The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 22, 1920, Image 5

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Rvoryono realizes wlmt mi itnportniiL part
puny plays in tho dovelopment oi'siny
n power coin-
lomtory. It
makes possible ihe growth of industrial mid affrieultur-
al enterprises, and it, improves living conditions'.
In i! wry se-jso 'l!io word, the Idaho Power Company
any power r.oMp.iny in fad U. simply the agent of ifs
customers. It Mipplics a needed service and must receive
from its. customers using this service, sufficient money
to pay for the labor and supplies required in operating
its plants and system, to pay taxes, to make necessary
replacements, audio pay-interest on the money required
for new development, which 'tuo increasing, demand for
power' made imperative.
But' the expense of everything- which goes into the productit n of power
labor, supplies, tuxes, and cost of money has advanced to.the point
where it b impossible for us to provide the needed development or
even maintain 100 per ant seruicc, with our present income.
Wo have in force I every possible economy in the operation of our
property, under present rates we cannot operate advantageous
ly either to ourselves or our customers.
State Laws demand that wo give 100 per cent service; they fix our
rates and control our franchises, and they are supposed to allow us
a fair rate of interest on tho money invested in our properly. How
ever, under present conditions we aie making pi actually nothing on
our investment.
Let us show you why:'
Our records show that the percentage of increased cost in the past
four years is as follews:
Wages have, advanced ., GG
Supplies .80 to 100
Taxes M6
Cost of Money 40
As there has been no increase in our rates since 191C except the 10
per cent increase granted in June of this year, it must be appaient
to everyone that our present income is entirely inadequate tc take
care of our increased cost of operation and maintenance.
In 1919, almost the total capacity of our existing system was required
to answer the demands of our customers for power. Every year our
load increase, so it is evident that wc must continue development to
jjivo 100 per cent service.
But at tho pMcat ratej development cannot be financed.
Our costs are out of proportion to our income. We arc doing
everything possible to maintain our service, but the problem
is a difficult one. Therefore we come to you with this
problem, for it is our duty, as a public utility, to explain the
danger that confronts us.
We must work toward a basis on which wo can continue to give you
100 per cent service a basis that will work for the welfare of all.
Therefore, it is our purpose to present to you in a series of statements
honestly and fairly, the situation that the Idaho Power Company is
facing. It is our purpose, to show you how this situation involves
you and the future development of Idaho, and to ask you to help
solve the problem.
Mr. unci Ales. 0. M. Tuggurt spent
Sunday in Vulo.
I'M HolghtBiiiuu ami family spent
Sunday In Vulo.
A, A. Heed of Itrogiin wiiii mi On
tario v I h 1 1 o r hut Saturday.
Tliu Uli I'm Sowing Club will moot
Frlduy tit -:au tit llio High School.
Miss Kill th Fulgor teturncd Thurn
day evening from h visit to Tncoiiiit.
Mm. V. I. Hobor ami daughter.
Lemma, spent tho week-end In
t. M. Lents and Uuo. W. Luttlg of
Oregon Slope wore Ontario visitors
on .Saturday.
Mm. A. A. Uiown wont to Holse
Wednesday for u visit with hor son,
Harry llrown.
Muster Flrmln Hcholes loft Tuos
day for a two weeks vacntlou at
iUnntpollor, Idaho.
Frauds nml Holla Holder left
Tuesday evening tor a two weeks
visit In the John Day country.
Don Halt came down from tin
'iiIIIn wlioro ho Is I uniting a baud of
fchcen, to spend a few days In On
tario. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Cuslday and
son Kenneth returned Baturiluy from
( Portland whnro limy ha.vo spent tho
Vast month.
1 Mr, mid Mrs. Harry II. Cock rum
nud family aro spending their vaca
tion In tho roo'lni; breoxes of tho
Wnllowu Lukes,
Mrs. I.. I. Fryo of Nyssu was In
Ontario snvunil time this week to
shop and visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Finer.
I'ctor Tonsen of Nyssu wuh In On
tario Inst Saturday to ultend tho
meeting of the Farm Durcau and
transact business In town.
Mm, Smile Luudlnghnm left Sat
in day ovonlng for l'ortluud whoro
mIio will spend u mouth visiting hoi
daughter, Mrs. Tomlliison.
John Hum who has been a way
from O.itarlo for a year past, re
turned to the city last Friday, lie
expects to remain here for soino time.
Thuron Mel'arlln Oough Is the
iiauio given tho new sou who arrived
at the homo of Mr, and Mrs. 'J'. Me
l'arlln Dough at Payette last Tues
day. Misses Delia and Wllma Mllos and
Katherlno Troxnll returned Monday
from Sonsldo, OroKtin, whore thoy
have boon visiting for tho past three
Miss Kloiiuor Whculon who has
been tho guest of her uncla and aunt
Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Ilusmusson re
turned this week to hor homo In Po
cntollo. Mrs. Davis of Orogou Slope who
Ih tho only woman mombor of tho
county executive committee of tho
Farm Ilureau was In Ontario Satur
day morning.
William Simon, general munagor
nf tho Alexander stores spout Tues
day afternoon In Ontario, Ho camo
down mi tho pony and returned to
Holse on No, 6.
Mlsa Helen Illggs of Maker Is n
Kiiest at the homo of Dr, nud Mrs
W, J, Wooso, having comn down to
bo present at tho Wood-Hlggs wod
ding last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. I,, Potorson and
family hied thomsolvoH to tho higher
altitudes of tho Idaho mountains, to
take tholr vacation on tho shnrns of
Payette Lakes.
Mr. and Mrs. William Jones and
daughter Katherlno loft this week
for the Puyotto Lukes to esrapa tho
heat of the Rnuko river valley Thoy
expect to bo in lliu hills for
V C. Oxmnu of Willow crook.
Vulo and tho upper country, drovo
to Ontario Monday morning. Ho cumo
down with Thomas Norwood who
also operutes a ranch In tho Willow
river country.
Dr, Thomas IHggs of Odessa, Mis
souri Is visiting his brother and sister
Judge Dalton Illggs and Mrs. W. J.
Weeso. Ho arrived In time for the
Wood-Hlggs wedding last Thurbdny
and will be hero for some time.
Mrs, H. 0. Druuo returned last
Thursday from Des Molnos, Iowa,
whero she has boon visiting her
motlior, She wuh accompanied home
by her sister, Miss Josephine Lou
nan who will visit hero for somo tlmo
Mr, and Mrs, Larue Illackaby aro
seeking relief from tho effects of
vising tomneraturos on an outing
trip to tho Piiyetto Iikos. During
their iihsoiiro Miss Kttn MrCrefght Is
engaged at the Illackaby Jnwelory
Mr and Mrs. B. A. Flfer aro mini
)iered among tho Ontario colony va
cationing ut Payette Lakes. They
'went up on Monday. Mrs. Flfer uud
I he children will remuln for some
time, but Mr, Fifer, like most of the
hi on vacationists will return to tend
to business tho latfic part Ot - tlid
8. I' Orithatn who luiicjiert, abovo
tiie when he la not over in Wallowa
county looking after his stock rnnch
was In Ontario on Snturduy to attond
the Farm HuroAii excciitlvn com
Jnltloo meeting.
Jos. Dn-ii and Thoron Northrup
we it to La Orando Hiindiiy evening
on No. 10 and drovo back Monday In
O. M. Cmiloimiu's cur. Mr. Ciistleinan
expects Mrs. Ciistloinnu and tholr
daughter to Join him hero In Ontario
during tho latter part of tho month.
Thuron Northrup Is greeting old
friends from th buck of tho count
ers in the Ontario Pharmacy. While
a student t.i High School, In tho pre
war days and utter his return from
the so . ke mid before ho entered tho
Unl- rslty Thaion whs a member of
Hid it""j'8 force.
I. I. Dean who Is prosldont of tho
Mullic- r Coiintv Fair Hoard, and
who as president of tho Nyssn Com
mercial Club, tho Nyssu school board
and othor organizations In Nyssa,
and 'thus iiuntlflos as thn most prosl
denied man In thn county, porhups,
u an Ontario business visitor hero
Aituidny. Mrs. Dean nud their dntigh
tors 'wmn with him.
Tho Ontario Outing Club Is again
enconsod In Its community quarters
on the shore of Payette Lukes. L.
Adam proceeded the party to the
Lnko to not things In shlp-shnpo and
'us followed by Mrs. Adams, Mr.
and Mrs. 8. I). Dornian. Mr.i. Frank
Hniler and e .1 Harrison hist week.
This weok, Frank- Hador nml K, C.
Van Potion made tholr escape from
tho torrid li'iuperiituro of Ontario
and nro fri'iinentlng their fnvnrlti
fishing nhd loilting places at the
Lakos. Mrs. Van Petten will go up
tutor In tho week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Athey and
sou arrived In Ontario Monday from
Nobraskn whero thoy upent the past
liionth visiting relatives. Thoy nro
linw enrouto to their new homo In
Hornlcln, C.illfornln, one of the bay
bltieni whero Mr. Athey is a tele
grapher for the Southern Pacific
Prior to their dcpaiture from On
tario, three years ago, Mr. Athey
was employed by tho Short Lino and
for several yours was h member of
the local post office force. "Wo hard
ly recognized Ontario wlt'i Its paved
streets and Its nhsouco of vacant
buildings," said Mr. Athey, to Tho
Argus, "and certainly Outnrlo has
mode progress slnco wo left." After
transacting some business nml visit
lug friends .Mr. and .Mi a. Athey wilt
continue on tholr hoinownrd Journey
frrl-WiM'ltly Sei'xlri' to Uikc.
Ontario folks who reek tho cooling
breezes of the Payette 1nkes and
who do not drive tholr own motor
cars enn nifV reach their destination
on a passenger train thrco times per
week, Hy Inking tliu morning pony
on Tuesday. Thurrday or Saturday
the travelers reach McCall at I 30 p
m. Hctumlng Monday, Wednesday
and Friday tho train leaves McCall
at tt o'clock reaching Ontario on tho
evening pony.
Tho Ontario Argus fo Mu
lt It's printing, wc can do II
The- Old Reliable
Cooiiercial Creamery Company
Ontario, Oregon
Wc Want Ail Your Cream And Produce
Tcj ts
Phone 182
For two weeks wc will give FKEE
a new grey lube with each HORSE
SHOE fabric casing sold, and a heavy
ItcCord Tube with every Cord casing
Parker's Tire Shop
Phone 177 Ontario, Oregon
When You Want Expert
He is the man who can do it. And
What is More at Reasonable Prices.
That Odd Job That Has
been bothering you can
Be Fixed Now Bring
it in We will fix any
piece of Jewelry or gold
and silverware.
At McDowell's Furniture Store