THE ONTARIO AlHiUS, OflTAKlO, OltliXfON, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1920. Professional Cards Mitt). liliANUUH C. ANDKIUSON Hemstitching JJrcAflliinkJiit; 1'liono IU-W. V. O. Uox OIU OnUirlu, Oregon. Hours, 10-12: 1:30-6 House culls Kvonlnga by appointment Mado Phono IDS DR. R. A. MOON oiiinopiiAemo rmsiuiAx NKUVK HI'lCUlALIST Acuto or Chronic DIsoascH ltuoma ovor Post Office ontajuo oiucau.v STELLA MASON COX Urmluato of Violin ami l'luiio Jowh OollL'go ..Pupil of Victor Garwood anil of. ..Herbert Uullur, . .Amurlcuu. Conservatory of Music Chicago Phono 10 J. Classified Advertisements , FRUIT! AND BENCH NEWS run ham: FOK SALE Ono slx-holo rouge. Apply to L. Kelso, Unturlo, II ox 041. 340-23-tf FOU 8ALK: Ono 3 Vi Studebukoi wugou uud tuck, ulso ono Mitchell wugou uud bud. Frunk lrvlngton, Junk Dealer, Ontario. FOH SALK: Seven room house, u lots; tortus. Cut) give possession Im mediately, l'rlrj) $1000. 1'liono 78-r2. DIL O. W. TYLKH N DENTIST, Offlco lu Wilson Uldg. Offlco Hours 0 a. m. to 4 p. Phono 117 for Appolntmonts. in. KMT1I TllOllUa'-UOWlilNd IN8THUCTOH Volcoi Italian Mothod Pianos Loschotlzky Mothod 1'liono 11MJW ONTAHIO, OHCdU.N LK8L1K J. AKKIt, ATTOHN13Y-AT-LAW Iucoiiio Tax Advisor Poitofflco llulldtng, Ontario, Oicgon Four rooui Iioubo aud Ilvo lots, King St., two blocks south of embo lic Chuicli, troofl and gurdoli; leal burgaln, Suo J. 11. Atbcrtou ut ltudor Uros. 302-20-27 FUll SALK Odd lot of 1x0, Sxl, lutli, etc; 1DU0 feet inoiu or loss. W. V. Wood. 370-20-21 FOll BALK Five room brick houso aud good baru. luu.ulru of Lu- gcuo McCoy, Hadcr'a store. 22-tf FOIL SALE -Thrco building lots lu Ontario residence district. Cement pavumenl around them. See W. 11. Urooko. A burgaln. 323-10-tt FOR HALE 11 Y OWNEK 80 acrus, fenced uud partially cieurud, wutorcd by Wurui Springs Irriga tion District, CO shares Nevudu fllock. On main hlgliwuy betweou Viilo nud Ontario. 7U.uu per ucru. f200 cash will haudlo It. Inuulro It. Vf. Hwnglor, Ontario, Oie. 13-tf FOIC BALE Framo barn 18x24. Two uicrlos. Ico houso 1212, ca pacity 3d ton. Good lumber nud construction. Must bo moved from promises. K. Jl. Tool. 171-HI LOST AM) FOUND. priANBFF.It, HAUUAtlrJ AND EX I'ltKHH JOHN LANUINUHAM DR. A. R. ROBERTS Dentist lletwoou Ontario I'lmnni .' . Depot. Phono 52 DRS. WEESE & FORTNRR OFFICE 1IOUHH: 9 to 12 uud 2 to C. Offlco over First Natlonul Hunk Telephone No. 33 J. Ontario, Ore, LOST: Ono brown muro, weight 1000 pounds; brunded KO on left shoulder; heavy with foul. Finder notify Mrs. T. T. Itodsull, Ontario. Oregon, uud recelvu u ten dollar ro wurd. ' 301-20-28 STUAYKD: 1 cow, brunded hi leu side, Kar murk undur uud uppor bit In each our; 3 yours old. Came to my place last winter. Owner cuu huvo sauio by puylng food bill uud udvortlslng. J. II. Seuwoard, On .urlon, Oregou. 2030 MISCKLliANIiOUH F. E. Brittingham TRANSFER Long Distance ITimls n specialty Phono 157-M. Ontario, Ore. EXPRESS AND TRANSFER Phono 102 Itesldonca I'lione U5J2 II. II. Caldwell Prop. Quick Sorvico WK I'UOMOTB LKUITIHATB I'ltUJECTB In MtUiMir, llirnrjr & (irn CauntlM. W Find Hurt" r STOCK ItANCIIKS A LAUGH KAUH8 LAUCK THACTM roil COLONIZATION W Offtr ATTIIACTIVK LOANS ft INVESTMENTS Uur r 8.U. invm i-r CUIlitKY UBVKI.oVmKNT , AND I.ANI1 COMPANY u i .'? HmillntUn Cuirtjr, Mir. NU.n Uig. 'v.,, Of.iun WE I1UY, rulso, aud sell fur-bouring rabbits, aud other fur-bourlng ani mals. List what you huvo with uh, stating your lowest prices on largo lot shipments. The Fur & Spoolnlty Farming Co., 61B-517 N. P. Avo.. Fargo, N. Dak. Will person lu whose car groceries und cultivator shovels were left by mistake on Saturday May 22, whllu cur standing lu front of Iloyur'H Store, plonso notify lion Itoso, Ou tirlo, It. F. D. or phono V. V. Illokox Ontnrlo. Co to McNulty & Co. und save money. for Linoleum Howard will bo paid for rot urn of bob-tailed nlredulu pup 4 months old. Huh collar on with iinmu of owner, P. II. Hull, Ontario. Notiry .rgus. 3081-20-27 BOND 'Weuseitwhen PRINTING GOOD JOBS Give Us Yours Snr Are You Going to Plant Italian Prunes? We can deliver fine trees in the 4-G and 3-4 foot grades for immediate planting. Can also supply you with a general assortment of Fruit, Nut and Orna mental Trees, Small Fruit and Roses. Our Stock will Give Satisfaction TRY IT. SALEM NURSERY COMPANY 1030 Chemeketa St., Salem, Oregon SALESMEN WANTED Air und Mrs, Lowls have purchased from Mrs. (Irahum Purk hor two and ouu-hulf ucru ranch on Minnesota Avenue for $4G0U. PosbcbsIou will be given In thirty duys. Mr. aud Mrs. Park uro undecided about what thoy will do. Mr. Frank Hulctt who spoilt tho pnst wcok at the J. N. Hill homo loft Thursday of this week for his homo at Cambridge. Mr. Vernon llulett who spoilt part of last wook horo loft Friday for Utah, accompanying his parents. Mr. und Mrs. It. M. Kiusoy bought tho 10 ncro ranch near Klffo from J. F. Curnoflx. Ming Helen Stotler loft Wednesday morning of this week to join Miss Hupp for a visit ut tho Lambo homo In Caldwell, Mr. Hurry W. Thomas tins return ed from Chicago to look after ranch Interests horo. Mrs. A. A. Stotlor and Mrs. WII llnin Hollunbock of Fruitland, uccom- pnnlvd Mrs. William Muulo und Mrs. I). W. Alnoy of Pnyetto to WoUor Tuodduy evening to listen to tho Na tional !ed CrusM worker, Mm Dying- ton, from Washington, I), (J. who npoko to tho Washington county poo plo who nro tills week putting on tho Health Survey work under tho di rection of tho lied Croiw nud Autl Tuberculoids Association. Miss Hwlng and Mls Jupp uro In Washington as sisting und directing tho Survey. Mrs. Atliuy of Ilolsn und .Miss Woysor, of Soattlo ate both i)t?rp to glvo assist ance uud spoke to the people. Wash ington County Is uwnko und allvn to the 1'tiMlr Hnolth Work. Mrn. J. W. Tuckeit mill daughter. Mary June, loft Moiulay uvoulng for Clinton. tlllniilK, to spend tho mini mor with Mrs. Tackott's sinter uud other relatives. MIhh IiIh Connor k'lt Sunday eve ning for Mountain llomn whom she Intends touching n summer school. Miss Fern I, luck will leave Wmlnes day evening of this week for Lewis Ion whoro she has employment. Mrs. O. (!. niout loft Simdny nvo nlng for hor home In Hualtlo nflor sovornl weeks' visit with her par ents, Mr. uud Mrs. W. A. C'olwoll. Mrs. Florollu Horry loft Friday for Wyoming to visit hor sister, Mrs. Hower Mini fropi thorn sho ret urns to her homo In Atasuudero, I'ulltorula. Mrs, .Horry Iiuh beon visiting her par ents, Mr. anil Mrs. II. II. Klniilmiu nud here to attend the cmuiurnco ineut oxercUos to seo her brother, Fruuk Klunlson griidunle. Mrs. Paul CTldor of Toledo, Ohio and little dnughter nrrlvod Friday, tho Knouts of hor parents, Mr. uud Mrs. J. M. Klnsny. Announcements have boon received hero this week announcing the mar riage of Miss Murlun Knther Itobln sou, oldest daughter and child of Mr. und Mrs. II. IC. Itoblnsou, formerly of Frultluud, now of Caldwell, tu Mr. Lowell McKluloy Morse, of Truverso City, Michigan, on Tuesday, Muy 2ft, ut Dos Mnliiou Iowa Tliey will bo at homo nt 002 Wont Tenth street, Traverse City, Michigan, after Juno IS, Tho many friends of Mrs, Morse all Join In wishing them many years of happy woddod life. Mrs. Morse wns "a graduate of tho Frultluud high school and took nu actlvo part in tho M. R, church, and has boon missed from horo. Mlssos Alma Helns and Virginia Ady will entertain tho Clnistlun Kn denvor Monday evening next, Juno 7, at tho homo of MImi Ady. All oung poaplo nro Invited. Next Sunday morning t'c Fellow ship clans of Ilolso will motor to Fruitland to nsslst lu tho religious meetings of tho day nt the M K church. Thoro will be nt least thirty- live, soma of them singers. At 1 o'clock u dinner on tho eufetorln plan will bo sorved from tho bungalow porch and all friends of tho M i church nro invited to nttoud. Thoro will bo u mooting lu the afternoon us well. Mr. P. K Knglo Is enjoying a visit from his fnthor from Cullfornln 1 Itov. VunOiikon preuchod u niemor Inl sermon Sundny ooulng to the old soldiers and young -ones and a mot Impressive and splondld service was hold. A largo number woro prosnt to hear It. Mr. Eagle, from California, was ono of tho visiting old soldlors present. Mr. uud Mrs. John Dosh and Mr und Mrs. ganders, of Farmland, In diana, arrived Saturday ovoning for an extended visit at the II. M. Lowls homo. Mr, Dosh Is a brother of Mrs. Lewis. After leaving hero thy will lslt California Mr uud Mis Levi Johusoi. and two children wo leaving for a sl weeks visit in northwostorn lowi. with relatives. Mr N W. Lowls Is reroorlnir from a two weeks' sloge of lumbago Mr und Mrs. Graham Park have purchased a teu-ncro chicken rnnel two miles southwest of Ontario .m.i will inovo In about ton days. II. L, Kvans and family arrived Monday ovoning from Culver, Ore gon, with household goods ready to occupy tho W. A. Morelnnd ranch. lloccniiBO of tho going n'wny of Al bert Morelaud n large number of his boy und girl friends enjoyed a purty ut tho homo of Paul Dalzoll on Penn sylvania avenuo. KefreshmontB were sorvod nud it royal good time wits hud. Itomombcr tho school election, TlutrBdny, Juno 10, to voto on tho pro-bond election of $4C,000 to buy n slto und erect a new high school building. J. Frank Powers was on enrly Saturday morning urroslcd by Sher iff Joffrios nud brought heforo the Probnto court on tho charge ot hnv lng In hln posBisslot intoxicating Ihiuor. Ho pleaded guilty und was then brough t before Judge Vurlan Saturday uud fined f2Ub and given thirty dnys lu Jail. A school election will bo held nt tho school houso Thursday, Juno 10, for tho purpoBO of voting upon tho proposition to bond School District No. 18, for $4C,000 to buy a slto und erect a now high school building J'' ncross from tho present school build ing. The school rooms nro crowded whcl nocossltutos holding school In churches nud other places bosldo tho school house, which has proven tin satisfactory. A high school building Is nocdod. Mr.nnd Mrs. M. W. Hnzeltlne nud family were guests Sunday of Mr. mid Mrs. Thompson of Dig Wllow. Kdgur Vestal loft Tuesday of this week for Ynkluiu, Washington. Mr. mill Mrs. It. V. Smith enter ttilnod nt djlnnor Friday evening, Hnv, Mown uud fuuiUy. Mrs. Luuvell of Caldwell, enme to visit her sister. Mrs. It. S. Ktttch. II, I(. lloomrr and Adam Illlud ara Home from n ten days rip to Kluinatli Falls, Oregon nud northern Cullfornln points, Wbllo thoro Mr. lloomer disposed of ono of his Cull fornln ranches, Thursdny evening InHt thoro were present nt tho home of Mrs. Anrou Collingsworth 3G of tho members of tho Francos Wlllard W. V. T. U. nnd a splondld mooting was held. This ono of tho llva W. C. T. U. or ganizations ot tho Ntuto nnd ono of which Is really accomplishing good work. Howard MniiBor nnil John Towno motored to Ilolso Monday. Miss Auulo Jtnpp aud nolco. MIhh Hqliii Stotlor fiva urrlvotl homo form their visit nt tho Lnbo home In fCnldwoll. Miss Hupp wns lu Ilolso for sovornl weeks, also. When lu doubt forgot your doubts. Co ahead and do It. U'h better to be wrong onco In u whlln tlinn to be nothing alt of tho time. GREAT BARGAIN SALE MILKING STRAIN OF SHORTHORNS At the old Jim Blanton place five miles, west and one mile south of Ontario, 1 will sell at $100 per head 14-Head Registered Shorthorns-14 Including 8 cows, 3 yearling bulls, 2 heifer calves and 1 yearling bull calf. The calvoH arc ull Milkinjr strain Shorthorns, Clay & Bates stock, from Bell Boy 2nd No. 122037, who sired four of the world's champion milking shorthorns, nnd M runic Clay V38-I82. This Is the last of my stock nnd because I am leaving soon for California I am oll'eriiur these cheap to clean up my holdings, Look them over, They come from tho best chnmplon Btock and are good individuals. S. J. BEAN ONTARIO OREGON Cash If You Have It Credit If You Want It THE whole family can't sit in a Royal but the whole family would like to if it could and right here tho best part of the family has succeeded! For in all this big wide world no easy chairs compare in beauty, quality and commodious comfort, with Royals. Hoyal Easy Chairs are famous as the "World's Easiest Easy Chairs." The upholstery is luxuriously comfortable. But the patented features of Royals are the Push Button nnd Lrg. Rest. These conveniences are found only in Royal Easy Chairs. I1 r&tfes&j Bffl i J The Push Button, concealed in right chair arm enables the oc cupant to change from an up right to a full reclining posit ion without moving from the 'chair. When lightly pressed, it re leases the back which either drops gently with the weight of the body to the position de sired, or automatically rises. In any position the back se curely locks when the button is released. Leg Rest, also concealed when 'not in use, draws out affords rest for the feet and , limbs without recourse to other furniture. Made in handsome modern over-stuffed, Colonial, and Period designs. Mahogany or Oak finish. Richly upholstered in Tapestries, Velours and Leather, real and fabricated. For sale nt all leading furni ture dealers. To get the gen uine look for name "Royal" . on Push Button. The Special values above are being demon strated this week by upwards of 5,000 leading furniture dealers co-operating with this advertisement. Meanwhile write for our book let "Conscious Rest." It pict ures the most popular Royals. Ontario Furniture Company IJKoyalf&sy OiaJrs,