THE ONTARIO ARO US, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY G, 1920. LEGAL NOTICES NOTION OP UUAIUN'd. Vnlo, Oregon, April 0, 1920. NOTION IS I1KHKHY GIVEN, Tlint tho tollowliiK petition praying for tho oru'iinlnitlon of ttiu "KAIRMORK lltlllOATlON DISTRICT," will lio prcHLMilod to tho County Court of Mainour County, Oregon, at u po clul meeting of Raid County Court called to consider nnd net upon tlio nnmo, nt tho Court room of Bald Court, In Vnlo, MnlhourCounty, Ore gon, on thn 11th day of May, 1020, nt 11:00 o'clock A. M, (HNAL.) A. M. MOODY. Clerk or Mainour County, Oregon. Uy II. S. BACKBIT, Deputy. IN TUB CIRCUIT COU11T OF THE STATE OP OllEUON, KOI I MAIillEUIt COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OP THE ORGAN IZATION OP THE "PAIRMORB IRRIGATION DISTRICT." PMTriON I'Olt OIMMNI.ATIOX To tho Hon., the County Court, for Mnlhour County, Oregen: Wo, tho undoralgnod potltlonerH rcHpecttully petition and hIiow to your llonornblo Court, tin follew: 1. That wa nnd uticli of iik, either Jointly or ncvurnlly, tiro tho ownmn nt n truct of lunil or ono or more ucreH within thu houndarluN of tho propoitod Irrigation dUtrlct nit horo Innftnr net forth and tloscrlliotl, and that wo conntltuto more thnn fifty per cent of the dlffoiont nwnorii of land within said proposed district nnd niiHceptuldo of Irrigation from tho proposed system. 2 That all of tho lands within tho lnundnrlcn of tho said proponed Irri gation 'district, and as hereinafter descrllicd, nro miscoptnhlo ot prnc Ileal Irrigation from tho wimti sourco nnd from tho saino system or vorltn and pumping plant, by I annus or which It Is proposed to tuko wntor from Hnuko river hy moans of pump and motors for tho Irrigation tlimeof. 3. Tlint your potltlonerK .doslro to nnd do proposo to orgnntio an Irriga tion district under tho Irrigation laws of tho Stato or Oregon, Chapt. nS7, pago 743, laws of 1017, and tho Acta nmondntory thoroto, for tho purposo of furulshlni; water for tho Irrigation of tho lands within tho boundaries of tho mild proposed district. 4. That tho boundaries or tho propos ed Irrigation district Inclosing tho lands which It Is doslred to liuvo In cluded wthln said trrgatlou district, nro as follows, to-wlt: Commencing at tho SV cornor of tho NEVi Soc. 10, thonco oast to tho 8E corner of tho WV48E,iNKU, said Soc. 10; thuueo north to tho NK corner of tho WVjSKUNBU of said Sec. 10; thonco oast to, tho SE cornor or tho NWNV, Sec. Hi thonco north to NE cornor or SWU SW'Ui Sec. 2; thonco west 100 rods; thonco north to tho north boundary of tho NEViof SEU, Soc. 3; thonce west to NW corner or 8EU. Sse.3; thonco south to tho placo ot bogln iiIuk. containing 370 acres, moro or loss of Irrigated lands, and all In T. 18 8. II. 47 B. W. M. In Malheur County, Oregon. 6. That all or tho said lands have, heretofore, boon Imparfectly and In sufficiently watered and attempted to bo wutorod from an liiadeuuuto and Impractical sourco and system, but owing to tho Insufficiency of said source and system, your peti tioners havo sufforod great loss and damage to tholr crops and lands, and said loss and damago threaten to contlnuo and will contlnuo If your petitioners cannot socuro a better and different water supply for their said lands. WHEREFORE, Your petitioners respscttully ask this Honorable Court to mako and enter an order herein, organizing said proposed Irrigation district, and that tho noma or tho said proposed Irrigation be the "PAIRMORB IRRIGATION DIS TRICT " John Martin, Ontario, Oregon, Alex Martin, Ontario, Oregon. Mary S. Martin, Ontario, Oregon. Emma Cook, Ontario, Oregon. P. J. Flynn. Ontario, Oregon. Margaret Flynn, Outarlo. Oregon. a A. Cook, Ontario, Oregon. a, Josephine White, Ontario, Ore gon. , p, S. Evans, administrator for Fry Estate, Ontario, Oregon. . John Zimmerman, Ontario, Ore gon. Ed Horry, Ontario, Oregon. E. J. Herry, Ontario, Oregon. J. II. Seaweard, Ontario, Oregon. Kate Flaer, Ontario, Oregon. Thomas U. Flser, Ontario, Oregon. Peter Hughes, Ontario, Oregon. Sarah C. Hughes, Ontario, Oregon, Ida E. Seaweard, Ontario, Oregon, Sarah E. Turner, Ontario, Oregon. Alice Smith, Ontario, Oregon. Wig. W. White, Ontario, Oregon. Harney L. Dull, Ontario. Oregon. J, II. Guerln, Ontario, Oregon. Randall Sage, Ontario, Oregon. Edward McDormott Roe, Ontario, Oregon, Susan McDermott Roe, Ontario, Oregon. Emily Utley, Mildred Utley, by W. H. Utley, their guardian nnd trustee. First publication, April 8, 1020. I,ast publication, May C, 1920. NOTICE OP THE HALN OP III-2AL PHOPKIITV. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OP OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF MAMIEUR. IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP NANCY KIME, Deceased. To Katlu Klmo, Brum Kline, Orvtl Kline, nnd to Martha L, llrodorlck, gunrdlnn nd litem of tho above nam ed minor IioIth; tho known heirs and devisees, niil to nil other heirs un known, If any, of Nancy Klmo, de ceased, unit to nil persons tinl.nown or concerned, GREETINGS: Notice Is hereby given Hint by vir tue or a certain order or tho ( ounty Court of tho Stat'o ot Oregon, for Mnlhour county, innilo and entered on tho 2Gth dny ot April, 1920. the undersigned, as administrator of the ostato ot Nancy Kline, docensed, I will on nnd after the 1st dny of June, A. I). 1920, soil at private sale for tho best price ohtalnnblo all for cash all of tho following described rent estato, to-wlt: t Tho East Half or thu North west quarter: tho Southwest quarter, nnd tho southwest quar ter or tho southeast quarter of section twenty-six; and tho East half of tho Southeast quarter of section twenty-seven, township eighteen. South ot Rnngo forty six, E. Wi M. In Mnlhour Coun ty, Oregon. JOHN ZIMMERMAN. Administrator ot tho Estato ot Nancy Klmo. Deceased. First publication April 29, l'.20. Last publication May 27, 1920. Ilrooko & Gnllnghor, Ontnrlo, Ore gon, Attorneys for Administrator. NOTICE OP PRESENTATION AND HKARINO OP PETITION UOSTON CAKE Now open for business WELL COOKED FOOD GOOD SERVICE FAMILY PATRONAOE SOLICITED. Open 6:30 n. m. to 12 p.m. , Ontario, Oregon , ttt ' NOTICE FOR PUIU.ICATION. Department of tho Interior, U. 8. Land Office nt Vnlo, Oregon, April 21, 1920. Notlco Is horehy given that Charles Albert McRrlile, of Ontnrlo, Oregon, who, on Mny 20, 1010, inado Home stead Entry, No. 0447C, forNWtf. NW U NE U , NW U 8E K , B 8V ' . 8octlon 8, Township 17 South, Rnngo 40 East, Wlllnmotto Meridian, has tiled notice of Intention to make flnnl three yenr Proof, to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, boforo Register nnd Receiver, U. 8, Lund Ofrico, nt Vale, Oregon, on tho 9th dny or Juno, 1920, Claimant niimo ns witnesses: A. Button, or Pnyotto, Idaho; P. Ileckman, II. A. arirrith, Cuthorlno Ruppert, all or Ontario, Oregon. TIIOB. JONES, Register. NOTICE I'Olt PUIIMOATION. Department ot tho Interior, U. 8. Land Offlco nt Vale, Oregon, April CI, 1920. Notlco Is hereby given that Catli orlno C. Ruppert, or Ontario, Oregon who, on Octobor 2, 1917, mado Homestead Entry, No. 0571R, lor BWWSE'.i. 8H8WU. Soc. 2C, 8E SEW, Section 20, Township 17 South, Rnngo 40 East, Willamette Morldlan, bus tiled notice or lutcn tlon to mnke final throe-year Proof, to establish claim to tho land nbovo doscrlbed, boforo Register nnd Re ceiver, U. 8, Land Otflco, nt Vale, Oregon, on tho 9th dny of Juno, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: A. Sutton, of Pnyotto. Idaho; P. Hockman, It. A. Griffith, V. A. Mellrldo, all of Ontario, Oregon. THOS. JONES, Register, Help Given by 0. A. C. to the Oregon Farmer In grnln-rnlslns, dairying, horticul ture, stock raising, poultry produc tion, and other b-anches of agricul ture, have Saved Oregon more than Higher Education has ever cost from Its very beginning In Oregon. The College hat reduced cost of pro duction, linpiovcd quality of pmduC. and helped kcop down tho pestH of farm, garden, orchard and field. Like the State University and the Normal It has helncd bring school, business, and home Into vital contact, and has helped demonstrate that Higher Education is of di rect help to the country districts Hut higher education In Oregon U crippled by Ki-eat lncmiM-s in attend mice, by luck of buildings, by the fell en buying iimwr of tho present mill ago support, and by the failure of the intlluge hiipKirt to groiv, You are respectfully urged to vote for the new mlllago support bill on May 21, the Higher Educational re lief measure. Paid advertisement Inserted by Colin nvmnnt In hflhnlf nf tlio Joint Alumni Relief Committee for Higher Educa tion in Oregon, 514 Plttock Block, Portland. Cheer up! A smile Is no more ex pensive than a frown. Time waits for no man but it just hangs like tho devil for a woman beforeV'mirro' ' 1 IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE COUNTY OP MALHEUR, STATE OF, OREGON. In tho Matter ot the Organization ot Slldo Irrigation District. Notlco Is hereby given Hint on the 8th day ot April, 1920, Sarah E. Ash, anil other whoso nnmes more fully appear therein, did file with tho Clork ot the nbovo entitled Court their cortnln petition for tlio organ ization of the lands thoroln desig nated Into an Irrigation district pursuant to tlio laws ot tho State ot Oregon, ns follows.: To tlio Honorable, tho County Court for Malheur County, Oregen: Wo, tho undorslgnod petitioners, respectfully show nnd represent; First: Tlint wo nro and ench of us nro owners or land, situated with in tho boundaries ot tho proposed Irrigation district, as hereinafter set forth nnd described nnd that to gether, wo, constitute n majority ot tho land owners, of tho lands within tho boundaries ot said proposed dis trict. Secend: That tho lands herein after doscrlbed, nro susceptible ot Irrigation from tlio snma source nnd hy the samo system of works, viz: hy tho Installation ot n pumping plant of 22,000 O. M, P. cnpaclty on tho bank or Snnko River and distri bution of wntcr therefrom through open cannls. Third: That your petitioners do- slrn to nrovldo for tho construction of works for tho Irrigation ot samo nnd do propose nnd respectfully peti tion tho organization ot an Irriga tion district, under Chap, .in 7 ot tho Irrigation Laws of tlio Stato of Oro gon. of tho Innds within tho boun daries hereinafter described, said district to bo called "Tho Slide Irri gation District," That said district bo divided Into three dlvisons, to ho determined by this Court. ' Fourth Tlint tlio boundaries of said proposed Irrigation district nro shown on plat hereto nttached hut moro particularly described us fol lows, to-wlt: Heglnnlng nt tho North East cornor of tho South half ot the North East ono-fourth nt Section Thirty-two, Township Flfloen South, Rnngo forty-sovon Enst W. M. Tlienco West to tho Northwest comer of South half ot North west ono-fourth of Section Thirty 1 two, thence north to tho Northonst cor ner ot tlio South one-half or tho South East ono-fourth of tho ot tho South East one fourth of Section Thirty; thonco West to tho Northeast t-omor ot snld South half or South Enst one-fourth of South Enst ono-fourth of Sec tion thirty; thonco North to tho North East cornor of tho North west ono-fourth ot tho North enst ono-fourth of said Soctlou Thirty; thonco West to tho North west corner ot snld Soctlon Thirty; thonco North to tho North East cornor ot Lot Ono, Soctlon Twonty-Four, Town ship Fifteen South, Range Forty-Six East W. M.; tlienco West along tho bank or Snnko river to the North West cor nor or Lot ot said Sec tion Twonty-Four; thonco South along bank ot Snnko River to tho South West comer ot Lot ..... Section Twonty-Flve; thonco East to tho North West corner ot tho North East one fourth of the North West ono fourth or Soctlon Thirty-Six; thonco south to tho South West cornor ot said North East ono fourth ot North West ono-fourth of Soctlon Thirty-six; tlienco Bust to tho South East corner of sold North East one-fourth of North wost ono-fourth ot or Section Thirty-Six; tlienco South to tho South West cor ner ot North East ono-fourth of said Soctlon Thirty-Six; tlienco East to tho South East corner ot tho South Weat ono-fourth of said North East one-fourth or Soctlon Thirty-Six; thonco South to the South West corner or tho North East ono-fourth of the South East ono-fourth of said Section Thirty-Six; thence East to tho South East cornor of tho North 'East ono-fourth of South East ono-fourth of said Section Thirty-Six; tlienco South to tho South Bast corner ot said Section Thirty-Six; thonco East 8 28 chain to tho North West corner of Section Six, Township Sixteen South Range Forty-Seron East W. M.; thonco South to tho South WeHt corner of Lot Four ot snld Section Six; thence East to the South East cornor ot said Lot Four; tlienco North to tlio North East corner ot said Lot Four; thence West to the South East corner ot South West one fourth ot the Soutli West one fourth Section Thirty-One, Township Fifteen South, Range Forty-Seven East W. M.; thonco North to the North East corner of said South West one fourth of the Soutli West ono fourth of Section Thirty-One; thence East to tho South-East corner of the North-East one fourth of tho South-EaBt one fourth of said Section Thirty one; thence South to the South West corner ot Section Thirty-Two; thence Enst to the North West corner ot Section Four, Township Sixteen South, Range Forty-Seven East W. M.; thenco South to the Houth-West corner ot Lot Two; thence East to the Soutli East corner ot Lot One of said Section Feur: . thence North along the bank ot Snake River to the South-East corner ot South-West one-rourth or North West one-fourth ot Section Thirty-Three, Township Fltteen 8outh. Range Forty Seven East W. M.; thenco North to the North East cor- ,ner of said South West one- of North West one- or said Section Thlrty- theuce West to the West" corner of said South West one-fourth ot said Nortli West one-fourth of snld Soctlon Thlrty-Thrco, tho place of beginning. Firth: Tlint nil ot said propo.iod district Is In tho County of Malheur, Stnta of Oregon. Sixth: Wo do doslgnato Harrison McAdnms, attorney-nt law, Welscr. Idaho, as nttomey for tho organ ization of said district and direct all communications necessary herein tn ho nddrcsscd to him. Whoroforo, your petitioners do pray tlint nil acts and things be done as In taw required to tlio end that said district be organized. And your petit loners will over pray: Names: Sarah E, Ash, Dolso, Idaho, W. E. Adams. Wolsor, Idaho, B. J. Patch, Welsor, Idaho. Viola Robertson, Welser, Idaho. A. Morion Wohb, Welsor, Idaho. Tho Oregon Mortgage Co., Ltd., by Henry Matthews, agent, Ilolso, Idaho, I. Ynnt, Welscr, Idaho. Ellen Dyer, Welscr, Idaho, W. L. Walker. Executor Eastwood Estato, Caldwell, Idaho, , II, Henderson, Portland, Oregon. Geo. Dean, Portlnnd, Oregon. School Dlst. No. 29, Uy II, C Grlswold, Chairman ot Hoard. J, H. Henderson, Portland, Ore gon. T. J. Hnrntlsh, Mldvnlo, Idaho. Estato ot Mary C. McCormlck, by W, II. Cornos, Administrator, Auro ra, III. 8. E. Ynnt, Wolsor, Idaho, John M. Thorn, Wolsor, Idaho. W. D. Pntch, Welsor, Idaho. i That said petition, together with tlio map ot said proposed district, ( aro open to Inspection by all Inter ested persons, and that samo has) been sot for honrlng by order ot tho Judge ot thn nbovo entitled Court,' nnd will bo presented nnd a hearing i 1 M at AltMHJlrt lt mtl.l fffcftl toft hi t 1ft A IIU11 ilMIIUWII 11 P1IIU V'UUIV Ul IIIV hour ot 11:00 A. M. on tho 24th day ot May, 1920, nt tho Court Room ot snld Court nt Vale, Orogon, at which hoarlng all Intorcsted ii ar sons may appear and bo heard, Dated this 14th day ot April 1920. A. M. MOODY, (SEAL) Clerk of said Court. Hy II. 8. 8ACKETT, Deputy, ! A New Car for An Old One It is tho finish tlint makes the machine as far as appearance (joes. How about letting us repair and recover your automobile? Nothing but the highest priced materials used. We rcpnir and rebuild tops, cushions and upholstery. Saniiinp, Antn fin fourth Fourth ,Threoj North' NOTICE OP IIEAHINO OP FINAL ACCOUNT OP ADMINISTRATOR Notice is hereby given to whom It may concern, that tho undorstgnod, tho duly appointed, acting and quali fied admlnlstrntor of tho estnto ot H. L, Zutx. deceased, has filed In tho County Court of tho Stato of Oro gon for Mnlhour county, his final ac count ot his administration ot the es tato of tlio said docoasod. That Monday tho 24th day of May, 1920, nt tho hour ot 1 o'clock P. M. In tho County Court Room or tho County Court Housu at Vale; Mnlhour Coun ty, Oregon, has boon flxod ns tho time nnd placo for hearing or ob jections to such flnnl nccnunt, It any there bo. This notlco Is publlshod for four consecutive wcoks In tho Ontario Wookly Argus under nnd by virtue of an order mado In tho nbovo causa by Hon. E. II. Test, County Judgo of Malheur County, Orgon, dated April 10th, 1920. W, F. IIOMAN, Admlnlstrntor of Estato ot II. L. Zutz, Dcconsod. Date ot first publication, April 22nd, 1920, Date of laot publication, May 20th, 1020. HAVE YOUR CAR MADE JUST LIKE NEW The powor ot your auto en gine comes from the cylinders and this Is tho Only Shop lu Malheur county that has a CYLINDER I10RINO MACHINE This permits us to do this ac curate machine work to n hair, and do It quickly. Now Is the time to have your englno overhauled. MAHDE.V8 MACHINE SHOP Ontario, Oregon After you cat always tako FATONIC MP (To'R your AciD-sTOMAdO Instantly relieves I lertburn, Dlot edCUuy Feeling. Stops food souring, repeating;, nnd all stomach miseries. AU diit.Uon uul appalll. Keep tomach vretttlullrong. liuruuiVluUtyandi'rp, EA TONIC l the U.t rtmtdr. Tni f tlou Mixia wonderfully bntniJ. Only cut tout ertwoxUrto malt. IWtitclyriuiraoUul toplorawlll r.fuuj BMMy, Oct able koxkxitj, You will mc Ontario Pharmacy PEARL OIL (KEROSENE) FOR OIL HEATERS C00KST0VE5 AND LAMPS STANDARD OIL COMPANY ICALirORNIA) O. H. TEST, Special Agent STANDARD OIL CO.MPANV (ONTAEIO, OREGON McDowell Undertaking Parlors A. L. McDowell, Prop. J. O. Plilllnbnum, Licensed Emlmlmer nnd Funeral Direeior Funerals directed from tlio parlor-chapp, tin home, or from the church of your Hioicp. Parlors situated in a quiot district First-class services rendered io all Experienced Lady Assistant Day Phono 10GW Night Phone 8!)M Hides, Furs and Pelts Ranchers, Stockmen, Trappers: If you have any hides, furs or pelts send them to us. We pay the highest market prices. We pay cash. t Rogers & Company Ontario, Oregon Telephone 185-W OUR NEW DIRECTORY A now directory is now being leliv s. Save (rouble by destroying your n. . , , IK VOU WANT PROPER LISTING NEW PHONE, ADVISE US AT ONCE Every Bell Telephone is n Long DlHtance Station. Malheur Home 1 elephone uo. THE H. F. NORTON COMPANY 'fi,n' '. Nampa, Idaho. Dealers in Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair, Furs and Tallow Top market prices paid, Correct weights given and prompt returns made. No shipments too large, nor too small, wu so licit them all. Write us for prices, shipping tags mailed upon request. BONO IVfeuseitivhen PRINTING GOOD JOBS Give Us Yours Correct English HOW TO USE IT. A MONTHLY MAUA.INIt $i!.:S0 Tho Yenr Sonil 10 CentH for Kmnrilo Copy to Correct Kuulluli- PmMIhIiIiiic Co. KVANHTON. ILLINOIS