The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 17, 1920, Image 7

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in the county couut of the
In tlio nmttor of tlio oatato of Ernest
A. Atwood, Dcccnnod.
Undor authority granted by tlio
Will In tlm within mentioned KHtuto,
mill tin) Order of tlio Judgo of tlio
mid County Court, I. tlio undersign
ed executor, will Hall nt prlvnte Bale,
tlio following iloHcrllicd rcnl estate
nltllttto In tlio COUNTY OF MAL
IUHJIt, STATE OF OltEdON, to-wlt!
"Tlio South Hnlf (S) of tlio
NorthouKt quarter (NE) of
Section Hlx (0) In Townnhlp Six
teen (10) South of llnngo Forty
nuvon (17) Enst of tlio Wlllnm
otto Morlillan," nml
"An undivided onc-lmlf ( 4 ) In
terest In anil to tlio Southwest
nunrtor of tlio NorthwcBt qunr
tor (SWU NWU) nml lot
Thrco (3) of Section Four (4)
In Townnhlp Sixteen (10) South
of Hmico Porty-HoviMi (47) Enst
nf tlio Wlllnmotlo Morldnn, con
taining nhout seventy-eight (78)
ncros," mill
"A part of Lots Throo nml Four
(3, 4) In Soctlon Thlrty-throo
(33) doscrlbod nn follow, to
wit: beginning ut tlio rormir
common to sections thirty-two
(32), thlrty-throo (33) thirty
four (34) nml thlrty-Dvo (3(i)
In Townnhlp Fifteen (in) South
of Itnngo Forty-novel! (47) East
of tlio Wlllmiu'lta Morldnn,
thonco North 1310 feet on the
Bcctlon lino to tlio plnco of he
KlnnliiK, thonco North 2008 foot
thonco South 30 decree SO min
utes Kant 1 8 fi . r. foot, thonco
South 34 degrees ,10 mlnutoM
Kant 008.7 foot, thonco South
20 degrees 10 minutes Knnt
010.0 feet, thonco South 22 do
ItreeM 3 in I n il ten Kant 802.2 feet,
thonco Went 1102.0 foul, to tlio
placo of beginning, containing
20.8 acres, mora or lonn," nil In
Mnlhour County. OrcRon.
Tlio Mild nnlo wilt ho iniido on mid
nfler the nocoml (2d) day of July,
1020, nml IiIiIh will ho received nt
tlio orrrflcn of tlio County JiiiIro ut
Vnlo, OroRou, nml nt tlio oalcu of
"Lloyd nml 8on" In tlio city of Wols
or, Washington County, Stnlo of
The snld proporty will ho noli sub
Ject to nil tnxun or nwtesnmonts levied
or nnnennod by the "Snnko Itlver
District Improvement company," or
by Mnlhour County, or any Ilody Cor
poruto ntithorlzod to lovy tnxen or to
mnl(o assessments under tlio lawn oi
tlio Stnto of OrcRon; nlno subject to
nil delinquent taxes that may now bo
unpaid which wore levied or tiBsoHn
ud ngnlnst mild property.
Tlio snld property will bo Hold to
tlio highest blddor upon tlio follow
ing termn, to-wlt: Cnsh In lawful
monoy of tlio United Stnton, ton per
cent (10) of tlio purchase price to
bo paid nt tlio time of Halo, nml the
remainder on tlio confirmation of
Halo by said County Court,
Dated thlH 27th day of May, 1020.
Kxocutor of tlio Kntato of
Krnont A. Atwood. doceaned.
First publication Juno 3, 1020.
Last publication July 1, 1020.
INSIST on nu abstract of title when
you purchnso or lond money on roul
AIlSTllAGT CO., Vnlo Oregon,
Patronize the Merchnnts who Advertise in The Argus.
Your services!)
1 are no longer
v I TT 7 ASM
Ji I V-- CS3&7 lC5 '
kHn 3? f Y ft.
Clean and Cool
A cool clean kitchen! What could be more desirable?
Always a bright and cheery kitchen with white wood
work, enameled walls, gleaming porcelain sink, and a
spotless floor when you use an electric range.
Cool, because an electric range will give
you cooking heat by radiation. Clean be-'
cause this heat is produced without ashes,
without smoke, without soot, or harmful
Clean kitchen utensils, clean walls and
floor, and even clean pure air in the room.
In such a kitchen it is a joy to work.
From every standpoint an electric range provides the
ideal method of cooking. We will be glad to explain
further the economy -and helpfulness "of an electric
range plan to come in tomorrow.
.. ..COUNTY OF MALHEUlt.. ..
In tlio Matter of tlio Entato of MAN
UEL YllAOUEN, Deconeed.
Tlint Justn YrnRituii, ndmlBlrntrlx
of the Entato Of Manuel Yruguen,
dcccancd, linn rendered nml filed with
tlio Court nforcnnld, for Rottloment,
her Flnnl Account of her administra
tion of said Entato;
That Tiionday, tlio 0th day of July,
A. D. 1050, at ono o'clock 1. M., or
an noon thrrenftor as can ho heard,
and the Court ltoom of nald Court
In Vnlo, Mnlhour County, Oregon,
hnvo been appointed tin tlio tlmo and
plnco for tlio sottloiiiont of snld ac
count, nt which tlmo nml ptnro.nml
parsons Intoroeted In nnld Entato
may appear and fllo objections to
tlio said account, and content the
Abovo nnmed Administratrix.
1st. pub.0-3 and Inst pub 7-1-1020
Tlio County Court of the Btnto of
OrcRon, for Malheur County, hnv
Iiir horotoforo mndo Itn order nu
thorUIng tlio organisation of the
TltlCT," III said county and state,
' with boundaries ns follows, to wit:
I CommonrliiR nt n point 12 rndH
!bouHi of tlio NW corner of tlio 8W'
NEU See. 10: honco cast 40 reds:
thonco south 28 rods; thence east 40
rods; thonco south 40 rods to SW
cornor of HEW NEW 8oc 10: thence
east to 8E cornor of W& 8E',i NEU
See. 10; thonco north to tlio NE cor
nor of tho WHSEU NEW 8cc. 10;
thonco wont to tho 8V comer of NE
UNEU sec. 10; thonco north to tho
NW corner of tho NEUNEU Sec
10; thonco wist to the NE corner of
tho NEUNEU 8op. 10; thonco south
to tho SE corner of tho NEUNEU
Soc. 10; thonco enst to tho SE corner
of the NWU NWU Sec. II; thence
north to tho SE corner of tho SWU
8WU Sec, 2; thonco wont 20 rods;
thonco north 40 rods; thonco east 20
rods; thonco north to tho NE cornor
of tho 8WU SWU Sec. 2; thence
wost 100 rods; thonco north to tho
south boundnry of tho 8EU MRU
Boc.3; thonco west to tho NW corner
of tho SEU See. 3; thence south to
tho plnco of beginning,
and directing that an election bo
hold for tho adoption or rejection of
said district. NOTICE IS IIEUEUY
OIVEN, that on the 28th day of June
1020, nt J. II. Senwenrd'H ranch
In snld district, an olocllon will bo
hold to dotormlno whothor or not
said district shall bo organized nml
tho land nwnars within nald district,
at snld election will cast tholr ballots
for "Irrigation District. Yes," or "Ir
rigation District, No." and tho polls
for snld eloctlon will open nt 1:00
IV M. nml closo nt 5:00 1'. M.
A. M. Moody,
County Clerk,
First publication, May 27, 1020.
Last publication. Juno 24, 1020.
Notlco Is horoby given by tho un
dersigned Clork of tho County of Mnl
hour, Btato of Oregon, purBtinnt to
nu order of tho County Court of snld
County nml Statu mndo nnd entered
on tho 24th day of Mny, 1020 and u
further ordor of said Court madu
nnd entorcd on tho 8th dny of Juno,
1020, that an election Is called nml
will bo hold within tho territory here
inafter described botwoon tho hour
of 8 o'clock In tho forenoon nnd 8
o'clock In tho ovenlng of July 0th,
1020 nt which election shall bo sub
mitted to tho qualified electors with
in said territory tho quostlon of
whothor or not nald torrltory shnll
bo croatod and organized Into an Ir
rigation district pursuant to the lawn
of tho State of Oregon, to bo called
the Slldo Irrigation District, nml nt
which election tho qualified olectorH
shall bo required to cast ballots con
taining tho words "Irrigation Dis
trict Yen" nnd Irrigation Dlntrlct
No" or words equivalent thoroto.
Thnt tho boundaries of sold pro
posed IrrlRatlon district as fixed by
said ordors aro as follews:
Commencing nt tho NE corner, of
8E, of thoNEU, of Section 32,
Township 15 South, ltango 47 E. W.
M.; thonco West along tho Enst and
Wml xnntnr linn nt (lin N U. nf Hllld
Soctlon 32 to tho West lino of Bald
,Soctlon; thenco North 80 rodn. to tho
Soctlon cornor common to Sections
30, 20, 31 nnd 32, In nnld Townnhlp
nnd rnngo; thonco Went nlong tho
.North lino of Section 31. nald Town
ship nnd ltango to tho NE corner of
,1.. wuri' f llm NW l! nf nnld Hnc-
Itlon 31, nnld Townnhlp and llnngo;
thonco North 40 rods nlong tho Enst
lino of tho SWU of ttio hw or
Bcctlon 30, said Townnhlp nnd
llnngo; thonco west to a point 40 rods
north of tho NE cornor of tho NWU.
of tho NEU of Soctlon 36, Town
ship IB South. Itnngo 40 E. W. M.;
thonco South 40 rods to tho said NE
cornor of tho NWU, of tho NEU of
snld Soctlon 30, nnld last nntnod
Township nnd llnngo; thonco went to
tho NW cornor of the NEU. of tho
KMtri nt annffnii sn. until Innt mimed
Townnhlp nml llnngo; thenco South
to tho SW cornor or nnm nkh, oi me
NWU of nnld Soctlon 30, snld last
named Township nnd Itnngo; thenco
I'mi in llm SI' rnmitr nf the NEU.
of tho NWU of suld Section 30, snld
last namod rownsiiip nnu uauKu;
thonco Bouth to tho contor of nnld
Soctlon 30, snld Inst nnmed Town
ship and llnngo; thonco Enst to the
NW comer of tho NEU. of tho SEU
.. ...i.i aii.iin nn unlit lnnl tunned
Township nnd llnngo; thonco Bouth
to tho BW cornor of tho NEU, of tho
SEU said Soctlon ao, sniu mm nam
od Townnhlp nnd llnnge: thonco Ennt
, (l.n T.'l lino nf nnld Bnctlnn 30:
thonco South nlong snld Ennt lino to
tho 8E cornor of nnld section ju:
Hmnrn Haul 8.28 cbnlllH to tllO NW
.ra.r nf Rnrtlnn R. Tnwiislllt) 10
South, llnngo 47 E. W. M.: thonco
Bouth to tlio bw cornor oi i.oi i ui
said Soctlon 0, snld last namod Town
ship nnd llnngo; thonco East to tho
BE cornor of said Lot 4 nnld Boctlon
0, said last named Townsnip nnu
ltango thonco North to tho NE cor
nor of snld Lot 4 of said Section 0,
..i.i Tmunatiln nml Itnnirn! tllOIICO
West to tho BE cornor of the SWU
r ,1.. awiA flnrtlnn 31. TownslllD
16 South, Itnngo 47 B. W. M.; thonco;
v'n.n. in llm NK rnrnnr nf tlio SWU
of tho SWU of Section 31, snld last
named Township and Itnngo; thonco
East along tho East nnd Wont center
line of tlio SW of snld Boctlon 31,
nnld last namod Township and llnngo
to the East lino of said Boctlon 31,
thonco South nlong tho Ennt lino of
snld Section 31. said Innt tinmod
Township nnd nnngo to the BE cor
ner thereof; thonco East nlong the
South lino or Soctlon 32, nnld Innt
namod Townnhlp nnd nnnge, to tho
NW cornor of Boctlon 4. Township 10
South, llnngo 47 E, W. M.: thenco
South to tho SW cornor of I-ot 2 of
..m aaxilnn 4 until Innt namod Town
ship nnd Itnngo; thonco East to tho
Snnko Ulvor nt ttio bk cornor oi iah
1 of snld Soctlon 4, said last nnmod
Township nnd nnnge; thonco North
in nnrt nlnne tho bank of Snnko niv-
or to tho BE cornor of Lot 3. Sec
tion 33. Township IB houiii. itniiKu
47 E. W. M.: thonco West nlong tho
an.itii linn nf until Lot 3 aonroxlmnto-
ly BOO feet, inoro or loss, to the Went
nlda of tho right or wny or me jii
hour District Improvement Company
nii.i,, Mianon In n Nnrtliwnntorlv dir
ection along snld West sldo nf tho
right of way Dltcu to wio mini
whore said West side of said right
..,., InlnrinMa with tll WOSt llllB
of nnld Lot 3; thenca North on tho
West lino of sain i.oi a 10 mo iiut
of Deglnnlng.
Thai thA whnin nf said territory Is
created by nald orders Into ono vot
ing precinct and tnni uio poiiihk
.1... la fiTnil nt Lincoln
School House, School District No. 20
.., i. on i.i nr,inr w TV Patch and
W. E. Perry are named as Judges of
election, and I. Yam ns ciern
At such election the qunllflod elec-
. ..1.1 A.Hnv nrn illrprtml liv
said orders to elect threo qualified
persons as n uonrn oi iiirecir
sold Irrigation Dlstirct, tho selections
of such directors to be from tho dis
trict at large.
Such election snail no canum-nm
ns near as prnctlcnblo In ncrordnnco
with the general election laws of the
Stato of Oregon.
Dated nt vale, uregon hub nm
day of June. 1020.
A. M. MUUUT, uouuiy ioi
opah hv H. 8. Sackett
First publication, Juno 10. 1020
I.nst puuncaiion, juiy o, usv.
Xotleo of hearing of flnul account of
hVll.n I. Ko.nltv -Ivan tCk wlinm It
mnv rnnrnrn thnt the underslKlied
l,a dnlv nnnnlnlAil nrtln? and Qual
ified executor of tho Last Will and
Testament or u. ti. rryo ueceaoou,
has fllod In the County court oi mo
State of Oregon, for Malheur County,
his flnnl account of his admlnlstra-
linn nf thn nntntA nf Rnlll deceased
That Mondny, tho 12th day of July,
1020 at 1 o'clock v. tn. in tne louniy
Pmirt Dnnm In thn f'nnntv Court
House, at Vale, Malheur Co. Oregon,
has been fixed as tne time anu piace
for hearing any objections to sucn
final account If any there be.
This Notlco ib pumisneu tor tour
consecutive weeks In the Ontario Ar
gun, under nnd by virtue of nu or
der mado In tho nbovo cause by
Hon E. H. Test, County Judgo of
Mnlheiir County, Oregon, dated Juno
4th, 1020.
Executor of tho Lnnt Will nnd
Testament of C. E. Fryo, deceased.
Dato of First publication, Juno lOtli.
Dnto of last publlcntlon. July Sth.
In Tlio Circuit Omit of tho Htnto of
Oregon, For Malheur County.
In tho Matter of tho Application of
To register tho title of Lots 11, 12,
13, k 14, In Illock 230; LotH 10,
17, 18, 10 & 20, In Illock 100; Lots
11 12, 13, 14, nnd 15 In Illock 32;
Lots 1 and 2, llloek 42; nil In tho
City of Ontario, Malheur County,
Stato of Oregon; against llonjamln
W. Oppcnholm and Mnry Iocoy,
Truntccs; First Church of Christ,
Scientist, of Ontario, Oregon; Mar
io Chapman; Mnry Locoy; nnd tho
unknown creditors and heirs of tho
Franklin II. Lackey Estate; nnd
tho unknown creditors nnd holm of
tho Amos A. Lnckoy Estnto; and
All To Whom It Mny Cencern:
Thnt on tho 0th dny of Juno, A. D.
1020, an application was fllod by said
A. M. Lnckoy, In tho Circuit Court of
tho Stato of Oregon, for Malheur
County, for Initial registration of tho
tltlo of tho land nbovo-descrlbod,
Now, uiiIcsb you n linear on or be
foro tho 12th dny of July, A. D. 1020,
nnd nhow cnuno why such nppllcntlon
shnll not bo granted tho snmo wilt
bo tnkon ns confessed, nnd a decrco
will ho autorod nccordlng to tho pray
er of tho application, and you will be
forover barred from disputing tho
horounto sot my hnnd nnd affixed Ilia
seal of tho Circuit Court of tho StSto
of Oregon, for Mnlhour County, thin
0th dny or Juno, A. I). 1020.
A M. MOODY, Clork of tho Circuit
Court of tho Stnto of Oregon, for
Mnlhour County.
L. J. AKElt, Attorney for Appll
ennt, Ontnrln, Oregon,
Dnto of First l'ubllcntlon, Juno 10,
Date of Innt publication, July 8,
In Hie County Court of tho State of
Oregon. I'Nir tlio Omnty
of Malheur
In the matter of the Estate of
W. J. MINK, Deccimed.
To Mnhol O. Mnddon, C. W. Mnddeii,
her luiBlmnd, Tholinn E, Mink, l'hll
Mink, Mink, his wlfo. Wm It
Mink, Ira Mink, Mink, IiIk
wlfo, nml E, E. Mluk.
In the .Value of the Htnto of Oregon,
You nro horoby cltod and required
to appear In tho County Court of tho
Btnto of Oregon, for the County of
Mnlhour, nt tho Court room thoro
of, nt Vnlo In tho County of Mnlhour
on Mondny tho 20th dny of July 1020,
nt 1 o'clock, In tho afternoon of the
day, thou and thoro to show cnuno
It any thoro bo why nu order or LI
conso should not bo grantod nnd l
nuod by this Court to I), II. l'urcell,
to sell ho much of tho following des
cribed ronl proporty ns may bo uoo
osnury to pay off tho oxpoimo of Ad
ministration, of tho ontnto of nnld
docoanotl togothor with tho balauco
duo to tho crodltors of the estnto of
said docoased, to wit: Fractional
SEU of NEU, (of Lot 6) Boc. 3 Twp,
18 8. It. 47, E. W, M. Lots Numbered,
10 and 17 In Illock No. 200 In tho
City of Ontario, Orogon, Lots Num
bered, 14 and 16 In Block No 235
In tho City of Ontario, Orogon
This Citation, Is sorved upon, Ma
hoi 0, Madden, C, V, Madden, her
hUBband Thelma E. Mink, l'hll Mluk,
Mink, his wlfo. Wm. It.
Mink and E. E. Mink of tho nbovo
namod holrs at law to tho entato of
W. J. Mink deceanod by publication
thereof, for four consocutlva weeks
In tho Ontario Argus, a weokly newH
papor. published lu, and of general
Circulation In Mnlhour County, Oro
gon, undor and by vlrtuo of an or
dor of Hon. E. II. Tost, County Judgo
of Mnlhour County, Oregon, dntod,
Juno 14th, 1020
Dato of first publication, Juno, 17th,
1020., dato of Last Publication, July
16tb, 1020.
Judgo of tho County Court of tho
Stato of Oregon for tho County of
Malheur with tho seal of snld Court
affixed this 14th dny of Juno A D.
AtteKt (SEAL).
After you cat always tako
edGAtty reeling. Stops food souring,
repcatmit, and &11 stomach miseries.
Ald dltotion wA p.xlli. Keepa ftomftch
wto4ii.r . J-, -cLMtVlulityondl't'p.
EATONICiit mtrmrdv. Tcaaot thou
wnj won(Jrlln ' .n0-J. OolycuU cmt
crtwou dou uxiii i'itlvl)rin'nuit.a
la pliiu rr wo hi. I rvfuuj litaiuf, Ut LU
UiXlaUy, YeawUJcec
Ontario Pharmacy
Now open for business
Onen 6:30 a. m. to 12 p. m
Ontario, Oregon !
Tho rnllronds wnnt n billion dol
lar Incrcnso In freight rates, or
rnthcr they wnnt nn liicrcnse that will
produce that much additional Income.
Olvo It to them. Tho consuming gont
stilt linn a squaro Inch or two of hide
loft on hli lncorutcd hack.
Tho powor of your nuto en
gine comes from the cylinders
'and this Is tho Only Shop In
Mnlhour county thnt tins n
This pormlts ub to do this nc
curnto mnchlno work to a
hair, nud do It quickly.
Now Is thu tlmo to hnvo your
cnglno ovorhnulcd.
Onenrlo, Oregon
Exchange Your
Liberty Bonds
The government has informed ns that it will
commence exchanging permanent Liberty Loan
Bonds for the Temporary Liberty Loan Uonds on
May 1st. We will exchange all bonds for which we
have issued our safe-keeping receipts but those
bonds which are in private safety deposit boxes
should be turned over to us for exchange. All Sec
ond Liberty Loan Bonds should be turned over to us
not later than Mny 10th. The permanent Liberty
Loan Bonds will have all interest coupons attached
to the date of the niajurity of the bond.
We will make no charge for this service.
-WFlWnCT 1 1 CTmf
Ready in An Emergency
"When illness comes it is better to be prepared.
There is no need for "borrowing" from a neigh
bor if you have a hot water bag or other rubber
accessories that are so often needed in times of
Let us show you the fine lino of pure
Para Rubber Goods that we carry
there are none better that are made.
0.G.LUEHRS' Drugstore
Prescription Specialists
Huncliern, Stockmen, Truppei-N;
If you huvo r.ny hldoa, furs orpolts Bend thorn to us, Wo pay the
hlghost murket prices, Wo puy cash.
HOIHIHHH Ai COMIW.N'V Ontario Orrfon
'rolephono IHii-W
McDowell Undertaking Parlors
A. L. McDowell, Prop.
J. 0. IMiillabaum, Licensed Embalmer
and Funeral Director
Funerals directed from tho parlor-chapel, the
home, or from the church of your choice.
Parlors situated in a quiet district
First-class services rendered to all
Experienced Lady Assistant
Day Phono 10GW Night Phone 89M
Modern civilization Is popular In
nt loast ono respect. It Is becoming
n grcnt aid to tho double standard
of morality.
Don't Forget
Matinee at
Every Saturday
2:30 nnd TWO SHOWS
Admission to Matinee
? Children 10c Adults 20c
I U 4