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About The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1920)
THEONTABIOAKUUS ONTA1UO. OREOON, THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1920 i i 'L 'fl i tt !M fj a I i Li'' Qflje (Dtttartn iKrgira AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon, and entorod at tho Ontario post office (or distribution as 2nd cIqsh tnattor. Alt (JUS I'OULISIIING COMPANY Publisher Q. K. AIKEN, Managing Editor T. McPAULIN COUGH, Sup't. 8UBSCItIPTION......Ono Year, $2.00 rim: equipment ausoijUtixy NEOKSSAUY How long will It tako Ontario to awakou to tho (act that it Is pruc llcally without (Ire projection? How many thousands o( dollars must bu laid on tho ultnr o( carolcssucss to bo burned boforo tho city will urouso lt Kolt to act? How many Hvoh must bo oudangcrcd boforo a real effort Is uiado to protect thorn with adequate equipment? Wo don't know. Do jou? For noarly a year now this ques tion has boon beforo tho pooplo. An abortlvo attempt was tuailo to nccuro ihu oqulptnont onco and apparently ONTARIO'S HAND Ontario has, or porhups nn accur nto statomont would put It, Ontario had, a band. This organization strut; glod along (or threo months with no support at all (rom tho public. It Just kopt going bocauso tho boys llk od to play. They hnvo practiced for proflcloncy nud liavo ilouo well. Tho quostlon arises does Ontario want a banu, nnu n so now inr m tho citlzoiiB go to support such nn institution? Just now Ontario business men oro being called upon to contrlbuto to many causes. In (act It Is tho gon oral bolle( among them that it is Just ono thing nftor nnothor ami tho want u rost and nn opportunity lo look nftor tholr own affairs for u short time. Howovor, It tho band Is permitted to drop it will bo that much harder to get tho boys togothor, and with tho Knlr soon to bo staged Ontario will bo In tho sauio position It wns last year dependent entirely upon outsldo muslcaus. Tho Argus wnnts Ontario to have a hand. It believes that such nu In stitution Is ono of a city's best assets and worthy of liberal support. Just how to go about 11 to get that sup- projoct undorwny so that wo will havo something to offer and then got In lino with tho other communities In tho general forward movomont. Mfo holds much In store for each of us, but II doesn't dish It out Indis criminately upon request. ltnrnlinn n vnrv unll Intnntlminil flwi nilrnmnlv ..nfnrfnnnt,, nffnr of ,. fl,.. I'Ort OS present. llOWOVCr, presents a ouglno was made by ono who could W"n lllnt cn8 for BOrlo,la co" not koop It, (ailed to solve tho pro blem, Ontario has Just sottlod back trusting to (ato to sparo It (rom n visitation of (ire. Suroly with us many successful busluosB inon as can bo (ouud horo in Ontario, with an investment In all kluds of property within tho city lim its which must total woll ovor a Co-onorntlon among fnrmorH to market tholr crops Is tho most hope ful movement being forwarded at tho present llmo In thin movomont tho I'nrm llurenu Is plnylng the major role. The stockmen too nro (eollng tho need for such a movement and will undoubtedly benefit thereby. The success of both tho farmer and the stockman is tho basis of tho prosperity of Ontario and nory other Eastern Oregon town. Is thcro any thing Ontario can do to help carry I his movement along? Home peopto live for themselves nlonc, and tho world Is generally glad to leave them nlono. sldoratlon. Soino pcoplo nro always trying to nnnox tho gooso that lays'thc golden egg, wnno ouiors aro content wiim tho egg. Tho autl-clgnrottc law will not go on the ballot this fall. Thnt ought to simplify tho ballot n little, but then we hnvo tho blfurgnted legisla ture to pans upon, nud a few other measures to glvo occnsslnn for poli tical thinking. Professional Cards Llconsod to Practlco lu Oregon and Idaho O. A. JUIATZ Municipal Engineer Member of Amorlcan Association nf Kuiiineors N Bowor bi stoma, wator workB, pavo- inouts, concroto design, ubbobb- montB, offico By at cms 108 TIKord Uldg., Portland, Orogou Olty Hall, Ontario, Oregon $44lt$,frfr'fr MltS. 11I.ANC11M O. ANOKIWON Hemstitching Urcaamnklng Plionu -la-w. 1. O. llox 010 Ontario, Oregon. Hours, 10-12! 1:30-6 Houso cuIIb tCvouluKB by appointment Made Phono 1C8 DR. E. A. MOON UIIIIIOPHAUTIU PHYSIOIAN NKUV1C SPECIALIST Acuta or Ohronlo Ulsoasos Koouib ovor Pont Offico ONTA1UO OUKtiON STELLA MASON COX ('rndiuito of Vlollu and Plnnu Iowa CollcKO ..Pupil of Victor Garwood and of.. ..Horbort Uutlor, ..American.. Conservatory of Music Chicago Phono 4U J. Tim ouhcon ciiAMiinit or COMMKHUK Tlmrn In tin ilonvlnp that The Ore- million of dollars, a way should bo clmmbor of commorco Is deserv- found to socuro n (lro onglno ndo-lllllf ,,. , ....., llf , .miiiir. thnt "ft BII-('WI1I -r Thoro nre so many funny writers lu tho press now-a-days tholr stuff Is becoming un thing but funny nuato for tho noods of tho city at preseut nud (or sooral )oars to como. Tills is tho most pressing problem boforo Ontario today. It is a chal lenge to tho resourcefulness of tho citizens. It will romatu n chnllongo until It has boon met and solvod. Ontario should act now. Politics and religion, they say, won't mix. And wo should hopo not. Tin: HADiuAii movement Insplto of tho fuel thut both of tho old parties udoptod what nro general ly doscrlbod as consorvatlvu plut forma uud thus declined to recognize tho existing u n rest lu Atnorlca, tholr attltudo doos not change the (act that thoro does exist a positive de mand (or a chaugo lu tho present oe ouomlo utnudards. Tho voices which uro making this domuud, however, nro not lu har mony. Tho proponents of chuugo nro not agreed on tho scale they would follow. Their tuchnlo varies all the way from tho reds who would sub stitute tho Uolshovlk progrum of Ilusslu to tho Sluglo Taxors who rido ono hobby and bollovo that this will load tho way to a political panacea. In au effort to have tholr protest uguliiHt present conditions tuko con croto form thoso radicals of various typos huvo boou undouvorlug to form a third party. Tho difference be tween thorn as brought out lu tholr first mooting lu Chicago indicates the difficulty which such a movement (ucob. Iu that convention wore men of ovory typo, from tho parlor Ideal ist to tho most radical propagandist who llvos by tho buccoss of hla ef forts at creating unrost. To tho lat ter a successful program would moan (allure (or It would throw blui out of a Job. Yot this movement Is worthy of sorlous consideration of tho avorugo Amorlcan cltizou, for It Is u studied effort to chaugo not only tho present economic Bystom, but the vory form of the United States government as woll. Of courso this Is not admitted by tho reformers. Tlioy disguise their efforts under various names and work upon thoso traits of human uaturo which respond quickly to the Insidious Boplilstrles of tho agltutor. i This was admitted by Manager Thomaaou of tho Nou-Partlsau Lenguo when ho declared to tho couveutlou thut lu North Dakota they had se cured a sluglo tax law under another name. That admission Is indicative of tho reformors motuods. Thoy use ovory moans to confuse the minds of tholr uninformed constituents with high soundlug pliruaos whllo puttlug ovor tholr rovolutlouary measures To distinguish botwe'on the gonuino and tho spurious efforts at reform re quires not only kuowledgo of politi cal doctrlues, and the accepted rules of logic, but a knowledge of tho men tal honesty of tho men who propose thorn. Ami this can hardly bo secur ed over a country as largo as ours whllo roformers aro calling everyone who opposes thorn a liar, and tho op position Is branding ovory advocate of any reform a Holshcvisi What Amorlcans should bo dolug now Is to bcyonio Informed concerning those movements and tholr progeultoru thnt they may roach safo aud suuo conclusions boforo exercising tho pre rogatives of citizenship. it enn fill u want for the state that no other organization can fulfill, uud (hat therefore It should bu encourag ed to proceed with Its program. T secure tho lioneNU which tho largor -body would roturu thru Its activities, hooer, a real nctle lo cal organization is needed. Without thu Inttor tho benefits of the former cannot materlullzo no far ns tho In dividual community is concerned, ex cept ns It benefits by the general stuto-wldo prosperity that wilt result. That thoro will bo a larger migra tion toward tho Wont this (nil that there has been (or seerul ears. Thcro Is a feeling umong many people In tho Middle West thnt they want to move. Tho winter that has passed dragged thru eight long mouths of bitter cold. Thoy want to got awny from that territory, at least many of them do, und thoy aro uatually look ing to tho West with ItH moderate temperatures, and Oregon Is one of tho stntori thoy aro considering. (liven u JudlcoiiM campaign of ml erllslug Oregon will get Its share of thoso prospective Immigrant!), nud to got Its haro of thoso who will come to Oregon must bo prepared to got luto tho game and follow up tho re sults of tho statowldo campaign. Such an Investment Is worthwhile, uud will ropay Itself many times over, especially It wo can get tho Owyhee Candor compolls the stntoment that It Is hard to oiithime over the political pronouncements of either political party; or tholr nominee either, tho belli are siicrotMful huel lies men and publishers. This Ik consoling. Miry coiiBollug. Cnblo advices tell us that food prices over In Jnpnu are coming down. Tho things that tho Nou-Partlsaii leaguer In North Dakota boast most about are "old stuff" In Oregon; the Initiative, referendum nud recall are Just outigHtorn In Ihu bread basket statu uud they were borrowed from Oregon. lilt. O. V. TYLKK DENTIST Offico In Wilson Uldg. Offico Hours 9 a. m. to i p. Phono 117 for Appointments. m. Farmers of Mnlhcuf, (Jrant and Harncj CouMffl aro intensive cultivators of the koII nnd iunonjr them, best prp'ducyrs in Oregon, A cordial wclcme ajyajtS 1C V 10 R Y farni. cr at this baiuc Ontario National The Oldest Dank In Malheur, Oeiit and Uumey Counties. mi iL $44-444-44t4444-4KWH CDITII TIIOHI-KV-IIOWI,IN(J INBTUUOTOIt Veice: Italian Method Piane: l,uchotlzky Method Phouo liitiW ONTAMO, OHi;(i().S I.KHMti J. AH Kit ATTOUNUY-AT-LAW Iiu'Oino Tn Advisor IWulflco HulldliiK. Ontario, Orouon "War Is u Htnto of mind," nays an exchuiiKo. Sort of a hull of u state, eh? Oregon does not need tho Non Partisan iAxigun with Its herd of car pet baggers to solvo Its political pro. litems, for thoro Is nothing worth while In tho Non-Partlsan progrum thnt Oregon has not had for enrs Tho weutlior man, wo unto, nover kicks at the rousts ho gels lu tho press. It's nu Inexpensive method ol keeping In the public uyo. DR. A. R.ROBERTS Dentist IMwerii Ontario Pliurnu , Depot. Phone 52 OILS. WEKSE & FQRTNER OFTIUU IIOUHH: U to 12 und 2 to ft. Offico over First National Hank I'nlephonu No. 3.1 J. Ontario. Ore It tho Nou-Partlsun league In North Dakota has (lone nothing else It Iium mado everyone lu tho statu a political), and that's bad enough. 4fa uVyIM flr Jt f M i i7cKyW sit r'a 'M 11 &r fffiv G&ts a V. S. .MAXON Transfer Attention glen to long ilWUwu-o llnulliiit lieuto oidCTH at Wnyt Implement Store Phouo 112... Ilesidenco Phono -ll-W Ontario, Oregon. EXPRE SlT AND" " TRANSFER Phono 102 ltesldcnco Phone 11CJ2 II. It. Caldwell Prop. Quick Service l3 it H Good Paint Insurance -nover look upon it os on expends. FULLER ., PAINT I GOOD Plnt ii T TheuiMM of DolUl art Iwt m urovtwn u Vidlk Ntiti VLL WHt M mi owners who fail to protect their Louhi wtmm with paint. Ptlr.I.F.Il Point uwi mini Uionuuli fit itHtrt jt to property owners. It saves a great dial am tm It coats, insure your property againit im tint va eicmcmo witn rjuuv.n rainu isxi imi and look over your property today, W. P. Fuller & Co. 1618.1K t NorUweat BranrJi in,. frJfdL tVUM Ml Spokane. Bolae. VzTW I Tew fin J ffM0 electric Washing HACH1WE oivxa? ThThor is a beautiful niachmo. On tho outside iSKiiaiumiiK Kniy iiiuiiifi. ) iouks ciean ji ,..... r . uiean- aim it's eay to Keeu clean. rriio insido is nyitproof iind water-tJKht. Thoro are no cracks orcrovice. x ) A ThcA- Will (Uisa Lifetime Younmst have it. You Only hnve one life to live. WhyWnste it oviSr wash tuba and scrubbing board? You can do tho washing1 so easily yourself with h Thor. What Investment could you mako thut would bo wiser than this? $10 down nnd a few small monthly payments for a lifetime convenience. Kvery houso. wife deskrvks this wonderfully helpful and useful machine. Now It Is Offered nt a Reduced Price. Husband to Get Your Sure, this world is full of wit and humor. Dut tho trouble is most of us nro uuablo to toll which Is wit und which Is humor. COME IN AND SEE THE THOR ELECTRIC SHOP Idaho Power Company Small Town No. 035 Unusual Tires TIRES that are different in their distinctive good looks anHinbeir construction. An extra ply of fabric, an'extra heavy tread and generous oversize make tire ofremark ' P rirtiirnrik.-""" f M ItT , Zy xabJ.fL h6pper brxi ONTARIO, OREGON