The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 17, 1920, Image 4

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(Continued (rom I'ago 1)
Messrs Wnltor and Prod Schmld
roturnod tho lust of tho week from
Moscow wlioro tlioy hnvo been tit
tending tho Stuto University.
(1, I. Hollenbeck wns nnfortunuto
In having his right thumb almost
lucoratcd from his hnnd last week,
cutting tho nrtorloB and nerves.
Tho l'rlondshlp W. ('. T. U. meet
ing which wan to hnvo been hold on
tho 24th has bcon changed to Jtinu
30th and tho mooting placo Is at tho
homo of Mrn. It. S. Kutcli.
Tho hnsobull gamu Hunday on tho
homo grounds between Krultlnnd and
Hlg Ilond was In favor of Frultland,
scoro 11 to 10.
Mr. Nick ltauert and Mrs. llros
son, of Clrand Island, Nobraska, aro
tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Illsliup wore
over from Dcnd Ox Flat Sunday to
spend, tho Way at tho Jacob ltauert
Mr. It. O. Wilson loft Hunday tot
Cnllfomla accompanying his brothor
who has sold his Interests In Montana
and Is leaving to mako his homo In
California. It Is hoped that tho
change In cllmato will benefit Mr.
Wilson's hoalth.
Mr. I'orcy Powers Is homo from
Spokano to upend tho summer with
Mr. Frank Powers,
Mr. and Mrs. A. C Adam and
dnughter, Olive, of Kmmctt Sundnycd
with Mr. nnd Mrs. Zuno Schubert.
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. Whoaldon and Mr.
John Tnckett woro In l'nrmn Sunday
tho guest of Miss Florence Anderson,
accompanied thorn.
Harry Ilowors who has been In
school In Indiana In now employed
In n largo music store In Chlcngo nnd
will not como homo for tho summer.
Miss Ruth Whoaldon In homp from
tho Poaconess Training school for
nurses In Spoknnu to spend her holi
day with hor parents, Mr and Mrs.
1). Whoaldon.
Dr. Allen Anderson and Miss Ksth
or HusboII woro In Parma Sunday,
guests of Miss Florence Anderson.
.1 W (lllinnrn wnn railed from tho
eastern part of tho stato to Portland
becauso of tho very serious illness oi
his nlRtor, who visited the ailmore
family hero last summer.
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. K. Ilosscn were
out from Pnyctto to spend Sunday at
tho P. D, Ilosscn homo.
Itnforlnnntnlv tbn bond liroliosltloll
nt Dm minplnl phnr.l election Inst
Thursday failed to carry by nlno votes
A now Illgll Hcltooi is ncctieu unuiy
In order that tho smnllor grndos
imv Imvn iiwirn rnnni 111 tint other
building. A limns meeting was held
Tuesday evening at tho School House
to discuss tno matter.
Appropriate Children's Day exor
cises wcro hold at tho Ilrothorn
Church, In tho way of a cantata, dur
ing tho morning sorvlcon hour.
Thoro woro Children's Day oxer-
nlonu lii tint iiioriilnir lit till! M. 10.
Church and a collection taken to
help those who aro unnblo to pay
their way through College.
Dr. Van Onsen will begin on next
Sunday evening n series of six nor
moiiB to which all aro cordially In
vited. 1tov. Van Dusen Is trying to
build up tho Sunday evening services.
Tho subJectB tho "Tho people who
mado Now Knglnnd Great," " Tho
Dutch," "Tho Scotch," "Tho Hugon
ot," "Tho Quakor," "America's Fut
ure." t.'rlilnv nvnllltll' nl Hill illlllll! (if
Miss Ksther Hoed In Pnyotto wan hold
a Mills Kid h I'arty rnoso wno were
Invited woro tho Sonlors from tho
Frultland Willi School. Prof, nnd
Mrs T. It. Nollson nnd Prof, nnd Mrs.
Hnwnrd Mason. A most dollghtful
evening wns spout and delicious re
freshment woro sorvod. Tho Son
lors accompanied by soma of tho High
School Instructors early Saturday
t morning went to spend tho week
, onil camping nnd fishing for trout
forty miles nbovo Welscr on or near
Hear Crook.
Tho I.adlcs Aid of tho Ilrcthren
Church aro busy thin week muresco
Ing tho basement and painting and
tho men oxpoct to pnlnt tho Insldo
of tho Church upBtnlrn. Already ox
tonslvo Improvomentn hnvo been In
the Interior.
' A now plnno ban been "purchased
for tho M. K. Church by tho F.ndeav
or Society which nddn to tho music.
' Chnutauiiun begins tho 21st and
Insts five dnys nnd tho program will
bo very entertaining. This Institu
tion should bo oncourngod for you
will find It worth while attending.
Voils and Ginghams
Have a New Dres? For the 4th
Washable White Silks
Special $4.98, $5.98 and $6.98 yarcl
Sport silk that will stand tubbing and hold Its
bonuty of finish. Thoso aro splendid heavy
quality uiul are much In vogue for woiiiuii'm
$6.00 value, $4.98, yard
$7.00 value. $5.98 yard
$8.00 value, $6.98, yard
1 LoMO Inch fancy printed Vol I on, witln utrlpiw
nnd floworod designs.
$1.75 Values Special $1.38 yard
$1.10 Values Special 87c yard
60c Values Special 48c yard
$3.00 Georgette $2.25
First quality (loorgotto Cropo, tho kind that
kIvoh sorvlco. Shown In all dwilrnblo color, for
drosson. and blouses.
Special Price $2.25 yard
Silk Shirting
30-Inch Silk Shirting In fancy colored stripes,
Hiiltahto for waist, blouses nnd mon h Hhlrls.
$2.50 Value Special $1.98 yard
Fancy Ginghams
32-lnoli Zephyrs with witln strlpo. Iloautlful
$1.50 Values Special $1.10 yard
95c Values Special 78c yard
85c Values Special 59c yard
$2.00 Silk Poplin $1.38
30-Inch nil silk poplin In greon, copo, row,
navy, brown, gray nnd blnok.
$2.00 Values Special $1.38 yard
Silk Ginghams
ilnld silk Olnghnms In a varlot
1 colors,
M.00 Values Special at 78c vard
SCInch plald silk Olnghnms In a variety of pat
terns nnd colors,
- - ""
$10 a Month
Saving is tho surost road to success. Putting by u little each month provides for your
family and you become a stockholder a part owner in a great institution. An insti
tution that provides the power for homes, industries nnd agriculture in IdaliQ.
This business must grow in proportion to the noeds of tho State. As a servant of the
people it is more closely allied to their interests than any othor business. Development
is assured as power is a necessity. Invest in the Cumulativ.e Preferred Stock of the
Idaho Power Company paying 7 per cent.
Interest Paid on the Smallest Saving
This stock is selling for $100 a share and yet you may buy it for just $10 down and $10
monthly payments. The savings made bring G per cent until the stock is paid for in full,
and then 7 per cent uivuiemts are paiu quarterly eacn yem-.
Dividends have been regularly paid on the Companj 's
Inferred Stock Bince its organization. There are more
than lfiO customers and employees who own stock.
Find out how you car profitably invest the next $10 you have.
Send the coupon at once for particulars,
Start Horo
;;; Boise, Idaho
Idaho rower
llnUo, Idaho,
Send full particulars
of your 1 PQr cnt
cumulative l'ref erred
atni.1 ntttr iiml Snaplnl
.-'Savings IMaiiv without obli
gation to mo.
N'-.iinn '. ,
1 rL-..UikULO
. Movement Now In
, t ureas Will Allow
t reader Activities.
V. list doi8 Ortgon need?
. hut If It win' potsll-le to name
tlu chief fm tor does It mom need In
order to develop with u maximum of
success? ,
The question U linposslblo to answer.
Thoro U no "chief factor." The sulu
lion llus not In ono particular need,
but ninny.
Oregon today, facing an era of de
velopment unparalleled In lw history,
must fill Huso needs If It expects to
Ko abend.
Of the tunny fiicjars that must be
employed If tho slutu Is to progress
Immigration nnd colonization stund
pre-eminent In order to boIvo tho vital
problem of land settlement.
Irrigation, reclamation of land and
drainage must lit- deelopcd iih another
ni'thod of bringing about the solution
of this problem. Tarm labor must be
biouKht In. Ilomeseclum wlm In turn
bet omo food produeerB, must bo en
cnuriiged and made to see tho possi
bilities that uwttlt thim In tho crat
flood roads must bo built. As tho
vast tracts of wilderness with their
billions of feet of timber ure concerted
Into lumber, highways must bo pro
vlded over which commerce can bo
carried nnd tho scenic beauties of tho
Htute viewed by the touil't
Aiiionx oilier neeils are Industrial ex
pansion, railroad extension and water
power development
AilvrnlsliiK nnd publicity must bo
cnrrhil in If Oregon Is to bo made
known hm a country for tho homeseek
er whin- Opportunity beckons. Its
scenic iHnutlvH mutt bo advertised to
ntttnet tin streum of golden dollars
from tourists and pleasure seekers.
Other state, most of them with fower
advantages to attract, aro reallilng mil
lions ouch year from tourists because,
tin y lewllie tin" value of advertising
nnd making public what advantages
tho I'n ess.
On'B"ii must dovrlop Its wntor
trnnspurtatlou, lit mlutral hikes, Its
pons B'd reach out for furelgu trndi'
nnd It must develop the ntnti' to pro
dm ' Dm- exports which arc to go down
to Hi- iwi In ships. It mutt expand
Iih . tliiirfiliiiiiil furllltleti us un tuldl
tlonnl MhnnlHKo to hold out to the
liiini" seekt-r with ehlldreu to educate.
The Oreuoii Blalo Chamber of Com
merce Is tho most logical agency to
carry on this development work simply
UiMime u state organization of this
mi'tire ran work for the mutuul good
of nil communities In the ntat with
out favoring any paiilrular one.
Hwllerlid iifwl to be the
pouiitt c-owiiTy. pr i-mlt, In
the world. Now It Is tlu tlila-at.
Tourist truvel did It.
Main and Colorado tach re
rehc f&tf.OOOOOO per yar fi'oin
their teurUU: Vlorlda KtK J:5n,
uuO.OuO; California, hair a hi I .
m it year. Oregon cuts 15.000,
000. A throe year's advertising cam
paign by tho Oregon State Cham
ber of Commerce mny be expect-
d to brim; In at least ono-liulf
of what Main and Colorado get.
or $2.V00u,000. which should tu
rn ui"' on a rising scale.
Oregon has water resources to Ir
rlguto 4.00O.00U acres of land now un
pioduotlve, Hiid which would support
In comfoit, 500.000 new population, or
about -10.000 new families.
I( lu Its three year's campaign to
put fumllles on Ortgou'a vacant land,
the Oregon State Chamber of Com
merce can" bring 1,000 families to utll
ize this laud and water, It will mean In
expenditures alone for such commodl
tits as clothing, food, furniture, etc.,
of 11.000.000. calculating the expendi
tures ir nu entire family at only
lluoo per year, to say nothing of the
wiulth produced by theso new settlers
l.nud seitlvnent Is one of the chief
alms of tb u.i -on State Chamber of
ComuuTc . '"i In Its
ioement to aid In the development of
tlu State.
Oregon has J6.000.000 acres of till
able land now uucuivUated.
Ortgon produced 20.400,000 butnels
uf wheat lu 1910.
If Oregon's I6.0u0.000 acres of till
able but uncultivated land were planted
In wheat and the yield were the Ore
gon average for ten years 21.9 bushels
per acre new production would be
m 4ou 00 buthi-Is which, at the price
loua) of $3 ptr liUkli.-l. would mean a
i ash alue of J1.0ol.200,000.
The Oregon State Chamber of Com
nu rce expects to double the number
oj farmers In three yours. If this
uit-aun double the wheat crop. It will
nit an an additional yield of 20.I00.00o
buh' is of wlii a which at the pn
attlii if-"t 'u! I -I. ..n n cash alue
In n , i-' nl -ectviJ
They're Here
Below an the prices of I lie new Wayne Washer.
Cash $100.00
On time- 108.00 $18.00 down and $7.50 monthly.
12 months to pay in.
We liave this washer on our floor for your inspec
tion and can make deliveries at once.
Northwestern Electric Co.
Phone 188-J
Ontario, Oregon
iwi unr nsAL car
i - -
Fordson Tractors
Made by Henry Ford and Son
Detroit, Michigon
Ask us about the Kordson for flowing,
Cultivating, running the Pumping Plant, Feed
Grinder, Insilngc Cutter, and Hinder. We
will be glad to show you at every time what it
will do.
Ford Service at all Times
V. H. STALK, Prop.
Our Safe Deposit Vault
Are YOUR valuables protected? If not
they should be. ' ,
The best place is a box in our Safe De
posit Vault the only special Vault in
Malheur or Payette Counties.
Ontario National Bank
The world, wo ure assured, will be
come reasonably decent In time Hut
iwho of us has hope of living a thous
and year to see the fulfillment of a .
doubtful prophecy?
Scandalously high prices are Bald
to have followed every Important war
of recent history That U consoling,
but not very filling to an empty stomach