ftggtt. XXIV 0NTA1U0, AIALIIEUK OOITNTY. OUKCION, TlllMirjAY, MAY 27, 15)20. NO. 2(i. 0uiavt T MOUNTAIM III NOW JO ON lti:c)ltl TO .101X1X0 ),. HO IX ITS ItKOl'IMT KOIt A TKAXSI'KH KHO.M COAST HACK TO MOUNTAIN TI.MI! OP I'ltll-WAIt DA VS. LEGION ASSURED ASSISTANCE Ciimmlltre Nnmi-il In IMeimlnp ln- lliri' ill' Nut Itii-lncsH Men Will ..Trim-iM' Intcilm- mi Tiude MU-hIiiii--Listen o VIhIiuin, Too. : : STOCKMIIX VISIT CITV OX TIMJIlt WAV TO CONVIIXTIOX Ily a decisive vote tlio IiuhIiiohh limn nt tint Commercial chili nuii.th ly meeting lust iiIkIU wont mi record In favor of Joining with tliu Idiilio tllWIIH Willi liri) linking till) IllltTHlllte Cummorrt) coinnilxnlnii fur n lohour Ing of tlm iientluii of Htuiidardlsu t Ion of time zones, whereby tliey tuny In returned to .Mountain liiHteml of Pacini' tluto. Tlio oluli iiIko went on record fa vor of spending $0 In ndvortHrtng In tlio I'ortliinil paper during Shrine week to tell IIih visitor to tint coast what Ontnrlo mid thin section of lli Miillienr valley linn to (if for (horn Will Help legion M Hurl Illuckaby mill W. I'' lloyer roproHOtitlug tliu Ainurlcitu I.hkIoii. worn piivxenl lit tliu ineutliiK mid told of tlio strugglo tlio lmyit tiro IiiivIiik I" got tliolr orgniilzullon In shape to continue tlio work Tlio groutOMt handicap now facing tliem Ih it I at I; of unliable quartern for their meet ings. They Hiild that tlioy could ho euro tlio roomn but had no hinds with which to furnish them. Thny linked what tlm eluli could do to an Hiiro thoni of co-opnratlon In solving tlio problem. Several speaker addressed tho meeting, Including Mayor It. W Joiioh, I'. J. ClnllnKlior. W. F. I Ionian, rnul Bollginiin and (I. K. Aiken, and ouch declnrnd IiIm boltof that tho Iiiih liiosa limn of Ontario would provide uiiythliiR tho Legion would iimU that thny could possibly secure. Tho mm inltleo wuk told to tell tho I.hkIoii til prepare. Its pinna and ho nsaured tlmt tho business iiioii would co-opor-nto with thoni In keeping thorn ful filled. Fnvor Trmlo Kxcumlon Tlio subject primarily illnouaMtl at tho inectliiK wiih Hint of mi auto trudo oxourHlon to tho Interior to re quire from a weok to ton dnyti' time. Mnay of tho speakers fuvorod mich m plan while sovornl did not hollow It mlvlHalilo at HiIh tlm. llowevor, provnlllng eiitlmont mill 11 ItnillllllttOO Consisting of II ( Iloyor, E. A. Friwor. O. II. Oraham was appointed to ounvnss the busi ness moil to determlno how ninny would go on Ntiah u trip. I I - To mill from tlio HlnekmiMrii convention tlicie passed through Ontario scores of well known stockmen nnd authorities on ilium- plumes of tho cnttlo Iiiih- Iiiohh. They wero loud In tliolr praises of tho hospitality of the fr Hiirnoy county metropolis rnul the mnnnor In which tho ronven- Hon was hniulled In n town of lluniH slro. Among the prominent men who pnKod thru tho city and Hlopped for n tlmo were: Mr. Stiindlnli of Drum & Stamllnh of Kniiaaa City: Itohort Wltti- - eomlio of Union; Professors I'nttnr nnd Splllmmi of O A C; Farmer Smith of the () W It K- S, nnd Waller I'lerc- or I. u Ornndo. OF Coininlllcc Numeil in AhI iitIIiik Wmh fill' Di-he Slntr ('IiiiiiiIh'i- of Coin moire Cumpiilgi. Fund. In fin- Ill' DEBT LIMIT RAISED Bf DECISSIVE VOIE Coiuirll Olwii Anthoillj To Inriilt hiilchlciliii". I'p to III per tent of Valuation or Cllj Vol- el Mul Appniw' Spe- rifle Ntit'. Ily uu overwIiHliuliiK vote of 201 10 i I the olora ut the upoclal ally tlMtlou Tiiiwduy amotulsd tliu City cnnitor mi that tho limit of Indulitcd uomi Ih now phictnl ut ID per cunt In itwul of tft per cent. Ilufori) any IkiiiiIm chii ho liwiiwl iinilur tho newly iiuiRiided oliartor. Iiowevor, tho voteri will Iihvh to pnM on the xptclflc Ihhiihh. Thero wiih not a Kront diml of In terot nisnlfentcil In the oloctlon diir UiK tlm early hour of tho votlm;. hut (indimliy tlio uppiorliiK viitem mimo to the imllx anil concluded tho liwuo. On nrlther hIiIo whh (hero lunch work done ami then whh no oppiwltlon or tiniilMitlon. Tlio illy rouiicll will uhiivum the vote Ht lln iftRiilar uiMtliu; unxt Mon day at which time It will Him proha- 0. H. S. CLASS OF 1920 J CAItXIVAhSKCUHKI) l-'Olt i-'oitiri'ii oi- .ii'i.v wi:i:k Alidlloiluiii of 1 1 lull Sihiiol Unikeil To S'e Climx llivehi) HIploiiiiH I'lof. ConiMi or o. A. C. Ilelhei'o Aililiess, After it MtreuilollM week of com moneeineiit iIoIiirh, the claim of 11)20 of the Ontario high ehool received Uu UHitnlK at Hie IiiiiiiIm or tlio hoard of education when 2R dlplomaN cor- HfyliiK the compluilon or the varl- oiim courii were ulveli hint Krliluy ovonliiK nt Him IiIkIi m-honl auditorium. The hiilldliiK wan packed with rcl- atlvoM mid frlnmlM of tliu ouiik HiMilimlen, to enjoy not only the ad droHMi hut the excellent program or miiHloitl niiniliern by nieuiherM or the rticiiii) mid MiiiKiiitM. The proKrnni upeneil with h pIhiio miIo by Minn Kdlth (Irirrith or the faculty, fol lowed by tho liivooHtlou by Hev W 1'. Cochran. The high whool mixed ohoriiH then iwiik "Lovely June." The other muHlcnl iiutiiliem wre I. u I In by from Joceljn, niiiik hy the 'Day I at hy MImm) Whllo they hnvo not announ ced nil tho plnim which nro un der conHldoratlon for tho prop er observance or tho Nntlon'H birthday, tliu Commercial cIiiIi'm committee- Ir not roHtliiR tliciio dayii. Illehl now tho committee. Iiiih rcnclied tho financial utaKo. It linn Itn program uiittlncd, It known what It wantn and It Ih KoIiir to learn hooii where tlm funds aro conilnri to meet tlm hlllH. Hut tho conimittcu In ready to nnnoiinco that tho drooler Hou chcr Coimolldated SIiowh, n ror nlval company thai Ih well known In tlilK Hertlon, will ho In Ontario to iihhIhI In ftirnlHh Iiir a Jiixz Hum during tho weok. WOOD CARRIES COUNTY JOHNSON TAKES STATE Tlm definite part Ontario Ih to pluy In a Htittowldo cnnipnlHU of the Orofjon State Chamher of Commeri ( whh outlined nt tho monthly montlim of tho MemhorH 1'oriiin of the On tario Commercial club IiihI evening hy JumoK O. Stafronl, repruaeniliiK the State Chnmher or Commeri'o, who vlnlted Ontario In coiiiiectlon with n nurvuy or tlm Hlato that l now be ing uiado. Mr. Sin f ford outlined the work nl- roady ncompllHliod hy tho Statu Chum- her or Commorco In tlm. htot yr and a hair and iIIhcuwoiI the tenta tive progrnm or work, outlined mh a HUggoHtlou for tho nctlvltloM or lb expanded Mute ogniiUatlon. TIiimd protieut at the inentliig wero deeply luteroMted In entire illneiiHiion, mid IndlPiited tho approval or the club In generoiiH applauno or the proKriim of work an outlined. Ah an executive committee to rep- reneiit the Ontario Cnmmerrll oluh In fluttering the onmpnlKii In thU nkv tlnn, l'rexldpiil K. C. Van Patten nuiued the following five nggreiwlvu werkern: W. II Doollttlo. rliHlrniHii (leorgn K. Aiken, vice-chairman. I' J. (lalhigher, It W. June nnd Harl Hlnckahy. Tho Oregon Stalo Chiimlmr of Commorco linn undertaken to pIh-' largo part In tho future development nt I lie Hliiln nt Orecoil. 1'lllllln will wuh favorable ,l0 C0pct0(J , n,iVnnce advnrlllng. pointing out tho opiiortuiiitleM to he found In Oregon, and to oiicoumKo land Hottlemeut; adinlnlittrMtloii to promote Irrigation; exteiiHlou of rnll roaiU: rofiiud on reelamntlon riind, oxteiiHlou or lilghwnyH both for com mercial purpose and through the national forrHtn; cooperation with ag ricultural and liimherlng Interem and numerotiH other hlg proJccU. lie- lily dHiHriulim how li will piiii UwlIelor K,r,Pi ,, H ,r M,Bur o, ln,u,uK uouuh Miri.H vuri- Uwl HmrnK(" ,, u"" ' "7 '",' "mr" "" "" (Irlirith. MeiM.ee and Wherry. HMNit to the charter wan .,.Khl. ni (.( ,. riiM ..elude the rollowlng pur- lrnf VnmMl , , H) jMWNi- to fund the preeen wrniiiliBM1( ,, , ,, , , ImlHlitmlnaw; to y fur (he PUvIiirL,,,, , , .. .... ... ' .... of IntoriMH'tloiM III hii enlurgeil pav ing riliirlrt for which petltlona have beoii before the council, hut laid on the table hecatiH) the city had no und wherewith to proceed; to pur cliuae a modem fire truck; mid to build. If powdhle a low proemiro wn tr yteni for Irrlgnlloti. (TI.Vim.MAX, l-'Olt.MKIt ItlWIDK.Vr KKIW MAX IMI'ltOVKMKX'IS V. K. Ilelduu of CuUer, OrogoB. formorly or Oulailo, mid who atlll Jinn many lutenwiN In mid ubimt'lrtjl rlty arrived here Saturday for u woak'H Ult. "It In two ami n half yearn wlrico I vUltml Ontario mid I can e many change In that time," ald Mr. Iluldeii. "I diovo to Vale today to Me tho country ami It wn In the country that I noted tho liu proveiuenU that mirprlwwl me, for I had no Idm that the work under the IVMrniNprluK nynteiu had guiie o fur. it college edtiratlon. l-'rom IiIm view point tlm title of IiIm HildieM. "lie a Self Hurler." rot) tilri the IrHlnliix of mind that ran only he aeeured tlirough etliicntlon, and to nuntnln bin Hrgtimaut cited unmet oiih nxumpleH of the aiieree Which tlio college grail it nl oh an a whole have achieved In tlio vnrlouH wmlkH or lire. The i'Immn wiih prevented to the hoard hy Superintendent II. P I.owIh and Dr. W J Woe, priMhlnut or I ho hoard In a nhort talk tevleweu the work or tlm whool and or tho cine Ih kMiik to eaeh itraduale IiIm or hor dlplomn. Hoeldee the grHdUHtliin exervlMi, the olaN had ;t huay week for IU tHt In the high vchool, On Tne- day tho Junior were the holn for one of the iiioet elaborate Com mencement week reception, ijnd on ThurMlay the Aluniiil had It dinner lo welcome the new claaa and eteet officer. Till tmik place on Me- Phernon Island at a weluer riwt It wn not ataileil when I whh here ,uwt. And hetAeeii here mid Vale the dial whh novel In the hUtory of tho del torment uiprld mo. The farm 0Ih. The following were the offl look Hue. Then or eouree the linprov-'cere Huleeleil: Wtlmer I'. Iwjor nitST I)i:i-'i:at ok oxtahio i:.pi:itii:ci:i) at iieisi: In a mil) Hided gaum Ontario lout to IIoIko IiihI ThurHiliiy nt llolne. Tlio Mcoro waa U to I In ravor or the Hu nt) nan iowmith. tiio gaum whh good mivo In mm Inning, Hint the Horoiid, when Ontario look nn nit ride and did not come down until nine HoIho lintterH Hplked tlio pan Ontario got Hh lone ncore In the rirnt Htiiimi nnd IIoIho rollowcd milt, then rami) tlm uhcoiihIoii. Mnlloy and Kollny himved for Ontario ami Well twirled for llolne. (iooi.pt'itci:i,i, Word wiih received In Ontario HiIh week of the inarrlngn at Arllng, Ida ho, of MIhm Until Pnrroll, daiighter of Mr. mid Mra. Dan Purcoll of HiIh city, to Clnrcnro (lood of Arllmt, whore they wilt in like (heir futiiio homo. ho bride Ih one of the bent known or Ontario glrlH, having long been prominent In tho younger net during her high Hohnol day Inter when hIio wiih a member or tho faculty of the grade koIiooIh. She roHlgncil her po Hlllon In tlm hcIiooIh hero two year ago nnd taught at Arllug HiIh hint yoar. Pltl.MAItlRS OP' KUIDAV SHOW A li.MKJKIt VOTIJ THAN K.VPIXT- III) IX MANV PltKCINOlS ONTAHIO HKCUUKU ONIjV KltAcmoN OP NOIU SIAIi VOTK ELLIS LEADING FOR SENATE' All State MonNiiriyi Curry Ily Iargv AliiJoritltHi in County Itond nnd IMiii-ntloiiul Hill KHpoclally l'uv oreil (liiihniii WIiih for AHNertmor. Vouiig Man- l,fcs'n Fnri-oat Unymoml Wllfong w horn In Merrill, KanwiB, Augunt 9. inn'l .....I in.ii.in. I iiu'nv St the llOUIB of IiIh parent. Mr. and Mrs, Hugh B .dovelopment of which will lw of In Wllfong, Friday noon. May SI. 1980. calculable value (o Oregon aged Hlxteen yean., nine mouth and , Mr. Stafford w .Mured hy h twelve day.. IIU death wan due to, member of the local oluh aud the dlahetoH. pneninonla developing the , loolal .wutho tommlttee that On lant week. About three year ago For torln could be rel od upon to do her rest became III nnd overy thine lliat lrt along with the other eommunl could ho dodo wn. done to rotore(tle or the tato alreadv orgn.iUed him to health. He wa a lovable for the hlg campaign. Other repre llira to iioumi. laontntlviyi nf the Oreirmi State Cham- young man and iieipeu in euu - - hn could to make a brave right Tor life. Tho funornl (.ervlce were held Monday afternoon at tho' Ilrothren Church, Frultland. and from thore the body taken to the cemetery at New Plymouth for Interment. He aides IiU parents ho leavon a ltor. Fern, a grandmother In California, a grandfather In Kansas, uncles and nuiiU nnd many friend. NOV IJUVS JKItsnV CAM' DeWItt Klncnld of Oregon Slope paid ME0 for one of the pure bred Jeioy helferp nt the recent Jorey salo In Payette DeWItt Is a rirteen year old boy who recently enmo Into tho County from Twin Falls whoro he had been a Club member for some tlmo. He has been raising pure rjred stock for several years and owns haU Interest In a good hord of Hamp MijreJhogs. He Is the first hoy In Mai lyjur 'poimty to enroll In the Calf 0)ub 'project. MlM MIMrad Uopalund left Mon day for her homo at Skull Springs. her of Commerce will vlmt Ontario later and complete the organisation for this statewide movomeiit which It Is deolarod wll benefit every -Hon of Orojon. Following a couferenro. with tle orecutlve committee this morning Mr Stafford left for Vale, wliloli will ho organized In a similar way, an will alo Hums and linker In thin ill-trict. Ttenl In Ontario with It paving and general Improvement of appenraiiee f the city make u flno Impieaaloii. I aiu ur tlwt Ontario I going Ahead." Mr. Itohlen will he here the remainder or the week. TRUCK TRAIN VISITS CITY SUNDAY NOON Modem Traimpoi-liiHo.i Pie.lbllille of Auto Tim I, Slionii l) Tilp of Hole IIohIi'is TIiiiiiiu- out Vulle. TI.MK TAHI.H CHANOK Starting on Tuttaduy, Juno 1. the schedule of the Crane train, which heretofore has left Ontario nt 9:45, will call for a departuro ut 10:0. or Hearing big klgn and carrying vnrloiiH oargoen, the "Ship hy Truck" train of tho llolne auto dealer Mopped In Ontario Sunday noou, coming here from Vale, where ike trulu had spent the night. The hlg truok travelled on m achedulo and maintained It all the way from Holne to Vale, Vale tu Mid vi I o and liaek to Holes stain, allowing that the Internal eon. hut ion engine ran do It work on time and let It load ever the road. prealdout; Jitok Peleooii. tlrxt vlie proNldeut; Crul Orcutt. neeoiid vice preHldeut; Mr. Dorothy Paul, third vlco-protddenl; Mle llneina Clement, Heoretnry, and Ml Joyce Turner, treasurer. The member who Jollied the alum ni through the graduation or I ho clua or 1920 were: Minnie VoIIh Cronln. Charlotte Clagutt. Ultra V. J Wheiry, Klta Mi'CrolKbt. Psree I.. Dearborn. Poui I Agnoit Dall, Ague Amlilon. I.oU K Neoco, Mar I.. Sirlur. Im Verne Keller. Iloleu Anderaou, Mary A. llervlu. Itobert Smith, Wall.iee Strane. Ithlel Ixlng, Kldon Madden. Jaok I). Peterson. Editiuud tl. Dul ler. Vernon M. II utter. Aubrey . Den ii, Kurl Water, Charlee K. llo- iiinu, Frank II. Dor man. Frauui li .Imuuirmuu. OHOHOIA .MINSTIIHI.S For many ir (ho eountry haa been tourwl liv the Fame.. (leorttl Minstrels, a enmpanv or eolorel per former, who have eetahllahed u clientele eiiial to none, and th an nouncement that Oil coiupaio will bo at the 'Opra llouae. WsdnmU" following tho arrival of No. A. The .Juno nu, insure a crowuiw nouae. Drocan train will leave nt 1201, ae- this soaeon they oome with k brlgh cording to announcement or Pamen- ger Agent Illchardson. Mrs. John Madden and son Qarl of Cascade visited last week at the home of Mrs. Jladderi's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Purcoll, They returned Uiime Tuewlgy 6(ii8PanIad by Miar Mabel Madden.' who haa Ijoeii atttnii- .alwaye welcome, vh'im the mualc li ting tchool hero'.",,p -.a dletlnet feature. new inow with a rew or the olil rav orltea retained, hut with a complete new olio of fifteen vuuderllle aet. made up Into a program that ha plotjty of "pep" and u lot of cnniodv The wardrobe and seenery I it bright as a new silver dollar, and the peculiar harmony of the dlngjire Is HHKIM'AI.I.IN Al llulley, Idaho, two weekH ago, Mlrnt Itotw Callln. slHler of MM l.u- ellii Callln of thl city, and who wuh n mouther of the public hcIiooI facul ty lust year, wiih married to Mr TIioiiiiih (loud, a mining engineer at Ilnlloy. where they will m.ikn (heir future homo In a new log bungalow that thny have built. Whllo In Ontario hut mm year, MIhh Callln uiado many frleiulH among tho young people und took a prominent part In the kocIuI ovontH of that not. ItltV. .MAItHAHHIil.lA A. .MAHANCKOPA The M. IS. Church building was filled to sU.ikII.ik room oapuelty luat Sunday evening to hear the life story or Hov. Maraiigeojut. The large) aiidlsnee listened with cluneal Inter-j et for an hour and a hair lo u story moie Interesting than they hud over, heroro heard u man tell. J Hev. .Murangeopu wa born on the Inland Mauritius, or avuge parents. He wa educated In Kugland and U a graduate or a theological school. He can speak 89 dlfforont languages and can preach the Oop In 19 luu OXTAHIO MHX AID IX I'KillT Ad'AINST I'lHI-: AT I'lll'ITiaXD Hiimliiy evening Hie Ontario flro department answered n cull for aid rrnm Frultland to awlnt In hiivIiii; tho aiMiclatlnii packing Iioiiho which wuh In the pnth or the fire tlmt do- Htroyed (ho O. S. I. Million thero. Ah nresi.lt of the repni.Ke of Hid On tario moil the. following nxproHMlon of appreciation wiih nmit to the Ar gun from Frultland' "Wo vlh to oxproa our appre- olatlon ot the timely awilHtanre of the Ontario fire depurtmoiit In uu- hwor to our call for help In fighting tho fire and Hum Having tho iihho- olatlnn packing plant Wo nUo reel similarly Indebted to the peoplo or Frultland, who worked valiantly carrying wuor and doing everything they could so effectively. "Frultland Fruit Association. I). I.. Iugurd II. 0. Oardner, Jus. II. Smith, H. H. Hunt, Fred C. Ahlstraud, Directors. Tlmt tho hoard npprerlutoa the work of the Ontario men und the Frultland men. too, Ih certain for ut ananas Hev. Uaruneeonu I muklne megtlllg held tills weok they paused a tour or the world, on root, und hua.rnsolutlnnti or lliunk nnd started been In nearly overy country on (ho globe In the mure than 22 yean ho ha spent In I.I travels. He Is not out alter "mbwlouury money," pri marily, hut 1.1 great purpose Is to preach the Gospel around the world, which he will huve done when ho reaches Sun Francisco, when he will go tu plans to show their feeling Hiihstuu Hally In some sort of a treat for those who answered the call nitlJAMIi.WD ti.mi: CHANOKS Patrons or Dreamland need not ruth thru their dlnnur these duys to he In tlmo to get tho first show. The Africa and spend the lmlanco Hoket offloo doos not open until 7M5 of his days out of civilization chosen work or telling the Vows'1 to his kindred peoplo. In his now and tho Hrst rilokor or the pic- "good hires hits (he screen a( 8 o clock. I The second canto starts at 9:30. With a larger voto than was nntlc Ipatod, tlio ouly a fraction ot tho vo ters wont to tho polls, the primary of last Friday showed roiiio surprising results. For pronldont, I-eonard Wood carried (ho county, hut Hiram John son apparently has a plurnllty In the htnto of about 1C00, All of tho stata measures carried In both tho county and stata with (ho education and road bond amend ment leading tho way. Tho votors woro emphatic In tliolr aproval of tho various inounuren In practically ev ery county In tho stato. Marlon county alone, ho far as tho press re ports show, was tho only one to voto ndvornoly on tho educational hills, hy Its repudiation of tho mlllng.) tax fur tho university and stato col- ego, aud stato normal. Marlon lias practically evory othor public Insti tution tu (ho Htuto mivo thoso within Its borders, und llvod up (o Its rep utation as tho most consistently re actionary county In tho stato. KIIn WIiix by Nauotv Margin Tho closest right In this soctlou wuh that tor republican nomination for Htnto Honutnr from tho 23ml dis trict which Includes Malheur, Orant and llitrnoy countlon. It was a three cornorod fight between Jiillon A. Hur ley nnd C. M. Crandal ot Vale, and Cl.urloK W, Kills of Hums. Mr, Kills won (ho nomination hy 30 votes ov er IiIm clonont competitor, Mr, Hurley, with Mr. Crundull third. Mr. Kills won tlirough (ho remark able voto received In his homo coun ty which gave him 494 mujorlty ovor Mr. Hurley, and proved sufficient to overcome tlm great vote Mr. Hurley rocelvod In Orant, whore he lead by 427 votes; and tho 37 voto load ho Hocurod In Malheur county. Criindall developed mora strength thun tho political fnrocasters gave him und won soverul precincts In Malheur county which have hitherto boon Hurloy'H. (indium Winn Kindly Tliu only other content on the re publican ticket, and thore wore none on tho democratic ticket; was that for tho nomination for assessor which was won easily by Andrew Oraham of Juntura who secured inora votes than both ot tils compet itors combined. Ilrookn (,'imh to Chicago Among tho stato contests thero was Interest In Ontario In the can- dldauy or W, II, Hrooko for deleguto from this district to the republican nutloi.nl convention. Mr. Hrooko led (ho field for the second district by ovor S00 votos, Donnoll or Tho Dulles Is tho other delegate from this district. Tliu delegates at largo uro Wal luce McCammunt, Conrad P. Olsou, Judge Carey ot Portland and John Hum! of lluker, with Rtanflold Mc Donald running close to Hand. The voto In the stato was In doubt for soverul days' with Wood creep ing closer to Johnson all the time. Tho surprise nf tlm campaign was tlm voto In oastorn Oregon, where It was thought Wood would curry by a large majority, hut which In somu counties, returned Juhnson a winner Democrat Wrltn III Nuiiifn With only a few candidates seek ing placos on the demncrutlc ticket voters or that party wrote in names with the result that W. F. Human was nominated tor tho Hcnule; Har ry Ix)oney ror the houso; C. T Lack oy for commissioner; Mrs. Julian Hurley for county superintendent of schools, etc. Tho following Is tho voto In tho county for tho measures und for the places In which there were centests: For president: Hoover ' 180 Johnson 3 1 I.owden 113 (Continued on Last Page.)