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About The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1920)
CJ "1 TUB ONTAitlQ ANGUS, QnTAUIO. UHEII.,N. TM.m,..,,., v JULy u lm liSIffiSHSSS '4i Annual July Clearance Sale M it -"-" hJ K?-Ciearance Sal, this ,,h,.we are m prices as you'll note the big bargains all through this ad. This Sale Starts Saturday, July 1 7 and Ends Saturday July 24 These will be Seven Money-Saving Bargain Days SUITS COATS DRESSES V 12 PRICE GINGHAM DRESSES Woiiioii'h ami Misses' dresses In funry, plain anil combination colors. WOMEN'S DRESSES Specially priced for this wile, $-1.75 Values, Special .Price $3.65 3.25 " " 2.35 2.85 " " " 1.98 i or Ready-to-wear departwent we never carry over stock from one season to another. Regardless of prices we must make room for stock that soon will be here for fall and winter trade, therefore most remarkable money saviny values are offered In this department. Every offering is worthy of investigation All bIzos iiichuliiiK oxtru sIzoh for stout women values to $0.7r Palm Beach Skirts HliK i val Your choice now kA hh White Wash Skirts (lulmrdlno. Poplin, Surf Sutln mid Novelties extra sizes inuludedj $9.00 values $G 45 $7.75 values $5.45 One Lot, flo r extra special jgT POQ flowered Crotunno mid Sateen Petticoats $2.45 ' MISSES DRESSES Ono lot slzo 2 to 10 Special $1.38 Ono Lot Slzo 10 to M Special $1.G8 Ono Lot, hIio 10 to 14 Special $2.35 BOYS' WASH SUITS $2.75 Suits, Special $1.98 EXTRA SPECIAL W.&II. MISSES' COKSKT WAISTS MoRtly sinnlt sizes Special '38c ODD LOT OF CORSETS At (Ircnt Heductlon Krom Hegulnr l'rlco MEN'S SHIRTS Uluo and HIack Chambry Stunmei' Special 68c I LADIES' COLLARS A large lot of them Price LADIES' SUMMER VESTS With Wing Sleeves 50c values at 19c Men's Summer Knit Union Suits In (Iroy only. Yon iil want theso whon you boo thorn. Worth 3.00 Special $1.68 MEN'S SILK SHIRTS I'uro Silk thread, fancy colors, regular $10 Special $8.60 Mon's Athletic Union Suits Munslng Athletic nock, no slooves, kneo length, 2.00 values, Special $1.68 Values to $4.25 for Suits One-Half Price Serge, Tweed, Tricotine $39.50 Suits 1).7T $'14.50 Suits ::.;: Coats One-Half Price Dresses One-Half Price Satin, Tall'etn, Georgette, Voile, Pongee All Fancy Silk Skirts Greatly Reduced A Sale of Silks COLORED MESSALINE GO piece of high grndo Moshb llnu In thin offering. good heavy uul Ity, HUltalilo for Dresses, - Skirts, W'alMtn etc. Vo hnvo all thu popular nllUllCH, Special per yard, $2.25 40 INCH SILKCREPES $3.00 per yard, (foorgetto Crepe, and Crcpu do Chliio. Only about COO yards In thin offering, nil tho popular RIiimICH, I ' Special peV.vnrd $'2.25 FANCY SILKS 3(i Inch IleldliiK Fancy HiithiM, In attractive designs, $3,76, Silk Special $2.75 SGInch TaffottHH, $.100 values Special $'2.25 CHILDREN'S SUMMER s UNDERWEAR Nainsook, WnlHt Union SultH, for liny or glriB. Thoso are light, Mill durahlo, nnd comfortnhlo for hot days, f l.Sfi Hiilta, Skclal KHc And !)()c Suits, Special 68c July White Sale Of Voiles, Organdies, Pique, Gabardino and Repp 40 Inch pnrmunont finish Voile 11.05 value j Special $1.15 40 Inrh perinanont finish Vnllo Jl.OO.valuett Special 69c 40 Inrh pcrinuuont finish Vnllo 7Cc value Special 48c PIQUE 2? Inch flnu rlli whlto I'liiuu. tho kind for icrvlcnulo skirts, Special 90e 2? Inch, OGc values, Special 45c 27 Inch, 35c value Special 19c MERCERIZED POPLINS 27 Inch Poplin, no popular for sum iner frocks, till tho wanted colors, Special 38c SPORT SUITING 30 Inch, heavy Htrlpo sport Hiiltlug Extra Special 23c White Waist Sale Wortlnnot nnd Wolworth Waist of Vollo, Hhtlsto nnd Organdie, utr. $1.50 JVnuiUSfjeclul $ .98 2.00 Waist Special 1.35 ' :.()( Waist Special 2.25 PONGEE BLOUSES I'uro Silk I'ongco hlnusus, In uaturnl nnd fancy colored designs, nil short sleove, slip-on styles, Very Special $3.45 LADIES HOSE Woman' Cotton Hose, In white, black uud brown Special 35c Shnwknltt gnuzo, Lislo hosu, In black and cordovan Special for this sale 50c Men & Boys Dept. HOYS' UNION SUM'S Chalmers, l'orosknlt Suits 30, 32 and 34 sizes only Wlillo they last ,'Mo Hoys' Athlotlc, spoclal 38c MUX'S (UNVAS HI.OVHS I'or dozen $1,50 MKN'S WOHK SOCKS I'or dozon $1.50 CIIILDHK.VH 1IOSK Ono lot, apoclally priced 35c MUX'S DltKSS SOCKS In whlto, black and cordovan Special IHc MUX'S LKATUKIt OI.OVICS Hoavy Muloskln larod gloves Sperlnl .tOc CHILDREN'S CLOTH WAISTS" Kino iiiuhIIii tvuUtN, lo i! to tii Special 55c MISSES' VESTS & UNION SUITS 35c Values Special 19c There will bo many other bargains in tins department not mentioned here, that will prove very attractive to the careful shopper. BARGAINS IN THE SHOE DEPARTMENT Every pair of Ladies Pumps and Oxfords will he on special sale. Choice our new Fall Shoes which arc now on the road. Now is the chance to everything goes at a special price during this Uig Sale. LOT NO. 1. In this lot there are 45 pairs of ladles uray Kid Oxfords with full Louis leather lieols and modlum wolght soles, u nlco lioo for dress or street wear, inadii by Jz und Dunn Co. All sizes from 2 to 8 Width AA to I) Hogulnr l'rlco, $12.00 Salo Prico, S8.45 of any of our Low Shoes at a big reduction, as we must make room for save from $1.00 to $4.00 a pair on your shoes. Not a pair held back, LOT NO. 2 24 pairs of Suedo Oxfords In black and uark brown with full Loul covered heels i"l good welt solos. Regular Irlco,$lG.OO Sale Prico, $11.95 fH LOT NO. 3 In tills hit there aro 72 pair of bind: muI dark brown kid 0fonla with full Louis Md Covered llri, rA'.nd welt hole. "f it our host styles V ear A ,WH d ldths. ty uroM VBjeels ft'lco, $13.50 if "" Me'8.Jp.45 This lot tllknL .ut rune pun1 "n niniii will full ,lir bent high Dlli'll Co leuthcr all efy Lost In tho Iioiiho. Hegular l'rlco, J 15.00 to $17.00 Sale Price. $J! P$ it takes In T - j.- n-l'.' made 1'X.d uw. kid iiifiiii".iii i fvfliirh heol?ihul tin n LOT NO 0. nrfV. iM,rf ot w,llt0 lal "kin pump nnd ntl, sVtu military heels uud turn solfH. nifo for dress or street wear. All bUoj and "lullis. (,. regular l'rlce. JG.00 Sale Price, $4.45 LOT NO. 6 12S pairs of llaliukln Oxfords with full Louis Covered Heels and turn soles, tho vory host (but money can buy In fabric. All sizes und widths. Hogulnr l'rlco, 7.50 to J8.G0 Sale Price, $5.45 LOT NO. 7 85 pairs or Ladles Italnshln Uce Hoots both high and low heols, All sizes, 2 Vi to 7. Hogulnr Prico, $6.00 to 18 00 Sale Price, $3.95 LOT NO. 8 18 pairs of Ladies White Kid Hoots with full Louis Kid Covered Heols and medium weight soles, , . , Hogular l'rlce U2 00 Sale Price, $7.95 LOT NO. 9 85 pairs of MIhhos ono strap slippers, k ,d patent leathers. All sizes, 11 Vt I" 2 kid and patent Sale Price, $1.95 LOT NO. 10 100 pairs of Mime and children nan foot PandalH, all leatber.slzes 0 to 2 Choice 98? - LOT NO. 11 75 pairs of Hoys' Canvas shoe with loathor solos, good for every day wear sizes, 2 to 0 Sale Price, $1.95 LOT NO. 12 100 pairs of Hoys nnd little Oouts out lug hIiooh will bo Just tho shoe for school und every tiny wear. Sizes J) to L, $2.45 Sizes 2io to (i, $2.95 LOT NO. 13 95 pairs of men's outing bills iiuido of good loathor makes a good light wolght work shoo. Size G to 11. Sale Prico, $3.45 LOT NO. 14 75 pairs of mon's good heavy work slums all solid louthur, comes in u dark brown. All sizes. 0 to 11. Sale Price, $3.95 LOT NO. 15 24 pairs of ouiic men's Kugllsb Dross shoes with Tun nnd Cray tops. Sale Price, $6.45 LOT NO. 16 24 pairs of young meu's Kngllsh Ox fords, come In u dark brown cult skin with welt solus, the vory latest In stylo. All sizes, 0 to 11. Hofular l'rlco, $11.00 to $14.00 Sale Price, $9.95 LOT NO. 17 18 pairs of mon's white canvass Kngllsh Last Oxfords, with welt leather soles. All sizes. Choico, $3.95 LOT NO. 18 24 pairs of Hoys Hoavy Drown Canvas shoos with rubber solos and heels, strong for woar. All slzos 2 to C. Sale Prico, $2.95 LOT NO. 19 24 pulrs of Ladlos Dork "Drown Can vas shoos with rubber soles and heols. All slzos, 2 to 8. Sale Price, $2.45 LOT NO. 20 75 pairs of men's Tennis shoes uud Ox fords, All sizes 0 to 11, Sale Prico, 95c LOT NO. 21 12 pulrs of mon's loathor putties. Sale Price, $6.95 LOT NO. 22 In this lot thero aro about 100 pairs of Ladles Shoos and Sllppors, most nil smull sizes, from 3 to 4 tit values up to $8 00 You can liuvo your cbolco for $3.45 LOT NO. 23 CO pairs of Mlssos and Children's Can vas laco shoos with loathor soles, Slzoa &M to 2 Values to $4.00 Sale Price, $1.95 This Sale is for CASH ONLY RADER BROS. CO., No Goods Charged at those Special Prices h t i f ' 'i 1 ,i !:: t ONTARIO, OREGON