THE ONTARIO AlflJUh ONTARIO, OKEUON, TlltJKSbAV, June 24,1920 (HI? (Dutartn Ahjuh AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Published Thursdays ut Ontailc, Oregon, and onturod nt thu Ontario post ofitco for distribution as 2nd class matter. AKHUS I'UIIMSIIINU 1'llblUllLTN COMl'ANV 0. K. AIKEN, MannKlng Kdltor T. Mol'AKLlN GOUOI1, Sup't. SUUSCniPTION Ono Year, J2.U0 grow und thrlvo in tliu gunlun of Mo. Cultivation will do It. Ntigluot will not. MH.VA.M1 MtAINS Whatovor your utatlon In tliti holi ness world, It was the im of your brains that placed you thore. If you havo climbed the Inildsr of hucccoh, you havo limilo good lists of your brnlns, lmvo employtxl them lo your udvantugo. If you havo slipped downward In tho sculo of llfo, you hae fnllml to taka proper advtintngu of thu oppor tunities afforded you. You Imve hold tho buMlnoMtt Instinct of your brain In chock. You have not per mitted It' to function properly. Drains woro niado, to iihh -not to abilso. This fuel sboutd be kept well In mind by thu young utcii of this com munity who aro Just entering thu door of lift's ourner. Tlmt cttnwr will depend upon the manner In which they employ their brnlns Tho enthusiasm of youth Is imtursl und Is; to ho oxpeotml. It Is a val uable iimoL Hut enthusiasm should not ho allowed to run Its course un checked. It should h curbed, lest It go over tho brink of the commer cial precipice. Tho business world Is full of pre cipices destructive pitfalls for the feet of tho Impulsive and the unwary. Our young men Just entering upon their ouroom cannot do better than to take sober counsel of himself, of his position, of his hopos In life. The bridgu to uuccose ouunot bu crossed In u day. It Is long and theru aro tasay olitructiouc to lmffl" th miv Icu In tho world of affulrs. Hut bruins properly employed will win. Thirty minute Ut the close of business each day csn do wonders. Tho labors ut tho day can bo analys ed. Was oaeh task properly perform ed? How could It have been im proved upon? Lot the brain answer those two iiuostlons properly each duy and tho problem iif hiiccmmui In life will lmvo been solved. Tliuj Iiiiiiuiii brain is like n garden. When miltlvatod It product In abun dance. If uegleuted It soon Ihmmiiim a burron waste. The young men of this community h bruins plenty of brains. Wo want to mm thetu TJIU CAT AM) TIIK Dlitl) A short tliuo ago n mule and a fe male bird uiated and built tlielr oust In the forks of a tiee. In lime there were some littls birds, Jut out or their shells. In an Incautious moment the re mule bird beotiiue food fur u cut, and the little birds were left motlierlca., with only the futher bird to feed them uud mother tneut through the perils of lufuuoy. It Is so with the human species. There ate tuo mau eats to prey upon the tnotlieis or the ruoo. It is destroying the but or humanity, weakening thu rate of the future. Sometimes the cut Is in tin form of a thoughtless or cruel hut, beud, driving his wire beyond powei of endurance during her weakened state, supping her vitality, wrecking her constitution, sending her to tin early grave, und leaving the Utile ones to the ludmereui care or a home without a mother. Again it Is ambition, the deslru to excel socially, the Insane longing fur oxaitemeut, or an unwllllngnes to ait sumu tho responsibilities of mother hood. A child nursed In the crudle of Indifference becomes in Itself uti alien to the Instluol of perpelull) Hut poverty is the most relentless of all destroyers. Its claws are sharp uud Its teeth Mclous. The underfed mother cannot properly nourish h child, und to be undernourished In I ii funny Is to be undeveloped In mind und body, lucking In the force of in tellect uud drawn necessary lo cope with the difficult problems of life. If a valuable prise mare Is In font he receives every care, and so does the colt until after It passes the dan ger line. Hut It is not so with every wife who Is about lo become a moth er, or with overy child that Is brought Into the world. The story of the mother bird und thu out Is worthy of serious thought, for the leswon It teaches Is of vital Import In thu future of humanity Tliuro lire too many cuts abroad, ready to devour the mother of miiti In Spanish Morocco, a lecturer tolls us, there Is u tribe of natives who treat their wives as beasts of bur den uud their daughters are sold to the hlghost bidder. Hut why pick on Illiterate und unenlightened .Moroc co? We have only to look around In our own laud to see the "beam of burden" at her toll and the daughter (looked out In peekaboo finery to ixtteh the richest husband. Speak gently of others and thy will seldom speak harshly of you $HL' b """tJi . WftsSsW''' I ' or A fmrllt Jprar-rfl 2 HCT ELECTRIC RANGES Make Cooking A Delight Havo you ovor cooked a men I on n modern electric stovu? It' truly u pleusure. Tho rmliuted liesit will hardly niisu thu temptituro of your kitchen n sintflo dogroo. And this cletm, cool way of cooking, means freedom from tho nuisance of matches, lujho anil all tho disiajjroenblo fenturo of ordinary stove. Tho ovens have double walls thnt are soporatod by ofllclont heat insulntinir material. This means tho conservation of heat, baking temperature renehod quickly and froedom from the sicken ing atmosphero of tho average kitchen. There are many more important feature about olectric Btovos that we would like to tell you whon you call, and wo have accurate figures on the economy of olectric cooking. The ELECTRIC SHOP Idaho Power Company Set n thlof to catch a thief and you I Even tho most hardenod political are lbiblo to becomo a victim ut bath trickster becomes a great man after thlovos. death Have It Done Right Viikmmziiitt' mid iailory Repairing left with us will bo done accordiii"- to (Ik; host innlhoris. Our work is gwir nnlood. TRY US. ( Service Tire & Battery Co. Near Carter House ONTARIO It tukos time, brnliiB and great per sonal otfurt to accumulate u fortune, Men will mnko largo contributions of their hard earned fortuno for the Bako of electing "their man" to pub lic otflco. Why? With Carritnza In his grnvo at tho huuds of a treacherous and brutal nssuHslu, there Is a possibility of a re turn to something Ilka normal condi tions In Mexico. A possibility that's all. fV The Old Reliable Commercial Creamery Company Ontario, Oregon YOUR BEST FRIEND We. Wanl All Your Cream And Produce Top Price Spot Cash Correct Weights MISS ALICE FOX, Agl. Accurate Tests Phone 182 ANNOUNCENMET Having moved our place of business from the Moore Work lo the store rooms formerly oc cupied by the U. S. Plumbing Company, two dttors east of the Ontario Furniture Company, we are now better able to take care of your PLUMBING AND HEATING PROBLEMS We also have a fully equipped tin shop and will appreciate vour patronage. H. R. UDICK Plumbing und Heating III W (! JCB2UEE3C33Sia A kZCfi; Portable Granary ves Time and Money g The economy of this granary is easily understood when we realize it can be drawn to any point on tho farm. When the threshers are in action in the field this granary will save time, and the use of high priced sacks. It is an inexpensive, convenient and efficient way of handling grain during tlio harvest season. EASY TO BUILD ' We will furnish free of charge complete drawings and specifications for the kind and amount of lumber to be used in the construction' of this portable granary. It can be built in any size best adapted to your purpose. The work of constructing is simple requiring only a short time and little skill CAREFULLY PLANNED Our knowledge of your needs, combined with our experience in all phases of building, has enabled us to design a portable granary that will give long and satisfactory service. Notice the heavy skids that are built as a part of the entire structure. The interlocking corners provide smooth inside walls and with great strength. No bulging or falling apart in this gran aryconsequently no loss. Convenient upper and lower doors. Easily filled, easily emptied, easily ventilated. Make Better use of your harvest help by having this modern granary, Come in and talk it over AL. CHANCE, Mgi, Ontario Yard BOISE-PAYETTE LUMBER CO. izamsocKa