The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 10, 1920, Image 8

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Donnld McKay Comes to Ontario l'o.
lowing lllilo In Air I'liino I'rom
lilt Ornudo To Union ,vher II,
II. '1111111)' Hought Mini
Til IkxiMt Fnlr
Ontario has n distinguished roBld
dent In Donnld McKay. Donald In
not, an Ills name might Imply, an
"oatmoal warrior" from tlio IIIrIi
lands or Scotland. Hn obtains his
distinction not on hln nativity among
tho hcathor, but from his high do
greo of goneologlcnl progression from
n vory distinguished strnln 6f pro
genitors. Donald Is tho prlzo Theater whlto
pig that II. II. Tunny did In at tho
Halvntlon Army auction at Union
Mock Shaw last Thursday and hu Is
further noted for tho fuel that ho Ik
tho first porker that over wont to
market In an alrplnno. They cnrrl
(1 Donald up In ho Hklos from La
Ornndo to Union so that ho would
bo thoro on tlmo for tho sale, mid
H. H. Tunny mndo up his mind right
thoro and tlion thnt ho wnntod Don
nld, nnd ho ran tho olhor bidders
out of tho markot and won him for
an oven 1100.
Donnld Is to put In his first sum
mer boosting for tho Mnlhour Coun
ty Knlr, nnd other fairs too, for
thoro Is u dumniid fur him already.
Ynklmn wants him on exhibition at
tho Washington Statu Knlr Holso
wants him tit tho Idaho Knlr, Hpti
kano wnntH him ut tho Iuler-Slatu
Knlr. Ills now nwnor htm been
floodod with roiiostB to hIiow Ills dis
tinguished possession.
Mr. Tunny Is nrrnngolng to show
him horn In Ontario, of course Hu
will ko to Ilolsu, but tho othor Pairs
will liavo to forKt) tho plwisuro of
nooltiK tho first mill only sky-high
Mr. Tunny on IiIh roturii from un
ion whuro ho with I.. It. Ilrluthniipt.
county tiKunt and II. It. Coukllu, wont
to boost tho Malhuur County IV. I r
nnd to nrriiiiKu for tho prosonlntlniv
of Momo of tho prlxo Union County
titock til tho Mnlhour county oxhlhl
tlon, was loud In IiIh prulso of tho
Union show,
"Thoro wns ono thing that Impross
od mu muro tliiin anything olso,"
sold Mr. Tunny, "that was tho hos
pitality of tho peoplo of Union. Thoy
mado ono foul thnt you wuru at homo,
uvoryono did ho with ho kindly n
mutinor tluit tho gonulnunoss of tho
curtesy was itmloubtod.
"Tho show Itself was nil that onu
could ask, Thoro was u Ioiik 111
of ontrloH In uvory clusti and tho
charavtor of tho exhibits was tho
blithest. Hspoclully In Hhorthorn cat
tlo and Clydosdalo horses was tho
show notublo. Thou too In tho dulry
broods whlla not so numoroUH woro
of a vory IiIkIi Krudo.
"Tho tioonlo of Union utmruclatud
tho presoncu of so many vIsllorH ami
Kavo thum u Reed tlmo. Tho hIiow
uttructml grout crowds, In ono day
0,000 peoplo paid tiduilsslnns.
"Donutd McKay thu pig 1 boiiKhl
Ih n Krandsou of Orogou (llrl, n plK
I had lioro In Ontario unit sold throo
yuurtt tiKo. llo Is u Reed onu and will
bo shown hero In Ontario at tho Knlr.
"Wo woro promised by many of tho
Union county moil that (hoy would
oxhlblt thulr stoik horo ut thu Knlr
this fall anil I urn Hiiro thoy will mid
tuolr prosoiieo with tho co-operation
of tunny olhor Mock hIiowh of this
(Continued from Page 1)
Kan from tho Wyoming flold, but
with tho uddltloual drain on that sup
ply It Ih dcomod but u question of
tlmo when strenuous measures will
bo nocossury to protect essential In
dustries. Plcnsiiro Cnn. ?ut HrM
Tho Standard Oil Company litis al
ready Instituted Uh economy pro
urn in. AKont O. II. Tout, under In
structions from tho general offlco of
tho company, Htoppod tho salu of gu
to tho lorul garages mid servlro sta
tions on Monday All gas Ih sold ut
tho company's plant, and only on thu
following basis, us outlined by the
statu committee to which thu mat
tor wus reform! in Portland
"That thu dully gasoline ration for
plonsuru vuhlcles bo nut over 20 per
cont of tho tank capacity whou leav
ing tho station aftor filling, and that
tho dally gasollno ration for commer
cial machines bu not over 7G per cent
of tho tank capacity when leaving thu
station aftor tilling.
"That oxcept In caso of absolutely
nocossary use, motorists bo urged to
lcavo tholr cars at homo."
Commercial enrs defined, as fol fel fol
eows: 1. Automotive Transportation of
Krelght nnd Passengers for hire.
2. Hotol 11UB8C8. Taxlcabs or Sight
Seeing Vohlclus, Stages,
3. Dollvory and Food Convcyaticos,
when so usod.
4. Hoad Construction Transporta
tion cars, when used In tho dlschurge
of Public Sorvlco.
C. I'liyslclnns' cars. Ambulances.
Irrigation Pump!) Must Work
In this section ono of tho most es
sential Industries, that of pumping
water, must bo provided; and similar
treatment must bo accorded from
trnctors, trucks for road work and
othor vuhlcles thnt aro doing actual
work, Pleasuro cars should ho kept
In tho garages whoro posslhlo and
usod only when nocessury, says tho
Portland cummlttoo, and In this
ovory good citizen will ngreo.
How long tho gasoline shorttigo
wilt continue no ono knows, but It
Is serious and demands action now.
Mr. Test believes thnt It will bo somo
tliitn ho foro tho condition Is rulluvod
so far us tho supply from California
Is concerned.
Local uarago mon during tho first
of tho week startod to ration their
natrons but when thoy round iney
could not secure gns from Puyotto
thoy discontinued doing so. I buy no
not Plan further curtailments until
tho situation becomes wursu.
(Contlnuod Krom Page 1)
trrli.nilfi.i uvulntn Mr. Ahfir ili'nlar-
od his wllllnguoiM to provldu ono
flumo nut tnut nu ougni uui hu lim
ed on to hulld two. Tho matter was
ij.i tiin.t iitwiii lint Mr. Aknr was
asked to tuko thu matter up with thu
sciioot uoaru.
Attorney C. Mcdonnglll asked nn
extension ut tho wntor mains In thu
wust portion ot tho city to supply mu
needs of a numhor ot residents. Tho
water commlttuo wus Instructed to
A., nill,iiiiif,i imvnrnfntr tho lino of
oloctrlc signs it-ud but not acted upon,
ror in mo juuginoni oi uiiy necuruor
Stearns its provisions did not comply
.uui, dm uiiiin Intra. Tint ordinance)
wus borrowed from Twin Kulls, Ida
Tho Iloulovnrd Urniigo had ono of
tho notublo mcetlnns or tho year at
tho Orange Halt last Friday night.
Moru than 100 worn prosunl to en
joy tho program which Included dis
cussions by L, It. Ilrlethaupt. county
agent, I. B. Oakos, Muuager of thu
Owyhou Ditch; Miss Muzln Wilson,
county ctuti lotutor, ami .hiwi ihjioh
Dlckhou, county librarian, V. V. Hick
ox, K, II. Conklln mid othurs, Ico
cream In largu iiuontltlos dlsappenrod
at thu big lunch that followed. Thu
next meeting of thu (Iran go will be
n Kami lluroau Meeting.
Mr. unil Mrs. Ivan B. Oiikon outer
tnlned thu Vnlo bridge to which thoy
belong und tho Kortnlghtly club of
Ontario ut brldgo lust Saturday uvon
lug. Asldo from matching skill ut
brldgo tho crowd onjoyod an Im
promptu musical program with Mrs.
Duulop of Vnlo prosuntlng the solo
numbers, Tho visitors from Vnlo In
cluded Mows und Mosdamus, Ueo.
B. Davis, C. C. llurrows, II. A. Dun
lop, John Hustou, Loslla Hope, Itoht
D. Lytlo, Mrs. Ous Wlldhaber.
Mrs. Sidney Drew has nliorded all
lovers of good comedy u delightful!
half hour with her newest cinema pro
duction, "Tho Stimulating Mrs. liar
ton." Julian Street's delightful "Afler
Thirty" sturies supply thu theme that
after ii man Is thirty and married, the
xest of mi utralr with "another woman"
Is about as exhilarating us a prohibition
cocktail. John Cumberland, onu of thu
funniest comcdiuns of stat;u und screen,
attempts to prove tho (mint nnd suc
ceeds lu spito of his bravest eirorts to
bu ii romantic lover
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Chaplin
Wed. and Thur. June 16, 17
Mr. CharleyChapIin in
Mrs. Charley Chaplin in
You Don't Want to Miss Tin's Double Attraction
7:30 and 9:00 p. in.
Announcement of tho "Books for
Everybody" Movement
Brings Letter Flood.
Requests for Reading Matter Range
f-'rom Volume on Drainage to
Collin' "Uook of the
J'llC IlllllOIIIlCflllt'llt of till I't .11 .
of thu American l.llirary Association
upon the "Hooks for Kverybudy" move
ment anil still later neui uecomits of
the activities of tin) orgullli'Utliih nlniil!
these Hues rooulti'tl In a wlde-'pii'iid
Hppeal from rinldeuts of the mini ills
trlcts of ihc coiliitr.v for IhhiI.s on furni
1 111;. Whether the Ainerlnin fin. nor Is
simply evlileiirliig Ids iimliltlon to do
a xooil Job better or whether the holier
crops of his neighbor, who lm intend
ed nn iigrlctillural college or school, Inn.
spin nil him on Is it matter illmVult to
determine. Hut the fnet remulns Hie
farmer Is asklmt for hook". The mvni
mujorlty of AmerlcHii fitrinerH me il
t'her ulthnut llbriirles nnd Umik service
or they are lliailiHinilelj wneil
One of the polntN whleh the Atnerl
can I.lhrary Association In lis "Honk
for Kwrjbody" njoveineiit Is stiiinslj
urging Is the oxtemlon of the lomry
llhrnry syslem In sihIom where en iMIuir
nets linvc Ihm'U im"!! -some luenty
one In nuiiiliur Mini the proper lenlsln
tlun in others whleh linve not yd ink
en the step. The nM'Iii, with II it'll
ti til library nnd nulluiliie Hues ti niu
lions In tin leiiioifKt siH'tloiit nf Hie
county, Hssures u hooks to eery
mini, womiiii Mini I'hlld uliu en ion to
nsich out a hiiiid und grtifp one
Letters Chow Need of Service.
The AincrUiui l.tlirar .soe!Hilim Ik
not RhlliK H' eiilln- iittciiroi mi Hie
urlmii dweller, nor It It mKleetl'K tin
centers of MipiilitHoii for the ills
trie's nnd eoiiiiniinllles. It Is. ho .ever
uiiitii'stlomilily euiter to cietile a hteady
ilow of Informative reading to rural
America That the need for such serv
ice exists ami that It Is auxously
souitht Is evidenced lu every letter of
this nature received by state l.bmry
comuilssloux and by the A U A A few
excerpts huve Imiii selected because
they seem to express most truly thu
needs of HiouuuiN of others
When l.ydln Carlson, whose form
Is beyond Mason, Wis., asked for oplen
of "I'rodueilxe I'nrm Crop, "Pro
dncilve ii:'nl '. iliowln.'" mid Pr n
clplcs of the Practice of Poultry Hals
log" she echoed the book needs of her
neighbors. Then she revealed the fact
that her eyes are not always In tho
furrows by asking for n copy of Uol
Hum' "Hook of the Stars."
What Others Desired.
There was a pressing need behind
the letter from Jiunes Dunn, who lives
ten miles from Convent, I.n tho nenr
est town, which has a population of
only MX) people. Ho nsked for u copj
of "I'nictlcHl Farm Drainage." The
tnsk of keeping his ncres dry was be
yond him. Walter Wllllntns of Osseo,
Wis., wanted to know If ho could mnke
fuel iileohol from frozen potatoes unit
spoiled fruits, nnd If he could, were
there any hooks on the subject. The
requests run the wholo range or farm
operations. Some wish to know how
to treat scale, others desire facts on
hog raising. Hooks giving Information
on erop rotation are In demand
The' American Library Association
Is inlslng a ? 0(10.000 fund lo (Innnce
the "Hooks for Uverjiboily" moveineiii
which during the next three tears will
be carried on In co.opcrntlou with exist
ing libraries and library ngeneles The
money Is not being raised through the
medium of an InlciMvc ilihe hut
throinth the luilMdmil erfurt of the
librarians, library tiustees ami frleiulg
of libraries.
now old is Aivi:.vnmi:
The whole house cluttered with 'uml
Auntlo's spirit's, that u faku medium
hud helped her collect at seances.
Was It any wonder Doris rose in re
volt? And shu being tho only siinu pur.
son in tho place, thu crazy ones labelled
her "iueer" mill shipped her oh" to u
Which Is only thu beginning! Think
of Dorothy Glsli with her dander up
amuck In an insanu asylum- and let
your imagination do thu rest.
Thu screen's funniest comcillcimu in
her funniest picture. Not u serious
moment. Just laughs!
Tho Nows whllo 11 Is Nuws Head
Thu Ontario Argus.
TOO lati: TO CIlaiI'V
LOST Will party who carrlod n
way, by mlstnko, black plush wrap,
from Uluo Ulril Cafo, plcaso return
to Mrs. V. A. Cnrrlgnu, Qcn. Dol,
Ontario, Oregon. 381-28-29.
II. C. and C. E. Socoy woro called
to Central City Nebraska today on
account of tho sorlous Illness of
tholr mother.
FOIt HUNT Summer sheep rnngo'
for 2000 hoad of sheep, phono Cecil
It. llcniiutt, Sllvlcs. Oreg. 380-28-30
LOST Purso containing 1 koy and
button. Kludor pleaso leave koy at
Argus Offlru. Keep purse. (Jen. Mo-Clnlu.
Chiropratics Gets Results
Where Other Methods Fail.
lb Upper Limb
lb Liver
lb Ovarie:
To Bowels
lb Lowor Limbs
"lb Bladder-
7b Genitals
L b J
7m$r. i
"tJC j?Vj ' ' 'j
3-PWAJfhCS. r. P X
I zftlMi csnSA
-7l."nt .vp-aussu.. i
t&tiksi. 'vsmx? i
Vertebral Httli
liixaliotts int
piitKO gplnnl
ncrvcH thereby
Spinal tttljUHl
iiicnt by lite
Intiiutl Clilro
praetor re
niovea tin-cause
ol'tliscaHc. We
alrto use Mas
HaKt'.elcclr icily
nnd Rive care z
fill iiiHtrtii'tiotiH i
in tlielelirH.
130 C
Phono 15S
Over Post Office Ontario, Ore.
Sun. ,V .Mon., .Juno lit ,v 1 1
"Tim.i.(i tiii: tahlks"
Mrs. Kidney Drew Coni.'d i
"I bo SllmiiliitlnK
-Mrs. llailoii"
Tups, .tune mtli
Couuilyi '.Sklnui'i. KhU"
Weil. i Thin-., .June ( ,v 17
"Till: IXKKUIOII hi:
Pat ho Xet
IVIibiy, .Iiiiik Hlh
"MOlti: D1UDLV
Pntbo .Yens
Saturibiy, Jimo tliili
Hall Itoom Hoy Ooiiiisly
(ViiiIuk! "two wi-:i:ks"
Is still selling Spring Clothes at the re
duced prices.
$24.50 for $30.00 Suits
$26.45 for $35.00 Suits
$33.50 for $40.00" Suits
$36.45 for $45.00 Suits
$41.50 for $50.00 Suits
HjI'IIMMWH 1 ffVKgf-
Men's and Boys' Shoes Reduced 20.
Both dress and work shoes in all lasts and leathers.
J.VXT' Hw&KiC&lK wo
Shirts Reduced.
Everything in Silk, Madras and Percale
at Regular price Less 20 per cent.
The high cost of living must come down and we arc
doing our part by placing merchandise in
your hands in many instances far less
than the present wholesale price.
One Price Clothier, Ontario, Oregon