THE ONTARIO ARGUS. ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY G, 1920. IS GRADUALLY CLEARING Ontario lVnxrn OiCKon-Idnlio League Without ItcKH'ls Invited to Kil ler Alfalfa I,'iikiip Uolr, CiiIiImcII, Niiiiiiii, Ktc. INTKHKSTINO GAMK IS 8POILKI) 1V DISPl'TK o (Continued From Page 1) Onlnrlo Iiiim ii linno Imll team, ntul no oiio to piny with tltnt Ib tlio nlt untlnn ns Tim ArKtix rock to prcw though tlio Hltttntlon will probnlily clmiiKO Imforc Sunday If negotiation!) now In progi-ciM nintiiro us expected. After tlio fliiKco Hundny thero wnn n meeting of tlio Oregon-Idaho I.cukuo ut Payette Monday evening and sufficient argument prcHentcd to Justify tlio cliniiKo of tlio offlclnl tltlo to Hint of "Tlio Protest League," Pnyetto protested the Vali- game, tlio It won 10 to 6. Hun tiiiMlon iirotcHlcil tlio Pnrinn gnm ntul Ontario and Welxur encli pro tested their content. It waH a de lightful meeting, according to the vorBlon Tho Argun received. Anywny, to make a long Rtory Hhort. Ontario secured Itn JlfiO and parted company with Itn protcntltiK frlcndn; which wiih what wan wanted all round. Then ciinin an Invitation from rep ro.sentatlven of Caldwell and Nninpn to Join them In tho Alfalfa Valley League and nt a meeting at N'ampn laHt iiIkIiI that wan dlHcunncd. ('aid well which Iiiik not pnHted IIh for felt In tlio letiguo wnntn Ontnrln, nn doon Nampn, hut Meridian and HoImh ii ro not ho nnxloun. Tho men down thoro are arguing tho matter and Ontario nhould know the result of tholr dcllhcrntlonn by Friday even ing. Ontario wnn reprenentcd at the .Vampa meeting by Manager K. (V PropHt, Trennurer Larue lllnckahy and Mennrn. It. II. Tunny and Komi Jenklnn, Payette wan represented nt thin meeting and nlgnlflcd Itn to withdraw from tho Oregon-Idaho Prntent I.engue to Join with Ontario, Nnmpa and Caldwell In tho other ag nrcgntlou hut whero to add n nlxth team proved a ntlcklng point that munt ho Ironed out. third, Hint wan nil howovcr, for Con nor ended the spasm hy funning wildly. In Its bohnlf Onlnrlo Btartcd tho scoring and found Weill) for three (hits M. Chapman, fir A up, fanned; norwin delivered tho nrnt mow or the dny, n beautiful two play mvap to center; Wells hero Inserted a Texas loagucr to ceutor field hut Ker- win stayed on second, with two on and olio out diet Lackey niippplled tho uncli that Hcnt Kerwlu homo when he dropped a hit over hccoiuI base. Horo Waters started a pretty doublo play when ho grabhed Mal loy'B bounder, relayed to Mitchell, forcing Lackey and getting Mnlloy at first. Scoro Ontario 1; Welser 0. Then tho trouble ntarted. Seeing that the locnl hattorB were getting to Webb's offerings tho vlsltom snw tho gamo slipping nnd decided to escnpo defeat by kicking up a row. They wcro abetted by their umpire Kliiin, and that wan enough to end tho game. After tho game thero was till kinds of conversation up town around tho pool halls about a fight but that did not materialize and tho money that was bet on tho gamo wns returned to Welser men by tho ntaka .holders. IS Ii W. P. DiivIiImiii of HI. Paul Views Gigantic Masonry Which liu (ioiiiiiIh Water or Malheur ltlwr for Itewemilr. ONTARIO BOYS START POLAND CHINA CLUB Girl Planning Cookery Club Hut Hnvo -No l'nder, ns Vet S. SI. Itourhcr to Dlrerl Pig Cluli Six .MemlHTN Listed HaiikN lleli. I'l.VANCIAL PKOIILP.M PUZZLIW COI'NCILMAN (Contliuiod from Page 1) this could bo done anil rlted tho fact that thin proiMnltlon wan unnnlmoun ly endorned by tho Commercial club, That did not Impress tho council, however, for Councilmeu Troxcll and (.axon each declared that such motions and resolutions wero easily panned at tho Commercial club whero many tlmo only one side of a iiio- t Ion -wan discussed and tho men pres ent voted on "snnp Judgment" with out knowledge of ull the facts, When tho vote wnn taken tho proposition to have a special elec tion prevailed with the Mayor voting In Us favor. Tho ditto for catling tho election was left to tho discretion of City Attorney Gallagher mid City Iternrdor Stearns. Want Sort Pedal. Tho Council also took cognizance of tho fart Hint there wan some gambling at the ball gamo last Hun day and that largo crowds congr gated up town afterward. Mayor Jones nnd several inombors or tho Council expressed themselves an In no mood to tolerate a repetition of such performances and a warning was given that unless tlio pool hall men themselves put a top to those practices that tho Council will ar range to close their places of html nosn on Sunday. Mnynr Jones Introduced Mr. Mlllor of Payette with whom ho had din cussed the painting of the va(r tank and tower. Tho Mayor ex plained that tho paint Is blistering and that the city will lose heavily unless It In painted. Mo said that ho had saerchod for a long tlmo to find a man who would uiideriako this work nnd Mr. Miller wan tho first man willing to do ho. Since tho offer to do the work amounted to more limn IliOu tlio Council decided that It would be host to advertise for bids for thin work. This was order ed done. On the mot Inn of II. It. Cockrum tho Council decided to move tho Council chamber to the largo nssrm blv room upstairs where It was or iginally Intended Hint It should bo located and to permit the County Agent and tho County Club leador to into the present Council chamber fur tholr offices, A. L. Cockrum appeared beforo the Council to nsk that tho sidewalk on Nevada avenue ordered construct ed last fall bo built at once. Tho Council entered tho format notice L. J. Aker asked that some of tho gravel being hauled off the streets that are being paved bo plnced on King street. No definite action was taken but the matter was referred to the City Knglneer. Improve Cemetery. Tho Council was Informed that an effort has been started by II. L. Peterson thru the co-operation of tlio owners of lots In the City rfine tery to Improve tho appearance of the property The funds collected ire being turned over to the City Itecorder for separate funds to bo ex pended when collected nt tho discre tion of the Council., Nearly $200 bus already been secured, It Is said. Not to ho outdone hy tho boys of tho other communities of the county n number of Ontario youths havo formed n Poland China pig club and are arranging to gel their stock at ouco. To assist tho boys each or tho Ontario banks have of fered the members financial assist ance on tho original purchases ut a low rnto of Interest to encourage them In tho work. The boys cnllntod In tho club organized nn the result of tho work of Miss Marie Wilson, county, club leador. Hostile getting tho boys started MIbh Wilson has organized a cookery club among it number of the girls hut us yet hat-not found u leador to look after their work this summer. S. M. Iloucher Is to bo the club leador for tho boys and tho following boys hnvo agreed to carry on tho werk: Orvnl Seawcard, Leo Thomp son, Orlln Mlllor, Ordlllo Kline, Au gust Comegys, FrnnclH Orlffln, nnd (lontry Crowley. A number of other boyH have also expressed Interest In tho work nnd will probnlily enroll. Jordan Valley Husy Down In Jordnii Valley a pig club has been started thru tho activity of 1). O. Joslyn, who Is taking an Inter est In Rotting tho young folks of Hint section Into touch with the work In other portions of tho county. ItHHTItlOTION OF OKF.MTS itinuitDH kali: of wool Ilocause credits nro being restrict ed tho wool buyers who nnimully vlslt this scctloui ure not having much luck this spring. This Is tholr side of tho story. They can not pay tho prices tho wool growers are ask ing and nro sitting tight waiting for boiiio thing to liuppon, ICIthor money will havo to got easier or the prlcos wilt havo to drop hoforo an Influx of cash will start this way, say the buyers, Tho growers, how ovor, are apparently willing to wait for tho prlco they want anil are mim ing Hint figure at 75 cents for fine wool. How long tho Alphonso nnd Gaston net will continue no one Booms to know, but with the shear ing practically finished tlio growers expect something to happen soon. IJo fair" to Harney for Kills. Adv. county Vote Among those who attended tho grand opera nt Welcor Mondav even ing wero Mr. and Mrs. K. C. VnnPet ten, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. S. Hrown. II. P. Lewis. S. M. Iloucher. M I). Thoinns, clftit Plnney, Misses Itoslnn Clement, Kdlth Griffith, mid Mazle Wilson. J. M. Addlngtou, postmaster at Iliosan, Is in Ontario today. Murray Morton of Olds Ferry came down to enjoy tho gathering of Pythlnus hero Wednesday. Honoring Miss Allco Mallett, who Is now In clmrgo of V. W. C. A. work In an Kastern city, Mrs. 12. A. Kraser wan tho hostess for a prettll up pointed luncheon nt her home on First streot, S. W., yostorday after noon. Covors woro laid for fourteen, tho hostess and her honored guest, and tho following friends of years fund ing: Mesdnmos a. A .Poguo, II. JV. Clement, J. A. Lnckey, L. Adam, David Dunbar, A. A. Drown, 13. II Tost, J. D. Dllllngsley. W. A. Mallett. C. It. Emlsou, C. W. Mallett and Mrs. C. F. Trow. Vote for Kills County its first years. Adv. and give Harney Senutor in twenty COLUMWA 1UIKV PltOIH'CTS COMPANY TO m-I.KATK CUF.A.M ItOPTK. Commencing ut 10 o'clock Wed nesday morning, May 12th, ih Col umbia Dairy Products Co. will oper ato a cream route from 11k Ontario station. All furmers and dairymen Interested In luvlng tholr cream picked up at their door nrd checks for samo mailed to them the rottow 1ns day should watch for th truck or call phono 1S3 -w at tl'e On tario station. v J. II. Itogeri,, Agent. J. It. llargoii, Cream Co' lector. Ad IM4-23-U Kills for Sonntor -nnd put liar ney County buck on tho map. Adv. J LOST One brown mae, dght ItlOO pounds; eight join . old; had leather halter, no bruudi $'. r-wnrd for return to M M I! n(, rrultliind, Ida., Phono 32. av ;.' !-:' FOIt SALK tlentlo horso. drive single or double. See J. A. Will iams.' J 19 2J-2C W. P. Davidson, president of the Oregon Western Colonization com pnny arrived In Ontario yesterday from Prlnovlllo, having driven over with tho company's representative In Crook county, It, F, Johnson. On tho way to Ontario they stop ped to view tho reservoir of tho Warmsprliigs Irrigation district and Hint v'iib tho thing Hint Impressed them most on tho trip. "Tho grandest sight In Kastern Oregon today is tho big mnsonry wall thiil holds back the water that will grow tho crops of tho lower Malheur valley," said Mr. Davidson. "Thoro In now behind that big ilam GO, 000 aero feet of water, so they told un, and more In coming in nil tho time. To tho north the hills nro covered with snow yet to melt nnd add Itn contents to tho reservoir's supply. "Thero will be nufflclenl water to Insuro tho cultivation of nil land de veloped under tho system thin yenr. Tho pcoplo of tho Wnrmsprlngs dis trict certainly can congratulate thcnmclvoB that they hnvo secured so great a supply of wnter for all time to como, "Thero linn been no let up In tho demand for range land, and whero our company had n oro than a mil lion acres at one tlmo now wo hnvc only 300,000 acres left On thin trip wo contracted for tho nnlo of several thousand ncrcs to stock men who have seen tho open ran go nn something that In past." According to Mr. Davidson's ol nervations tho country Just now Is racing n serious crisis in tho labor situation nn the farms. "In Minne sota, nnd North Dakota tho ranchers will not ho nhlo to produco much more than half a crop becauso they cannot nccurn men to work on the farms. The result In apparent: con tinued high prices for farm products and good returns for men In this Re gion whero ono aero of ground prop erly cultivated will ylold no heavily "Tho pcoplo of thin soctlon. It scorns to mo, should bo anxious to put more land under wator. for tlio returns will Justify It." Mr. Davidson will leavo tomorrow on his return to Prlnovlllo and Port land for a short trip and bo back In Ontario about May 20 so Hint ho can go from hero with tho speclnl to at tend tho Stockmen's convention nt Huron. Fair play, Harney wants a Sena tor. Voto for Kills. Adv. A SIX IIOOM house, bnrn nnd gar age, f lots, shndn trees, overhear ing strawberries nnd otlie fruit. Sell cheap, Phono 41-lt :IS-tt NPNIIAV AND .MOMMY MAY I) AND ID M.UUtlOi: TOPHNOW In "LIFi: LINK" also MILS. SIDNKV DHI.W In "CIIAHMI.VU MHH.CinHK" TI'HSDAY, MAY II WKD.VKSDAY, MAV 12 IIKNItV II. WALTIIW.L In "TIIK I.OVCJ Alt.M OF MAItlKHTKIt" also "One Play Ground ,n the IVk I fie." TIIUHSDAY, MAV V. MADGK KKNNKOV In "STItlOTLV CO.TIDi:, TIAL" also IIAKOLD I.OYII ,ost , Hildegnioiu." FJIIDAV, MAY II MAltIK MOllllISKV The Great Amorlcnn Con- tralto, KATCItD.W, MAV l.-i DOItOTIIV DALTON In "L'W'ACIIK" CO.MKDVs "MlllloiialivV Pmit.rN" y tm n mm HJB ilJllVJK LstfJJM pjjjjjjj AWi I I4 H Lk h AThk ftb I I H H I I I fV III I mk MH ' I a&f I II II I Record Breaking Sale Men & Youn g Mens Suits We believe the same as you do, that Clothing and everything else is too high and that it must come down, and while the wholesale market in our line does nor show any weakening, yet we are taking time by the forelock regardless of cost or loss. very Spring Suit in the House Mast Go Attend this Special Sale and you will more than realize what we aie attempt ing in order to break into the high cost of living. $91.50 $ 24 26 45 $QO-50 33 for $30 Suits for $35 Suits for $40 Suits $ 36 45 for $45 Suits 4ija $lfi.45 46 for $50 Suits for $55 Suits 50 Pairs Men's and Young Men's High Grade Regular $10.00 Shoes Sale price $7.85 the Pair. All through the house we are for the time forgetting the word cost, forgetting the cry of scarcity, forgetting everything else except that pnees have reached their peak and that some one has got to make a start and lead on to lower and more consistent prices. One Price Clothier ONTARIO, OREGON