The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 20, 1920, Image 3

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Tlw ma
Rexall Remedies
Eastman Kodaks
v ,1'
the he.xall store
1'HONK NO. 2
Nyal Remedies
Announcement by
of Payette'
I am showing a most beautiful line of
Pearls in Doltah, Regent and La Tausca.
Prices very reasonable fioni $5.00 to $75.00.
A very fine selection of blue white
diamonds both loose and mounted.
A nice selection of wrist watches
American and Swiss that do run.
Let Us Work This Out Together
Republicans, It Is Up to Us to Elect a Real
President This Fall.
He Must Be the Biggest and the Soundest and
the Most Effective American Wc Can Find.
Before Committing Yourself
Consider These Facts:
Out of thirteen slates, where the contest was
between Wood and Johnson for the instruc
tion of delegates to the Republican National
Convention, the elections have been decided
for Wood in nine.
Total Number of Delegates Pledged to Vote for
Wood at Republican National Convention, 321
Since the narrowing down of the field, the situa
tion is generally diagnosed as follews:
A vote for Hoover, for Lowden, or for,
Poindextcr is a vote for Johnson.
(Paid Adv. tr Leonard Wood Campaign neadquarten)
We are selling NEW
Fordson Tractors
At Wholesale Cost
Write us before buying
JUNTURA, Oro, Moy 18. Mr.
nntl Mm. A. M. Tnylor from tho
Agency rnnch woro In town Inst
weok, Mr. Tnylor on business con
nected with tho I'nclflo Llvo Stock
Co., nnil Mm. Tnylor to do noitio
Mrs. Heslo McKlney went down
Inst wook to tnko chnrgo of tho
cookhoiiso nt tho big shearing plnnt
nt Owlnn.
Mnrtln Joyro reports having
shenred his sheen nt ' tho Prnhl
plnnt, situated near Junturn, nnd
hnvlng a huniper clip.
Tho shearing plnnt nt tho Tllot
hoii ptneo nt Iteulnli Is running full
blast now, mid much wool Is being
hnulod from thnt point to tho locnl
wnrohouso. Echnnls Brothers hnvo
finished shearing thoro, also Ostcr
Brothers, nnd Leon Mnnslssldor.
L. L. Ho wen wns In town Inst
wook from his plncn nt I'cnch. Ho
brought with him n bountiful two-
yenr old heifer for Mrs. John IV
Joyco, to rcpluco tho onu sho lost by
nrcldcut n few wooks ngo. Ho wns
nccompnnlnd by ono of his sons, who
Ik nt present spending n few dnys
with his fnther.
Whllo. other plnce-s nro complain
ing of tho drouth, tho hnsnmonts of
tho vnrlotis store nnd roldoncM In
Junturn nro vory wot Tho wntor In
snmo of thorn Is over IS Inchon deep
nnd still rising, nn unusual condi
tion horo. II. W. Wolcomo linn In
ntallnd n pumping system nt his
roslsonco to prnvont his costly oloc
trlo pumping nnd lighting system
from bolng submerged,
Tho Eighth Orndo examinations In
thn locnl school woro hold Inst week,
nnd tho students who took pnrt nro
wondorlng "how thoy mndn It."
Clms. Kills and Chns. M. Crnudnll,
both candidates for tho offlco of
Statu Senator for Ilarnoy, Mrnnt nnd
Mnlhour counties on tho Ilepuhllcnn
ticket woro In town n short tlmo Inst
wook slinking hands and mooting
Mrs. Joo Cnrtor en mo up from tho
ranch ft Poach on Saturday for busi
ness mattors.
Tho Lndlos' Altnr Socloty hold n
cooked food snlo last Saturday which
wan vory woll pntronlzod. Tho snlo
was hold In tho Junturn Morcantllo
Co.'s storo nnd was n groat siiccom.
Mm. John W. Mcdotrlck, locnl
agent for n largo hoalory homo of
Pennsylvania, was soliciting orders
In town Inst wook.
Mr. Sandncss from Homodalo,
Idaho, vlsltod at tho Hoffman ranch
n fow dnya boforo going to Crane.
A largo delegation Is planning to
go from horo to tho Horso and Cattle
Orowors' Convontlon to bo hold nt
IJurns early next wook. Not all of
these nro Intorosted In stock raising
but thoro promlsn to bo other at
tractions as well.
Three wool buyors woro In town
last wcok looking ovor tho clips
storod In tho local worohouso. Mr.
Mays, representing I'lorce and Crlm
inlns, John E. Johnson, roprosontlng
Hallowell, Jono and Donald, and
Mr. Cralr, representing another of
tho largo HoMon wool commission
morchauts, nro woll known In this
section, having been travelling for a
numbor of years for their rospoctlvo
houses through -tho West.
Joo Slzemoro, accompanied by bis
mother, was In town Saturday after
noon shopping.
A large number of people from
this community went to Drewsey last
Saturday evening to attend tho dnnco
following the public meeting In be
half of tho now hospital, to lie built
at Burns. Al reports having bnd u
splendid time though somewhat
hampered by tho vory largo crowd In
attendance. Among those who went
woro Mr. and Mrs. Iloy Curry, Mr
and Mrs. O. A. Wettorstrom, Mr and
Mrs. Ben Jones, Mr. and Mrs. N II
Lindsay, the Misses Josephine Kaup
husman and Adeline Itlohoy; Theo
dore Ilreck, Jr , Harry Churchill.
Klnsey Stewart, Donald and Italpli
Masterson, and Dee Raker.
E. R. Wright, representing the
Mutual Life Insuranco Co. of Now
York, spent a fow days In town last
weok, writing several pollclos.
Thomas Woodward and Mrs. Eva
Day went to the celebration at Drew
soy last Saturday, driving up In tho
new Chevrolet.
Mrs. W. E. Hedges entertained n
few friends Informally last Friday
Tho Rov. William Balrd, Prcsby
torlan Suudny school missionary of
llnkor, on his return from Crnno
stoped over for tho wok-oud In
Junturn, conducting sorvlccs at tho
1'rcsbytorlnn church on Sunday
Hoy Buchanan, a brother of Mrs
C. A. Wettorstrom, nnd tils wlfo
spent Sunday In Junturn, returning
to tholr homo nt Buchnnnn Station
Sunday evening.
(Icorgo L. llnkor nnd Curtis Whar
ton roturnod lato Sunday ovonlng
from n business and plensuro trip.
Thoy loft Junturn on Thursdny, tak
ing tho train to Crane, took a now
Ford from thoro to John Ott's saw
mill, fished nwhllo, nnd then ro
turnod homo by tho wny of Drewsey.
J, II. Andorson of Vnn enmo to
Junturn Sundny night and returned
homo on Sundny morning with n
brnnd now Ford touring car. Tho
Junturn gnrngo inndo tho sale.
Donald Mackonzlo In his llupmo
btlo, with n pnrty consisting of tho
Mlitsos Margaret Murphy, Lane nnd
Margaret McDonald, nnd Andrew
MoDonnld, lind a collision near tho
Arnwlno rnnch on Sundny nftor
noon with n truck loaded with wool,
nnd driven by Alex Murray. Tho
oar was slightly damaged and n
wheel was tnkon off tho truck, but
tho occupants oscnped Injury, though
sotnroly lightened nnd shaken.
Mm, John P. Joyco wont to Juni
per Springs on Sunday In her car on
IiurIiiom for hor husbnnd.
Michael millions, n brothor of
Mrs. Stanton, roturnod Inst wook to
Junturn for n visit.
Jnck Wohor hns boon omployod nt
tho David araham homo for tho last
fow dnyi doing somo Intorlor decor
Political Announcements
I hereby nnnounco myself a can
didate for tho offlco of Assessor of
Malheur County, subject to tho will
of tho Ilopubllcnn votors nt tho prl
mnry election to ho hold Mny 21s.t
Ever conscious of tho groat re
sponsibility tho offlco carrlos, I pro-
miso, ir iiominntou nnu oiociou, io
kIvo my best thot and energy to a
cnroful study of tho rolatlvo property
valuation and without fear or favor
to so placo tho samo on tho tax rou
that In inv JudKinoiit nil will boar
nllko tholr,luHt and oqultablo burden
oi mxniiou.
Rniiinri tn tho result of tho Pri
mary oloctlon to bo hold, May 21st,
1020, I liorouy nnnounco my cuuui
dacy for tho Ilopubllcan Nomination
tnr Rlnln Rnnntnr from tbo Twenty-
second Sonatorlal District composod
of urani, unrnoy anu mauiuur
Countlos, Stato of Oregon.
If nominated ana oiociou i win,
during my term of offlco, ondonvor
to act with prudonco ana caro in mo
illRrlinrpn nf mv illltk. without faar
or favor and for tho groatest good to
tho greatest numuer.
Vale, Oregon.
I horoby announce mysolf as a
candidate for tbo Hopubllcan nom
ination for tho offlco of County
Treasurer, subjoct to tbo Primaries
on May 21. If olectod I pledge my
solf to tbo samo careful attention to
tho duties of tho offlco that I have
given during tho past twa years,
After sorvlng ono term as Assessor
of Malheur County, during which
time I havo attondod to the duties of
tho offlco to the host of my ability, I
submit my candidacy for re-olectlon
to tho approval of tho peoplo, sub
ject to tho Democratic Primaries
May 21, 1020.
I announco myself as a candldato
for tho nomination for the offlco of
District Attorney for Malheur county
at the Ilopubllcan primaries to be
held on May 21, 1020, If I am nom
inated and elected; I will devote all
of tho time and attention necessary
to tho proper performance of all tho
duties of the offlco.
I hereby announco myself a candi
date for the offlco of County Clork
of Malheur County, Oregon, subject
to tho will o tho Republican votors at
the Primaries on May 21, 1920. V
nominated and olocted, I promlso to
devote all of my tlmo and attention
to the proper conduct of the affairs
of the offlco.
Subjoct to tho Doraocrntlc pri
maries on May 21, I horoby nnnounco
my cnndldncy for tho nomlnntion for
tho offlco of County Survoyor.
I horoby nnnounco mysolf n candl
dato for tho second torm ns Sheriff
of Mainour County, Orogon, subject
to tho will of tho Democratic votors
nt tho Prlmarlos to bo hold May 21,
I horoby nnnounco myself as n
candldato for the Republican nomin
ation for tho office of Stato Sonator
of tbo district comprised of Malheur,
Harney and drant counties. If I am
nominated and elected for a sscond
torm I will contlnuo to serve this
district and tha State of Orogon to tho
best of my ability.
State Senator.
find the Ontario National
a Bank of exceptionally
good service a Bank alert
' to their needs and requirements.
Ontario National Bank
Oldest Bank in Grant, Harney and
Malheur Counties
i rw" rfCfWttkL m
H M jam umia i wWBl ill
'Tii'T'BiiijWPPPBPP fWEcaja
m i i i mftMi.TT-11 ! i i i i I mm - - - i i -mt
' I I ' "" Mil ' 'II I i i i iii l l VII
i nMipnnii u i
LLtft 4.1.1 JUJU
i - i
Better than the Ordinary
Hay Rake
Thoro In n big diffcrenco In liny
rnkon, .Thin illffereuco nffcctM
not only tho ease of oporatlon and
'good working qualltlos, but the
length of service ai woll.
Wo don't know of n liny rake
(but Is io thoroughly inndo nit thy
John Deore Self-Dump Rako.
For oxmnplo, ita lionvy iiiirIo
htool frame netur sag tho Ad
justable tie rod koops tho framo
true, always.
, .Tho lionvy stool wheels with un
extra numbor of stnggorod spoke,
protected by the channel steel
tiro, nro Interchangeable, giving
doubla wear on tbo rachots,
Tho arc! i (xl steel nxle glvo the
proper pitch to tho wheel the
whoola never pall at W top and
out at tho bottom.
The duiiip rods r reverUbl,
giving double wear at Uils Im
portant point. Tooth holder ac
commodates large or small num
ber of tooth.
You can ninlntaia the good
working qujtlltlea of tho Johu
Doom Rako for years.
And front Uie operating stand
point, It is klmple and e&ity to
handle With one foot lever, you
can keep the tooth In working
position at all times; with the
other foot levor, the rake la in
stantly trlppod. A convenient
hanQ lever serves to adjust the
teeth Tor closo raking, and to ele
vate the teeth for transportation.
Wo want )ou to coma in anil see thli rake. The extra
Korvlro jou will get out of it makes It the most proflt
nblo hay rake to buy.
Geo. W. Wayt