The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 15, 1920, Image 5

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' m l"t ,'5$
a ., -. " . 'jJtt J &'
w: j
i .-' -jtJiwtAtJiBp
' k
(imlxini was n ImHliiwiH
".' . iu,.. Monday.
lllOf I" "" . ., ,.. hi tnwil
Inlfk Tenm'ii oi "P
fW' - it IiiihIiiuhh
tniulii 11
Untner iw
. ... !.... lu riinortoit Ullltil
lt. inw. ".'". ...iw.i.i
'. .
Ton 'Vail". Tu,ml..y.
' ltf Jr.,. 1 MrM. (1. K. K.
iirt 111 ill
MUIM '" a
July 13. u Imliy Ki".
f tiffd")''
' ' . .1, .. Ivnlllllll
.iih an ami" - ' . .
"rtimplo of tli Wiilwir HlRiml.
fiwUy in Ontario.
,rVln ONlrl l'" W,M,K' ,
.. ...!., .IWIll till) fll-Ht Of till)
K iittiicy. i'l'ii'i' l,,1H,,,UHH'
I,. ' I....I CttJOII WUH III Hill" HHV-
"i... luot week.
L Vecrtla I'nrimm In vIhUIiir
,'. B llatl wu In ll'ili" '"'
... r,rt III lum """
l, i) llrokon iniitlt u trip
L,f Montliiy nvciiliiK.
kr,. Homer Auiiitsoii
JOIH'S 'I1''"1
niiil Mrx.
WIMlIt (lllll In
DphpIIu tin) fnct Hint onrly Indlcu
tloim woro that It would lin uoccs-
Kiiry ror tliu puiiipliiR plant of the
Owylii'ii Dllcli to Htart curly this kcii
noil, tint first iitinip wiik not put hi
mirvlcn until Hiittinlay of liiHt wppk.
Tim hoooiiiI pump liDKan dullvorlnc
wntor on Monday. AIro di'splto tho
fact that thorn havo Ikmmi heavy
Htornm hi tin) canyon on tliu uppnr
nnil of tho HVHtmn no sorbins breaks
lu tho (-1111111 Imvo licon nxpurliMiri'il ,.,,, .
ii.i.. .,.,......., i ii.i.. i .. i i win no
nun nutimn,, linn nun in II It'UI'lll
lirrakliu; condition for thn Hystt'in
Twi'iity-fUo Ontario Wnitii'ii lt'nltiT
I'or Coiirno In Home Niii-Miik
(llwii llndor tlliiH'tlnn or
Ittil (Vims Chnplir
Hud CroHH Home NursliiK (Hiihmuh
huld lu tho IIIkIi Hchool
liulldliiK at .1 IV M. and 7::i() l. M
ovnry Tuesday, Tliurmlny mid Butur
day until tho flfti'i'ii cIiihhoh aro corn
"Tliu lutoruHt IjoIiik hIiowii In thuso
classes hy tliu womun of Ontario Ih
inoMt iMicouraKiiiK and provuM u kh-
ulun community nlrlt," miyH MIkh
Tho Klrlw of tliu Ontario rookliiR Ada Ori'sap, tho liiHtructur. Only 10
club nro roIiir to domoimtrato tn tho Pr cunt of Hick puoplo havu hoKpltal
HiitlHf notion of tho innmhorH of thn cro' "link what It mcoim for tin.
iixi-cutlvo coininltti'o of tho Ciiuntv
COOKINd CI.IM1 (llltl.H Wll,l,
Karm lluri'iiu that tlicy arc real
cooUh . To do thlH thoy havo tnvltrd
tho ini)Uihi)rn of tho commlttco and a
John Hand wiih down from linker
tho last of tho woek.
MIkhuh Hwoiihoii and .Stulmou of
1'erKUH Kails, Minn aro vIhUIiib Mr.
II. C. Sccoy.
12. W. I lowland Hpcnt a fuw days
In Halloy nnil othor Idaho polntH tliu
flTHt Of tho Wl'Olt.
H. (!. UalkliiH and MrH. I.. ('. IIoh-
hIii of llolso aro vIhHIiik at tho ('. K
llliiKliam homo tlilH wock.
MIkh Joyco Tumor Iiiih an hor Riiost
thin woek, ono of hor coIIcro frlundH
MIhh Hill Hi Dual of I-oh AukIch, Cnt
MrH. J. It. I'ortlor and MIhh Alma
I Ionian, MuHHrH. Kldon I'ortlor and
Italph IIimIhoii loft thin mornltiK for
a wook'H outliiR at l'ayotto l.nkoH
I'rof. M I). ThonuiM and IiIh wlfo
arrived In Ontario on Wednesday
uvoiiIiik of lant wcok On Friday
ovenliiR u party of youiiK pooplo arm
ed with Riant flrccrnckurx and pirn
ty of IioIIh vIhUci! tlioin at their
homo anil treated them to n real
tloiirt hnvn heen accepted.
(Jrecn-Conmit Aiteiil l H. Hrollhaupt rjw ,,.30i Noo(uchh to ay tho Invlta
L.,l MnnilllV from II IIIIHllli-nn ni. ,,.,
kt and Mrn, nan uhiiiikih"
r'' wi.ii,..l Hiindav at tho I'
mnm i,,v
BUgher liouio. ,
Jr nd Mri. i' . I'luiH"" ''
,,' - inn TunHilnr mornliiR for
hcttlon nt tho l'ayotto Mikoa.
Utt Helen lllRRH arrived Woiln".
, ttenlnu from ihikit hi " "-"
od-IllKRlt Wfl'lll'K
. Anna Mchhco, and iinURinorH,
ml Dorothy, went to HoIho
.i.miIhv for o Hliorl vihii.
Wr. II l' Townen and hoii llnrold
TowJay ir a vihii wu iim.
mother in iiiiiiwun.
other 1)0 per cent who arc 111 In their
liumoH whou tho women of thu rottn
try tiru not ndeouately prepared to'u'iwinrn uimnmin. ..fmr wi.irii m.i.v
cur," ,for tlicm. jtook tit hrldo ami Rroom to the Hub-
t frlei.dH to a dinner to Im nerved .., r'," 7, .TP(i nthorH will Jo" a . . ..'. ' . lren . lMUm l" ",n "Kl
llw lllvli Rrlmnl tnturilnv nt Hoped OlIinrH Will join III ,t,t ,,llt ,,nc0 ,lHpcnHeH.
uie iiikii HCiioni niuriiay ni ))lco 0 aH t0 Kcl t0 ,L.nofi f tl
rirut leHHOiiH which aro a in on k tlir ,
moHt Important.
"NiunoK may ho reRltemod nt the
lllackahy Juwelry Htoro or at tho
IIIrIi School IlulldltiR when you at
tend thO rlttKHCH."
ilr M I iMiirrni oi uiiiiiiiiiKiiit.
(on In vlnlthiR at Hid homo tif hor
iher, Mm. J 1 1 Antiunion.
,11m MuomodiI ItaniHoy left Friday
! rounlh h vacaiion vihiuiik uur
at liiillnn vnnoy.
L!r ami MT. V I1WIHUII "nu
Mir vlnltorn at Wolnor. tho RiumtH
I Mm. Ilointin h paruniH.
J Aker, V F I Ionian and hoii
lirle went to Welner Muniiay
bnlnic to hour V J lirynn hiiciik.
Srii Infant hoii of Mr. and MrH.
T Chrlmlniiwii iiihhihI away at
Holy HuHiiry IIohpiiiii nionuay
J. Uekoy went to IroiiHldo,
JnMilay mornliiR tn Hpend n fuw
it tliltuiK nr pareniH sir. uiiu
C T. Iocey-
Ilr. A, J (Hover rami) down from is.
tie, to attend tho pro-nuptial
t; xlvpn hy MIhh McNulty lu
kor of Mini iiikkh.
Ilr and Mrn. (V C Muullor of Vain
. to Ontario TuoHiIny ovoiiIiir to
it Mr Muollor h hrother who ih
ir guot thlH weok.
limn l);ivlil. hoii of Mr. and MrH.
Ill David of HiIh rlty wiih married
ll'roro, Utah, July 1h( to
; MaiiKum of rrovo.
ur ami Mrn. N. ,. I.atnrop or
ttt and Mr and MrH. A. T. 111b-
o( Krultland vIhUikI Sunday ul
i Irwin Troxull home.
it and Mm, John IIIkkh uiiiI raiu-
ud Mr und MrH. Alton HIrrh
cf IluriiH arrived lu Ontario
viiy to bo prommt at tho Wood-
elilliiK tlilH ovoiiIiir.
in. Mary Cronlu und dauRlitor
I Veils left Sunday ror an extend-
hUlt In rortliind. whoro MIhh
tola will romnluto a courno lu
Pwrjo W, McKnlRlit of Vale
n Tuewlar ovonliiK I" Ontario.
JlcKnlKht loft on No. 19 ror
ikine and from thoro will ro to
Bon, Montana, to Iuuho boiuo tuiiro
(or Boveral bamU of hoop.
and Mrs. K. C. Troudwoll ami
Wlllard and MarHhall of San
lico aro Ontario vlultoni. hav-
nade tho trip In tholr car. Mr.
aaeu is tho Ronoral council for
Pacific Livestock Company.
Uu Kstello Conwuv loft Friday
!JWd her vacation vtHltlne frlonds
mnevlllo. DurliiK hor nbsonc
viola Dusted U flllliiK hor
at tliu Ilillck llnntlni? nnil
ablng Shop.
m. KUna Orlffln. formorlv a
sber of tho Illch School faculty.
PfflPsnlcd bv her unit Karl. Hiiout
Nay In Ontario on uusIhohb. Mr.
Wri), Griffin havo nurchaHed
lanch near Culdwoll which thov
J, V. Snrlnenr anil nnil
T, loavo this ovonlnir to visit (or
poath at tho F. A. Four ranch
HIS gator Mm V A Vanr nt
Plney. Wyomlne. Tliov arri ac-
PPanled by Mr. SprlnRer's inothor
P " J, SDrlnirnr wlin will innkn nn
J""led visit with her daughter.
I'M Mario IMnnnv. fnrmnrlv of
3oUe Public Library who bus
Completed a iinnt.urniliitilo
Pto In lllirnrv wnrl nt IXMaluirir
Wtlng her parentB, Mr. and Mrs.
!..' Innev. nrlnr in nronntlnir a
Hon as librarian of tho children's
"iiaent In tho Rlovnland Publics
PUUCan MltDnn f 1)l.,..l.ln t..a
Ontario yestorduv nn hiiRlnnnn.
fie i haying Is In progress up abovo
lCHao says bUBlnRxn la ulnur. lint
' Io not expect conditions to con-
0 lone. "Thoro la allll n lni-Da
nl. .. W tO D.lll U M.f.U
17"'' "' uo wool clipped ID our
i 5 . 1,u8 nt "een shliAul,'!
f. mcitao, "but this milBtVd
'"eif In tlmo," he addod.
r Sod Mm Tnixnu A nil. an. nt
l'lll6. Illllinla wlin linirn t.nnn Ilia
Wj f ,,r "a ftn daughter, Mr.
...." J8CU8 since April 1,
II, i elr homo Wednesday. This
eir first trip to tho west and
w? Profoundly Impressed by
lanChlntp malli.J. .1.1. -nlA
,,1. ""o wsmuun ui iiiia rufiiuu
la ttle BO lllfrnranl tmm lhn nf
corn belt wham i- my-.ann ,J
All ..J- '"-- v.uowu ,,.-.
- a mrni ta a ,i.A.niu .a
nloj --:-,. u aw tiiuiui uv
aied win, this roglon they made
INDa tn Hlirrmilifllncr tnwno niwl
foulated a fund of experlenco and
i wends who will welcome them
Aheautirul wwldliiR wnH poU'tnu
l7.od Sunday iiftornoon, July It. at
tho AdVontlKt Church, when Mrn.
Mario Conunt of Ontario mid Mr.
Oliiudu Oroun, of Cnldwoll. wero un
ited lu mnrrlnRO hy Khlor II. M. Cob
erly or Caldwell.
Tho church wiih prettily decorated
with rniRrnnt nweot ioh. Mrn, II.
A. (Iroon or Caldwell played lihcn
Rrln'w weddliiR march. The bride
wan attructlvn In a filmy while rowii
trimmed with pink. Her veil wan
hold In placo hy a hand of pink hwpoI
peaH and hur bridal homiuet wiih ul
ho or Hweet peaH anil white ribbon.
Arter thn ceremony a wedding re
ception wiih hold at tho homo of
tho lirlilu'K Hlnter. Mrn Win Ilutler.
Tho Iioiiho wiih tiiKterully decorated
ror tho occiinlon and dainty rerrenh
inontM wore norvod to a number or
rrlondH und out or town rupMh,
Mrs. (Ireen who wiih rormerly, MIhh
Now Iiiih npont tho grentor part or her
lUo In Ontario. For tho pant two
yours hIio Iiiih boon Sabbath 'School
Secretary ror Southern Idaho and
KiiHtern Oregon with hoaduiiartorH In
llolw). Mr. (Ireon In a prominent
IiuhIiiohh man or Caldwell. Mr. and
Mm rirmill will III) lit llOIMO lit C07
(Irani Avenuo, Cnldwell. uftor July
vinintAN was in
OwIiir to nn ovorslRht on tho part
of thu ArRiiH no mention wiih mude
last week of tho fact that thu SpunlHh
American war VeterailH WOM repre-
Honied In tho Fourth or July puradu.
Ontario has a number of Hioho voter
iuih, but Homehow they huvo never
orRanlzed nor inadu thulr prenence
known, until W. J. Sluifor who hiiw
service In that war, brtiHhed up hlr
old U 8, Cavalry uniform und took
part In tho Memorlat Day and Fourth
represented thut war for tho rolluf
or July Parade. Since ho uloiiu
represented Hint war ror tho roller
of strugglliiR Cuba, ho was given a
placo of honor with tbo inurHuni oi
tho day Tho Awih gludly maken
thlH correction, and hopen that thu
Spanish War voteraiiH will orgunUo
and iiiiiku ineir preseuco
the future.
Maxlo Wilson, County Club leader,
UBslstod by Hulh Harrelt of Nysu
i....wi,tUtFfiti,hii nf ilm (Invern-
M,M,, moiit Cold I'uck method of ainnlng
frullH and vegelaiileH lor mo womun
of tho lllg Hnd coiniiiu'ilty Tuesday
iiftornoon. Tho demonstration wan
hold ut tho homo of Mrn. K. II. Ilruni.
iach. ... , ...
Wodnosday Miss Wilson and MIhh
Ilarrott guvo a domonHtratluu fur tho
IuiIIoh or Ontario u. tho Home hcon-
omlcH HooniH In tho High Schoui.
Ilorrlert and Iiouiih wore connuu, mm
tho IntOHt dovelopmont in tho can
ning of vogoUldoH dlHCussed.
Othor domoiiHtratloiiH aro to no
hold on tho tallowing dutoa; Cairo.
(IranRO Hall. July IB: Nyssa, II rIi
School. July to 2 I M.: Vb p July
28; lirnisnn. Community Hall. July
known In
inn Li'N linn roslitned IiIh position
ni ii,n nniiirln Pharmacy and Iiiih ac
cepted u position with the Slato High
ly CommiHHion near iiniK"".
vln Wultors has taken tho position
at tho Pharmacy.
What Is tho runniest thing
over hiiw? Ilnforo niiHwerlng see '
In every day living
HOMK sanitation
IlYOIIONi: for yournolf
AND thoso dopondunt upon you
CAHE that Hhuuld ho exercised to
OF tho needs of thoso who nro
SICK und whnt to do for them.
The llonit) H)gli'no und (Vie of llie
Hick Course is uoing given u uu
tarlo Chapter, American Ileal Cross
Mrs, Henry Clrlfrin
Mrs, Lnruo lllackahy
Mrs, A. 8. Ilrowu
Mrs. K. M. Grolg ....
Womon und girls Interested lu tak
ing this course may do so by address
lug member of tho Commlttei) or
merely addressing Hod Cross,
What lsiT human tolegraph men
sago! Seo "The Fly-Cop."
Consider these items of
your . telephone
cost m
r ,
r i i
Materials' iOO
Taxes 50o
as compared to pre-war
prices. Should not our
revenue be increased to
meet these advanced
Malheur Home Telephone Co.
J. A. LAKNESS, Vice Pre. & Gen. Mamwr
Sunday and Monday
July 18th and 1'Jlh
Fii rowel I Party
MIhh Uuth Lackey autortalnud tho
inomliorH of her Sundny School clnsn
on Wednesday uvonlng with u fare
well party for MIhboh Allco and Mar
garet WutHun who aro leaving booh
for Salt I.nko City, Utah. Twenty
RlrU woro prosont and tho evening
waH very nlonsiuitly npont lu playing
games utter which delicious refresh
ments woro served hy th hostess
How does Lurry Sumou write com-
edloH? Seo "Tho Fly-Cop '
Mrs. James McIIaloy of Portland
und Mrs. Inez Full and son Uoorgu
of Pralrlo City aro visiting at tho
homo of W. W. Wood. Mrs. McIIaloy
Is an aunt and MrH. Foil Is a sister
or Mrs. Wood.
Monroe SullBbury will bo at thu
Majestic Saturday Matlnoo nnd night,
In "Sundown Trail."
FOU BALE Ton acres 1 miles
west of town, easy tonus, also tlnoo
room hoiiso, near grade school
building Address, Uox G07, Ontario
on mm
Pep EilQiuSiasls
frti 11 TI i .
innu iiivjoycis
DOUG'S here,
with a new one!
It's Speedy and happy
full oflovc and suspense
Ttwr'A" ftl wff0
ii'MViiiHi tma utwii
i lr''W3 fjjll'
i ni &w a ihi iha
Scenario hy TomGcrajpay
Slory by Harold .MacGraUi
Directed byViclorHciiuitg
Kelcascd by
UniL'd Vilists CbrporaUoa
Getting Fitted in Shoes
at this specialty itoro for men has
none of the unpleasantness of tho
ordinary shoe fitting. Men of experi
ence wait upon 'you; they give you
the exact size you require and th
exact style you prefer, without delay,
argument or evasion. Their duty ia
to give you what you want and take
as little of your tlmo as necessary.
This business is specialized on The
Florshcim Shoe and good store serv
ice. Any time you come here you
will find it a pleasure to select shoes.
"Good Clothes for Men"
Why man
we made this
cigarette for you!
4BT- ,jM?.S1. Hi 3&A.. K
m- &v -a bi mmm
H Ewfi Ai T'5i&rS3?
k. tmmtO'
1. nVflrli
msmKmFcir "
iifcj ji xmt -,i'!A n jr
fit jkjp
.L fc-.
(M M&
3 P fii w m H'
? rr, zrw a. vb um w
Tv'isffl ii ifrwvL.,
, Vj-XT
tid ffi
?v -:
sr-Tr3siMt-T . -
AMELS fit your cigarette de-
sjres so. completely you'll agree
they werechade to meet your tastel
Urtiaue flavor, fragrance and mel
low-mild-body due to Camels qual
ity and expert blend of choice 1 urK
ish and choice Domestic tobaccos
are a revelation! You will prefer the
Camel blend to either kind of tobacco
smoked straight!
With Camels you can go the limit
without tiring your taste. They
leave no unpleasant cigaretty after
taste; no unpleasant cigaretty odorl
To get a line on why Camels win
you so completely compare them
puff-for-puff with any cigareue in
the world at any price. You'll pre-
Vnl0::S"l erquatfy tocouponsorpremiumsl
ton V M' idiy rmcomtnvnu
thitcirtonfotlhohomrorof .. . ukynOLDS TOUACCO CO., Winston-Saltim, N.C.
C'n..'. aln svtywhti9 tn
2 i Wmi
I 1.
it a
Puir return to this region.