The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 24, 1920, Image 8

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( Continued trom pro four )
M. J. Murry of Htitte. Montana In
vIMtlng Mrs. Dorothy Hull
Tlio Iloynl Neighbors Association
will entertain the Modern Wood
men on Monday evonlng, Juno 28.
I30 Hrosoy who ha been visiting
Mlm Pntillno SotlRnmn left Saturday
evening for his home In Portland.
J. K. Simmons, representative of
the Illako, MeCall I'apor Company at
Portland, was In town Wednosday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. II. I.eltoy and
family onnio In from their ranoh
Tuosdny an a surprise for Mr t.o
Roy's ntotlior, Mm. II. I.eRny, tlio
oconslon being her 70th hlrthday.
Mr. and Mm. II. II Townee of
Portland came yesterday to llt at
tlio homo of tholr hrotlier. It. ('.
Tounoa. They are onronto to Salt
Lake City where thoy expect to make
tholr homo.
MImoo Melon Anderson and Vella
Cronln, Mra. N. O. Ilodford and xon
Allon, and M. II. Joyco of Natnpn
motored to Arrow Uock Dam. Sun
day whoro thoy had a delightful
Mliw Kvolyn Chance will entertain
thin uvouIiik nt nn Informal parly tor
lior frlimd Mine Dorothy Dlckureon of
Wolser. Those Invited are Kthel
Conway, Myrnn Secoy. Klla Miwm,
Kvolyn Clmnoh. Dorothy Dlokor
hoii, Ouy Hocoy, llatph Mcful
loch, Owen Tumor, Clyde fowl or.
mid Kditar Forttor.
Tlio TiiMtlny HrldRO Cluh for mhiih
tlmo pant have been kIvIiik h silver
Hpoon to tho prliw wlnuiir. tlio plan
havhiK lii'on adopted that the find
momhor to receive twelve spoons
Hhnuld ontortaln the cluh. Mm. I.
M. ClrelK was the flmt one to carry
off thn honor and mi on Saturday
afternoon alio nnterUliied tho Tuee
ilay llrldKo Cluh at her home with a
dnllghtful party.
Thn IlrldKH parly Klvim hy tho
ladloa of tho Uplscopul (lillld last
Thuradny afternoon nt llu Cummer
rlal cluh rooniH, wua u dwldml aiicces
financially ns well as aoclnlly Nine
tnblos of cardB woro played and
punch was served thrttotit the after
noon. Mrs. II. II. Whitney and Mra.
K. M. OrolB cnrrlod ofr the honors
for tho hrldgo table whllo the "500"
prizes wero won hy Mra. C. lloyer
and MIm Mao Piatt. Ton was served
ut 5 o'clock.
Tho W. 0. T. U. will hold an In
formal meeting at tho Prnahyterlan
Parsonage, Monday, June IS at 2:80
P. M. In honor of Mra. Sleuth. All
ladles aro cordially Invited.
Tlio W. C. T. U. will observe Flow
er Day, Saturday, June 20. Will
thoso who know of aluk ones in town
please solid the iiamea to Mrs. ge
nuine, It will help the committee.
There will lie a union service at the
M. K. Churoh Sunday evening, June
27. Her. I.Uecoinbo will offer the In
vooution. ltov. Coahrnu, scripture
reading and prayer. Trio, Mr., Mra.
and Mis Sollgmau. Address hy Mra.
Mattlo Sleeth of Portland, State Pre- j
Idonl of W. C. T. U. j
MIm Helen S. Dickson, county li
brarian, went to Adrian Wednesday
to attnnd u ineotlug of the farm Unr
eal! Organisation and talk oer the
county library work On Thursday,
sho Is to go to Jordan Valley to ami
about OMlabllahliiK a public library
there. Of tho Incorporated clliea of
the county, Jordan Valley U the only
one without a library, but Mlaa Dick
son thinks one wilt b established
aooii from the great I nl hi est alroady
shown by lira townspeople In the mat
(Continued From Page 1)
oqunto hospital facilities of tho coun
ty was also shown up In n way that
Is not complimentary to tho county
The salary plan for tho county
physician should also bo abolished
according to one report.
Juvenile ollnguents should In nil
cases Iihvh a thorough physical ex
amination when thoy aro brought to
the attention of tho court.
Enforcement of the stato lnw pro
hibiting persons under 1C years of
age from driving uutomobllea wiih I
so urged, as was the law concerning
sale of tobacco to minors.
Various other matters of more or
less importance wilt bo embodied lu
a complete) report to ho innilo by tho
The committee of tho wholo voted
to continue Its oxlstenro for tho pur
pose of seeing to It that some of th '
reoommetidatlons are put lu force
The Pollyaniia Class of tho M K
8. S. will glvo a Wax Work Curl .
on the M. E. church lawn. July "
at S o'olook sharp.
Com anil o lllue Heard In hi
den. tto sure to aoe the wondnr.
Chinee (llauti the smallest voiu
In the world. Many other ul,iru tl.a
not a dull moment In the whole I
formanoe. Admission 10c ice envn
and cake I Re. Don't mlaa the st.iu
Parade. 510- SOU
Tlio llald-lienilcd row
Mill ho nil tho k
Wlint tho Star takes n
swim In "Two
Ami clad In a grin de
lightful as Hln,
Volt rnit't Maine the
liruto If lie peek.
JUNE 30th
JULY 1st
Hco the Saury
Constitute Tnliiindgf,
iim the iiiodei'li (ioldlo
IorkN, Minip tlic tliii'i'
crusty liiicholois In
"Two Weeks"
What do j on suppose
linpiM'iied ilui'luir the
"Two Wceka"
Tlllt I'OI'ltTII
You waul lota of light on the
I'ourtli of July, IndiMirs as veil
mm nutstile. Llgbt up In a Llusa
of glory on thhi glorious old
day, the birth of our nation.
ICqulp your Iioum with our up-to-date
and ai'tlitlu eloctrlc
light flxtlli'HK, thn hanilonniost
In town.
sflst-tfsl sm Mssa m - - -s ' M I !(- .
II -a ' " ' , T. -u I
si yf3thm mMmKBBBj III
n' UW- & flHir T.rMsHpLjKlW 'I
'TfW-rKSBL 'V MsssHflHfflHf QBmr ?mF3illgBZlB 3
I -. 4 ,.NsssMsWBHjV:ylpBWk. MlWMMIgr fl
ionstanceTalmad in Tvo Weeks" Ilf
Hand Tailored
Men and Young Mens'
Suits At An Average
Discount of About
34 Per Cent
$35.00 for $50.00 suits
$36.75 for $52.50 suits
$38.50 for $55.00 suits
$41.50 for 860.00 suits
$45.00 for $65.00 suits
$49.00 for $70.00 suits
Our Special Sale of 20 per
cent Discount Still Holds
Dress Shirts of all kinds, Work and Dress
Shoes, Straw Hats and Kelt Hats and
:h Art
What aro High Art Suits?
The Hon. M. Alexander has
dealt in High Art Suits in
Missouri, Idaho and Oregon
for more than 35 years. The
president of Strouso Si Bros.,
Mr. Eli Strouse is now
president of the Clothing
Manufacturers Ass'n. of
During tho past two years
thoro have beon more High
Art Suits sold over $50.00
than under that price. We
have eliminated tlio profits
in order to keep under that
In This Present Sale Of
High Art Suits
We offer no suit that was
not made to sell at from
$50.00 to $70.00
Tho school hoard which met
Thursday iiIkIU failed to onlor an
other school bond election for the
purpose of constructing u now IiIkIi
school bulldlnt. Aa thoro was not
n full number pronent two of tho
uiomhera, Grunt Flshor and Guy 0 r fi
lm m, voted In favor of holding anoth
er oloctlon while 0. K. McKoowu uud
Jus. Churoh voted against It. As II.
11, Strnwu, tho other member of tho
hoard, wua. not prosont, tho result
wan a tie. Mr. Struwn, who Is quite
proKrostilvo, Is said to bo In favor of
tho now high school building, conse
quently it Is believed with n full
hoard meeting nnother oloctlon will
ho ordered. Frultland llaunor.
tVxIdllng .Moth Control Studied
lli-ogau Mtvllng.
I (Von dill Out Iji'.t Week
I I.. It. Hrlotlmupt went to Dead Ox
Flat Tuonday und to lllg llond sec
tion Wednesday, to lnvotlgiite the
'distribution of tho ulfalfu weevil.
I Miss Oertrudo Wnrron, ouo of tho
l cluh workers from tho Department of
Agrloiilturo at Washington I). t and
Miss Helen Cawglll, Stato loudor for
tho Girl's clubs wore In town Tuos-
day to confor with Miss Mnzle Wll-
A very succoskful uud profltuble
ineotlug of orcliurdlsts wits hold ut
tho Urogau community hall recently,
which was nrrangod hy tho horticul
tural committee, with tho able usslst
unco of tho llrogau ladles. Invitations
woro Bout to ull orchardlstB lu tho
county hut owing to the dfstunco to
go, tho attendance was confined most
ly to the Urogau and Jamlosou com
munities, l'rofossor hongley of tho
University of Idaho, In ohnrgo of
Coddling Moth control work lu that
Stato was lu utteuduiao ami gave
much vuluahlo Information.
During tho uftoruoou, u tour of tho
orchards of tho Uroguu section wus
made to luvestlguto conditions and
study tho omorgenco of the moths lu
tho cagos provided by Mesrs. Willis
and Itoed, uud about the trunks of
tlio trees. Tho mauy phases of con
trol measures wero UUcussed during
tho progroM of the tour. After the
orchards wore visited, all hands re
paired to tho dlniug room of tho
Dreamland Thoatro prnon(a Dry
nnt Wnshhurn lu "Too Much for
Johnson.", Friday, July 2.
Ho sneaked away for a lurk, and
snld his nuino was Johiihon. Then
Wife uud tho real Johnson entered)
Tho rest Is a ro'ur of laughter!
sou and the loader's of the dlfferont
clubs. A meeting was held lu On- 4"",uu l" "'" "" , ...... .
turlo In tho morning und u simllur community hall ami did full Justlco
ouo at Vnlo In tho uftoruoou. to ouo of the boat feeds over sat
MtrruoniKT ciiuuch
Sunday Services
10 A. M. Sunday School.
11 A. M. Preaohlng by Dr. W.
Van Dusen of Krultlund, Idaho.
7: IS I. M. ICpworth Koaguo.
8:00 I. M. Mass Mooting to bo ad
drossed hy Mrs. Sleeth tho Stato
I'rosldont of tho W. C. T. U.
Tlio Wot Id At Columbus
Tho World at Columbus will bo
shown witli flvo reels motion pictures
nt tho Methodist Church Monday
ovonliig, Juno 28. This Is tho great
est Ilellglous Tagoant of tho 20th
Century, and was shown for flvo
weeks by the Intorchurch World
Movement nt Madison Squnro Gar
den, New York. It shows such nota
ble us Win. J. Ilryan, Secretary of
Navy Danlols, Jean of Arc, John
Wosley etc. Admission, adults 26c
Children ISc.
10:00, lllhlo School.
11:00, Worship.
Tho sacrauiont of tho Lord's Sup
per will ho observed.
Union korvlcos in tlio evening nt
tho Methodist Church. Mrs. Sleeth,
Stato President of tho W. C. T. U. Is
to speak
One Price Clothier,
Ontario, Oregon
If you wero n mother whose daugh
ter had boon stolen.
If ufter years of soarchlug, you
found that daughter lu poverty; of
fered hor wealth, luxuries, beautiful
'clothes. And then
1 If you loved and admired her all
the more hecauko she rofuwd to own
ou wouldn't that make a Ilourt
Stirring Story!
Seo It in this boautiful ploturlza
tton of Juliet Wilbor Tompkins' fam
ous novel, with winsome Marguerite
Clark ns "Contrary Mary." Saturday
July, 3rd.
Tho attention nf rltlznnu lu pnlln.1
down to. This was where the Indies ;,0 10 I)rovUlong of Ul0 rjlu.l)UB0 Ur-
( dlnanco and they are requeited tu
jcloan up their promUos In accordance
Subscrlbo for tho Argus.
gavo the ablo ufesfstuuoa roferred to
Following tho dinner, u discussion
of Uio work was indulged In by all
prosont. I'rofosor lA)ngloy gave
somo vory acceptable pointers ou
methods of control of tho coddling
moth uud other orchard pests, After
tho coddling moths hud been pretty
well disposed of, tho tmbject of fur
ther cooperation among tho orchard
ists of tho county was taken up. It
was agreed that tho Farm Dureau
should bo asked to provide tho grow
ers with timely information ou con
trol iuoasures, and that chairman
Hoed should confer with tho other
members of his county committee in
effort to get information on markets
and prices for tho benefit of all the
therewith as this Is tho last warning
that will bo given.
Occupants of dwellings providing
gnrhago cans will be charged fifty
cents per month for tlio removal of
samo ns provided in said Ordinance
Ono Dollar per month will bo charg
ed. No scattering of garhago allowed,
It must be left on ally lino lu one
W. S. MAXON, City Sanitarian.
Miss Mildred Flock is spending the
week visiting relatives in Nyssa.
Dig meeting of Oddfellows at tho
Hall, next Saturday evening1. (Six
caudldates for the second degree.
Visitors welcome
EMERY IIUiL.. Secretary
FOR SALE Just like new blue
enameled Quick Meal Range, also
Howard heater. Call, Mrs. R. W.
Swaglor. 512 30lt.
WANTED Clean old rugs for
press purposes. Will pay Be per
pound Ontario Argus.