The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 10, 1920, Image 2

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011)? utartu Anuta
Publlauod Thursdaya at Outurlo,
Urogon, and ontcrod ut the Ontario
post offico (or dlntrlliutlbii us 2nd
claiis matter.
0. K. AIKEN, Managing Kditor
Straugo as It may Boom tho roport
of tho Grand Judy In tho rounto
ninltor was not wrltton-or dictated by
any of the members of that body but
by tbo District Attornoy. This may
bo tho usual procedure In Orogon,
but It la not bo In bouio of her bIb
tor commouwealthB or In Federal
Courts, bo far ns our Uuowledgo und
experlunco goes limited tho that
may bo In this lino.
Tho Impropriety of audi a proceed
ing will at once auggost Itself to
any btudout of public affairs who Im
famllar with tho ultltudo of tho uvor-
tornoy Swuglor was edltod by tho
members of tbo Grand Jury who
thciiuuulvw) struck out tho phrasos
which tho Vale papor printed In par
It may bo In tho minds of n few
newspaper mon, tho province of a
newspaper to bo a charnotor asslslu
but tho public Is tho final Judgo
from whoso decisions such nowspup-
ormeu hnvo no appeal; for tho public
dooa not grant to nowBpapors rights
that do not bolong to thorn.
"Charity begins at homo," us the
old saw says. Yot old snws In thww
dn)s have not tho nuthority they
onco powoflseil. Yet tho truth of their
luotHMgu la not affected by their age.
During tho past thrco yonrs On
tario men and women have many
tlinoH been rnlloil upon to glvn lo
wanl worthy cnusoe; from far off
Armenia, to the Blums of tho eltloit
of our own Btnte, funds hnvo gono to
nmollornto conditions. Thoy hnvo
been ncodml, tho cnuso was worthy,
nud that wn all that wo nwlod to
soouro tho inunlfontutlon of Ontar
Inns generosity.
Yot all tho whllo there Im beon
an Institution hero at homo, which
ago prosecuting omcor. , , ( ,Hck
However In tho case In question It ; ,... llM
.. l-l..ft .......,n In fflin W jMStnof " ..wv u
BIIOUIU 00 a BUUIClUl.l uu.iu - ...
charge mndo by tho Vale Kntorprlso
upper rooms and uddltlonnl plumb
ing. Those uro nil inntorlal need,
which should bo provided for ut tho
prosout time.
With tho removal to Kenosha of the
novltlntos of tho -order which over-
atos tho hospital tho third floor wljl
bo mndo available for private room
anil wards. The capacity of tho hos
pital will bo nearly doubled, and that
ltsolt Is of great Importance to the
community, but cannot bo fully real
ized without those needed better-
Whllo Ontnrlo aided materially In
tho building of the structure which
houses tho hospital, that money bin
been returned many fold directly and
Indirectly,. Tho funds disbursed by
tho hospital ouch month among tuo
IiuhIiiom mon reaches a total of near
ly $000, mill tho presonco of u hos
pital In a city Indirectly Increases
tho value of proporty within tb.p
olty. Then thero nro tho large suum
thnt tiro spout hero every month by
relatives and friends who eomo t
visit patlonts at tho Institution.
Ontnrlo cannot forgo tho hospi
tal Just because o'f the vory inatorlal
aid It hvo It when It was first built.
Tho Institution has grown slnro then
mid Its needs lire enlarged. Whllt
It mluht be objected thnt n Imd pre-
odont would bo osttibllslml In look
June 7th.On Thursday night.
June "rd, about forty people assem
bled at tho Townslto IIoubo for n
farewell party In bono ol Minn Jose-
tililtirt tfntllihltulllntl ' wtlil llflll tost
coiuiilolcd two very aiii-cett-ful years
of teaching hero In tho primary
grades. Tim ovonlng wii enjojttiiiy
spent dniuing to music ruiulshed by
tuo JuniiKM jazz urciieiirii jui
boforo supper wbs served tuo guest
of honor watt presented with u very
lionuuiui ivoiy manicure "i irom
her many Irlciids hero. Miss I'uiip
husinnn left Friday morning for
Portland nut! I.os Angnlot. whero sho
will visit leloro returning to her
home at Winona Mlnui"iutu ilio
will not retiiMi West bill uxpoctH to
touon at bur homo neM year much
to tlin rourot of tho liarontH. nutills
nud friends here.
Lector Dnrgol, who Im boon ab
sent for soino time nm-viiii; In tho
itrmy and later at his father'" sheep
ranch at Pnlon. Now Mexico, return
ed homo hut TuosiIr? for visit
Mrs. IIoii Jonos nud con Hnrvoy
wont to Ontnrlo on Tuimdny 10 have
tho boy's tonsils roiuown.
Mrs. A. !'. Mnstorou. md ilMigh
ter, Hope, Ml Inst wt'l for n slwl
visit at Mouulnln llonu-
Thomas llecdo of I'ortlmul, ii foim
or resident of Drowso), prnmnl
his way to visit nt his old horn.
Tho ladles' Altar Society ni't on
WeilniHtdnv at tho homo of Mrs.
Nationalized Eleven Years
rRGINALLY we were a pri
vate Bank, but in 1909 we
nationalized. We are members
of the Federal Reserve System
and under U. S. Government
that tho Grunil Jury In thU onso us
ed a whllo wash." Rut this expres
sion on tho part of the Vale odltor Is
no doubt his fling nt tho body for
lis well founded criticism of that sheet.
Uut that Is not tho most serious
of the lutost Journalistic crimes
wherein, by uso of Its favorlto weap
on, Inuunilo, It practically charge
Judgo Dalton Dlgga with being n
party to n frame-up to white-wash
Judgo Tost. And again when It re
murks that thore wero no Initials on
tho report to show by whom por
tions of tho original roport wore
edited nod wrUln parti strloWnn;
thoroby Implying thnt tho roport was
tampered with, It Is knowingly guilty
of mi unjustified nttack on some ono.
Wo would BUggoBt to our contem
porary that II la skating on thin Ice
wimn It makes such iiIIubIoiis ovan
by Innuondo. And wo would rofer
it in ihn record, that tho original
roport na prepared by District At-
not bifeu uble to
iirovements because they could not
ho financed. This Institution Is the
Holy ltosnry Hospital.
It Is true that during tho greater
part of Its history tho hospital has
prospered to u limited degree, et
conditions ham changed In the wt
year mid u readjustment must Im
mndo. While this Is a private Insti
tution In ono way of viewing It; In
nno'lhor It Is u public Institution,
mid serve u publlo need of such Im
portnnco that Its efflolenoy Is mat
ter of Importuiico to every man
woman and child In and near Ontario.
None of lis want lo have to go to
tho hospitals, but thoro uro none
who aro not giaii umi it is huih
tho ovent that thoy might need Its
service soino day.
Kvor since It was built It hns Iiibk
iiinngeinent has . . ,, ,11M11,ni , tbls Mlnhanl Conrov
1111; n tfiixj aisi .,w(...... --- .-.. - - ....-..
make newlwl im-1....... ,, ,,,, wlll lni- i,iln O. F. Wlldhnbor
are for porinaneirt Improvemenis that
will aerva Its needs and Incroaso thf
efficiency of tho Institution.
The hospital Is bora. It needs mil
at this tlmp. We trust that Ontario
will not fall to realise this am immi
tho altiiallon as It Is. with tin1 aaniP
ai'iiarous spirit In which It Inn m.-
awarwl the ll from afar.
Praalilnnl nf Hut
time yet thapum c " unllVl 8lal Nntlonnl Hank of Vain,
consideration that the funds sought wng iwinMm visitor In town Inst
- ... um ltiinrfii'i,uilrtlllil tllttt l -i.
.MkmoniKT ciiuiini
Children's Day
10 A. M . Hunilay School
1 1 A. M.. Preaching "The ohlhl In
our midst"
7:111 I'. M., hpwoilli i.vriRun
8 l'..M. Chlldren'a Day Program
Strawberry Kostlvnl
Tho Mothodlst Lndlos Aid wIM hold
KiwtlvHl ut I no rancu
Hiiiivvliiirrv FiwttlVHl ut
,i n i umber of on.lal fouturoa of homo of MrH. O. A. Anhstrong
such nn Institution, among IIihiii ,- ""
Ing, u nuuerniiy warn; mi iiniumun
ward; mi elevator to lift patlenta to
If It'a printing, wo onii do It.
What other phonograph
dares this test?
TID you ask some ono about the Edison Tone-Test recital
given Friday evening, May 14th, in the Dreamland The
atre? The startled audience heard Marie Morrisey's living
voice Hood the packed house It then heard the New Edison
match that voice, even unto its finest variation of shading
and feeling. Any one who was present will tell you.
The voice of the living artist and
its RE-CREATION by the New
Edison can not be told apart.
ft is no idle phrase that you can enjoy .Case, Middleton,
llompel, Matzenauer, Spaulding in your own home, lhe
New Edison brings all that the great artist can bring, ex
cept his physical presence. It is the phonographic triumph
of tho age.
"Tic Phonograph With A Soul"
Come in and hear this wonder for yourself the Three Mil
lion Dollar Phonograph that RE-CREATES the very soul ot
The used lu Friday Ma Fourteenth Tone-Test Is tha reg
Jar model which aolU for 2!i On I'amidn. $431). It Is un exuot dupli
cate of the Laboratory Model wbKh Mr KdUon perfected after spending
Three Million Dollurs In experiment.
YOUR business in ited j I
Ontario H
AwA lank
During the pnsl week, Adnm Mur
ry and Duncan .Krnalor have been
shipping wool to Portland In tho ex
pectation of finding hotter market
thore than at homo.
Mr. and Mrs. William auiiow 01
Drowsav wore shopping lu Junturn
on Wednesday.
(Jeorge llliny mm Arm imiwou m
Drewsey left Thursday for outside
V'u Wllllnmu unit ilnuehtor. Itolllll.
of Drewsey wero Junturn visitors on
Mrs. J. U. Sit of Drewsey return
ed homo from outsldo points on Friday.
rims I'rniu roturnod an iruni).
having boon absent during tho snonr-
ni: season erecting ana opornmiK
pliiuts. During his nbsonco ho had
tho building or supervision of seven
teen illfrnreni snonring pinms.
Shearing plant nt lloulnh closod on
i.' nfinr ii vnri RiicresMful sonson
during which nbout twonty thousnuil
shoap wore iinuiiieu.
Arloy Acton of Drewsey wns a Jun
ti.M fliillf.p mi l.rlllflV.
Mr. and Mrs. Itnlph Chambers of
llrnu-sav wnrn Jlintlira visitors Oil
Saturday. p
Will McCaron, Jnmoa Konncdy,
and Arthur Cox mndo n trip Inst wook
to tho timber for polos nnd Incldout
nlly enjoyed n llttlo fishing on tho
way home.
I funis wnarion inuiiu m "
iMHIdale last week for liimbor.
Mr. and Mrs. V. A. weiiorsirom
and Mr and Mrs. Hoy Curroy loft
Baturday for Mllliinie, expociing 10
go on nnd speiin tno wook-ouu yi;
Mm. Wottarstrom's paronta nt nuoli-
auaii Htatlon. . . , ..
T. I.. Woodward ana lamiiy ieu
InBt wook for a trip to Portland by
automobllo, oxpootlng to be gone
moat ot tbo tuminor. During his nb
senco Mr. Woodwnrd'a homo ranch
wll bo lu ehurgo pf J. S. Oearlmrt of
Diewsey, nnd tho other much ubovo
Drewsey will' bo In charge of Win.
Father Francis enmo dawn from
Hums on Saturday to tako charge i of
tho Sunday sorvlcos horo during tho
nlwonce of Fnthor O'Hngnn.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cnms roturnod
on Saturday from Idaho from a visit
with tholr daughter. Mrs. Ornl Wood
Father Francis and Mr. mid Mrs,
Danlol Onllnghor woro Sunday visit
ors nt tho Murphy ranch noar Houlah.
1? ti wriL'ht nf linker and Mr. u.
Tuttlo of Klgln Oregon, reprosont
?.... .i. Miitimi l.lfn Insuranco Com
,h , ............-- ----,. . ,.
puny, wero in town iw in ' "
wook writing a number of policies.
Tho Mlsse lmio ana .nurBurui
Donald of Houlah woro Junturn vU'
Itora on Monday.
will Dorson in whose car grocorleg
mul cultivator shovels wore ioh u
mlatnke on Saturday May 22. white
uar standing lu from 01 uujoi
Hirn nlonse notify Hon Hose, Un-
frlo, It. F. D. or phono V. V. IllckoxJ
t.ij-n . .WWIWSJ.I" '"l"M-r""",'MMMMMM " '' l
Riglit Refrigeration Keeps
Your Food Fresh, Cool
and Tasty
THERE'S more to good rcfrificralion
than the food nnd ice you save. Pood
thnt is kept fresh is most nppetiziiif,' and
nourishing, especially in hot weather.
"We have the right kind of Refrigera
tors, in various attractive styles and
hizas. Also Freezers correctly designed
for making ieo cream properly.
Come in today and see our display of
these and other hot-weather utilities.
Hond The Ontario Argus for tho
Phono 162
Uosldonco Phono 11BJ2
II. R. Caldwell
Quick Service
Don't Forget
Matinee at
f very Saturday
2:30 and TWO SHOWS
Admission to Matinee
Children lOc Adults 20c
KW-wii"' ry-wwL" ivatrA'sWMv
ftL r
I mm - . .-4mWR
Fordson Tractors
Made by Henry Ford and Son
Detroit, Michigon
Ask us about the Fordson for I lowing,
Cultivating", running' the Pumping Plant, Feed
Grinder, Insilage Cutter, and Binder. We
will be glad to show you at every time what it
will do.
Ford Service at all Times
V. B. STAPLE, Prop.