The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 03, 1920, Image 2

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Published Thursdays nt Ontario,
Oregon, and ontorod at tlio Ontario
post office for distribution as 2nd
class mattor.
Aitaua vuiiusiiiNo company
0. K. AIKEN, Managing Editor
T. Mol'AULIN aOUQH, Sup't.
Wlion tlio cattlemen begin to talk
about co-oporatlon to tlio ilogrco
proposed nt tlio Hums convention,
which would ultimately ollmlnnto
tlio middleman as n factor In putting
their product on tlio block In tlio lo
cal meat tnnrkot it Is tlmo thnl (ho
packers begin to aggltnto their think
Ing machinery, for the stockmen nro
inoro to ho foarod than tlio federal
trndo commission.
Tlio proposition advanced nt Hums
sounds somewhat socialistic It Is truo
but It has possibilities and tlio cattle
buslnoss bus admittedly reached u
point whero the moro fact that the
profforod remedy does run contrary
to what many bollovo to ho the only
way of doing things Is not going to
ho a bar to Its trial.
It must bo admitted that tlio Idea
of parting company with tlio stook
yards companies, tlio cuiiiiiiIsmIoii
men and all tlio others with whom
tlio stockmou hnvo boeu awoolated
during nil those years Is not tlio re
sult of hasty action, It Is hut n hope
upon which Its propononts hunk to
tmvo tho buslnott of producing meat
from destruction.
That tho plan Is fraught with mi
olomout of dangor Is admitted by ov
en Us most anient supporter, for tho
packors nml tho commission man are
woll Intrenched. Of course the
cattlemen do not oxpeel to put tho
prosont distribution system In tho
limbo uf dopartod specie II Is not
uocossnry to go that far to uchlavo
their purpose, oven u mensuro of
success wllll securo' tho results It Is
doslred to obtain.
Tho scheme of courso Is Imsod on
tho old Idea of co-oporntlon that bus
worked successfully In Kurnpoau
countries, ospcclally In Itussln. Hut
tharo It Is worked among n far dif
ferent people than thu stookmou of
Orogou. Tharo tho loaders nro fow
and tho followers nro loglou. In the
rnugo country of tho Wont nearly ev
ory cattlomuu Is n loader. Ills life
has mailo him Imlupomloiit and re
sourceful, hu Is not, nt least In tho
past Iiiih not, been pronn to mergu
his Intcrosts oven with his associates
and therefore will be a harder man
to lead In such u movement tlian tho
docllo European. And It is nn ax
iom of co-operative movements that
tho leadership must bo vested with
almost dictatorial powers. Without
it thoro can bo no succoss in such nn
This of courso Is tho personal
oquntlon that prosonts lttlt for solu
tion In ovory such offort. It is oap
nhlo of solution If npproaohod In tho
right mnnnor by tho right kind of n
mnnngor. That Is tho rub. Whero
will tho cattlemen find tho idoal In
dividual to carry on their work?
How long will tho independent, self
sufficient cattlomuu tnkn orders from
somo distant mnnagar, whom psr
hnps ho doos not know, but who will
toll him Just when and whore he Is
to ship his cnttlo and how many he
Is to ship nnd In what condition thoy
must ho oro thoy will bo accepted at
nil? And Hint Is Just what tho
succoss of tho movoment will demand.
That tho public would profit by the
succoss of tho scheme Is undoubted,
the possibilities of co-operation are
unlimited, hut it calls for n rare do
groo of managerial ability and a sur
render of control over his business
by tho Individual. Hut even If It ac
complishes nothing moro than' bring
ing abont n number of needed re
forms In tho marketing of livestock
It wilt have Jmtllled thu efforts of its
Central Oregon Is facing tho most
sorlous menace that has confronted
that region In nil Its history, nnd It
Iihs been bold back by many sorlous
obstacles In Hint tlmo to. The latest
enemy Is that unreasonable foniitn
elsm which would create the Hooso
vqlt bird rosorvo of not only the wat
er of Mnlhour and Harney lakes, so
onlled. but would provent thu use of
tho wntors of tholr trlbutnry streams
for tho Irrigation of tho fertile acres
of Harney county.
It tho proposed Inltlntlvo measure
backed by tho sportsmen of Portland
nnd Klnley the deposed Stnto Hlolog
1st, Is approved by tho pcoplo of Oro-
Nationalized Eleven Years
rRGINALLY we were a pri-
vate Bank, but in 1909 we
nationalized. We are members
of the Federal Reserve System
and under U. S. Government
YOUR business invited
Ontario National Bank f
tmsus mr wi'itfiwr c-
Is "Cheap" Twine Cheap?
A FARMER bought 6 bales of
chenp twine 288 lbs., net. It
checked short nn nvcrnge of 30 feet
to the lb. 8,640 feet in 6 bales, or
the equivalent of 7( lbs. of 500-ft.
standard twine.
He harvested his wheat crop using
this twine. There were 1 35,360 feet
of twine (deducting shortage) in the
6ba!es enough to tie67,680bundle3
of grain (allowing 2 feet of twine for
n bundle). But 6 of the bundles
(5,414) were broken due to twine
being weak nnd uneven.
The hired harvest hands lost un
nvcrnge of one minute's time tying
each broken bundle by hand
5,414 minutes, or n total of over 90
In addition, 2 of the broken
bundles (108), representing approx
imately 54 bushels of wheat, were
lost because the loose grnin was not
picked up cleanly by the hired hnr
vest hands.
NOW let us see how his loss-nnd-gain
account figures out on this
twine investment:
Me saved i cents n pound on
the original cost of the twine by buy
ing nn inferior grade instead of guar
anteed International Harvester twine
a saving of $4.50 on 6 bales. This
represents his total gain.
In saving $4.50 to start with, he
lost in the end:
8,640 ft. shortage, or the equiva
lent of 7 lbs. of guaranteed
average 500-ft. twine.
90 hours' time of harvest hands at
the prevailing high wage scale.
by, bushels of wheat at $2.25 n
bushel or $12.37.
Figure out for yourself the total
losses the money squandered by
this farmer to save $4.50 rii in
significant cent-and-a-half n pound
on the original cost.
Don't you think it would have
been much more economical for this
farmer to have paid n little more for
his twine to begin with nnd bought
good twine twines of International
Harvester manufacture that aver
ages full 500-ft. to the pound nnd
has but a very low percentage of
For Real Economy use
We bell It
Ttkeyourc"- - ....' r( 1- (,
but duo id . .... t mUiwIum
th.oU.I-l . . i .. - . iMbloyau
la cny . -o'n i , u'9l wlla
tha ui it, ,. I - - i"IAiw -4 ttortf
ttxev.. -U 4JILk,(.l ..i, mlothll.
.. ' jUSASU3S'!1VA1R'
gon nil tho work of thirty yours will
ho wiped nwny nnd Harney county
might ns wolt ho nlmmloncd by Its
pcoplo and loft ns tho parndlso for
wnter fowl, Jack rabbits and coyottoH
whoso Interests, In tho minds of tho
proponents of this legislation takes
precodanco ovor that of tholr follow
Tho lato and lamented President
whoso namo Is thus mado tho cloak
to cover this daninablo outrago, wo
bollovo would If ho woro alive, fight
this measure Tho ho was ono of
tho most ardent of bird lovers, nnd
know moro nhout thorn than any man
In America, snvo John llnrrougliH
and ono or two other naturalists, ho
too wob a groat lover of the West
and un anient champion of Its do
Tho greatest monument to bis con
strticttvu vision, hcsldo tho Panama
cnnnl la tho ltoosovolt dam In Ari
zona, which stores tho water thnt
transforms tho deserts Into fertllo
Holds for tlio beneficial ubo of man
kind, and makes homes for thous
ands of Independent Americans.
Thoro Is no doubt but that such n
man would ho using his boundless
onorgy to fighting tlio proposals of
tho Idealist who would condemn for
all tlmo tho fertllo acres of Harney
valley to the wator fowl thut inlgrnto
nnniiully, whlto thoy might bo mndo
tho abode of thousands of uion wo
men and children tho year round.
Ono of tho worst features of tho
scbenio Is thnt tlio proponents nro In
fact deceiving tho pcoplo who nro
not In n position to bo In possession
of tho facts, or to toarn of tho exact
situation. In tho first place thoy nro
using tho word lako In a most liberal
construction. Those bodies of wator
nro not Inkos, uovor hnvo boon. At
liest thoy tiro only tulo swamps fed
by streams thut nro dry part of tho
your nnd by seepage wnter thnt hns
boon used tor Irrigation. Hvou If all
tho water of tlio tributary streams
were stored for Irrigation and so
used It would find Its way afterward
to those low lands and tho lovol of
tho Hwumps would thus bo practical
ly maintained. Hut In tho mean
time the surrounding lands would bo
mndo productive.
Klnley and bis sportsmen frlonds
do not explain tills fact to thoso who
roud not know It unless told. Thoy
do not explain thnt thoro Is no pro
posal mado to drain tho lakes, In fact
thoy nay there Is, when such talk was
nbaudoiiad ycitrs ago, wlion It was
found to bo entlroly unpractical.
nnd his frlonds know this yet they
continue tho deception. And It Is tho
duty of Mnlhour county moil nnd wo
iiihii who know tho facts to combat
tho work of thoso fanatics. If tho
people on tho other sldo of tho Cas
cades who hnvo so long been liullfTor
nt to Intorosts of Kastorn Oregon
will but loom tho truth of this situ
ation thoro will bo no barrier placed
In Harney's path of progress mid wo
hero In Mnlhour county should glvo
till the nsslstanco posslblo to nld our
western nolghhor nt this tlmo.
AM KM) Till! I'ltlMAHV IUW
That thoro should bo a change In
tho nrosent Oregon primary law will
ho ndmlttod by ovory ono who has
paused for a moment to cousldor the
absurdities that hnvo resulted from
tho election which took place two
weeks ngo.
In tho first nlaco tho date should
bo changed so thnt tho peoplo will
know who has boon solected to do
tholr bidding, nt least In tlmo so
those who nro solected will bo able
to muko the trip to tho convention
city nnd not bo In doubt ns to wheth
er or not thoy nro really elected ns
And again when there Is not n
majority for any of tho providential
candidates, tlio plurality vote' should
pot be considered ns binding upon
the delegates for oven the first bal
lot Such an amendment would pro
vent tho recurroiieo of tho Inconsist
ent position In which nil of the dol
omites to Hie convention (hit enr
uro placed, especially Wallace Me
t'ammant ivluf announced In ad
vance thut he ah opposed to tho
candidacy of lllrun Jonuoon.
Slnco tho primary law Is developing
so many defects Its friends should
bostlr themsolvof to save it from the
glaring errors Into which Its use bus
fallon If thoy do not the tlmo Is
not far distant when it will bo mod
ified by tlio.o who uro not In sym
pathy with It at nil.
WAI.KI.llS im:waui.
Ono of theso days Tho Argus ex
pects to bo called upon to give an
account of the death of rome man.
woman or child who cumo to his or
hor ond by being run down on tho
pavement on Culifomla avenue this
side of the hospital.
Somehow the peoplo, many of
them, have tho iden thnt tho pavo
ment was laid for pedestrians, and
are using It as n sidewalk. Since
' i. .11- no lights to horald their
lorathm. and many times 'the blind
ing lights of approaching cars al
most blinds a driver causing him to
misjudge the distance of pedes
trians even wlion ho sees them.
There U another thing about the
effects of nuto lights on this road;
tho color of tho pavement and thnt
of tho gravel along tho edgo Is so
noarly Identical 'that a driver Is not
certain when ho Is to tho Hldo of tho
pavement and this, too, Is going to
cntiHo. accidents unless tho drivers
nro cnroful.
Six Weeks Summer Term, IJ)20
Entrance and Enrollment
June 21, 1920
1. Regular: Practically nil of those offered during
tho rugulnr session.
2. Special Metheds: (a) In different subjects for nil
the grades from 1 to 8 inclusive; (b) For rural
schools; (c) for principals and city superintendents
3. Elementary teachers' training ceurse: All subjects
required by law for the elementary teachers
training course.
Term !le;iiis Sepi. 20, 1!)2()
Will to tti Itrit-Utriir for CnUtutr.
J ii1 n i ii in1 m
Exact Heat
ill ft?
Electric cooking is exact, for it may be perfectly
controlled. ' Encli switch is so arranged that It wil
provide for three degrees of heat. Therefore, you wil
be ablli to make nn exact allowance of time for every
dish, as the', temperature developed is always tho same
This control means economical opera
tion ns medium heat, uses" but one-half
ns much electricity as high, while low
heat uses one-half as much as'medlum.
Tlftit is tho reason tho electric cooking expense is so
moderate. When you call wo will toll you about tho
economy, and other features of electric ranges,
Ask About Our Partial Payment Plan
By actual tests
By exhaustive study and engine tests, our Board
of Lubrication Englr. .rs bus determined the correct
consistency of Zerolene for your mrice of automobile.
Its recommendations are av'tjb'e for you in the
Zerolene Correct Lubrication Charts. Get one for
your car at your dealer's or our nearest station. Use
ZercJene ,' the Correct Lubrication of your nuto
mobile, truck or tractor, ,
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