ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OHECJON, TUUHrDAY, JUNE 10, 1920. XXIV NO. 28. &tn&. ! titot0 ATHLETES TO STAGE Fourth of July CommltlM Huh Long; Mil of Ktt'iilH Fur Sprinters .Iiiiiim'Is mill Oilier Stills IViikctm Alri'iiily Posted Added to Dm rnmlvnl features, tlio rnr.o horso program, lint lint I Ramos, froo dances mill tinml concerts, thero will do n great athletic pro kiiuii stngnd In Oiilnrlo during tho Fourth of July program. Tlio Fourth of July committed Iiiih lln ovoiiIh In in It i tl nnil urrnngud for now. Not only will there lie tlio us ti til 100 ynrd dash, weight events unit nil Hint port of thing, hut tlioro will Im novolty races by tlio dozen. Ono hucIi rnco turn ulrondy lieon tlio siih Jcct of dispute .nnil wngorH nro Inlil on tlio winner now. Thin Ik the back ward .running ovimiI. Tlio would-be clinmploiiH of tlio Imrkwnrd crawl nru practicing now for tlio content for tlioy put up tliolr own mutiny on their prowoHfl. Tlio bnso hnll hoyn nro nrrnnitliiK for two minion, Huniliiy nnil Monduv nud oxpret to bring n fnst well bal nncod team to tlio city for tlio twin session. Tlio Puyotto people IiiivIiir no eel idirtitlons this your expect to ho In Ontario on innsso nud u big tlmn Ik plnnned. Vnlo will I mi lioro In force (im will tlio vnlloy towns so Hint On titrlo will bo culled upon to spread ItHOlf to euro for tlio throng of vlslt orH. NEW FIRM PURCiiASES Wisconsin City To Ho llmtliiimlei- of Dominican Order Not It lutes To He Trained Then lw-nl Institution Needs Fund Molhor Mary Knthorlno, who slueo tlio foundntlmi of tho Holy llonnry lloHpltnl Iiiih lieon In chnrRO of the work here mi Suporlor of the order of tho Dominican Sisters In Ainorlrn, will loavo soon for Konoshn, Wiscon sin whoro n largo lioHpltiil whs erect ed by tho ordor two yours iiko. With hnr will ro. nlso, tho novltl utoH of tlm order mid n number of sisters, mo that tlio Wisconsin city will bocomo tho American lioadiiiur torn of tho Order orlRlnnlly founded In I'ortURal. Tho local Institution will of course lit continued, but not an it tralnlnR Bchool for tho ordor, hut merely ns u hospital. Blnco tho Institution wu founded hero In 1911 It bait grown -to a marked degroo until now tho Inventory valuo of nil tho proporty Ih close to $70,000. Hut It Ih not coin ploto. Thero nro ninny things need ed to InoreaBO tlio offlcloncy of tho hospital bo thnt It can tho bettor Borvo tlio needH of tho public. Mother Mnry Kathorlno wunts to loavo Ontario with theso things pro vided; nmoiiR thorn nro tho follow ing; tlio oqutpmout of n maternity ward, tho completion of tho Isola tion ward; tho Installation of an ele ele vaeor: tho Installation of additional plumbliiR. All those aro needed, and tho earnings of tlio Institution, re duced rolntlvely liv tho Increased cost of all material cannot prnvldo them. When tho Institution was erectod Ontario assisted with u donation of $10,000. This has been returned many fold thru tho expenditures of which the hospital makes thru out tho business district Tho total monthly expenditure Is In tho neigh borhood of $600 per month. Ontario Is asked to aid In mnk lug these Improvements for thoy are all needed, and the benefits will nccruo to those who have need for the hospital, and that Is tho public generally. The hospltul has attract ed many persons to tho city who would not otherwise have como. It Is ono of the advuntngos Ontario Iiuh ovor Its neighboring towns and Its support Is an ossentlul necessity of the city. Tho Argus has been asked to pre sent this matter to the people, and does so bollevlng that they will not fall to show their appreciation of the work of tho Institution and seo that Its needs aro provided for In no un certain manner ESI CALLS FOR SOLUTION Ontario At Lnit Feels Kth'ct of Curtailed fins Supply Stamlnril Oil Company Itatlonlng Pat rons Stations Get Ons lVoiii Iduho Ontario is at last feeling tho ef fect of tho acute gasoline shortage which Is curtnlllng tho operation of cars thruout the Pacific Northwest As yet the situation has not reached Its peak here for the city servlca stations have been able to secure sup plies from Idaho which receive i Its tConMnned en I it Pipe COM.MISSIONKHS VI KW HOADS NOItTII ACKOSS mil I) OX I I, A 'I County JuiIbo B. H. Tost, County Commissioner J. F. Wonvor, nnil UoniliiiiiHter J, F. Joyce mnilo an In- .spectlou trip over tlio County Honda on Dead Ox Flut ns far iih WelHor Sun day inornliiK. On Dcnd Ox tlio were Joined liy L, L, CiilliertHon who re presenting tlio Reed roads coiumlttuo on tlio flut pointed out tlio various nlncoH whoro hotter drnlnngo Ih need led until tho periiinnent rond work enn ho undertaken. Tlio commission ors ordered tho hill Holith of Welsor to ho tnken down nud tlio roud wlrf oucd nenr tlio foot of the hill. It wiih found thnt tho rancher nro to ho hlnmod for much of the rond trouhlu thru tlio fact Hint they lire allowing Irrigation wutor to flood tlio roads, nnil tho County Court deter mined that steps tniiMt ho tnkon to Mop thin prnctlro which In now .1 violation of tho htnto InwH CHILD HIT Iff AID HAS NARROW ESGVPE Ugh! Cur Driven lly MI.n .Mantle ,).toi itf.iiii) ..iurii ).iiiutiK Hi Iter Not Tii Illume For Accident, J.lttle Miss Knthryn Ji))re, dnugh tor of Mr. mid Mrs. J. F. Joyce dodged from between two cars stand ing In front of the McNulty hardware store about five o'clock Friday afternoon, nud ran right In front of the car driven by Miss Mamie Stew art, which was going north on Oregon street. Fortunately the car wns pro ceeding slowly and tho little lot tho thrown violently to tho pavement and rolled under the car receive. hut minor bruises. In souio miraculous manner tho little child was not run over by the wheels nud when she was carried to tho office of Drs. Weose, Former ft Anderson u tlioro examination leveal ed no broken hones, and no frncturns of the skull, tho tho force of her fall on tho pavement had tnnde her un conscious. Tho lit tin child was utono ut tho time, huvliiR tarried behind hor moth- or who was nt the McDowell store with Mrs. McDowell when the nccl dont occured. The llttlo tot wns on her way to Join her mother when the m-otdont occuied. With Miss Stew art In the car when the accident oc cured was MIsh Maowood llnmsuy The young women wero shocked by tho accident, but Mlta mewart stop ped the car Immediately and thoso who wltuossed tho accident declared that no hlnino could he attached to tho young womnn who was driving Blowly and who attempted to avoid hlttltiL' the child In vain. A llttlo hand bag and a torn candy snrk with Its com tents strewn over tho pavement told the story of what happened. Men sitting by the (Hebo service station picked up the injure 1 baby and curried hor to tho doctor s office When tho mother learned of tho accident she was prostrated for sonio time by tho Bhock VALE'S CHAUTAUQUA TICKETS ON SALE iW;5 OntnllaiiH Asked to Co-operate Willi Neighboring City Hlmi' She Abandoned Fourth of July (Ylchrntloii, When, a few months ago, a slight misunderstanding arose over the question of Fourth of July celebra tions between Vale and Ontario, the former, thru a committee of Its re presetatlvo citizens came to Ontario and very kindly adjusted the mat ter. Later they withdrew their plnns to celebrate nt tho county soat For this neighborly net the busl- ness men In Ontario expressed their appreciation, and while, kind words :ito doubt were well received by the , Vnlo men, nn opportunity Is now glv on Ontario to manliest that apprecia tion by a tangible at Vale's biggest civic movement Is her Chautauqua. It has staged suc cessive Chautauquas for the punt three years under difficulties The business men and other guarantors have gone Into tliolr pockets to make good deficits In tho sale of stus.iu tickets tickets for the Individual concerts do not nld the guarantors ai alt. Therefore to manifest a proper ap preciation of tho Vale men's act of I co-operation her, Ontario huslueiis men In particular should buy at lenst one or two season tickets to the Vale im (iniini U'nra ivdii t-annivoii t tun ???."Li" "SK" V"r.: '.".'..."I" of he Comniercal club here l7elle PrMent P C Van Petten has the iteSMf is alosMrtheVs'le wn.deh.swVayUthea ZJeVZnZ He r SonreclaHon of Vale" cou? esy and obviate the ne Jsshy 03 anf.. .?via.0 "iS" Sff!".y L B.Si.". r ""r.r,""V ''a,x',n,r"nr,. ,. 'w' should be done without solicitation I'NITKD I'llKSllVTiritlW CHUU'H 10 00 Uiblo School 11 00 Children's Day SLIDE IRRIGATION TIS Lund Owners On liOtwt- I Mid ) t'lnt To linproe i.,11110 Arnw lly PunipliiK Water From Simlic ltlcr Tho Sltdo Irrigation District Is tho latest effort to add to tho Irrigated holitiiiRH In Malheur County. An tho tiHttio IndlcntoH tlio land Is located near the famous Slides on tho bluff of tho Snake near Welsor, and em braces souio of th very best undevel oped benches In. tin' Count). Tho petitioners for the district unit n hearing before County Judge K. II. Tost recently and utter some of tho land was eliminated, the district I.IU .1.1... i.,n u..,i....i. . ... ..... was ordered formed nnil an election wilt be held soon to complete tlio formal organization. Harrison Mc- Adams of Welsor Is the attorney for the district and suys that It Is tho plan of tho proponents of the new district to get tho land In cultivation noxt spring While n portion of tho land Is on tho first bench nbovo the river tin greater portion Is on the second bench nud Is comparatively lev!. The route of the Old Ovrnn Trull from Outnrlo to Huntington prartlc ully bisects tho district mil thero are good roads lending to Welser, too. so Hint tho district will ultimately he a second I'uyMloOregou Slope, tho not o,ulte so extensive BAKER COMES TO TRY BALL TEAM ('lime Scheduled With Noi them Nelghboihood Sunday Ariel noon I.rulo Wells of IbiUe To Twill I'or laicals linker will endeavor to humble On tario's ball tofliu hero Suniluv after noon, and since tho linker bunch hnvo tho reputation of being speedy on tho diamond there will ho nu Interesting enntost. Ontario has lost three of Its regu lars to tho I'nul Idaho loam, Malloy! Hnluhrldgo mid Clcorn loft this week for tho Idaho town. K. C l'ropst resigned inunngemont of the team nl so, and thai has resulted In n teor gnnlzntlon. with II. II. Tunny as Im prossarlo for tho pastlmers Munagor Tunny nnil t,'l,tnl" f btip innu hnvo secured the services of Krule Wells for tho heaving Sunday and are making nrruimen.Hiits where by Ontario will be accorded i "nular games on Sunday and a big base ball carnhal durliiB the Fourth of July celebration. CIVIL WAR VETERAN PASSES It. It. Thompson Succumbs to luig Illness Ijirge Family .Mom us Ijohh of llopecti'd Father I Following tin Minima of more than two yours duration It. II. Thompson who for years wns ono of the best known rnncliers of tho Arcadia re gion, and father of sovoral of tho 'county's leading citizens, died at his homo hero Sunday morning- Kunorul eorvlcos wore hold this afternoon hav- e boon delayed In ordor that mem bers of tho family and friends who caino from Iowa and Missouri could I bo present. Itobert Ilaln Thompson was horn In Jefferson City Indiana. February 8th IStS and died nt his home In Ontario, Oregon, Juno Ctb l'JSO, age 1 75 years, 3 months nud 2!) days. He .wns tho son of Samuel S. and Mar garet Thompson. When 0 yours old his parents moved to Monroe County, Iowa. When 18 yoar of ago ho en listed In Company A "30" Infantry and served until tho eloso of the Civil War. Ho had his ankle niushed by tho falling of tho slide of a onnuou .. ,,. nnltln nf Mnrk Mills Arknil-I L an was tikm nfuoiiOT but ."- .".? L r? I'rlour nut o leased on narole " """? ""' ..-"" T m.7 '" , On Fohruury Cth lsus tie whs uni iT" "' T-m ,itv Iowa who still sur-1 J !?"h8ln 0UJft .,'?, " 0 "re hr .- ..-..- - .-.-- I1UIO "HI" 1 unnu nnil 7 daughters two Of tllOIUI"" "" .. -- .-...-..- ... diC In IntuTcl and the rest "ur-,0""0-t ,,B V'nH ''.(r" ,n ' Urrl""" vivo hi n excetdCoraL who was mar- P0U,,t' ,ow" wl,ore ,', .KrJ0W..,.,.1",,.,' NriTurMW?llo?AK, '"' , 1885 married Sadie Clark. Iowa ami ' Uleil at Sowal. Iowa 13 "nd to them two children. Mrs Ituby tears ago The llvl g are Mrs T. Tomllnson of Portland nnd Karl who F- Johnson Powe Womlng; Mrs I" "10 navv, wore born. Soon V iOT!.Oi.,-0wLV.,i.i u ,'. Mrs r he osta dished 1. msolf here ho mbrose. Wendell. Idaho; Mrs I. T. Dall; Mrs. O. P. Neoco; Chas '."' .. . fn.Sra. nl.aK?: Mon-, mouth, III ,n "numesto,"1 U nnd! loVn A Si. ? no lat- with h mm' the me i with mm at mo time "i S. Thompson A. Thompson ter being his death After coming to Oregon In 1903 thoy bought a ranch near Arcadia 0teeon whero he wa8 known a8 0raml- Pa Thompson. He was converted to g- wltj. Ih. Hapt.st "-vaV'eioctcd Deacon" "but ! tran8ferred M "emborshlp to the naPBt churcl at 0ntarl- 0rBon which he retained until death Ho was a kind and Indulgent husband land father and an earnest and do voted ( hrlstlnn and a good citizen On acount of age and f '.ting ' tlth they sold tho raiK-lt an! ln.ug the Sproule property on Main Street a d jf-- - f f.n It - E& T Highway Comiii Isslon Ix'In Contract for Pin Inn To III blue To linker Firm On SI Inch Concrete , Specifications Ullmuro & Ititchle of linker wero awarded tho contract for the paving of the Old Oregon Trail from tho Hast city limits to the Snnku river bridge Word of this action was re ceived by the CnmmorcMl club's good roads committee Inst Saturday morn ing, nntl confirmed by letter Saturday night. The contract as approved by the State Highway commission nud the ....." .... ".,' -- .,.. j federal bureau of public romls culls for the laying of a six Inch concrete pavement 24 fret wldo from tho Flser comer tojtlie bridge, nine tenths of h mile. i That the contract would ho lot for concrete was not anticipated by any of those who havo followed tho course .of events lending up to the call for bids, for with the Wnrren Construe tlou Company's plant hern on tho ground doing city work It was natur ally believed that this advantage would iimke them the lowest bidder. The fact that the paving will be of concrete will furnish the citliens mi excellent opportunity to determine .which of those typos of pavement Is the bolter kind to uso in tins section; n matter on which there Is a diversity of opinion. It Is oxpected hero Hint Hie work on this paving will start as soon as tho contractors can assemble their (notorial and crows, which will pro bably he about July 1 CoiilotnuN Not Mailing I'litgieiN To DiVtico Hoped I'or Few Do Well Sonic Others CIom Itehlud Standing; Todate Tho Judge of tho First National Hank's civic Improvement contest made their June Inspection of the proportion of the contestants Tues day with the following results. 8. F. Tnylor, Jr. first; W. U. Turner, sec ond; V. W. Chnmbers. third; Mrs. K. M. (Irelg. rouith Tho contest does not end for months yet, mid the difference be tween the contestant Is narrow. Thero are others of tho 17 entered who nro closo to the leaders mid hnvo plenty of opportunity to win on the flunl examination. Some of the othors, however, hnvo not' wlwt not mtido much progress tho Judges honed for miywiiy ,., thero wivi noted linpnnemont In many plucon nut In the contest Tho Judges who made the Inspec tion wero; Mrs. Irwin Troxell; Mayor It. W. Jonoe nud City Knglneer O. A. Krntz. VETERAII DRAYMAN PASSES John limllugham long Pioinl t In City Dies Following Lingering Illness Irf-ntfH Widow, Sou And Daughter Tho not unexpected, for hopo for his recovery hail Inen abandoned, yet noxnr-tho-loiui Ontario whs moved by tho word that John I-Hiidlugham veteran transfer man, and known to all had died Monday morning at his homo. Mf. Iiiitllngham first took sick two yoars ago, suffering from u stomach dlsonse. About three mouths ago he sought relief thru a surgical opera ,lon ""l ,,,H "irKOOUH IDUIIll mill lia- H'"1 the iolnt whore they could aid n JIe en e(unB liouw r0B,unK tion, but the surgeons found him be- that hopo was gone, hut bravely fitc- ed tlio Inevitable. . Mr- Inillnisliam w 55 yours of I ago nt the time of his death nnd was I. .,. .., , (, ., ,. rnul.ln,,, m """.. ".V " "",, Z nr.irt.i in iirt nprfiiiiitniifin nr run -"-""" u '".'"Tin'r '.., u ii'm ..... . n ....... . took marked Interest He was a,- I Puner'n. servicesVere'hohi y ln' f Hib Masonic hall unilc ! Armor Lodge K. of P To pay ,., , ,, ,i., n n,ii oster- ndor tho their rosnocts to one whom all admired and business men of tho city cldsod tholr doors during the servlcos and attendod In largo numbers. The first of tho weok at Holse oc cured n double woddlng. tho con tracting paries of which were Henry Itood and Miss Kdna Kuntz. a class- mate of Mrs. Honry Orlffin nt St Alphonsus Hospital, and Jesse Hut- lodge and Miss Ada Hoed Tho two couples made a short honoymoon trip to Ontario, as the guests of Mr and Mrs Henry Griffin 1ie Monday Hrldge Club met this I'KOI'ST HKI.I.H INTKItKHT IN (IM)lli: HKUVICi: STATION II Kill, E. C. l'ropst who built tho Olobo Servlco Stntlon ami nlso u similar station In Xnmpn sold his Interest In tho local station to Homer Ander son who fur sovernl years has been ono of tho hrnkomen on the Oregon onstcrn locals running nut of tho city. Mr. Anderson took possession last Friday and Is now operating tho business. Owing to tho renovation of tho Mooro building In which thoy hnvo boon situated for years, tho firm of arclg and Doollttlo has moved n- cross tho street Into tho offices In the Mooro Hotel block, Tho samo renovation rntiscd tho removal of tlm Itussoll I'ressary to n location Just across the street whoro tho Uillck numbing shop used to bo, Mr, Udlck In turn has moved to tho building formerly occupied by tho plumbing apartment of tho V. 8. Manufacturing company which has moved to Its hendnunrters In IIo'ho. DOWN TO BUSINESS Inn cased Cost of All Attractions Also Of Mali'ilal nud l.nbor Ciuiso Itoiird lo Follow Oilier I'"iiIih mnl Itnlso I'l'lre Double I'l'iiiilliliis Too Premiums to be awarded ut the 1020 Mnlheur County Fair will ho double tho amount paid nt previous exhibitions. Tho Community prizes will bo four times greater, for It Is the determination of tho hoard to furnish Inducements that wilt miiko It worth while for tho communities to get Into the contest. To meet tho great advance of nil materials mid labor In singing the fair hoard determined to follow the example sot by nil of tho other fairs, round-ups etc, mid double Its nilmlsslon price. Tho tariff this your will bo adults general admis sion $1.00; children under ir mid ovor 8; GO cents; grand stand admis sion adults CO; chlilrou 2C routs; bleachers 2f cents; nutns In grounds 25 cents. The board ut Its mooting at tho Fnrm Hurouu office Wednesday night also determined to llconso uutos to tho grounds nt $11), of which $10 must bo paid lo tho government for wur tax. Tliu details of tho premium list will bo worked out Immediately nud when that Is done the division of the Imtluet between tlio exhibits and tho umusementM features will ho deter mined. The new board Is facing uiuiiy dif ficult problems, but In going to solve thorn so thnt tho fair will grow In !?." !"V& '&. H"!"'". V.!.' llllU L'll-lipurUllUII IlllUUIIjr IIBnilll'll IIIIH ino cuir iiiih yimr ui uiium mi; oxblhltlon ovor singed huro Messrs B. M. Dean, V T llorrett mid V. V. Illckox tho directors havo seouiotl tho sorvlcos of Henry Doo llttlo as secretary, and u committee bonded by II. II. Tunny will stage tho viitertnlnuioiit font tires IS Cnstlemmi it Slier Completed Dent Wlidchy The) Serine Well Known lust It ut Inn Wn I sou's Plans Undetermined. On Tuesday of this week O. M. Custlemmi of Portland took charge of tlio Ontario Pharmacy which ho nnd his partner, Wad Slier of Knter prlsu purchased on Juno 1, Mr fiiulliiinnn Is mi old 1 1 111 Q Kast- ...... nrnennlan and a veteran lihar- maclst. for twenty yonrs ago be on- terod tho huslnom In Pondlotou wuro ,l0 Wll8 lntl)r ollKngod In tho H"""'"."" ''" ' . ".".. . ,.. . lopornuou l u hiuiu, nu nun umu iui a tlmo In Ho Orantlo but for tho pnst ton years has boon In the drug busl- M0B , ,.rand Wade Slier who , eclated with him Is ono of tho I,roro,nBl .tookmon of Wallowa .ol,ntyi - welknown In all onst- or roKol, for his business takes .. ..'. him fTniiany sections of this part of theSt'e Ml'.! C,jstlemen came to Ontario MonAoaxVnd as soon us ho can find rs Castloman and tholr III follow him hero atson who bus been pro- prletoiof t))o storo for tho past flvo yoars inuio to Ontario eignt years ago 'fnvm St Anthony whoro for yearAlie was engagod In the drug huMmN. and nlso In mining on luritf.rhnne later havo so develop ed lifsWln past two yoars that ha ex- pectiVt v; ilovnto his tlmo to inair ut- tontJou.f Tho ho has not deflnltoly ilnclirrrn. ho expects to tnnvo first to SaliXDwo City and littor 1 1 rosldo In IVtTlsjoy, Callfnrnlu. - n , , , ,, . 1"'sm",1 " " Jb tnaruiglnB tho Aloxatidor Btoro ailOt 'MyrftUU, IIIUIHII, fUHKUt. ..-V... orlnelfrnm tho effects of a fall ho n w am r..M vnf.n.i.a unraiinn r.if.nv i,n( Pvjy0 dressing a window nt tho GET OWNER NOT DOG IS NEW LICENSE PLAN City Council Puts Teeth Into Dog Ordinance Petition for Addi tional I'nvliig I'ostMiscl for Month Library Need Told Tlioro nro tcoth In tho dog laws of Ontario now. Tho molars design ed to grip tho owner of nn unlicen sed dog woro borrowoil from tho pro visions of tho regulations of Dolso nntl fitted with Oregon attachments so that thoy wilt bo efficient ovor hero, Tho now orillnnnco which wns tho subject of much dobato Inst Monday night nt tlio rogular bossIou of tho City Council no longor mnko It noc ossary for tho city to employ a dog catcher for tho dog is not tho object of tho law, It Is tho owner. Tho now statuto provldos thnt It Is n mlsdoamor tn harbor n dog which has no llconso and pro vides flues nntl Jail ponnltles for vio lations of Its provisions. Therefore tho Marshal need only to got tho owner nnd hall him to court and provo thnt ho owns n dog nnd lias no llconso tho public Judgo does tho rost. Councilman II. H, Cockrum wns tho 'ft tlttf fililAnlnM lit llm naunM t9 tint ordinance lie declared that If dogs must ho licensed, bo ought cats nntl othor animals. Ills colloagues how ever did not view It thnt way. Delay Pining Petitions With signatures for owners of pro porty In H of 41 blocks a petition was presented asking for tho paving of Hint many blocks of streots. The council discussed tho situation for some tltac and fltinlly laid the peti tion ovor for tho next rogular moot tig. Tho paving ro(ttestod would be laid on Oregon streot from tho pres ent paving south to Savonth Avonuo 8. W., which Is tlio road loading to tho comotry, tlio stockynrds ota; al so on Second streot 8, W. to tlio pav ing which will go west on what wns formerly Illinois street, ami similar ly on Third Btrcot 8, W. Also addi tional imvlng wns roiiiiostod on First Avonuo 8, W. ns fur ns tho High School. Miliary .Vinyls Alii 10, A. Frnser of the Library Hoard told tho Council thnt with tho addi tion of tho County Library system that tho local library must havo ad ditional funds, for It Is badly handi cap pod ut present To maintain tho standard required tho library must bo kopt open u grcator number of bourn nud morn books must he pur chased, nnd additional compensation must ho paid to city librarian, llo uskod that tho Council appoint n committee from Its membership to confer with tlio board to dotormlno what Is nooded. Tho renuost was granted nnd Councllmon Troxell, Al len nnd LnXMon woro named. L. J. Aker requested tho Council to pravldo flumes across tho Inter sections north nud south of tho High School so that Irrigation wator could bo carrlod to tho block In which ho llvas south of tho High School. Ho aid that this would also furnish moans for Irrigating tho school yard uml saving tho troos tlioro. Tho Council took tho vlow Hint this would ho establishing a procodont since It had no official connection with tho (Continued on Last Page,) F. L. BODY RESIGNS CLUB SECRETARYSHIP Accepts Position Willi Oliniiiliw nf Coiiiiuerco At Htowns, Wiscon sin nt KiihmictMl Salary U'uves July I, P. Losllo Itody who for tho past year has boon secretary of tho Com mercial club on Tuosday tendered Ills resignation to thu Hoard of Directors of tho club and It was accepted. According to tho brief announce mont mado by Mr Ilody ho had boon tendered tho position of Secretary of tho Chamber of Cpmmercu of Slov ens Point, Wisconsin, tho famous Fox Itlver district in tho Northeastern portion of thu Hadgor State, noar the shores of Uiko Michigan. Tho now position to which he Is going calls for a salary of $4,800 per year, ho said, and tho Increase being so much moro than tho local club pay, ho felt that bo could not refuse It "It Is ono of tho hardest decisions I havo ovor hud to make," said Mr Hotly, "for I did not want to Bovero my connections with Ontario whero thero aro so many possibilities for development and whoro thu work Is already Just started. Hut In Justice to my fuuilly I could do nothing else ut this tlmo." During tho year that ho has been In Ontario tho city has facod one serious problem to the development namely that of a homo shortugo and to this he has devoted a largo por- V i tlou of his time with tho rosult that . J many now houses have been built ' and othor substantial Improvements made, Tho work of tho club has K boon reorganized and systematized aud active work started on many dif ferent lines which nro now In, tho r V J