The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 29, 1920, Image 10

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(Continued IVom I'ngo 1)
MM Kutlier Klimc wnn down from
HiiIm Tiinraday jo Mnmlny to visit
Willi linrpnrontH.
Mr Clmrlo 8 Mlllnr. wife of
Sunt Mlllor of tlio rrultlHnil hcIiooU
ImH rcturiiiMl from St I.uko h lioapltnl
vtliura lio uiidnrvvent u forlon ounr
ntitin. Mr nnil Mrs P A Oliver, of Nor
rln, Montana, linvo roino for nn ex
tended vldlt with Mr ami Mr Art
llollirook Mm Oliver In n sinter of
Mr. Ilollirook
Mr. IlliiRhnm hat been norlously 111
at IiIm homo on Ioiiiim IVHtiln Avenue
Tlio rPColptH taken In from tlin Op
eretta "Mttlo Alinoml Ken Rlvun
I'rlilay nltsht by tlio Priiltlnnil IIIkIi
School nmoiintoil to $105 About
f!8 an uinlrlbiitod by tho griiita ul
tlio matinee In tho afternoon. Tlio
jotint? people were a credit to tills
lominiinliy anil Prultliitul people nl
Mn)t enjoy tho Srhool plnyn
Mr and Mr Ioren Itudotph mid
thruo children were kiichIh tho wcok
end of the C. I ltlch, 0, I. llollen
beck and William llollenhcck fnm
II lex
Mr. II. C. Chantliir and two little
koiih aro horo from Senttlo to upend
the Hummer with Mr and Mm V II.
VoMnl, pnrentH of Mm Clumtlor
Mm. Ilurnlle. nlntor or Mm J. M.
Klimny. U ii Ket at the Kinney
Mr. Ii 8. Poind l In linker vlnll
Iiik her dutiKhtor, Mm I.uIiuh
Mr nnil Mm William Wallop wore
over from Dead Ox Pint upending tho
uunk end nt tho Jacob llauert Home.
Mm. Lulu Menu whh In U'elncr
Kdnit lllotimtroin whh out form Pay
etlo over Sunday vImIIIiir MIkh Tlnn
I'lvo inrMim united with the M I.
Church Sunday.
Mr. and Mm J It Well woro
KUiwtH Sunday at the I I) llomion
Tho ICxocntlvo Committee of the
KiulMtvor mot Saturday nlRlit at tho
Tanked home A iiiembeMhlp anil
iifiIvii InteroMt content ha been nlurt-
ed. Cldn MakliiNon and Walter
Tuokett aro I ho eapliiliiH At tho
end or nlKlit week tho loner oritur
lalim tho winner.
Tlilrty-tlirco of tho nelKhlioM and
relative or Mr William Itituort want
In on her Woiluiffihiy oveuliiK Iniil.
to help her colohrato her iilrtiuiay
aniilvuroary. While they wero not In
vltttd by tho IiimIuhm alio MurmlM'il
the) were lomliiK tind when they ar
rived lib ono wa proiient to Klvo them
welwime. IloweMir. they wero Minn
round mid all entered Into u happy
evenliiK toRuther Tho RUenl nroi
ii moat eluborato lunch
ThUMilay evening tho Kndwivor
iintlnlmiteil linvliik' u welner ronit
but beeaiiHO ot tho Inclement weather
they went to the IluiiRiilow ami hai
their run IiihIoiiiI
lieu drover Mhlpped a car load of
eattlo from Now Plymouth hint vvooit
and a number mini rruiiinnu ton
Irlliiilnil ti (lie cur
Tho Primula or Prof T It. Neirkou
nnil Victor HronUioovor nro Rind to
know thoy am both remveriiiK from
Mr K. Sllkett I bullilliiK a black
taut It Ii hIiop and work room on hi
lot on the main Mreot to I'rullantI
ncrowi from tho livery Imrii Tlio
building I 21 by 58 feel. ('. C
Sllkett I bulhlliiR a four room buiiK
ulow with Imtli .nvroiM from the J N
lllll homo on the river.
II. (1 (larduer lett Monday ulRht
tor Low Won to attend tho Itepub-
IIchii lnt convention
CliarliM ThomiiMin came from
ToppenUh. Wanli , Saturday ovenliiR,
railed hero by tho death of hi
fnlliHi. IIummII Thouipnou
Mr. (' J Slout ciimo thl wcok
fiom StHlllo to vlll Willi her par
ent. Mr and Mm W. A Colwell
I. M (lanliior went to Caldvvell
Saturday oviiiiIiik, returnliiR Sunday
Ml Nellie Unmet! I einplned In
Hie I'rultlnud Slato bank
Mr and Mm II TnKK" d diuiRh
ler Mini Mr and Mr Itudolpli Holts
and ilHUKhler. of Crnud iHlaud. Ne
braska, stopped orr Saturday oven
Iiir en route to their homo tiom Col
IfornlH and northern polnl for a fovv
da' vUlt with Mr and Mr William
llauert Mr TokB" I" Mr lluuerf
iiuele Throw RiiiMt, toRether with
Mr. ud Mm Itaueit and Mr Jarnh
Itauerl, motoitul to HuiiiioU Tuwalay
of thl vvimk.
Mr II. P (llailer left Saturday
dvhiiIiik for her homo In HimijiiIiii.
Wah . aftur a two week' visit with
her father and mother at tho homo
of J. K Cumoriv
Mr wild Mr II II KlunUoii and
Mm Carl wont to lloUo Saturday
inornlnK for a wcok end visit with
itmlr i! mi i'Ii I or Mm Arthur Colwell
Tlmv worn nrnmttnnlntl linmn tiv Mr
t.- A tlarrif nf Afnurnilnrn. Pnttf .
daughter ot Mr and Mrs. Klnnlson,
who will sponu two moninu nere
nuUn n iiiinilinr unnt tfi NvfiHn
Sunday to wltnes tio lianelinll kiiiio
between Nna and Frultland Nkbu
won 12 to 5.
O P I)al received n telcRrnm
Monday announclnR that hi rathei
I low mill no lert Aionua ovciiihl
tnr 1'nnnnuann In tin wltll llllll All
other nRont will be here at the depot
TitHilay to tako chnrRo ot the depot
Mr nnil Mm II It Hoomer and
little noil motored to Caldwell Thur
.In v
n t' llnvln linn nurchascd tho I)
' Tnlor place and moved Into the
homo In Fruitinnu. iiiib prnpcn
.. (iirinn, v iiunnii nv Air uorai i
ltov. Chiiuncoy SlinmlicrRpr vva-n
in rllntinu t-'nrrv ThurHilaV eVcllltlR
nml In IlcllovuD I'rlilay evenliiR In
II, n Interest or llto inieriiiurtn
Mr. qmllo tnnnnh mid llllURlltCr
and n rrlcnd wore down from Welner
Sunday, tho ruosIh or Air nun mm
l flitnliurl
Herbert Haver Is recovering irom
uiiinit inn ir rnuinnii iiiwimuu uiii
pany lin been absorbed to a largo
extent by I'rultlnnd men land I be-
i .,i. unt.i rmildlv and rrultlana i
(, uu... . -- ....... ..
ltmiinnii to crow innii """
ti...ln tl.n unnlr linut .1(11111 U JOIlll
lUllllh IH I.n... ,."- - ,
..... I.u mirfilinmill llimn lilt 1111(1
Ocnn C StoRiier hn purhnsod four
..u lit I in nnu liiirr III I11W11 I'll
Henderson, non-ln-liiw to II. I Tuss-
no. inn nnrc uiseii lour utiL-n in
inn ,- lulnlntr llin II I' Till
i.... r....nii in iiui miHt John Towue
hnn purchased two lot opposlto the,
ii.i im i( I'nupu iiiiiuiiiui, in'"
.1 I... t II Hnrl-Plll
tnviiuii tij v .... ...-
ti. ion iipnu fiimierlv owned ID
Mr. Ilcckp sold at a much advanced
prlco. . , , , , .. ll I.tiorsc i. who last fall
boiiKht from Mr Ilerke 120 acre
on Pniiiiulvaiiln avenuo ror looop
thl week Mild 80 nrro to H .
nun.. .. ii.ixiiiiuiitn fur isnun and
tin) other 80 to W V McNaught ror
(10,000, selllllR ll wiiniii u inn
moutliH ror three time the purchase
Atleiitloii, MotheiM anil I'iIpiiiI r
.MolllCM' lirne,
V.. ..n mhI nillv llltfllllll lltlt Olir
prcsonco I reiiuested at tho next
meeting OI IIIO Allllliern uiuu ",'"'
hold at the IIIrIi School naneiiiMy
room I'rlilay nftornoun, May 7lh
This will bo the last meetliiR or tlio
year nd now iifMror will bo elected
It Ih Importnnt that a deepor Interest
bo takon In the Mother' Cinlo
work In ordor Hint tho closer m
(lualntnuco and rrlendshlp can exlnt
.....i n u.iiniiin viviMi to tho mnny
now mother coming Into our com
munity A most oxioiiem. imi".i.
.. -. i i... M..,.!.. I r vi In rhnlrnlllll
or tho Woman' oducntlonal vvork or
Ilolso, on "Human i.iiucauiiii u
Adnpted to Idaho" will bo read by
Mr M It Sherman Another paper
on tho "High Cost ot Mvlng t'auMoil
by Women" will be rend Special
iiiiihIc will bo given and a most In
tertwtlng meeting I expected ( oiiip
out and rIvo your IipIp by our prrs
mice Also wo want your help In
raising tho exponsn iuone ior a mm- .
gato to tho (loodlns convention rir
tho Stato mooting m in ''
Teacher Association meeting
(Contlnuod rrom Page I)
oumhpiI at length and Inlks mndo by
Superintendent or School IavvI
and W P. lloman sot tho mattor be
roro tho mooting In mich a manner
that a Hpoclal resolution wn passed
urging tho adoption ot tho measure
. .. . I.,, mi... HMiA nllOKllclll (if Vlllll
otlon 111 the various school ill trlct
or tho county n set lortu n uiu
... .., .. ,,u ..ill. iiiiii hrl(flv and a
niuiuiiiuiii "" : 't
molon prevailed to Instruct tlio sec
rotary to call tins mniier u m -
i.... ..r Hi., rniiniv court to deter
........ .. ,r mil Hlirjl lIllltlKPS
might be mndo to ouiialUo this tax
' Tho report ot tho rommlttoo which
t n..riiiiinl in Interview the
WUHl III Ml " ,
Highway Commission was presented
by tl K Aiken, who said that the
commission issuou un "run ,
secretary to cull lor bids ror lit
paving or tho Snako lllver brldg
Immediately upon tho recotpt pt the
rocoiuiiieudution oi uio leui-im i.i
supervisor Mr Aiken also presein
ed othor InfornmHon conccriinu
road work In the county nn i w
tho Hiipport or tho club tor the bond
limitation umendmoiit
Horn. April 21, to Mr and Mrs
Louis Kiossln, a daughter
Candidate in Cougro
Ho Knvere: Kiiual right too l'ubllc, Labor and Capital
Is Imiiieuwly Intorosted In Irrigation Development, the ad
vancement ot the mining and timber resource or this part ot Oro
Hou and tho recovery ot our apportionment lu tho federal rund ror
dovolopmuut purpose,
Hu Is lu touch with the vital needs ot Centrnl and Ostein Oregon.
I'rlnuiilo May 21 (let out and vote.
Extra Full Cut
Men's Work
Shirts at
$1 and $1.25
Worth fully 1-3 more
Men's-Young Men's SUITS
Men's Cotton anil
lisle Socks al
Worth fully 1-3 moro
Taking in every new 1920 Spring Suit in the house comprising the
productions of High Art, Sincerity, Chesterfield and other makes of
$30. OO Suits , $T) A M
$35.00 Suits $Q 45
$uo.oo suits $QQ.50
$U5.00 Suits $Q 45
$50.00 Suits $ i - .50
$55.00 Suits $ A fA5
$60.00 Suits $JTJ .50
ber every new Spring Suit has got to go and go they will without
much delay.
For Coast and Year-Round Wear
The finest of Heavy Weight Worsted Suits the market affords-about
100 of these Suits carried over from last winter and now placed in
this Special Event at a discount of $5.00 a suit off marked prices.
. Manufacturers are now showing advance Fall 1920 lines at an ad
vance of about 33 1-3 per cent over last season.
Figure the Saving Yourself
and atttnd this Big DOUBLE SPECIAL EVENT
JONliS 11)11 CONOKUnS Cl.l'H.
linker, OroRiin
One Price Clothier
Paid Adv.