THE 0NTA1U0 A lid OS, ONTARIO. OKEOON, THURSDAY. MAY 20, 1920. $ ' Clip Coupon and Come to our CHI-NAMEL DEMONSTRATION WORDS fall to describe (he mnrvclotu brilliance ami beauty of Cf II NAMEU That is why we want to GIVE you a JOc Can of Chi Namcl to convince you. AfUr you brush it over a surface nml obicrve Its remarkable SUM' LEVELING advantages, wash It and note that it dues nut show hcl marks, or white scratches, you will take advantage of lit economy and easy application to beautify everything in your homt THIS FREE COUPON entitles bearer to one 30c Can of ChlNamel KRKB at our store upon purchase of n 26c Varnish tit in sure a fair trial or will be accepted at 'Mc upon pur chases of larger cans of ChlNamel Products. Namt I CWMifMl IKHTOAX Addrtti , TRY CHLNAMEL AT OUR EXPENSE. Bring this coupon to our ChlNamel Store, get your 30c Chl Namel FREE, all we ask In return that you buy a NEW 25c BRUSH to give ChlNamel a I'AIR TRIAL. WATCH THE CHI-NAMEL DEMONSTRATOR drop Chl-Namcl In trailing water, hammer It to prove its heel proof durability and otherwise subject It to severe endurance tests. Valuable suggestions given fur enameling, minting, graining, varnishing or polishing old or new, hard and soft wood, metal, cement, plaster, etc. surfaces with Chl-Namcl. guaranteed to be the highest quality finishes that science and highest grade material can produce. SECRETARY MERID1TH ENDORSE CLUB WORK HiH.'1-etnr.v of AkiIciiKuio HetH Ftiitli .UTomplMimcnt.H of It) m mill (llrls Club Work I'i-okivsh IIoIiik Mntlo In County Demonstration Friday, Sat. and Monday, May 21, 22 and 24 ONTARIO FURNITURE CO. $444"m4wMw4w Ready in An Emergency "When illness comes it is better to lie prepared. There is no need for "borrowing" from a neigh bor if you have a hot water bag or other rubber accessories that arc so often needed in times of illness. Let us show you the fine lino of puro Para Rubber Goods that wo carry there are none better that are made. 0. G. IMS' Drag Store ID. T. Meredith, Secretary of Agri culture, linn nhvnyM beuu n strung; booster for Boys' mill Olrtn' Club work. While editor of Succuiwful farming ho loaned thnuimndM of dol lar to boy nml girl to buy live stock for thulr Club projects. Tito following lotter gives his Idea of the nlms nml values of Boys' nml (llrls Club work. "Boys' nml Girls' Club work Is ono of the Important fenturos of tho Agri cultural Bxtennlon Work conducted by the States Holatlon Service Unit ed Stntos Depnrtinnt of Agriculture. In cooperation with the Statu Agri cultural College nnd local ngonclos for tho purpose of Improving agri cultural conditions nml practices thru nut the country. Tlieso cubs tiro orKKiilzeil t,o Improvo farm and home tiraetlee by Instructing the boys In correct agricultural methods anil tho Klrls In homo making; to assist them In domonstrntlng thesn methods for the liiinrovHineiit of the farm nnd homo; to nlil In tho development of cooperation In tho family and In tho rommunlty; to cronto u more favor able utllludo toward tho business of running mid homo mnklng by en couraging property ownership and the feeling of partnership; and to tnako rural llfo moro nttraciivo by providing organization ulilr-li tends to dlmliilsh Isolation and develop leadership. Tlioso objects aro In process of at tainment. WhenovorCluli Worn has been pUHhod by our ngonts, larger ylolds have beou obtained. bettor pigs have been raised and fliinr CHtlle. both I'niry and beef, havn grown Tho motto of the clubs Is "To Make the Best I'etter." UegUirrnd an imals are now common whore only a row years ago thoy were unknown, and there Is a systematic effort to cull out scrub slock Hint poultry. Irge yields of crop have litii made by olub mombers on lands whloh were considered worthless, and little girls, are vying with the best packers In eannlng and preserv ing fruits and vegetables, and are becoming a potent factor In helping to make the farm home more at tractive and enjoyable. Tiiu uvMrNce vleld nor aero intuit hv rlnli members In growing of Held croMi la two to threo time as large as the average ylolds made In the Rtntmi In which tho inombers are looatod. Many people, seeing a bov or girl bore and thero nngagwl In club work, do not reallre the valuo of the products producod by these young rr.iu. lii tlia imifregHte. In 101K. while under tho stress of war and Sccretq Dctr.-ved In Sleep. "It N iiiiuh mine iiiiinl for people to t.vwar than to sing hymns In their strep." ays f'r. II. Cnplnns In a letter to Ihe ItrllMi Medical Joiirnnt. Doc tor f'oplaiii 1ih been a patient In a military hnpltnl. "The perrentnge of .talkers Is aston ishing; (10 per cent of the men In my ward Indulged ln It. The maximum period Is from 11! to 2 a. m. Often a sentence Is begun elenrly, but trulls off In n blur. One patient, a by-no tmnn plum Sentinnn, stnrtled me at 1 ;2fl by 'limine In a stentorian voice. 'Abide With Me.' The melody and words wen- perfect. "One spt-nker will tnrt another go ing lu an adjacent bed. Your sleep tnlker will answer n question, and there Is no doubt thnt people gtve away secrets." ELECTION, MAY 21 STATE ROADS II. II. COHKV I'UIIUC. 8KIIVICB COMMI88IONKII KA8TICUN OJ.HQON DISTINCT ASKS KOIl 8KCOND THUM 1118 ItKCOltl) 18 HNDOItSHI) OK.V KKAMiY UV TDK I'UKSS. "One good term deserven nnotlior Mr. Corey has established n splendid reoord for efflelonoy, and wo expect he will be renominated by tho same big vote ho received In 1010 " -Jefferson County Itecnril, "Mr. Corey haa campaigned In and out of season for tho Kasturn Oroiron oontentlou that a rigid 'long-and-ahort-haul' clnuso should bu onnctod by Congrose."- Oregon Voter. "Wo aro Kind to nolo that Kastorn Oregon towns which aro In tho back haul torrltory have such an ablo re presentative as Mr Corey upon tho Commlslson, and wo nnnrocluto tho action ho hns taken In waking tin i Z ...iimb. i,. an ui.iiqhI n.Hilo to club "siorii uroKim nowspapors and me inliani In the furrows -over there" , omniorclal Clung and roprosonta !"ei." Vr?l". Vi";. i.. . .. i ni.... Uvoa In tho leglslaturo to Urn Im Prescription Specialists Stationers $-$K4Hm4! t4WW&M4-Pi4P$&P&i$$ to help f(HI tho boys lu the trenches "over mere", tne recorus in hip . ftce show that tliwc young piple produeil food and feed to the value nf mm-., tiimi tso. The money value of the products' of olub members Is only a sman iwri of the value- of club work Man boy and girls have Had tlietr vision of life enlarged by olub membership. Many have taken and are taking co -lege training. The agrloulural Col leges of the country especially lmv profited In enrollment from the club Many Iwys and girls have made their own monoy to defray their college expenoea In olub activities Many after graduation have returned to farms or have engage.! to Kxteusloii Work as county agents Hural life has been greatly enriched In recent years by the trained leadership oli tallied from agricultural olitlw. The results obtained In this work Justify many timos tne expenumires ninuo In securing tliem ami appeal siro-iay for a larger development of this very useful work. Good Roads may 21 Vote 302 XYi (or4StateRojdBorcdlimlt VOTC FOR Convenience for Repairs When Repairs are Needed McGormick and Peering Haying Machinery -ft portnnco or mnklng our lung and short haul legislation a llvn Issuo... J. V. Shatiglmossy, l'rosldont of tno intorinodlatQ Itato Aw-n., Wash Ingtoti, D. O, "II. II. Corey acknowledged to bo one or tliu most efficient officials In the State House." Orogonlau. "Mr. Corey Is considered to bo one of tho most officiant and most com petent orriclala In tho State's sorvlce at this tlmo." Oregon Journal. Without Idle promlso or empty pledge, he stnuds snuarely upon his record lu puhllo office, and will be very grateful for your Infliienco anil your vote. I'hIiI Adv. Vcta 3C2 Y "33 for 4 btatc h: Bend Limli These aro both good lines, and, what should be of im portance to tho rancher, we carry a complete stock of till parts for repairs airy part needed can be furnished at once. Order your new Mowers and Rakes now. TROXELL IMPLEMENT COMPANY "We have a specialty here an Orchard JJakr- -another McCormick production. Call and see it. no pp.0Hci.rY tax no nisrcT tax NO IHCRLAGE IN AUTO LICENSE FEES NO INCREASE 3F CftSOUKE TAX Prtwnt Auto Uctnte fms ind Oatelinc Tn 'Ip'v1 tt. 1 'u n,v 1 and inUrcut on '1 1' tonua under tins constitutional n 1 .1. Apsjrovfcl of Uits aincodintnt in 1 - to p.rtiUv rly euiuptttton of S' 1. . uys. ji.wi. youu avit MAltK JUST I.IKK N1V Tho power of your uuto en gine comes from the and this la tho Only Shop lu Malheur county that has a CVI.IMUm llOHINO MACIIIM. Thin pormltH ua to do this ao curate machlno work to n hair, and do It quickly. Now Is the tlmo to havo your englno overhauled. MAItUHN'8 .MAC1H.NU HIIOI" Oueurlo, Oregon Correct English II')V TO USE IT. A MONTH I. V .MAOA.INK $2.30 Tho Vear Send 10 Cents for Samplo Copy to Con ect Kugllhli I'ubllsliliiK t.Vi. I.VA.NSTO.V. I I.MNOIS The News while It Is Nawt Ityad The Ontario Argus., Vote 302 X Yes For 4 State Road Bend Limit ss-- -ssBALIX)T TI'l'Lli IS As IDLLeWS: 302 X YeS CONlTITt'TIOVM. MIriMrT lt.f.rr, I to tl,e p,pl0 by ll I 1 fflK llllVA 1 .dill. .1.1 " " 303 No URiiliiiive Ai'lnl'!y LIMITATION OF rOUJ? Ptn CENT STATE INDEBTEDNESS FOIIPEIMANEHr ROADS. 1 ,., . l"ntl,"" Sifn r ," Arii'l.I t'ii i i,,i,,fj, u,i fonr.ii i nutorwimiUln jrnlli.m...lil.l ., i , i!,!,,,,,,. h,,i g ,, Iiirlliliimii.-ii(i(luii ii m il tnilr in. i ft iMtinnnviit huiih to tli MIII'MIM.M, , IU p. I l 4 IIIHMI-. ' M I'll. I l fl n lllf) in mo niaieoi iiri.m. ti liiilullu .piri lit) tlhuwrtv nt u now pmrlilriJ ty lw. NO PROPERTY TAX-NO DIRECT TAX NO INCREASE IN AUTO LICENSE FEES NO INCREASE OF GASOLINE TAX Keep tlipoo threo facta in mind. Tin? piv-cnt imto liccngo fees nml grusolino tax will nay both tin- principal ami iiifi-iv-t on all tho liomla titular this ntncmlnicnt, ami will yield an anntial atitplus besidoa for other state highway work. No additional taxation of any kind. FEDERAL FUNDS MUST BE MATCHED UrcKun tntut liava sufficient Highway Funds to mnlrh Federal apportion In or OrcKon cannot pet the bei.d.t of Federal i.inmy fur Oremni Hoadi. iinyilii, m..l I. ..I I..... I I.... It 1- u .. .. . - .. .. ." . .u...... ment IlU rcnwillir lliia cotmtittltiiiiinl limit, u n i. ........ i.. i- "' .......... .""".: -.. j tiii. r.iiitj i Ulllin by direct tin) oads cannot be coinpleleilforinaiiv, manvjeara.nrmtMtbnf ilicrty taxation. I'hm mennuro nvurta direct pnittcrty tax fo I limkea early coinplction N)SHible. Lot'a net the road" built Unletm limit Im increased. eiiniitlied hr . -.---. -, ............. ...... .... ..,,, Huinn nun i im ii'ny lux lor BlnlO iKhwajH ami iimkea early coinplction possible. LoCh net the road" built now. Income from Present Source Sufficient lo Pay Principal and Interest. m i T,M 't-I' "vniw. fmm yut.1 lirHM tret nml mullmi U, wltlnmt lntirMt.t iirrMnt nl.. I I tlio HUI I'.llll'hlft, iii.IIh! lu vy nn.l. Tm ,f,r t. Ml, I'.ini.h .1 for .nr!?iW ut.ljrtw(w..i, . u.jrlH ml,,i frlnrli l lin.f li,t ,. "t " I yl" ,1 .'up iw l'.l,'" "U '"' fur Inlrfwl Tiililt, PamplilHi nr f urt ,rr I ( irmntimi, wnt t, OimiMUn ll.l.utWlt, Wnrmtrr Iluildimt, PmHnml, On&H VOTE 302 X YES-For 4 Stato Road Dond Limit Patronize the Merchants who Advertise in The Argus. 44OC.6-' ,, HOT? Yes Indeed, it must be, cooking over a Hot Fire, but WHY? When We Can Furnish You with a Very Neat Electric Range or Electric Grill ? ! Summer is Here Don't ait ! Let Us (let Your Order Early. Also ti Crystal Washer, lo Banish "Blue Monday'' from Your Home. Call for a VREE Demonstration. The home of Electrical AppliauuoK. Northwestern Electric Co. Phono 188-.I. ONTARIO, OREGON tm000 I louse We also carry a complete line of Electric Fixtures, (let our prices, C Plave Your Butter Wraps Printed Here Pacts ! You cannot deny them. Motorists buy Zorolene because It Is good lubrica ting oil; becaubo it makua tho car last longer. More than half tho mo torists of tho Pacific Coast status usa Zerolene. Such approval is novoran acci dent; it is given only as u reward to products of liiRhwit quality. Use Zorolene for Correct Lubrication of yourauto mobile, truck or tractor, ETANIMKO OIL, COMI'ANY ICHfornl.) wfyyia ''Mfc A tirade for each fypt of eniin 0. H. TEST, SPECIAL AGENT STANDARD OIL CO. ONTARIO, :-: OREGON