THE ONTARIO AKOUS ONTARIO, OKEUOiN, THUKSLAV, June 17,1020 COWBOY PREACHER E Is 715 )cnrs Ulil mid Hits Trniclcd lit 17(1 Miles With Hoimj And ItiiKKV LOCAL AND PERSONAL. S. 0. Hottos, tho orlglnnl "Cowboy 1'roaclior' 'of King's Itnnch. Toxos, drovo In town last thursdoy with n small buckskin pony nnd a Unlit mountain hack nnd spent sevoral days lioro visiting old acquaintances and iipoko at tlio Hnptlst Church Thursday night, at tho congrogatlonnl church Hundny morning nnd nt the Nnznrluu Church Sunday evening. Mr, Hottcs, who claims to ho 72 yoars of ngo, sny that ho has heen preaching for 54 yoars nnd hits trnv elod from oiio end of tho country to tho other by horso nnd hiiRKy. Ho says that wlthlu tho past throo years ho has covorcd over 13470 mllos nnd Hint ho Is now on his way to ChlcnKo nnd Now York via tho yollowstono purk, (rout thoso places ho proposes to go to Florida and across tho southern stales hack to Texas. At ono tlmo Mr. Hottus wits an Instructor nt Ynlo during which tlmo Mr. T. It, Monro of tho Monro hotol was a Btuifbnt thcro and ho was Mr. Moore's guest wlillo lioro, FARMERS GIVE APPROVAL OF FARM BUREAU WORK Work of County Agent Declared Mint Kffartlvn In Increasing Kfflrloney of Farms Co-operative Hhlp- log Ono of (Irnit llenuflts Secured. Among 2.100 farmers of whom tho question wns asked, two of ovory throo wero ncaunlnteil with tho coun ty tiKoi)t and farm bureau work, and DO per cent of thorn woro favorable to It. Thin survey wns made In tho 3.1 Northern nnd Western states Inst summer by n field representative of tho Htatos notations Horvico, u a. farmers woro solcolod Indiscriminate ly, a certain numlior being counted In each district. In states whom there woro farm bureaus, 00 por cent of tho farmers placed tho farm bureau nnd county agent first among tho ngenclos that aro of sorvlco to them, nnd in por cont placed tho agricul tural press first. In states Hint hnvo no farm bureaus, 20 por cont placed iho county ngont itrst nnd ,iu per cont placed tho agricultural pross first. Tho ouontlon of tho blggost pro blem of tho farmers In tho dlfforent communities showed that tho three moNt pressing problems wore: Inbor, designated ns the grnntest problem by 002 farmers: Improved farm prac tices, designated by 037 farmers; and mnrkotlng, which wns considered tho greatest problem by 300. Improvement in mnrkotlng must go hand In baud with Improvement In production efficiency, but In many eases tho succossful uccompllsbment or tho former Is lnrgoly dependent upon considerable further develop ment of tho Inltor phnse. For In- stnnco, In rortaln sort Inns of Oregon It tins boon demonstrated beyond iliiostlon that n silo will reduce pro duction Cost of llvostook nnd live stock products 30 per cent; that sul phur will tncronso the yield of alfal fa nt tho roto of it ton per ncro, which will produce 2000 por cent return on money Invested In It; that hardy al falfa will produce from n ton to two tons por ncro mnro that common types: that n tnrgo porcoutngo of tho cows In tho nvorngo dnlry herd do not pay their keep, nnd that rodents and rabbits, which do thousands of dollars worth of damage to tunny In dividual fanners, cnu bo eradicated through community action. Yot (hero nro In these districts hundreds of farmers who do not employ thoso and other equally outstanding profit nblo business practices . On tho other hand some of tho most Important results aro being se cured along mnrkotlng linos. Kx changes nro being established that urn saving thousands of dollars to tho membors. Cooporntlvo livestock shipping tins been n great benefit In many counties. Wool nnd luohnlr pools have been successfully conduct ed In some Instance Fruit growers, dairymen and poultrymen aro nil be coming effectively orgmiUed for bel ter mnrkotlng. There appears to bo ample Justifi cation for ii well rounded nnd not n one-sided farm bureau program Fred Luwson has Bono to St. Louis. Mo., to spend tho summer. Horn, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Mooro on Thursday, Juno 10, u son. Mrs. William Ilenson of Niiintin spoilt Wcdnosdny visiting Mrs. Clinr lotto Scholos. Tho W. C. T. U. will meet ut tho homo of Mrs. Ueo. liowo on Tuesday Juno 22, nt 2:30 1. M. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Km body re turned Sunday from a months visit at their old homo In Montana. Mrs. II. C. Whltworth of Wolsor entertained tho Tuesday Ilrldgo Club at tho homo of Mrs. 10. A. Frnser. O. U. Stovor loft Monday evening for Portland whero ho expects to novo us soon as ho cuu find a good locntiou. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Whlto loft Tuesday for Hood ttlvor whero they will visit their children for about two months. Ucrt Koplln yho recently purchas ed tho old Cotton place bought tho herd of roglstered cattle owned by H. J. llcan. Miss Addlu McCulln, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Ilert Fox, will leave lifts evening for her homo In Portland. Mr. and Mrs, J. S. Qonrhnrt nnd baby of Drewsey spent tho weok-oml visiting Mrs, Uearharrs mother, .Mrs. J. II. Anderson Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Young tuft Sat urday attornoon to motor to l.os An glos whero Mr. Young will attend summer school. Misses Anno mid Margaret McGlv orn arrived homo Saturday from Portland whero thoy hnvo been teach ing tho past winter. Mrs, J. II. Dcnlson who bus been visiting friends nnd relatives for tho past two weeks returned to her home In Portland, Sunday. Mr. A t.nnlinml nitiirunil fitti ftrowsoy Sunday accompanied by her llttlo grandson. Arthur Moss who will spend tho summer lioro. Mr. nnd Mrs. J, Polchol who re cently came hero from Tiiconui, Washington hnvo moved to their now homo, tho Wood Thompson ranch. Mrs. John Mclllvern uml daugh ter, Miss Margaret MeGIvorn leave tho Inst of tho week for an extended visit In Chicago unit other Kiisttirn cities. Mrs. 8. I). Herman and daughter, Allco wont to Portland Tuosilny to nttond tho Itoso Festival anil to visit friends. Thoy oxpect to be gone for u month. Mrs, N, K. Hopkins and children who hnvo boon visiting hero, tho guests of Mrs. Ilopkln's sinter, Mrs. a. k. lirecouut, lert Friday for Seat tle, Wash Mrs. A. I,. Chance and son (lornld loft Friday ovenlng for (loodlniid. Kansas, whero she was culled on ac count of tho serious Illness of her rather. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. W. Courliny hnvo purchased a lliiiignlow on the oust slilo from K. Ilelghtmiiii of New Plymouth and will tako Immediate posossiun. :. 8. Itlro and family, iiccomnunl- od by his two sous. Fred Jtlce and family and Harold Itlco and wife, left last week for Contralhi. Wash., where thoy will reside. Mrs. Coruinc J. Short Jr., wlfo of tho foreman of tho Culdwoll Nows, visited with Mrs. J. II. (tordon for a short wlillo Wednesday afternoon In Ontario. Mr. nnd Mrs. Dnvo Stownrt who wero milled to llromert Wash., to attend tho fuuornl of their little grandson, Albert lluckiier. returned homo Monday. J. W. Lukitosit. manager of the Mainour Home Telephone company, Mrs. Hnrry Clemont loft Snturdny evening for Portland to nttend the meeting of the Grand Chapter of tho O. K. S. which moots there Juno 1G. Mrs. W. W. Lotson. tho Grand Conductross of Oregon wont earlier In tho week. Misses Amy Cnuflold. Viola HiibI cd, Murjorlo Tumor, Cecil I.ouan. nnd Loin ltowsor nnd Uryan Ncoh nnd Arthur Cockrum nit of whom, unvo dccii nuoniung tno Oregon Agri cultural Collcgo tho pust year return ed from Corvnllls this week. Chorion W. Kills, of Hums who won tho Itopiibllcun nomination for tho 22nd district, wns In Ontario Thursday nnd Friday of lust weok on his way homo from Portland. Mr. Ellis visited with local friends and kept In touch with tho doings In Chi- cugo. Hov. L, J. Ornntlmm of Autloch, Nebraska, who recently spent two wuoks In Ontnrlo, has accepted n cull as pastor of tho local Congrega tional Church. Mr. and Mrs. (iritnt hniu expect to coma to Ontario tho bitter part of August to take up their now duties hero. Mrs. Itaudall Saga toft Wednesday ovenlng for Ktigeno to nttond tho graduating exorcises of tho Oregon University, her daughter Miss (Iraycu Sago, being ono of tho graduates. Later In company with her two daughters, Uraycu and Alfrettn, she will sco tho ttoso Cnrnlvnl In Port land, Tho annual picnic of tho Congrega tional Church was hold Thursday nf tornoon nt the ranch home of II. A. McGrocor with nbout a hundred members present. Swings mid tables wero prepared by Mr. and Mrs. Mo G'regor and nt six o'clock tho Indies of tho church served n most dello Ioiib plcltic dinner. Geo4 S, Dean, representative of tho Montana Life Insurance Company of Niimpn was In town Tuesday culling on old iiciualiitauces on tho way to Tho Dalles, where ho wilt take over tho (lonoral Agency of tho Company, Mrs. L. 0. Olson left Snturdny to Join Mr. Olson at Dulse where they will make their homo. Miss Vera Connor of Ironside un derwent an operation for tppcuH cllls at tho Holy tosnry Hospital lust Wednesday. She wns accompanied by hor nunt Mrs. J. II. Ilurk who r- turnod to her home on Hnturdry leav ing Miss Connor Improving very well. Tho many friends of Mrs. Sanders, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. It. So guliio will bo Interested to know that sho arrived safely at tier homo In Now Jersey. IIAItDIXG NOMINATKI) IIY HF.PUHL1CAXS (Continued From Page 1) Wo nro now doing business In the stiitp formerly m-uupieil by the U. S. Plumbing Company. II. It. Udlck Plumbing and Heating. Shower For llrlde-lllecl Mrs. J. A. Young entertained a number of friends at the home of her mother, Mrs. Adeline llrowu, hist Friday evening ut a lilUcolliui eous shower In honor of Miss Itoun Adam whoso wedding Is an event of tho coming weok. When tho guests wero assembled Miss Adam was pre sented with an umbrella, on opinliu which, a shower of beautiful ui.d use ful prosents poured down upon the hildo-to-bo. Tlio rooms wero artls tleolly decorated with pink peonies mid sweet pans, carrying out the color scheme of pink. Itofroshntonti of Ico cream, cuke and punch weie served and all prosont oujo.od a most delightful evening. Those Invltod wore: Mesdaines Frank Under, (', H. Kmlson. I. Adam. II. O, Driiuu, I). K. Montague. II. Pnul, Alox MoPhorson, Wllinc Hoy- or, H. M. llrowu, i.. iiuicKauy, it Hluekuby F. J. Clumo, J. (1. Smith. Leo Cockrum, nnd Mlssos Irene Und er, lloslnu ciumoni, jonn ionium, (loorgla Hull, Lnvlno Smith, and Thorosu Young. Tho out of town guosts wero Mrs. C. M. Mac Afee, and Wusii the names of nsplrlug lteiubllciin standard bearers wero pin- sil before the convention In nomination. The big three Lowdcn, Johnson nnd Wood were placed In nomination bo fore the tlepubllcun convention dur ing the first four hours of a swelter ing session. Seconding Speeches Limited. Fore:!!; 'he convention along at ex press ice to make up for tho time lost In settlement of the treaty Issue, efforts were mndo to bold the tlmo given to demonstrations down to a minimum. Seconding speeches wero II in ted to five minutes, mid to two mltiuiis when (hero were more than IWO S.'CIIImIs, Major General Wood of New York was tho first man whose name wns put In nomination, 'Ouvomnr Hnry J. Allen of Kansas formally p-eseiitlng his nunie nnd describing the general ns "the outstanding candidate In the minds of the whole people." Ueprrsei.tRtlve William A. Itoilen berg or Illinois uomlnulud Governor Louden. Jclmion Speaker "Oooed" Cluir.e j Wheelur of Sun Francisco made in.' nominating sHch tur lllrsm I '" sjii. The i.i-t reference to campaign ox liciulM ., brought a flurry, u roar of liiuvht ' ni.l boos greeting n state menl u' Mr, Wheeler referred to Menu tcr Jebt..4.,u's campaign fund us "(u ndei'.u.c to meet legitimate needs," Former aovernor of Ohio, Frnnk II. Willis, made the nominating speech plnclng Warren I). Ilurdlng, tho sue csssful (irnllJate, In nomination. Tho itl.-i candidates nnmed were: Govern r Ciolhlgo of Mnssiiohusotts, Judge J. i' I'-ltchard of North Carolina rout of Pennsylvania, Suit' er of Washington, Some and of West Virginia, rrny llutter of New York i Hoover, STATE IS ORGANIZED FOR C OF C. E (190,000 n yenr) covorlng n three year period will bo ruined in the thirty-six counties outside of Portland. (loverr ntor . tor h Nfcl" and ;. Teams Heady to Spread Over Htnto To Carry .Messngo of Inteiiihe Duvclopmout. Piogrum oil- (nrlo Will llo VMleil With practically every community In Oregon organized the luteuslvu enlivens throughout Iho statu In tho Oregon Stnto Chamber of Commerce oxpanslon movement will begin Juno 14th. Tho cnnvnss will continue un til August 1st. Tho educational work In connec tion with oxpanslon movement, which began several weeks ago, "will con tinue during Juno nnd July. Twelve men, composing six teams of two men each, will direct tho In IoubIvo organization work simultan eously In six different suctions of tho stnto. Thoy will bo assisted by eigh ty community executive committees nppolntod during tho stnto-wldo sur- lutoiiBlvo organization work. Leading men In every section of Oregon nro affiliated with tho Stnto Chamber In tho capacity of commit too chnlrmon mid members In the movement to ralso a budget uf $4fu,- 000 (fltiO.OOO a yenr) covering u three year period with which to car ry on tho development work of the Stnto Chnmbor. More thmi two hun dred endorsements hnvo been receiv ed from these men approving the ex pansion movement nnd citing the nocd for such mi ugoucy us tho State Chnmbor to tako the Inltlatlvo In dev elopment problems affecting tho on tiro stnto. Of tho totnt sum to lie rnlsed, $180,000 ($00,000 n your) covering a threo yours porlod will bo ruined In Portlnnd tho week of Juno 0th, Tho Portland cnnvnss will bo made June 0th, 10th, mid 1 1 tit. Tho remainder of tho budget totaling $270,000 "A cent u day pIpcb tho dust awny" when you own nn Arco-Wnnd Vacuum Cleaner. Let us demonstrate It. It, Udlck, Plumbing and Heating. KPISOOI'AL Clll'ltCII Tho Hov. Dr. Van Waters, will tec tum nt tho Masonic Hall, Sunday, Juno 20th, 8 P. M. Subject: "Tho Dlhlo In tho tanking In tho Light of Modoru Scholarship." Tho Holy Communion will be ad ministered nt 7:30 uf thu same evening. 1 I fClX3W.MWrvi.w moved his family hero from llolsu MrBl A, jj. Moody of Vale. Mrs. Klino Pearson of Wolsor. end Mr J A It. X. . MKirri.VG AT WKISKIt The Itoyiil Neighbors Association of Southwestern Idaho hold their dis trict convention Tuesday aftoruoon nnd evening ut Wolsor. About ono hundred mid fifty members wero present Including cloven delegates from Ontario, A Inrgo cluss was In itiated and tho convention voted tu tako tho Ontario Lodge Into tho Ida ho District. Tho day was spent In Instruction work under thu direction of Mrs, Ida Hamilton, Statu deputy for both Oregon nnd Idaho. Mrs. Hamblen ulso delivered mi addruss, after which a bumiuot was served In tho Park, Tho ovenlng was given ovor to entertulnment. Tho Wolsor Hoys' llunil and tho Wolsor orchestra furnished muslo wlillo a play and moving plcturu woro staged. Nnmpn also gavo a vory enjoyable drill. Those attending from Ontario wore: Mrs. C. K. Hlngham, Myrl iilngiiiiui, Mrs. A, a, urown, Mrs. II C. Secoy. Mrs, C. K, Socoy, Mrs. Geo. IIjtuiA l li A nilliiaik Kf i-ii lliluuljs Uoborts, Miss Itutli Lackey, Mrs. It. I I), llrcckon, Mrs. A. G. Plant, While You Aro Portland's Guest Visit Bush & Lane Piano Co. A welcome In tonus of good music on fine Instruments a walls you. Your favorite mus ical compositions will have an Intensified appeal, you will find, when played upon our Upright Pimm (Jiiinil PIiiiiun Plajer Pianos I'liiiiiogrupliN nnd don't forget vtonie HtMiiril lleaibiiiii'tirN Come- It Is our pleasure to please you! Busft & &CU1C Piano Co. Ili'oiidwuy ut Alder POHTLAM) . (m:(i(). V Mon., .Iiiiii COSMOPOLITAN IJIIOIICCTIOV "The .Mli-ml.' of l.w" Cniucilyi Tin Phiitilloiiul MIhh ViiiiuIiii Tiii'x. .V- Wed. .lime 22 .V 2:1 IIKHT LVTKLL In "The 'Itlglit of Wii)" When No I ii iv Hinllc .V Pal be eH Thurs., .Iiiue 2 ltd KIK.SI'K IIAYAKAWA III "The Tung .Man" ChiNllo Comedy . I VI., .tune 2.1th i:ih iiisxxirrr in "The Woiimii lii'ibo Hull Cnse" Pat be XeiN Hat., ,liim2iltli WALLACH IIKIII In "HiiHihorne of tho . h. ,,', Hall Itooui ItiH Ciiincly (nilngi Hist dui,(y i:,,.,. CoiiNlaiuc Tiilnmdge In I Walhito Iteld's l.iicky Hlow Tho gust of wind that blows Wnl luco Hold's hat over a high wall In "Ilnwthorno of the I' S. A ." his now picture at the Dreamland Theatre thla week, brings romance In Its wnko. For athletic Wnllle leaps ovor tho bnrrlrudo after his lid mid there on tho othor side Is a girl who wins his lioart at onca. The picture con cerns the star's ndvouturos in a mythical llttlo kingdom of Kuropo culled Hovlnla where ho quells n re volution and Introduces American methods Into the antiquated country witli such fiiio success that the old king turns tho monarchy Into n re public and leaves Wallln froo to mar ry tho Princess of his choice I.tla Loo Is charming In her role of tho Princess and Harrison Ford. Tally Marshall, Theodore Huberts, and Charlos Ogto nro ntso in the rust Tho plcturo, which Is a Paramouni Artcraft, was directed by Juiues Cruso. Snturdny, June 20. Inst week, having procured a home on tno oast sldo. J. C. McCrolght, innstor of Acuclu Lodge, mid W. W. Lotson went to Portland Saturday to nttond tho Mas onic Grand Lodge which convenes at Portland this week. Mrs. Muttlu M. Sleuth. State Pres ident of tho Vv. O. T. U. will sponk ut u union mooting ut tho M. K. Church on the ovenlng of June 27. All nro Invltod. Muster Huguno Grudr. son of Mr. mid Mrs. Dun Grady, colobrnted his fourth birthday by entertaining a number of his llttlo friends at his iiomu lust Friday, Voting of Douglas, Abisku. Underwood-Gray William C. Undorwood nnd Miss Audrn Grny woro married nt tho Law office of C. McGouaglll Satur day uf tornoon. Juno 12. Hov. W J. Luseombo performed tho ceremony Ho j Sciuith Oi'guiilo Tho Hoy Scouts of this city reor ganized Saturday evening, June 12, with A. C. Sonsonian as scoutmaster, and elected tho following officers I... ....- ., I, c.. tu.,., i ..i.. ii.; . ..... ... .. KtiKiir roriiur. i urrosinmimiK p . I.og.n ucc .... lo 1 i,v "th. Z-: Owen Turner. Sec. nnd Treas. Owen aller' t " J oLu return,.. i "'", Tumor. Owl Patrol Lender, and Hon will bo taken In ut that tlmo mid nil boys over 12 onrs of age who would llko to bo Hoy Scouts nre re quested to meet ut the school house Saturday evening at 7 o'clock Op portunities for unrolling will ho giv en to ow member uuy Saturday ovenlng at 8 o'clock Don't miss tho chnnco to bo n Hoy Scout young ladles have been attending col lego, Mrs. Dorothy Hull made a business trip to Uolso, Numpu and Caldwell tho lust of tho weok. Mrs. V. P. Mc Konua accompanied her to Ilolse whore she spent a fow days vIsltiiiK frlonds. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Adam of St. Anthony, Idu., are the proud parents of twin girls, born Monday. Juno H. Miss Irene Itador Is In Wolser this weok, tho guest of her sister, Mr Klmo Pearson. Hov. Father II. A. Cmnpo who wns pastor of tho Catholic church bore for sOvoral yoars, Is visiting friOnds. this wook. Father Cnmpo is now stationed ut tho UUhop's House at Lincoln, NebniBkn. Miss Myrna Socoy untortalnod u number of her school friends ut a Jolly party Saturday afternoon, those prosont notng Kthol Conwny. Kilu Mosseo. Myrna Secoy. Hnluh McCul- loch mid Guy Socoy. Mrs, aarali Orris who has boon mnkliiB hor homo with hor daughter. Mrs. F. P. Hyun, left this weok for a visit with hor ilnughtor at ImUo City, Iowa. Hefore retuinlng.Mrs Or- FAIt.M KH'S ADOlTXKW laiioii waei: sci.t: (Continued From Page 1) tlof may bo had by demanding cer tificate of recommendutiou from all nimllcnnts for t oosltlonT While it .,..,.. ,r. I.a nMiillnl tn Inkn biipIi ' local action yot wo feel confident that somo such move adopted by Farm Hureaus of state and nation would protect tho farming Interest and yot bo within reason " At tho coiirluslou of tho remarks a motion wus made that the wage scalo for farm lubor be flxod at $4 00 por day nnd board, which carried Uy motion request wus sent to tho County Commissioners to make an This Lovely Month of June Has Hands Full of OPPORTUNITIES Stretched Out to Patrons of This Store Mid Summer Millinery Beautiful Summer Voie Dresses Suits For Traveling Georgette Waists Dainty Lawn Waists New Foot Wear New Hosiery New Voiles and Lawns By the Yard For Dress Making- Miss Helen S Dickson. County Librarian, visited the Public I. Hilary at Vulo on Monday and on Tuesday established a library station at Ore gon Slopo with Mrs. Hurry Lattlg mh Dakota. Librarian, 102 books were placed Hi tho library, b0 of thoso being for Wo carry n full lino of the host tho chlldron and older boys and Plpoloss Furnaces. H. H. Udlck. girls, aud 62 for adults. Tho books Plumbing and Heating, for adults consisted of fiction, do- mestlo economy, agriculture, poetry, The Lilly Washing Tablets are the shop formerly occupied by the C S travel, ote. suitable ror summer road- uuiios mo ml on wash duy. Cuts Plumbing Company. it It l dick lug, I wash day In half aud saves half of Plumbing and Heating. tho soup bill. Can bo used for lumiv Wo carry a full Huo of tho best different purposes that othors cuu- FOH SALE -Milk at 12cperquar' Plpeless Furnacos. II H Udlck. not On sale ut the Cnsii Grocery try tho Woll's Dairy. Phone ;u Plumbing mid Jloatlng. 300 29-32 20-34 pd rls expects to visit her son In North appropriation of $S00 to nld In main- lailllllK I'lllimi liii'lil uilliMii ui Payette mid the Farm llureau wa ulso tu take tho matteer up with tho Fruit growers Association Wo are now doing business In the Boyer Bros. & Co. DEPARTMENT STORE ONTARIO OREGON