'UK ONTAIUO AIHIUS. ONTARIO. OIUSUON. TIWHSDAY. JUNE 24, 1920. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OK An.MINIHTHATOH'M HA i.i: IN THE COUNTY COUHT OF TUB STATU OF OHEUON, FOIl MALHEUH COUNTY In tlio mnttor ot tlio estate of Ernest A. Atwood, Deceased. Unilor authority grnntod by tlio Will In tint within mentioned Entitle, and tlio Order of tlio Judgo of tlio Fiild County Court, I, tlio undersign ed uxccutor, wilt noil at privnte snlu, tlio following described rent oHtntc situate In tlio COUNTY OF MAL HEUH, STATU OF OHKOON, lo-wlt: "Tlio South Unit (SW) of tlio NorthcnBt (tinrtcr ( N 10 Vi ) of Section Six (0) tu TnwiiHhlp Six teen (1C) South of Hnngo Forty hovoii (47) Enst of tlio Wlllnin otto Morldlnii," nud "An undivided ono-linlf ( V& ) In tercut In nnd to thootiouthwest quarter of tlio Northwest qunr tor (SWVi NWU) nnd lot Thrco (.1) of Soctlon Four (4) In Township Slxtcon (10) South of Hnngo Forty-Rovon (47) East of tho Wlllnmotto Morldnn, con taining nhout seventy-eight (78) ncroH," nnd "A pnrt of LotB Thrco nnd Four (.1, 4) In Section Thlrty-throa (33) described lis followH, lo wlt: beginning nt tlio comer common to sections thirty-two (32), thlrty-thrco (33) thirty four (34) nnd tlilrty-llvo (35) In TowiiHhlp Fifteen (15) South of Hnngo Forty-seven (47) Enst of tho Wlllnmotto Morldnn, thoiico North 1310 feet on tho miction lino to tho place of be ginning, thonrn North 20C8 feet thonco South 30 dogrees 50 mlii utcH Enst 18r,.n foot, thonco South 34 degrees 3! minutes Fast (108.7 foot, thonco South 20 degrees 10 minutes Enst 010.0 foot, thuncu South 22 do green 3 minute Kant 802.2 foot, thonco Went 1102.0 feet, to tho placa of beginning, containing 20.8 ncreH, mora or loss," nil In Mainour County, Oregon. Tho mi hi salo will ho mndo on and nftor tho second (2d) dny of July, 1020, and bids will ho received at tho ofrrrico of tho County Judgo nt Vale, Oregon, and nt tho offlco of "Lloyd nnd Son" In tho city of Wols er, WnMhliigton County, Stnto of Idaho, Tho said property will ho sold sub Joct to all taxes or nssossmonts levied or nHBOHKod by tho "Snnko ltlvor District Improvement company," or by Malheur County, or any llody Cor porate authorized to levy taxoH or to mnko UHHOHHinontH undor tho lawn of tlin Rtntn nf OrOKOli: a I bo Bllbject to nil dollmiiiont tuxes that muy now bo unpaid which woro lovlod or nssess cd against suid properly. Tho mild property will ho Hold to tho hlghoHt blddor upon tlio follow ing torniH, to-wlt: Cash In lawful monoy ot tho United Stntox, ten por cont (10) of tho purchnso price to bo paid at tho tlmo of sale, unci tho romulndor on tho confirmation of nolo by nnld County Court. Dated this 27th day of May, 1020. M. I.. WALKEH. Exocutor of thu Estate of Ernest A.' Atwood. docoaHod. First publication Juno 3, 1020. UhI publication July 1, 1020. INSIST on an abstract of title when jrou purchase or loud money on renl oatnto, MAMIEUH TITLE AND AI1STHACT CO., Vale Oregon - Patronize the Merchants who Advertise in The Argus. "' IWUM IIUUBAI' NOTES (lly . It. Ilrcltlmupl) IIONIT.V KAUM IIUHIML .MI.KTH Tho Ilonltn Farm Ilureau hold n mooting on Juno 0 In tho grovo on tho I'helan placo. It whh Inrgoly at tended and sovorul new members tak en In. Among tho visiting mombers woro Mr and Mrs. Ilcem nnd daugh ters of Ironside, V. V. lllckox. Presi dent of tho County Iluronu and Coun i " 2 New Accounts We welcome NEW accounts we want them. This means YOURS. Tell YOUR banking problems to the Ontario National. Ontario National Bank OLDEST BANK IN GRANT. HARNEY and MALHEUR COUNTIES NOTICE OK KINAL ACCOUNT IN TUB COUNT COUItT OF TUB . .STATIC OF OHKOON, FOIl TUB .. ..COUNTY OF MALHEUH.. .. In tho Mnttor of tho Estate of MAN UEL YHAOUKN, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEHEIIY OIVKN, Thnt Junta Yrngucn, admlRtratrlx of tho Estato Ot Manuel Yrngucn, deceased, linn rendered nnd filed with tho Court aforesaid, for Bcttleniont, her Final Account of her adtiilnlstru tlou of xald Estate; Thnt TuoBdny, tho Cth dny of July, A. I). 1020, nt ono o'clock 1. M., or ns hooii thoronftor nn can ha hciird, nud tho Court Itoom of nnld Court In Vale, Mnlhour County, Oregon, hnvo boon nppotntcd an tho tlmo and plnco for tho Rottlamcnt of Bald nc count, nt which tlmo nnd plnco nnd porRonn Interested In said Kr.tuto mny appear and fllo objections to tho Bnld account, nnd context tho Bnmo. JUSTA YHAOUKN, Abova iinmed AdmlulHtrntrlx. Int. pub.C-3 nnd InRt pub 7-1-1020 NOTICE OF ELECTION FOIl THE OIUIANIZATION OK. IUItKIA TION DIHTItlCT. Tho County Court of the 8tato of Oregon, for Mnlhour County, hnv - south of tho NV corner of tho BW'4 NBVi 8CC. 10; thence cobI 40 rodH. thonco south 28 rods; 'nonce corI 40 rods', thence south 48 rods to SW corner of SEW NEW Sec. 10; thoncn enst to SB corner of WV4 HBVi NEU Sco. 10; thenco north to tho NB cor ner of tho WHBBU NEW flee. 10; thonco wost to tho 8W comor of NE UNBU Soc, 10; thence, north to tho NW comor of the NEW NEU Sec. 10; thonco east to tho'NB comor of tho NEW NEW Soc. 10; thenco south to tho 8B comor of tho NEW NEW Sec. 10; thonco cast to tho SB comor of tho NWW NWW Bcc. 11; thonce north to tho SB comor of tho 8WW 8WW Bee. 2; thonco west 20 rods; thonco north 40 rods; thenco oast 20 rods; thonco north to tho NE comer of tho 8WW 8WW Sec. 2; thenco west 100 rods; thonco north tn tho south boundary ot tho SEW NEW Soc.3; thenco west to tho NW comor of tho SEW Sec 2; theucc south t tho plnco of beginning. nud directing that an oloctton bo hold for tho adoption or rojoctlon of snld district. NOTICE IS HEHEIIY OIVEN, thnt on tho 28th day of Juno 1020, at J. II. Sonwcard's ranch In snld district, an oloctlon will bo hold lo dotormlnowhothor or not said district shall ho organized and the land ownors within said district, at snld oloctlon will enst tholr ImllntH for "Irrigation District. Yes." or "Ir rigation District. No," and tlio polls for snld oloctlon will opon nt V.00 I. M. nnd closo nt 5:00 I'. M. A. M. Moody, County Clerk First publication, Mny 27. 1020. Last publication, Juno 24, 1020. ty Agent Hrolthnupt After dispos ing of tho flnn picnic dinner, n IiuhI iiohs mooting was called and several mutters of considerable Importnnco to the community were considered and acted upon, Tlio Ilonltn people nro taking up tho Farm Ilureau In it serious way and accomplishing a grout donl through their organization. ...D ......... - r ' . . nA . l . n.....iHjili. i.nr nrninmrn muni, nu iiiii.u ill. tborlzlnc thn crganlzutlon of tho av.zv, ai ana , "'""" ' I That on tho i,itttMmit. ftnitfi Tinv him. nna ,,'R0 monco wosi nioiiK mu , 10,0 ft "FAIHMOllh IHHIUAlIUiS DIB- v? . i. n.. anniir. II anlil Tnwti. '""'"" " THICT," In Bnld county nnd Rtnto, B)l,p nn, IlnK0 lo tho NB corner ' Ij,.'- o'tnto 11? with boundaries m follows, to wit: tho NWW of tho NW of snld Soc- !,,,;.'(,,,,, rniiimnnelnK nt u nolnt 12 rods ton 81. Bin lOWURinp nmi .,. .. .1 n .,r tho " " ill. ... . MnitiK jii vmiri nmiifr run imhi I NOTICE OF KLKCTION Notlco la horsby given by the un- . 7 . m . ., r, ........ Af..t a"BJBna.?0',k ni 'L'. " r.,1?" ' an order of tho County Court of Bald i.uu., ui. ". ui(wi k"'"." :. County nnd State mndo nnd ontorcu on tho 24th day of Mny, 1020 and n furthor order ot snld Court mndo nnd entered on tho 8th day of June, 1020, that nu election la called nnd will bo hold within tho torrltory here inafter described between tho hour of 8 o'clock In tho forenoon nnd 8 o'clock In tho ovonlng of July 0th, 1020 nt which election Bhnll ha huu mlttod to tho qualified olcctorH with in said torrltory tho question of whothor or not said territory Bhnll bo crontod and organized Into nn Ir rigation district puraunnt to tho laws of tho Btato of Oregon, to bo called tho Slide Irrigation District, and at which election tho (nullified doctors shall bo required to cust ballots con taining tho words "Irrigation Dis trict Yob" nnd Irrigation District No" or words oqulvnlout thereto. That tho boundaries of Bnld pro posed Irrigation district ob fixed by nnlil orders nro as follews: rviiuinnnrlni? nt thn NB corner, of I BEU, of thoNEU, of Soctlon 32, Township 1G South, Hnngo 47 E. W. M.J thonco West nlong tho Enst and West centor lino of tho NV4 of Hald Rivttnn 32 tn tho West Una of said gocton. thonco North 80 rods, to tho . SUULlUll UU1 IUI ..U.II.l.Vfl. .,-. ....... lino of tho SWW of tho BW'i ot Section 30, iuiii '"' v ""," Hnngo; thonco west to a pont 40 rods. Hnngo; ttniW " " ','" north of tho NE comor of tho NW W . ot the NEW of Soctlon 30, Town thonco South 40 rods to tho snld NE comor of tho NWW. of tho NEW of snld Section 30. snld last namod TownBlilp nnd Hnngo; thonco west to tho NW comor ot me ink, y mo wwu nr Hnrtlnn .10. snld last named Township nnd Hango; thonco South to tho SW comor or sniu nnv . ' "' NWW of said Soctlon 30, said lost namod Township nnd Hnngo; thonco I'lfiit in tlio BE corner ot the NEW. of tho NWW of said Section 30. snld last nnmod Township nnu iinugo; thonco South to tho center of snld 8octlen 30, said Inst named Town ship and Hnngo; thonco East to tho NW cornor of tho NEW. of the ShW nt .niii Rnrtimi 30. snld last named Township and Hnngo; thonco South to tho SW cornor of tno nkh, 01 mo SEW snld Soctlon 30, snld last nam od Township nnd Hnngo; thonco Imst to tho East lino of snld Soctlon 30; thonco South nlong snld Enst lino to the 8E miiiimi or i.ald Section 20 : thonco Enst 8.28 chains to tho NW cornor of Section 0. Township to South, Hango 47 rc. w. m : inonco South to tho 8W corner of Lot 4 of Bald Soctlon 0, said last namod Town ship and nango; thonco Bust to tho SB cornor of said Lot 4 said Section n. until Inst named rowusuiii nnu Hnngo thonco North to tho NE cor go tiipnco forii. ';.' "'1 L"i,;t 12' S.'iJrVhonM nor nli! mill Townshltt nnd Hnngo; tnonco Wnat tn ilm HI- comer of tho SWW of tho SWW. Section 31, Township 15 South, Hnngo 47 rc. w. w.; u North to tho NB cornor of tho 8WW of tho SWW of Section 31, snld Inst namod Township and Hango; thonco East nlong tho Bast nnd West centor lino ot tho 8 of said Soctlon 31, said lost named Township and Hnngo to tho Enst linn of snld Soctlon 31. thonco 8outh nlong tho Enst line of snld Section 31. said Inst immod Township nnd. Hnngo to tho SB ror nor thoroof; thonco Enst along tho South lino of Section 32. snld Inst nnmod Township nnd Hnngo, to tho NW cornor of Soctlon 4, Township 10 South, Range 47 B, W. M : thence South to tho 8W cornor of I.ot 2 of said Section 4 said last named Town ship and nnngo; thonco East to the Snnko nivor nt tho SB comor ot Lot 1 of said Soctlon 4, said last nnmod Township nnd Hnngo; thonco North up and nlong tho bonk or Snnko ltlv or to the BE cornor of !.ot 3. Sec tion 33. Township 15 South. Hnngo 47 E. W M-; thenco West nlong tho Bouth lino of snld Lot 3 approxlmnto ly D00 foot, moroor less, to tho West side of tho right of wny of tho Mal heur District Improvement Company Ditch; thonco in n Northwesterly dir ection nlong sold WeRt Bide of the right or wny Ditch to tho Point whore snld West side of said right or wny Intersects with tho West lino or said Lot 3; thonco North on tho West lino of said Lot 3 to the place of IJeglnnlng. . ,. . That tho wholo of said territory Is created by said orders Into ono vot ing precinct nnd that the polling place therefor Is flxod nt Lincoln School Houbo. School District No 20 and by snld ordor W D. Patch and W E, Perry aro nnmod ns Judges or election, and I. Yant as clork. At such olectlon tho qualified doc tors of said torrltory ore directed by said orders to elect three qualified persons ns a noard of Directors for said Irrigation Dlstlrct. the selections of such directors to ho from the dis trict at large. ... Such election shall bo conducted as near as practlcablo In accordance with the goneral election laws of the Stato of Oregon. Dated at Vale, Oregon this 8th day of Juno. 1020. A. M. MOODY, County Clerk. (SEAL) hy II. 8. Sackott. T?ir. nuhllcatlon. June 10. 1020. LaBt publication, July 8, 1020. NOTICE OK HKAHINtt Not Ira of hearing or final account ot Kxccutor, Notice Is hereby given to whom It may concern, that the undersigned tho duly appointed, acting and qual iried executor or the Last Will and Testament ot C B. Fryo deceased, has riled in the County Court of the Btato of Oregon, for Malheur County, his final account of Ills administra I LI1U1IUU .lUllll iv luun t'irt --. -. tion of the estate of said deceased. That Monday, the 12th day of July, 1920 at 1 o'clock P. M. in the County Court Room, In the County Court House, at Vale, Malheur Co. Oregon, has been fixed as tho time and place for hearing any objections to such final account it any there bo. TMs Vot're Is published tor ror gUB, under nnd by virtue or nu or der mndo in tho nbovo ciuiro by ,t n tt ft...... fl t. ..!.. .. IIU11 I. II. IUHI. V. Ulllliy JI1IIKU Ul ! Mnlhcur County. Oregondated Juno -it i. in2n FltANK EVANS Executor of tho I.nst Will nnd Testament of C. E. Fryo, decoasod. Date of First publication. Juno 10th. 1920 Data nt Inst publication, July 8th. 1020. ItKOIHTItATION OK liAND TITIiH In Tho Circuit Court of tho State of Ort'Kun, Kor Mnlhour County. In tho Mnttor of tho Application of A. M. I.ACKKY To register tho tltlo ot Lots 11. 12, 13, & 14, In Ulock 230; I-ots 1G, 17, 18, 10 & 20, In lllock 100; I.utH 11 12, 13, 14, nud 15 In lllock 32; LotB 1 nnd 2, lllock 42; nil In tho City of Ontnrlo. Mnlhour County, Stnto of Orogon; ngnlust Ilonjnmlu W. Oppenhelm nud Mnry locey. Trustees; FlrBt Church ot Christ, Scientist, of Ontnrlo. Oregon; Mar io Chapmnu; Mnry I.ocoy; nnd tho unknown creditors nnd holrs ot tho Franklin II, Lnckoy Estnto; nnd tho unknown creditors nud holrs of tho Amos A. Lnckoy Estate; and All To Whom It Mny Cencern: Dofondnuts. TAKE NOTICE: 0th day of Juno. A 1), ppllcntlon wns tiled by said in tlio circuit court or Orogon, for Mnlheur ltlal registration ot tho Innd nbovo-doscrlbod. Now. "unless you nppenr on or ho- fora tho 12th day ot July, A. D. 1020, nnd show cnuBo why such application ... . crt0(i tho snmo will ' shall not ! , tnl.nn .y10 oh confessed, nnd n decree torod according to tho pray- ppllcntlon, and you will he forovor hnrrcd front disputing the snmo. IN WITNESS WIIKHKOF, I have horounto sot my hnnd nnd affixed the soul of tho Circuit Court of tho Stnte of Oregon, for Mnlheur County, this Oth day of Juno, A. I). 1020. A. M. MOODY, Clork of tho Circuit Court of tho Stnto of Oregon, for Mnlhour County. h. J. AKEH. Attorney for Appli cant, Ontnrlo, Orogon, Data of First Publication, Juno 10. 1020. Onto ot Inst publication, July 8, 1020. CITATION In tin County Court of the Klutc or (li (Won, For the County or Malheur In tho mnttor or tho Estute or V. J. MINIC. Docoazcd. To Mabel O. Madden, C. W. Muddeu, her husband, Tholuin E. Mink, Phil Mink, Mink, his wlfo, Win. It Mink. Ira Mink, Mink, his wlfo, nud E. E. Mink OHEKTINO In Hie Niiiue or the Stale or Oregon, You nro horoby cltod nnd required t nppenr In the County Court or tho 'Stnte or Oregon, for the County or Mnlheur. nt tho Court room there of, nt Vnlo In tho County ot Mnlhour on Monday tho 20thvduy or July 1020, nt 1 o'clock, In the afternoon of the dny. then ami thoro to show cause It any thoro ho why nu ordor or Ll conso should not bo grnnted nud Is sued by this Court to D. I). Porcoll, to sou so mucu or mo rniiowiug u orlbod ronl property ns mny be nec essary to pay off tho expense of Ad ministration, of tho estate or said docensod togother with the Infinite duo to the creditors or the e-stnto or snld docoasod, to wit: Fractional 8EW or NEW, (or Lot 5) Bee. 3 Twp. 18 8. It. 47, E, W. M. Lota Numbered, 10 and 17 In lllock No. 200 In tho City or Ontnrlo. Orogon, Lota Num borod, 14 nud 15 in lllock No. 236 In tho City or Ontnrlo, Orogon. This Citation, Is served upou, Ma bel O. Madden, C. W. Madden, her husband Tholma E. Mink, Phil Mink, Mink, his wire. Win. H. Mink nnd E. E. Mink or the nbovo named holrs nt Inw to tho estnto or W. J. Mink deconsed by publication thereot. ror rour consooutlvo weeks In tho Ontario Argus, u weekly news paper, published in, nnd or gonerul Circulation In Mnlhour County, Ore gon, undor uml by virtue or nn or dor or Hon. B. II. Test, County Judgo or Malheur County, Oregon, dated, Juno 14th, 1020 Date or first publication, Juno, 17th, 1020., dnto or Last Publication, July 15th, 1020. Witness. Tho HON. K. II. THST. Judgo or tho County Court ot the Stuto or Orogon for tho County of Mnlheur with tho seal or said Court affixed this 14th day or Juno A. D. 1020. AttOHt: A. M. Moody, Clork. lly II. S. Backet, Deputy Clork (SEAL) nm r- ASe M-J e..t always takj ATONIC SiCS ( U YOUR AD-STOMACtQ Instantly rwllevr Heartburn, bloat cdGuiy Failing. . Hops food sourinc, renpniii.fr, a-. 1 1 stomach miseries. AuU dJ-Tdiu n.t o.'cmr. Ketp. -.turn..!. bM..Mf.i, I. r j--.ViuJityaoimi' EATONICIi tin U' r nnJy. Tene, if tb tirAt windertullv !"l' ! OnlyruUao:. . erlwou ! v (.' I' iillyurnt 1 topkuorwo-ili mfuLiJ fooney, (,tac!tf boxu4ij. Yen will we. Ontario Pharmacy IJOSTON CAKE Now open tor business WELL COOKED FOOD 4- GOOD 8ERVICE FAMILY PATRONAOE SOLICITED. tidZhhflm Open 0:30 a. m. to 12 p. in Ontario, Oregon . ., -. P, r . -. 1. SUMMONS In tho Circuit Com I or (lie Stnto of Oregon, Kor tho County of MnlluMir, ms, Tho Ontario Nntionul Hunk a corporation, t'lnlntlff. vs. Kmma Johnson nnd John A. Johnson, DofouduntM. To Kiiimn Johnson of tho nbovo mim ed Dafondnnts. IN THE NAME OF THE, STATE OF OHEOON: You aro horoby roqulr od to npponr nnd answer tlio com plaint filod ngnlnst you in tho nbovo entitled Suit within six weeks fiom the date ot tho first publlrntlon of this Summons, or for wnnt thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for tho roller demanded In tho Com plaint, to wit:: for n decrco forever baring nil right in, claim to or upon tho following described promises to Exchange Your Liberty Bonds The government has informed us that it will ooninionue exchanging permanent Liberty Loan Bonds Tor the Temporary Liberty Loan Bonds on May 1st. Wo will exchange all bonds for which wo havo issued our safe-keeping receipts but those bonds which are in private safety deposit boxes should be turned over to us for exchange. All Sec ond Liberty Loan Bonds should bo turned over to us not later than May 10th. The permanent Liberty Loan Bonds will have all interest coupons attached to tho date of the maturity of tho bond. Wo will make no charge for this service. tTTVjSS: 'M'WtWM-WW-K4444-4 tit Ready in An Emergency When illness comes it is hotter to bo prepared. 'There is no need for -'borrowing" from a neigh bor if you havo a hot water bag or other rubber accessories that arc so often needed in times of illness. Lot us show you tho fine line of pure Para litubbor Goods that we carry thoro aro none bettor that aro made. 0. GAMS' Drugstore Prescription Specialists H4-443-W$4$-44-t4$4$4 HIDES, KU11H, AND VKltH Handlers, Slotkmi'ii, Trappers: It you have rny hides, rurs orpolts sond them to us, We pay tho hlghost market prlcos Wo pay cash HODOEItS Ji COMPANY Ontario Oregon Telephone IMi.YV McDowell Undertaking Parlors A. L. McDowell, Prop. J. O. IMiillnbaum, Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Funerals directed from tho parlor-chapel, tho homo, or from the church of your choice. Parlors situated in a quiet district First-class services rendered to all Experienced Lady Assistant Day Phone 10GW Night Phono 89M Wit! Tho NWW of SEW 8. 20 Twp. 18 S. H. 47 E. W. M. nnd N& of SEW of SEW Sec. 20 Twp 18 S. H. 47 B. W. M. nnd to each and every part thereof which you may have or claim to havo, olthor at law or In equity. Tho Summons, is served upon you by publication thereof In tho Ontnrlo Argus, n wcokly uowspnpor, publish- od In nnd ot gonornt circulation In Mnlhour County, Oregon, for six con socutlvo weeks, undor nnd by virtue of nn order ot tho Hon. Dalton Ulggs, Circuit Judgo, mndo, Juno 17th, 1020. Dnto of first publication, Juno, 24th, 1020, dnto of last publication, August Gth, 1020. C. McOONAOILL. Attornoy for Plaintiff. resldonco, Ontnrlo, Oregon. Wnnt to know who your friends nro 7 Just lot tt become known thnt you hnvo a llttlo Bomothlng hldilnu away nud you will soon learn. Stationers 1 T ?' ?" "" A - A yi'f v,'J' ,: v "i t '