, nejmKmwwr'Wtrii ctvif TILE ONTARIO AINU'S. ONTAIUU. 01.E00N. THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1920. 1 v TVfflTEvery drop ivSI power -full I f2rPfy) i rffHjMH "Red Crown" la all-refinery I Sfea3R(BH Gasoline with full power I fill'lffl)nu"PcWltlSSB in over drop. 'It is made Qftll3ilCW5slil t0 mset tna rcqulrementa j5i l5vJTto5s3lM 'u" unt cont'nuoU9 chain tfr&r , K55jH of boiling points necessary Sfe CV for ready starting, quick jfkSv vf !SRI?1A on( smooth acceleration, vK a& 5Sv s 9tcady dePndab, Pwcr & ?" JS?.,. ' . and long mileage. Look for I &? &$ft ioT Vfe ?1 -T ho "Red Crown" sign be- 'iKo'3i.Csr' STANDARD OIL COMPANY few mill difficult to find. Tlio eaBo with which money Iioh lioon nccumiilntpd during tlio punt hIx yenrn htm produced this Btutu of nffalrH. It In not conducive- to the futiiro welfare- of our country Hut wo havo faith In America and In American people. Wo are In tlio temporary grip of a hysterical mania for the rapid ac cumulation of wealth, hut wo lie llovo that tliln mania will pints away In titiio and permit a return tr the ilnuo anil rntoniil imtliodii which prevailed prior to the outbreak of tlio war. Hut It will rcmilro tlmo and wo must employ Infinite patience In liNllKlllR It IlllOllt. Atnorlcntis nro too rciihIIjIo to, trav el far on tlio loitd that IoiuIh to do- Hlrilpflnn ttvun thn liir tt iinlliiillntl IroIiI cannot dcprlva them entirely of tneir common sonso. PLATFORM ADOPTED " BYJjPUBLICANS Tlio Most Important Plank Is That Relating to Lcaguo of Nations. ?. Gasoline of Quality 0. H. TEST, SPECIAL AGENT STANDARD OIL CO. ONTARIO, :: OREGON TOO .MITCH MONIIV , BomctlmcH wo wonder If It Ix kooiI ; KmploeoM demand wiikoh, work nliout iih for thn Atnnrlriin tumtiln lo hiivn Mil """ '" "'" vimtm uru iiuciiiiiiiik H- ror no Aiiioricmt people to nao no ,(()1l JH ,nmc0Ill aH r01ll(l ,(0 . iiiiicii nionoy. wi course) iiio iiiuuriii nRllicd instinct of u man Ih to accumiilato iih ipuch money aH possible, and mon ey Ih a decided nccoKNlty thetio diiyH. Hut It Ih pohhIIiIu to havo too much of a kooiI thine. The war Iiiih mailo America fahuloiiMly rich, tlio envy of all tlio natloiiH, .Men who in rJI-i were welt off, Otherri who had a iiuhIchI Hum hIx yearn iiko are now rollliiK la wealth. Tho result? You nee It every day. In tlio cltlcH It Ih more apparcii than In tho country IowVh. In tlio lilK cMIqh no mnmifacturer will pro iltico, no mlddlo mini will distribute, and no merchant will noil an artlrlo at a roiiHonahlo profit. All seom to waul to Kot rich quick. prohibitive they plouHc, IiiHtend of the employer be- .MOItll WOltK THAN. IWV CoiiKrcHH should como to tho 10 llcf of tho postmasters and tho tins- Ital ctnployecH of the country The pay Ih ho mnnll hint the roHt of llv Iiir Ih ho IiIrIi that experienced men are rcfllRiilttR at mi alarming rate In this hranch of puhllc Borvlcc. It In crippling tho iiiiiIIh and retarding I business to a HcrlotiH extent, and creatliiR n Mato of public uneasiness over tho country. Congress appolntH committees to luvpHtlRnto and the romiulttees con Hiimu much tlmo In palaverliiR, mid that Ih almut iih far oh they ro Tlio postal omployeeH continue lo exist on Htutill pay, or milt and tho ser- vlco becomes more crippled throuRh t ino ompioyineiil or new and Inexper ienced help. Wo have no fault to find with tho poHtal service ItHOlf. We hollcto It Ih doliiR nil that It can do under sorl ouhI' liuiiillctipplnR rondltlonH. Wo do tint liollovo that any husliiotta en terprise could Ioiir coiitlinio to ox IhI under those namo condJtlotiH. Tho lahorer Ih worthy of Ills hlro tho world over, and ho Ioiir iih em ployees In tho niarlH of trade are rocclvliiR lif Kit wiiroh to meet the ad vanced cost of IIvIiir, the man who handles tho mall of thin ureal coun try should receive equal consideration. Morclninls do not mako him a dis count when ho liuys Ills food and clothltiR from them. Why should tho Roveriimont expect him lo dis count tho value of his services? Ink the imiHtor of his own huslnesH, his hired help practically toll him where ho roIh off. Tho war produced tlio profiteer, and for tlio sake of easy money ho 1-nftlHPM In lnnami hlu urln tiiinii Mm country. U'MTHI) I'ltUSIlVTKIUAN CllfltCII HulldliiRH nro thrown toRothcr In I 10:00, Illlilo Rchont. Hllpshod inaimer and Inforlor mnter- 11:00, Worship, lals aro usee), all for tho sako of cut-1 Kormnn Tepic: "llenven nnil f.prin. tliiR expoiiHOH mid IncreiiHliiK profltH Inseparable." to ahnormnl. ' 8:00, Worship. In tho mnnufacturluK world It Is tlio name. Quality Is sacrificed for profits, or wnoro quality does prevail tho price hocnmoH almost prohibitive Of courst thero uro hoiiio exceptions to this rule, hut tho exroptloiiH aio WAUigii n wi Tinu. v. cyr Htor) optlcan slides fields of our church. of Mission The Old Reliable Commercial Creamery Company Ontario, Oregon YOUR BEST FRIEND IVe Want All Your Cream And Produce I Top Price Spot Cash Correct Weights MISS ALICE FOX, Agt. ia " ftntummwm una am Accurate Teats I'hone 182 .Miri'HODIHT CllfltCII Sunday Rorvlcott 10 A. M., Sunday School. 11 A. M , Preaching -Drlftliu:" 7:.1C P. M. Kpworth I.euRiie. 8 P. M Illustrated Address when we will show sopio wonderful pic tures of tho Armenian people, their roniiiuoiiH nuu tueir country. CAItH Ol' THANKS Wo wish to oxprost our tlianks to tho KiiIkIiIs of Pythias, .Modern Woodmen, I'lremon, ami our noigh hurs and frleilds who so kindly as slntod us durlnK tho sickness and death of our dear one Mrs 8adl4 LaiidlUKhiim Mrs. Ituhy ToiiiIIiikoii Karl UiiiilliiKham W. H. .MANON I Transfer Attention gltou to Ioiir iII-Iiiiici' HmilliiR ;Irao oiil(is at Wn)t linplomeiit Kioto iriionc UU.. ltchlileii(i riioiio It.W (lularlo, Oicriiii. SMALL TOWN-COPY 632 f If. W L DDIiWlIIIIMH CORD TIRES GOOD mileage, good looks, good traction all to an extreme degree are features of these tires. In their making and in ther selling, the Fisk Ideal is a vital factor.' The Fit!: Ideal: "To be the best concern in the world to work for, r.nd the squarest concern in existence to do business withN" Next Time BUY FISK HOPPER BROS. ONTARIO, OREGON t ... .. ... ii i . i Time- to Re.tircT Buy Flslt) VV ONTARIO, OREGON The most Important plank In the platform adopted by the nntlonnl re publican convention at CIiIciibo was the one rclat'lnn to the League of Na tions. As finally ncreed upon In the resolutions committee and accepted by the convention. It harmonizes the vIcwb of the conflicting elements, some of which had threatened to Isilt the party. The Important plunks summarized nre as follews: llriiL'illiiin pstty renfflnns Its tin Irlil Inr ilcNutliin to the cottMltutlnn of III Ctiltril Hllrs llriltiirs iIpiiiih nitlc nitmllilslislli.n un irpuird rm witr nnil niHHlly niiriiitJ for ppMif, Mint till- ilrniiHisinitnl llieH poelty nf the i1riinrntlc iwrty Iws il. stiuii lmMIe tunfldcnrf hii1 wnikplied the MUllmtlt) of KiiWIIiMirnt, ItvtiuUliHii Mily will iiixliTlHkv to rn4 nnulhf iititiM'tucy mill teti lo tlio ptuple Ihrlr totmlltulliiiml uiivrltHMcnt. Tlir fiiiiiur Is riHi.rftilpl hs llir Imrk tione of tin iwtlon nml iwrty bfllusi-n tlwt Ills tur litlim run In- litiirnril Ii) hiId ijiihI fiirm rtpiencnlHtlini In Hit up pulnlinriit of noi-rrililclll ufflelNls. DmliirM llm fi-cli-ml furm Iimii Iu.t IiuiiIiI lie su Hilinllilstrlrd hs to fsillllHU tliu mi) ilsltloii of furm Isml ItMnNnlivs IIiii justlio of rallM'tUc Utr rHlnli'K s a nifHiM of Mlulillr)iliiK mora Illinium Tlir I'ght to strike hkhIiisI the sovetn melit ilimetl, hut the Miflit hih! IlilHetita (if ull ,M eriiliirlil einkert must lie stlfe ttMHHleil h) ImiwrtlMl Uwn (imiii ilwtty HiMlrMlliiti In vrlVHle In duatrlee nut IiJvwmInI, l.nt fscllltles for miIhiii. ' ineillrtllon fMvmeil UvtiKiHluklet' the rrlllrM rmiKress on the eiMititirnt trf h Uw r titllitf far Mil ef ulUe limlset, Hint enlHlelillis the rlu gf the prmlilent. 1'imlileiit Wllmm's Mexleuu Mlley eon drimiiii We clioolil not i-omiliti uny Mrnl.M i KOrinillrllt UIiIihhi It lie n r spuiisllle Kiiteinment uIIIIhk hIhI title to lUe suffli'lfnt Kimrunties llml the lives snU rights of Anwlemi eltliens are ro- OMlMl Mini nrillCClfll I'sviis lllieiHl ilriiiiliitloas In cu 0ieiHl.m 41th the Vuim for the con Inn Hi. m of IiIkIiuhs )iiw.ei to Kiiterniiient ownership "ltd 0ieiullin or finilo)e opei-Htltiii of the r u 1 1 1 1 hi i n. HbliU III iinpnrUhsule remenilirunc the uloi ml (lie patriotism of llm soldiers snd Milium uf Aineilvu who fininlit In the ki- it Wiir snd iledses lo illnelmrs to the .'idleet the oblluutlon of u irrste- rul iwliun. KepulillfHii psrty plnlees llsrlf to earn; tit and oHvulnlint utluik on IUIiik costs ' ilKuious HViil.Unce of further Infla dun of rurieney und premutloH of pro duction Psrly reurrinns Its belief In protective principle mnl pleilj-wi Itm-lf tu reMen of the tmlff hs soon as romtltlons mske It ntiemii)' KxUlliiir Miry of UiiIIimI HIhIim for Piui'IIihI exilii.liin of Anlstle ImmlsruHls Is wtunit Mini should lie iintlnlnlnwl. Illiiht of fiee speech, free piwh uwl flee Msietnuly mu.t lie iiwIiiIsIiinI, hut sdvot'scy of overlhrow of Kiiveiiiitieat must not be permitted. ImmetllMle iMiiinptlon of triule reU lions ullli nutlons with which United Hlules Is ut pesre il.nwndfifV Itepulilleurts weleome wonien Into full purlleliwllon In activities of iwrty uihI of sovmiiiient .U4i (my for equal service hmil. rule In Mil brunches of Kovernment In.wlilih women uie emplortl llepulillean party will oppose now und herrirr the Hcreptanee of u inundate for mi vountry In Hurope or Aula The pUnk on tlio lsue of nullons "(A) l.essua of Nstloiw Porelsn pol icy of Hdnilnlstratlon has been founded upon no pilnelple nml illieilwl ,y po dff. Inllf I'lineeptlons of our iwtlon's I Ik lit 4 Him oldlKHtlons It Iws been buiiilllullnir to Ameilra Mini Irritating- tu other tui tions, wllb the result llml. Hflei a iMi-tod of unexampled sueilflre, our motlvM Mie ' su-Hieeted, our moral Influence lwwlrl and our i.'oeriiinent slamls dleciMlllHl und friendless aniline the rutlleiw of the i world "U'e fuor a liberal ami genarous far- elKii iHilley. foundwl upon definite moral und polltlial pilntlplea, chuiadetlied by a clear uiideratandlrie of und flim sillier- nre upon our own rlshts ami unfulliua; respei t foi the rights of otlieis We should uffoid full und adniuate piote Hon jo the life, liberty and propel ty and ull international rights of every Amtrl- all iltlien und should reulie u proper leaped for the American flag, Irtlt we should be equall) eureful to niaulfesl a just regard foi Ilia rights of other na tions , A scrupulous observance of our International engugeinenta when Is w full) useunie.1 Is esaeuiui lo our own honor mid self-1 aspect and the respect of other nutlons Mutiject to a new ieganl foi our International obligations, we should leave our rountr) free to develop u chlllia lion along Hie lines moat londuilve to the happiness and welfare of pie people, und to met Its Influence on the side of Justice and right should occasion require "The rcpubllrun party stands for agree ment among the nations to pieeerte the peace of.lhe world. We bellvw tlwt suoh an, InleinallonaJ association must be lutsed upon International Junllte and must lovldi methods which shall maintain he Hie of publlo right by development of law und the decision of Impartial iii'iru. und which ahull secure Instant and general International conference whenever peace shall be threatened by uo un id action, so that the nations pledged to do and Insist upon what Is just uiul fair may exenlse their Influence aid power for the prevention of war. believe tlwt all of this can be done without the compromise of national In dependence, without depriving the people f the ITnlted Htates In advance of the light to determine foi themselves what la IiIkI u.i.I L,lr .ulibti !& . .. ul .... - . w ..., Y..c. me uiiMBiuii urieee and without Involving them as partici pants md not us peuiemakers In a multi tude of quanels, the merits of which Uty ire unablt to Jjd.-o." . 3 Million Dollars. but It bought MUSIC No finer example of courage is known to the world of science than Thomas A. Edison's work in perfecting tho phonograph. The skeptics rose in full chorus when he proposed a better phonograph, an instrument "that could produce music as human as tlio artists who first gave it uttenmce." Mr. KiliHim'H experiments oxhntiHtcd the cnliru field of roseiirch in Round repro duction. He built uiul rebuilt until iiiu final perfected model cost him Three .Million DoiljiiH. And the result? Ask some one who attended tho Mnrfe Morissey recit nl Friday evening May 14. Thoro was tho public proof. Miss Morissey sting in comparison with the KE-CHKATION of lior voicu by tho. New Edison. And no ono could distinguish the living voice from its KE-CREATION. 2&NEW EDISON "The Phonograph With A Soul" If you love music, you will agree with i-'rklny, May Mth enthusiastic midience: -Tho New Edison repre sents Tlireo Million Dollars well spent. The soul of music is cheap at any'price.' Yet it is now brought within readi of your pocketbook- Tho instrument used in Friday, May Mth conclusive test is n duplicate of Mr. Edison's Three Million Dollur Model. It sella for $295 in Ciinana $!:. TURNER MUSIC STORE ONTARIO, OREGON fVour House s old.riakeit New i witri vSrwK iXv u f M fV'InQI NQW.Ki?epitNQW i WmmdtaL with Ik i E iBBWBl V P55" 71 YEAR V Z klkhi JiSWC w. "P1 FULLER Paint Preserves and BeautifiM NE thing is sure you can't hide the outside of your house from critical eyes. You'll be proud of your home and your neighbor hood will be proud of you if your house is kept painted and in good repair. The well-painted house is evidence of community spirit and thrift. FULLER Paint keeps new and old houses from run ning dou n, adds to their value and makes them attractive. Specify FULLER Paint for your home. You can depend on it to do two things and do them well pre serve und beautify. Look Up a TUtLER Dealer In Your Town W. P. Fuller & Co. . Il4t-ltlt Northwest Drench Houses at Portland, Tiiio, iscoma, spoicane. uolse fcT .HHHHHHMaVr "l teXriTMliSIB3 e51 r '.W'lV. .av.ia &