiiiIh, and prefer of iiMltanrn
AS AM'AI.I'A MUM, .Mil, I,
TIih runcherM on the floulevuid
are surlously considering the erec
lion of an ulfulfa meal mill. Tlmt
I liny are wise In doing o I iwtunt lo
everyone who linn pondered upon
the economic condition of thin hoc
tlou of the Malheur Valley.
ThurH Im no gain Haying the fact
that IIiIh section bus been "currying
ull of Km ohrh In one banket." To
depend upon one crop alone In not
good business; and what I more to
Ihu point, to depend upon one cus
tumer ttl'niK for ull the salo of all the
alfalfa of thl region. I short sIkIiI
ed, too.
It would he a mighty convenient
.irrtWRUinout If Malheur county could
raise all tho alfalfa of (IiIh section,
I 'ny elm County all tho rfult, Canyon
County nil the imtHtoee, and so on.
Hut that can not be dono.
It would also be convenient It all
the cattle and sheep men of lfoetern
Oregon and would come to thin sec
lliin to buy their liny but they will
Therefore It l the problem of the
raueher to find h mniket for hi pro
due the lesl market he can find,
too. That being the case, since the
dairyman of Western Oregon, and
the dairymen and stock feeders of
the Middle West, are coneumeiM of
'Mlfnlfit meal then the Malheur
County rancher Im but adopting good
business principle In an effort to
get Into those markets with hie
ThU Im the tnoet Important mat
ter before the people of till taction
be they rancher nr business men
Thu bay erop of this hiiiI eueeeedlng
yanr must bn marketed, until the
rancher of the valley can get Into
other line of agilrulture to a auffl
clout dagiee to nssuie tho commiin
Ity of permanent prosperity.
We believe that Onterlo limlnese
men enuld not servo their commun
ity better then In doing anything In
tbelr iiower to assist the ranohar In
this effort to market their bay. and
nwiket It right Let the rancher o
to It. Ontario will help them
fellow will object v
So far aa the efficiency of dnv
time water' U eoneernwl, perluip'i tho
wafer- then le not as useful, but tii
station tmrk i watered dnrlnn On
day and In one of the prettiest piece
;if gias In town. If the public Ih only
willing It ran comply with the regu
lation, which we promulgated for
i Justifiable end Oood cltUenehlp de
tnands ehewfttl compliance with the
egiilatlona A protest may lie made
to the Council, and tho matter taken
"ini for conelderallou -hut to ilellli-
TRlely violate the regulations. Just
because It la Inconvenient Im not
(ln)Hig the part of a good Amrrlran
The flrat man who violate the regu
'atlon nho it Id lie arreated and made
in evimple of. Till will not lie ner
weary, however, If good cltlsen will
(Ive the matter conalderatlon.
What If the City Council required
that n peraan could only water a
awn while holding the hoee In their
inili7 That la n regulation In force
u many cities, Ontario's regulation
ire not drufttle when one Inarm
ffhul can and Is being done In other
Sheriff Tit Taylor of Umatilla
county whs killed by six desperado
In their oacape from the County Jail
at Pendleten: Ills deem while hla
doing bis duty typifies the manuei
of uiHti be whs, and hi loea will be
felt all over Kuiteru Oregon, wlieio
III name carried with It reapect foi
the man, and the-Miithorlly of the
.aw he lepresented.
Til Taylor waa more than a 8her
Iff. lie waa a big iiistaudlnR man, a
leader In hi community, an Inspira
tion to many, n character beloved by
Ihousauda where he waa lieet known
To the genlua or hi leadership,
and the men whom hie personality
drew close to him, the great Pendle
ton Hound-Up may lie credited. Krom
Its Inception Til Taylor was president
nf the Hound-Up Association, ami
thousands who have viewed that pa
Iteaut will remember the picturesque
rignre of the man aa he rode with
hi huckaroo friends and Indian
neighbors Into the arena.
While in blN imaslug the male of
Oregon loses a fearless and efficient
officer and Pendleton suffers the
lost of one of her most unusual citi
zens, that la not all. all Roatern Ore
gon regrets his pesalnt for he typi
fied to It the beat that was hnnded
down from the band of plonoei
frontiersmen who mads law and or
der a reality ami furnished an In
spiration to official In every section
if t)ie stnie.
There I uoualilurablu discontent I
markiMl In the city at the pruiiiuli:a-
tlon of the new sprinkling regula
tions. When they were first Issued
The Aigua was prone to, sympathlie
wUh the objectors, but a further con
sldaiutlun of the problem and a
thot concerning the aim which the
Water Superintendent I eudoaor
Ing to aublove, eouipells a change of
The legulHtlnns tho they seem
drastic arc not nu Inconvenience.
They should bo obeyed to thu letter
The more piomlueiit the cltlseu U.
the more it I his duty to abide by
those regulations and set nu example
to thoto who might be apt to dUre
gurd them The regulations should
no nuiorewi against all citiiens. re
gard I ess of who they aie
If beeause it is inconvenient for
Home to sprinkle between the liouu
of 11 to 3, for example, that Is not
sufficient lenson to permit the vio
lation nnd eudaugor all tha piuporty
In the city,
Illght now Ontario's water supply
Is low. There Is no me denying that
fact or trying to fool oneself into a
fgol's paradise. It U a fact, and for
Mint reason tho regulations are In
force. Nxt yenr, or neihnn. next
month tho hours may be swltehod
ho that thoso who now must water
VOl'lt HUlrM'llll'TiON
The Argue, as you know was visit
sd by a fire on Tuesday July xoth
and while the loss has been consid
erable, It la not Irredeemable, tho
It will take time, and considerable
money to put the plaut back Into
condition again.
While we are asking our readers
lo bear with ua while this work la
going on, may we not ask out fur
ther favor?
Please liHik at the date oh tha
little sddres slip on (hla taaue.
There will be found the date lo which
your subscription Is paid. If it Is In
arrears will you kindly wall ua yout
check for the current year? This
will aid ua materially and will not
inconvenience you.
With so much work to Ik,' done to
get our plaut hack Into condition It
will be almost Impossible for us to
get anyone to look after this and
call upon you. so we are asking this
consideration at your hanila. truat
Ing that appreciating our posltlim.
our leaders will to Ibis extent as
sist us.
'(The Hl Host Col I an."
Muupose your cellar had goe hope
esaly dry. Suppose you bad sadly
resigned jourself to tha drought and
had wou a "Prohibition" nomination
fur Congress.
Then suppose your auul suddenly
presented you wttb II cases of pries
less old Itblne wluel what wtMild you
do? Come ami see! Dregwtatul. Fri
day. July 30.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ilamitwpl
Wotssr were visiting In (ova
first of the week.
oiery da) living
AltK YOU ltKAHV l()lt
1IOMK SunUslion
UY01KNK for yourself
AND thoke depeudent upon you
CAItia that should be exerdaod te
Of the needs of those sho are
SICK and what to do tor them.
Tho Home lljgleuo und Cine of l he
McK Course Is being given b Ou
tarlo Chapter. Americuu Ited ( io
Mr Henry Qrlffln
firs. Irue Hlmkub
Mrs A S Itiown
Mr 15. M Uielg
Women aud girls luterented iu tak-
lly HiimncI llolman t
llcnrv in the mocIuI flvvlm,
Host nt dinner, planned a hit;
Hald hi guentH would drlnk-on him;
Drink? lie didn't have a bit!
High Iiopon fabiely led astray,
In a tnaiiuer pretty nllck
Henry' noodle found a way;
(I oat to hero by IiIh trick.
Hern's a tin, ou roginr fellers:
CnniH see llryant Wajdiburn's plan;
Picture's cnlled "SIx'lleHt Cellars";
PtukM of latigliH for ov'ry fan.
Dreamlauil, Friday, July 30.
A Mulrli-.Mahlng Daughter.
You've hoard of scheming mothers
whoHe ambition I to match the
daughters to lord or dukes or other
titled person. In t'All-of-a-Hiuldcn
Peggy," the picture featuring Mar
sjuorlto Clark which I coming to the
iJreamlHUd Thoatrn, Haturday, July
11, the process I rovemed Peggy,
the daughter I Reeking to mnrry her
widow mother off to nu Hngliith nob
leman, whose chief hobby Im collcct
ng HntdnrH. Since Pcggy'a mother
: also puiudonnlcly fond of the In
ert, hidni: the widow of u noted
ncletitlM. tho girl think tho mutch
would be mi Ideal one Of con rue,
she bud no way of knowing that her
matchmaking effort would result
In a masH of complication and her
own tomnonttinliH lovo affair
"Ai,li-OI'.A-Hl DDK.N PKOdY"
.V Hhymcd Hevlow
I ltv Itllttsnll ttfittnnii
Illlllio little Peggy, clinslng plder
For bar sclentltl mn,
Acting as agent for Cupid, tried her
llcMt 16 win a brnud new pa
HlHklng lice all to help her mother
Led her Into a frightful mens;
Married her 8topfather'n younger
(Sumo merry muddle, you will
Marguutite Clark In gay MIhs Fix-It;
Hotter coma around and nee
I "All-of-n-Sudden Peggy" mix It
J Up with bug and lover three.
At Dreamland, Saturday, July .11.
At flrt, ho was only a drifter,
Wandering over Mnmgo laud, mull
ing at tho Blrlfa and tho Htrugglc.
Until, on a lawlcim Islo In the trop
ic where the ocean fllnfa the hcuiii
of the earth In their gucut for gold
nnd adventure, ho met his womnnl
Ho had to fight thou!
Tho greatest romance of tho
world' grout cut writer of tales of
tho Bon. With Jack Holt, Hecnn Ow
en, I.on Chancy nnd Wnllaco Ilcory
See It nt tho Dreamland, Hundny and
Monday Aug. 1 und 2,
Cillim nnd Social Willi I
Will the ox-brower be the nodal
lender of the futtuo? Ha Prohibi
tion made society fuwn upon the
man with u big prlvnto stock In hla
collar? Tliene hh) some of the ques
tion niniilngly put In llryant WiimIn
burn'a Prohibition hcooii comedy,
'Tho Six Host Collnis," whlMi I at
tho Dreamland Thentro HiIm week.
According to the story, the gonial
star belongs to the "sacred lx" In n
fasliloiinhlo suburban town They
lather look down upon their fellow
citizens who are Just "In trade." Hut
when It Im dlscoveied that the vll.
lago grocor ha carefully stored all
of what remain of n handsome li
quor IniHlneSM, It throiiloiiM lo disrupt
tho exclusive set The humorous
complication that ensue are por
trayed hv Mr, Washburn and a spirit
ed cost Krldnv, July 30
WIIboii J. Crane waa born In Ohio,
July I'd. 181!' nn'd died nt Ontario,
Oregon, July 27, 1020, ago 71 yenm
nnd 1 day.
Tho deceased wtm united In mnr
rlage In Iowa I'obruary 20. ISfll. To
this union fuur ohlldron worn bom,
Ueorge of Puvotto, Idaho, Pearl and
Mr Mvrtlo Slewnrt of Ontario, at
so Chaile (deceased). Mr. Crnno
cnnio west In 1001 when bo located
In northern Idaho lifter two yearn
leildence there ho moved lo Ontar
io vliMi he hen hi home ever
"Kunernl services wore coildiloled
ut Hie Methodist Church, Thursday
afternoon by Hov W J. I.uscombo
and burial at Payette, Idnho.
Patronize the Morclirnls o AdvcrffFP in 'J lie Aipuf.
My home place of 35 acres adjoining the lownsito of
Ontario; 15 minutes walk from city schools; well im
proved; modern house with el 'ctric lights, bath, water,
electric range, furnace, etc.
Thomas W. Clagett
I, MM L,
K )
When the train came
in back in l9iO
Sotect your I'rai ao
cording to tho toadt
they htivo to travel:
In landy or hilly coun
try, wherever the going
la npt to oe heavyThe
U. S. Njbby.
For ordinary country
rwd- The U. H, Chln
or Ukv,
I'or front wheeU
The U. S. Plain,
Por bet result!
et-aryieiers-U.S Royal
TEN years ago you might
have seen one or two
automobiles waiting outside
the station, when the weather
was pleasant.
Today the square is crowd
ed with them. And most of
the cars you generally see
there are moderate-price cars.
Anybody who tells you that
owners of moderate-price
cars are not interested in the
quality of their tires has
never met very many of
We come in contact with
the small car owner every
day and we have found that
he isjust as much interested
as the big car owner.
There is one tire, at least,
that makes no distinction
between small cars and large
cars so far as quality is con
cerned the U. S. Tire.
Every U. S. Tire is jusr
like every other in' quality
the best its guilders know
how to build.
Whatever the size of your
car, the service you get out
of U. S. Tires is the same.
It isn't the car, but the man
who owns the car, that sets
the standard to which U. S.
tires are made.
We feel the same way
about it. That's why we
represent U. S. Tires in this
-- United Stat e s Ti re s
fill? fhiki nniiiv,! m v l. ,.,i In .i l.le, ...
In tho duy time may water their1 memlierg ot ,ho committee or
luwns In the ovenlllR Then the other nieul uddu,-lni( Ited i i
' li