The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 03, 1920, Image 5

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    ? wkjh:?bH
Ready in An Emergency
When illness (ionics it i.s lustier to Ins prepared.
There is no need for "borrowing" from a neigh
bor if yon havo a hot water bag ir other rubber
accessories that are so oL'len needed in times of
illness. -
Lot ns show yon the: fine line of pure
,$ Para Rubber Goods that we carry
there are none better that areniade.
.llllitiim Children I'KMMit I'n 1 1 I .
Tuny Tluro Complete (riiuimiir
Heboid CiiuiM- Oilier .Inn.
turn i's Xoliw.
0.t WHIRS' Drugstore
& i I 'ivwripliou Specialists
Juntiirn, Ore, Miiy 31. Tlio clos
ing oxcrclMOH of tlio Jiiiililrn hcIiooI
mnrklng tlio (mil of n mirrosHful hcm
hoii, wore kIvuii before largo huiI
lonco nt tlio hall on SiUurday even
ing, Mny 20. Tlio prognlil cnuslHtod
of a clovor tlrnmntlzntloii or tlio
Mtory of "Snow Wlilto ami tho Soon
Dwarfs." In which tlio rhllilitn iIIm
plnyod n very thorough propnriitlon.
It wiih a houtitlfii presentation hIHi
:i .u coiuvi'h, nnil i charming
(i..ii(f given liv i'.i smnl r.tih. In eos
tuino ns tlio llnnlo. Two vornl nuni
hem were Riven between nets by
Thoodoro llrock, Jr., with violin ob
llpnto by Dr. W. B. Hodges.
Tlio enst nnil nynomlM nt the piny
wero nx follews:
1'rtnro liolanil, Ollhort Mustorsen:
Ciiptlsn of the Oiianl, fiverott I'uur
sou; DwnrfH. I.lovil MrOotrlck. Dally
N'utt, Hurl Hopkins, James (Irnlmm,
tftigcnt 1'rlow. Avary Klrhey Charlie
N'utt : Snow Wlilto, Christina (Irn
lmm; Queen l-'Inrlmondo.-Hopo 1'lerc
of the Mirror, Mary I.eo; Pages,
nor, arotchon, l'ear Itlchloy; Spirit
I.niUcs In Waiting nnil Attendants,
Lolnnd Pearson, Hobert I'loonor,
Clulr Pearson, llnrvoy Jones, llorohl
Woodruff, Orrln Curroy, Michael
O'Toole, Karl McUotrlck, Thonins Al
ton. N'olllo Stanton, Ruby Mctlct
rlck, l'enrl I.eo, Shirley linker, Mao
Stnnton, Mnrgnrct Ornhaui, Mnry Al
len, Krnnnls Jones, Mny N'utt, Doris
Tho gruduiitos from the griunniai'
grades also received their dlplomns.
Those finishing tho clRhth .grndo
were: Clirlstnln Orahatn, Kvorott
Penrson mid l.eland Pearson.
Mlw N'olllo lleedo, of Portland,
wns looking up old friends In Jun-
turn on Saturday, on her roturu from
a tdiort iVlnlt to her old homo .tit
Minx Mnrgnrol Murphy, of Iloulnh,
passed through town on Thursday,
on her return from it vIhIi to IluriiH
during tho Htockmon'R convention.
Mm. Lonulc Wcathcrly, of llnlso,
n former rortldont of Juntiirn, wns n
business visitor hero tnnl week, re
turning to her home on Saturday.
Jack Wobor wns In charge of the
pool hnll Inst week, during tho nb
boiico of tho proprietor, Fred Knup
hUHiunn, who nttumled tho stock
men's ronveutlon 'nt IluriiH.
K I.. Slsomoro nnil John McCloml
of Iloulnh Hhlppod n cnrlond of flno
, "They're Talking AbaaJ !'l Everywhere
says the Good Judge
How much more genuine
satisfaction you get from
a little of the Real To
bacco Chew than you
ever got from the old
The good, rich, real to
bacco taste lasts so long
-you don't need a fresh
chew nearly as often.
That's why it saves you
Any man who uses the
Real Tobacco Chew will
tell you that.
Put up in two styles
RIGHT GUT Is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT Is a long fine-cut tobacco
fz, Wu,m7vrj.?-
t--i.m. -
.- - - : . -a
v-soHWa -iw.s'
Whats become of the prejudice
. , . jt
Tj, r' -: l x r a fi . . .
theq frightened the horses
L. v ) K,
Select your tire nc
oattlini to the toadt
they have to travel!
In tandy or hlHy coun
try, wherever the Koine
ii opt to be heavy The
U. S. Nobby.
For ordinary country
roadi The U, S. Chain
or Uico.
For front wheel The
U. S. Plain.
For but reiultt
everywhere U. S.
Royal Cords.
NOW cars are every
where. The horses
have gotten used to fhem
and so has everybody else.
Think of it I This year the
American people will spend
nearly a billion dollars on
tires alone.
Tires are one of the big
gest items on the car owner's
Hardly a Saturday, when
you motorists drop in to
"tune up" for a Sunday trip,
that one or more of you
doesn't tell us something of
value to our business. Sooner
or later it comes back to you
in Service,
(Kwu-cofio-rioew-CriAiriuscD-piAri Service is what the car
owners of this community
are looking for nowadays.
first in figuring their motor
ing expenditures.
Just because a man has a
moderate - price car is no
reason why he should get any
less service out of his tires.
We believe that the man
with the small car is entitled
to just as good tire service
as the man with the big car
and both are entitled to the
best tire service they can get.
That's why we represent
U. S. Tires in this commu
nity. And why more car owners
large and small are com
ing to us every day for U. S.
. IV
Come in and' talk to us
about tires. We're here to
And especially the small help you get the kind of tires
car- owners, who put service you want.
United States Tires
You can hnvo olthor ono from
tho ubo of our apparatus. All
wo nBk from you Ii to toll tin
what your requirement nro,
what you nro now using, It nny
thing In our lino, and wo wilt
ho able to llgtiro out n propo
rtion thnt will bo moro bono
flclnl and economical. Wo are
hondqunrtcrH for electric nup
PIIoh, mid nlno for rewinding
of motom.
homoi to Omithii, Nchrimkn, Inut
JnmoH AndorHun. of Van, and bin
daughter, MIm Orcein, wore Juntuni
vlidtorH on Saturday for tho hcIuhiI
oxorclHM and ilnnro.
I'. J. (Inllnghor, of Ontnrlo, xpont
a Mhort tlmu In town on Snturdny
on his way to Lukovlow.
Knthor O'llngnu came iip Sntur
dny from Ontnrlo to conduct tho Hun
dny BervlcoH nt St. rntrlek'ti church.
Tho dance following tho mcIiooI ox
crclHOH on Snturdny night, given hy
tho Juntiirn Jnti OrchcHtrn wiih ii
decided huccohh, being largely at
toudeil by gueiitN from homo and out
Hldn polntN.
Mm. Oenrgo Itollixen, of Ontario,
arrived on Snturdny for u few iluyH1
vUlt with Mrs. I.. I. DoIhoIii.
OdiwMii Hull, of DrowHoy, wiik ii
Juntuni vlHllor on Snturdny.
Tho Mliwoti I ,n no and Margaret
McDonald were Juntiirn vlHltom on
Saturday with their father, David
McDonald of Iloulnh.
Mix Mnrgnrot Murphy, of Iloulnh,
vpont tho week-end In Juntiirn.
A vory beautiful monument wiih
orectod IiihI week uhoyo tho routing
plnca of Mm. Franco ('. Woodward
ut tho Juntuni remoter)'.
II. J. Dodge, of AhIiIuiiiI, Oregon,
arrived on Stinduy to Hpond ii few
dayn horo on bURlnotni,
Mr. mid MrH. I.. I'. Dolxola mid
Mm. Uonrgo Kollmen woro Sunday
vUltom ut tho Murphy ranch near
Mr. mid Mm. O. A. Wottemtrom,
Mr. and Mm. Hoy Curroy and Wll
McLaren wont on a IIhIiIur axpodltlou
on Sunday to thu HtreuuiH uhovo Hon-
Tom Woodward loft Monday morn
ing for Vnlo to Borvo on tho Jury
Mm. Vornor J. Hopkins gnvo a tea
on Monday aftornoon In honor of
Mm. (Icorgo Ilolhson of Ontario The
guests, noarly all old frlonds of Mm.
Kolhson, woro Mm, Ilobort Hoed,
Mm. h. I. nolnolo, Mm. II. W. Wel
come, Mm. Hoy Curroy, Mrs. David
Graham, Mrs. C. A. Wottorslrqm,
Mm. John 1'. Joyco, Mrs. Mlchaol
Stanton, Mm. Martin Joyco, Mrs. W.
K. Hedges and Mls Josophlno Kaup
liiisman, Tho Hov Shormnn L. Clarke, for
merly pnstor of tho Juntura 1'roiby
torlnn churchi and now rosldlnc In
I'ortlnnd, rotumod Monday to take
hack his car, which has boon stored
at Drewsey for somo months bocuiwn
of tho condition of tho roads.
Momorlal Day was nulotly ob
nerved horo, but tho woalth of flow
ers on tho graves In tho local ceme
tery nerved to show that tho day was
kept by tliono who had causo to ro-mombor.
Philippines Producing Ntwvprlnt.
The I'hlllpplnrs nro In a iiosltlon not
only to supply newsprint for dnmrMlc
needi, but to export large quuntllle
of this product. According to u report
n nlly mndn by tno director of the
burenii of forestry, the raw materials
iiMillnble such ns the hsmboo and two
klmN of grn c. tho rofon and tsls
hlb, nre of such good quality and can
be so rhenply obtained Hint If rarefal
study U given this Induitry the Islands
will not nerd In Import snnunlly $2,
mm.lino worth of paper, as heretofore.
The News while It Is News Head
The Ontario Argus.
Patronize the Merchants who Advertise in The Argus.
A Reward of $100.00 will be paid for information
leading to the arrest and conviction of any par
ties cutting or molesting any of the fences of
the Eastern Oregon Land Company. All infor
mation furnished will be considered confidential