TIIE ONTARIO AUG US. ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, A P1UL 29, 1920. .WIS IV Till I'llILD. Now luiiil Ik frequently Infested wild unU wliloh destroy 11 conaldor nlilo urwi of crop around each inoiinil. Your Knrni UuroHli commit teeman on Pent nnil I)Ihikk ronlrol Iiiin licun nnpgillnd with Hid direction for cotnlmtliiK IIih (lent ii nd It In ftlinple. HI'KCIAL COHRUUA'IOH. The county hroiR can I el I you how tho clover need RrowtTH roimtrtiet a upoelal coi'MiRHtor for iiho In ki ow ing Krnln nuriw crop. Mnny a wiiry Mile stepper nlinhl) ovation a bill collector only to full Into moro rolontleM clutchon when Ills wlfo Krlmly order) him to "dig down." f Political Announcements SILVER TIM Tlio (Mitotic Ladle' will Klve a .May Day Ten from 8 to C at the homo of Mr. I'. J. Ualtiigher on 8Kturtly. May 1. Hverjnue Invited. "Apply eiiKlneerlnK efficiency to Statu control of puhllc utllltlm." Volo for H1IICA LtlPKR. Ropuhltpnn noinlimtlon for I'llhllr Mnrvlrn Cntn- mlimlonei Ailv KOIt AKNKS.SOR I herohy announce tnyxolf n can- dldato for the offlco of A wen or of Malheur County, subject to the will of tlio ItoptihllcHti voters at tlio pri mary elect Ion to ho hold .Mny 21nt 1010. Hvor coiiKcloitH of IIih Rront re ipoimlhlllty the offlre rnrrlo, I pro-liils-o. If nouiiiiateil and olactcd, to kIvo my hol tlint anil niierxv to a oh re fill study of the relatlrn proporty vnliintlon and without fear or favor to so pi Hot ) the Kama on the tax roll that In my JudKiUHnt nil will htmr alike their Just and equitable burden of taxation I II. qi'lSKXIUMlY I'Olt ASSKSSOR. I herohy announco myself ns n candidate for assessor on tliu Itcptih llcan ticket. UoIiir a resident of Malheur county for 14 years and a taxpayor, I consider tlio offlco of assessor one of tho Important offices of the county. If elected as your assessor It will ho iu endeavor to place couorvatlVo values upon taxable property of the county, so apportioned that each class of proporty will pay Its just proportion of tlio taxes. I have no radical notions relative to assess in cut or the performance of tho duties of the offlco. hut bellove the work of tho offlco Hhoiild he done on a buslnoss basis, having In mind economy and fairness to all classes. Yours vory truly, II. I.. P00RMAN. A fair, conservative valuation of all classes of proporty. Build a Home For Your Car The bins prints, specifications and list of build ing material! for tha garage shown above will bo supplied fret of uluivgo at tho Boise Payette Lumber Compr.wy's yard. Tho plan includes all the conveniences of tho modorn garago and is designed so as to make tho most economical uso of lumber and building ma torials. Size 14x20 Tho floor uplift' piiilril l iiinplo for the laiK"t nu willi n pi'iii'MiiiN iilhmmu'o for wml. bench, lottl-t Mtiit'tl, priinphi'i'. nulla mid unlimnpeied iiccit.lblllly. It I pcniiai'i'iitlji MilMiiiiiliil, Intllt on n mnriele rnunihiiloii nnil iiinfisl .Willi sliliiKhM. Tin ulmlmwd suit- iloor mid lit llic llnbl nnil iiiiiM'iili'Mii- of riiii'mii'i'. 'Mils plan in. I) be nllcled to toiifuim In jour (!'jli . Let lis il Im'Ii mill decide w It It jmi nnllie bes limiie fur jinn' cue. Boise Payette Lumber Co, Alt (il.WCK, .Milliliter of Ontario 1 aril isaBfflsrtfiLicsauEM li TOiT Refill The 1920 DeLaval is a Bigger and Better Separator Tlit old Dohavnl lias paid for it soli ninny times in tht last soviMitiHMi years, and the new inaeliiiie skims elenner and quicker. Conditions havo changed greatly during the last low years. Mutter fat and other dairy products bring twice as much as they did five years ago; while the IVLnvnl has only advanced 50 per cent, due iu part to improvements, and increased capa city, so that the actual advance on Do-Laval is slight compared with other commodities. Tall and see the Xew DeLaval on exhibition at the store of McNulty & Co. ONTARIO, OREGON POLITICA I. A NNOUNCK.M KNT. Subject to tho result of tho Pri mary olectlon to ho held, May 21st. 1020, I hereby announce my candi dacy for tho Ropuhllcau Nomination for State Senator from tho T,wonty second Senatorial District composed of Grant, Harney mid Malheur Counties, Stnto of OrcKon. If nominated and elected I will. durliiR my term of offlco, endeavor to act with prudenco and caro in tlio (HschnrRo of my duties, without fear or favor and for tho greatest Reed to tho Kreatost number. CIIARLI28 M. (.'RANDALL, Vale, OroRon. i'or county thi:asuki:k I hereby announco myself ns a caudldnto for tho Republican nom ination for tlio offlco of County Treasurer, subject to tlio Primaries on May 21. If olectod I pIoiIru m elf to the sumo careful attention to the duties of tlio offlco that I havo Riven dtirliiR the past twu years. C. O. MUKLLKR. I'OU COUNTY ASSESSOR Aftor sorvltiR one term as Assessor of Malheur County, durliiR which time I have attomlod to the duties of the office to the host of my ability, I submit my candidacy for ro-olectlon to the approval of tha puoplo, sub ject to tho Democratic Primaries 'May 21, 1020. It. M. CARLILK. I'OU DIHTltlCT ATTORNEY. I announce myself as a candidate for the nomination for tho offlco of District Attorney for Malheur county at tho Republican primaries to bo held on May 21, 1020. If I am nom inated and olectod, I wilt dovoto all of tho tlmo ami attention nocossary to the propor performance of all the duties of tho offlco. Sinned, ItOIlT. D. LYTLK. I'OU COUNTY CIiKltK I herohy announco myself a candi date for tho offlco of County Clerk or Mainour county, orogon, subjoct to the will o the Republican voters at tho Primaries on May 21, 1020. 1 nominated and olectod, I promise to dovoto all of my tlmo and attention to the propor conduct of tlio affair of tho offlco. 1IARIIV 8. BACKBIT. J I'OU COUNTY HUPKUINTKNDKNT I hereby announce myself a candi date for the offlco of County School Superintendent of Schools of Mal heur County, Oregon, subject to the will of the Republican voters at tlio Primaries to he held May 21. 1020 It nominated ami elected I will do voto nil my tlmo anil onorRy to the ndwiiicemuut of the schools of tho county. MRS. KI'FIK M. ('UAH., I'OU JOINT HKNATOIt. I seek tho Republican nomluntlon for Joint sonator for the Twenty second Senatorial District at the coming primaries. If nominated uud elected 1 prom ise to the District an honest servlco ami will tako my oath of offlco un pledged to any porson or Intorost. I am a liberal and not a reaction ary or a radical; and especially so us to public oxpomllturos, Kconomy should moan thrlftluess. Public ox- pondltures domnnd a reasonable promise of material and social bono-1 fit. Irrigation ami drainage under ' special assessments; Reed roads; protection of grazing lands ami the puhllc range for tho good of tlio live stock Interest as a whole; betterment of mail service; Improvement of facilities of branch lino railroads tiro among the Important local uoeils. Itoads and postal servlco In the country districts nro tho only vUlhlo returns from taxation, and the burden of taxation should bo fairly oquallied through those means. On the foregolug statement I ask tho support of tho Republican voters CIIARI.KS W. KI.MS. Hums, Oro FOR COUNTY Sl'RVKYOR Subjoct to the Democratic pri maries on May 21, I hereby announce my candidacy for tho nomination for the office of County Survoyor H. TAMHI.YX . . FOR SUKRIFF. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the second term as Sheriff of Malheur County, Orogon, subject to the will of the Democratic voters at tho Primaries to bo held May 21, I'OU STATU HKNATOR I hereby announco myself ns a ftmdidnto for tho Republican nomlu ntlon for the offlco of Stnto Senator of tho district comprised of Malheur, Harney and (Irant counties. If I am nominated and elected for n second term I will continue to sorvo this district and the Stato of Oregon to tho host of my nblllty. JUMKN A HURLEY. Stnto Senator. Xoto, pleaBo, that tho oratory of lour presidential Hpellhlndora wns completely eclipsed tho other day. Hut It took n hell raising tornado to do It. up, smokes nro roIiir up, overythlt Is away up, ntid If somcthlnR dot como down soon we'll all blow up. And still, wo nro firmly convlncl Hint tttn itniell tt II It I trttl 1 1 1 ltd PA I llltll IIIU (1(1 n II u iiiiiiuimti i.it, Food Is roIiir up, clothing Is roIiir still In tho renlm of dnwns. & SINDAY AND .MONDAY .MAY 1! AD iuixii: lllltlii: In "MISI.IMDINfl WIDOW" ' i HAROLD LLOYD In "llllinpliiK lulu Rromluii)" TFHHDAY, MAY I IIRKiCS In "HATVUDAY" Wim.MfNDAY TIIFRS. MAY . AMI II NAI.MOVA In STRONdim THAN DIMTII . nlso COMItllY "Oh, What ii Nile." FRIDAY, .MAY 7 VIVIAN .MARTIN In "THIRD KISS" also I'iiIIio News SATURDAY, .MAY H CIIAS. RAY In "R(!0 CRATi: WALLOP" iiImi CO.MRDY "How Can They Do It on $S per DajV" 6ur Allies This bank is an ally of the farmer, stock grower and merchant, bound together by an unwritten law for the advancement of private interests and the develop ment of Ontario and vicinity. You can join this league by becoming a depositor of this Bank. Ontario Nafaaf Bank Oldest Bank in Grant, Harney and Malheur Counties "When good fellows get together, Pin right there" Chesterfield HTHB moit companionable bunch of totucco5 ever rolled into a cigarette silky, cromatic Turkish, and fine, full. flavored Domestic, expertly chosen and expertly blended. That's Chester field. And they sure do "satiifyl " 1 m m m !' L7i Vs : i Ranchers Play Safe Don't Take Chances Look Over Your Machinery Now. You cannot afford to take chances on bcinj? out of mnchinery, or essential parts when you are actually in need of them. Stocks are hard to get PLAY SAFE. Anticipate your needs in any of the following lines: John Deere Mowers and Rakes, Plows, Disc Har rows, Wagons, Hay Tools, Etc. We are the Agents for the Iowa Cream Separators the money saving machine. Associated Gas Engines for Irrigating Systems Geo. W. Wayt Farm Implements of all kinds ONTARIO, OREGON (n-cwvir lK'KJit-j mm,rm;ir7m232iJk0MtmiSm 1920. II. LEE NOE l