("SgBB! 1 TJTK ONTARIO AMI US. ONTARIO, OREGON. THUK8UAV. JULY 15, 1020 Eastman Kodak Rexall Remedies ontaW-toMmIcy r Prescription Specialists PHONIC NO. a Tilt: HKXAMi HTOIIK iVaJ Remedies 1 " 1 , "i f I 1 mtiTiini linim IIATm Mla Crlsido Graham left lust Moii- JUNTURA NEWS NOTESs ?z?jztzr " "" Miss Hnrbnru Oroollsli. n ltor of .Mrs. Jack Joyco, urrUcd on Moiidu Mr. nnd Mrs. A. M Taylor of tho from Pittsburg, expecting to Hpoml Agency Itaiich woro Hhopplng In Jim- tliu Biinimor lioro. turn Inst Monday. Mr.. Kay Smltli. a ilalor of Mm. KFT: The Old Reliable Commercial Creamery Company ' Ontario, Oregon YOUR BEST FRIEND Wt IVanl Al Yam Cream And Produce Top Price Spot Cash Correct Weights MISS ALICE FOX, Agl. Acctira to Tests Phone 182 MMwnnnci They're Here Below are the prices of the new Wayne Washer. Cash $100.00, ( On time- $10S.00- $8.00-down nd?7lr() monthly. 12 mnths tonay'in. 7 g? Wejiave this washer on our floor for your inspec tion and can make' deliveries at once. Northwestern Electric Go Phone 188-J Ontario, Oregon 'tccrKVii'HMnnn'inriwrniiinni t:, . r. . ;a' cr Zcrolene Oils 15-CAllon Barrels now' in stoi'lc at -A, tu ;: , j 32U-GnlloiJ Goodyear and United States TIRES All sizes; Cord and Fabric FORD GARAGE ONTARIO, OREGON V J. ItuphliiH, urrlved on Tuemluy with her two duughtoiB, Mario and Mario, from IlnriiH. whuro thoy had been vlHltlng, t upend a fow dtiyn horo. Minn Mnrgurut Murphy returned Ttiosdny from taking tlio Toucher'a lCuinlnutlon In Vale. I'atny Joyce, who has been imiploy od by Put Connolly of Drownoy lufl hint wuek for a visit to outHldo polntM. Arthur Martin of U.tyvlllo wan In town during thu week Hhlpplng out a carload of horson. J It. Nichols and W. T. Kllorton of Vnlo havo boon In town and vic inity during tlto wcok measuring tho utor of tlto Malheur Hlvor for Ir- I rlKatlon udJUHtmonts. Thoy woro Kent out by tho Stnto Water Muster. II U Kuuard. It. II. Dunlop of tho Vole Trading t'o. was In town during the week inakliiR arrangements for pluoltig the local Btoro upon n cimh binds, a pol icy which tho company lias decided to adopt for nil Its store. Tho Altar Soolely mot lost Wed nesday nt the homo of Mr. Martin Joyco. It. V Moffol. who ban boon In Vale for Home l lino, returned on Saturday Mr uud Mrs. Daniel Gallagher and Fred Knuphumnau left for a trip by nulo to Ontario on Satunlny mom Ing Thoy were accompaulod from Denial! I) Mis Murgarot Murphy. Mr. and Mrs Martin Joyco, accom panied by Mint) (Iroollsh, left In Mr. Joyce's car on Saturday morning for 11 fow dayH In Ontario. ""Tho hay crow omployod by tho TowiiHlto Co. loft on Saturday morn ing for Hunts luivlug completed tho work horo. They will bo omployod by tho William llimloy Co. for tho next wcok or two. Jnmos Kenedy, uccompauled by IiIh daughter, (llounlo, nnd son, Arthur uud Mary I.oo, loft for lIuriiH on Sat urday. Miss F.dlth WottorHtrom of Omuho, Nobrnska, nrrlvod last wcok from Portland for a visit with her brother horo, C. A, WottorBtrom. Jack Joyco loft on Saturday morn ing for Ontario with S00 head of . Sllt'Op WUICU UO WU8 uuippiug 10 t III- cago. Mrs, Grovor Mcl'ook, who ban been visiting lior sister, Mro, I.. 1'. Delsolo. loft with horo children on Saturday morning for Pnyotto. which Is to bo Imr now homo, Tho Junturn Jaw Orchostru occom panlod by a uumbor of young people Esmmmmmmmmmmm to wont lo DrowBoy Saturday night furnish hiiihIo for tho danco thoro. On Monday aflornoon, Mrs. Hobort Ueod wnu surprised at her homo by ,1 nniiiliar of lior frlendtt who mot In celobrnto hor birthday. ltufroshmont woro soruid and a most enjoyable af ternoon spent Wllllau Ilanloy, J J. Douogon nnd Mr. Stubbloflold camo osur from Uurns on Monday to attend to busi ness mattors. They woro acroinpanl od by Mrs. II ('. Lovons who Is visit ing Imr brother, II. W Welcomo. E Mr. imd Mrs. Slnnley Deitn are the bantu parent of a Mix and a half pound sou, born Sunday, July llth Mrs. llalrd, of l'lironix. Arizona. and Mrs. Wells, of Wnlner. wore guests hiHt wcok ut the P. I). llossoit home. Mr Sovereign, mother of Mrs Vaughn, and Miss Klslo Sovcralgu, n sinter. Isft tmrly Sunday morning for tholr IioniH In Nebraska. Mr. High, rural carrier out of Now Plymouth Into tho Frultlund District, accom panied them as fur as Schuylor. Neb raska, called homo by lllno of bis mother. Mrs 11. F. Turning nnd Mrs. Otto Dlolim and son, Dale, huvo gone to Uouglus. Wyoming, to visit Mrs. Ida Anderson, daughtor of Mrs. Tunning and sister ut Mrs. Dlehm. Mr. V. Z. Iloyer and family, of Wnrrensburg, Missouri, wero tho gliosis of tho (Irant Flshor family for a short visit lust wook. Mrs. C. II. Alton nnd daughtor, or Yaklmu. Washington, nro guests of lior sister, Mrs. (leorgo 8. Chllds, Fred Ilodgors, of llrokou How, NebniBka, wim tho giiOHt last week of his sister, Mrs (Irulinm Park, of near Ontario, and of Frultlund frlondN, Mr. Park's sister anil two hoiih of Omaha worn guests of tho Parks family last wcok. Mr. and Mrs. (Irani Fisher nnd dnughlor and son nnd Mr. and Mrs. 1 lOnglo nnd family havo gone up to ljcnr l.ako for an outing. Word has reached hero of tl(n mar riage. July 1. In llolso, of Kenimrd (Continued on Kant Paga.) Mil HAI.I2 At 11 bnrgnln T. room hotiBO, largo cellar, enclosed porches. lots. burn, chicken house, gurage, orrol. wo fenceil. Fresii noisiein holfor .1 yrs old, good liorso. wngiiu nnd harness Mrs. Olger Kercher Montana Ave. 2 blocks west or scnooi Iioubo. f ."IB 33-11 "LOST- Ilotween Wilson hotel and Phnrmncy. smiill gold If. Jewel Klgln ICE Uruuhir delft illhiriliiy rrlyu'wr) Hii)iio)ll3;R2 Man at Ire lloiisr from 3:.10 to SlIlO erjr day except Sunday WIG WHITE wrist watch with link hrstiw S or pleaso return hi Mr, m T J ut Wilson Hotel ami rtcclt.,,, HUfc FOIL HAM: Oil TIUD linsseiigor car, Uoccnttr llox 08. Ontario, On-wa ffi5 Iill-W SJil) FOR SAI.K ( IlKAI.-ri gait, nlmiiHt nuw, wxcolteat t bargain. II. (I. Cornwall, tw Idaho. Phono 18-4 ,,'j'jj! "HBVBN ACIti: TIIACT-Ir". 'i mllo from PrulilnJ, W," lars call II (I Cuntwaill, DhottiV Frultland. P,J Don't Forget Malineojit DREAM Every Suiiij 2:30 and TWO SHOli q .,...., .(iiuijioii to mM BVEUY SATURDAY Children 10c AduliiM iiavi: UIUU CAIt MAKIMIHT l,IKi:.Ni:V Tho power of onr iuii Clnu cotuiw IroAi tU oH nnd IbltfJi tlibJ)Ll;Slij Malh6ur eutttf tbitksi (IVMNDI.'ll IIUHINfl M.TotUT TliU-pcriiitU ut Moiliij en rat o machine ort i hair, "nd do It qbIciIi Now is Hit tlraoto tiiq onglno ovorhauled. .MAItDKN'H MACIIINK SHOT Ouearlo, Ortgos To-Mght. 'i'liiifhiliu. .Inlt l.- ham: iiA.Miiro.v in "I'our l,luslier, ClnUtlo ('uiiieily I'lldny, Julj Huh HtH.VK CWKTI.IJ In "u Aiiinleiii' Wife" Pntlij'-Xtnrr Su(iuilii), .Inly 171 h Miillnee liiilll . w.i,i..ci itKin "L "iKiiiiiiwHpu-y Ultll ltl!ll ItlAh (Wtf.ll. Sund.ij, ,niy h.t I VOSMOPOI-IVW I'ltonriyrN "The ftiiiiiu ht-'t , Mis. Kinney CiimU Momlny, July ), x". XH.IIT I.V IIOMICM- TleKetM on ..ilc at Oniiiito l'l 'nunr ''niiiti' i Tuesilny, July j0 v MVdnesiliij, Jul; ai ANITA STKWAin' in "Jfnry ltegan" Screen MiikiiIiip Cominfr to Ontario! Dreamland Theatre! ONE NIGHT ONLY MONDA Y, JULY 19 The Big Musical Show of Old Hawaii By HOWARD McKENT BARNES "A Night in Honol NOT A-cMOlfrG PICTURE BuUa-BfgvShow of i5 People ACTORS SINGERS DANCERS MUSICIANS ENTERTAINERS A Troupe ptSfutive'IIaAvaiian Sinf?crs and Musicians singing and playing their: harmonious melodies; that dreamy, wistful music that lingers in jour memory. jj,nd haunts your soul. W2fov--U I wMiiMit liVlaiaalrSaRsflD'iTlH vB'ivyil F'IlMniiiHHMaaaV x - V JaaK2 ildaaWB 's? LwaVCdHaHawiiiPkMFM '''WMHsffiWlT'jlMBBMWllBPaBrW ifc AJtllWlpTTiFwif liiMiii iif IhlaBalaaaBlTMaTHTTOalaMiF R Miss Una Carpenter will positively appear and introduce her artistic conception of the FAMOUS NATIVE HULA DANCE CATCHY MUSIC rRETTY GIRLS GOODSlNGlN6 Prices $1.00 and $1.50 Children 50c Plus tax Reserved seat sale opens Saturday morning at the Ontario Pharmacy '