?, THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO. OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1920 ,. L J -.1 l 111 II .JI.WM lW ll'IHI . . I .Mr. and Mr. Wm. Walker ontot tnlned Sunday lit a faintly dinner party at their homo on Sixth Avenue III limine lt Mm. l'fl1knra llnrmilu '.Mr. nmt Mrs, B. W. Van Vnlkenburg or I'ortlanu wlio camo rercntly lo visit tholr children. TIioro present wcro Mr. nnd Mrs. B. W. VnnVnlk onhurg of Portland, .Mr. and Mrs. Howard VniiValkenburg and family of Payette. Idaho, nlso Mr. and Mr, llalph Van Yn,KC"burg and family from near Payette, Mr. and .Men. Walker and family. Professional'Cards Llccnsod to Piuetlco In Oregon and Idnho O. A. KltATZ Mniilclpnl Kn;;lnrer Momhor of Amurlcnu Assoclntlou of KlIglllCClB Sowor syBtonifl, wntor soikn, pnvo- UlOIltll, COIICiOtO rJOBlyn, UH80HS- UlClllB, offlco cystoma 103 'flltord UldK., Portland, Oregon City Hall, Ontario, Oroeou " MKS. HIiANCUU V. ANDKU.SON llcinMllcliIng Dt'CNMIInlllllg Phono -IB-w. 1. O. lloxnitl i Ontaito, Orcitnn. lliiuri), 10-12: 1:30-5 Ilonso coll KonlugH liy appointment Mndu Phono 158 DR. R. A. MOON CIIIKOPH KTIO PHYSICIAN" NKIIVIf 8PKCIAUST Aculo cr Chronic Dlsoiuos Itooms oor Post OlTIco ONTAItIO OMiOON STELLA MASOW COX Graduate of Violin anil Piano Iowa ColiK ' ..Pupil of Victor Garwood nnd of.. . . Herbert Ilutlur, . . Atiiorlcan . . Cannorvhtory ot Munlo Chicago Phono -If) J. nit. ;. w. 'rvi.Kit DHNTIST m Offlco In Wilson UldK. Offlco HotirH 0 n. iu. to 4 p. in. Phono 117 for Appointments. DRS. WEESE & FOUTNEll OFPICK HOURS. ' ' 3 to 12 nnd 2 to fi Offlco ovar First National Until. . loWpliono No. 33 J Ontario, OriJ W. H. MAXON Transfer AttonUon given to Ions dlitnnce Hauling I ciuu onKt.'i nt Vu)t Implement Htorc Phono 22... itcoldctico l'liuno 11-W Ontario, Oregon. EXPRESS" AND"" TRANSFER . Phono 1C2 Ilcsldottca Phono 11C.I2 It. It. Cnldwoll Prop. Quick Sorvico FRITAD 15 Hvhcrg ho wan looking after ranch matters. 1 Mr. Bred Kodgcrs of Nebraska loft 'Saturday evening for Spokatto to . '.visit frlcnda after upending ten days ,, . , . ,, .... 'with III l lor, Mrs. (Irahatn Parks, Thursday evening. Mrs. Bd. Jones . , , , , ., , . ... . ... ... . "d frlciuH on the Ilench. .Mis, II. It. Itoomur and daughter t.ols, returned Thursday evening i from Chicago whore Mrs. Knottier entertained u ntimhnr of ttio Wood river, Nebraska, people In this 'community pnil friends nt a party, UCSlili: J. A KICK ATTOIlNtiY-AT-t.AW Income Tax Advisor PoMo'llru Itnlhlluu, Ontario, Oictut honoring the birthday anniversary ... . ,... ... ..... ,. , ' ....... ... , - . . illilll UUt'll 111 Vinil IICI IIIIJUIUI VMIU II of Mr. Jones. , ... ....... ,,. .... imiiii'i uumj in, iiui iiiuwui tuinn itu Saturday evcnlug MIrrui Mildred )()tek (lf (:iiloat;o. iiccoinpanled her "own 1TL ....rxzllll lirtlll llffff ,,, , HpcI1l, ,ha BUmmcr. Ml Fisher. Kntharlno Madsen, Holly, Hoomor and daughter, Jean, met tb. Ilrown were hostessed at it must do-',mry nl Ctldwoll where they stopp llghtful parly at tho Flrhcr liomc. ,i ... 1)ri ... ,.... ,i. ,, ii01llpr. jr. 'The inomhers of tho Bradtiatlitg, wI ,, ,,,. 'cnrei) fo. Iiy Mr. . jclass of 1320 and a row oniMitiet B itoliliiKcin during the absence of 'guests wore prosent nt tho happy jrrH noenie'-. itrfalr. uoiiaioim rerresiimonts wore -MIm Mlll)(!i ii0,h f Caldwell norvcil. iw,ib the tiest of Miss Marian Kin- Mrs. ClniH. Wlulers loft Krlday ne-Buy n,.n, snndny. compnnyiug n party to i'ortlanu, Mr. and Mrs, P. I). Ilossen nnd boh Henry, wero guests Snndny of the O. K, Domett family In Pnyctto. i Mr. and Mrs. Ames and family and Miss Huzel HoHscii motored to IJolso '.Snndny to Hpcnd tho day. ' Miss BIMo lllomntrom Is the guest this Wpk or the Muck, Peacock nnd Hill families. Miss Bva lllomstrom spent last week at tho I.lnck homo. Koiineth nnd llnrland Polly went to linker Inst week for a two weeks mention with their grandparents. Mr. J. B. farneflx nnd brother we:H lo Payrtte Lakes Saturday DR. A. R.ROBERTS Dontist I let u ecu Ontario Pluirin. S Depot. Pliono 62 iiavi: votm caA MADlMUHXM.tlCi: MOW Tho powfr ot )our nuto ou glno cornea from tho cylinders nnd th In Is tho Only Shop In Malheur county that lias n OYI.INDr.lt llOUINCJ MACIIINB This permits tin to do thld ii". curnto ntnclilno work to n hair, nnd do It quickly. Nov Is tho time to bnvo your etiglito ovorlmulcd. .MAItDK.VH MACIIINi: KIIOP Otii'arlo, Oregon PESO Li III MENTION Oregon on an auto trip. A brother- Mis. John Omet ot Appletou, Wis ruimlii. U vlultlnir linr Btxlnr. Mrs. In-law ami sou and dntiRhtor from ,pnry Mnnnr , MrH- Bmiim Mull Illinois worn In tho parlv. . .w ,)f N.()lh ,)llkot1( wI , ,, At a meeting of tho Hoard ot Koil ()t lor H8tP1.( Mll,. Manser. Tho Kducntlon last week It waB derided HhtM ,Mfori, ro ciijoylin lboiiiselvo to rcitibmlt to the votors the propo-ltMll ,iRldctitnlly celebrating their sltlon to voto on JG.000 for a now , hlrtliilnyH which 'fall within two school house for R. D. 1R. 'weeks of each other. Mrs. Mnnser's It Is Important that ynti reglsleri,rimiy 1l0,1(5 ,lht sntiinlny. by July .tint to voto In tho Primary August 3rd Prof. T. restilcnco pr i Mr. Ilnvanl Milliner, Mr. mid Mrs. . tffitirv Mnnani' Mru. Jnhtl llttief. ntld 1 II. Nollson has sold liliMrgi Kmm .iunspr iCft earl this rnporty on Ninth 8trnct ,Tu(,Iiy mmn,iV fnr ;cw Meadown! nnd Payelt" l.iikos to visit for Crr'ir-,' r ct ttlPrTPn.ua- "nT.TTtggqtv They'r e H ere Below arc tho prices of the new Wayne Washer. Cash $100.00 On time-$108.00918.00 down und$7.S0 monthly. 12 months to pay in. We have this washer on our floor for your inspec- i v j. i .. 1...... won uiiu can maKe ticnvencs ai once. Northwestern Electric Co0 Phone 188-J Ontario, Oregon sausz SfTTitTVIMM fifcsa. V V h T.HE UNIVERSAL CAR '4 Zerolene Oils 15-Gallon Bnrrels now in stock at 0O2C Gallon Goodyear and United States TIRES All sizes; Cord and Fabric FORD GARAGE ONTARIO, OREGON In Pnyctto to Dr. Cntrou mid hits purchased twenty ncrcs with. modern ,,, ,i,.vk win. Mm. Otis Mover. residence nl Midway, botweon .Nam- M n(1 Ml.H N(,k lunerl ,, pa and Caldwell, where they wlll,MrHi nH0 Cllln0 , ,,r,lluy rrolll make their home during tho time ,,,,,.,, or Hlorl vllt wl, , Prof. Nollson will Instruct In music , , .,,, .. , ami art In the Nampa nud Culdwcll ,Wcil)ieill,liy f(. hohomo In Ornnd schools, ii.ii,,i .....I Mr ..nil Mi-j llininrl will Misses KIM, Mabel nnd Haul , , 0,or horo (nr , ,, J Hock we.o In Vt.lo Sntiirday nnd, U.....I,... . I. (!.. r-l.it.l 'iinn "iniM.it imiov " -.. rtutiwti; tiniudh imi nun Mrs. O. II. Allen and daughter, Tuesday of next week accompanying II ..l.. XI.... fl It n.l.lnM .....1 Margaret, of North Yakima, return- "r, "'"" ;'"" " """ .i ... .i..i. t t,. ..v..,.iMkw'llttlo daughter, to tholr liomu In To- nf.er n two week's jlslt with Mrs. . " ' "" ,,co" Allen's sister. Mrs. firo. Chllds. Miss "' s -ft her pare., s for several Mary Clillds-nccoinpanled then, homo BBk"- J "' K,,,H0' ,w rem; " '" , for tho remainder of tho summer. '": " V "' " V" Tlu'y expect to spend tho summon , , on tho WaslilnRton const. ""' ",', n" , . " . ' Mrs. N A. Peacock and her party'""'1 H lou,"r '" ",uhIc '" ,,,u H,,!",,,y of eight girls returned homo Monday,1"""' from tholr outing up among tho' Mr- "'" Jl". I'mil Klook urn tho J IllottutnlliB pat emu in n nuto poiinit sun, ikhji II. It. Iloomor bns ptircbttHed Uio 'rtl-. July lam in i-nyctic. I'. II l.yon resldcnco In Pnyettn on ' Mrn. Itosa Hchinld. Miss Klslo Sixth Street, paying thorofor, C0On. Sclimld and Messrs. Kmll and Fred Mr Ilcckford Hutch loft Sunday 'Sclimld loft last week by nuto via uvuiiIiik to Join Mm. Kutch at Port- Spokimo and Wullu Walla for Ilulto land nftor n week's visit nt tho II. 8. Montnnn to visit tho Hush family.; Kutch homo IIo had coma from Long relatives of tho Schmlds. Thoy will Iloacb. Callfornhi. vln Oklahoma bo away two weeks. .Mtv A. tl. Monro and son Hagan are lulling this week with relatives In llolse. .Mrs. lSinuia Conovor and son (lit lard spent neverat tlnys In Payette this weok. , 4 Mis. Fiank Downs of Caldwell Is visiting ttt tho homo of her niece, Mih, J. 11, Gregg, Albert Wood nud Orrln Hull aro spending a few days at Payette I.uke Klbert Iltttler. Jr. nnd family aro spending this week at tho Payette Lakes, Ad Simon, manager of the Alex ander Stores, was In Ontario from llolse Tuesday. Tho M. :. Hominy School Is hold ing their nniitinl picnic today In a grove near I'inlllnnd. Mrs. D. C. Andeberg returned Tues day evening from Salt I.nko whore Mho had been visiting relatives J. A. l.iinkness of tho Malheur Home Telephone company returned Tuesday from it business trip to Portland and Snlom. Mrs. Pearl llarrott who lias been visiting at thu Jiomn of her slstor, Mrs. II. C. Farmer, returned Tues day evening to Portland. Mr. and Mr. II. C. Townes nnd son Harold motored to Caldwell Idaho Sunday to visit with Mrs. Townes' mother nnd slstor of that place, Hnv. W. V. Cochran loft Molality for an extended trip In tho east. Ha will visit his father John Cochran at drove City, Pennsylvania. A boy weighing 10 i IIih. wiih horn Friday morning of Inst week to Mr. and Mrs. Merrill of Monument, Oregon, nt tho homo of Mrs, Merrill's mother, Mrs. J II. Anderson of this city. i:.oi,i:rt ce.mi: to look OVKIt OXTAIIIO OXH CAPTl'ltKD 1IICIIK Picking out a nlco ptneo to laud, n young eagle alighted on tho loot of Tho Argus offlco Monday morning. It was captur ed by A. It. Purvis who has the bird In captivity now. When tnkeu tho bird wns measured nnd found to hnvo a Wlug sprend of 13 Inches. On Titcsdny morning early risers saw another member of this feathered tribe fly over the city, and thoy speculated on ' whether It was a relntlvo of tho captured blid out scouting for the lost one. HTATKMIJXT OP TIIK OW.VKItSIIIP, MA.VAOKMKXT, CIHCUI.ATIOX, inc., itiCQi'iiti.ii nv Tin: act OF COXdltKSS OF Al'dl'HT 1M, Hill!. Of Tho Ontario Argus, published wookly nt Ontario, Oregon, for April 1, 1920. Stnto of Oregon, County of Malheur, ss Ileforo mo, a notary public In and for tho State nnd county aforesaid, personally appeared Oeo. K. Aiken, who, having been duly sworn accord ing to law, deposes and says that ho Is tho Kdltor of tho Ontario Argus. Ontario, Oregon, 1. That tho names and addresses of tho publishers,- editor, managing edi tor, and business managers are: Kdltor, (loo. K Aiken. Ontario, Ore gon. 2. That tho owners nrr: (Iro. K. Aiken, Ontario, Oregon, T. McParlln (lough, Ontario, Oregon 3. Thnt the known bondholders, mortgagees, nnd nthrr security hold ers owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount ot bonds, mort gages, or ther securities are: Mcrgonttinter I.lnntypn Co., Ilrooklyn, New York. A. F. Kiddle, llolse. Idnho. noo, K, Aiken. Sworn to and subscribed before mo thin 17th day of July, 11)20. Win. M. Walker. My Commission expires Fob, K, 1112 1 (fll)AI.) Maiestic Theatre V 77S eWVffZTAl. JPZCAL ArTPACTOl "TfE &?& OJ TY LAW" W i if simmw . ftp 1,'f DORfs lK ""t 'iKUFMNKllSs. .jf5il rr isix IlKCANKlK.'lia i ROHAWCC ' -s - -r5i SS. SL'NDAV and .MONDAV IIOHIH KKAXK lit Romance The most wonderful lovu story of tho late stago Hticccsaos, brought to the screen by tho samo talented Ac tress thnt made tho pluy an Interna tional success. Also 2 reel Comedy "TIIK JIKAItT SMAKIIKIl" COMIXO TIILIWOAV. JL'I.V 'i "Stolen Orders 9 The MATIXKi: AND MTU .ll'l.V l!l HATl'ltDAV HARRY CAREY in Rider Law Ho feared no gun, nor no mini's wrath. Ho played fair nud square, this hard hitting, high speed went itrner. Yut In splto of IiIh Milium deal lug, his own brother tried to "frame him" with it crime. With all tho ovl dense against, hint ho turned (ho tide, How did ho do It? also .MOT nud JKI'F eOMIWV it nil a ItOI.IX ('OMKI)V 10c and 30c matixiji: y to i NK.'IIT 7 lii II TUKSDAY AND WKDNKHDAY jHW tULU Win. lU'.SMOM) In fc WBt i J ' "The Prodigal Liar " A comedy Drama with lovo, Thrills nnd Action. Also n 2 reel Mnjostlo Comeily 5 f iYUUiM tiUuu.uU. Tl,. 1 .P iwm n i HMrwiiypt r-n"4rv fr. iwwmw. 4Z4MW&i-A L