The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 22, 1920, Image 4

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    fl . MV
lit1 (Outann ivnu.j
OrfRon, t
pot offi
OlftfM MJtt
i Thurtidays nt Ontario,
' eulorod nt the Ontnrlo
or distribution na 2nd
Ht.lblllNa COMI'ANV
K. sV.X. Maunulng Editor
'. Mel ..ItMX GOUail, Sup't.
tliejn bnck hero."
Oregon's roads nro not tho result
of nn nccldont, uuloss tho selection
of Hiich men as Simon HeiiHoii, W.
h. Thompson. J. E. Ailanis. It. A
Dooth, Nowt Uurgeas nnd K. E. Kid
dle, who hnvo built up the Oregon
system during their tenure of office.
nB hlRhwny commissioner!, can be
SUMBCHIPTION Olio Year, $2.00 called Much
As tho Argus has often sold, Ore
gon has Indeed been fortunate In se
curing tho services of men of this
typo for Its Highway CoiiiiiiIhmwii.
They nro doing n work that In giving
tho stnto wldo publlcltv. glv'ng the
people excellent Horvlce. nnd which
when completed will he a monument
to their good Judgment nnd executivo
"Tho best roailfl I saw when I wus v.i inude nnd cnuit'.l in said uiuse Thousand Dollars ($f,000), to bear i That tho said lister llyninn La
nway last winter were those In Cnl- "n t,iu 1;!"1 (,n' "' Ju- lu, nndldnto of August 1, 1020, nnd to bear and ho Is hereby ordorod nnd requitod
ir,.pnu nr, ,i wnuMnftmi 'directed that this SuiniiRns bo pub- Interest nt tho rnto of six (0) per to nppenr In this court nt l'orthind,
norma, urcgon nnc wawntiBioii, 1sllctl ()lu,0 cuc W(JeU f(iJ. 8,x co. rentum nr nnm,ni, nnd to become Orogon, on or hoforo Tuesday, tho
somo day wo hopo to have roads llkoBUCiitiv0 oeks in tho Ontario Arciu,. absolutely duo D00. 00 In each of the' 10th day of August, 1020, nt tho
The Interests of the ranchers of
Malheur county nnd of tho business
inon In the towns cniiuot bo divorced,
of Hint there can he no doubt.
AnythliiK circumstance In tho lumi
nous or ranching, bo it tho price of
wntor or of power; or of marketing
the produce of the fnrms and rnnchort,
which rwluoM the profits of tho farm,
ers ouu Into tho enrnlng power of i
the inorolinnt too.
Cllren two thousand or moro pros
perous ranchers and tho buslnoss
men of this section will have little to
worry over, so fnr ns tho volume of
tholr buslnoH Is concerned or for thn
collection of their accounts.
Them nro Innumerable problems
which tho rauchorn face concerning
whltih the businessmen can. In the
nature of the onso, have but a super
ficial knowlinlgo. Somo of rourso nro
bettor Informed than others for they
hnvo nt Mime time In tholr lives act
ually operated ranches. Other hind
usm men hnvo acquired a general
huowlmlKA of the problems and thru
their busliiHM experience hnvo lonrn
ml a ureal deal about the economic
law which govern bimlnesH general
ly. Just how tho towns can best serve
Hie runners Is u problem worthy of
study both by the ranchers nnd the
huslnotw men.
This much is lertuln, that a united
loiniuiinlty will go farther toward u
solution of these problems than will
the efforts of any Individual organi
zation Tho Argus would like to suggest
that some organisation, uniting tho
vnrlous bodies In I lie county got to
gether to work out these problems
thru n community committee.
Kvim In Malheur county wu nro
seeing the results of our national
menace, too many people In thn cit
ies for tun number on the rnrms, Not
that the Argus would have any of tho
towns no Iwckward In the procession.
mr inim u. inn wo peed moro
murium, mid the only way In which
thn phii ho secured Is by making
the buslntM of farming profitable
and to old In bringing llm cities
nearer to the farms so that tho farm
ers may enjoy the benefits the cities
offer. Thus life on the farm will
be wore enjoyable.
commencing with tho Issue of July 23
and ending with the issue of Septem
ber 3rd, 1020. of said newspaper.
Tho first pulilb.itluii of this Hum
motiB Is July. 23, 1920, tho last pub
lication Is September 3rd, 1U20.
Residing nl Ontario, Oiegin.
Attorney for plaintiff
WlIKltlJAS. the common council of
tho city of Ontario, Malheur County,
Oregon, did on tho 20th day of June,
A. I). 1020, duly enact an ordinance
mimhorcd 342 of the Ordinances of
the city of Ontario, and entitled
years 1930 to 1930, Inclusive, for Ilia
purpose of creating a mini witn
which to equip and maintain n f're
department In nnd for said clty7"
That tho polls for said election
shall bo opened at tho hour of 3
o'clock A. M, on said 4th day of
August. A. D. 1020, and remn'n rjoit
until tho hour of 12 o'clock noon, und
bo closed until tho hour of 1 o'clo k
P. M. when the same shall be re-open
ed and remain open until tho hour
of 7 o'clock I' M when they shall
cloio, nil on tho same day.
That the appointed officers to con
duct said election nro Clerks, I'altllnc
Piatt,- Cora E. McNulty; nnd 8 "
Tnylor, T I? Arnold, and t.ulu lluth
erford, Judges,
That nil persons over mo ago or
twentv-ono years, who nre not nllunr
nnd who are residents of tho stalo
of Oregon, nnd who have resided
"An nrillnr.iirn Miilimltlltii' In lln.
local voters of Ontario. Mnlhpiir within tho comorato limits of the clt
County, Oregon, for tholr ileternilua- of Ontario for nt loast six months
lion tne question or conu-nciine n
bonded Indebtedness In tli sum of
twenty-five thousand dollars ($,
000), und nuthorlzlug tho common
council of the snld clt) of Ontario (
Issue tho ncgotlnhl" coupon bondr oi
jsnhl city for tho aggregate Amount o!
twenty-tivo thousand dollars (126
000), for tho purpose of Improving
tho streets In snld clt), and the ques
tion of contracting a handed Indebt
edness In the sum of l'lo Thutiiniii!
Ontnrin has almost doubled In pop
ulation during tho past ten yours
This Is Indeed creditable showing,
nnd one In which tho e'th.e is in iy
Justly take pride.
However moro size Is not the mens
uru by which to Judge communities.
It Is not what they flguro In the ecu-
nn tnlilnti ulwiiL Hint ilntnrinfiui llinlr
wnrlli II In wlmt thov urn trvlnir In ,-,0""rB ii"U"i nun auwiorisinB uie
worm it is want mo) are irjinit i ,... ,.11pn ., m,i. i,.. ,, .......
.... i. ll .1 .. ...!... 11... . -"........ ... ...... .... w .......w
no, now won uiuy aiu raoiun uiu Ul0 ncgotlnlllo coupon liomls of snld
pcoplo within their limits anil those city for tho aggregate mm o.'
round about them that counts. ,'lve thousand dollars (IC.000), for
U' l.ollnv.. nntnrlf. U .' purpose oi equipping aim ma II
tnhiltiif n fin ilnrmrf im n( In niwl fni
denvorlng to bo a community ofnaltt city; nuit to provit a lax to t-
scrvers. Tlinl tlio Dusincss men uerc (lie intorest nnd principal or said
nro endeavoring to mnko their city bonds, nnd containing nn emergency
........ i... .ii i.i...... ...i.i.i. !..... ,. idnuio.
which said ordinance was passed
by tho common council at n spcclnl
next tircccdlng tho dnto of said olee
Hon shall bo entitled to vote nt ouch
spoclnl oloctlon, and not otherwise
dor of tho common council of tho c'ty
nf Ontario. Oregon. I hnvo hereunto
set my hnnd nnd affixed tho official
seal of said city, this 17th day e:
July, A. D. 1920.
L'IjAY M. BIHAllftH.
(SEAL) City ltcconler
hour of two o'clock 1. M. of said day,
nnd tilond, answer, or demur to said
petition, nnd show cause, If any there
ho, why tho prnyor of snld petition
should not bo granted;
And It Is further OltDEHED nnd
dlrectod that If tho said I.ostor Hoy
mnn can bo found without snld dis
trict that a copy of this order, to
gether with n cortlflpil copy of snld
petition, aliall bo served on tho snld
Lester Hoyman In person at least ton
dnys prior to said 10th day of Aug
ust, 1020, by tho United States Mar
id ml of tho district whoro tho Raid
hnnkrupt many bo found residing;
or If tho snld Lester Hoyman bo not
round without wild district, thou It
Is OHDEHEO nnd dlroctod that sor
vlco of this ordor shall bo mndo on
htm by publishing tho samo in tho
"Ontario Argus," a weokly nowspip
or published nt Ontnrlo, Oregon, lo
said district, once n wcok for two con
secutlvo weeks, tho Inst of Raid pub
lication to bo mndo on July 20, 1020.
Hoti3 und dntod nt Portland, Ore
gon, this 12th day of July, A. D.
II. S. DEAN, Judge.
Filed, July 12, 1320.
O. II. Marsh, Clerk.
District of Oregon, ss.
t, (I. H. M-AltlUI. Clerk of tho Unit
od Slntcs DISTRICT Court for tho
certify that tho foregoing copy of
Order for sorvlco by publication In
tho matter of I-eslor Hoyman, Hnnk
rupt, Cauuo No, IJ-54C2, has bocu by
mo compared with tho original there
of and It Is n correct trnitscrlpt
therefrom, and of tho wholo of nuch
original ob tho samo apponrj of 're
cord and on file nt my office nnd lit
my custody.
In testimony whereof I hnvo here
unto not my hand and affixed tho
scut of Bald court at Portland, In snld
District, this 13th dny of July, 1920.
Q. H. MARSH, Clerk.
I)y L, S. Rogers, Doputy Clerk.
grow by doing things which have for
their purpose the upbuilding of the
country tributary to thoiu
While wo nro taking due pride In
tho growth of the city during the
past ten years let us consider whut
wu can do to Increase Its measure
of service and the growth for the
uoxt deendo will ho assured
In The Circuit Court of lhc Stiile'.of
Oregon, For the County of Malheur
EVA DAY Plaintiff.
RALPH F. DAY. Defendant.
TO RALPH F. DAY, the nbovo
named defendant;
OF OREGON, you are hereby requir
ed to appear and nnswer tho com
plaint filed against you In tho nbovo
entitled cauuo on or boforu the 3rd
day of September, 1920, tho same
being tho Inst day of the time pro
scribed by ordor of this Court dir
ecting that scrvlco of Summons In
session thereof on the 20th day of
June, A D. 1920,"und wns approved
by the mayor and uttested by the city
recorder on said 20th day of June, A.
I)., 1020, and In which It was pro
vided Hint u special election of the
qualified electors within the cltv nt
Ontario be held, for the tiurnoM) of
submitting to said electors for their
determination, the iiuestlous as In
snld ordinance set forth and contain
ed, therefore.
on the 4th dnv of August. A I).. 1020,
n special elHotlou will be held at tho
cOy hall In the city of Ontario, Mal
heur County. Oregon, for the purposo
of submitting to the qualified elec
tors or said city or Ontario, tile fol
lowing quoxilnns for Hielr determinateon:
First Question;
"Shall tho common council of tho
city of Ontnrlo, state of Oregon, be
nuthorlzud und c-npoworod to create
a bonded Indebtedness In the sum cf
Tweiity-fho Thousand Dollars $2G,-
uuut nun to isstiu tne negotiable
bonds of said city In tho nggregato
of Twenty-five Thousand
TEN ACRE RANCH for sale, .1
miles 8. W. of Ontario. All Inprovod.
stocked nnd equipped. E. L. Orlfflth
phono 208-W-2 50733-30.
sir, Klmliiill plnno, see lioy .Mnnson,
Irst house north of Methodist par
sonage. .50833-31
BBBalilaaValaBBBaaatBar.4.BBBaaaWMBBBaaV " UfJj
aXiiw isiliai
One has to - ttwuy from home to
appreciate the advantaRes which sur
round him every day. During it trip
thru Montana. Njirth Dakota, nnd
.Minnesota tin- writer suw but ono or
two real good roads, and even nt
that distance heard people talk about
the himwI roads of Washlngn Ore
con wnd California.
In all of North Dakota there nm
a single good country rond, so far
n could Im learned: and one Mnto
offlelnl, with a spirit or pride wild,
"wo are hea-biulng now to grado up
our roads and after a while we ex
pect to gravel them."
That Is as far na they have gone
In rond work In that state, whero
prnctloally eerythlii(r the state pro
duces must lw hauled miles lo mar-hot.
In Montana comprehensive pro-1
grmu l uuilerway. and nround Hel
ena, there are muiih excellent high
wn. hut there they have m t, ns yet
started hard surface paving save on
one load from llutle to Anaconda.
In Minnesota, one of the rich stutos
of the MlNNlMlppI valley, thoy have a
fow good roads, hut oteu those do not
compare with the Oreou roads of
llko chnrnoter.
For example on the rohd from
Minneapolis to lis popular resort,
Lake Mlnneloiika. tho nimul road has
Innumerable sharp runes, around
which no compensation is made, so
that skidding I almost unavoidable.
Apparently little effort luu boon
mndo to straighten out the road to
provide safety, mid reduce tho wear
upon the surface.
Even In Minnesota there are not
nearly so many mile of paved coun
try roads as thoro are In Orogon
where the population Is far moro
scattered, and the valuation of the
proporty in tho ugreato much loss.
However the people there are a
wnkeiilug to the need for goud roads.
They are talking about adopting tho
Oregon system of tlnnnoing highway
construction, by funding the license
Income rocolvwl from motor ears In
this uiovquiont Oregon has lod the
way and It Is ono of tho things for
which Orogoiilaus may woll he proud.
It certainly does not reduce one's
pride In his homo state to hoar tho
said Hull bo mndo upon you by publi
cation, nnd If you fnll so to answer, 'amount
for want thereof, the plaintiff will Dollars ($25,000), to bear (Into of
upply to the Court for tho relief do- August 1. 1020. mid to hear Interest
tnnndod In snld complaint, to-wlf nt tho rnto of six (fi) per rentum per
For ii decreo of said Court dlssolvlngaiiiium, mid to become absolutely duo
thn bonds of matrimony now exist-$2,500 In e.ich of the years 1930 to
Ing hetweon you nnd tho said plain- 1039. inclusive, for tho purpose of
tlfr, nnd granting to tho .ild plain- creating u fund with which to Im
tiff mi absolute divorce, and uUo prove thn streets In said city?"
granting to said plaintiff tlm care and Second Quostlen:
custody of tho minor child, Ralph I. "Shall tho common council of tho
Day. oily of Ontario, state of Oregon, bo
ou are further notified that this authorized mid omnowored to croato
Summons Is served upon you by pub-n bonded Indebtedness In the sum of
Mention, under nnd by vlrtuo or an FIvo Thousand Dollars ($5,000) mid
order or the Honorable DnUon Illggs, to lun the negotiable bonds of said
ludgo of this court, which said ordor city In the aggregate amount of Five
III tho DKtrlct Comt or the United
States for tho District or Oregon
In tho Maltor of LESTER- HEY.MAN.
WHEREAS, n petition wns on the
3d day of June, 1020, filed In thin
court for nn adjudication of bank
ruptcy against Lcstor Iieymau, nnd
It appears to tho court from tho af
fidavit of Wells W. Wood, mi at-
torney for tho potttlonor, filed in sup
port of this ordor. that tho snld
tor Iluyiumi Is not an Inhabitant of
nor within tho District of Oroson. mid
J that pcruounl sorvlco of Rubpoonn
icrein cnnuoi no mndo on mm thoru-
n, nnd that ho can bo served by pub-
Icntlou enly:
NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of
said nttornoy, It Is hcroby ORDERED,
adjudged, nnd conslderod:
Why Anchor
To Extravagance?
The man who gratifies his taste
for luxuries is soon weighted down
with debt and anchors to extrav- .
Saving now brings comfort and
plenty for tho future. Start an
account with the Ontario National
it Interest Paid on Savings Accounts
)mm&yJmiomi BankL'
ttYaa vuBHaVMBanf jar Mmamar im a
The name applied
to the instrument
of supreme musical
quality for nearly
300 years.
It is fitting that the most
exquisite and eloquent mu
sical instrument of nil be
called a Cremona.
The Cremona phonograph
adds to the luster of that
great name and every kind
of musical instrument re
produced places a new jewel in the crown which graces
the heads of
m l.aaliffliaWB 0
"-"- UVr- W mmmmm
If you want the best don't buy a phonograph until you
hear the Cremona. It plays all records better. It is
an old music idea applied in a new way. The music
producing parts follow the same principle and are built
of the same spruce wood that made the Cremona violins
Cremonas can be secured in ten beautiful style
from $50.00 to $300.00 on easy terms.
Feed CofTee
A Delicious Summer Drink
A pot of Folger's Golden Gate
Coffee just as you make it for
breakfast (rich, not rank); pour over
a tall glass of cracked ice, sugar and
cream to 'taste a flavor you'll re
memberit's different.
SI0 iNoMhe Fragrance
(oiks back in tuo .Miaaie vet say y