The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 13, 1920, Image 6

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At tho pnrsonngo of tlio Methodist
Episcopal church Nov W. J. Lub
combo road tho nervlca of tho clmrcli
for tlm marrlngo of Pearl nnd Annlo
Urnno bath of thlB county Mr. Crnno
for many years was a rancher on
lower Dead Ox Flat, hut during tho
pant year moved to tho Dr. II. H
Whitney ranch on tho Shoojtrlng
ditch which ho In .operating nl this
tltno. After tho ceremony Mr nnd
Mm. Crane went to tlolso for u Hhort
wedding Journey.
Announcement by
of Payette
I am showing a moat beautiful line of
Pearls in Deltah, Regent and La Tausca.
Prices very reasonable from $5.00 to $75.00.
A very fine selection of blue white
diamonds both loose and mounted.
A nice selection of wrist watches
American and Swiss that do run.
Lei Us .Work Tlais Out Together
Republican:, It Is Up to Us to Elect a
President This Fall.
Ha Must Be the fiiggcsl and the Soundest and
the Most Effective American Wc Can Find,
Before Committing Yourself
Consider These Facts:
Out of thirteen states, where the contest wan
between Wood and Johnson for the instruc
tion of delegates to the Republican National
Convention, the elections have been decided
for Wood in nine.
Total Number of Delegates Plcdccd to Vote for
Wood at Republican National Convention, 321
Since the narrowing down of the field, the situa
tion is generally diagnosed as follews:
A vote for Hoover, for Lowden, or for,
Poindexter is a vote for Johnson.
(raid Adv. by Leonard Wood Campaign Headquarter!)
Candidate In Congress
Ho Favers: Kqunl rights too Public. Labor and Capital.
Is Immensely Interested In Irrigation nevolopniont, tho ad
vancement of tho mining and Umber resources of this part of Ore
gon and tlm recovory of our apportionment In the fedornl fund for
Ho Is In touch with tho vital needs of Central and Knsteru Ore-eon.
Primaries May 21. (lot out and voto.
Paid Adv.
JO.MM I'Oll CONIillKSS Cl.l'll.
Uaker, Oregon
Miss Mumlo Ilaycr la expected
homu Friday night of this week from
Twin Falls vliuro sho has been
teaching Intha primary department
MJss l)n)cr lmj hciwi offered hur
Increnso In salary
Mr. and .Mr. Charles Coon wore
called to Nebraska, somo tltno ago
principally because of tho serious II-
Inoss of Mrs. (toon's brother. Mr. Otto
Sottcrson. .Mr. Scttcrsou passed
awny In Nebraska April 29.
Tuesday of last wcok tho mem
bers of tho W ('. T. U. and other
friends and neighbors called to sea
Orondmu Wilson nnd nsslst her In
Bowing for tho grandchildren whose
mother so recently passed nway
Thursday afternoon tlin Indies of
tho M. B, Aid Society met at the
homu of tho pastor nl tho pnisonnge
and enjoyed n most dallithtful meet
Mrs. It M. Klnscy Is In llolro visit
ing friends.
Miss Mlnulo nnd Dlllnrd Orcgor are
homo from an cxtondod visit In Cal
Mr. Qeorgo Iladflsh was called her0
hecauso of tho death of his grand
father John Mcl'hersnn from his
homo In Oregon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Hands left
Friday evening for linker for a short
visit with rolatlvcs.
Mrs. James Iloyd nnd son. llort
of Wadonn, Minnesota, nnd Mr. Clair
Dower, of Minneapolis. Minnesota,
are guests of Mrs. Joel llnycr Mrs
Iloyd Is n sister of Mr. Iloyor nnd Mr
nnd Mr. Dower u nephew.
Miss Mary Colllnsworth was it
guest overnight Saturday of Miss
Walt o.
Oortrudo Orcgor has returned
to hor homo on Pennsylvania Avenuo
front tho P. A. Cregor homo where
she hns been for two weeks.
Miss Mnrhui nnd Mnbcl lloblnson
enmo ui from Caldwell Saturday ev
ening to romnln until over Sunday
nt tho homo of Miss I. Inula Cregor
Miss Mnrlnn Itnblnson leaves next
Sunday for tho homo of hor grand
mother In DosMolnos, Iowa.
Mr. nnd Mrs. I). F. Lcavell nnd
daughter. Ilimslo, and Mr. nnd Mrr
Charlie Hindi, of Caldwell motored
up Saturday ovcnlng nnd remained
until Monday morning, tho guests of
Mr. nnd Mrs. It. H. Kutch. Mrs
Illack Is a cousin of Mrs. Kutch and
Mrs. Leuvoll Is u sister of Mr. Kutch
Miss IClslo Payor was tip from Cald
well to spend thu weok end with hor
Tho Mothor's Clrclo held a most In
teresting session Friday nftornoon nt
tho school house. Special music was
given nnd some Interesting papers
road. Considerable discussion took
plnco ns to wheothcr tho mothors
would sorvo tho school children nt
tho closo of tho year, ns Is their cus-
t oo in, Icn cream nnd cuko. necauso
of tho shortage of sugar It wn flnnl
ly decided to serve tho children Ico
cream conns, which will bo dono by
tho mothers next Friday Mrs, 10.
A. Llnck gave a very Interesting re
port of tho Stnto meting of tho Par
ent Teachers Association held nt
Hooding Inst week to which sho wont
ns dolegato from tho Mother's clrclo
Tho following officers wero olected
for tho coming yenr: Mrs Pearl Pot
erson. Presldcnt: Mrs. It 8. Kutch,
Vlco-Prosldont; Mrs. Levi Johnson,
Socrotnryj Mrs. Chnrlos 8. Mlllor,
Tronsuror, nnd Ituth Vnndor Knr,
Corresponding Secretary. It may bo
of Intorost to tho Mothor's Clrclo to
nunounco Hint Ms, Athea nunnunced
nt tho mooting of tho Portia Club In
Payette Monday nftornoon that tho
nurso Is to bo hero at onco for tho
survoy work and that In nil prolialilll.
ty tho monoy that was sont In to tho
Itod Cross headuuartorH from tho
Payette County Chapter enn bo secur
ed for tho Public Health Nursing.
Tho Salt take City Commercial
club was out thru Frultland Monday
In nutos furnished by Payette citizens
nnd wero In tho valloy to cronio n
friendly feeling botweon Utah nnd
Idaho, Thoy woro horo n hundred
About thirty-two guests assombled
uninvited Wednesday ovcnlng nt tho
homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Puchort Thoy
wero wnltlng ready to accompany the
ontlro party to a nolghbors whore
thoy supposed tho surprlso was to bo
hold nnd Instead tho crowd wont In
on them. A most onjoynblo ovon
Ing was spent nnd Inter the good oats
wero served, consisting of Ico cream,
enko, plcklos, sandwitchos andcoffeo.
Tuesday night of this wcok Miss
Lillian Swntmun, teacher In the High
School took tho fifteen Benlors to
Now Plymouth to tho Senior Class
ploy at Now Plymouth nnd then on-
tnrtnlnnil (limn at her llOIDO HlSrO tllO
I remainder of tho evening.
Thursday evening of this wcok mo
Christian Kndenvor of Frultland on
tortnlned tho Seniors to a wolnor
roast ... ,
Tho frlonds of Mr. nud Mrs. Karl
Hurd are sorry to learn of tho death
of their llttlo threo weeks' old son,
Mark who passed away Sunday after
noon. Whooping cough uud tho
llttlo one was not strong enough to
overcomo It .,,.,
Mrs II It lloomer was In Cnldwoll
Friday of lastwook.
Mrs. 1) L. Ingard motored to Ilolso
Friday, voturnlng Saturday Sho was
accompanied by Miss Martha Wilson.
Mrs. Mary Poor and Wllllum Mow
chor accompanied Charlos'Hoor homo
to Ironside Thursday for n fow days
Word has been received thnt.Mrs.
Loulso Ward was oporatod upon May
28 nt Mttvo Ilrothers Institute, lloch
ostor, Minn., for goiter and Is re
ported doing nicely
Mrs. E. A. Llnck returned from tho
Stnto Convention of tho Parent
Teachers Association and made her
report as a dologato at tho Mothers
Circle mooting Friday afternoon.
Mr Allen, n young man of about
thirty years of ago. nephew of W. M
llaxoltlne, was killed by accident und
his body brot to Payette and on Sat
urday laid to rest In Hlvorslde cem
etery. Tho tallies Aid of tho Baptist
church will meet at tho home of Mrs
Vostnl on May 13. All are Invited
Mrs Lena Wilson Myers and child
ren have been visiting friends near
Frultland during tho week end com
ing from hor homo In Now Plymouth.
John McPherson, ngod 32, died
Inst week nt his home, formerly tho
Curtwrlght placo with cerobal hem
orhago. Tlm funeral services wero
hold Wednesday, conducted by ltov.
Illttonhouso' of linker. Mr. Mc
Pherson left two daughters nnd two
Mothers' Day was appropriately ob
served In tho M K, Church Sunday
morning. Tho church wns beautiful
ly tlccorntcd In flowers, spcclnl music
was rendered, tho pastor proachod n
most excellent sermon and Mrs. Van
Doused read n poem.
Ho fair to Malheur County. Con
struct Its ronds and develop Its re
sources. Voto for Jullen A. Hurley
for State Senator.
Adv. .151-24-21.
Voto for Jullen A. Hurloy nnd re
elect Its first Stnto Senator for this
Adv. 3S1-24-24.
Mrs. David Graham and Mrs. Dan
aallagher returned Saturday to their
homes In Juntura nfter n wcok'B visit
nt Mr nnd Mrs. P. J, Onllaghor's.
Let tho nuto Hcoiibcs build ronds
now not ton years honco. Voto for
tha Increase llmttntlon. Oregon
needs good ronds nnd needs them
AJP L H w lap. m. o. wuAiiry 811
, in V If luMMjKwma.miMMi
W S I I I f I I Ttn " P i 1 iT' jTUt tI?"tt t" r 3 "''j1 r 'it isv
'fl&S&t S&2
B f iBssWi TUVLLHT ' 1ft
Better than the Ordinary
Hay Rake -
Great Tires
f 'Great" 5n every way !n tit
nnd service, In looks and action
A tire that mightily pleases u .
I)ccaue St tatifie.i our tnd
with n fMnlanl of service
Wglicr than ever before.
Come In nntl sec this Firestone
Cord. Judgo It for yourself.
Note Its appearance, slie, wcV.lit,
workmanship. You will "tell
yourself on Its many extra
All we'll have to do Is to deliver It.
Vulcnnizinp; &
Hattcry Repairing
Service Tire & Buttery Co.
There li n big dlffcrcnro In liny
rakes. .This difference effects
not only the enso of operation nnd
good working qualities, but tho
length of sorvlco ns well.
Wo don't know or it liny rnkn
Hint N so thoroughly mndo ns the
John Dccro Solf-Dump Ilnko.
For example, Its henvy nnglo
steel franio ueter sags tho ml
Justnblo tlo rod keeps the frame
true, always.
..The heavy steel wheels vtllli an
evtrn nuinbei' of staggered spokes,
protected by tho channel steel
tiro, uro Interchangeable, giving
doublo wear on tho rnchots,
Tho arched steel iuIcm glo (he
proper pitch to (ho ulictds tho
wheols novcr pull at to top and
out nt tho bottom,
Tho dump rods arc ii'tendhlc,
giving double wear nt thin Im
portant point. Tooth holtlor nc
commodutes largo or small num
ber of teeth,
You in n iiialnlaln (ho good
working qualities or (he .John
Deoro Itako for yenrs.
And fro in (ho operating stand'
point, It In simple nnd easy to
handle. With ono foot lever, you
can keep tho teeth In working
position nt nil limes; with the
other font lover, tha rnko Is di
stantly Hipped. A convenient
hand lever serves to adjust tho
tooth for closo raking, nnd to nlo
vote tho tooth fur transportation,
Wo want jou (o coino In und son this rake. Tho exlrn
sen Ico you will get out of It makes It (ho mint profit
nblo liny rnkn (o buy.
Geo. W. Wayt
Brunswick Phonographs are Brunswick made
This ndvortlsomont Is placed as an
assurance to Pranswlck dealers and
Hrunswick usors and prospective
(iK.M'HS aro not assombled,
Every nrunswlck Is lOOft Brunswick
Most mnkos of phonographs aro as
sembled. Wo know of but one oth
er concern with a maunfacturlng
policy Ilka ours.
In tho beginning, It Is true, wo pur
cliased some manufactured parts, a
necessary procodue until additional
facilities, machluory and equipment
could bo obtained and Installed.
No ono denies the greater advantages
of making Hrunswlcks completely In
our mn shops and this policy was
tho object In the beginning.
So It is with much gratification
that wo publish this assertion. It
Is the culmination of 100 method,
the right way for us ns manufactur
ers, for our dealors, nnd for phono
graph buyers, Py this method wo are
installing and maintaining standard
of the highest order.
We need never comromlsp with high
standards wo are thus surest of un
Horn production. ,
Brunswick cabinet work Is the finest
obtainable, made so by 76 years of
experience, and this experience gives
to the House of Brunswick its fame
for wood workmanship.
Model and madern factories, well
co-ordinated organizations, board
nnd sound policies, loyal dealors and
enthusiastic owners.
Cash it
You hnvo
Brunswick Phonograph factories are located at Dubupuo, Iowa; Muske
gon. Michigan; Chicago, Illlnlos; Bokford, Illinois; und Knoxvllle, Tenn.
Itecord factories tang Island City, Now York; Jersey City, New Jersey
Credit If
You want