THE ONTARIO AKO US, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1920. m.i Rexall Remedies Eastman Kodaks ONTARIO PHARMACY Prescription Specialists Tin: iujxall HTeui: I'llONK NO. i! Nyai Remedies m Q "u .? !? $ 7 CONdllKOATIO.VA l NOTKH Tlio HorvIccH wore well attended last Sunday. S ii inlay School noxt Sunday tit 10 n. m. Preaching Ho. m. Topic, "Tlio Monl Church." Song Rcrvlcu 7:30 p. m. Preaching nt 8:00 p. m. Topic, "Mosos . All cordially Invited to worship with us. L. J, Qrantham, Supply. 'examinations Hhould bo reported to tlio County School Superintendent uul later thr.n Jur.o 1, 1220. PAY CLARKK IIUItLKY County School Superlntondom. Tlio Juno eighth gruilu oxamlnu tlotiH will ho held Juno 10 and 11, 1D20, I'upllH wishing to enter those 10 .MirniODIHT CIMJItCII Siiudny Service? n. in. Sunday School. 11 u. in. Memorial Dny Servlcn. Old Soldiers and their rrlcnriH cordial ly invited. 7:15 p. in. Epworlh t.cnguc. i 8 p" m. Patriotic Servlco. lleiiutl .'iil PlrturoB, "America tho llcautl f il." IIIDKS, KUIW, ANI PIILTS Uiiiirlierx, Stockmen, Trappi-i: If you have r.ny hides, fum orpoltB Rend them to us. Wo pay the highest market pricori. Wo pay caRh. HOlKlKltH A COMPANY Ontario Oregon 'ivicplioiio ih:i.Y and neither could you have told the difference! r, -y IliiHil Mm lo MoitI .) final photograph Lnmii fniin Why Friday's audience at The Dreamland was so completely mystified. Marie Mor- risey was inside the phonograph in all excepting physical presence After first reading, the story of the Now Edison's performance, Friday evening May 14th at Dreamland Theatre seems fraught witli mystery. But tlio explanation is simple onough . First, got the picture of what happened. Miss Morrisey sang "Dost Thou Know That Sweet Land,." She stopped after the first few lines, but her voice flowed on without a break. No one even noticed she had stopped until some eyes, keener than the rest, saw her lips were still. "It was only then that realization dawned. The audience found it had been listening to the New Edison. To every ear, tho two voices, living and "RE-CREATED, had been without a shado of difference. That was what so mystified the audience. Thev Imd ".pect ed the RE-CREATED art to betray its phonographic origin. It was a step too advanced for their comprehension that this instru ment should be all that Miss Morrisey is, excepting her physical prcsonoo "2&NEW EDISON "The Phonograph With A Soul" This exraordlnary proof Is the only means through which people learn to appreciate the truo powers of tho New Edison. If you ure Interested In music, It la Indeed unfortunate that you were not present. Yet yau know thin Ib a text whlah no other phonograph (tares to at tempt. It Is proof that no one can evade or deny. Tho New Edlxou U the on)y phonogruph whlah RK CHEATS music and the soul of music Come and hear it for jourself. Tlio Instrument used In Prlday'B Tono-Test Ib tlioregulnr model which hells. for $295 (In Caunila $431). It Is an exact duplicate of the Labora tory model which Mr. Edison perfected after spending Three Million Dol lars In experiments . TURNER MUSIC STORE ONTARIO, OREGON CLASS OF FIFTEEN ENDS WORK AT niiiiiiiifiii iiiCii (irniluiitoN line lluy Wi'ek I'r'Vcil- lug CIiim of School O. S. ti. S1iiiIi.ii II. lined To (iroimil Suiiil.iv I'.vraliig I'iit'lc Inil Hi iim Suel. rrullhnd, Muy 21. Tho Fruit land High Kchcol Comnionci'iuont oxorelso were hold In ilia High School Assembly room Tliurtiiny eve ning, tho 20th, nnri flfloati more grnd nates wora added to tho High School Alumni roll. M p Clara Sllkott guvi tho Balutatory address ' nnd Mis Dolly Drown wob valcdlclorlnn. Mlsi Katharlno Mnilsi.ii Hang n nolo Tho Commencement address unit nhlv uiv on by Dr. IJoono, President of tut tollogo nf I.IiiImi Tho AMomlily room wob flllod for tlio occasion, irnnv out of tow.t people were then for tlio occasion, l-ndiiy uvonln,, n rocp- non was given for tho mouther of thu Alumni Aiwoclntlou. Slnco 1115, whon tlin flvt Commoncoinuiit oxer oIsoh woio held for thu rmltlaml nolioo'.s, whon Ih'iro was quo kmiIii ato, Mr. Paul I'rhlor of Toledo, Ohio who wn proMi'i at tho Aluinul ro coptlon, tluru have liemi HI gradu ates of the rniltlnnd llu.-'i School Tho O 8. I.. Depot nt Frultlnnd hiirnod to the -i, round Sunda) ova nlng nn.l rn.y with heml.' rfiiti wero tho pickuu house nnd other hiiMliiftM pInouH aved rrom destruc tion, llu ulariii of flrn was given n bo lit olitln-tlilrty and Hi) wore dlHinlht.o.1 uid hiiudnU of poo pin Kilt lie re. I aid by mud. work buc ket hrlgiitlo wore formed Crrm the I'liriiiur unci .Ni bio dltcho and ww tor poured on the Association build li'K wliloh cntitjhl fire evorul times only to ho put out. Tho station cjuld not ho I'd oil. Ila-ruls of oil mil gasu lino exploded on tho platform. Vor llttlo of tho contents Inside worn saved. It Is not known how tho flro Rtnrtod. It was fnrtunnto for 1'rult Inud that tlioro was no wind, that tho dltchos full of wator wore near by and that It was Sunday evening whon so tunny wero on hand to glvo aid. Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur Cnlwoll and two sons of Ilolso, ramo down Tues day to attend tho oxorclses coin moncomout wook and to witness tho graduation of Mr. Colwoll's sister, Ilothol, nnd nt Mrs. Colwoll's broth- or, Frank Klnnlson. Thoy roturneil Saturday morning, Mr. Cnlwoll ac companying u loud of goods with Mr. Pucliort and Mrs, Colwoll und children returning by train. Mr. and Mrs, Colwell havo purchased lots and aro building a modern bungalow at Franklin a suburb nf Ilolso, where Mr. Colwell Is survoylng tho I'rnnklln school. M. Pucliort, Frank Thompson, Ii. II, and Frank Hlcli wont to I.ako Lowell Sundny on a fishing excur sion. Mrs, Ouy Thompson arrived Mon day morning from Los Angeles, call od hero by the death of Forrest Wll- fong. Mrs. Thompson Is tho only slstor of Mr. Wllfong. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wllfong and son came down from 'ininott Fri day, called by the death of Forrest Wllfong. They returnod to their home Sunday and camo down Mon day for tho funeral. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Colwell on tertalned Friday avenlng In honor of their daughter, Mrs. O. C. Stout of Seattle and Mr. Arthur Colwell and family of Ilolso. The guests wero Mr. and Mrs. II. Ii. Klnnlson und family, Mr and Mrs. M Pucliort nnd daughter, Mrs. Ilondrlx, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Col well and sous, Mrs. Stout, Mr. Frank Klnnlson, Mr. and Mrs. A. II Mc Connell und daughter Nellie Wodnosday evening of this week about thirty of the neighbors and friends gave a surprise for Mr llowurd Manser at the homo of Mr. nd Mrs. William Huert. A splendid time was bad, J. V. Tackett Is driving a new Columbia Six. Mrs. Mary nurnett has a new Oakland Six. Mr. .II. K. Wllfong has a new Oldsmobile truck. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McOeu have gone to Nebraska and other eastern cities for an extended visit Word has boen received from Mrs Louise Ward who was operated upon in Mayo Brothers Hospital that sho is recovering rapidly, Is out of tho hospital and hofora many days will bo started for homo. Tho Fords aro ahead of tho Whcol barrowB In tho C. E. Contest. Mr. and Mrs. William Hollonhock nnd Hobort and Mrs. Uona woro dlnnor gucBts nt tho M. Pucliort homo Sunday. M. Jolly Ib recovering rapidly from his serious Illness of last wcok. Ills son, Harry, and wife nrrlvod from Tronton, Missouri. Mr. Harry Jolly will remain for tho summer and Mrs, Jolly returnod to be with hor mother who Is sorloualy ill In Miss ouri, it Qoorgo Chllds has moved his rotl donco north of its former location and Ib adding porchos and rooms to it and when finished will have n nlco modorn residence. C. C. Sllkott has his house up on tho place recently purchased from Oeorgo Cllolm and when finished will bo a noat nnd modorn home. Announcement by W.W.LETSON Jeweler of Payette I am showing a most beautiful line of Pearls in Deltah, Regent and La Tausca. Prices very reasonable from $5.00 to $75.00. A very fine selection of blue white diamonds both loose and mounted. A nice selection of wrist watches American and Swi'sb that do run. Stogkgrowers find the Ontario National a Bank of exceptionally good service a Bank alert to their needs and requirements. Ontario National Bank Oldest Bank in Grant, Harney and Malheur Counties THF ARGUS PRINTS BUTTER WRAPS 30C W 33 Trimmed Hats Reduced &Q o a ie OSBORN MILLINERY The stock is complete and the styles are up to date. We are also showing some very pretty White Hats in Milan's and Georgette Crepe for mid-summer wear at reasonable prices. We carry a select line of Waists. OSBORN MILLINERY ONTARIO, ORKfiON me HOC SIC 3E