The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 20, 1920, Image 1

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UfW VfXtti.
iiiciiw.w co.mmissioxkit 1'.. ii.
kiddli:, ('1111:1' i:xgixi:i:h
in:itiii:itT xrxx, division
kxgixkkii ii. it. iiald-
one vn:w ItOADH
Old Oicnn Trail, Will Hkltt Too
of Hllilcs on 1-ower lli'iiil Ov Mat
HimIc Willi lo ltlM I mm ItUcc
licit County Iiiniiril Trnctoj,
Skirting tlio too of tlio slides bo
lilnil n retaining wnlj (if rock rising
nhovo tlio highest hlghwnlor ninrk,
tlio Old Oregon Trail iih It leaves tlio
Iowor Dead Ox Pint nnd follows tlio
Bunko river on Its way toward llunt
'ngtou will Iio oho of tlio most scenic
ilrlvoH In Oregon, nrordlg to plans
which nro bolng completed for np
provnl liy tlio Highway commission
and Itn liourd of engineers nn nut
lino of which wnn kIvoii Tlio Argus
UiIh week liy Chief Engineer Herbert
Nunn, and Division KiiRlnror II. It.
Unblock who worn with Commission
er K. 13. Klddlo'H pnrty on nn In
spection of tlio Eastern Ofckoii
Tim party reached Ontnrlo nliont 4
o'clock Mondny nftornoon, having
spent tlio onrly hour of tlio dnv e
nmlnlng tlio routo of tlio Old Oregon
Trnll from linker to Ontnrlo, llnro
Mr Ilnldock, County JuiIro E. H.
Tout, llurrv II Cockrnn, I' J. de'
laglior nnd (leo. K. Aiken nnd the
pnrty wont down tho Trail townrd
Nyssn and then drove to Cow Val
ley to vlow tho John Day lllghwa
from Vnlo to tho Canton leading to
Cow Valley. returning to Ilrognn
whero they had dinner nnd met with
J. A. Kennedy to consider the need
of tlio John Day Highway In that her.
All Depends tinr.icctlon
"Wo have gono iih far an we win
with the rond program." Co mm I
shiner Klddlo, told tho Rathorlnc,
until tho people approve of the con
ftlltutlonnl nmendmentH to lnrreae
tho bond limit for roud building.
"If thin nmendment does not enr
ry Southoasorn OreRon will Buffer
mnro than nny other section for tho
HlRhwiiy proRrnm Iiiib JiihI started
over hero, while In Wostorn Orogpn
thoy hnvo nlmoBt renchd tho final
To Match IVderal Funds.
"Thero Is another roniion. thnt Is
tho loss which will roflult thru the
Innhlllty of tho stato to mnch tho
Fodoral fundH union this measure
onrrleB. Mont of tho roads In Last
ern OreRon nro post roads on which
.!. ........ nn.l f.wtnrnl L'llVlinimllt CO-
opcrnto. To do thli wo must hate,
mnro funds or Iobo the federal np-,
proprlatlon for mo oar in ;
win not match tholr appropriations.
Oregon Code Copied
"That OreRon haH tho hots enso In
tho Union was tho statement of
Chlof KnRlneor Nunn. who rocontl)
roturnod from n trip of nvostlgatlon
of road ImlldlnK methods In twontv
four statos. nud nttonded tho con-
ventlpn of hlRhway engineers. Oro-
' Ron was tho first stato to capitalize
Its nuto llconso nnd mnk othom tho
security or road honds. Many otlior
states, notably Illnols hnvo ndnpted
""coScaR-'lho Old Oregon Trail
Mr. Nunn said thnt tlio presont p nn
for nvoldlnR tho difficult engineering
presonted nt tho slldo was to build
n remitting wall In "'V'ThTs
thus got around tho Blldo. 'This
onn easily bo dono nt fnr Jf", ex
pense than cuttlnR thru tlio slldo.' ho
in I. "It will bo a beautiful dr vo
. for tho road follows tho rlvor for
several miles nnd preson ,u no dif
ficult onRluoerlng according to tho
now plnn.
Reduce Yardage
Tho engineers nnd Commissioner
Klddlo viewed the Vale to Drogan
road, bids tor which wero rejected
beonufo the Countv which ngroed to
do tho grndlng bnd not sofflclent
funds to complete the work They
enmo ns tho result ; ot ( the request
of County Judgo E H J1 " "
nsked that the grndo specifications lie
modi lei bo that tho county coulr
I ulld tho road. Thev agreed not
only to reduce the width of the grade
'""' ". '.i. .,. Tmt to reduce
menage so haHhe -ntycan
preparo the groue ior i.. -
whlch will bo put on by tho stato In
co-operntlon with tho federnl Rovorn-
'" Not only that but the commission
tB to loan the county a big cater
plllor tractor for use In doing the
urndlng. The big machine will come
int week from linker and work will
Mart won on thnt Important piece
of road from Vale to nrogan
, Con mtwlonor Klddlo and bis partv
omZri Ta Vale Monday nlpht and
tarted early Tuesday for nurns.
O. G. Luehrs will soon bo ooenpy
Ing ids new home on his ranch on the
1,111 west of the fair groundi The
residence which be Is to oecup will
be the renovated Hose borne whfch he
has moved from the cast sldo to the
Tit.NHii:NT hiii-:i:i mi:x akk
William OeflM of tho- Itolo-ln-the-(Irounil
ranch wns In Ontnrlo Wed
nesday on buHlnoss. Mr. Uess who
oporntcH tho ranch whosu unmo
boiiikIh like that of nn liutlnn
chief has ho mo docldcd Ideas on what
la needed for tho protection of the
livestock Industry of this scctlo . tho
most Important und convliu of
which Is thnt the public rnng nust
bo protected or It will not oil; ' inch
"Along ninny of tho rlvors la this
county thoro nro a number of whnt
might bo cnllcd, "shoo Htrlug
ranches," observed Mr. (less to Tho
Argus yesterday, "theso rnnchew arc
vnluahlo principally hocause thoy aro
closo to tho raiiRe. With tho range
gono tho rnnches aro rnluloss. Now
transient from Idifho nnd Nevada
coinos over and sends his sheep or
rnttlo over tho rniiRo nnd thoy hie
been fed off.Tho tlnio Is coming when
BomothltiR must bo dono or thoro
wltl ho n Biiinllcr number of ranch
ers In Mnlhoiir county thnn thero nro
Ontnrlo Is pholng In llnlso todn
and prepared for Us luxaslon of the
Idnho cnpltnl by dofentlni; I'nyolte
yostordny In n lopsided bnttlo, 10 to
C. Wells pitched for Ontario and
held thd visitors In all save tho first
round. I'uyott furnished a med
ley of. pitchers nnd hnd on off-day
nil round, playing far below usual
form. A fair sUed crowd witnessed
to Rttmo.
coNcr.itT 'ix lawn: citown
The IHrIi School lawn whs
tho scene of a gathering last
night to hear tho concert pro-
sonted by tho High School I. nil
undor tho leadership of Pro' M.
n Thomas That tho llblllt if -I
tho organization astonlshci1
audlcnco few of whom had
nlliod hoW fust tho plnyem
Tho concort glvon, tho le n-
nlc displayed and tho onsc i ido
offoct secured by tho londei s
worthy of far oldor orRai. a-
tlon than tho High School
who hnvo been playing tonib-
or for loss thnn n year, ' '
Rives promise of further pl-
uros for tho loor of I 1
music In Ontnrlo.
KoriioMoitiM wi.v class itrsu !
At tho High School this nftornoon
tho Sops nnd I'roshlw stngod n hag
rush to determlno which elnss colors
should wnvo from tho flng polo Com
moncomont day Tho battle lasted
a half hour, fifteen minutes too long
for somo of tho boys who woro ex
hausted by tholr struggles. Savo
for soro musclos..howovor, It U not
ovldent that nny of them nro tho
worso for 'tholr oxporlenco. (
According to press dlspntohoi of
Inst Friday from Washington. I). C.
Judgo Will U. King formerly of this
city baa roslgnod his position as Cl.lef
Counsel for tho reclamation fcoruce
and will return to private praotlie
Ills friends horo whore ho practiced
law prior to entering the reclama
tion service have not beou advised of
bis plans, but slnco ho Is running for
a place on tho list of delegates to tho
San Francisco convention from Ore
gon It Is oxpected that ho will tw In
this stato for a time at least.
imv ciu:i:k imiovim almost
Mayor n W. Jones went to Dry
Creek on Tuesday on an outing and
when he started to return ho lost
bis bearings. Ah tho result bo
wandered about tho wilderness of
sand hills nnd sago brush In an nf
fort to find his way home. Flnall"
he succeeded, and yostorday admit
ted that ho was tired as tho result of
the experience.
A. E. IJrown of Ontario and of
Harney county, too, was an Ontario
visitor over the week end. Mr.
Drown Is devoting tie summer to
looking after his ranch Interests In
the Harney valley.
('oiisiiinpllon on (mil (itip I'i'om
Tho .Million to IHkIiI .Million
Pounds In I'nst l'le Veins
l)'clni( Mnlinne
Tom Mnhonoy, president of tho
Columhln Ilnsln Woolwarehouso Co.
nnfntiitintilml til II V Qln.tOrtlil ina
... ....... ,...,...,, j ... ... .,.,.,. ,,,,.. ..Mnyiiuur (,. iruiiniiiu wiih nrrniiigcii on a
In Ontario on Saturday on huslnowi
nnd pnuscd loilg enouRli to discuss
tho present wool market
"It Is hnrd to predict whnt Is going
to liuppon In tho wool mnrkut." said
Mr. Mnhonoy, "for thero nro so ninny
things which nro affecting It, nmnnK
thorn, tho fnrt thnt tho people nro,
and hnvo boon dcmunillng practically
nothing hut line Moot. Again thor
Is n cur shortaga which prevents ship
ment, und tho flnnnclnt situation has
had Its Influenoe, too llowover, a
change Is bound to orour nnd I bo
Mot u that thorif Is no reason for ap
prehension concerning the situation
In Its InrRnr aspects.
"Ono of tho host signs of the times
so rar hm tlio wool growers ot tne
West Is concerned Is tho growth of
tho wool market on tho Pacific Coast.
Where wo sold for manufacture In
this section only two million pounds
flvo yearn nRo, Inst year w sold lit
er eight million pounds to thw wool
mills from California to llrltlsh Col
umhln.unil wo did not sell them nil
thnt they used, elthor This Is an
Indication that tho time Is coming
when tho Pnclllc Coast wll bo ono of
tho great markets of the country.
Aincrlniii 1,1'kIoii llojs Scoio Hue.
(- In Piiiu'llnn l-oglnii Plans
on .Making Memorial lln
.Mcmoilalilo Htcut
Two activities on the part of the
American Legion aro progressing
rapidly, Its ilrlvo for funds forthe
Momorlal tablet which Is to be dwl-lcat-d
nt the Court llouso yard nt
Vale on Memorial Day nnd the
Momorlal service to ho bold by the
Legion In conjunction with the mom
hers of the (1. A. It.'
At tho danco last Thursday even
ing which was attended by a large
throng tho I.oglou scoured more
than $10 so that with the contribu
tions already seoured nearly one
half tho sum nlotted to Ontario
Post No. 07 has boon seourwl. The
balance will bo gnthored In Ontnrlo
prior to Momorlal day
Plans for tho Momorlal day ser
vicer hnvo not boon comploted hut
tho commlttco In chargo will havo
Its work finished this week so that
proper sorvlces so fittingly oarrled
out will ho arranged to make the
momorlal day of 1020 ono that
bo roinemberod.
In recognition of tho contributions
of tho students of the Ontario high
school to tho Itoosevolt Memorial
fund tho National committee- In
charge of tho work of that fund
sent a handsome framed picture of
Itoosovelt to tho Ontnrlo school
board for presentation to the student
Prosldont W. J. Weose. und Super
intendent II. I'. Lowls roqueated
Geo K. Aiken, who was county
chairman of tho Itoosovelt drlvo to
formally prosont tho picture to tho
school, which was done at the as
sembly hour last Friday morning,
follonwing tho presentation of a
probrnm by tho High School orrh
ostra. Mr Alkon outlined tho purpose
of tho Itoosovelt Memorial society
as that of prservlng American In
stitutions, to further patriotic movo
ments and to InBtlll Into the minds
and and hoarts of Americans a great
er lovo of our country and our In
stitutions Drlofly the life of Roose
velt was sketohed and his contribu
tion to America's pwureae recited
During tho hour the oreheetr
demonstrated tho progroas mad dur
ing tho paht oor under the direction
was vigorously applaudd by the stu
donts. Tho Catholic Ladloa aid will hold
a cooked food sale at Under nros.,
storo Siturday, May 22, ag part of iUt
campaign to ralgo fundi for tho
newsldewalk to ho laid In front of the
iloliu Hoar CliaiKcd With Non-Hup-
poll Alex Hinlth, Alias Joe
, Itnjiiiond Is Charged With
Purloining Home nud
Charged with non-support, John
rt.Mu .. 1........1.I.. . ,.. . .
varrant sworn to by District Attorn
ey II. W. SwnRlor, before Justice of
tho Peace Itobt I). I.ytlo of Vale oi
Monday and 'held to tho special scs
Ion of tho (Hand Jury which will
convene on Juno 1.
On tho same day Atox Smith, alias
Joo Itayinond and ot'hcr cognouems,
wns nrnlgned on a charge of larceny.
Ho Is alleged to have taken n homo
and snddlo which Mrs. J. P. An
derson of McDormltt gno him when
she hired him nnd sent him to -the
Anderson camp nnd Instead of fol
lowing Instructions, rodo to Jordan
Valley whero ho traded the nnlmnl
and then rodo tho homo socurd In
t ado to Wlldor whero ho sold It.
Ho was arrested
turned to Vale.
nt Wilder nnd ro
Ho waived exam
ination und wns held In tho sum of
$1,000 hall.
The special softalon of the grand
Jury will also Investigate tho tax
rolmte matters which woro tho
subject of considerable publicity
two months ago.
John Duuphy Is at tho bomb of
Dr. W. J. Weoso suffering badly
from tho effects of blood poisoning
caused by an Infection secured from
n loimter ho drosseii ono day last
week. Mr. Dunphy wns nt Nninpa
and In a garngo ho bruised his
baud. Iio tliot nothing of tho minor
Injury and roturnod to Ontnrlo nnd
while nt work on nn Irrigation
ditch ran a silver Into his hand. Lat-
N)r ho dreosod a lobster for dlnnor
and tho Infection found lodgmont In
tho limine and ho has sufforcd bad
ly since then.
Tho Infection spread ovor ono
arm and has uocc-ssltated threo opr
ntlnns. Thoso hnvo been succssful In
localizing the Infection and ho Is
now out of danger of furthor com
plications, tho still running a fovor
lie Is recovering
American I'glon, O, A. IL, Coufcdci
nlo Vctciaus ami High School
Cadets to Pa) Ti Unite to
.Nation's Koldlci- Dead
As Tho Argus goes to promt tho
program rommltteo of Otnnrlo Post
No. Ti7, Amorlcnn Legion presonted
tho Completed program for Memorial
Day and Its scope IndlontoH that the
oxeralsos this oor will bo Impressive
and In keeping with tho spirit of tho
organization whloh has undertaken
to co-oporato with tho O. A. It In
perpetuating tho momnry of tho Na
tion's soldier dead.
The service In Ontario will Includo
hesldo tho procoselon to tho cemetery
for tho decoration of tho grave nn
ndilrasa by District Attorney It. W.
A special roquost Is mado by tho
committeo that all ox-sorvlco men,
whothor inomborH of tho Legion or
not. ho present In regulation uniform
which Is pormlttod for such occas
ions. A request Is also made of tho
public that us many flowers as can bo
seoured bo presented for tho docora
tlon of soldier gravoa, ospeclally for
thoso of mon whoso relatives aro not
hero to do thnt for them
Tho procoaslon will start at tho
City Hall at 0:30 a. in. Sunday May
30th, and tho ordor of tho procession
will ho as follews: Ontario Hand, 0.
A. It , Confederate Vetorans. Ameri
can Legion, High School Cadets, tho
Tho public Is urged to attend tho
exercUoH and thus honor tho horoos
of tho wars.
Tho nxoroUoa at tho cemetery will
end with tups, after whloh as many
of tho Loglon as can do so will go to
Vale to attend tho unveiling of the
monument erected to tho memory of
Malheur county boys who died In tho
m. w. scoTi' op nt:i:iii
W. M (Winn) Scott of Ilueinh was
In Ontnrlo yesterdny on business and
also to visit his hrothor and sister,
Mr. and Mr. Dick Scott of this city.
Mr. Scott who Is ono of tho very best
known bachelors of tho upper coun
try took tlmo to recount tjo Tho
Argun Just how dlffcrnet things aro
now from what they woro when ho
camo to Malheur county from the
othor sldo ot tho Cascades In 1882.
"Yes, Indeed, I am going to voto
for good roads and for tho school
measures," said Mr. Scott, "oven tho
I nm a bachelor, I wnnt good schools
for tho children of thoso who hnvo
thorn nnd tho taxes mado no dif
ference with mo, If thoy. nro for
school purposes.
"Wo wnnt good roads, to, oven If
Duolah Is not on ono nt tho stato
highways, wo will get n county road
loading to ono, nnd thnt will amount
to tho snmo thing.
"When 1 first enmo to Mainour
county wo used to drlvo from Duolah
to LaOrando to do our trading.
Later In 1884 when tho railroad got
to Dakar wo drnvo over tho hills
to linker, then later to Ontnrlo, nnd
now wo hnvo tho railroad down to
Ilnrpor. When tho Central Oregon
highway In built to Harper It wltl bo
an easy drlvo from Ontario to
Duolah. In fact tho roads up our
way aro protty good right now,
Judgo Tost had uoino good work
dono thoro last year nnd tho road
supervisor has been nt work on
Ilondlcr this spring, ho hns his work
there almost finished and cars aro go
Ing ovor that way now In good shapo.
Yes, I am going to got homo In
tlmo to voto Friday."
All sorvico men, whether
mombora of tho Amorlcnn Lo
glon or not nro roquostod to ho
at tho City Hall In uniform nt
8:30 a. in. Sunday May .10th so
ns to hnvo plenty ot tlmo to
solect corpornls, sergeants, etc
for tho Momorlal Day parado to
Ontnrlo Comotary and sorvlces
thoro for thoso who gavo their
llvos for tholr country
You can, and should bo pro
sont this ono dny of tlio year to
properly obsorvo samo Let's all
bo thoro.
i:ercUcH to lie Held to Mark Grad
uation of I'our lYoin School
Itov. W. J. I.iisconilm to
Deliver Address Mrs.
Young to Slug
To mark tho closo of tho school
year at tho Arcadia Bchool oxorclseH
will bo hold on Friday, May 28, nt
which certificates of graduation will
bo given to four momborB of tho
class which complotos Its grammer
school work this year, Tho mem
bers ot tho class aro all girls:
Holon Ilutlor, Lilian Dall, Marty
Mathony nnd Ituth Iloborts.
Tho exorcises will start at 8 p. m.
and will Includo among other num
bers nn address by Itov. W. J.
Luscombo of this city, a vocal solo
by Mrs. 11. B. Young of Vale, songs
by tho school children and other
This yoar has been ono of tho
most successful In tho hltsory of tho
Arcadia schoola and tho directors
nro very much encouraged by tho
work and Intorost shown by tho
pupils. Mr und Mrs Will J
Roberta havo bcon tho Instructors In
charge of tho school.
When Tho Argus last week told of
the various Improvements mado by
buslnoss houses of tho city It over
looked tho fact that tho Interior of
tho Hluoblrd Cafo had been renovat
ed, that the kitchen had been doub
led In slzo nnd muny othor substan
tial bottormonts mado. Ono of tho
foaturos of tho Interior work Is tho
froBCo of bluo birds about tho border
of the walls. Tho seating capacity
too, has been enlarged.
Judgo O. h. King and Mrs
motored to Dolso Tuesduy,
NO. 25.
Hundreds Turned Away from Dicnni
land so I-nrgc Wan Crowd De
siring to Hear Miss Morrl
sey nnd Her Ito-Crcntlons.
Tho concort hold nt Tho Dream
land on last Friday evening was an
unlquo affair. Tho guests, whoso
number Included most of tho music
lovers of Ontnrlo, assembled dollght
cd nt tho prospoct ot hearing a re
cital by tho celebrated Miss Mario
Morrlscy, assisted by Harold Lyman
with his fluto. Dut a aurprlso was
In storo for thorn. Not ono Miss
Morrlscy, but two tang to tho spell
bound audlcnco; and tho fluto, soloc
tlons wcro ployed by two Harlod Ly
manB. And this phenomenon wns
brought about by means of n grace
tul cabinet, which stood besldo tho
nrllsts on tho stago, and matched
tholr porformnnces, not for noto
nnd tono for tono.
Tho first porformanco ot tho mlr
nclo wnn In tho Intltlnl number on
tho program, whon Miss Morrlaov,
standing hesldo tho cablnot, sang
In unison with Mr. Kdlson's Re-Cro-
ntlon of her own voice In tho midst
of tho song, Miss Morrlsoy's lips
coascd to movo but lior Hong want on
without n break. Slowly It dawned
upon tho astonished audlcnco that
tho artist was no longer singing,
though her volco enmo forth to thorn
ns clonr nnd awcot ns ovor, She
sang again and tho only porcoptnblo
dlffcronco was tho motion of bar lips,
8ho ceased but hor volco did not.
Vortlbly It soomod that thoro wcro
two Ingrs upon tho stago two sing
ers, but only ono volco. For tho
tones which enmo from tho Now
Hdlson matched thoso from tho living
artist so porfoctly that It was Ini
posslblo to dotoct nny dlfforanco.
Tho Instrument produced not on
ocno or copy, uui mo roai iiimK--Miss
Morrlsoy's volco unspoiled by
any mochnnlcnl transformation; un
talntod by nny metallic ring.
After tho npplauso which follow
this remarkable oxhlblttou, Harold
Lyman camo forwnrd to iihnro tho
stage with his follow musician, the
Now Edison Again two artists woro
bnforo us, or Mr. Lyman with his
nuto nlavod In unison with tho Re
creation of his nrt. Only by watch
ing hlmcould wo toll whon wo woro
hearing ono Mr, Lymnn nnd whon
bis music enmo to us In douhlo mea
sure Tho Instrumental Ro-Croatlon
wns ns porfoct as thnt or Miss Mor
rlsov's dollKhtful volco. It waa Iden
tical with tho original In ovory par
Succosslvo numbers or mo program
provod that tho field or tho Now Kit
tson Is not llmltod to vocal and fluto
rocords. A Re-Creation of a number
on tho piano was a rovolatlon to
thoso who had docldod aftor hear
ing talking machlno rocords; that
tho plnno tono could not bo repro
duced. Furthor numbors In which
Miss Morrlsoy and Mr, Lyman per
formed with thoinsolvos served to
convlnco tho audlonco or tnoir
Inability to distinguish between Tlo
Crontod nrt and Its original.
Ono of tho most intorosung nov-
oltlos In this ovonlng of unlquo ex
prlenco, was whon Miss Morrlsey
Bang a duot with hor own volco. It
was oh though two nrtlsta with
voices of exactly tho Bnmo tone-qual
ity, tho samo expression, tno samo
tlmbor woro alnplng toRethor. The
effect was somohow unroal and weird
as though ono artist had boon bo
witched Into two by some magician s
art. . ,
Tho climax of tho ovonlnR'e en
tertainment was whon tho room was
darkond In tho mlddlo of ono of
Miss Morrlsoy's selections, and tho
lUtonors wero loft with no means hut
tholr ears of determining whon they
woro hearing her volco In double vol
ume, and whon It roached them
only from tho Now Edison At first
everyone doubted his own ability to
Judgo, hut hor previous proofs wore
forgotten In tho spoil of tho Bong,
they becamo more and more convinc
ed that no Instrument could sing as
this volco was Blnglng, and that Miss
Morrlsoy was making no more pauses
In hor own porformoncoH. Sudden
ly tho lights woro snappod on. The
audlonco was astonished to discover
that Miss Morrlsoy was not thero at
all nnd that tho Now Edison had fuo
nlshed tlio song alone. ,
Such miracles aro Indeed the work
of a magician but a most benevo
lont ono. For tho wlzzard, who ac
complished this miracle of Ro-Croatlon,
Is as anxlouB that It shall add to
tho comfort and Joy of mankind, as
ho has boen that his other Inven
tions bo used for tho Reed of tho
race. Thousands of Now Edlsons,
mado up In a spoclal form durable
onough to stand tho hard knocks of
Army and Navy usage havo been fur
nished to our boyB on shipboard and
In camps and aro a proof of his gen
orous Intorest In happlfylng the
world, without regard for personal
gain for thoso Army and Navy mod
els of the Now Edison aro mado and
sold with no profit to Mr. Edison.
Tho recital was arranged by W
L. Turner of Turner's Music Storo.