THE 0NTAK10 AUG US, ONTARIO. OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 1, 1920 LEGAL NOTICES notice of administrator's ham: in the county couiit of the state op oregon, for MALIIEtm COUNTY In tlio mottor of tlio ostnto of Ernest A. Atwood, Dccoaacd. Untlor huthorlty granted by tlio Witt In thn within mentioned EHtntn. mi mo uraer or ilia juugo of tlio sain uounty court, I, tlio undersign ed oxocutor, will Roll at prlvnto sale, tlio following described real estate situate In tho COUNTY OK MAI- HEUR, STATE OF OREGON, to-wlt: "Tlio South Half (S) of tho NortlicnBt uunrtor (NEi) of Boctlon Six (0) In Township Blx toon (10) South of Hango Forty sovon (47) East of tho Wlllam otto Meridian," and "An undlvldod ono-hnlf () In torost In and to tho Southwont (lunrtor of tho Northwest quar tor (BWM NWH) nnd lot Thrco (3) of Section Four (4) In Township Sixteen (1G) South of ItniiRo Forty-sovon (47) Enst of tho Wlllntnetto Morldan, con taining nbout seventy-eight (78) ncrcs," and "A part of Lots Thrco nnd Four (3, 4) In Section Thlrty-threo (33) described nn follows, to wlt: beginning nt tho corner common to sections thirty-two (32), thlrty-throo (33) thirty four (34) nnd thlrty-flvo (30) In Township PI ft con (15) South of Itango Forty-sovon (47) Enst of tho Wlllamotto Morldnn, thonco North 1310 foot on tho section lino to tho placn of be ginning, tlicnco North 2008 foot thence South 39 dogrocH CO min utes Enst 18G.G foot, thonco South 34 degrnos 3G minutes East 008.7 foot, thonco South 20 doRroos 10 minutes Enst 010.0 foot, thonco South 22 de grees 3 minutes Enst 802.2 foot, thonco West 1102.0 foct, to tho plnco of beginning, containing 20.8 acres, mora or loss," nil In Malheur County, Oregon. Tlio said snlo will bo uindo on nnd after tho second (2d) day of July, NOTICE OP PINAIj ACCOUNT IN THE COUNT COUIIT OP THE . .STATE OP OHEaON, POlt THE.. .. ..COUNTY OP MALHEUR.. .. In tho Mnttor of tho Estnto of MAN UEL YRAGUEN, DoconBed. NOTICE IS HEItEUY tllVEN. mat jUBtn Yrnguon, ndmlstrntrlx of tho Estnto Of Manual YrnRiion, deconBcd, Iiiib rondored nnd niud with tho Court aforcBald, for settloment, her Plnnl Account of her administra tion of snld Estnto; Thnt Tuesday, tho Oth day of July, A. I). 1D20, ut onu o'clock 1. M., or as soon thereafter ns can bo board, and tho Court Itoom of said Court In Vale, Mnlhour County, Oregun, havo boon appointed an tho tltno and plnco for tho settlement of said ac count, at which tltno and plnco nnd persons Interested In said Ectnto tuny nppcnr nnd nto objections to tho snld account, nnd contest tho same, JU8TA YHAQUEN, Abovo nnmed Administratrix. 1st. pub.0-3 nnd last pub 7-1-1020 In SUMMONS tho Circuit Oiurt of tlio Hlntc of Orrgou for tlio County of Mnlhcur N. Andrews, IMalntlft. vs. 1020, nnd bids will bo received ut mo orrmco of tho county Judge nt Vnlo, Oregon, nnd nt tho ufilco of "Lloyd nnd Son" In tho city of Wols or, Washington County, State of Idaho, Tho said proporty will ba sold sub Joct to all taxes or assessments levied or assessed by tho "Snako Itlvor District Improvement company," or by Malheur County, or any Doily Cor pora to authorized to lovy taxotnor to innkn assessments under tho laws of tho Stata of Oregon; also subject to nil dollmiuont tnxos that may now bo unpuld which woro tovlcd or assess ed ngalnst said proporty. Tho iiald proporty will bo sold, to tho highest blddor upon tho follow ing terms, to-wlt: Cash In lawful money of tho Unltod States, ton per rent (107) of tho purcnuso prico to bo paid nt tlio tlino of snlo, and tho remainder on tho continuation of solo by said County Court. Datod this 27th day of May, 1020. M. L. WALKER, Executor of tho Estate of Ernost A. Atwood, decoasod, First publication Juno 3, 1020. Last publication July 1, 1020. INSIST on nn abstract of tltlo when you purcbaso or lend money on real estnto. MALHEUR TITLE AND ABSTRACT CO., Vale Orogon. dclla P. Ilurbrldgo, Maynard W. Ilur- brldgo, an Infant, nnd II. E. MooUy; Dofcndnnts. To II. E. Moody, ono of tho nhovo named defendants: IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OP OHECION: You aro horoby ruqulrcd "to nppeur and answor tho complaint filed n gainst you In tho nbovo entitled suit on or boforo tho oxplratlatlon of six wcoks from tho dato or tlio first pub lication of this summons, the sumo bolng tho last day of the tlmo pro scribed by, order of tho court direct ing servlco of summons In said suit to bo made upon you by publication, nnd If you full so to answer, for want thereof, tho Plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho rollof domanded In tho said complaint, to-wlt: For a decroo of said court ciuioi- Ing plaintiff's tltlo to Lots 3C und 30 In Illock 8 of Itlvorsldo Addition to NOTICE OF ELECTION Notlco is horoby given by tho un dersigned Clerk of tho County of Mai nour, stato of Oregon, pursuant to an order of tho County Court of said County and Stuto mado nnd entered on tho 24th dny of May, 1020 and a furthor order of said Court mado and ontercd on tho 8th dny of June, 1020, that an oloction Is called and will bo hold within tho territory bore Inaftor doscrlbod between tho hour of 8 o'clock In tho forouoou nnd 8 o'clock In tho ovonlng of July 0th, 1020 nt which oloction shall bo sub mitted to tho quallflod olectors with in said territory tho question of whothor or not Biild territory shnll bo crontcd and organized Into an Ir rigation district pursuant to the laws of tho Stato of Oregon, to bo called tho Slldo Irrigation District, nnd nt which election tho qualified electors shall bo requlrod to cast ballots con taining tho words "Irrigation Dis trict Yos" and Irrigation District No" or words equivalent thereto. That tho boundaries of said pro posed Irrigation district ns fixed by snld orders nro ns follews: Commencing nt tho NE corner, of 8E, of thoNBW, of Section 32, Township 10 South, Itnngo 47 E. W. M.; thonco West nlong tho East and West contor lino of tho UA of said Soctlon 32 to tho West lino of said Soctlon; thonco North 80 rods, to tho Section cornor common to Sections 30, 20, 31 nnd 32, In snld Township and rango; thonco West along tho North lino of Section 31, said Town ship and Kongo to tho NE corner of tho NWU of tho NWU of said Sec tion 31, said Township nnd Itango; thonco North 40 rods nlong thn Enst line of tho 8WU of tho 8Wtf of Section 30, said Township nnd gun, under nnd by vlrtuo of nn or der mado In tho abovo causo by Hou E. H. Test, County Judge of Mnlhour County, Oregon, dated Juno 4th, 1020. PIIANK EVANS Executor of tho Last Will and Testament of C. E. Fryo, deceased. Dato of First publication, Juno 10th. 1020. Dato of last publication, July 8th. 1UZO. SUMMONS REGISTRATION OF LAND TITLE In Tho Circuit Court of tho Htnlo or Oregon, For Mnllieur County, In tho Mattor of tho Application of A. M. LACKEY To register tho tltlo of Lots 11, 12, 13, ft 14, In Illock 230; Lots 10, 17, 18, 10 & 20, In Illock 100; Lots 11 12, 13, 14, nnd 1G In Illock 32; Lots 1 nnd 2, Illock 42; all In tho City of Ontario, Malheur County, tunio or urcgon; ngninst iJonjnmln W. Opponholm nnd Mary Locoy, Trustees; First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Ontario, Orogon; Mnr lo Chnpmnn; Mary Locoy; and tho unknown creditors nnd heirs of tho Franklin II. Lnckoy Estnto; and tho unknown crodltors and holrs of tho Amos A. Lackey Estato; mid All To Whom It Mny Concern: Dofcndnnts, TAKE NOTICE: Thnt on tho 0th dny of Juno, A, D. 1020, nn application wns fllod by said A. M. Lackoy, In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Mnlhour County, for Initial registration of tho tltlo of tho land nbovo-doscrlbod. Now, unless you uppcar on or bo foro tho In tho Clicult Court or the Kinds of Oregon, For tho County of Malheur, m, Tho Ontario Natlonnl llnnk a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Emma Johnson und John A. Johnson, Dofondnnts. To Emmn Johnson of tho abovo nam ed Defendants, IN THE NAME OP THE, STATE OP OllEfJON: You nro horoby requlr od to nppoar nnd answer tho com plaint fllod against you in tho above entitled Suit within six wooks from tho dato of tho first publication of this Summons, or Tor want thereof. plnlntiff will npply to tho Court for tho rollof demanded In tho Com plaint, to wit:: for a decroo forever I baring nil right In, claim to or upon tho following doscrlbod promises to wit! Tho NWU of SEU S. 20 Twp. 18 S, It. 47 E. W. M. nnd N of BEH of SE Sec. 20 Twp 18 S. It. 47 E. W. M. nnd to oach nnd ovory part thereof which you may havo or claim to havo, olthor at law or In oqulty. Tho Summons, Is sorvod upon you by publication thoreaf In tho Ontario ArgtiB, a wcokly newspaper, publish ed In nnd of gonornl circulation In Mnlhour County, Oregon, for six con socutlvo wooks, undor nnd by vlrtuo of nn order of tho Hou, Dalton Illggs, Circuit Judgo, mado, Juno 17th, 1020 Dato of first publication, Juno, 24th, 1020, dnto of Inst publication, August Gth, 1020. C. McGONAGILL, Attorney for I'laltitlft. resldonco, Ontario, Orogon. tho City of Ontario In Mnlhour Conn- 12th dny of July. A. D. 1020. OLXLIUIl dUi Dili II 1 If Vf UHll! i tlllU . "' Itango; thonco west to n point 40 rodsi""'1, ""ow "UB0 why such application north or tho NE cornor of tho NWU, ty, Oregon, together with the water right thorofor, and adjudging turn you hnvo no estnto or Interest In said lands nnd wntor right, mid that plain tiff's tltlo to tho sumo Is good and valid, and for nil other relief do manded in said complaint. You nro furthor notified that this summons is sorvod upon you by pub lication In pursuanco of an order of linn. Ilnlton IllKRM. JllllgO of Bttld court, which bald order was made nnd ontorod In sold causo on juiio so, 1020, and dlrocted that this summons bo published onco each weok for six successive wooks In tho Ontario Ar gus. Tho duto of the first publica tion of this summons Is July 1, 1920, and tho last publication Is on August 12, 1020. W. W. WOOD, Attomoy for tho plaintiff. My resldonco nnd post office ad dross Is nt Ontario, Oregon. A Pattern for tho World. The slgnlug of the Declaration of Independence, on July 4, 1770, marked the birth of this nation, which stands today ns tho world's most potent fac tor In upholding tho doctrine that all men are created free and equal. ' MORE LIGHT FOIt THE FOURTH You want lots of light on tho Fourth of July, Indoors as veil as outsldo. Light up In a blaro of glory on this glorious old day, tho birth of our nation. Equip your houso with our up-to-dato and artistic electric light fixtures? tho handsomnut In town. NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. Phone 188 J ONTARIO, ORE. X I "Put A Little Bit Away For A Rainy Day" jj A dollarpr two will open an account for you in our Savings Department. 4 INTEREST 100 SECURITY Ontario National Bank OLDEST BANK IN GRANT, HARNEY and MALHEUR COUNTIES of tho .NEW of Soctlon 30, Town ship 1G South, Itango 40 E. W. M.; thonco South 40 rods to tho said NE cornor of tho NWU, of tho NBU of said Section 30, snld last named Township and Itango; thonco wost to tho NW cornor of the NEU. of the NWU of Soctlon 30, said last named Township nnd Itango; thonco South to tho SW cornor or said NEU. or tlio NWU of said Section 30, said last namod Township nnd Itnngo; thonco East to tho SB cornor or tlio nki. of tho NWU of said Soctlon 30, said last namod Township nnd Itnngo; thonco South to tho contor of snld Section 30, snld Inst nnmod Town ship und Itnngo; thonco East to tho NW cornor of thn nh, or mo hhu of said Soctlon 30, said last named Township and Range: thonco South to tho SW cornor of tho NEU, or tlio SEU said Soctlon 30, said last nam ed Township and Range: thonco East to tho East lino of snld Soctlon 30; thonco South nlong snld Enst lino to tho 8E cornor of snld Soctlon 30; thonco East 8.28 chains to tho NW cornor of Soctlon 0, Township 10 South, Range 47 E. W. M.; thonco South to tho SW corner or Lot 4 of said Soctlon 0, said last namod Town ship nnd Rnngo; thonco East to tho 8E cornor of said Lot 4 said Soctlon 0, said last namod Township and Range thenco North to tho NE cor nor of said Lot 4 of said Section 6, said Township and Range; thonco West to tho 8E corner of tho SWU of the SWU, Soctlon 31, Township IB South, Range 47 E. W. M.t thonco North to tho NE cornor of tho SWU of tho SWU of Soctlon 31, said last nam oil Township and Range; thenco East nlong tho East nnd West centor lino of tho SU of said Soctlon 31, said last named Township and Range to tho East line of said Soctlon 31, thonco South along tho East Una of said Soctlon 31, said last named Township and Range to tho SE cor nor thereof; thonco East along tho South lino of Soctlon 32, said last namod Township und Range, to tho NW cornor of Section 4, Township 10 South, Rnngo 47 E. W. M,; thenco South to tho SW cornor of Lot 2 of said Section 4 said last namod Town ship and Range; thenco East to tho Bnako Rlvor at tho SE cornor of Lot 1 of said Section 4, said last named Township nnd Range: thence North up and along tho bank of Snako Rlv or to tho 8E corner of Lot 3. Sec tion 33, Township 16 South, Range 47 E. W. M.; thenco West along tho South II iio of said Lot 3 approximate ly GOO feet, more or less, to tho West side of tho right or way or tho Mal hour District Improvement Company Ditch; thenco in a Nortltwostorly dir ection along said West sldo or tho right or way Ditch to tho Point where said West side or said right or way intersects with tho West lino or said Lot 3: thenco North on tho West line or said Lot 3 to the place or Beginning. That the whoio or saiu territory is created by said orders Into one vot ing precinct ana tnut tno polling place thorofor Is flxod nt Lincoln School House, School District No. 20 and by said order W. D. Patch and W. E. Perry are named as Judgea or oloction, and I. Yant as clerk. At such election the quaiineu elec tors or Bald territory are directed by said orders to elect three qualified nersons as a Board or Directors for said Irrigation Dlstlrct, tho selections or such dlroctors to be rrom tno dis trict at large. Such election shall be conducted as near as practicable In accordance with the general election laws of tho State of Oregon. Dated at vale, Oregon tins sin day of June, 1920. A. M. MOODY, County Clerk (SEAL) by II. 8, 8ackett First publication, June 10. 1920 Last publication, July 8, 1920. NOTICE OF HEARING Notlco of bearing of final account of Executor. Notice Is hereby given to whom it may concern, that tne unuersigneu the duly appointed, acting and qual ified executor of the Last Will and Testament of C E, Frye deceased, has filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County, his rinal account ot his administra tion of the estate of said deceased. That Monday, the 12th day of July, 1920 at 1 o ciocx v. M. in tne uoumy Court Room, in the County Court House, at Vale, Malheur Co. Oregon, has been fixed as the time and place for hearing any objections to such final account It any there be, This Notice Is published for four consecutive weeks in the Ontario Ar shall not bo granted tho samo will bo tnkon ns confessed, und a decroo will bo ontorod according to tho pray er of tho application, and you will bo rorovor barred rrom disputing tho samo. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havo horounto sot my hand nnd nfflxod tho soal or tho Circuit Court of tho Stato or Oregon, for Mnlhour County, this Oth dny or Juno. A. I). 1920. A. M. MOODY, Clerk of tho Circuit Court of tho Stnto or Orogon, for Mnlhour County. L. J. AKER, Attomoy for Appli cant, Ontnrlo, Oregon, Dato or First Publication, Juno 10, 1020. Dato of Inst publication, July 8, 1020. CITATION , In tho County Court of tlio Hlnto of Orrvoii, For I ho County or Malheur In tho mattor of tho Estato of W. J. MINK, Deceased. To Mabel U. Madden, C. W. Madden, her husband, Thelmn E. Mink, Phil Mink, Mink, his wlfo. Win. R. Mink, Ira Mink, Mink, his wlfo, mid E. E. Mink. QREETINQ- In tlio Niiiiio of Hut Htnto or Oregon, You nro horoby cltod und requlrod to appear In the County Court or tho Stato of Orogon, for tho County of Malheur, at tlio Court room there of, ut Vnlo In tho County ot Mnlhour on Monday tho 20th dny of July 1020, nt 1 o'clock, In tho afternoon of tho day, thon and thoro to show causo If any thoro bo why nn order or LI conso should not bo gruutod and Is sued by this Court to D. II. Purcoll, to Bell so much ot tho following dos crlbod real proporty as may bo noo ossary to pay off tho oxponso of Ad ministration, ot tho estato ot said decoasod togothor with tho balance due to the crodltors ot tho ostnto of said doceasod, to wit: Fractional SEU of NEU , (of Lot G) Soc. 3 Twp, 18 8. It. 47, E. W. M. Lots Numborcd, 10 and 17 In Illock No. 200 In tho City of Ontario, Orogon, Lots Ntim borod, 14 nnd 1G In Rlock No. 23G In tho City of Ontario, Oregon. This Citation, is sorvod upon, Ma bel a. Madden, C, W. Madden, her husband Thelma E. Mink, Phil Mink, Mink, his wlfo, Win. R. Mink and E. E. Mink of tho abovo namod holrs nt law to tho estate of W. J. Mink deceased by publication thereor, for four consocutivo wcokh In tho Ontario Argus, a wookly nows- paper, published In, and or gcnoral Circulation In Malheur County, Oro gon, undor and by vlrtuo or an or der or Hon. E. II, Test, County Judgo or Malheur County, Oregon, dutod, Juno 14th, 1920 Dato of first publication, Juno, 17th, 1020., date ot Last Publication, July lGth, 1920. Witness, The HON. E. II. TEST, Judgo of the County Court ot tho Stnto ot Oregon fur the County of Malheur with tho seal or said Court afflxod this 14th day or Juno A. D. 1920. Attest: A. M. Moody, Clerk. Dy II. 8. Sacket, Deputy Clork (SEAL) -WMnH-iK-t-K-f We Loan Money i This bank loans money. That's tlio way we make our living. Hut wo don't loan monoy foolishly nor for imprudent purposes. It is our ambition to soo this community prosper and it is decidedly to our advantage to soo that it does prosper, because if tho community prospers our deposits will bo increased and we will have more money to loan. It can readily be soon, therefore, that wo cannot consistently loan money for any pur pose not conducive to the best interests of the com munity in general and tho borrower in particular. Oh this basis this bank loans money gladly. Fifnm FTn: H-frf44.44-44Ht4-i-i44-44 i4-li44444-44t4M444444- $ PWMPP44t4W Ready in An Emergency When illness comos it is bettor to bo prepared. There is no need for "borrowing" from a neigh bor if you have a hot water bag or other rubber accessories that aro so often needed in times of illness. Let us show you tho fine lino of pure Para Rubber Goods that wo carry there aro none better that aro made. 0.G.HHRS' Drugstore Prescription Specialists Stationers f-tt-i44-44t$444-444- 0082 After you eat always tako EATON I C ( TOR YOUR AClD-STOMACg) Instantly relieves I Icartburn, Bloat ed GauyFeelinij. Stops food souring, repeating, and all stomach miseries. Aid dio.tion nj apatUI. Keep ttoroMh rwwteoditroa,-:. Jn nun Vlulity ud l'i, KATON1C ll tKa tt rmJ, Teat ot tlcu. MJxltwoadtifully txncflteU. OnlycotUur t or two da W uoolt. tvallivclyaxarialo"! to pImm or w nlll itl ubd aoatf, Oct it I'-X box today, VuUHllltte. Ontario Pharmacy IJ08TON CAKE Now open for business WELL COOKED FOOD GOOD SERVICE FAMILY PATRONAGE ' SOLICITED. Open 8:30 a, m, to 12 p. ra Ontario, Oregon HIDES, FURS, AND PELTS RuntliiTK, Htocliiiu-ii, Trapperm If you havo hldos, furs orpolts sond them to ub, Wo pay tho hlghost market prices, Wo pay cash. RODOERH & COMPANY Outurlo Oregon Tolcphouo JHJI-W McDowell Undertaking Parlors A. L. McDowell, Prop. J. O. Phillnimuin, Licensed Emlmlmer and Funeral Director Funerals directed from tho parlor-chapol, the homo, or from tho church of your choice. Parlors situated in a quiet district First-class services rendered to all Experienced Lady Assistant Day Phono 10GW Night Phone 89M