The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 08, 1920, Image 5

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Rexall Remedies
Eastman Kodaks
Nyal Remedies
Sunday Sorvlccs
10 A. M Sunday Schuol.
11 A. M. Preaching "When night
In Mlsht"
7: in P. M, Up worth Longuo
8 I. M. Illustrated address "Tho
(Haul Klllor."
Tho Womon'fl Mlrudonnry Soclot
of tlio United Presbyterian Church
They're Here
Below are the prices of the new Wayne Washer.
Cash $100.00
On time-?l08.00-$18.00 down nd$7.50 monthly.
12 months to pay in. .
We have this washer on our floor for your inspec
tion and can make deliveries at once.
Phone 188-J
Zerolene Oils
15-GalIon Barrels now
in stock at
582 -
Goodyear and United States
All sizes; Cord and Fabric'
will meet ut tho homo of Mrs. C. H.
Bocoy, Thursdny P. M July 1G nt
MrB. David Waggoner of Juneau
Alaska Iiob kindly coiiBontod to talk
on tnlslon work In Alakn whoro alio
und lior husband havo been mission
arios In connection with tho Presby
terian Church for 11 number of ycarB.
All IndloH Intoruotod In this work are
cordially Invited to this mooting.
Is at your commnud If yon ubo
tho electric curront. No hunt
ing for matches, Just a turn of
tlngors and tho light Ib thoro.
No dangor of fire or suffocation,
no heut, no smoko, no suiull.
lel us provo to vou also that
tho electric Ih not un oxponslvo
light. We cun do so easily
Phono 188 J ONTAUIO, OHI4.
Electric Cot
Ontario, Oregon
Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
Motor car service Is to bo restored
between Pendleton and Umutllla, July
Itesldents of Western Lane county
have oled to establish a union
school at Florence.
Tlin census bureau guvo The Dalle
a population of 5807; un Increase of
027, or 1U por cent.
The First Nutlonal Hank of Clnts
knnle opened Its doors for business
In temporary quarters.
Dukcr coal dealers ara receiving
liberal supplies of coal, removing any
fcur of an Iminedlato shortage.
Exports from Portland for the month
Just ended amounted to $7,763,666, the
highest June record In tho history of
the port.
A churtcr has bean Issued to tho
Columbia Trust & Savings bank of
Astorln. The Institution Is cupltalliod
' nt $100,000.
Funeral services for James Illco, a
prominent banker nnd farmer of Ma
drus, were held In tho Klks' tomplo
at Tho Dalles.
The census bureau announced tho
1020 population of linker City, Or., an
7720, un Increase of 087 or 14.6 pur
cent since 1910.
Tho luinbor mills cperntod by the
Uooth-Kully luinbor company ut Wond
ling und Springfield closed Saturday,
July 3, Indefinitely.
The Albany Ministerial association
hus elected Itov. J. C, Spencer, pastor
of the hirst Methodist church, presi
dent for tho coming year,
Frank Humus, engineer ut tho plant
of tho Kugouu & Western Lumber
company, Kugene, was killed when a
mult! steam pipe exploded.
limed on tho present registration
of motor vehicles In the state It Is
predicted that more than 160.000 per
sons will upply for drivers licenses,
llurvey O. Sturkwouther wus elected
president ut the unnuul meeting of
the sons und daughters of Oregon plO'
neers ut the I'ortluud public library.
Itesponslblllty for tho gasolluu strin
gency whs laid to the oil compuules
In u repott published by the committee
of the Dealers' Motor Cur association
of Oregon.
Thut the lumbor Industry Is slack In
Coos county Is Indicated by the num
ber of loggers drifting Into Murshfleld.
Two mills have shut down for un In
definite time.
According to Labor Commissioner
Oram there would be no shortage of
labor In Oregon If unemployed per
sons would take work outside their
regular calling.
The contract for construction of tbe
dam for the diversion of water from
Itogue river to Irrigate 10,000 aoros
of land near OranU Pass has been 1st
to a California contractor,
The public service commission Is
sued an order permitting the St. J
Helens Lumber company to discon
tinue steam heating service to Its few
remaining patrons at St. Helens,
Governor Olcott has, lu company
with governors of other states, Issued
a proclamation urging enlistment In
tbe United States navy. The quota
lecommended from Oregon Is 500,
The publlo service commission Is
sued an order allowing J, F. Duugherty
to cease business as a publlo utility
at Yoncalla. fir. Daughterly has been
providing a domestic water service.
Contracts have been signed by the
Oregon Dairymen's league for the
purchase of ten cheese and butter
plants In different parts of the state.
The deal Involves more than 1200,000.
L. a. Hulln of Eugene has resigned
as cashier and director of the First
National bunk of Spriugfleld and bis
place lias beeu takeu by Lloyd C. Mar
tin, who has bought Mr. Hullu's stock
la thv Institution.
The Kugene Chamber of Commerce
has taken up the proposed develop
ment oft hydroelectric power on the
Willamette and McKenile rlveis us a
means of attracting manufacturing In
terests to the city.
The Carlton school budget for next
year, carrying appropriations for the
e . 'ary of oi - mtrs teacher In the
high school and for Increased pay for
alt members of the stuff wus passed
by n narrow majority, 48 to 42
Tho state Irrigation securities com
mission has been asked to certify an
other $134,000 block of bonds for the
Grants Puss Irrigation district, this
being a part of tho $290,000 Issue
nrlglnnUy uuthorlind by the district.
The state land board decided to ox
chnngo 60,000 acres of what Is known
us statu script, and which Is located
lu various sections of Orogon, for a
uunpuct body of (0,000 acres of fed
oral lands In tho Santlam forest re
rorvc.The lands sought In the Santlam
forest rcscrvo would bo used tor
forestry purposes.
According to the report of tho post
master at Salem the revenue of his
cfflce from thn sulo of stamps the
put fiscal oar was $7302. Second
class mall matter brought $0054 and
mutter from thu state offices $14,200.
In reply to a query from the district
attorney of drunt county, Attornoy
General llrown hus given tho opinion
that no official or person has authority
to suspend tho enforcement of tho
statute, prohibiting minors from play
lug poet,
wno of tho largest dents closed In
linker for some time culminated when
flnul arrangements wore mado by tho
Cornucopia Mines company for tho Is
suance of a $300,000 morlgugo to tho
Guaranty Trust company of Now
Ciiptulii Jacob Spolor, Portland hnr
bormuster, hus Issued an order requir
ing all vessels entering from foreign
ports to obey the provisions of tlio
itifw clty.otdliianco requiring udoquuta
protection against the introduction of
Apparently tho finances of tho young
men of Lane county are butter than
llioy wore u yuur ugo. County Clerk
llryson Issued marriage licenses to
59 couples during Juno this your, as
compared with 30 for thu same month
last year.
As a result of action taken by,the
upplo uud pear growors of Oregon,
pructlcnlly the sumo regulations rel
ative to grading the fruit und tho
slzo oT boxes for shipment will pro
vull this season In Oregou, Washing
ton, Iduho, Montana.
Twenty-one voters dotormlned tho
fate of u $106,640 budget It was ascer
tained when the count on thu Ilend
special school district election wus an
nounced. The budget carried by a
vote of 12 to 8, ono ballot, Improperly
marked, being thrown out,
The grund Jury nt Tho Dulles, after
examining 10 witnesses, found Indict
ments ugalnst Oles Drown of Pousu-
coin, Kla.. charged with the murder of
Otis Mayes, O.-W. It. & N. brukomun,
and Council Oliver, Norfolk, Vu., as
uri uccessory. Doth are colored.
O, P. Huff, state treasurer, Is barred
by law from purchasing Impiovemont
bonds Issued by tbe city or Nortli
Ilend, Ccos county, for less than pur
and accrued Interest, according to a
legal opinion glveu by tho attorney
general. The opinion was usked by
Mr. Hoff.
Pioneers from all parts of the west
assembled In Portland last Friday for
the 48th unnuul reunion of the Oregou
Pioneer association, whoso member
ship Includes only those who arrived
In Oregou or were torn burn bofors
185'J, the year Oregon waa udmllted
to the union,
Construction of a paved highway ex
tending from the southorn Willamette
valley to Salem and thence north of
Salem to connect with thu paved road
on the west side of the Willamette
river Is the purpose of thu Cupltol
Highway usscciutlou, which was organ
ized at Salem.
The West Coast Lumbermen's asso
ciation Is Installing a display of
Douglas fir and hemlock lumber In
the state exhibit room on the ground
floor of the Oregon building, Portland,
that will make It one of the best edu
catlonal showings of tho kind that has
ever been arranged,
lUquest for the assignment of two
men In Portland from tho United
States health service to take ade
quate steps to prevent bubonic plague
entering Oregon, was made by City
Health Officer Parrlsh In conference
with Major Illchey Waugto of thu
United States public health service.
Members of stats and congressional
central obtnmlttees who aro elected by
county central committees shall not
necessarily be members of tho county
committees, according to i legal opin
ion handed dowu by Attorney-General
Brown. The opinion was asked by K.
H. Tongue, district attorney of Wash
ington county,
No petitions of aliens who deslro to
become citizens of the United Stntos
will bo received by thu circuit court of
Multnomah county after August 1.
Aliens must hereafter apply for citizen
ship pupors through tho United States
district court, but In other counties In
tho state where tho applicants would
bo Inconvenienced by thu fact that tho
only federal court In thu statu Is in
Portland, the Mute courts will con
tinue to hear naturalization cases.
A bomb was thrown Into the plans
for tho annual uiuhlllzutlon of tl Ore
gon National Guard when u fining wus
received by Adjutant General George
. Whlto from the mllltla bureau or the
war depurlniHiit requiring a minimum
of 62 men pur company In order to
draw federal pay. Und or this ruling
no trausfetx or men from ono com
pany to another In order to meet the
minimum -tulrement nor thu con
solidation or companies will be per
mitted. 'I his means, Adjutant Gun
ernl Wh't states, that, with two or
throo oxu'ptlons, nono of tho c a
panics of tho Fifth Oregon Infantry
regiment will ntleud thu camp unless
u special dispensation Is serurtd molli
fying the tiillnr; so as u permit tho
consolidation of oompanlss u hero-tofor
From tho poorest republic lu thu
world to tho richest Is what tourists
Havel did for Switzerland. That lltllu
republic practically unknown a century
igo Is now recognized thu world over
is a playground for tourists becaus
its scenic beauties were capitalized.
Datu showing whut tho tourist busi
ness has dune for Switzerland has been
jrepured by Alfred A. Aya representing
he Swin Interests lu Oregon nnd
unit il over to the Oregon Stato Cham-
oer of ConimercK to be used In connec-
Innwlth Its stiite-wlde expansion cam
paign now in progress.
It hus a direct bearing ou the cam
paign by reuson of thu fact that ono of
he chief arguments being used by the
Statu Chamber Is that cities ure spend
ing huge sums to udvertlsu their In
terests along civic Industrial lines.
In tho arllclu prepared by Mr, Aya
ihowlng thu economic valuo of tourist
ruvo! he suys
"It is estimated that tourists an
nually spend more than $750,000,000 In
the United Ststos, Of this sum It is
estimated Maluo and Colorado receive
;loc to $50,000,000; the New Kngland
itutes close to $100,000,000; Florida
closo to $200,000,000 und southern Cali
fornia close to $300,000,000 while In
1918 It wax estimated thut Oregon with
K'onory tut-ond to none In tho world
received less than $6,000,000 from this
"Thu bust example In tbe world of the
possibilities of the tourist business la
Switzerland, with an area or 15,966
squure miles, or about oue-ihird larger
thuii Harney county In eusteru Oregon.
"The Swiss did not ooiwrliiusly begin
development or the tourist business
until ubout 100 yours ugo, starting
a till the single guest In the spare,
room until today the little ropubllo
hus, according to thu latest hotel guide,
960 lintels and doubles Its population
innuiilly through the tourists, It Is
mill the little village of St. Morltz hus
,'i-w over fifty native population, but
S70O beds for tourists."
Specific cities cited by the State
o advertise their possibilities Inolude
'Miumlier that aro spending huge sums
"ian Francisco which Is now raising a
uud of $260,000: Seattle now engaged
ii raising $260,000 uud New Orleans
' Hi-h put $100,000 luto un advertising
Le.iderthip Qualities.
Til-' challenge (if leadership must be
(lie Inner spontaneous response to an
outer opportunity or It will never Inst
over night.
.HiiccifeM artists are Hooding the
world wlili nvily-mnilp recipes for how
to win They forget- that you can't
put lklim where there Ih no Inclina
tion to vision. And where there Is
no vision failure Is bound to result.
Thut'H why It Is that o inniiy people
never get beyond tho point of work
In for the other inun. They art) Just
slaves of toduy. They fear responsi
bility. Loads thnt bring Joy to the
heart of thu real man crush them.
Hut where men see the possibilities
there In un limit to what they may
accomplish. At- bottom a man must
have In him something of the soul that
appeals und feel the self-mastery that
urges him to attempt what others have
failed In. It may seem a common
thing, but It's one of the ussets of success.
Subscribers to Budget Will
Havo Voico In Mattor
of Expondlturos.
"After I have subscribed to the Ore
gon State Chamber of Commerce, wTlat
part will 1 have in the organization?"
This question Is frequently heard In
connection with tho State Chamber ex
pansion movomaul now In progress,
Tho answer Is that all subscribers
wilt have a voice In saying how the
money will be spent. Uy this and
other methods the fundamental demo
cracy of the organization Is assured.
Of course tho Uoard of Directors, to
which ovory member Is ellglblo, will
actually expond the funds of the organ
ization; but they will be guided lu
their expenditures by the wishes of thu
To detrrmlno what the subscribers
want the Stato Chamber to do, group
moetlugs will be. held In ovory center
of population In thu state, when nil sub
scribers will bo called together uud
asked to answer, In writing, the fol
lowing questiens:
1. What can the Oregon Bin to Chain
ber of Commerce do to Improve coudl
tlons of opportunities In your own lino
of buslucss or profession?
2, What do you bulluvo tho Oregou
Statu Chamber of Commerce should du
to advance tho Interests of your owu
3. What lu your opinion as a citizen,
Is tho thing of first Importance for,
the Oregon Stato Chamber of Com
merce to do for tho good of tho statu
as a whole,?
After these group meetings have
been held under the direction of thu
executive committee, lu charge of thu
campaign, each district will select ouu
representative to utteud a convention
with tho ofricora and directors of tho
Statu Chamber, and the unswers to the
questluns will be formulated Into a
program of activities designed to untto
thu sutlre state ou definite tasks.
Tho program of work will also con
trol expenditures. When work Is start
ed on this program the directors will
follow their present practice of submit
ting questions of wldu Importance by
means of referendum,
Tho Directors represent every city
ind county In tho stato. Itrpreseuta
lion on thu Hoard Is arrunged geo
graphically and not bused on popula
tion, Kastoru Orogon Is represented by
five Directors, Western Oregon by five,
Multnomah County by two, and there
are three at large, inaklug a total of
fifteen, which avoids the possibility
of control by any one section,
To sum up: Tho State Chamber will
do what the subicrlbers themselves say
hould be done, It will function
through a Hoard of Directors eluctt-d
by delegates and officers, Including an
executive seen tary elected by thu
Hoard. Voting will be done by consti
tuent members, Individual subscribers
help make up thn program or activities
and carry them to completion through
committee service.
Tho United Stntou Civil Sorvlco
Commission has announced an exam
ination for tho County of Malheur,
Oregon to bo hold at Ontario, Orogon,
on July 24, 1020, to fill tho position
of motor rural carrlor at Ontario,
Orogon, and vacancies that may luter
occur on motor rural routes from
post offices In tho nbovo-inentlouoil
county. The salary on motor routes
ranges from $2100 to $2250 por an
num. The examination will bo opou
only1 to citizens who aro actually
domiciled In the torrltory aupplloil
with mall by a post orrico in tho
county and who moot tho othor requlr
monta Bet forth In Forma 2121 anil
1077, Form 2121 may ho soon posted
at any post office In tho county for
which the oxamlnatlon Is hold, and
Form 1977 and application blanks
may be obtalnod from tho offlcos ut
which the vacancy exists nnd whoro
tho oxamlnatlon Is to ho hold, or
from tbe United State Civil Sorvlco
Commission at Washington, D. ('
The appolnteo to this position will ho
required to furnish, maintain, and
operate a modorn motor vehicle with
a carrying capacity of not less than
800 pounds and a cublo capacity of
not loss than 80 feot. Applicants
must file with their applications u
statement of tho oqulpmont thoy will
bo able to provide In the event of
appointment. Applications should
bo forwarded to the Commission ut
Washington, D. O . at the oarllest
practicable date.
P 31 D. A. GRADY. Local Sec.