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About The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1920)
THE ONTARIO AMOS. ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1920. d: mm fti w, LOCAL ID PERSONAL. C. V. Wood was lioro from Nampn to upend tlio Fourth. C. K. Dlnelmm niudo n business trip to Nampn Wednesday. it. A. Kotsny nntl wlfo of I'ocatollo pcut Hid Fourth In Onturlo. Arthur Van Slcklln of Wolscr Is n IiubIucah visitor hero this wiH'k. Mr. and Mrs. Connno .1. Shorli of Cnlflwoll wore In town Saturday. Mrs. E. M UrolB will entertain tlio Tuesday UrldKO Club next week. Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Crundnll wore nmonc tlio Fourth of July visitors from Vale. Miss Tlielttm Lninpkln of Coiinrll, Idaho Is vMUiik with Miss Margaret lllncknby. Tlio ConRrcgntlonal LndlcH Aid mot Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. J. W. Marsdcn. Dlitrlct Attorney II. W. SwnBlcr leaves tonight for Iortlntnl on n short buslneua trip. Mr. and Mrs. I.. ('. Kelsey. Choster and Klol of Nntnpa spent I lie Foil i tli In Ontario. Mrs Fred ItloRer and ohlldron spent several diiyti In Ontario this week vIsltliiR rohitlvos. Mrs. ('. II. Trousdale arrived homo from lint Lnko where she has been rewdvlnc treatment. Mr. and Mrs. doorjo Drown and Hynl (llonn v,wo Ontario visitors from Vnlo on Tuosday. Mrs. Dalton IIIrks motored down from their ranch above Vnlo this mornliiK on a shoppltiK trip. MIimm Delia and Wllma MIIoh and Miss Kuthorlno Troxoll left last week for it month's vacation at Seaside. Oreon. Mr mid Mrs. t'hostor Ynrnoll onmo up from Nnmpa to spend tho Fourth with Mrs. Ynmell' parentH. Mr. atid Mrs. J. II. Atherton Mr. mid Mrs. A. B. Ilrewiunt and dnuchter. Helen, aro lenvlux the last of tlm week for a visit nl their old home In Minnesota. Mrs. I'oto PiiForil and son. Allen, and Mlwi Nettlo Peterson nro spend Iiik this wcok at tho 0. II. I'oterson much near Crane. Miss Holon Andorson, cashier at the local tolcphono otflco.. spent tho week end vIsltliiK nt her father's ranch near Draw-soy. Mrs. A. L, Chanro returned last weok from (loodland, Kiiiihuk. Hor sister, Mliw IIiuwl Harper returned with hor for n visit hero. Clarenco II. J'o'oiiimii returned Saturday from California wlinro ho linn beon for wiimi llmo working nt ' bis trade, Hint or brlek idiiroii. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Setrulno wont :' Judge uud Mrs. Ueo, 12, Duvls and their family of V'ulo wuro Ontario vlaltora on Wedueaduy uvunlnij. Tho Catholic Ladled Aid was very onjoyublo euturtulued Friday uftur noon ut tho homo uf Mm. V. 1. Me Kouua. MUboh Mary uud Krnutlnu Loeoy and Mr. Carroll Locoy ciiiuu duu from Ironaldo to oujoy the Fourth ut July, festivities lu Ontario. Mr. uud Mm. Charlus W. Lamar, who huvo been visiting at tlio V. 1. McKeuuu Home left tho (list m Hie week for their homo lu DuIIiih. Tmx- as. Mr. uud Mrs. A. Ii. McUIUlvruy ot Vulu motored down from the Count BUitl Wuduotiduy uvunliitf to visit wltli their old time friends 0. M. Castle- inuu of the Outurlu l'liitrmuey. Mrs. Kmiuu lJrodorlok who has been employed lu tho book-keeping departments of the First National Dunk luut roslgued her position, el- lectivo August l una lias lukeii a position with the I'ucldu Uuilding uud Loan tiiMOulutlou in iluud. 1'. J. Gallagher uud sou Francis re turned fiou'i Jordan Valley Wednes day where they spent several days. Mr. Uullugher delivered tho oration at tho Fourth of July celebration which wus held ut tho now town of Jit MYSTIIItllCH OF FIIOIT OANNINO IJXI'MINI (Coutlnuod From Tago 1) Nyssa, July 12; Adrian, July 13; Ontario, July 14, Cairo, July 1G; Vale, July Hi.'; llrogan, July 113; Uon ltu, August 11. No date has been sot for Jordan Vulloy yet. which Is tho only Farm llureau community left to arrange for. Mrs. Duvla Imu been lu communi cation with the Agricultural College him made tonutlvo arrangements for another series of demonstrations for the ladles. This time it is to be something along the dressmaking Hue. with a demonstration of how to make a houio-mudo dressform. One of the College Specialists In this work has promised to come to con duct the work. ID CROSS OFFERS HOME NURSING COURSE For Training iiiiili'iil I'i'iiirriiiii Women anil ('iris In l.lfo Having Methods Value of Training Cannot llo Measure! TIih ii mi mi 1 tixitmitiiiliitiiH of iiuidl- eauts for teaching lu Hie various schools of Mulhutir County are now IiiiIml- held nt tlio count v com t Iioiikc by Fay Clark Hurley, Count) Supor- IiiImiiiIiiiiI nf Ki'IiiiiiIh Tliitrn nil1 llllie uipllcatlts who nro Inking llif cxain iuatlons which comuirticrd on iiiurs- ltubv. and cumo homo imtluiuiiiaiiiidiiv uud am oMiccted to hint until oMir the prospects for doelopinent Slkln," luunilng. comprising. I.on- i,. ii, ..i ...i.... il" Sears, Vale; Mrs. Nellie I'ntnuiii. ju uiui robton. Payette, Anna U. l'rltehell, Vale; ' Huth Uiekoy, Ontario; Hazel Dale.. MNK.VI'I'I.HUNTS TAKI2 EXAMINATIONS (IltlllT CKOWIIS IIKKK i'Olt 1110 OLLKIIIIATION (Continued From l'age 1 1 It would bo Impossible to give u detnllod description of tho vurlous floats, there are not enough adjec tives to go around but let It bo wild that tho contests were close for hon ors, and oven some ot tlio winners declare that others deserved the prizes, which shows the friendly char acter of the contests. Tho following was the order of the purado and the list of tho pnrtlo- p tints: Tho marshal of tho clay, and ours currying the civil wur voturans; then the floats of tho llluoblrd. lloyer llros; U. A. Fruser. Mrs. 1). N. l'ow. urn, Outurio Iluud, Atnorloun Lcglouj in uniform, float, tho Sulnor's Nest. Mnrsdou Muchlno company. Concro- gatlouul Sunday School. Outurio Cooking and sowing club, Illackuby Jowolery Co., Dreamland Theatro. Under Bros., The Uluu Moou, Outurio Modem I'ressary, Ontario Furulttiro compuny, Outurio Furnlturo com jmny'M clown with baby Ijukkv. On- tarlo Pharmacy, Turner's Muslo Store, Outurio Firo Department, Ilovo, aiW others. Aineilc-au Legion lintei lulu Vale: Jiiiinlta Uiihoii. DreHsev; M Upson, Urowsey ; Murgnrei Murpii). Heiiluli; and Winslow A. Iluiuiril, Ji iliin Valley. Vnlo Kntorprlse. WOMEN'S AUXILIAItV I'XIT i:li:cts oiTiunit Tho churloi' for the Women s u illury Unit of tho O.iinrlu Leiden recehed their charter last week mid the election of officers took place Friday: Mrs. l'lnnoy, President; Mrs. Diane, Vice President; .Mrs Uiruo llhiokuhy, Sec; Mrs. Fruser, Trims. a.ulur with the crowd wus that furn 8lshod by tho iuombors or Onturlo Post No. C7, Amorlcun Legion. Tho bin tt !& ti. .. . ii... ... to IlolHO ,w,l.v u..r,. M u...i.... . "" "' "" """ "" WUS pop Wiu .iJi, r.:.' ' "::; :."::. " . r.tu,ar . l" m rum .... MSII W f!C7lTi IH'UftR 1VII1I0 Mr. SoKtilno will return to-morrow ,,'"vv" "" MWHII MKU dlJli I1IIIV- i.ivo ... 1 ... i. ham Moss,. Karl Dull uud Ha.-, ro7. ey7ho S .To K ley Jenue spont n very onjoyahle day'of war souvenirs M.rH, T , Monday plcnlCng on Mann'. Cre.k. JuwirSSE, X 'i w l7 Jordan Valley ha. one of the larg- ihown aud 8orvod 0 nttct tl, t os Sew ng Clubs the County, uud tonllou of UundrwU of Vi-?to. under tho loB.lor.l.lp of Mrs. AllUou Tho Loglou nIso Wlllntttlnu"u win. lucknoHs tho club 1 doing splendid1 ton ,, tho coIobrtlUon J,1Z r. I....,.i.i , . .. i"'i"""i oui'i'uiitu uuu in me even- Mrs, c. u. Stovor and son, Ouy uro leaving tnulcht for Pnrtlumi Inga daucos were given. lu tho uarado the LoiMnn boy' where they will muko their home. 1 t - -- - ," ' , ? , '.I?,8 b0U ,B llUaUa f"V" ". -o fmt altogether thoro was the pust month. no orgunlzutlou which contrlbutod i- ..I . . . .u. iiuw. oi iyw umierwe.ii uu moro (o , BUCC0M f , gaUlBrl opera ,o for appendicitis ,, Tuo!ana colebrutlou tlm.. tho Legion m w tui iiiraui IUBIIIUI. Ills many friends will bo glad to know that ho la rocovorlng very well. Harney Dull and Molvlllo Keefo started 8unday to spend tho Fourth at Payette Lukes fishing, hut owing to n cloudburst they wero forced to camp u short dlstunco above Council, Idaho. Tho airl'a Sowing Club will meet ut tho High School on Friday, July 9, at 2:30 o'clock. Kuch girl Is to respond to roll cull by giving (ho iiamo'of some matorlul mado from wool, Mrs. David Wuggouor ami child ren from Juneau, Alusku aro visit ing ut tho Irwin Troxoll homo. Mrs. Waggoner Is a sister of Mrs. Troxoll. Mr, and Mrs, Waggouor uro mission aries sout out by tho Prosbytorlan church and have worked In tho Alas ku mission field for twenty years. Mrs. George M. Jeffrey who has boon visiting hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. C, P. Cummlngs for the past three weeks roturnod Wednesday morning to her homo in Dolso, Mrs. Cumiuliigs uccompnnled her ns far as Caldwell whero she will visit for a short tlnio. Announcements wore recolvod In tills city this weok of tho marriage at Fullerton, Nob., of Dr. A. 0. Ueagle to MUs Ffflo flooding, which took place on Juno 16th. Dr. lloagle was formerly an Ontario boy aud Is a brother of Mrs. J, It. Clregg. Mr. and Mrs. L. Roudy and child ren left Sunday for an oxteudod visit with Mrs Heady's mother, Mrs Frank Wlnans, ut Long Deach, California. During their absonco Mr, and Mrs, Itay F. Wlnans who recently cumo lioro from Twiu Falls, Idaho, will occupy their homo. CANNING DKMOXHTHATION IIKI.I) Tho first of the seriate of cannlni? demonstrations to bo hold In tho county us u part of tiie women') pro gram of work under the Farm llur eau wus hold ut Oregon Slono Wed- nesdoy afternoon. About thirty lud- loo assembled at the Park Snlinni c soo the aovornmont Cold Pack moth. od of cannlug domonstrutod by the' Couuty Club Loador. Muslo Wilson i Cherrlos uud pons wero canned, i aud gouoral methods of canning ami drying woro discussed, many ladles i adding tholr experiences, ' Tlioiiias-I'rattiei' From Columbia, Mlsourl, Kvenlng Mlssuurian. Thu Argus this week re ceived tho following account of the wedding of Prof. M. D. Thomas uud MIsh Anna May Prathor, Columbia, MlHseuii: Tho 10:30 Wiib.'tHh train tomorrow will curry a brother and sister on their honey. noons. Llconses were to bo procured lute today for the marriage ot Shuu.iou Pratlier ami Miss Margie Leach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Leach ot Centralln, and Maple I). Thomas and Miss Anna May Prathor, both of Columbia. Miss Prathor and Shannon Pratlier uro thu daughter and sou of Mr. and Mrs. H, M. Prathor of 410 South Ninth steeet. Mr. Thomas, a timelier ut Ontario, Oregon, Is ii sou of J S, Thomas of 700 Kim street. Tho Lonch-Prathor wedding will lake place this evening at tlio homo of the bride, Just south of Ceutrnlla, where MIsh Lcsich has been teaching lu a rural school. At U o'clock to morrow morning the Pruthor-Thomas marriage will bo held ut tho Prathor reslduneo, 410 South Ninth stroot. Miss Pruthor worked lu thu lloouo County Nutlonal Hank tor thu lust your. Sho Is a graduate of tho Col umbia High School and took a course lu vocal music at Stephens Collogo. Mr. Thomas Is u gruduato of tlio Unl vorslly of Missouri. Ho has boon professor lu chemistry at tho Outurlu High School for tho lust three years. He owns n dairy ranch outside or tho Oregon city. Tho couples huvo planned n honey moon trip through the West. In cluding Denver. Colorado Springs aud Salt Uko City, nltor which Mr. and Mrs. Prathor will return to Co lumbia where they will mako thulr home, and Mr. and Mrs.' Thomas will (ontluuo wost to Ontario. Mr. Prathor und Mr. Thomas serv ed In the army und navy, respective ly, lu the rocont war, Mr. Pratlier has boon couuectod tor Home years with tho local offlco ot the American Hallway Expross Company . If you had a sudden sIckuoHH lu .oiir homo, would you know what to do and what not to do while wait ing for tho iloctor7 In cane of an oiildomlc. wouldn't It bo worth while to know what iiro- tectlvo incitsiii'PH to use to protect your faintly? These aro somo of tho things you will learn In the "Home Hygiene and Care of tho Hick" classes to be given by tho Ontario Chapter of (he American Ited Cross. This course consists of fifteen leu sens, which will be given In a teach ing center to be announced later There will be no eluirgo except fir the text book which will be liOi uot In touch with the Instructor thru memborH of the local lied Cross Colli' mltteo or leave their Humes and ml lrcstioH lu (he lied Cross box In the Post Office. MIsh Ada Crosap who has been sent hero, by Division HcnduuiitiorH to iilvn thlH courso Is a graduate of Johns Hopkins Hospital, In Haiti more, Maryland, and has had experi ence nil training ns an Instructor lu this courso In Virginia Sho Is a woman of personality anil ability and brings to her work and to the community an miHiUHlnsm and Inter est that wilt mean much to tho stud ents who will undertake tho courso under her Kiildanco. Tho Home Ily- gleuo and Cnro of tho 8lck Courso Is a part of tho natlonnl movement of health. The world bus been torn by war ntul epidemics and alt countries aro .linking an effort to build ip tholr national vitality. It Is worth while for women to take this course for lu tholr IiiiikIh uro opportunities for tlio prevention of disease and on the. u falls tho euro ot the slek lu tlm homo. DREAMLAND THEAT 'WO IjATK TO CLASSIFY FOUND K. P. wutch fob. Ownor may huvo snmo by calling at Argus and paying for this ad. G27 32-lt WflHKU-r KtlSWf )H Hjinrff ANcauwn Wanted -Some girls to learn opera Hon of phono oxchungo botnl. Mai I lietir Home Telephone .Co. r),."J-32-33 ' k a'alSceae-Proa'BEmNDTTFT Cfcfj jf UTUi W(iuuiKUJ( wh My Coincrncur Murrls I'lcturlzrd by Luther ItiJDhniHl ArtuniAS f, iscK-UKfifit ci ion Sun. k Mon. July II I His Secret Wife! Ho did not (I aro to lot Hit' world I; now she hi liim. Hut when lie lost hoc, then tho fire in hii heart consumed his foos! A talc of a "coward" who fought like a na "traitor" who proved himself true, of a greit Kroat wronp;, and a vengeance-- "behind tliedMr.' Gouvenicur Morris's stlrritur rotnanco of !wt and adventure at sea, played by Itoswortl. athiibt a fine supporting cast, IneludiiiK Jane Novak anJr Heery. MID-SUMMER Clearance Sale .OF HATS All straw hats redu ter Included in this sal of hats for less 1 hey are mar ued to hha eis VUif rev one-Dfi i nri is at cost. qe. Vat one lot n half price. (Xk-t fw toso"fj-)1.95 GeorgettGrepeaVttists1iiarked at one-fourth off THE NERTE CENTER OF BUSINESS AND HOME LIFE Is Your Telephone It's efficiency depends on the o(iar acter of service.. WwantUfiis to be right JN&J&rrte ExcWaiige iictnuimore man ,zuuu ocai cans per day. in wages alonfe the cost ol service np doubJywhileUKe rites paid have remafed the same. Our taxes alorfe cye $100 pmonth. V2uServke Bette By calling by number only. Con sult the directory before placing a call. Nnfj-.n S Cut thin out and mall to uutu MAL1IKUU HOMK TKLKl'llONK fOMPAM Our uew Directly will bo published I Ontario, Or'KOi JK 1ST July IBU.. Help us to mako It ub. I rl1 M solutely correct b, InserUug tho Ibu ! leleP,,0ne N l"K yon desire lu spneo below ud Name inullluft sanio to m. x Adtlrnss . 4QW&$4tWWW4WWm. Osborn Millinery Ontario, Ore. MALHEUR HOME TELEPHONE CO. J. A. LAKNESS, Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr.