ex' ,. ' - ., J ' ".-i attn ', 5z "H ' r:wfJv (PttJ TAttS. 4.xiv iio , NEARLY DOUBLE I ONTAJtIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OUIKIOX, TJIUHrjAY, JULY 22, 1920. NO. 33 MI-HIJTKlTI.AIt NTl'NTS Altl" SHOWN IN HAWAIIAN .SHOW OREGON MEN KlilED IN LOS ANPEIES BADLY GAMP LEWIS EXPLOSION JAffi BY QUAKES. MU.III.l K ol vn SOW ,MH l0'' M t im inasi: in-' u.ino IMI. LAST (OlNT OF TIMS (IIIOWTII OM'AKH) .MAD13 ONI-" Tlllltll onurln hut a cipulatloii of itU'l!) jcwtiling (' tln olflolnl niinoutico- afdt (nun Washington miiilo public July 17 i nguro ih air lower ttan inoi'i f Hit' business man ox pMtod f"1' i' " "t tiMiinl iiiuIIkkU o miiiuuni; population uio ouy ii belief '' lU'iimr to 3,l)0il ilwn tn 2." llallicnr ioimiu n population In mr li,, '.to oi' mi Increase of "JIGo in the i'hkI i a yours. Of huh in m OnlHriu rurnlshed morn limn i thlnl Or' Urn (iiwmh in Uih county Unit it inMiiponUt'il, Vlo Im Uiu ottl) Mthnl snowed h (liicriwiiH) hIiioh Uio i -m i 'ii'" Ih tluu to Uiu fuul ftst (it'll llll II'IU CHIIHIIS wuh title IN In 1 1 mini .oust! notion to lim its and tliu dit.elopmunt In tliu Brn u tslley wii hi It h"l-lit, mo Hint bo ibe (Ikiui'h ulion- a decrease k' iH'iiii.iiiiiii population Iiuh tin- 1MMm1i III! IllllnOll S'fMM HKOldillg tO tllU published uimiitit n5w linn 6li;i puoplu or : mare limn hi 1U00. Jordan Vnl jr In a coiu.iunlty of 325, Juntura I I!J .ii,. I Woslfull 2. Thoso nro U Ihe I'.- irporated tnwiiH In (Im wiily a.id together they luivu n to il population of 4111, whllu tlio aril population Ih 0.8GD. Figure nro SurprlN'M ' Thai Ontario wiih dlstippolutud In K flxurot Ii not to bo denied. Judg- ibycljoul census, by thur number i wtr connections, ami uio doc ile morn, In fact !y n rathor com l(l reiikin takan of Its patrons by ' Malm l'owor Company, Ontario ir between 2.000 ami 2.0&0, In -lew of tint fact Unit tlio con m wis taken during tliu flu opl !ailc IliU spring, nml that tho i"Hjielor. Mrs Maxon took III ro ilflnr UiIn work to lio finished by o fUUnlN it In ballovod conoral ' tnt mHiiy pooplo woro mlMioil . Jnit wlmt offortH can bo inado to TMllwia Uio matlor to aocuro a iek (if Him county baa not boon do rmlncl llm tlio Hnbect ban beau iiwiw-il by (i uiimbar of oltlzena. Oim of llm inoNt aiirrtiiriilnr pIl-cor of ntKn pyi-olpchnlmnvor nuon In Onlnrlo wd that shown In the clon- Iiik ct of -a rlnlit In Honolulu," VirtlliK Mnn-hnr-- nf Tim PrM . at llrramlMul lanl Monday ovonlnB. Cl'"1S W0" er, f GU" Rr0VV TorrllcrV 30 Miles wiun ii roallntlc riipllnn of u volcano wan shown. Wlillo tliln wan tlio orownhiK Dtuiil of (ho proiluctlon tlio' ihIiiki' hoIUiik tliruout wim unusually j irn-xl. Mimlr danr nc ami mIhitIiii Traininfj at Tcrgot Range. Wldo Rcporlod Shaken by Four Shocks. is PAYETTE 13 AT - T ARGUS P Tncinm. IllKhl Imiulry Into, tha nuipMi rompiHie tlia hmi. Hnwnllmi " tf tlio xi1onlon of n alx-lnch piiMluellon fun hnro In many a ilny.'flald kuii nt tin; Cnni RfDATORV ANIMALS . GAUSE HEAVY TAXES 'Will H(Minl) Shtim Willi l'oltH Worth l.'oriumi Kmy rickliiK I'or lliintoi-h Counly 1ujh Huro Sum to lliuitoiH Malheur t'ounty la futtlni; tlrod of Tine uut oiio olKbth of nil of Us "ity Ux fmuls for bountlos on coy ie. Word to this effect reached the of tho United fetuto Uloloclcnl ney vkhoae biulnoaa It la to com- i tliaso H)g. b tho roHiilt threo of -e officials visited Ontario last tunlay win, v. u, Uallard, County ent leudor for Kastorn Oregon, These men huld n conforenco with my Judgo r. h, Tost, County H l It Iirlothaupt, Itoprosonta e ' J. OulhiRlier. and with tho mbers of the Knrm-nuroau whoro rou pliasas of tho problem woro ussd, una piung consldored for nedyliiK the 7-':uTii. including alls of n proposed henngo In tlio 'it bounty laws. "6 iiiemhers of tho parfr woro h- riper. IlloloBlet In charge of N'orilm estem StnteHj Stanley vet'. niedatory animal Inspector Oregon and WoHhliiKton, A. K. ltnsli&iii. a govornmont trapper 0 "as bean employed y tho do ln,ent In tho Southorn end of tho mty Nwt the county la paylnB out 8.- Per year for those bounties, was IM o tho attontlon of the Farm ' some tlmo ago by County go Tet who has been watching "wladlliiK of tho county's funds. 19 "i-iii n tJl0 belIef that nnny no Pelts woro from animals killed uano and Nevada and I'AYKTTK SIK.VS KINDNESS IS AI'I'ltKCIATHI) 11V Altdl.'S This weak Th- Arnua was printed lii the office of Urn I'ny- nlto KnKTiirlao, whoso Kdllor Will Walla- cmiiio lo Ontario early Wednesday nioriiliiR lo profer Ills aid. nml tho nso of The Kntarprlatj plant wlillo tljo Arjyia h out of commission. Similar offers waro rornlvrd from the Welanr Amerlwin, Pay- ol Ik lnilihdcnt and from the Vale Kntrprls. Wo ask tho Indiiliwncc of our rtmdora dur- Iiik tha noxt few weeka until we can get the plant Into condition for oiHtrnllona. In tho mean time words can not oxproaa our appreciation for the kindly of fara of our conteinpornrloa and friends lo aaalst ua In ovory wny poaalhlo Wo' iiro Krateful. too, lo tho mon of tho Onlnrlo I'lro Dopurt mont whoso uood work wo ap preciate mora thnu ever, and fur tho neighborly spirit of tho 1'nyelta men, words full lo ox proaa our fMlnn ndrnuntely. In thn na aofferetl thoro has this much been RiihiM In tho kunwl rdce of the klndnoaa and" con-alde-nii)ii of frlomls and neighbors. nip t.cwls artillery j rniiKi'. which Idllfil three men r.nd J puliifiilly wniitiilud five other momb'Ts of the Oreson coast artillery, national Kiuird, will be inuilc. Tho Invcitlgu. Hon thus far sh.iws Unit only 'a, poor (use. ii.Mal.n fh,w In the Kun-iisclf. lhnll 30 mrH nw I.os AtiRelos. Four severe earth quakes hero threw the city and Its sub urbs Into excitement, caused a num ber of Injuries to men, women mid' children, damaged soverul buildings, and broke a wotcr main. While the shnckH seemed to center In Los Angeles, some wero felt moro have ' ay. ItKTOt'lt WM.Ii llli I'ltOVlDIII) , IUIiK IMVI.Vfi IMtOHKKSSKS I'. it. il.ililtMli, ilhNlmi lilglivwiy eiftinc-r actomnauled j Assistant C'vk Highway Hnglneer Kelly I'll h'd Ontario this mornlin- in view ioad work In this section. Af- I" ni Inspection of tho paving to the bridge Mr. Kellcy determined l)nUk U,"'k "' OM""1" ,Iu 'l'"-- that the -oud must be closed for nt ""'" leust no dnya. In order that traffic! iil can be bundled ho auggoatcil that n ' light tort of i-ruvcl oo placed on the1 innil to tho power plant and a temporary road bo laid to connect The Argus printing plant and tliu with It nt the bridge. J stock of Iloyer Uros. In tliu ware- At a conforenco with County, house Just South of thu Argim and Judgo 15. II. Test. Mayor It. W.,thu root of the entlru building on Jones. Coiiiifllnien McDowell, I.nx-,'lho east sldu of Oregon street wuru ii WIiomo Alciiibeis Hail Stint To Drill All That Knvi'd lloi'f lllock or if fiii In tho Hindi could rwntmul lli.. t.t l., I .l.l t vr,....T,, uir UU..I ill'GIIU-lll. -.1 f-H-..l ,... ,,., ...., , ...... n.nr..n. II.... W Ml , '.... """" ""- '"" . '' UH" ..,.... i i i .,,..? ,mrdl' '"!rn n'il wlien at 1:27 In . narrowly missed be ng injured Intlie lho nMerno,n cnmo ,,, iCCOml folow. . tragedy. Acco.npnnlc.I by Mm. Cdcolt d two , ,,,. h (hfe ,!lnI T Hiul several Camp Lewis officers, the f,,lrtll wnB , .,., ,, M ! aovcruor nun ieu mo gun out it few minutes before the explosion. jagltiulon if the citizens heotim ."pro j longed. Iluslness was Interrupted. Courts mil other public phcoi wcro scenes of neir panic, tome people run. uln; for tilt o;utn nlr, some fainting, aome stoiplii5 U pray. Many path I The dead war:1: ! Corporal Kdwarl H. Scott, 2d com 1 1 imny. Oregon era ? nrilllory, March. t field. Or.; Corporal Civile It. I)um!lii tfnr. 2d cempany. Ore; u coast .UrUI- uiry. .Mitrsnrioiii. or.: Private Ralph son. Moore nml Allen, and members 'badly dnmiiKcd In u flru that started Kxeltemenl, In many cases hysterl- ' tho Commercial Club good rondajlu the rear of tho Argus plant about coinmiitoe. tirrangouientH for this, 7: IS Tuesday ovenhig. work was romnlatcd. N. Krels who' Duo to tho fact that thu membeni owns the laml uep-( tho bridge grant of tliu flro department woru nt tho ed tho rliht of wny needed ami j City Hall piupiirlng for u regular work stn-ted this afternoon to gelidilll, ho building was saved and thu lho ni'id In shape. 'flro coiiflniled piitrtlcally lo thu Ar giis'iuid to tlio timbering which aus- The Hfeond nml third were sharper .thnu Unit if the mnuilng, Tlieu tho THIIKK SI UN TO Itlll'ltlCSIINTi talus tho roof. MttllOX AT STATU, SIKiniNd Ontario I'ost No. 157 will have three delegates nt tho state convention of. . D ......,. v.... u I tho American Legion nt Astoria noxt Hoyer property, The damage to the Argus plant Ih estimated at between $3,G0U and I , r. 0 0 mid Is partially coveVd by Insurance. Thu samu Is true of thu rt ' .nni; Oil,, fill ij )fr.lj. .tiling f;uill I w,.v-.. ,vn.uii v nniuui. IIUAI. I raley. lt company. Oregon coasTnr-1 rf(, t F rMt ,.ior,0trHH( wuUIiib ' woo,t' ' O'Koofo. O. II. Parsons ttllnrv. Aalilnml. fir Ur -II nml UVilxv ' . . . ... .. l...i m-i 1.1...1..., ... .,..,. mm..., wr. oi-uiirm rraicy.t, w, wj.;,t v OMltl happoil. Otliers were I llled Instantly. lundln3or llve.1 j .,,, fi ,.fy . ,,e ., ,0 ,V)I( ,,n ,,,yl" ' ' "'!- I d m 1 Cm mddle of the streets Ilia Itijwd were: u.(., ,vj,. ,,fu) cos ,,., ;3 JUj)(unr. Prlvat.. (first rh.s) Herbert H. Pe-I )lrliy , VoT,hm ,, , , tera-n. Id crmprn. (J c.-ton coual ar- -.,., of tho'ilownt-vn dlaUlrt. as n till-... t l.t..i.i m- t a. . ....rr,. .nnrKiiua.il. ur.. mi 0:1 ne.ui i RaMtu ry. and remand for I101-.1. Imi.l faro by strcl fro munis; Private! i..-,.. ?i w-. .,,., ,.,,. Il00k. WHI'aii J. Hi.ki'. 2 1 icmpany, OreRon coait ortlll'r;-. Marshfirld, Or., cut mortar Jarred fi-in brick walls and phiVrr f-rm efflllngs. eriicks appeared on arm and sheulder: Mechanic IV ler ' ., ,,Xj ff ti,3 0ijB Marr.-ucitl. 2d rpuii'anv. Oreeon ro.ml I IIOJfSE KICK CAUSES LOSS. OF BOY'S EYE 't'lioniiis Hopklus, Dihi'i' of (Irael Tcjini Daiigerouhly I11J11111I When Horso Hesenls Wow I'iimii llnrijel Hta l.lfo Iviiilangeird 'vlinlows lr sime nf tho down town do. partition More wtre broken. rt'iieturos; n ,l!ltn ,.,,.1.1 ti'nn I ,. I,.n. n tfn... Mm.l.inM ...... . ... ...... . . hv... ,, ,.-,, t,u,iiihn ariiuory. .Marsniiem, nr nniiiy siuii. nil imry fr. part ef an ombaiik tied by concussion; Private I onr1irJi:i-mflnl fohirsd, throwing dirt and hart, 1st company. Orrgon coast nrtll. f ;,rck Into the a'reot. and plate glass ler), AHiiian.i, u., sr.cmucr uroKeu; Wag: tier I'rml Scoll, KStli comjifiiy, coast tirtlllery cons. United- Hliife army, foot badly torn; Corporal liny Cnmplgelto, CStb company, coast ap tlllery corps, United Htatos array; st nu lled. The ride was of the lCSmllllmetor long range field type used by the Prench, but was manufactured In the United States. It had been fired only H times. Thirteen shots were fired hist week In trjlnu It out. The 14th shot was fired Immvdlutely before the tragedy In Ihe presence of the gover nor, adjutant general and party, nun nun iimcKiiny woro tliu taen aalocted. Tlio local post secures threo roprosontatlvos heriiuso It has now 101 members, tho onota of dologatca being two for the first hundred mom bom and tho additional ono, for tho ono inombar moro than tho contury. Tho Loglon boys at tho election Just how tho flro nturted la not known. No ono wna In thn build ing nt tho time. Losn than mi hour before II was dlscovorrd Night Mar shall and Mrs, J. II. Gordon woro In Tho Argus office mid wcro near the placu where thu flames woro first seen. Whothcr it was defective wir ing or tlio spark from a pipe or clg- for Post Commander to'aucccod K-arotlo which found lodging In pnpor mer Leavltt selected Earl HInckaby, U1"! smouldered, nro tho only thoo mid named Horschel Drowno as nilju'r," ndvnncod. Ihid It boon olthor Hint to succeed the now rnmmnnilnr nf tho Inttor Mr. nml Mra. Uorilon who has been adjutant since pnat nrgnnlccd. tho SPA MEEIlnG RESULTS , , C'lly To ' IN (Jhllhli fttumi AUGUST 4 DATE OF- FIRFTRUCK ELECTION Thomas Hopkins, aged 18, wus Idancoroiisly Injurod last Friday morning when ho wna kicked on tho forohend by ono of tho horses ho was driving for J. J. Doty, tho gravol con tractor. Tho tod of tho horse's shoe struck j noimced that If elected president ho tho young man abovo tho bridge of j "would endeavor with nil my strength his noso, tho roar calks of tho shoo .to Kiva what President Wilson pronv GOV. COX CONFERS WITHJRESIDENT I Washington. James M. Cox an- striking him nbovo his oyoa. So great was tho force of tlio blow that ono oyo ball burst and tho other wna blood clotted so badly that fears nro antortnlned for tlio loss of both of thorn. Tho bursting of the ono eyo ball cmisfed tho porninnont loss of sight in that inembor. Immediately nftor tho accident till) young man was rusnoci to tno nuspi. tal for medical attention. For n tlmo It was feared that ho would not ro-covor.-Howovor.lnto In tho afternoon ho rognluod consciousness and It Is now belloved ho will live. According to accounts of tho acci dent tho young man had whipped tho horso when lha team could not movo tho load behind thorn. Ilostlck, sup erintendent of tlio Warren Construe- tin.. Mmnnnnv. for wlinm tlio gravm ...... ww. ... . "-" was being hauled, told tho boy Ised to thoso who sacrificed In tha great war." His statement followed an hrur's conforenco with the presi dent ut the Whllo House nt which Franklin D, lloosovelt, the democratic vlie presidential nominee, was present. lho president In n formal statement, after tho conference, declared that ho and the governor "were absolutely at one with regard to the great Issue of tfcvioHgue of nations" and that the governor was ready to be the "chain-plon-ln every respect of tho honor of the nation and tho secure peace of Ijie world." .Asked as to the president's health, Governor Cox replied; "In splendid condition; In most agreeable shape." 8pa. The conference hero between the allied chiefs nml the representa tives of Cernuny Is the beginning of big things. Premier Lloyd George of Great Ilrltttln declared, In summing up the result of thu last fortnight's ! sharp fencing with the Germans. "We will do our tost to enrry out the ugreemente entered Into here," Dr. Walter R'mnns, tho German foreign minister, raid. Premier Lloyd George Indicated that he had n high opinion of both Konstan tln Fehrenbach, German counselor, uml Dr. Simons. Mr. Lloyd George said It would have bean an Immense advantage If Ameri cans had participated In the confer ence, bocause, 'lie added, thoy woulJ have brought tn It n viewpoint fre from Kuropean rivalries. The official decision of tho ulllcd fuko Step to Itemed)' Ua FliiiuircH mid To Provide Funds Fop l'lro Department Ktiulp. im.'iit. On August 4 thn pooplo of Ontario will voto on tho question of funding tho purchase of the flro truck, nndi tho warrnnts that It will bo nocos sary to Issue to complete tho atroat Improvement's that have been made this year. For (he atreot Improvomonla lho call for tho olentlon specifics $2r,00n or na much thereof ns will bo nocoa sary whllo for tho flro equipment $r, 000 Is tho amount of bonds named. This Is tho minimum amount that -ould be nf any tiso lo the flro de partment for n truck Is an absolute norossltr, nud lis need has been recognise""! for moro (ban n yoar. Ro far tlio offeet on taxes la con ''ned tlio bond method will furnish wnv of keepliiK taxes down for thn next few yenrs to a slight degree, for reparations commission was mado pub ,,n,p',,, ,h0 nom,B nrp ,mu""'1 clty lie. It provided that tho money r. celved from Germany shall be divide 1 on Ihe following basis: Franco, C2 per cent; England, 22 par cent; Italy, V per cent; Flolglum, 8 per cent; Porn; gal,' .075 per cent; Japan, .076 per cent. This makes a total of 03Vc P' cent. The rraalulng 6H Por cent fs to' be divided among tho small nations, EIGHT DIE IN FIRE Council will hnvn lo nt tho election this full ask authority to levy n spe cial Inx lo lake up tho warrmita that will bo Issued If thn bonds nro not provided. Hv the l"'e lbs bunds will bn due nd onvsh'a it Is certain that tho "resent nronerty holders will snvo j'-ono" hv niinrovlnv f Ihe Issue. Thai In tho argument of these wboi fitvnr I'.e laanaiien of tho bonds now I would have smelted (ho snjoke, It la believed. K. A. Frusor passing In an auto wna the first to sco tho flru and with liny Iloyer turnod In thn alarm. Mr. Kroner also soiit tho call to Paynttpo for tho quantity of smoko pouring from thn building Indicated that u stubborn fight would havo to bo made to savo the block. Tho Ontario dopartmont was on tho scano In but n few moments af ter tho call and tho Pnyotto mon reached bore with tholr truck about 20 mtmitoa nftor tho first alarm was sounded. Together tho two depart ments soon bad thn hhuo located and under control for lines of hoso worn workod from tho front, rear and top of tho building. Whllo the flro wna still raging In tho Argus Office voluntaorH with trucks took tho stock from tho Iloy er wnrohouso mid londeil It on In trucks, yet In spile of this u largo quantity of tho goods storod thoro woro damaged by water. Water and firo both did tlio dam ago to Tho Argus, whoso plant Is still In such n moss (bat It Is Im possible to declare how grout thn dmnnge Is. After tho flro wnH ouco out and only Chief Krnssln with four of his men were on gunrd wutclilng, tho embers startod a second blnxu, which was soon squolched. Iloyer Drothora loss wus not con fined to tho fire nlono for on Wed nesday night during tho high wind ono of the two pinto glass windows loft In tho property on tho corner crashed. ' rourth Division Goes to Camp Lewis. Washlncton. Tho war department to has Issued Instructions for tho fourth Woman and Seven Children Burn to Death In Home. Honners Ferry, Idaho. John lloesih. whose wife Hnd seven children were burned to death In their home at Copt-1 ,omo on rfti, Avenue S V1VIT HMO.KI.' RI'T vn W.A.R PPVI.WiS I'lllW lM!l.MH"ttKVT Volumes ot smoko but no blaze, pouring from tlio roof, tho doors mid I wmuiiwn ui uiu uuu, .ii. uiuiiiuii W. last "" uu"h .""'.::. i,'... ..i m ,,. from Ciimn Dodge, ournea to u "L""' ..T " , ,,r ,, load.! lowo. to Camp Lewis. Wash. Mnd. near this city, was taken Jnto ,,.,,. ..,.,, gIlV0 culof Kroos- secuim.,,1.1 ..-.. .. ,-""., t, , . custody by llut tlio boy did not wait. Ho struck the horso another blow with tho bar rel stuvo ond It kicked him. Tho young man is n nephew "of Mr. Doty's and has worked on tlio Job for sonio tlmo. ItUOKI'TlOX FOlt S1H. and suis. m:xo wwe Ti.n Knworth League gavo'a very delightful reception Tuesday evening on tho lawn of tho Methodist church to Mr. and Mra. Reno Lowa In honor of tholr rocent marriage. Refresh ments woro served, toasts spoken and Wynno Lusconibo In behalf of tho Epworth League proseiueu -" i .orio,i pnunlo a silver sugar br0US,,t spoon and a set of silver Common- Continued on Utit Pogo) Uy 8poonB Girl Drowns AHei" Saving Friend. Salem. Ore. After she had rescued Wlnnlfred Hlnehart from pe'rlshlng In Mill Creek here. Miss Lois Neptuno. 15 stepped Into a deep hole lit tlu stream and was drowned. Tho body wus leccvered n minutes lalor. Sheriff Dunning of Iloun- Ln nIi itf fro fightors u hot after dary county. inoor.'n work. The onll was turned ini iioescji mm mo niiu.iu i.u mi. Hum nuont o'elocls mid tho mou woro HARDING QUESTIONS COX Republican Nominee Asks Opponent to Declare Foreign Policy. Slnrlou, O. A bill of partloulura de tailing tho foreign policy now propos ed by toe democratic parly Was called Tor by Warren 0. Harding, republican nominee for presldont. In a brradslde of pointed Interrog atories, tho Candidate challenged his democratic opponent, Governor Cox, i to say categorically where ho stood on Ihe house to get water wiien no saw thsro until after flvo. In all that the flames, but that when ho returned time, tho tho smoko continued to the fire was burning so fiercely ho . rSe no f lames woro soon. was unable to reenter. ! Tho firemen ripped shingles oft i of nnlltins, The children ranged. In agea from 1 ! tho roof In various nlucos and turnod i Benntor - " -1 Artlclo 10, the Armenian matulnto and the other problems wrapped up in American participation In the league Harding's statement was On Tuesday evening Miss Uoulah Lackey entertained n udmber of her school friends at a farewell party for Misses Phyllis. Alice una ;mirBrv., Watson who are leaving soon for their now home at Salt Lake City.! The ovenlng was spent In playing games after which refreshments were served. Those present were; MUsea Phyllis. Alice and Margaret Watson, Anna Messeo, Dorothy Edwards, Edith Hall. Ethel Conway, Myma Se coy, Ella Messeo, Evadluo Cochran Buolah Lackoy. to 14 years. Their charred bodies and that of their mother were recovered from the ruins. Iloesch was unablo to give any cause for tlje flro. in n little water, but not much, and written wlillo tlio wnsiiingtou comer used bund chemical tanks to squelch j ovca between President Wilson and tho hidden blazo. Tlio damage dono'Qov. Cox was In progress. to tho building wan slight and none, Oppcses Compulsory Retirement. Washington. President Wilson la strongly opposed to the retirement un der tbe civil service retirement law of civil service employes who havo reached theretlrement age of 65 years but who are in good physical condi tion and desjna to continue ut work. . . of the contents, savo clothes In bed room, woro Injured. ono NonParttsm orcsnuer ueniea unarge ; Walla Walla, Wiub. K. It. Ormsbec,' I ntivpartlsan league organizer, whoso Mrs. h. A. Madden left Monday' doparture from Wiillu Wulla wa$ "sug- evening for un oxtonded trip to tho gested" by n delegation of ox service coast. She will visit hor daughters at Everett, and ut Mt. Vernon, Wash. nnd her son a tAnacordes, Wash, Sho expocts also to accompany herj tho I duughtor on u motor trip to Coqulllej ,,, Oregon, before returning, ! men, In a ttttor written on idiitlonory o( u ;"il.ano li del, denies that ho mado tho statement that he believed W. W. was rlfht In Bhootlng m ic u I. o:i men.