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About The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1920)
THE ONTARIO AK(iD8 ONTAHIO, OltEOON, TiiUfiSlAV, JULY 8, 1920 M STATE CHAMBER TO EXPANJHCTIVITIES Statewl(lo Appoal For Budget Mado to Provido For Do vclopmont Program. LEGAL NOTICES What la the plan of tlia oxpaiiBlon movement of the Oregon Statu Chain tier uf Commerce? How In It to be :nrrlcd out? Wliat Is It for? Theso uru tho throe questions uppor mum In tho minds of tliu majority of those who havu been Informed uf tliu movement which tho .Btnte Chamber launched April 19th with n survey of tho statu to But up preliminary organ Izattou and establish a direct connec tlon with practically every community In the thlrty-slx counties of Oregon. The oxpiiuslun niuvemcut by May of ixptaniitton might be divided Into three distinct classes. These nre: Klrut A survey of the state. Second An educational campaign to be curried on through local nuuspupcrs ind by mulling llieraturo pertaining to the movement direct to Industries, firms and Individuals interested In the development of tho state. Third The Intensive organUntlon work at which time u state-wide can- tnst will bo made, county by county, to rulse u budget to enuble the Oregon dtato Chamber of Commetce to enrrj 3ii Its program of development work for the state on a broader, more com (irchenslve scale. This canvass will be ado throughout tho state during June (lid July. This budget Is Id Ih oblalned by popular subscription. Tho npponl will ! state-ld and to everyone Interim- d In the development of Oregon and Is particular community. It Is be- .evt'd the lespouse will be met by the iiiiiufactuiur, the merchant, the farm- and Hi"' Indlvldunl, for each Is vim' ly Interested In seeing Oregon forgo ihead and duvelop its ndt&uliiKi1 and 'esources. NOTICE OF l-'INAIi SETTLEMENT Notlco Is horoby Riven that the undersigned administrator with tho will nnnoxed of tho estnto of Flor- onco 0. KniUM, doccasod, Iiuh filed In tho County Court of tliu Btato of Oregon for Malheur County his fiunl account of his administration upon said ustuto, nnd that Saturday, the 7th day of August, 1920, at tho hour of olovnn o'clock A. At. of mild day, nt tho court Iiouho In Vulo, Oregon, hau boon duly fixed by order of said court hh tho tlino and place for hour Ing said final account, and settling said estate. All porsoiiH interested In said cstato aro horoby notified to appear nt said tlmo and place and fllo their objections in writing, If any there uro, to snld final" account and contest the sumo. Dona and dated and first published this 8th dny uf July, 1020. 8. F. Tnylor, administrator with tho will annexed of tho ostato of Florence O. Kraus, deceased, W. W. Wood, attornoy for tho estnte. first Publication, July 8, 1020. Last Publication, August 6, 1020. Industrial developments depend on wo fucters: Natural resources or raw naterlulu, and proximity to markets ' " nipinifuctii" d 'iroduclH. (Iriinied these and sufficient encouragement H'Viiiipiuciit liiuvliably follow, Oregon bus the raw materials nnd nilurul resources. It will bo th purpose of the Statu Chamber of Com aiurce under Its expanded prottrum to ii'iiuulut the world with these facts, uid through direct solicitation, gut ln Justrlnl nmnagemrnt to consider Ore gon ss a silo for their industries. Furniture and wool manufacture In Oregon are In their Infancy. So Is the :aunltig and preserving of fruits, Villi Its vast resources In water power, its labor market, geographical locution, Oregon offers many to tho manufacturer who, however, must first be Interested In Oregon and know Its druntuife. SUMMONS In tho Circuit Court of tlio Htntc of Oregon for tho County of Mnlhcur A. N. Andrews, Plaintiff, vs. (lolla F. Hurbrldgo. Mnynnrd W. llur- 1 bridge, an Infant, and 11. E. Moody; Defendants. To II. K. Moody, ono of tho above named defendants: IN THE NAME OK THE STATE OF OHEOON: You nro hereby roqulrod to appear and uiiswni' tho complaint filed u- gnlnst you In tho nhovo entitled suit on or boforo tho axplratlutlon of six weoks from tho dnto of tho first pub lication of this summons, tho same bolng tho Inst dny of tho tlmo pro scribed by ordor of tliu court direct ing sorvlco of summons In said suit to bo made upon you by publication, und If you fall so to answer, for wnnt thereof, tho plnlntlff will npply to tho court for tho relief demanded in tho said complaint, to-wlt: For ti decree of snld court qulot Ing plaintiff's tltlo to hots 3G and 30 In Illock 8 of Itlvorsldo Addition to tho City of Ontnrio In Malheur Coun ty, Oregon, togothor with the water right therefor, and adjudging that you huvo no ostato or Interest In said lands and wator right, and that plain tlff'M tltlo to tho samu Is good und valid, nnd for till other relief do- munilod In said complaint. Yu nro further notified that this summons Is sorved upon you by pub lication in pursuance uf an ordor of Hon. Dnlton DICKS. JUilgO 01 saiu court, which suld ordor was mndo and ontorod In said cause on Juno 28, 1020. nnd d roctod that thin aiimmons bo published once each wook for six succosslvo weeks In tho Ontnrio Ar gus. Tho duto of tho first publica tion of this summons Is July 1, 1020, mid tho last publication Is on August 12, 1020. W. W. WOOD, Attorney for tho plaintiff. My reBldonco nnd post offlco ml dress Is at Ontario, Orogon. NOTICE OF ELECTION Notico Is horoby glvon by the un dersigned Clerk of tho County of Mul hour, Stnto of Orogon, pursunnt to an ordor of tho County Court of said County nnd Stuto mado and cntorcd on the 24th day of May, 1020 nnd n further ordor of said Court madu and ontorod on tho 8th day of June, 1020, that an cnllcd and wilt bo hold within tho territory horo luaftor described botwoon tho hour or 8 o'clock In tho forenoon and 8 o'clock In tho ovoulng of July Oth, 1020 nt which election shall bo sub mitted to tho quallflod electors with in said territory tho question of whothor or not said torrltory shall bo created and organized Into an Ir rigation district pursuant to tho laws of tho Stato of Oregon, to bo called tho Slldo Irrigation District, nnd at which olectlon tho qualified electors Bhall bo roqulrod to cast ballots con taining tho wordB "Irrigation Dis trict Yos" nnd Irrigation District No" or words oqulvulout thoreto. That tho boundaries of Bald pro posed Irrigation district as fixed by said ordors aro as follews: Commencing at tho NIC corner, of HH, Of UlONEU, or SOCtlOtl 32, Township IS South, Kongo 47 E. W. M.; thonco West along tho East mid West contor lino ,of tho N of said Section 32 to tho West lino of snld Soctlon; thonco North 80 rods, to the Section cornor common to Soctlons 30, 20, 31 and 32, In snld Township and rango; thonco West along tho North lino of Soctlon 31, snld Town ship and Rnngo to tho NE cornor of tho NWU of tho NWU of snld Soc tlon 31, snld Township nnd Itnngu, thonco North 40 rods along tho Enst lino of tho SWtf of tho SWU of Section 30, snld Township nmt gus, under and by virtue of mi or dor miide In tho nhovo causa by Hon E. H. Test, County Judge of Malheur County, Oregon, dated Juno 4th, 1920. FltANK EVANS Executor of tho Last Will and Toslnmont of O. E. Frye, deceased. Dnto of First publication, Juno 10th. 1020. Dnto of Inst publication, July 8th. 1020. IIKGIHTIIATIO.V OK LAND TITLE In Tho Circuit Court or tho Hlnlo of Oregon, Kor Malheur County. In the Mutter of tho Application of A. M. LACKEY To register tho tltlo of Lots 11, 12. 13, & 14, In Dlock 230; Lots 1C, 17, 18, 10 & 20, In Ulock 100; Lots 11 12, 13, 14, and 15 In Uldck 32; LotB 1 nnd 2, Illock 42; nil In tho City of Ontnrio, Malheur County, Stnto of Oregon; ngnlnst llonjnmln W. Opponhclm nnd Mary Locoy, Trustees; First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Ontnrio, Orogon; Mar io Chapman; Mary Locoy; and tho unknown creditors nnd holrs of tho Franklin II. Lnckoy Estnto; and tho unknown crodltors nnd holrs of tho Amos A. Lnckoy Estato; nnd All To Whom It May Concern: Defendants. TAKE NOTICE: That on tho 0th day of Jutro, A. D. iazu, an nppucailon wna filed by snld A. M Lnckoy, In tho Circuit Court of tho Stnto of Orogon, for Mnlhour i ounty, for Initial registration of tho tltlo of tho Innd abovo-doscrlbod. now, unless you appear on or bo- HUMMON8 In Hid Circuit Court or tho Stnto or Oregon, Kor tliu County or .Mnlhcur, .ss. Tho Ontnrio Nntlonul Hank n corporutlon, Plaintiff, vs. Emma Johnson nnd John A. Johnson, Defendants. To Emmn Johnson of tho nhovo nam ed Dofondunts. IN THE NAME OK THE, STATE OK OIIEOON: You nro horoby roqulr od to npponr and nnswor tho com plaint fllod ngnlnst you In tho above entitled Suit within six weoks from the dato of the first publication of this Summons, or for want thoreof, plnlntlff will npply to tho Court for tho relief demanded In tho Com plaint, to wit:: for a decree forever baring all right in, claim to or upon tho following dcscrlbod promises to wit: Tho NWU of SE,i S. 20 Twp. 18 S. It. 47 E. W. M. nud N& of SE of SE Soc. 20 Twp 18 S. II. 47 E. W. M. and to each and every part thereof which you may havo or claim to havo, olthor at law or In oqulty. Tho Summons, Is sorvod upon you by publication thoroot In tho Ontario Airub, a wookly nowspnpor. publish ed In nnd of gonoral circulation In Malheur County, Oregon, for six con socutlvo weoks, undor nnd by virtue of an ordor of tho Hon. Dalton Ulggs, Circuit Judge, mndo, Juno 17th, 1020 Dato of first publication, Juno, 24th, 1020, dato of Inst publication, August Gth, 1020. C. McQONAQILL, Attornoy for Plnlntlff. residence, Ontario, Oregon. foro tho 12th dny of July. A. I). 1020. Hango; thonco west ton point 40 rodiland show cnuso why such application north of tho NE cornor of tho NWi, shall not bo grnntod tho same will of tho NEVi of Soctlon 30, Town- bo tnkon ns confosscd. nnd n decrco HIDES, KUKH, AND PELTS ItuiichPi-N, HtiMkiiieii, Trappers: If you havo hides, furs orpolts aond them to us. Wo pay the highest mnrkot prices, Wo pay cash. IlODOEltH & COMPANY Ontnrio Oiegon Telephone lHit-W THOR ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE A SNOW WHITS Whcn Thccioch with h "jyiai? ULECT&IC vattEHt V Electric A li Ti" li n i XTTmI 3r W MMHHHHHsHlMMHd ship 1C South. Ilnngo 40 E. W. M.; thonco South 40 rods to tho snld NE cornor of tho NWV4. of tho NEU of said Soctlon 30, snld Inst tinmod Township and Ilnngo; thonco wost to tho NW cornor of tho NEV4. of the NWVi of Section 30, snld Inst named Township nnd Ilnngo; thonco South td tho SW cornor of snld NEK. of tho NWVi of snld Section 30, snld Inst nnmod Township nnd Ilnngo; thonco East to tho SE cornor of tho NEU. or tho NWU of said Section 30, said last nnmod Township nnd Hango; thonco South to tho contor of snld Soctlon 30, said last named Town ship und Ilnngo; thonco East to the NW corner of tho NEVi. of tho 812 of snld 8octlon 30, snld Inst named Township and Ilnngo; thonco South to tho SW cornor or tho NEU. of tho SE'i said Section 30, said Inst nnm od Township nnd Ilnngo; thonco East to tho East lino of said Soctlon 30; thonco South nlong sntd East lino to tho SE cornor or said Soctlon 30: thonco East 8.28 chnlns to the NW cornor of Soctlon C, Township 10 South, Ilnngo 47 E. W. M.: thonco South to tho SW corner of Lot 4 of said Soctlon 0, said last nnmod Town ship and Hango; thonco East to tho SE cornor or said Iot 4 said Soctlon 0, said last named Township nnd Ilnngo thonco North to tho NE cor nor of said Lot 4 of snld Soctlon 0, said Township and Ilnngo; thonco West to tho SE corner of tho SW U will ho ontorod according to tho nrnv er of tho application, nnd you will ho forever bnrrod from disputing tho snmo, IN WITNESS WHEHEOK, I havo horounto sot my hand nnd affixed tho seal of tho Circuit Court of tho 8tato of Oregon, for Mnlhour County, this Oth day of Juno, A. I), 1020. A. M. MOODY. Clerk or tho Circuit Court of tho Stnto of Orogon, for Mainour County. L. J. AKEH, Attorney for Appli cant, Ontario, Oregon, Dnto or First Publication, Juno 10, 1020. Dnto of last publication, July 8, 1020. CITATION In the County Court or tho Stuto or Orivoti, lir tho County of Malheur In tho mnttor of tho Estato of W. J. MINK, Doccasod. To Mabel O. Madilou, C. W. Madden. nor uusiianu, Tholmn K. Mink, Phil Mink, Mink, his wlfo. Win. II Mink, Irn Mink, Mink, his wlfo, nnd E. E. Mink. OHEETINO: In tho Nnino or tho State or Oregon, You uro hereby cited mid ruaulrod to appear In tho County Court or tho Stnto or Orogon, for tho County of Malheur, nt tho Court room there of the BWU. Soctlon 31, Township of, nt Vnlo In tho County or Mnlhour 15 South, Rnngo 47 E. W. M.; thonco on Monday tho 2Cth day of July 1020, HO Doivn During July Will Put a TfOjFL m YOun Nome More Than 450,000 Women Use a Thor Every Week. Positively the Best Washing Machine Made. A Thor Lasts a Lifetime. Sold at a Reduction During July Only $10 Down The Thor Is a beautiful cabinet machine In which nil mov ing parts aro enclosed. It Is simple to start and stop It requires no attention while In operation. The Atalog, that wonderful controlling device which Is fount) only In the Thor, takes care of everything. A Thor makes is easy to do the washing unnecessary to send It out. Bring your husband in to seo It operate, ELECTRIC SHOP Idaho Power Company North to tho NE cornor nt tho SWU or tho SWU or Soctlon 31, said last named Township mid Hango; thonco East along tho East and West contor lino or tho SU or said Soctlon 31, said lust named Township and Ilanuo to tho East lino or said Soctlon 31. thonco South along tho East lino or said Soctlon 31, snld last nnmod Township und Hango to tho SE cor nor thoreof; thonco East along tho South lino or Soctlon 32, said last nnmod Township nnd Hango, to tho NW cornor or Section 4. Township 10 South, Ilnngo 47 E, W. M.: thonco South to the SW cornor of Lot 2 of said Soctlon 4 said last nainod Town ship and Hango; thonco East to tho Snako ntvor at tho SE cornor of Io! 1 of said Soctlon 4, said last named Township and Hango; thonco North up and along tho hank or Snako Riv er to tho SE cornor of Lot 3. Sec tion 33, Township 15 South, Hango 47 E. W. M.; thonco West along the South linn of said Iot 3 approximate ly 500 root, more or loss, to the West side or tho right or way or tho Mal heur District Improvement Company Ditch; thonco in a Northwesterly dir ection along said West slda or the right or way Ditch to tho Point where said West side ot said right or way Intorsects with tho West line or said Lot 3; thence North on the West line of said Lot 3 to tho place or Beginning. That the wholo or said territory Is created by said orders Into one vot ing precinct and that tho polling place therefor Is fixed at Lincoln School House, School District No. 20 nnd by said ordor W. D. Patch nnd W. E. Perry nro namod as Judges of election, and I. Yant as clerk At such election tho qualified elec tors ot said territory are dirocted by said orders to elect three qualified persons as a Hoard or Directors for said Irrigation Dlstlrct, tho selections of such directors to be from the dis trict at large. Such election shall be conducted as near as practicable In accordance with tho general election laws or tho Stato ot Orogon. Dated at Vale, Oregon this 8th day of June, 1020. A. M. MOODY, County Clerk. (SEAL) by H. S. Sackett. First publication, Juno 10. 1920. Last publication, July 8, 1020, nt 1 o'clock, In the afternoon of tho day, then mid thoro to show causo If any thoro bo why mi order or LI conuo should not ho grnntod mid Is suod by this Court to D. 1). Purcoll, to soil so much ot tho following des cribed real proporty as may bo noo ossary to pay off tho oxponso of Ad ministration, of tho ostato or said deceased togothor with tho balance duo to the crodltors of tho ostato of said decoasod, to wit: Fractional BEU of NEU. (of Lot 5) Soc, 3 Twp. 18 8, II. 47, E. W. M. Lots Numbered, 10 and 17 In Illock No, 200 In tho City of Ontnrio, Orogon, Lots Num borod, 14 and 15 In Ulock No, 235 In tho City or Ontnrio, Orogon. This Citation, Is sorvod upon, Ma eol a. Madden, C. W. Muddeu, her husband Tholma E. Mink, Phil Mink, Mink, his wUo. Win. II. Mink and E. E. Mink or tho nbovo nnmod holrs at luw to tho ostato or W. J. Mink docoasod by publication thoreof, for four cousecutlvo weoks in tho Ontario Argus, a wookly nows pnpor, published In, mid of gonoral Circulation In Mnlhour County, Oro gon, under nnd by vlrtuo or mi or der of Hon. E. H. Tost, County Judge ot Mnlhour County, Orogon, dated, June 14th, 1920 Dato of first publication, Juno, 17th, 1020., data of Last Publication, July 15th. 1020. Wltnoss. Tho HON. K. II. TEST, Judge of the County Court of tho Stnlo ot Orogon for tho County of Malheur with tho seal of snld Court afflxod this 14th day of Juno A I). 1020. Attest: A. M. Moody, Clork. Ity II. S, Sucket, Deputy Clerk (SEAL) NOTICE OK IIIUIII NO Notice of hearing of final urooiint or Executor. Notice is hereby given to whom it may concern, that the undersigned the duly appointed, acting and qual ified executor of the Last Will and Testament of C. E. Frye deceased, hns filed in the County Court of tho State ot Oregon, for Malheur County, bis final account or his administra tion or the estate of said deceased. That Monday, the 12th day or July, 1920 at l o'clock P. M. In the County Court Iloom, In the County Court House, at Vale, Mainour Co, Oregon, has been fixed as the time and place for hearing any objections to such final account If an" there be. This Notice Is published for four cunsecutlve weeks in the Ontario Ar 00tS2 After you cat always talrj E ATONIC Tt'oR YOUR AClD-STOMAClD Instantly rellovca Heartburn, Dlor.t-edGaicyi-ceUng. Stopafoodeourin.T. repeating, and all stomach miseries. Ald dlicitloii "'i pulll. Keep toinacl, rwcttacJcUMi. Jr, rdwi Vitality l'n nATONICImSe -jc remedy. Ttnt nt ll. Mtidf wonderfully urheiituu OnlycoaUuc, . or I wo dy la uxli I'ilively gurmiiU 4 (a plrM or v will rtf uail maocy, (jt titj Ibox Uiy, Via v.ti w, Ontario Pharmacy HOBTON CAFE ' Now open for buslnoss WELL COOKED FOOD GOOD SEnVICE FAMILY PATRONAQB SOLICITED. Open 6:30 a.m. to 12 p. m Ontario, Oregon 4lMH"MH'i.HiHS$MHH-M- j We Loan Money This bank- loans money. That's the way wo make our living. But wo don't loan nionoy foolishly nor for imprudent purposes. It is our ambition to seo this community prosper and it is decidedly to our advantage to see that il docs prosper, because if the community prospers our deposits will bo increased and we will have more money to loan. . It can readily bo seen, therefore, that wo cannot consistently loan money for any pur- o poso not conducive to tho best interests of the com- J! munity in general and tho borrower in particular. ; On this basis this bank loans money gladly. ruauBjij v l T!VH7BLriaV'rVTTVVVVVP9VtaHNMc1MMPVVVI "As a Matter of If act" says the Good Judge It will actually cost you less to use tho Real To bacco Chew. Any man who uses tho Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Tho full, rich tasto lasts longer and a small chew gives more genuine satisfaction. Put up in two styles RIGHT CUT Is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco meiu: LiniiT roit this FouitTii You want lots of light on the Fourth of July, Indoors ns veil ns outsldo Light up In a Llnru of glory on this glorious old day, tho birth of our nation. Equip your house with our up-to-ilato und art!tlc electric light fixtures, the lutndsomrait In town NOHTIIWi:STi:it ELLOTMC co. i-iiiiiiu inn j u.vminu, tun;. jj( '--.TTTyTTTTTyrTyTtffttfttt fs McDowell Undertaking Parlors A. L. McDowell, Prop. J. O. riiillabaum, Licensed Etnlialmcr and Funeral Director Funerals directed from tho parlor-chapol, the homo, or from the church of your choice. Parlors situated in a quiet district First-class services rendered to all Experienced Lady Assistant Day Phone 10GW Night Phone 80M V y- xS