The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 27, 1920, Image 5

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If you are ill and tried otlur methods withuit
resale, why not try Chiropractic
o!iuil3 Adjuslint'iitM. Chir
opractic removes the cause
of disease, results follow.
DR. R. A.' MOON'"
'Mi'st Aid By Extending
Credits. Says . avison.
, aaamiHcuiutaatttKtxmmxuesHumausMmamtassm
Having just obtained the services of an ex
perl mechanic, I am now. able to
.". rr
give the public the, best of
service. Any car or any
part of any car or
truck skillfully
Sa&on Garage-'
I'hoiie 37W
A. S. BROWN, 1'rop.
WjjlFWW 'T?!
i nese i ires Jre
a Revelation
The Brunswick in frankly s. combination of the bust Jn tire
Ttiore !a ono tread thst'u supreme beyonJ question. And
that is now on Brunswick, ,
Tncrc is one aids-wall construction, which, by every test,
nolda the summit place for endurance. And that one was
adopted for Bruttswlcks.
Fabrics differ up to 30 per cent in thuir strength testa.
"1 On Brunswjcks the maximum long-fiber is the standard.
Tncre are certain addition!!, each one expenbivc. which add
vastly to tiro mileage. The Brunswick t.nbodies all these
There are no patents, no secret ioniula to prevent any
maker from building the best. It is simi,4y a qutstlon of
knowledge and skill cost plus caro.
Brunswick standards are known the rld over. The very
name certifies an extraordinary tire. Yet Brunswicks cost
no more than Ultc-typc tires.
Buy ONE Brunswick. It wftj prove that a better tire can
not be bought, rcyardless of price.
Portland iictiugunrtera: 48-48 Fifth Street
t jL
Sold On in Unlimited Mileage
Guarantee Basis
kiv .-..- 7yso?r?
European Run' Would Involve
America Starvation anJ
Disease iiampant.
l)ua Moines, la. Speaking before
Oio Ktiucial ctnieroiiee or the Metlio
dint ICponcopnl ( H11 ch, Henry I'. Davl
hi, chairman or the Hoard of Cov
rnor of the League of H(.l from So
lution, said: "A clmlrnmn ur tbe
(invention of Hurt ('roes societies com
ised of representatives tf twenty
uven tuition tlml nut recently In
eiievii, I urn custodian of mithorltn
live report recording appalling con-
tlltlOIIH HMIOIIK inllllOlM Of KOple IIV-
lug III onatum ICurnK.
"One of the most terrible tragpdlwi
of thi' hlslTy of ;lte liiiiniiti race Im Im
lug enacted within the bread belt of
territory lying between the IkOtlc and
the lllHik mid A.irlitlc sen.
"TIiIh area Include tbe new llaltla
state l'olnnd. Ctocho-HlovHklM, The
UktHlnu, AiiHtrin. Hungary, flnuutalila,
Montenegro. Muauia mid Set bin
"Tlic report which eonio to us
make It clear Hint In these wat-ravaged
IiiikIn i IvIIUutloti hint lirokrii down.
DlHcanr. berenwu'ent and uf ferine
Are ii'i-h.-nt in iiHi-tU'Hlly every liouso
hold. while focil mill olothlna are In
sufficient to make Ufa tolerable.
"Men, women and children are dy
ing by thousand, mid over vmi once
civilized areaa there are to he round
neither medicinal appliance nor medi
cal skill miffli vnt .10 cope with tliv
llOVHMtHtlllK pinnies.
"Wholesale starvation In threatened
In Poland thl eummer unleae she can
ri'ociir.' food Mttpptles In large quant i
tk'M. There re now approximately
S60,00'i cases of lyiihua In I'o.and unit
In the nrtm urrup'ed by t'olUb tnMipa.
Worst Typhu Kpldemle In History.
"TIiIh In already cue of the worat
lyidniM epltleinlm In ihx wnrld' hU
tor. - III (lallcbt whole iowiih are
crippled and liiulii'M aupndvdk In
muni' dlatrk'ta tlicre Is but cn doctor
lo oadi 1&0.Q00 W)0l.
"In the I'k alne, wo were told, ty
phus and Influonut Itave u: fitted most
of the population.
"A report from Vlnnim. dated Kebrtt-1-7
13. aald: "l'here are rat ton for
rtw wtMk. T)th MlMllta tliniiiah
alt wt uf VMnnM and lakes mi
1 mUimI toll.'
"HmlaiMNtt. snordlus to our Informs
Ijii, Is one vast, city of wtuery uml
Wiring,- - The -wmmr of 4athM t
' ublv that of bin ha.
Typhus and smallpox havn invaded
1 four oountrloa enmpoalns ('setike.
)vakla. and then- la brk of meel-
s, aoan anil
'In Serbia lyr"1" broken out
-.In and Ue-v u'e bin 300 id 1 una
- mlrbjtef tc tUu weila of thai enflre
v uitry. ,
Ketarnlns la the United Mtale a
'.- weeks .- with all tltese hureuw
rlugins lb my tuim. I found royaelf
once more in a land whme grauarlee
were cverflowtiiir. wb b 'health asa
plenty u bounded and where life a4
activity and enterprlao were In.
tbe full flood.
"I aakw! tnyaeir: 'What if tbls pUsue
ami fMnlue were here In the great
territory between the Atlsutlr aea
boartl and the M!slnlpd valley, which
rouilily psrwtlels the extent of ihese
ravaged oountrlea and that
of our own people ccndemnetl to idle
neas by lack uf raw material awl
whose fields bad Imhui devaatated by
Invasion and rapine were rai-ked by
starvation and atllenre and if we
bail lifted up our vclt-os and Invoked
the attention or our brothers In happier
Uurojie to our own deep miseries aad
our cries had fji:tn ou deaf ears,
would we not In our despair exclaim
agalnpt (heir heart leaaneas.'
Only Three Ways to Help Burope.
"Them are only threw ways by which
these atrlckeu lands can secure sup
plies from the ouis'de world. One la
by iiaywent. one by credit and -the
third l by exchange of commodities.
If these peoples tried to buy uiato rials
anil ftuppl b lu America at tbe p-imett
market aiue of their current tea
Austria WMild have to pay forty tunes
the srlsii i coat, Uennany thirleati
tlmss, 0rece Juat double. l'aeb
Slovakia fourteen and I'oUud fifty
times. These flfures a ' "(final uo4
are n true Indttt of tbe onoutit- pliakt
uf these ooimtdw.
"It ii dear, tberefore Hut they cm
not five us sold for tbe tblna tbiy
must buv.e, npr.I)va they either pro
ducts cr aecurltles tc offer In return
for credit. If only they could obtapi
raw HUlr(fU vlncb these Idle mllllog)
f theirs could convert Into manufaeb
tired product il.i-y would have some
thing to tender 'he world In return for
'ts raw material, food add medicine,
Uut If they luve neither moiuy nar
credit how are they to take this first
great step towards redetuptfon. One
half the world may not eat while ike
other half starve Htw im; d you
believe the plSb'- of npliuii Hut 1s
taking a hideous d.-ath toll in KHthuiiia
and Poland and tli l'l:r: m am) -at-
Ing along the fnnni 1.1 t; ', jnd
i'zeeh-8tovDl' a aiII coniiii'- n-!i' to
'bese remote lauds?
"Only last tf-itnniw our h niiti emn-uns-iioiier
i'f N--iy V. k. Ur t, ud.
, sailed for the other ildo Just to meas
ure the dnniicr and take precaution
ngalimt suoh an luvasloit.
''This Is oim menace at mirtlvtenhnld.
The other, more threatentNR. inoie i v
rtble, la Ibe inenaee of the world HI
will. Wo win afford to die, but lo I. -despised
forever as a greed t and pluiri
anlcal nation Is a fate fit we iihihi
not Incur.
"The French gnvernt'ii in bn ninny
sertoua problem I - bur the
t'renrh peasantry is working iind Hi"
lrctich artisan, while Mill a ll in
noAil of raw materials, hiiM u ; lont hi
habit of ludiiHtry and tlirlfi
"Italy, dcHplte lier arent nlnri.m"
I'nf raw material, I louklint rm'v ard
and not hex-kward. Itnl ran hu r-ll .-l
upon (o do bur part
"Knalaml Is meetlna the pr ld in
of reronntrtictioti Jut a thone ho
UtIMU- line nf lill'd liavn eXpi'C'ed
her to mi-et them.
Plan to Aid Central Europe.
"It I turf for me prrl-np' in xlve
In dntnil a formula fcr mention of the
world's Ills, but as 1 have be n nxwil
many tltoies. 'What would you d1 I
am alsd to sirs my own anwwer
"Accordingly, I would ask
"Klrst. That rnnareax liinneiiiattdy
pn ii bill Hpproprliitlna a niiui not
to exceed HUU.0Oo.Ot o for the iihh of
euntral and enslern Kurope
"lieonnd. That loliareei' r- unoti
the ptesldent In apptdnt a uonpoi.i'CHl
commission of thiei- Am-1 'im.
tlllgulnlied for thi'l. (haiiK-iir and -x
eautlve ability and coinm itiding Hie
reiect of the American pti.ple Km Ii
u rommlsalon ithould Inrlu ! m - f
the type of (leneriil Per ' in", Mr
lUuver. or ex8ccreiar I. am- I
would Invent -that eomnii.odoti with
oomplete mwer.
"Third. I would have l he roiniui
(ilon Instructed to proi ed at onre. ae
comimuled by proper i i-auiim I. to
survey conditions In rentrnl mid -nnt-ern
Kuropo and then a-t for tli rei r
a Hon of those puitiurie under micli
cnndltlona and iiion such lerm as
the commission Itself may di-lde to
be )praotlcabl and effoetlvu. Aiuhhk
the condition should be provided that
there should be no Utal Inli-rfcri m e
with th! free and uiilrummcb-d exert tae
by the commlaaloii of It own pre'oua
live of itllocHtlng muti'tals. (love-n-mentil
ikIIUcs should Ite ellnilnand
unresuninalde and prejudicial bit rb ra
between th- vsrlnu cnimn.-K uliould
he removed, and such ulm;ai:tlal ttuar-
nnt.liWi .in Mltt ttvf eVHlirttd nliiMlld
exacted lu tinier thai II. cuiditumu
Imposed should be I ilf lli-l
"Kourth. As to fiiiunciul v iiim I
should mako them -llbe:.l. I would
charge no Interet-i fur t' f'rt Hi -
yeara; for the n ' i'c n - x
per cent, with pn !" h Ii in
tereat might lie fumii-.i ir i' mumc
condition of the coumr . not .
priechlnx normsl. or Ii its i-xcliun -
coudltlana were an adM-i to in u -
payment unduly bunb-'ii-.-nh- i,, :i!;i
make the maturity of Hi- id.liiKii u
IS yeara from Its dau-, nil x'm.iii
have no'doubt as to lis riiuil piiMin-ni
"lirth. Iranieillsn I) nil- pi in v i
adapted I would have mir .-irniui i t
Invito other gnt'iMiuiiiK in a po-i
tlon t.i 4e!kt. to ik ii .,!" in Hie
"Klxih. To set forth mid' im
opinion. I should add Hiai in ih ti at
liiHtructloiia the Am himii j-- -i-l
through their 'aoverniii; ii. i.bonid a
tr tbe conimlsalon-
"'We want you to go and do thin
Job In such S manner a. after tu ly.
you tbll'k It sb 'U'd be done lb;
Is no odlnn"y undertak'n? The
American people trust you u see that
It la done light.'
"I would alto say to the ronunls
Mou: '
." 'Use as much of ibla money a Is
neoded.' feraonslly I am ufldent
that with the assistance and to p ra
tion which would ciiine fr mi oth.-r
(tarts of the world ihe aum t IBou,-
80,000 from tbe United Rtatea would
v more than enough to atart these
sou u Hie on their way to self support
iu4 the restoration of normal condi
tions. "The whole plan, uf course, iuvolvea
many practical conalderaiious, the
mom serious rf which Is thai of obium
ing the money, whether b UhuIuk at
Jillcnal Liberty Honda, an Increase lu
the floating debt or by taxation. Hut
I th'lnk we could properly key id the
treasury department
" 'We know hew serious your finan
cial problems are; we know the dif
ficulties which are Immediately imi
(roiitiug you; we know tbe iuipormme
jf deflation, and we km w tint in
government must economise an : that
ndlvldiials muat economise, but we
ilso kuow Hut the Americau getu
,ient advanced tlO.OOO.OOb.OOO to Its
tiller to attain vit r and peace. tYr
jUnl) it la worth making the addition
il ad Mi! i in ordei to realise the ate
for wi --I. ve have already atruKaled.
'or tin ! ii la wore certalu than that
4U1 u.ruul umUIUous am restored
Kir-"-- there cau be no peace.'
'Ah - e U tbUiM. I would ay that
hat it ( tli n la takeu atmulil Im
(akeu 'i is llately. Tne crisis in ao
ieute t i the situation does uol admit
Jf delay . im t Vitb tbe possibility of
:iiKe(uence cue hardly dare con-
ine situation inat i nave spread
jut bore u far beoutl tbe scope of
rdlVKlual charity. Only by rhe action
f aoieruinetit, our uwa and the others
iioM- it-Houiivs '-nable tbem to co-
jjitiat. . mil aid b. geu lu sufficient
olu in. i .mi aihu i .nfLduut tlut our
ui (in m, i in i iihi'U by Hi i kov
r.i 'it 'J (1 -a' i.rltatn, of Ilolluud,
rf i'.- - . i . .n countries, of
i, -m a-i'l ' i-ai. a.:, that France and
h ' -lum anil Italy notwithstanding all
f ilifir 1 would lulp to the best
t tU. u utility. "
-n I
Dreamland Special!
Soldiers of
Tuesday and Wednesday
June 1 & 2
Ticket Window Open at 7:45
First Show 8:00 p. m.
Second " 9:30 p. m.
f.. m ,- ,
Wo have opened in Ontario one door south of
the Luheui'8 drug store a grooory, in a few days
will he fully stocked in both fancy and sample
lines, will operate on the cash saving plan 5 per
cent saved on purchases that wo are not requir
ed to deliver will however have our own de
livery some time later, come in and visit our
store even if you do not care to buy. Mr. tl. E.
Silta in charge whom you will find to bo a groc
oryman experienced in his line and appreciative
of your patronage.
The Moore Grocery
'v,o-o---- -.
Patronize the Merchants who Advertise in The Argus.
eee.. .---
'' (&Zs..-.
. ..Mm ill, I DUO, i'lio Kuril .Motor Co. nilvnucfil Hie prlro of I'onl
chin bocmuo of tliu Inciuiibi-il cost of proiluctloii., ,.Vo epcclflc
iiiiiiiiuiicoiiiuut wua ilcoiuctl niHOMiary at tlio (lino, but it litol
ilut tdopi-cil Unit iiiKii'pi'OMCUtutlou uml misquotations of tliio
luhiiiit'otl julio liato Imiuii mill mo belli); kIvuii out.. .Ho to sitfit.
Klliiril tlio publlr iiK'ilut tlio ovlla of iiiliiritpiuboututloil, tt
lii'iewltli kUo tlio prostiit prltosi
Kunaboul $550 Z:UlUla s,nrUnB ,,m, '$&
TniirlllfT fnr (7 vl(li dual electric aturtliiK uutl Hulit
lUUIIIIlJ ttll $JI J K K hjHtem 50
fnnnn G1Cl "'", ,,,m' u,oc,r'c fctrtJnC anil llllt
tOline . . 1jU l"K "J"""" "",i ilemuuntublo iIiiin
n . . wltli iluiil electric nturtluK nuil Unlit-
Oetlflll . . $05 lu,i "tom ""'l ,,e,'"u"tal,I "jw
T, r. , witli olid til on and clincher rims
rlirk I hnCCIC (Willi iiuoiimutlc tiros mid ili'iiiount
I UUt V,IIUJJI3 ,,, Hmh $(ll())
Tlieee prlcoa uro nil f o. b. Dotrlot
I'orilson 'IVnctor VH.tO.O() f. o. Ii. Doarlmrn, Mich.
Any of tlio tlouloi'M uhoso iiuiiiom uru llstotl boloV will be
libtiihi'il to iocoUo your older, pl(Nlnlnj; tlio ussiininio of tlio
liokt poshlblo pioniptuoks In tlollvory.
Tbe Kord factory tire 230000 order behind ou tlollvory ho It
you anticipate buyiiiK n car, truck, or tractor It will bo wlao
to pluco your ordur ut onco.
K3S ',.,. vf)frtfVtWsYWtfWllK-Sa