THE ONTARIO ARQUS. ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY, 13, 3920. LEGAL NOTICES NOTION OK C1TV KLKOTION Notice Is horoby given Hint a riioo lal city auction for tho City or On tario, Mnlhour County, Oregon, will lio hold ut tluj City Halt tlicroin on TncHilay tho 2Gth tiny of Mny, 1020: Hint tho IioIIh for Hiild election hIiiiII bo opened nt tho hour of eight o'clock A, M, of Bald day nnd remain open until twolvo o'clock M. nnd then cIoho until ono o'clock ', M, wlion tho Riuno shall ho reoponed and ro main open until seven o'clock I. M.. nil on tho samo day; that tho offlcors lolgnnted to conduct said election nre, Judges 8. 1 Taylor, Thos, Arn old, 1). 1'. Dearbern: clerks, Paul ino Plntt, Cora McNulty, ' That tho object and purpoHO of wild election Is to submit to tho (Uillflcd electors residing within tho corporate limits of tho City of On tario, Oregon, tho nuestlon of wheth er or not Section 113 of tho present Olty Charter as nmemlcd by tho vote of tho pcoplo of January 30th, 1018, he further amended to rend as fol lows; tho words In cnpltal letters be ing tho proposed ujuondod portion, "Soctlon 113. t'owor and authori ty Is horoby given to tho council nnd tho said council Is horoby authoriz ed to borrow money on tho faith of tho city to loan tho credit thereof, or both, and to that end provldo for tho Issuance of bonds und warrants for any purpose which In the Judg ment of tho council Is beneficial to ' tho Interests of said city, and to des Igunto tho mnnnur mid time for tho payment thereof nnd the Intercut tlioreon; provldod however, thnt tho City of Ontario shnll not hnvo powor to Issue Its bonds for nny purpose or to Incur nny l.iilubtrdnoss (ex cept bonds Isxmd for public Improve ments) In oxcos of (40) I'OUTV per cent of tho tnxablo property within tho rlty, the amount thereof to tin ascertained .from tho last preceding assessment tuniln for county und statu purpoiies, nnd no Itonil whatever (except nonus ihmioii for public Improvements whore the cost thereof Is assessed to tho prop erly specially benefited) shall be Is sued for tho mild city until thu voters of said city, nt special election for thnt purpose, by u majority vote, shall declare In favor or tho sumo; provided that Interest on said bonds shall nut exceed six per cent par annum," That all pirsois over the ngo of twenty-ouo years, who aro not aliens nnd who urn resldinls of tho State of Oregon, nnd who huvo resided with in tho corpornto limits or tho City or Ontario for nt least six months next preceding said election, shnll bo en titled to vote at such special election and not othorwlso. In tho ovont thnt n majority of the nunlltlod doctors or tho City or On tnrlo, Oregon, volo In fnvor of said nmoudment, tho snmu shall bo In full force from and after tho canvass or tho votes at such election by tho Common Council nnd tho proclamn tlon or tho Mayor declaring tho ro suit or such election, nnd the section or tho charter as heretofore unload ed and miopia! shnll becomo repeal ed and void nnd or no effect. Theroforo, by ordor or tho Com mon Council or tho City or Ontnrlo. ' Oregon, I hnvo hereunto set my hand nnd ntrixed tho seal or said City or Ontario, this tho 8th dny or May, A. I). 1020. CLAY M. RTKAUNB. (BEAL) City Hocordor 1IOSTON CAIU Now opon for business WELL COOKED FOOD aOOD SERVICE FAMILY PATnONAOE SOLICITED. Opon 0:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Ontario, Oregon ltllltNK, OlUXiON, MAY 4TH, 1020. To tho Voters of MALHEUR COUNTY, Orogen: OUAPLES W. ELLIS, of Bums, became a candidate for tho Republican nomination for State Senator at the urgent request of a large number of the prominent Republicans and busi ness men of Harney County, and wo appeal to you to support Mr. Ellis at the coming election. "Wo have found Mr. Ellis to be a man of high ideals, an excellent lawyer, ambitious and energetic, and above all a man of good judgment in business and county affairs. Ho is proper timber for this office. Ilarnoy County has not been directly repre sented in tho Stnto Senate for twenty years. Hnving brought out n candidate woll qualified for the position wo feel confident that in the in terest of fairness Malheur County and Grant County will support Mr. Ellis and divide the district offices equitably. Malheur County has all threo district of fices nt this time Circuit Judge, Senator and Representative. Wo ask for tho Sonatorship, tho first in twenty 3'cars. Isn't our request reasonable nnd fair? Wo nro confident you will agree with us. HARNEY COUNTY ELLIS CLUB Win. Parre, Chairman Rob't M. Duncan, Secretary 1 NOT1CK TO CONTItACTOIlH. Sealed proposals will bo received by tho Itccordcr or tho City of On tario, Orogon, until eight o'clock p. m, on Thursday, tho 20th day of May, 1020, for tho furnishing of nil mnterlals anil performing all tho labor In painting thu City Wntor Towor. Apprnxlmnto dimensions of Tewer: Height, 42 feet, Diameter, 24 feet. Clrcumforonco, 75 root, Support, Four Struts, each 12f root tong and ono 18 Inch Supply Pipe, 110 feet long. Painting: Alt tho metnl surfaco must bo thoroughly donned; Three coats or paint; First cont, red lead nnd olt, two conts, graphite nnd oil. Parties desiring specifications may obtain them upon application to tho City Hocordor. Tho Common Council reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. Dated at tho City Hall, Ontnrlo, this 10th day or May, A. I). 1020. II, w. JONES. Mayor. Attest: CLAY M. Stearns, City Hocordor. netici: of Tin: ham: of hijal IMtOI'KDTV. IN THE CIHCUIT COUIIT OF THE STATE OF OHEaON, FOH THE COUNTY OF MALHEUH. IN THE MATTEH OF THE ESTATE OF NANCY KIME, Decennoil. To Katlo Klmo, Emm Klmo. Orvll Kline, and to Martha L. Drodorlck, guardian ml litem of tho above nam ed minor heirs; tho known heirs nnd duvlsecs, and to all other heirs un known, f nny. or Nancy kiiiio, up- coased, and to nil persons unknown br concorned, ailEETINdB: , Notlco Is hereby given that ny vir tue of a certain order ot tho County Court of tho Stnto of Oregon, for Mnlhour county, mndo and entered on tho 2Cth day of April, 1020, that the undersigned, ns administrator oi mo oslnto of Nancy Klmo. deceased, I will on nnd after tho 1st any or juiio, A. I). 1920, soil nt prlvato sale for tho best prlco obtainable nil for cash nil ot the fallowing described real estnto, to-wlt: Tho East Half or tho North west nunrtnr: Iho Southwost quartor, nnd tho southwoet qunr tor of thu southeast quarter ot section twenty-six; nnd tho East hnir or th6 Southeast quarter or section twenty-soven. township olglitoon, South or Hnngo forty slx, E. V. M. In Mnlhour Coun ty, Orogon. JOHN ZIMMEHMAN. Administrator ot the Estate or Nancy Kline, Deceased. First publication April 20, 1020. Last publication May 27. 1020. Ilrooko R. (lalloghor, Ontario, Ore gon, Attorneys tor Administrator. NOTICE FOK PUIJMOATION. Dopnrtmont or the Interior, U. S. Lnnd ortlco nt Vnlo, Oregon, April 21, 1020. Notlco Is hereby given that Charles Albort Mcllrldo, ot Ontnrlo, Oreg who. on May 20, 1010, mudo lloino- .lnnd Hnlrv. No. 04470. for NWli. NW'UNEU, NWtfBBH. B8WU. Section 8, Township I" South, ltango 40 East, Wlllamotto Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final threo year Proof, to establish elnlm to tho land nbovo doscrlbed, before HcBlstor nnd Ilccolvor, U. S. Land Oftlco, nt Vale, Oregon, on tho 0th dny ot Juno, 1020. Claimant nnmos ns wltnesscs: A. Sutton, or Payette, Idnho; F. nockmun. It. A. arltrith, Cathorlno Hupport, all of Ontario, Oregon. THOS, JONES, Hi'glstor Good Roads may 21 VOTE FOR VoU302 X Vet for41,SUURsd Bend Umlt NOTICE OK l'imSKNTATION AND HEAItlNO OF PETITION IN THE COUNTY COUHT OF THE COUNTY OF MALHEUH, 8TATE OF OHEOON. In tho Mntter ot tho Organization of Hlldo Irrigation District. Notlco Is horoby given that on tho 8th dny or April, 1020, Sarnh E. Ash, and other whoso nnmos moro fully appear tlicroin, did fllo with tho Clork nt the nbovo entitled Court tliolr cortnln petition for tho orgnn Izntlon of tho lands thoroln desig nated Into nn Irrigation district pursunnt to tho Inws nt tho Stnto of Oregon, ns follows; To tho Honorable, tho County Court for Mnlhour County, Oregen: Wo, tho undorslgncd petitioners, respectfully show and represent: First: Thnt wo nro nnd oncli of uh nro owners of lnnd, sltuntod with in tho boundaries or the proposed Irrigation district, ns hereinafter set forth and described nnd that to gether, wo constitute n majority ot tho land owners, ot tho Innds within thn bnundnrlcs ot said proposed dis trict. Secend: Thnt the lands herein after described, nro muccptlblo ot Irrigation from tho samo sourco nnd by tho samo system of works, viz: by tho Installation ot a pumping plnnt ot 22,000 O, M. P. capacity on tho bank ot Snnko Htvur and distri bution ot wntor therefrom through open cnnnls. Third: That your petitioners do slrn to provldo tor the construction ot works for tho Irrigation of same ami do propose and respectfully peti tion tho organization of an Irriga tion district, under Chnp, 3G7 ot the Irrigation Lnws of the Stnto ot Ore gon, or tho lands within tho boun daries horclnnttor doscrlbed, said district to bo called "Tho Slide Irri gation District," Thnt snld district bo divided Into threo dlvlsons, to bo determined by this Court. Fourth That tho boundaries ot said proposed Irrigation district nro shown on pint hereto nttnehed hut moro particularly described ns fol lows, to-wlt: Iloglnnlng nt tho North Enst enrnor ot tho South hair or tho North East one-fourth ot Sostlmi Thirty-two, Township Fifteen South, Hnngo forty-seven East W. M. Thence West to tho Northwest corner or South half ot North wost one-fourth nt Section Thlrtyltwo, thenco north to tho Northeast cor ner ot tho South ono-hnir of tho South Enst one-fourth of tho ot tho South Enst one fourth of Section Thirty; thenco West to the Northeast corner nt snld South halt or South East oiio-fourtli ot South East oiio-fourth or Sec tion thirty; thonco North to tho North Enst corner ot tho North west oiio-fourth ot the North enst ono-fourth of said Section Thirty; thonco West to tho North west cornor of said Sodtlnn Thirty; thonco North to tho North East corner of Lot Ono, Soctlon Twenty-Four, Town ship Fifteen South, ltango Forty-Six EnBt W. M ; thenco West along tho bank of Snnko rlvor to the North West cor ner ot Lot ot said Sec tion Twonty-Four; thonco South along bnnk ot Snuko Itlvcr to tho South west corner of Lot ..... Section Twenty-Five; thenco East to tho North West cornor ot tho North Enst ono tourth ot tho North West ono fourth of Section Thirty-Six; thonco south to tho South West cornor of snld North East one fourth of North West ono-fourth of Soctlon Thirty-six; thonco East to tho South East corner ot said North East one-fourth of North wost ono-fourth of or Soctlon Thirty-Six; thenco South to tho South West cor nor ot North East ono-fourth of nuld Soctlon Thirty-Six; thonco East to the South East cornor ot tho South West ono-fourth of said North East one-fourth of Soctlon Thirty-Six; thenco South to tho South West cornor ot tho North East ono-fourth of tho South East one-fourth of said Soctlon Thirty-Six; thonco East to tho South East corner ot tho North East ono-fourth ot Koutli East ono-fourth or said Section Thirty-Six; thenco South to the South East cornor ot said Section Thirty-Six; thonco East 8.28 chain to the North West cornor ot Soctlon Six, Township Sixteen South Hnnge Forty-Sovon EnBt W M.; thenco South to tho South West corner ot Lot Four ot said Soctlon Six; thenco East to tho South East corner ot sntd Lot Four; thenco North to tho North East cornor of said Lot Four; thonco West to tho South East corner of South West ono fourth of the South West one fourth Section Thirty-One, Township Fifteen South. ltango Forty-Seven Enst W M ; thenco North to tho North East cornor of said South West one fourth ot the South West ono fourth ot Section Thirty-One; thence East to the South-East cornor of tho North-East one fourth ot tho South-East one fourth ot said Section Thirty one; thence South to tho South West corner of Section Thjrty-Two; thonce East to tho North West corner of Section Four, Township Sixteen South, nango Forty-Seven East W. M ; thenco South to tho Houth-West comer of Lot Two; thenco East to tho South East corner of Lot Ono ot said Section Four; thenco North along tho bank of Snako River to the South-Kast corner of SoUth-West one-fourth of North West ono-fourth ot Section Thlrty-Threo, Township Fifteen South, Hange Forty Soven East W. M.; thonco North to tho North East cor ner of said South ' West ono fourth of North West one Fourth of said Section Thirty Three; thence West to tho North West corner of said South West one-fourth of said North West one-fourth of said Section Thlrty-Threo, tho place of beginning. Fifth: Thnt all ot snld proposed district In In tho County ot Mnlhour, Stnto of Oregon. Sixth Wo do designate Harrison McAdams, nttomoy-at law, Welser, Idaho, as attorney for tho organ ization of snld district nnd direct nil communications nccessnry herein to he addressed to him. Whoroforo, your petitioners do pray Hint nil nets nnd things bo done as In lnw required to tho end thnt 'snld dUtrlct bo organized. And your petitioners will evrr pray: Names: Sarah E. Ash, Ilotsc, Idnho. W. E. Adams, Wolsor, Idaho. K. J. Patch. Wolsor, Idaho. Viola Hobcrtsou, Wolsor, Idaho. A. Marlon Wobb, Wolsor, Idaho. Tho Orogon Mortgngo Co., Ltd., by Henry Mntthows, ngent, Ilolso, Idaho. I. Yant, Welser, Idaho. Ellon Dyer, Wolsor, Idnho. W. L. Walker, Executor Eastwood Estate Caldwell, Idaho. II. Henderson, Portland, Oregon. Oeo, Dcnn, Portland, Oregon. School Dlst. No. 20, Uy H. C Orlswold, Chnlrmnn of Honrd. J. 11. Henderson, Portlnnd, Oro gon. T. J. linrntlsh, Mldvnlo, Idaho. Estato ot Mary C. McCormlck, by W. II. Comes, Administrator, Auro ra, III. S. E. Yant. Welser, Idaho. John M. TliOrn, iWelsor, Idaho. W. I), Patch, Wolsor, Idaho. That said petition, togothcr with tho map ot snld proposed district, nro opon to Inspection by nil Inter ested persons, nnd that snmo lins been set tor hearing by order or the Judgo ot tho nbovo entitled Court, nnd will bo presented nnd n hearing hnd thereon by said Court nt tho hour or 11:00 A. M. on tho 24th dny of Mny, 1020, nt tho Court Hoom of snld Court nt Vale, Oregon, nt which hearing nil Interested per sons mny appear nnd bo heard. Dated this 1 4th day nt April 1020. A. M. MOODY, (SEAL) Clerk or said Court. Ily II. 8. SACKETT, Deputy. NOTICE OF HEAItlNO OF FINAL ACCOUNT Ob' 'ADMIMHTIIATOIL, Notlco Is horoby glvon to whom It mny enncorn, that tho undorslgncd, thn duly nppolntcd, acting nnd quali fied administrator ot thn ostnto ot II. L. Kutz, deconsed, has filed In tlto County Court of tho Stnto of Oro gon for Malheur County, his flnnl ac count of his ndmlnlstrntlon ot tho es tnto of tho snld doconsod. That Monday thu 24th day of May, 1020, nt tho hour of 1 o'clock P. M. In tho County Court Hoom of tho County Court Houso nt Vale, Mnlhour Coun ty, Oregon, him boon tlxod ns tho tlmo nnd plnco for hearing or ob jections to such final account, It nny tlioro bo. This notlco Is published for four consccutlvo wcoks In tho Ontnrlo Wookly Argus under and by vlrtuo ot nn ordor mndo In tho nbovo cnuso by Hon. E. II. Tost, County Judgo of Mnlhour County, Oregon, dated April 10th, 1020. W. F. HOMAN. Administrator of Estato of II, L. Zutz, Doronscd, Onto ot first publication, 22nd, 1020. Onto ot last publication, May 1020, April 20th, NOTICE FOIl PUIILICATION. Dopnrtmont of tho Interior, U. S. Land Offlca nt Vale, Orogon, April 21, 1020. Notlco Is horoby given Hint Cath orlno C. Ituppert, ot Onturlo, Oregon, who, on October 2, 1017, made Homestead Entry, No. 0G715, for BWl'.SEU. SViBWtf. Sec. 2G, 8E4 SEU, Soctlon 26, Township 17 South, Hnngo 40 East, Wlllamotto Morldlnn, has filed notlco ot Inten tion to mako final throo-yeur Proof, to ostabllsh claim to tho land above described, boforo Hoglstor and He colvor, U. 8. Land Offlco, nt Vnlo, Orogon, on tho 0th day ot Juno, 1020. Claimant names uh wltnessos. A. Sutton, ot Payette, Idaho; F. Ilockmnn, It. A. arltrith, O. A. McTlrldo, all or Ontario, Oregon. THOS. JONES, Heglster. After you eat nlwuya tako rFATONIC ID ( TOW YOUlt ACID-STOMACIO InstantlyrcllevesIIeartburn.Oloat edCesiy Feeling. Stops food souring, repeating, and all stomach miseries. AUi dUtillon and appttlta. Keeps atomach owwjtuuil ttrowr, Ill-ream Vitality and 1'cp. EATJN1CU tba tint ttmtJv. Tm of thou aanda wonderfully Untitled Onlyooataa cent ertvoa dtrt t ( t I'ultlly guaranteed to pletM or wo will ret uo J money, Ott a Lltf tex today, You will ace. Ontario Pharmacy MAKES SUMMER COOKING C0MFOPJABU: PEARL OIL (KBROSBNH) STANDARD OIL COMPANY ICAtJrOHNIAI O. H. TEST, Special Agent HTANDAIID OIL COMI'ANV ONTARIO, OREGON Exchange Your Liberty Bonds The government lins informed us that it will commence exchanging permanent l,ib"rty Loan Bonds for the Temporary Liberty Loan Bonds on May 1st. We will exchange all bonds for which we have issued our safe-keeping receipts but those bonds which are in private safety deposit boxes should be turned over to us for exchange. All .Sec ond Liberty Loan Bonds should be turned over to us not later than Mny 10th. Tho perinnuont Liberty Loan Bonds will hnvo nil interest coupons attached to tho date of the maturity of the bond. We will mnke no charge for this service. A New Car for An Old Ome It is tho finish that makes tho machine as far as appearance (joes. How about letting us repair nnd recover your automobile? Nothing but the highest priced materials used. Wc repair und rebuild tops, cushions and upholstery. ....Seguine Auto Co.... McDowell Undertaking Parlors A. L. McDowell, Prop. J. O. Pliillnlmum, Licensed Knilmlnicr und Funeral Director ' Funerals directed from the parlor-chapel, the home, or from the church of your choice. Parlors situated in a quiet, district First-class services rendered to all Experienced Lady Assistant Day Phono 10GW Night Phone ROM OUR NEW DIRECTORY A new directory is now being deliy ,.. Save trouble by destroying your'w, , IP YOU WANT I'nOPBIl LI8TINO , NKW PHONE, ADVISE US AT ONOU Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station. Malheur Home Telephone io. THE H. F. NORTON COMPANY ,1 ' . ,. Nampa, Idaho. Dealers in Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair, Furs and Tallow Top market prices paid, Correct weights given and prompt returns made. No shipments too large, nor too small, wo so licit them all. 'Write us for prices, shipping tags mailed upon request.