THE ONTARIO AKUUS ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, June 24, 1920 wsr?. V, AAA Jk. JL .& j , . .i ilVA aw il " i i tit y ; ays the Good Judge 1 M dr. (3M I That you got full satis faction from a little of the Real Tobacco Chew. The rich taste of this class of tobacco makes it last longer and cost less than the old kind. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two styles RIGHT CUT Is a short-cut tobacco W-1J CUT is a long fine-cut tobuc far 3 1 You'll Find There's Luc in the Right Fishing' Tackle AE have given a grout deal or attention " to selecting the kind of tackle that brings hniiio lln Iwli, Here are-the most successful Lures strongoHt, best wearing and least conspicu ous Lines mmooIIi ninning Keels for hard werviee -Rods that properly combine elas ticity and power -banding Nets, etc. Lei iiu lit you out for good luck. di TAGGART HARDWARE the JVMCffiSTM store THF ARGUS PRINTS BUTTER WRAPS . fei'J M, asP im irfa- .f' Y, . A V ." I mm C rossSdKSSs 3&2Fi fti . ti-at utiiaur-- VF. JvwPIivr &l VERB I vs r h lip li MP CiH3 r r-N r Mir wrf' Bvo! . , $& fl KkNtil 1 W? if mm k Lr Vv Guard You; Siome with y PAINT , TKTEVER lias there been a better reason for ' I S preserving your property than at tho present X time. High costs of construction havo greatly increased tho value of homes and buildings, no matter how old they might be. Paint GOOD Paint, will do more to preserve and increase the value of your property than anything else you can possibly invest in. It is tho greatest safeguard against the ravagos of time and weather. It is tho best kind of insurance. Guard your homo and buildings with FULLER Paint and other products, buck of them aro 71 years of paint-making experience. Thousands of property owners have used these products for years. Look Up a I'ULLKlt Dealer in Your Town W. P. Fuller & Co. Northwest Urcwches at 9 'Portland, Seattle, Tacomn, Spokane, Hoise T'J'awiKVH LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs. C, U. Stovor and son loft Bun tiny for Willow Crook, Idaho, to visit Mr. Stover's Bister Mrs. I'ntton. Sho will Inter Join Mr. Stovor In Port Inntl whero they will mnko tliolr fut ure homo. KOH BALE Two flno lots 111 Itlv-1 Tho Lilly Washing Tnblots uro tho orsldo, Addition to Ontario. All clcuv, . Ladles frlond on wash day. Cuts wash day In linir nnu Haves unit or tho Bonp bill. Can ho used for many different purpoReg that othorn cun not. On Halo at tho Cash Grocery. 30020-32 wilt hcH for $110, each. 1 paid much noro for theso Iota hut want to Roll. Address 1. O., Hox G72, Ontario, Oro-Kon. Mrs. J. P. Joyce Is qulto 111 with tho innnRols. O. P. Necco was In Ilolso nn busi ness Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Andoborg spent Hiintlny In Wolser. K. M. (Irclg was In Nywa on husl netts Monday. O. II. Oruham wnH it business vis itor In Ilolso Monday. Clarence V. Crothors spent Sunday with frlonds In Ilolso. Little Prank Mcsseu Is iitlo slrl: with pnoumonla this week. Miss C-cogln Hull went to Ilolso on buslnos tho first of tho week. Mrs. Dorothy Hull niul Mrs. V. I'. MoKoniitt spent Tuesday In Vnlo. Mrs. A. L. Cockrum entertained tho Monday llrldgo Club this week. Clint r-lnnoy roturned Sunday ovonlng from a trip to Donvor, Colo. Mrs. Aden L. Hydo spent tho weok- oud visiting nt tho James Lackey homo. Charlolto Clagett went to Vnlo this morning to attend tho Chaittnuiiim thoro. (lllhort Dunn enmu down from .tun turn whero ho linn lioon working. Monday. Miss Alva Arnold who has been visiting In Ilakor returned homo Sat urday ovoiilug, K. M. Urolg, E. W Ilowlniid, niul II. II. Cookrum spunt Sunday nt I In II oy, Idaho J. K. Shroyor of Ilolso was a husl noun visitor In Ontario tho Inst of tho week. Mrs. It. K. Whoolns of I'oontullti Is visiting with her sister, Mr. J. It. HllHIUllHtiOII. Mr. ami Mrs. A. 8. Drown loft Thursday to nttond tho IIoho Festlvitl at Portland. Tho (llrl's Sewing Club will meet lrldny ufturiiooii nt 12 o'clock tit tho High School Mr, mid Mrs. Henry Itittt tiro tho proud pnrontH of twin girls, born Suturdny, Juno 10. Harry 1). Clomont loft Sundny ovonlng for l'ortlnud to attend tho Hlirluors convention. John Ilervlu who U working tit Ilremorlon, WaBhliigtou Is homo for it two wcuks visit with hl family. MIsh Alice Pox, agent for tho Com- innrolal Creamery Company made n trip to l,u (Iraiulo Prlduy Morning. Mr. and Mrs. V. J. (Inlhigher loft Saturday evening for l'ortlnud for n few day visit during tho Itose Io tlvnl. J. W. Sprlngor wont Wcdnosiluy to tho IilggH ranch near Vnlo to set up koiiio muohliiory for tho Troxell Im plemoiit Coiupuiiy. MImm Dorothy Dlukursou came down from WeUer this moruliig fur it short visit with hor friend MIm Kvolyn Chance, Miss Dottlo Crummott, formerly of tho Enterprise stuff at Vnlo was In town Wodnosdny, Miss Crummott has uccoptcd a posltlou with tho link er llornld, which wuh recontly pur elmsed by Ueorgo Huntington Curroy, H. C. nnd C. P. Secov roturned Tuesday front Central City, Nebraska So Human it amazed all Ontario OOME of your friends must have been in the huge audience which heard Marie Morrisey in her Tone-Test recital at Dreamland Theatre, Friday, May 14th. Ask these people about it. This is the astonishing discovery they made: The keenest musical car can not distinguish any difference between the voice of the living artist and the RE-CREATION of that voice by the New Edison. And does it not amaze you, too, that Mr. Edison has suceed" ed in producing an instrument that captures every subtle sweetness of the human voice -that gives you all the ear can give you of tho art of the world's great artists. No other phonograph dares to make this direct comparison. 2&NEW EDISON . "The Phonograph With A Soul" The New Edison alone can RE-CREATE music for you. Come in and hear it for yourself. Make the great discovery for yourself. TURNER MUSIC STORE ONTARIO, OREGON The Instrument used lit Prlduy May Pourtoonth's Tone-Test Is tho reg lar model which soils for 29C (lit Canada, 1431), It Is an oxnet tlupll uuto of tho Laboratory Model which Mr ICdlson porfocted after spending Throo Million Dollars In experiments, hgicaBwsBgsara j mwnnnii i . mil m, 1 11.11111111111 isi MMMMmMPM yiMMBlW-SMITlBMaMaaaaiMaggaMEMBIBateJSBMhMlJlllMMIIHf'nil mwmimmmmm asiamumaamtt whoro they wore called by tho III- iioss of their mother. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. K. Howard nnd small sou loft tho first of tho week for Twin Pulls, Idaho, whoro they will spend tho week visiting with rolatlvos. Miss Holen Muoller camo down from Vale Prlduy lo spond tho week- I end visiting with MIm Clinrlotto Clag ett. Thu, Cnthollo LadliM Aid Society will hold tholr monthly cooked food wtlo 011 Saturday, Juno SC, at Itnder's stora. Mhw fllndys Hmlson arrived homo Sunday morning from Kiigouo where sho has been attending tho Univer sity tho pnst year. Marquis I'lnnoy and Ilormtrd Had- er, students from th Cnlvorslty of Washington, uro honid for their sum mar vacations. K. A. nrown nnd son I). II. Drown 1 ware hero Sunduy from Itarrou vnl loy ou tholr wny to rortlnnd to nt jtund tho Shriuors' coucluvo. Mr. and Mrs. J. U. O'Keofo are rejoicing over tho arrival of n 7H pound girl at tholr homo 011 Satur day, Juno 10. Mrs, I,. Adam vlsltod at St. An thony with Mr. and Mrs P S. Adam and tholr twin daughtoi'8. the lact of the week Mrs. C. II. Trousdale- left Monday for Hot Lake, Oregon, for it three tubnths stay to receive treatment for an iujured kneo. Mrs. II. W. Clement was hoitess to tho Tuesday Drldgo Club this week. Mrs. II. II Whitney won the prlzo, the silver spoon Hay Wilson and wifo of Pnrmu wore In Ontario Sunday nnd loft In the ovonlng for l'ortlnud to nttiput tho Shrluers mooting and Hoso festival. Mlw Huth Xnsh. the advance agent I for tho KllUou-Whlto Chautauqua at f Prultlund visited Friday with two of her sisters lit the Delta Gamma Suor Uy, Miss Ilona Adam and Miss Irene Under White Shoes For The 4th This Is a White Season. Cool Oxfords, and Pumps For These Hot Days $6.00 $6.50 $6.00 We're today telling you about a rare combination of comfort and economy in foot wear for women new and seasonable white cloth boots, pumps and oxfords fresh and tempting from the big sanitary factory of Utz & Dunn, Rochester. If you've worn white cloth shoes you know the coc1 com fort they possess, you know how easily they're kept clean and tidy, if you've not worn them you have a rare treat coming. White shoes are more popular than ever before and we anticipate the greatest white season in the history of this store. Make your selection while stocks are intact. Have your shoes readyj avoid the swelter ing crowds that always invade the store the first hot days. . ' All sizes 2 1-2 to 8 Widths AAA to EE RADER BROS. CO. tv ?'P" ''- n A ! $$(S9