BO U'Hfik .TV- T-KMfl-i'iarii ' ONTAKIO, MAMllfilTK'conNTV, OUKUON, TlllJlA JULY 15, 1020. . 1.J.W 1-HtT XXIV NO. 32. Iht ffjHf WILL REQUEST INCREASED PHONE RATES m giCf.Ui ri.n AHKKD TO. 'iv IVf'ltl.'.AUIJ V AI'I'IUM'1" "' RiTwriixnixd invichti- (JUH)X HV nKMMIHHIU.N If OF OPERATION DOUBLED , lYrdltrd Willi HWiiK Chiiho Ilaww-Owiiliuiiy Will I'll! Up , io iiri Ueturn of In- m If OhiiiiiIhmiiii Does (iritil II lte"t for HI-" TO FILL SNAKE RIVER BRIDGE ENDANGERED BY FIRE WILLOW CHKIIKHIW To 11(11,11 ANNUAL I'lONIC m;.hi() puhi.ic schools ami IIKill SCHOOL TKACTIKIIH SKI,. KCTKD MA.VV XV Mlttl- ItHHS 01" THACHIXd NTAI'F MIHS NTANKA KIMKl.NS IIAItl) WOIIK ON PAltT Oh' lUltl! I- 'If JIITKKH AND CITI.KNH NAVICM KTItUCTUHH TUAKI'IC NOT HTOPPHD HUT SUCTION OF I'l.OOIt MUST UK ItlllAIDj . ..$ MISSOURI HUH IADS FORCEj SKOWNE "FALLS INTO RIVER Walter Hhlmp, who Iiuh mined the hIiiikIh at tlio county fnlr miiiiy a lltiii) with IiIh durliiK riding was In Ontario Tuesday evening boosting (or tlio annual picnic of tlio settlor!! on tin) Llttlo Willow IrrlKutlou district which Ih to lio hulil tnworrow (Krl day) ut tlio I), II, Coulee much. Mr. Hhlmp doolnron that It Ih going to I hi u real celebration with music, Hpoocli making, dancing uixl all the uhiiuI trimmings, anil on top of Hint a huckuroo program ntich hh Little Willow Ih proud of. I Only one vacancy remains to lie Mr. Hhlinp and hla friends over nil ! filled In Hib tenoliliiK force of tlio tint oilier hIiIo c'lini' to Invito Ontnr-i Ontario puhllc mIidoIh anil Illicit Iiiiih to join thum In tliu fmtlvltlu 'Helmut. That vacancy wiih canned ami to iiMHiut) all who attend a IiIk by tlio resignation of Mies Vlctorln i i"lr department, tlio vigilance of n School Itoniil Oi-kihiIjn Willi Kler Hon or W. W. Wood im I'irMili'iil unit W. L. Tinner Clerk Open- lujj.Jhiy September (II h time, AUTO THEIVES COME TO GRIEF QUICKLY Uknc, vlco proHlilotit and Enl aunaior of tliu mainour TelfPhono Co. will appear L the Public Horvlco CoiiiiiiIh- laiuorrow (Friday) at Salem, Li that body to grunt an Iiiitouko km lompiny'H ruton In Ontario, Liiml Vnlo and In thn rural hoc- i of the county, ponding mi Ill ation on tlio part of lliu coin- i'M Into tlio matter j Indemnify tlio putillo In I'nso Uh Lot fur a permanent IncreiiHe of liU tot granted, th company to xlvo tlio commlHNloii n r tond luaranteolng tlio return B . . II..-. ...I ..I....... .1... ir iioouni oi.uti.M. ....., ,., N( . ....,.... , ,, .,... which Iho coinmlHHlcn will J.nut0 u'lord capture iif two uut . I, with Interest on same, 'thieves wirty Suturduy morning whhdi Ii thli time, too, tlio conipiiuy Ih within .'ivo minute after In1 win I. ink of Atleiiat -'lt Appni'iittiH Painfully Appiiiciil ItuckelM mill ltoMW Oiicurli Flames - Men Work Until Ihiylluht That Ontario Ih not cut off from ll'o frultlnnd Dauch, iiud tlio Hnnko Idver hrhlKo Ih not n ruined Hlruc tnre Ih duo to Iho hard work of the PREMIUM AWARDS EOR COUNTY " FAIR MORE TIM DOUBLED HtnnkH M UKiolntr of nloiiloal train- ruuolmr on tlio hrow of tlio hill, and Ing. All of tlio oilier plncoa Iiuvhiiu work of vuluntvora, who helped lieen flllod. flKht tlio flro which threatened tliu dull' fmir of Din inntnlinra nt Mm htrllnllirn from ll'Hfl n. to. lnul lllKh Bchool faculty of l8t yenr will Sutunlay nlKht until onrly Sunday ' l,H hlHtory return to Ontario In thn mill to inki- inornlnir. I up ttielr Mirlt, and llisre will lie ne-1 No orodlt for tlio havIiir of the hii now (HHrhnrH In that noctlnn of'hrlilRo Ih duo to tlio fire flKhtliiK tlio wlionU. Thn four who will re- oiiilpmanl oMho ell)'. Had the flro turn art: S. M Ilmulier, nrlncliml, nien under tlio dlifctlon of chief M. I) TlioniaM, Mlaa Cnthorlno Con- Krowilii depended on tlio rcKUlnr, way huh aiim cnrutiiiH aiiiwu. i no equipmoni hioiio inero wouiu no no mvoii new twohora Include J. M. plunkliiK on thn hrldKo today. MKht .Mnt-xliiil .1, II. (Joi ilen Allots MoDoiiHld. aiipwliili'iident of aclimila. . Not only did the men flKht the Two t nr Tlilewx i'i .IiiuIih .f- i arieton uiiiirop. .mihh iiuui i anwn, nro unui uuriy moriiiiiK. oui one 01 Mlw RIlMlHtlh O Ilrleu Mlaa Maria tliotn, llernclicl M. Ilrowtie, took nu Hurt anil Mlaa Wllinn MIIm The liuoluntary hwIii; In the river. Mr oilier now teacher to anioiwaP MIhh llrowim with a number of other mn WOltK HTAItTUD ON l'AVINO to SNAKI4 nivKii iiitinm: KtiRlncor II. C. IiiRrnm of tlio Htuto HlRhwny commlBHlon'g forco ar rived In Ontario Monday to lako chnrRo of tlio construction of tlio Stato Ulclnvnv from tlio rant citv limits to tlio Snako HIvor hrldRc. Iho crndo Htnkcs woro sot thin Wcok, and Division KnRincer II It. tfuldock located n flno hod of gravel on the Idaho side of tlio rlvor which will bo usod for tlio work. Qllmoiir &,Hltchlo of linker who aro to build the rond hnvo their crows on tho r round and wilt sturt the work at once. With tlio HUrvuvorH nt work on tlio Jordan Vnlloy road, and tho county busily niiKnced in KrnilliiK the Vnlo to HroRHii aectlon of tho John Day Highway, Mainour county Ih sunlng moro rond work underway than over 1ST0P WATER HEARING TO HEAR W.J. BRYAN li'r Cull Oiiiim IVoin ("iiIiImi'II Money ItolN Ciiiinil Timi lullnr that tlicre bo any chiiiiR" UrrMnt Kcrvlcu between Ontar- uJ .Vj-mi and between Outurlo tht Frultland bench. i. U..I.I.U. rr.. 11..1...... Ik 1. nuujn l ' in-iimr idoiu ouuinu oi inu nun- Htiinka Iihh nut Imen elwttil. Mini) (limine In OriidiM In the grade ,(oo thoro' will be aeven new teaoltera Inaludlng Mr. and Mm. Will J. Itoberia, who hnvo taught In the county for Hevnrnl yetira. Mlaa I.ola Thomaa, Mliw .Mary 'eilli'd hy tho Nluht M.irthull at Cnlilwull And told of tho thcfi ( l ... 'u.,...t mi n,,rvi m. siiii.i. cur nt thnl olty -lin had tho men In MhM( Kuh jokuy and Mlaa Dolla Iho city Juli hero. ,Mw Mamlial Uorilou was on III wil'' New Hiiperlulenileiit to tho pniiinngor Mtitlon 'o meot Nu j M McDonald who comoaito On 17 when u cur with iwg un ii In ltl,ri , i,lul,! n,,, ,iioni hvmikui Iiuh I 01 1110 COIll- . ...... ,i .....I .uL,.. 1,1 II wIlllIM to l.llll I .....I .. ....... .,.nn..r..l nuranr III unlinnl ipropoml wnn proneutod to Iho un onun uurano. When ho reuched . .,,! i i.ia niii hnmi. ntuii.. Min- ntrrlil rluh ill IIh niiirlnl lniinl. ' tliu Mlattoil there WHH a llllOIIO Cllll ',,. i Afli.r i.miliiiillnif frmn the - : .. . :. ........ "..i ...i.i " -" " .-. -- hlch w held Monday ovonliiK tor mm inn u o yuiiiwon omcur u.i.i Mhoo1 of podngogy nt tlio univer-ni ' lilx tt I lick llinfl II till I'M 1U It I III fl i.. in . ......I I... ! im ii l t kt Pllv Hall liv J A I nkiiKHri """ "' .' . V... . liy "' Miamuri. no ini '." " , II UJ liail, y J A, l.aKliehH, ...... .luMerlnlluii (if Iho mir. Tllllt ......... f .. nml Minn iiaciimn had gone iindernwith the bridge to direct the Htronni from the chomlual onglno and mark tho progreaa of the flume, whon tlio liiteuae heat of the girder on which ho wna Hitting buru mI hla trotiHora, In IiIh effort to o cupe from tliu. boat ho lent IiIh bal ance and foil Into tho water SO foot bolow. In tliOi excitement no one noticed him fnll,hiid hla ability to iHwIm ulolio wived him, iiuuu the worse lor ma iuipf4iiupiii nam. Tho flro Ih Imllovod to liavo oAUght from a clgnreltK nhib which found todgliiK In tho dry; silvern of homo crack on the north Hide of tho bridge nhout 100 feet from tho Idaho Hhoro. pausing nutolHl notified u rancher Whccla of Just Ico Pause To Permit Court nml AttoruojN To Listen To Commoner Night HcksIoii i. Iown To .Mako Up Time MltKOTOIta IIAVK COJIPJilJTKl) MSTINd I'UIZKS TO 1I5 OFFIJ1N i:u .manv ciian(i:h maw. IN INTKHICSTS OF UKAI, UANC1IKIW Judge Dnlton Illggu ban nlwuyH liHun an admirer of. ''tlio PeorloaH loudor," W. J. Ilryfui. That being triio he could not lot the opportunity pniw to hoar IiIh oloiiucnco Innplto of tho fact thnl tho Malheur water rights adjudication cuho was boforo tho court for Us determination on Monday. That afternoon tho court ad journed and thrt court and, bur drove tn I'nyetto to listen to thn spell of oratory which tho onco, "boy mi llm liliilici hIiIo who tnlnnhohed urnim. nr dm iiii,ia .i.,Uua.o.i i.. ..ii trrldnt and generul uiuniiger WnM miouuh. Murahal (lordou hud ,n,ia,ant nt unhntii niafalnrv-Inninrin .a ndll.cnll broiik-Iit tho do-,,.f i.iu ni.t tn... rnv t.. i.,,.in . itomoinv. and IiIh Hliitommit of tho vehlclo Niiotfed and ruelied buck .,mi.. Miumirl. n eilv much Muriior nurTment Vo thnsrono and nt mnl-ifnr Inu! iinm. lmwnvnr. n'm nmri mn. aMbrouslit fortlAo. heutoil ilo-' Oregon street Just In time to eatoh tu, R Ontario, lie coinon to On-,nlght an'nlnrm wna sounded ami vonoil for un ovoning sohsIou and tho ' l11 .w.M .iju..)i. n1-.,. ,,0 uihrtAl ,n ildv.l mil . . ......... n...lA.l .... .il.. 'i I.-.I.. ... l.l....u .tt.l....l .. tln.f. . ...... " ... ... . .. . m Ihn iiililnrt tvllh rim r..Hiilll,lu ",v" "" ,,,v' "".'"" ., , ,rl" '"Hi" rui-umiiioiHii'ii. uv niiimin.uB ul uiiuin 'm, "- -iiioarillK cuncillieii yoaierony linil 1110 J7i i ' i lof low"- Ho nrroMted them und took ljy tM0 ol,ool board of Mnryavlllo bridgo Uuckota and ropos woro hrot matter of rulliig on tho fliidlngH of ipdal commltteo wna appoint tilling of McHHra. II. ('. II oyer, Frutr und W II. Doollttlo, to a tha mutter further und mako BsmfDilatloiia to the Ilonril of 111- ,,,CH( rolled Into puckngOH of thum to Iho city Jnll where thoy guvo lmt ,y tn0 oduontlonnl otflclala of tlio iiumea oi nun iKMiieiu iiuh nu; ,tm Htute of AiiMOuri. FORD RACE ONE NEW FEATURE Commercial Club ItuU-v. ,'at. lUuinl T Tiiko Churgo Of liolci-- taliimcnl So Authority Will Not lio Divided Will licit JUkt Tho Hiinia' Tho cash prlios to bo glvon to ox- . hlbltors ut tho 1020 Malheur Couuty"1 Fair will bo moro than double the awards nmdo last your. Tho cuhIi ' prizes this year, outside of tho race program which Is entlroly separate, will bo approximately $4,000. under tho direction of tho direc tors, 10. M. Ooan, V. T. Ilorrott, an V. V. lllckox, tho nuporlnlondcnU of tho various dopartmonts hnvo com piled their classifications anil lots, and eliminated till of tliu "freaks ' so that tho awards will go to varie ties gonomlly grown In this soctlou. Tho first section of tho premium lint lias been placed In tho prlntors IiuiiiIh and tho balance will bo completed for publication as soon as possible. Arranging Program Owing to tho tact that savoral of tho mon originally soloctod could hut servo In bundling tho uuiusemeut features of tho Knlr, tho Ontario Commercial Club to whlclt this task was allotted at u mooting Monduy night dotormlnod that In tho Interest of efficiency and for tho auccosa of tlio Fair It would ho bettor to huvo tho Fair board itaolf name tho com mltteo to take chnrgo of this portion of tho work. It was dotormlnod that tho duties of tho two orgunUatloua would cross ut so many points tliut It would bo moro satisfactory to ovoryono to hnvo tho Fair Hoard del- ogato Its powors to a commltteo of Its own choosing, while assuring tho Fair Hoard that tho sarvlcos of club mombors for this work would will ingly and cheerfully bo glvon. Siwlul I'rlio Cor Unco To stlmulato lntoreat In nuto driv ing V. 1). Staples has startoil off tliu spoalal prlzo Hat with un offer of X100 for u raco for 1-orU cars, stock Into play whon tho chemical engine ti,0 water commission wna tukon 'modols. In this raco only cars drlv- fullod to work und this, together i uminr iiiivUnmimt nf iim rni.n en by tholr owners cun bo ontorod, Jorden. Mr McDonald has been In Ontario ; with tho labors of men ripping up i Tho hearing of this, perhaps, tho,n,, "I'oc"1' Koara or otnor mis. When Hcnrchod nt the Jail one or for nearly a month now and Una ui- tho plunking, saved the nrnigo. m0Ht Important case ovor iiawiod up- ",' I'oou iiomona win uo permu- I.m ....... .....a r.Hlllit III li:iVl titt 111 . A...I.. ,1... npollmlnill'V nrPtltllXlttlOll l.'i.r, lllinlntl. llm flTA llllllllllfal Oil-Inn f. r..lltnt.i nnnn,.. .l.nw.r nl I. ... I tOll. illU III! I, . .wmi... ... .. . - T - - -"- ' IUHUJ IIIU ' ...... r " .-....-.. t ... ........v. ..w ... , . . Wll ,1. l.IIUII. WUIIl.'i IHUn U f. .1 1 , il I ., . ftlwork of tho staff uniiorwny, us won y una sldo of tlio ronuwuy uui ira -nf i0K tnjont from distant points 'l,ro1a,7 imli TIiimii lie curried faXeueil IO .. ni-uiiiirliiir llm Will Dineill lor IIIH fin wan not IIIIDOUOd. llOWOVer, Il will minnnL' llinm IiwIml- Kilwnnl V. Trnnil. I.l ..i.rl..r nml llYlllnlllUll that liei..o..r'u u'.irlr irnul llm CnlllltV Of MnlllUUr between wall nf Run KVfinnlHln nml Tnlm llnn.l carried his money thus olwuya That j The aaalgninent of tenehora for tho $500 and $1,000 to put tho plunking of Unkor. roprosontlng tho Pacific u for ileflnlto uctlon. mi tomniltloo met TtiOHilay nml ' dp a reiolutlon which In sub ' dfdared tliut while tho com- FMdld not know tho'luals pf thn Cnlilwull officials Suturduy muriiliiK Uuutlaut; 8. M llouchor, prlnolpnl of did not satisfy I ha offher, andjyw,r UH follewa: J. M. McDon- in good repair. whon they were lumen over io me aid Mwonor a iraunuK " i'i - HiMpIng ayalem by which tho It wiw found Unit thoy had rohbwl a ,Rh Mliool, manual trnlnliiK nml mil- nrn llmC Trtll WM) -ifi i ti-B-.-s-.assp " -' 5a"!a8s. 2-LJSnjwjBARB WIRE FOR WAR 'teachfil, yet wuh wIIIIiik thnt enintloa; Catherine Conway, Wngllsli ; r..nvi- ZONt WN ON KANGt Mvo Stock Comnnny. Ilrooko and 'Uallaghflr mid John McCulloch up poiirod for upper river water uson and C M Crandnll nrguud tho ruso of tho Nevada Ditch company. Chrlstlno Abbott, homo oconomlcs; ltuth Cnbcon. history nnii iuhkhubu. Kllzabeth O'llrleu, music nml art; Maria Hart, commorolulj Wllmu MUos. Kngllsh nnd mnthomatlcs. Idrammar School A. C Sonsemnn, prlnclpul. olglith crade; Mrs J D. Deal, nivonlh grudo; Mao PIntt, sixth grudo; IoIu JTIiomna, third grndo; Cora h. Mo Nultv. Becond grade: Mrs. I'cnrl h. I'wm Htirniu nnd O.innienhil Club jninlosou, primary. Mary J ' WOll, primary. ..."" , LOCAL HAY WILL NOT BE BARRED IN STATE rtta Increased asked for bo 'ld oo rWlUtui that tho bond1 J was placed ueudliiK u thoro! ftlntlon by tho coinmlsslon. Tho atlon alio doclared that in tho I altlM's opinion tho method of P'twg toll enrnlngs for I ho On- leiehaiue wus unfair. wording to the flsurcH presented k niMtlnj Monday ovonliiB tho ido eiclianee is losing npproxl 'r 11,000 per yoar. That Ih II U falling to pay for oporat- toiw, providing a replacement and an 8 per cent return on Ktual Investment . C Hover nml u' i.' un., -. -.... ... .-. ,uilltl,l, f Whom Wsh u director nf thn Independent company wlilnh.nolil 'a the Malheur Home Tro 7oSio -ton with m ..Ynr.'r'0 o bo .lucid under a gwieral qunr "ion with Mr. (nk"i.' "i . ' ...i i... .i.- u..oiinii of the Htuto f t particularly t Wf.). bocuuso of tho alfalfa wuell, hut nn 'iument thnt tho ' Perhaps too low rl,,"a were tlio reHi p tered Into by thr Comiultleo HuniHils In llavliiK Meitsinti PiiiMel Modlfleil Other l-liriii llineiiu Niiwh Tlio commltteo composed of repre sentatives of the Ifarm Uuroaii. the Ontario Commercial Club and Ny Commorclnl Club, returned from the trip to Intorvlow tho Statu Hoard of iinriipiiitiirx lust Sunday. Thoy re port success in tliut tho couuty will ... ::.;.:. m w v. Ilomnn first una IsVcond.gradesjn Itdeachool; uTd VaSldorM.UeU" "' Tlim'nto.iinc dale for the now year will bo Soptombor Cth Literal Kuunplo of lllbllcnl Injiimtiini Tiirnlnj: ShoiiN Into Plough- hliiiivH nirulklieil Hy Iviilein Oregon Uiml Cinupiiii) Klglit hundred miles of bnrbwlro that was originally Intondod for use In Impounding tlio Hun In front of tho trouchoa of Franco and Flniidem, Is now omhrnrlng tlio range binds of tlio Kautorit Oregon I-and Company in Malheur County, restVaJnlng stock that wanders In that section. This groat fonco, tho longost.porhnps In Kastorn Oregon was rocaniiy com pleted by a crow of 12C irfijii work- DRIVE ON FOR STATE Ontario Ahkcd to Oontrlbulo lIH.1 for Vear'ri Work of lllg Ikiowlor Orgiinlntlon OommlttceH Cmiviihsliig I Meld Now ImTiK ltaofthepurchas,USttl "red to by tho cil c0llH. wme i I.. ,u .i cv". ifi nior coi.j.nci Uler consldernblo discussion of l!Hl!!. .u. .. ---i mo meeting adjourned at ' ."' ani turned tho proposition ' the commltteo for action. e raes whlcli Mr. Laknoss . ,ho commission to authorize "ovi-n as the nurlsson rates for d towns of,, ho ,01,0, of those tttJi co,,,l''y nnd are now "tt In Payette and Wolsor. re as follews: business . Individual lino (4.50; busl- iel0DVwo par'y ,, -B": w Phone, Individual lino .residence phone, two party '30! lural phones $2.00 must bo ground If shipped Tho orchard mon will huvo onotlier LAGR! TEAMS POT ON WORK Midsummer liillliitluii Of Knlgbth r Columbu Dlrectid Hy J. " Peuro of iJiOrnnilo Ahslstoil Hy linker Inlgo Men. Inilla- Moasrs. Allon, Chllda and Slnunoiis of tho Stato Chambor of Commerce team engaged In raising tho budget of tho organization for tho promotion lug for 70 days under tho Jllroctlon , Oregon's development spent a por- ,.f aiiiinrliilnnilnnl II .1. Lnrtllltzmi. Hl" " ' " wumii" ... ur"" - -- " ni... , e V"" many of thoconiuiunitloH mil Ii tlklBa Arm 9 stltH aiii nh w mH- paring tho way for exhibition .atV tho county fair tycfull and glvu uV auranco that thapyutost for tho big- gust prlzo of ull,wio community ex hibit will bo tbo'-clobott over atugod ' horo. j W, II. Doollttlo who has boon elec ted aocrotnry of tho Fair la busily on- gaged In ,tho prollmlnary work of organization and with tho co-oporu- tlon of ranchers to a groator uogrou than ovor In tho history of tho fair a truly ropronontatlvo oxhlbltlou Is In atom for tbla fall. Within tho oncloHiiro of tho fon mon mot with tho Coinmor- wititin iiio oncioHiiro oi mo ioiup ," , r . , ; , ,, thoro aro CO.OOO ucrea and to ,liulld $ cluli nt Us spoolnl meeting on It 04,000 posts woro placed ono rod Moiulay evening mid oxplaluod In de lf r son i.obIb for ovorv mile. twlUto working of tho organization publicity "a dig tho holes and plant tho p0M anfli;y hat the program for " ... n .lll,l..,l Inln flir nrKa . Sllll fl) lOW-UO WOrk U tO 1)0 and tho wlro wna stretched front 'M .J'10,111 f.?r 0r0K0" ,8 p,lttei! nt triicks 'mQ.OOOjfor three yoars and Ontur- Wltii the completion of tho fonco lo'aiiutit for ono yoar wus i placed at tho co up ny bus Inaugurated a now $1285, tjlls week a commltteo of lo policy for tho operation of its rnugo,il meii'nro engaged In nn effort to landB, tnai la inuicuiivo oi uiu uhuik- --- no of their coionraiou iuuui."h , , mdsununer HJ " ig conditions of tho stock buslnoss, , TlrTrt? ' "fanll1 n tlon of Ih. 8ko HWor Cound I of , this section,. Under the rogu . tiona propnreu uy uiu mutu i'i um will bo grunted on tho ratio of 10 ' acres to overy head or hiook, unui S rnVTBRIAN OIIUKOII M. Worship. " ,?..;.. ,f Columbus was bold Dond Ox Flat How to got lie osi ih ' uftornol,, followed lo ot tho next crop of worms and otl ter , 3u JJ , tho ovonI1B llt matters of Importance to tho i Indus- u buffet of ,oa8ls wn, do try will bo takon up ufter innking u which a piogrum u tour of the orchurds down that way ."verwi. , wag ,. and showing proper rospoc for the The icias i ni i g . oata that will ho served by the Itlver-,",,'" ,uU"ttble to be preaont Tlio dale folkn AJinouwiouoiiU waie .cants uei fc "'-'" w . ,,, nol mnlln.1 from the Funil Hureau or- PUBluoi ."- nltnn.laiice for flee to all tho fruit mon tho land lias had nn opportunity to roseod nnd prouueo a Heavier gruwi yolld when tho number of stock will bo Increased. Not only will tho umount of stock bo limited hut no stocK win no per- llessen tho crowd In attendance for ,Uo(1 ou tho ranB untn after Aug- lessen mmnlinr from ills- .'V , ni.i.- tl.lo vnnr nr not. Th S I1IMH ......--- -- , UBl A, U.V..W. ...- - " "- . , continued unui win condition. llnlilmnll ! VIII IN I . . ... . .1 .mn n f W llPfilkllOa III " B,c"l.u"' "'. ..'.:. nf ti.i,. in Naninu. Hoise, i. i". . . -'. r ; . rue couipui y . o? : ,r, --.. io go uiong. a nun... " "- uVolger Midvale ami ouier "" rUn any stock lisoit uui win cuu Mm vnv nf bettor crops and 'vnile- woiser, jiivu. ,!."".' . ., i,l in ntnekmer lice io an mo uu.v . .,i'ii,ara wnrn many memuors irom Ugt l. olthor tils yi Tho Unto f" tho Farm Huronuo bo re wer i M , t.rBn., I urt lolllior u haa been set July 30. II s w"'.1; j7nup", ,,a other Interior Polt. anBa 8 . good ci a great day for everybody who nna (Junturo. ani (,0,dweU( Payette raTh,0 compBny do tho way of bettor crops 'tlnuo to loaso tho land to stockmen ties and rotation practices will I'e.towiio. . un(ier tho dlr-1. ,,,, ,hn vicinity of Its holdings seen on the farms and explained , "" ' ', H roare f U Grande .Vhll tnor0 nre a numbor of tracts tho men who have had PO ."t0d. the degree team meiubora l'iwnSd by tho company within the Tho Commltteo In charge of the ar- f"wUBu'aJande 0nd Hukor. After 0 of ,0 fonre, stock runways f ar rangements will announce tie pro '" ,,orlnKof degrow the members' l8) ,nem moans of getting tholr cat- gram nna scneuuie "7"'.'" ,rnl,.ir,, l'diourn0d to tho city nan wi 'ti0 to and from meir nouiniB. Assistant County , Agent Ballard (o"reuuncWon wa8. BerVed and a , Assistant uouniy s "r " i7,fnt lunche'on was. serveu ami u nnd Stanley Jewott In charge of con. buffet luncMon jj trol work wipi preuawry ,." " 'i?' MiAm an eloquent address ny a. a. for tho govornnieni novo vi .,.. ------ f u h r wh0 cll0se thoy will meet with the Farm n'B.K cnWD oau ovecutlve comui Utee Oil tlio I7tll suujui. for his MKTIIOWHT CHUUgil Sunday Sorvlcos 10 A. M. Sunday School 11 A. M., Preaching "HupUug Db-, fects In Other Follow." ' 7:15 P. M. Epworth Leaguo. 8 P. M "Tho CJo8pol nccordlngVto Wm. Jennings Hryan nt Payette." 5000 DRAFT EVADERS HAVE BEEN CONVICTED Wjyuilngtoiift-Iflve thousand draft piwwil lmfi Vii-n eonvlvted In federal caw'nsttiid given wAnlcncvs of from 30 Xaya one year 111 prison, uecordlng tn reports' compiled at the depurimvnt of justice. Thirty 'thousand casea re main to be luvestltuted. The result of the Investigation shows about 10.000 canes of failure to register und a'n equul nuinber oOfulse queitloa nalres.' About 25 per cent of the men Ust4 aa delinquents wore found to have en listed In the American or allied nrmlss without the knowledge of their local boards. About 4oVor cent are ac counted for on the score of the flout Ing population. Home 20 per cunt aru considered thoiirwhf -fijileU to per' form their dutle J nttfde np of crip- lipleaaa willful (JaUiKiQtms. ' ?A - !E- oau oxecutlve committee on Yes, it will town along, it. . . . YelfVe.lsit.ho o pay you to push tills .". lloi)ht!fij to U will tako you with ,lf )ym l ,v ' best dairy atato Tho Oregon Dairy- Council will co-opwuto with parent-tenchor circles who wah to put on milk nducatlnnul campaigns or fairy milk pagents. Tho council has nu office ut 100Q Hroadway building. Portland. Tho Jioma demonstration ngentH nre con tinually finding tho, help of the coun cil a groat aid In their work. Child ho council's specialty and maKo tho stato the try stato In tho west- r (- ALLIES TO D .POLES Defense AgalnH Bolihevlkl Promised (f Troops Kept at Home, ' 3PJ If the P6a,;copsent to, rutlre ' within the nulumcfrpntlers of Pqlmfd the nllit?Vlll give them ulI,poaBlblu usslstance in the oveit'ot thejr belny attacked by the bolsheviki. This un-, nouueement was made bore. The. ut iles have sent u proposal to the Ilus 'elan sqrlet government for uu armis tice with Polund on cpnditlon thutibo. Poles retire within their natural Polish frontiers and that If the bolsheviki At tack the Poles within those frontiers , the allies will come to Poland's aid, A conference of representatives of ullK'' tht countries Is p.rupoed. "- I h"