The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 06, 1920, Image 1

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NO. 2!$.
CoiiiinciTlnl Club, Too, Rebuked by
OMiiirlfiiitMi Cluu-Ktsl Willi Hmip
hiiii'ih i I'Mirii'iy 10 im Im
prowd liliK f. Painting Timk
Culled For. ,
How lo CiiiiiI tho niithlnndliiR wnr
rnntH of tlio city, buy n flru truck,
continue, tlio paving asked for In potl
tloim by cltlzniN, nnd 1 poslhlo pro
vltlo for tho construction of u low
pressure Irrigation HyHtom theso
wcro tlio probloniH put up to tin? City
Council at IIn regular nionthly iicol
Ing nt tlio City Hull hut Mnmlnv
evening by Mayor It. W. June.
Evnry pIiiiho of tlio dlv's prob
loin was dlHctiMcil from nil tingles
nnd It won ovldont Hint wlillo nil do
Hlro to hoIvo tlio problom tliov were
not agreed im to tlio IipnI tnotlnd to
Tho problom which Ik JiimI another
tbnt Iiun rostiltod from tlio fuel that
wlillo tlio valuittlon for taxing pur
poses hnvo rcniiiluud tliu miino wlillo
tlio cost of runiilue tint rttv linn In.
creased Iirh niiclifd n print wlioro It
Ih deemed oHHOiithl that nomotlilnB
bo dnno. Ton yonr.i pvo Onturlo linil
it viiluntlnn of nno million dollars.
(odiiy It Iiiih a valuation of only,
eight hundred tboiiHiind wllo tlio I
purcliiiHliiR powor of tlio taxed ro-i
colvod liavo been cut In two.
And that Ih not nil. Hlnco tlio flrnt '
taste of pavliiK has been ho rooiI, ev
eryone seems to want n puvod Mtroot
In front of hi homo. Patulous Imvo
boon presented calling for n largo
IncroaNO In paving but tho city oh u
wholo ban to pay for tho Intersec
tions and that Ih tho rub: thoro Ih
no monoy uvnllablo for that purposo;
tinil no moro bonds can bo Issuod.
On lop of nll.thlH tho city iicoiIh n
now flro truck nnd now flro equip
ment; and tho outstanding wnrrantH
tiro Increasing; and many folkM want
n low pressuro Irrigation system.
Thoro you Imvo tho clty'M needs a
outllnod by tho couucllmon but
thoro U no cash to Hiipply thorn.
Tlio Mnj or' I'liin.
Mayor It. W. Joiioh would cut tho
taiiKlo by tho Blinplo nnd direct
mothod of voting to Incroaso tho
bonded limit of tho city to 40 par
cent of Ita valuation. That would
provldo for all of those: If tho poo
plo would lator nuthorlto tlui Is
nuance of tho bonds,
Councllmiui II. ii. Cockrum do
dared It his bollof that ovon tho tho
limit woro IncrciiBOil and tho bondH
nuthorlzod thoy could not bo sold.
To tills tho Mayor ropllod that for
tlio riro truck and tho paving tho
contractors would tako tho Ihbuo.
While ovory sidelight of nrgumont
wiih prosontod tho Mayor urged that
cattlemen facino ciianoij
J. P. Smith of Ironside nnd Ontario-
1b In town this wook to onjov
tho rcsplto between seasons for tho
ciitllomen. Tho stock arc on Hm
range now and thorn In no lmvhitr t
bo donn ho Mr. Smith ciimo ilown to
enjoy himself nnd look after busl
ni'BH mnttors too. Mr, Smith in nno
nf tho cattlamon who rocenlly .i'ld n
largo numbor of his caltlo nnd In
propnrlng for tho chnngo In tho eat-
no uuBinoBs winch no bops coming.
"Wo will havo to Ret Insldo," In
tho way Mr. Smith describes condl
tlon. "Tho hordR will bo Minnllor,
for tho cattlemon will not hato an
open range. In tho Ironside country
tho C40 homesteads, tho fencing of
tho road lauds, nnd tho Rrndunl set
tlement mean Hint by next venr tim
stock man will Imvo to Imvo his
rango fenced 'nnd bo nblo to feed his
own stock. Wo hnvo snved enough
heifers to build up our hordR nRoln
but wo uro RottliiR rondy to meet tho
new condltloiiH as wo boo tlicm com-
Mr. Smith rotalned a bunch of
Abordomi Aiirub cattlo whoso Intro
duction to tho raugo In Malheur
county ho Ih sponsor for. So far he
likes them, but says ho linn not bad
thorn long.enoiiRh to bo cortnlu that
thoy nro bettor than tho Hereford.
W. It. Ilronlio of Onlm-lo Fleeted
President of Hhrlnc dim Which
Travels Across Hunilng HimtN
lo Oasis of El Ruder at linker.
A. 1). Griffith, who for many
years wok with tho Idaho Power
company, has opened an olcctrln
nop in Onlnrlo. Mr. Ur tf Itli canio
to Ontario last wcok from HoIbo and
Ih Rotting his bIiop In shano to enter
tho local flold, doing a general elec
trical contracting biiBlnosH, selling
iixiuros, etc. At tho proBont llinu
Mr. Orlffltli linn not boon nblo to
find u homo Into which to movo his
Oregnn-WeMerii .Colonization Com-
puny DItoscM or tll.tJSl Acre of
IIn lloldliigp Irrigated linnds
IncliiiltHl In Tiitnl.
Tired, but oh so happy, tho dosort
pIlBrlniH who left Ontario Innt wook
In search of tho refreshments of tho
oaals of KI Knilnr Tomplo, A. A. O.
N. O. M. 8 returned to this city ra
diating smiles miles wldo. Somo
en mo on Stinduy mnrnlnc's irnin.
others Btnyod over for No,d, but
inoy all camo homo happy.
Malheur and Harney countlos
woro well represented In the class of
wu cnnniilatCH who bed nntn n
ropo croBBlng tho hot sands to tho
mysteries of tho red for, etc. Zom
Kern and camols' milk and nil that
sort of thing was plentiful,
A special train bearing 300 Port
land and Umatilla Shrlners camo for
tho ccromonlnl, nnd woro Joined In
linker by n gathering of Noblci- from
That Malheur and Ilnmnv innniv
candidates figured prominently In
tho gathering watt Indlcntnil bv dm
election of W. II. Ilrooko of this city
to tho presidency of tho class.
Among thoso who trnvolcd the route
rrom Ontario woro; C. S. Watson,
W. II. Ilrooko, O. 0. I.uobrs, Jf C.
McTrelBht, II. h. Peterson, Irwin
Troxoll, I)r, 11. O. Pnyno, Horry II,
Clomont, I.. I.. Culbortsou, aicnn N.
Ilrnwn, V. II. Staples, and A. S.
llrown; from Nyvsn thoro woro
Thomas Coward, Frank Hall, Frank
lloswoll, and his two brothors; from
Vnlo Dr. C. C. 1 1 ii r row. Dr. Frank J.
llrown, nnd C. M, Colo; from Drow
Boy, C, W Drlnkwntcr and 8, S,
Williams; from Ilurim I.eon M.
llrown, and from Crnno Sum Tim
brcll nnd W. S, Allen.
Heeond Kdltlon of Ownelies HIiiiwh
eiMiitly or Htiidents of High
School All Work Done
Here In Onlnrlo.
E MAY 14
(C'ontlnuod on Last Page.)
Mm. J. II. Hiulth of Wnrtvii Klertnl
IVrnmnent Protldent CoiinIIIu
Hon mid llyl.nN Adopted
Children Dunn.
At tho High School last Saturday
the Malheur County Parent-Toachors
j. jiBoclatlon held Its first regular
"mjtotlng. nolet'atOH represontlng
tlio various districts of the county to
the number of SO wore present at the
Interost In the gathering was more
mnrked In tho upper end of tho coun
ty than In tho lower valley. Thero
woro six representatives each from
Vale and Drogan wlillo one or two
delegates represented many of the
otbor districts of the county. The
next meeting of the association will
ho, held In Yale In September.
llesldo electing Mrs. J. It. Smltli of
tho Warren school .which U'down In
tho Dig Bend region, the delegates
upproved of the constitution and by
laws presented by the committee, con
sisting of Mrs. C, K, Secop, Mrs. C,
K. Illngham of Ontario and Mrs. W.
J. Roberts of Arcadia.
Having disposed of the business of
the gathering the delegates enjoyed
n delightful program which Included
n vocal solo by Miss Catherine. Con
way of Ontario; a duet by Mrs. H. E.
Young and Mrs. A. W. Heed of Vale;
n talk on "County Needs" by Miss
Mazlo Wilson, county club leader;
ii poper on, "The Strength of Parent
Teacher Co-operation," by Mrs.
Dealt!; and a scries of folk dances by
Ontario grade pupils under the dir
ection of Miss Victoria Stnnka, Olrla
of tho domestic science data of tho
High School directed by Miss Chris
tine Abbott ' served dainty refreshments.
As steadily bh tho tldo tents down
tho shore lino, ho hns tho doslro for
rango land reduced thn vast domain
of open rango which tho Oregon-
Western Colonization company onco
owned. Whoro tho company years
ago ownod ona million acres of feed
ing ground for cnttlo, today Its total
holdings nro not ono-thlrd of that
amount, and ovcry month seos tho
total dwindle
On a trip thru tho stnto with his
agent I). F. Johnson of Prluavlllo,
and his local agent, W, J. Plnney of
Ontario, W. P. Davidson, president
of tho Oregon Western Colonization
company, disponed of 13,221 acres to
tho follewing:
Hoy Drown C20
Noah Floyd 000
p. J. Connelly 7.1 c
Irn Mahon 280
A. A. Powell (140
0. M. Cornott 040
Cornott & Co 80
Jesso Ilaln 80
J. U. Slaton 80
Dave Drown 80
Mclvln It. Evarts CO
Dr. E. S. Fortner ... 40
Cleo, B. Dufflold 62
Ttortha E. Johnson 40
F. II. Qlonn 40
donovovo W. Ilyrns 80
a, W. nnd a. 8. Dean 80
Frank V. Smith .. 120
Jay Oould ., 40
Frank Folios 40
Jno. F, Miller 40
Irvln a. Frlzzoll 84
David Ttobortson 40
Hazel McCarthy 40
Roy A. Judd 100
Alfred Vogue 320
J. I Lowe 480
Claude O. Woooters 80
F. S. nelder 80
Cleveland Hill 100
N. E. Milton 040
C. C. Floyd 400
MIm Mario MorrUoy or Now Voik In
IVaiilro KciiW(o Piiigiiiui In
Tiino Tent Ik'iiioiiMfmtiiui
or I'MImiii (Viiipiuiy.
Total 13,221
Wlillo most of this Is ranee land
In Crook, Harney nnd tho unnor Mal
hour country there Is also Included
several sales of land under tho
Warmsprlngs system and a few
tracts near Ontario which tho com
pany has arranged to develop by tho
use of a pumping system from the
Snako river.
University of Oregon. May 3.
William n. Dlackaby of Ontario was
high point winner of the Interfrator
nity track meet held here Saturduv.
May 1, and won the trophy cup with
a score of 13 points. He won first
In the high Jump, third In tho broad
Jump and fourth In the shot put.
Mr. Dlackaby Is a member of the
Alpha Tau Omega fraternity and a
senior In the University,
Just a fow yearn ago when tho
Edison company first Initiated Its
famous demonstration of tho won
derful nblllty of u machine to ropro
duco tho human volcu such events
took plnco only In tho largest cities
and woro tho subject of music critics
for dnys.
Now tho Edison comnunv rarrlos
this test to music lovers In tho small
or cltloH and Onlnrlo Ih oho of the
rnvored communities, for W. I..
Turner, local representative of tho
company, has arranged for such a
test to bo given at Dreamland next
Friday evening. May 14. jvhen On
tario will hoar MIbs Mario Morrisey
of tho Metropolitan Opora company
In competition with her own reconm
played on an Edison.
Miss Morrisey wus to havo visited
Ontario sovoral months ago but took
III In San Francisco nnd tho tour had
to bo dolaycd. Resides Miss Mor
rlsoy, whoso records aro already
known to many residents, Harold
Lyman, a flutist of mnrked ability,
will tako part In this exceptional re
cital. Ono of tho features of this rocltal
Is that It Is froo. Thoso who dcslro
to hear theso two artists havo but to
socuro a ticket nt Turner's iiiiibIc
store which will admit them to tho
prlvlloge of a rare evening of good
music, so olevated that every ono
will enjoy tho program.
Tho oxcltemcnt that provaded tho
High School on Tuesday was due to
tho arrival for distribution of tho
1020 edition of tho HIkIi School tin.
iiunl, tho Ownelies.
tor months tho yntine men nnd
women on tho staff havo been nt
work on tho tiroductlon and thn re
sult spenks for tho ability present In
tlio Ontario High School. Frank
Dorman as editor In chief directed
tho work nnd with him woro nssocl
atod tlio follewing: Homer Mad
dux, iisBoclato editer: Charles I Io
nian, business manager; Cody Ilut
lor, advertising manager; Miss Mary
Messoo, circulation manager; Dorco
Doarhorn, literary editor; Miss Etta
McCrelght, and Aubrey Dean, ath
letic editers: and Miss Loin Recti.
nrt editor. Theso members of tlio
staff worked undor tho guldnnco of
I'ror. m. I). ThomuB, their ndvlsor.
Thruoul tho ISO nnecs of tho
book thero provnlls ovldonco of the
many Hides activities of tho pupils In
tho schools, llnndsomn pictures of
every phase of bcIiooI life make the
hook ono that will bo cherlshod by
I ho young people for many years U
co mo,
To mnko tho book nosslblo tho
staff credits tho loyalty of tho On
tario business men who backed thorn
up with liberal advertising. In ap
preciation of tho co-operation of tho
bUBlnosn men In nil nf tho student
undcrtnklngB during thn pnst year,
tho book wns dedicated to them by
tho staff.
Tho excellent photographic work
of tho bonk wiih done by tho Sellg
man studio and tho printing and
binding wns nil dnno In Tho Argus
nfflco during tho month of April.
Flvo hundred copies of tlio book
woro printed, nnd It Is Indeed u book
of which tho staff may woll bo
proud nnd ono Hint OntarlaiiH can
send to their friends back East,
out Went or anywhoro to show what
sort nf n high school Ontario pns-
Members of tho American Legion
Post Ontario will glvo n benefit Jazz
dance to assist tho post In filling Its
quota for funds to bo applied to tlio
Ainiiiiiiinnl LttM.l .- .-
dedicated to tho Malheur County
boys who died wlillo In tho service
An earnest appeal Is mado to tho
public to assist the boys of tho post
to put this quota ovor tho top. Real
Jazz music will bo furnished by an
out of town orchestra, and tho com
mittee Messrs. Mordan, Dorkholm
and Vlckery assure everybody a good
1 1 mo.
salt Take Is!
Ontario folks hnvo wondered, that
Is many of them hnvo, tho occasion
for tho ringing of tho church boll of
tho Church of tho Ulcsscd Sncrn
mont. for thoy did ont know Hint
Hlnco May 1, Fr. P. J. Stack has had
Tho Angolus observed and now thn
faithful nro awakened by tlio clenr
tones of tho bolls nt 0 it. m.; pause
to llston nt 12 in,, and ccaso their
labor with tho rythmical cadenco of
tholr notes nt C p. m.
jnow innt tho custom has been en
tnbllBhcd tho ringing of tho bells
will becomo n pnrt of the dally llfo of
tho city.
Auto Trip (Her Rural Keel Ion Ran.
tiel In Evening Part of Program
High Hrhool Hand nnd O it lie,
trn to nirnlsh Muilc.
WeUor Twun leaves Meld After
rkvmiil Inning Charging Ontario
Twlrlrr Willi Uftlng "Hhlno"
Rail Onlnrlo ,ciivch
Protest league.
Mecllirjrto Ih' Held Hero Hntlinbty,
May in, to RUriihN Mllltign Tax
Hrogaii mid Vnlo lo
Ro VMled .
.Many Repairs ludng Made for (Vm
eiilenco ir Oimw Country Tray.
elei-K Stoves mid lli'iicli
Ihdng .Made.
Mrs. C. E. Ilayhurst of Portland,
president nf tho nBsoclated alumni
association which Is urging tho mill
ago tax by which tho work of tho
higher educational Institutions may
bo continued will bo In Ontario Sat
urday afternoon. May in, to addross
n mooting to bo hold at tho City Hall,
Following the address hore Mrs.
Huyhurflt will go to Drogan for u
mooting at Vale on Monday evening.
During tho noxt two weeks a
series of mcotlugs will ho held In
various sections of tho country whore
tho needs of thn stato's educational
Intltittlons will bo discussed.
ubllr Schools to Pr'cnt Plctur-
cmiio Program or Fairyland
and HnuecM or Every IjiikI
on High Hrhool Ijuvii,
Florencevlllo, Michigan, furnished
tho first nuto tourist to use tho On
tario auto park for tho 1920 season.
The Commercial club committee
which has tho care of tho nark In
charge has arranged to add eight
camp stoves, many new benches and
other conveniences for tho traveller.
The park Is so arranged that It
can care for 12 to 1C uuto parties
overy night and every reasonable
convenience will be provided. The
club has placed a register at the park
to list those who stop here so that
they can be placed on tho club's ad
vertising mailing list.
Mrs. David Dunbar and bor duueb-
ters, Mrs. C. F. Trow and Ml us Helen
Dunbar, arrived Saturday from Long
Reach, Calif., where they spent tho
wmier. nirs. uunuar, wiio was 111
for several months during tho win
ter, Is reported to bo greatly Im
proved lu health.
In n program of pretty dances
which will depict the mythical
dances of Fairyland as woll as the
national .dances of tho peoples of
many lands, tho boys nnd glrlt of the
Ontario schools from tho High
School down to tho little tots of the
primary school will take part in a
May Fete on Wednesday afternoon,
May 12. The program Is given under
the direction of Miss Victoria Stanka
of tho department of physical educa
tion. This year tho program Is oven
more diverse than thoso of previous
years and calls for a veritable riot of
color In various costumes which the
little dancers will wear.
Of courso thoro will be a number
of songs and tho crowning of the May
Queen, who this year will he Miss
Zelda Mcllaloy. Tho program will
closo with tho singing of the nation
al anthem.
i no may roio wniwi nan necon a Tci,ner fanned, and (Irani w
?."..-.!!n.!!B.Lv.?,l'. " ... 'If ..9?l"r ?. by the Ralnbrldge-Lackey
nuiiuiim is iuu.ui im nuin ill nut 1.1117
by tho pupils but their parents who
note the improvement which each
program has shown over, its predecessor.
What would have boon an Inter
esting gnmo of ball was ruined Innt
Hunday nftomoou nt tho Fair
grounds whon tho Wolscr team loft
tho field nftor tho second Inning wns
piayeu. uocauso It til euoil that Mnl.
toy, Ontario' pltchor, was using a
"shlno" ball. A crowd of nearly
000 fans was bitterly disappointed at
tho oxhlbltlon of sportsmanship
given by tho visitors.
Whon tho Hitiabbla started the
scoro was 1 to 0 In favor of Ontario
nnd tho crowd had settlod back an
ticipating a good oxhlbltlon of tho
national pastime, for It was ovldont
that tho toauiH woro evenly matched
and both woro playing good busk
longuo ball, with honors fairly oven.
-mo source nt inn troublo Is prob
ably to be found In tho fact that
thero was too much monoy wncorod
on tho gamo, A betting ring In
front or tho grandstand was coiiHplo
uouh nnd tho bettors had considera
ble to do with tho attltudo of the
Welsor players. In fact during tho
wrangling tho visiting players con
sulted with thosn who had placed
monoy on tho gnniM and acted ac
cordingly. This feature of tho gnmo will not
bo repeated In Onlnrlo. Manager
Probst outhorlzos The Argus to mnko
tho slatcmont thnt betting will not
bo nllnwed and tho crowd will bo
kept from In front ot the stand
Next (i'miiiu Five.
AImi tho Ontario team will have u
good gnmo here at which tho gales
will o wldo open and no ad iihodon
charged, no that thoso who pild l,
uo Sunday's kaiiio will ho glvon
tiielr munoy's worth.
Ontario was not responsible for
Welsor leaving tho field. According
to the rules of somo of tho leagues
tho "shlno" ball Is not barred, but
even If it were, the local twlrlor
would havo been exempt, for he was
not using It. As a matter of fact
thero are only two or throe pltchors
In base ball who can use the ball,
and any man who can use It would
not bo pitching In a city of this size.
The public ought to recognize this
fact and In doing so absolve the On
tnrlo'managemont from any hlamo
for tho fact that Welsor pulled out.
Again the local management urged
the Welser team to play after urging
the backers of Ontario to cull bets
off, and to forfolt the gamo If an Il
legal dollvery was mado but that
would not satisfy the visitors. It
was apparent that tho Welser team
did not want to play after It was
scored upon, for up to that time no
protest was made..
Tlio Two Innings.
There Js not much to tell of the
game. Only three mon raced Mailoy
In the first inning. Welsbrod, tho
first man up, fanned, Waters lifted a
high fly to Clzorla In centerfleld and
Mandrel! missed Mils third strike a
In Ontario's half Clzorla lead off
with a long hard drlvo to loft center
which Tincher captured after a pret
ty run. Dalnbrldge waited for four
wide ones and walked. Eddlo forced
Dalnbrldge at second when he
grounded to Mandrel), who threw to
second; Harry Chapman did the
same to Eddlo by grounding to
Wators at short.
For Welser tho second was a dupli
cation of the first, except that nftor
cm nut
Mitchell got a llfo by Dalnbrldgo's
error on his sharp grounder to
When tho special train bearing
tlio 100 or moro IiiihIiicoh mlaufnt,.
nrlos from Halt Uko reach Ontario
noxt Monday afternoon It will ho
wolcome I In proper stylo by tho
buslnoB men of this city.
At tho trnln will bo automobiles a
Plont) to carry the visitors nvnr iim
Malheur and Snahn river vnlloys
tributary to this to lot thorn boo Just
how much alfalfa can bo grown to
feed Utnh s'ock when thoy run short
down In thn Wasatch country. Then
too thoy will leurn of the wonders of
tho fruit crowlim nnmillillliie. nr nu
section nnd In many other fields
thoy will know that tho trndo of this
soctlon Is desirable oven If thoy do
hnvo to competo with Portland nnd
llolio to secure their share.
To do all theso things committees
from tho Commercial club hnvo been
busy for sovorul days. Secretary F.
Leillo Ilody Is superintending nr
rangoniciitn for the banquet, and Ih
going to hho this as one of the
means of advertising tho resources
the decorations will bo of alfalfa and
fruit blosnoms, with a handsomo
calf and a lamb for center pieces
W. J. Plnnoy. II. II. Tunny and O.
C. Carter am arranging for tho auto
excursion; Mrs. O. 0. Plnnoy of thn
Dluablrd is In charge of tho banquot
propor; J. A, Lnkness Is dlsnnslnir of
tho tickets,
President E. C. VnnPotten will de
liver the address ot welcome to tho
visitors and P. J. (lallaghor will be
loastmaster nt tho banquot,
Tho music for the gntherlng will
bo furnlidied by tho High School or
chestra led by Prof. M. I). Thomas
nnd a numbor of solo numbers will
bo Intrduced to demonstrate tho ver
satility of Ontario young folks as en
torlalners, Pnrndn nt P. M.
Tho visitors will arrive ut 3 p. m.
on their special train nnd will bo met
with placarded cars rn that each
grounp of visitors will bo entertain
ed by local men In corresponding
business. Tho visitors havo an
oloctrlphone, whatever that U; mid
they havo ruqutmted that a truck he
provided for It. This Instrument,
thoy declare, can bo heard for 12
miles, so that everyone In thn coun
tryside will bo aware that they nro lu
(Continued on Last Page.
More Than I no INilhnven of Daiiion
air! Pyllila Foregather In On.
tnilo to Willie) Exemplified.
Hon or Degree- High
Official Preen I .
Ontario was captured yesterday by
an Invading host. The beselgers
wore botltled officials of tho army of
Knights of Pythias and their retinue
of plain Knights and Esaulres. etc.
The Knights cume from Vale, lead
by Qrand Chancellor Commander
Jullon A. Hulroy, from Welser lead
by Past (Irani! Chancellor Com.
mander nf Idaho Smith.
In the afternoon the visitors were
ontortalned by a concert given by
the High School band und listened
to an Interesting urogram of music
and speeches of visiting officials.
it. w. Hwaglor, chancellor com
mander of Armor Lodge No. 69, de
livered tho addreaH of welcome. Re
sponses were made by Oram) Chan
cellor Hurley and Past Orand Chan-.
collor Smith. W. W. Wood of On
tario also delivered an address.
Resides tho music furnished by
the band Mrs C. F, Cox presented a
numbor of violin solos accompanied
by Miss Dolllo Rollins.
In tho evening session four es
quires worn Initiated Into the ranks
of knighthood and a banquet served
which required the fllllnc or the -
tables three times.
A degree competition had been
scheduled between Ontario, Vale and
Huntington but the team for the
latter city did not appear so a select
ed team from Vale and Ontario wa
chosen to put on the work.
Clarence Crouter of Alexander's, who
some two months ago Buffered a
compound fracture of his ankle when
ho fell from a ladder at the store. Is
able to be ubout again, tho still un
liable to walk without a ratio.