tiNfaritf tm. w ""fMMjjr.i . XXIV ONTAItIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, TrqjRODAY, JULY 29, 1920. Jr. gif'j.,f"vi:''iL-iijB!?i!L''iyi-,"u 'an NO. 4 ALFALFA MEAL MILL PROPOSED FOR CAIRO rnnn Iltircim Members Ponder on Problem of Disposing of This Year's Crops, mid Method of Fighting Weevil ENDORSE REPEAL 0F.B01IIES Coimiilttco Appointed to Finn Com inunlty Fair For Week Frccrod- lug County Inhibition Plc- nlc Dinner to bo Feature How to solve tlio problem of mar keting the big crop ot nlfalfn that in raised within a fow tnllos or Cairo, nnd how to (Iclit the ulfalfii wcovll, theso woro tho principal mutters dls eusscd nt tho most roprosontatlvo mcollDR yot hold by tho Cairo farm bureau at tho Grungo Hall last Frl day ovenlng. That tho ranchers ronllzo they oro (aelng n chango In uinrkotliiB conditions and aro prepared to tac klo tho problom o( solving tholr dif ficulties In ovldont, Tho first solution proposed was that of erecting an alfalfa mill at Cairo (or tho uso ot ranchers with in n lour mllo radius. To flnauclns of this project, It was suggested, bo arranged on u tonnngo or ncrcagb basis und thus tho project bo owned co-operatively. A uumbor of tho men present do ctored that In tholr opinion this could bo dono successfully and would nssuro tho marketlug ot tln present crop. C. T. Lnckoy, V. V. Hlcko, liana Oft, W. J. Plnnoy, B. II. Conklln, Q. W. Dean and others, presontod vnrl. ous phasos of tho murkotlng prob lom and tho consonius of opinion was that tho project could best be worked out that way. Further work is botug dono this wuok on tho or ganization of such un association, l'lun riuht on Wcell. L. It. Ilrlothuupt, County Agont, gavo n talk on tho alfalfa woovll, ox plained Its llfo history and tho moth ods by which It oporatos. Ho also outlined tho experiments that had boon in ml o to erudlcato tho post In various states. Tho mombora prosent urgod that tho county farm bureau procood to socuro all tho informa tion uvallablo rogardlug machines with which to spray tho alfalfa, if that Is tho method ot bo adoptod, so that tho outlro community will bo or gaulzod nnd ready for a systematic battle. Mr. Urlothnupt urgod that a hay growers association uttor tho plan of tho fruit growers association, (Conttnuod on Last Page.) FARM BUREAU TOUR PROMISES BIG DAY Hundred of Itimchers Flan to Lay-off Work nnd View Results of Di versified Farming In Njstm, Rig ltund mid Wilder Country Tho first annual excursion ot the Malheur County Farm nureau will bo held tomorrow, starting from Cairo at 9:30, and ending at On tario lata in tho ovenlng. In a trip that will tako tho ranchers over tho Houlovard. Nyssa, nig nond, Wilder and Frultlaud bench country tho nutos will travol nearly 100 miles. At noon tho party will stop at tho grovo In Dig nond for a picnic lunch and a short program of talks by various members. Not only are tho ranchers urged to attend but a general invitation haa been extended to tho business men of tho various communities to be present to seo what their rancher customers are doing to Increase the prosperity of this region. Engineer Cready of the Ontarlo Craue run is laying off this week on Joying a vacation. Mr. Croady recent ly sold the Ipaco he purchased In Riverside, to Durbank Clay who loqk ed over California and decided that the Snake Rivor Valley looked good to him. Mr. Cready is now looking for another place to call homo. 1AltOK NUMIIKU ATTIiND HOMH NURSING ChAS.SP.S Tho homo nursing classes being conducted under tho uusplcos ot thu local Hod Cross Chaptor, by Miss Ada Cruusup aro creating grout in terest nmoug tho members, Any wo rn nn or girl wishing to lake tho course may become n mvmbor ut any time. Throo Iosbous aro glfou a wook on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, On each of theso days tho samo lesson Is given twlco from 3 to 4 in tho ufternoou nnd from 7:30 to 8:30 in tho ovenlng. As tho Iob sous aro in tho nuturo of loctures thoy will bo ot Interest oven though you havo not uttonded all of thorn. TIiIh course of training Is froo to alt women and girls. MAIL CLERKS TAKEN Now Hilling C'nitNC Abandonment of Nenlco llctwccn Ontario mid Crime Cities on Itouto Protect (let Might ICiicouriigcmciil On .Monday of this wook tho trulut leaving Ontario for Cruuo, thu torml nus to thu Orugou-Eastoni, had no mall car attached. This Is tho result or an order taking off clerks on trains on lines which huva less tlinu five post offices, Ontario, Vulu, Crane, Hums and other towns Immediately upon learn ing of tho order entorcd tholr pro tests. J. It. Ulackaby ot Ontario was In Portland and took tho matter up with Senator Ucorgo 12. Chumuorlnln, tho Commercial Club wired Senator Charlos A. McNary, mid Vulva Cham bur of Commorco did tho same. As 'yet no hopo has neon hold out that tho order cun bo changed. Tho one method ot proccduro scoiiib to bo tho securing ot additional post offices on tho lino, Kfforts to thai end havo boon started. Tho ahandoumont of this sorvlce takes throo families from Ontario, ull of whom huvo tholr owu homos hero and huvo oxprossed thomsolvos as loath to loavo tho community. It also sadly impairs the sorvlce to tho Interior and adds additional work to tho already over worked force In tho Ontario post office, FEDERAL JURY PROBES Railroad Officers and Union Labor Lesdvs to Testify. Chicago Sixty-four railroad officers and union loaders were subpensed to appear before tho federal grand Jury In connection with a probe of the un authorized walkout of railroad workers here In April. Among those for whom subpenss were Issued wero John Qrunau, presi dent of tho Chicago Yardmen's asso ciation, und II. E. Haddlng, head of the United Knglnemon's association, These two organizations wore formed at tea tlmo ot the April walkouts. Others Included were It. J, D rooks, Portland, Or.i Ira E. Thomas, Salt take City, and 0. 8. Christopher, su perintendent of terminals of the Chi rasn. Milwaukee & St Paul road. western States Lead In Depositors. Washington. Threo western states, Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, led all others ou May 4 In the number of bank depositors, per 1000 population, ac cording to figures complied by the controller ot the currency, Medford Has Fire Loss. Medford, Or.- The most destructive flro In M cxl ford's history occured early Monday morning when Pads brothers' warehouse, In tho. heart of the city, burned at a loss of 1100,000. Secretary Roosevelt Resigns. Washington. -Franklin D. Uoosovolt, Democratic vice-presidential candldato, submitted to President Wilson his res ignation us assistant secretary ot the navy, effective August 6. Two Dead In Canadian Cyclone. Regina, Bask. Two persons were killed, a score Injured and property damaged to the extent ot $200,000 In a cyclone which swept the southern part of Saskatchewan. POWER USERS PLAN MUTUAL CORPORATION Articles Doing Prepared For Organi zation to Consider Steps look ing Toward Solution of Power Problem-! Tho Idaho Powor Company's ap plication for a rehearing on tho ques. Won ot powor ratos for this section has rosultcd In agitation for tho formation ot it mutual corporation to handlo nil such mattors in tho lutorosts of tho powor users, A commlttco has boon at work for somo tlmo drawing tho noccssary articles of Incorporation for tho proposed body and will roport nt a mooting to bo held In tho near fu ture It Is proposed that not only tho Irrigation power users but tho miiiilcl palltlcs who havo direct Intercut In tho succoss of tho ranching opera tions ot tholr neighbors bo pormlttcd to Join. Membership will bo based upon horso power used and a wide ly distributed board of directors will bo chosen so that all districts and all tho various companies will have mombors on tho governing board. In their petition for n rehearing of tho power rate caso the officials of tho Idaho Powor Company ask that tho rates for Irrigation power bo doubled. Thoy were grnnwsU a ton per cont Increase Just 55ow months ago. It Is thu position of tho ranchers that If tho roquost ot the company Is grantod that tho business of farming undor pumping plants will nn long er bo posslblo, ns cost data collected already by tho committees of thn farm bureau vlll n- TO SELL TOGETHER Chicago. Appointment of commit tees to devise plAns for the co-opern-tlvo marketing of grain nnd livestock was determined upon nt the final ses sion of tho American farm bureau fed eration. The livestock proposal was unanimously approved whon the asso ciation's committee on that Industry recommended It. This action came n fow hours nfler (ho plan of the grain committee had been received favor ably by a majority nf the convention. The grain committee, which will bu appointed soon by J. It. Howard, presi dent of the. federation, will be a per manent body with headquarters In Chicago. It will Investigate existing plans of co-operatlvo markotlug as well as suggest new plum, Members of the committee will comprise leading grain producers, grain elevator men and others, A resolution was adopted directing that efforts be made by the farm bu reau to obtain cars' to move crops. It also was recommended that freight probloms be referred to the federation to obtain uniform freight rates and equal facilities for all farmers. BRIEF GENERAL NEWS Heavy property d&mago was caused by the cyolone which hit North Da kota in the vicinity of Mlnot. Following the discovery of a HO.OOQ shortage in his accounts while city auditor, Mayor H. A. Bock, of Salt Lake City, resigned. Tho formal notification of Governor James M. Cox will be held August 7, at Dayton, Ohio, and that of Franklin D. Roosevelt August P, at Hr4e Park, New York. A total of 1,340,000 seedlings, prin cipally Douglas fir, were planted ou the forests of Oregon and Washington in the fiscal year ending June 30, ac cording to a report by tho United States forest service. Ohio got its third presidential candi date for the 1920 campaign when the prohibition national convention nomi nated Aaron S. Watklns of German town, O., after learning from W. J. Bryan that he would not accept the nomination. Skipper Sued By Washington Cadets. Seattle, Wash. Klght merchant ma rine cadets from Washington, stranded at Htlo, Hawaiian islands, have brought suit for $25,000 damages against Captain I'. F. Kckhardt, mas ter ot the training ship Vlcksburg. T Officers From Oregon, Washington mid Iilnhii Direct Pomios Seek ing Men Who Murdered Sheriff Til Xiijlor or UmiiUIln. Sheriff Leo Noo loft Monday night to Join with tho sheriffs ot Oregon, Washington und Idaho who with po llco officials of Portland, railroad spo clnlfcngents nnd hundreds of men from Pendleton mid Umatilla county who aro seeking tho murderers of Shpritf T. D. (Til) Taylor of I'mn tllln bunty. Sheriff Tnylor was murdered In his nfflco Sunday afternoon by a halt brood Indian named Hurt, who with his pn'f Owen, also a half brood, and thrcn others csenped from tho Umatilla county Jail by over powor ing Doputy Sheriff Mnrtln when ho brought thorn their noon dny monl Sunday, Sheriff Tuylar with a frlond ontor cd his office and found tho mon (hero nnd Immediately was attacked, ijalt had secured n gun In tho offlco hMd with this ho killed tho popular bfftcor. Thn whole stato wns roused by tho crlnio and one ot tho greatest rnnn hunts In tho history of the West Is taking placo In tho mountains oast of Pendleton. It Is gonnrnlly believed that tho guilty mon wilt never bo taken nllvo. Hhnrlff Tnylor was ono of tho host known mon In Oregon, and many citizens of Malheur county woro proud to claim his friendship and nc tiiinlntnuco. ROBBERS HOLDS UP CALIFORNIA STAGES Fresno, Cal, Four automobile stages en route to thn Vosemlto valley filled with passengers were held up and the passengers in two of them woro robbed of money by a lqno out law at a point on tho mountain high way about a mil" and a half from Miami lodge In Mariposa county. As near as could be estimated, tho robber obtained aboout (SCO. The robber es caped in tho brush and a posse under Sheriff Al Turner of Mariposa county was searching the mountain country. The robber had thrown a log across the road and when the first stngo reached it he suddenly appeared from the underbrush on the mountain side above the rosd and commanded tho passengers to remain In their seats. Ho was armed with a rlflo and hud a flour sack over his head. RATE ON WHEAT DESIRED Move to Bring Montana Crop to the Pacific Coast Started, OlympU Wash. Itecommendutlon has been made to tho Interstate com oierce commission by O. O. Culdorlioud. rate expert of the Washington public service commission, for establishment of an export rate for shipment of the Montuna wheat crop to Pacific coast ports, it became known hero. Establishment of an export rate proportionate to the rata to the At lantlc coast would tend td divert cars to the west and assist In relieving the present car shortage, it was said. Ole Hanson In Court Clash. Chicago, The taking of testimony In the trial of .20 nuintiern of tho com munist party ended In flares ot feeling from attorneys and witnesses, At ono point OIo Hanson, ex-mayor of Seattle, Wash., was led from the courtroom to end a controversy between him and Clarence Darrow, of counsel for the defense. Prohibition Cuts 8an Francisco Arrests San Francisco. Arrests In San Francisco have been cut nearly In two during the first year of prohibition. Ilwsco Plant Is Burned, Astoria, Or. Tho town of Ilwuco, Wash., faces the necessity of being without light, power or water for un Indefinite period as tho result of a fire that destroyed tho plant of the North Shore Light & Power company. Mrs. Walter Gramso is roported as bolng quite ill tills week. WKSTFAIilj DANK TO MOVK TO IIAItPP.il NOW J. A. Dnipoi' loft Ontario with a new oi iiitm ou Tuesday to start work on tiii) construction of u bank building ut Harper. Thu banking In stitution which Jnck Fulrmnu, tho welkiiowu Intorlor business man do voloped ut Wcstfalt will bo moved to linipor ou tho completion ot tho building. Mr. Falrmau wont to Harper from Wosttatl some Unto ago and has do voloped a growing bustnoss thoro. Among othor nctlvltlos tho Harper man worked on a road to tho South which rosultod In a Irage part ot tho wool clip of tho wosturu ond of tho county being shipped from Uiat point. FARMERS BELIEVE I Dead Ox Flat llmiclicr llcucn Need For Hotter Marketing Condi- Hon Special Product Mint Find Purchasers. "I nolo your expressed bollof that Ontario desires to aid la tho up building of its tributary country. Tills can bust bo dono by establishing a stablo I'inirkot for npoclal products grown by tlitf ranchers, protecting thorn from tho oporatlons ot commis sion mon whoso sorvlcos In tho past havo boon unsatisfactory. "Morn particularly wo noed co operation In ,tho shipment of onions, spuds, pop corn and othor products that can bo raised in this section. "Tho mombors ot tho Farm llu roau doslro co-oporntlon and bollovo In reciprocity. A. A, Quthorrldgo. Rationing of Gasoline Considered, Washington. A gasoline rationing system to he applied throughout the entire United States Is being consid ered by big refiners, Tho rationing system Is deslgnod by tho refiners us a lust resort to curtail consumption ami keep tho price from bolng forced to more than 40 cents a gallon, govern mout officials horo have been Inform ed by tho roprosontutlves ot the re flunrs, EARTHQUAKE SHOCK WAKES LOS ANGELES I.os AngelcH. A sharp earthquake shock woke I, oh Angelos at 4:12 Mon day morning. Reports to tho telephone and telegraph companies and to fire and pollco departments Indicated It ap parently was felt chiefly ut Los Angeles and In a lenaor degree at Ingle wood and Redondo hcich, the former about twenty-two miles distant, both In n southwesterly direction. A second and much lighter stock was folt In Los Angelos at 8:59 a. in. Immediately following tho first shock thoro was a wild exodus from hotols and dwelling?. Half clad people rushed from thu buildings, seeking refugo In parks and open spaeos, nnd fearing to roturn to the buildings for tholr clothes, The second sheck, coming when many people weru at lust sitting down to breakfast, cuused another rush for the streets. It Is reported that the Los Angeles county court houso Is so damaged from shocks since July 1C, culminating with Monduy morning's temblor, that it will bo torn down. ADJ UKTKHS DKTKILMINK LOSS HUFFKIIUI) Y llOVKHH AND AHGUH T, O. Shankland ot Portland and A. J. Hall ot Ilolso, IiiBuranco Ad justers, arrived in Ontario Monday ovenlng to adjust tho losses suffered by Iloyer Profilers and The Argus In the fire which damaged tholr prop erties on July 20. Tho Insurance representatives arrived at the amount of tho losses and fixed the claims accordingly In a very fair man nor. A burning box cur loaded with lumber furnished Rome excitement for Ontario this (Thursday) eve ning. Tho fire department put the blazo out In short order. HERRETT NAMES MEN TO ASSIST AT FAIR Dliector In Charge of Amusement Features At Work Now Getting Program In Shape. For Inhibition PAYEnE H0R8EHENT0 ASSIST Uiickaroos From Interior nnd From Idaho Coming in Full Force HiisIiichm Mon Named To Work With Full- Honrd V. T. Horrott of Vulo, tho director uf tho Fair to whom wns dulegatcu tho task of arranging fur tho uxhl jiiiuu bofoto tho grandstand und vniiur umusutuuiit leutuies is ou thu lob nnd has nircuuy started to niiu 'up tho attractions, Mr. Horrott bus been In Ontario sovornl times during thu past wuok ior consultation witn W. ii. Dee iitilo, sccruiury ot tuo lair ami with members ot tno business iuuuh cum- inittoo wnicu tno luir uomu nuuiuu nuuor tho now uriungciuoiit ot uuuu nug tho annual oxmuiliuii. Tuo mon wno woro named to assist In this work are: 11. L. Peterson, W. 11. liaison, S. M. Uoucher. Mr. Horrott and Mr. Doollttlo visit od Poyolto on Tuesday and wuro as sured ot tho co-oporatton of tuo nur nous horsemen ot tuut community, ihuso men havo already buuu woik ing out tholr horses mid u number ut fust miles havo ulroady boou nego tiated. Sovorul now nurses mo being dovoiupod tttoro uud ussuruueo is giv en that tho plogrum of races will bo tns boil in a. uumu-r m yours. Word tins boou scut to uugor, uud to ilolso turf toiiowurs uud U is ex pected that they will piosuuc tholr horses to tho starator in tho tuir matlnoes, "Wo aro going to havo somo real wild west stuff," oays Mr, Horrott. "I um'goltlug Into conuuunlcutiou with tho host ropers and outlaw rid ers of tho interior ami they cun put on a good show. This will truly bo n Malheur County Fair, for tho wo iiro ussured of riders from ovor tho river, thoy uro our neighbors uud wo count them us greatly Interested as tho thoy lived horo ou this sldo. "Wo do not need to import tulout to prosent u show that wo will bo pround of und wllf onturtuln thu crowds who will personally know tho boys entering tho competitions. 'Wo wnnt to make Fair Wook a homo coming wook, u getting to gether ot tho men and women ot this section who uro lntorested in Its development. Wo huvo roul talent In tho riding gnmo right horo; men who aro In tho saddle ovary day of tho year and huvo tho uorvo and ubll ity to go thru a wook ot stronuous events. So fur as thn directors can go, mid we huvo tho co-oporntlon of tho people glvon us, ovorythlng will bo done to muko this year's fair tho marking of u now epoch in Malheur County Fulrs.'J HENGLER'S GROVE TOO CROWDED FOR PICNIC Smilvo HUer Council Knight of ColumbiiH, Their Families nnd Friends to Hold Annual Festivities on Holiday Afternoon The annual picnic ot tho Snake Rlvor Council of tho Knights of Co lumbus will bo held nt Ilonglor's grovo ovor on tho Frultlaud Rench, Sunday, According to tho advanco notices It Is going to be u big duy for tho Casuvs. Tho program commlttco has arranged u medley of sports that will call for tho uthlotlc ability of old and young, slim and fat, middle weights, blonds and bruniiettcs ot both sex. Then thoro are going to bo cats for evoryone and n great big tlmo all around. Mr. and Mrs. Darnoy Hull nro the proud parents of a baby boy born Sunday, July 2B. Mrs. Hull will bo romombercd ns Mtsa Lucilo Worth. .,-Eiw.. ,"fmjjLaJKi -4