The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 29, 1920, Image 1

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NO. 22.
City Pmk mill Imv Picniii( Inlgu
Himi SyMrm Needed Kln Tiuck
Absolute Essentia! Would Itnl-c
l.lmll lo III per CimiI of nliintlnii.
After tin inomhrrH o.' the Com
mercial dull worn tiohig ;old m' the
troubles of tlio Hr'iool lion:il lo
fliiHiico llm school under present
Hlittlonnry Inx wtliiullons, Mayor K.
W. Jonoa roii'i'lhi'tod mi m count of
llm itlfftotiltloii of llm City Couiinll.
Mayor Jonei declared tlmt II. ' oily
council illil not fHVOl' till pll.ll Ot
Issuing wnrrmilH to purchase a firo
truck ttio niii' hhh needed liaill). mill
Hint tlm council In now IjpmIorihI !:
rltUens desiring lo lmvo tlio paving
Pimm no extended Hint n substantial
Iiiciomhu In tlm number of blocks r.f
pavliiK In tin' I'llv would result If Hie
council nnadotl In their roniiolH.
Mayor Join i explained tlmt tlio
oily win not proceed ,s Itlt nny .iioro
Improvements for Ibe i linplu 'oiih-mi
that under tlio law tlio rom c' Inter
mictions nuiHt I hi pnld for liv tint city
hh a whole.
"Tlio valuation of the city proporty
on which taxation Ik bused Ih only
ahout 2fi per rout of tlio real valua
tion ho that flKiired on tlio present
bonded limit tlio city can only bor
row 10 cent on every dollar of real
valuation. On tlio present IiiihIh
tlioroforo tlio city's limit of Indebted
iiihw oiiKlit to ho forty per cent of tlio
valuation mo (hut tlio council can
proceed to carry out t ho wInIich of tlio
Mrs. Richardson Owns City.
Secretary F. I.ohIIo llody called nt
Mention to Hie fact Hint of tlio 1248
ncroH within tlio city llmltH of On-
tarlo two-thirds or tlio total area Ih
tlio property of outHldo people who
uro IioIiIIiik land for speculative pur
poses. It Is a further fact he declar
ed that Mrs. Mary Richardson of
Halter owim 2f por cent of the total
urea of Ontario and that hIio will not
null any of her holdings and Ih IioIiI
Iiik hack tlio ilovelopmont of tlio
IIh urgod tlio purcluiKO of at leant
three park sltos ho that Onarlo will
ho In a poHltlon lutor to Improve
tlieiu'ni noodod.
Cnuiiclliiinu A. L. McDowell, II. II.
Tunny, t. F. Fox and othorH mmko In
favor of making provision no that the
city could proceed with tlio Improvo
iiiontH outlined and a motion prevail
ed lo iiHHiiro tlio council of tha sup-
port of tho cluh In ItH ofroits to nil-i
vnnco tlio clty'H IntoroiitH, I
Air us Acknowledge MUtnke In
1'ollllciil Htory liM Wivk l'n
dot-Mood, llouever, That She
Has llcin Ankeil to Ituil.
Mrs. Ilurloy did not, a tlio Argim
of luHt wcok by mlstako announced,
file for tho democratic nomination
for county Huporlutondont of schools,
mid In fnlrnewi tho Argus dotilroa to
correct that ulatement.
It Ih umleffitooil that Mrs. Ilurloy
has almost decldod, that If tho iloiiio
cratlo doctors write her naiiio In on
tho ballot sho will make tho rnco In
tlio fall, but that alio would not ap
pear In tlio primaries.
A imiHlcal club, l(nown as tho Juni
or Musical Club wuh formed among
the music students at tho High
School Wednosdny afternoon undor
tho direction of MIhh Catherlno Con
way. Tho following nfflcors were
elect il: Mary Sprlngor, president;
Margaret lllackaby, vice-president j
Hopo Cochran, secretary, and Myrtle
Irfigan, treasuror. The club will
Start Its rogular programs or work
noxt fall.
Hetls Morton or Wostfull and Miss
Vsrllo Urannock of Poyette wore
"tnarrled at tho homo of tlio bride's
mother I n Payette sunuay, April
2fith. The groom Is the youngest son
Ot Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Morton of On-
lnrlo anil served wmi ino American
7orQ8 In Franco and Germany. Ho
.la at nrosent employed In the Jones
& Co, bank at Westfall. The couple
will make thoir homo at vvosuau.
A district convention of the
KnlghtH of Pythlns comprizing the
lodges of Huntington, Vale and On
tario, will hn held In Ontario next
Wednesday. May IS. Knights from
WolHcr anil I'ayotto will also lie In
attendance. 'I'll uro will lie an after
noon ittid night session mid a parade
In tlio afternoon In which tlio Knights
of KoriiHim, a high rank of tlio order.
will participate. At tlio urtornoon
session addresses will bo iiiodc by
(Irnnd Chancellor J. A. Ilurloy mid
athcrri. A musical program will also
ho rendered. At the iiIrIU hchhIoii n
contest will tako place. Tlio work
will ho In charRu of District Deputy
(Irani! Chuncellor It. W. Swnglcr. A
banquet for tlio KnlRhtH Ih IioIiir pro
pared by tlio Pythian Sisters.
:vmi I.'. OaliCN Niiineil Chilli niiin o(
Committee to Aimngi' for Meet-
Inks hi Various Purls of Oiilii-
I) Wide Itopirsoiitnlloii.
With delegato prosont from prno
tlm.llt. nvnrv nnnHnll (if the millltV
llm Mnllimir Diu'elniiiuellt I.OIIIMIO
met at the Commercial cluh ronuiH In
the City Hall last Saturday attor-
iitkitu fittil ftnttylflimttl tilrtllU fill PMtTV
Iiir forth a campalRii In behalf of the
iniiiiuitrnu In Im volKil lllioll lit Hie
primary election on May 21.
Ivan K. Oak oh of Ontario wax
named chairman or the committee
appointed to arrmiKO a proRrnm of
mcetliiRH to bo held In practically
overy precinct In tlio county durliiK
tlio noxt three weokn.
AmoiiR tlio doloRatCH preitnt when
1'roHlilent Itobt. D. I.ytlo called tlio
meetliiK lo order were Kred I'lilnior,
Hnrloy J. Ilookor. and AHOenoRa of
Jordan Valley. Their proHonco hrot
to tlio attention of the mcetliiR tlio
matter of the Succor Creek road to
Jordan Vnlloy and tlio action of tlio
County Court In making It a market
road mid IIiuh rIvIiik tlio peoplo of
that Hoctlon rellof an noon an powdblo
wiih enilomml. A reolutlon utiprov
Iiik that courno wiih Introduced by
Jullen Ilurloy of Vnlo mid carried.
II I rl.illni.lmr nvnlnlnml to tllO
RatliorliiR tlio prnvlKloiiH of tlio road
liouii amendment 10 mu mmu tuii
Htltutlon and net for the flRuron,
which nro Riven on another piiro of
HiIh Ihhuo hIiowIiir how u vote for
IIiIh meaituro merely meaim that the
ownorn of uuiOH will bo ablo to Rot
roadn at onco wlilln tlio taxoH they
pay rotlro tlio IioiiiIh and pay tlio In
torest mid fiirnlli n Hiirpliw bonldo.
The mlllaRO tax for hcIiooIh of IiIrIi
or education and tho elemontury
hchool tax wore upprovod by tho
loiiRiio and an Informal hohhIoii con
Hldered varloun probloniH of county
dovolopmont. Tho next mootliiR of
.i. !.,...., ...111 i.n imlil nt Vnln when
tho officer for tlio coming year will
bo olectcd.
ontahio di:it:ats wi:isi:u
inktitdti: in hot !amh
In on IntoroHtliiR roiiio of ball nt
tho Pair RroundH laHt Trldoy aftor
noon tlio Ontario HIrIi School tenm
.l..fnnln.l llm nn,il frnm WelHor IIlHtl-
tuto by an 8 to l ncoro. wiwiiuii
Mooro'H twlrlllng was tho feature of
tho game
This afternoon Ontario pmn .-
to Tin: laiiitAiiv
Knitting and Crocheting Hcok.
Francis. . . , ,. ,
Tales or Folks mid rairius, ii.
Keopliig Fit All tho Way.
Llttlo Miss Grasshopper, Spyrl.
Dawn. Porter.
Inventions of tho Groat War.
nonil. ., . ,
Indian, Days of tho I.onR Aro,
Curtis. . ' , , .
With tho Mltio fois. wrigiH.
The American Hunting Dog.
Mlllor. v .
Tlio Ilalncoat uiri, J.eo.
Tho School Team In Camp, Karl.
Olrls or 'C4, Knlpo.
TlieSecond Hook or Modern Verse,
Uusty Mlllor. Oray.
Seven Poas In a Pod, Dalley.
Adam Iledo, Eliot.
Tho Hoy Vigilantes of llelgluui.
Walsh. ,
On tho School Team, Earl.
Tho Amazing Interlude, Illnehart.
Hon. tho nattlo Horao, Dyer.
Garments for Girls, Schmlt.
i3tory Hour Favorites, Harper.
Tho Great Lakes Training Station.
Iluzzell. . . .
Indian Legends Retold, Eastman.
Mother Nature's Toy 8hop, Deard.
Wo'ro Just pining to scratch ofr an
editorial on the low cost or some
thing but wo can't find the ora
tbing. Tlio bright star of hopo shins
steadily before us nil. but w novor
see It so long as we Ko,ej) our eyo
glued to tho ground.
MIsm Helen I'. Dltlixon of Liiniler,
W.mmiiIiik, Helecteil lo Take CluitRe
of .Miillieiii' County, I.IIiimi.v
I'liinieily Willi Htnlc l.lbiiny.
After many weokH of unavoidable
delay, owing to tho difficulty of ho
curliiR n competent librarian and to
tha fact that MIhh Marvin, Mate
librarian, who wished to minlst In ch-,
taiiiiHiiing me county nurary sysiom
In Malheur county, wn nlment for
Hoverul mnntliH, tha tlhrnry board an
nounces that It has secured the
Kcrvlces or MIhh Helen P. DIckHon us
county tlhrnrlau. Miss Dickson will
como to Ontario May 1 to IicrIii
MIhh DIckHon hnw liiul two ycarH
experience In the travollug depart
ment of tho stato library undor MIhh
Marvin, ho that hIio Is woll qualified
to undertnko tha county work. 8 ho
conies to Ontario from Landor, Wyo
ming, county seat of Fremont
county. i
Tho comity library HyHlom Is re
ceiving widespread notice mid Ih do
ing Htnrtcd in many states. Cali
fornia takes tho lead In having estab
lished county libraries In forty-four
of lis rifty-elght counties. Utah has
followed California's lead ami It Is
predicted that by 1021 nil of the
counties or Utah will lmvo county
As early ns 1012 several counties
In Orugou started libraries governed
by tho county court, but In 101V a
now law wiih passed, making It pus
slhlo for tho largest city In tho coun
ty, possessing a suitable library
building mid willing to turn IIh
hooks over to the use of tho county,
to enter Into a contract with the
county to maintain n county library.
Thoro nro flvo county library hh
terns In operation under this law
Tho reporlH from Wasco, Multnomah
and Umatilla counties prove con
clusively tho wisdom and success of
tho HyHtom.
Tim county library Ih peculiarly
suited to serving rural populations.
It Ih supported by a tax on tho entire
county; has nn ndoqunto central
library nilnilnlHtered ny export iinnir
ImiH at tho chief city; bus branches
In schools. towtiH. villages mid Host.
offices; and serves rural dwollers by
.. .. n..H.d). ....a auulnlll ,,r II
IllUllim III II I'HUUI w.-,k nnivi. ... ..
book truck that carries n library of
many volumes to overy farm homo In
tho county.
lllilu u-lll Im received until noon.
Juno 1st, 1020, at tho office of tho
secretory of the Malheur Drulnago
District, Ontario, Oregon, on a,
Afta nn In r.."0 vnnr Mnllimir Drain-
ago District 0 por cent Interost boar-
lug iinmiH, lntoroHt paymiia semi
fortified chock in the sum ot live
per cent must accompany each hid.
Ktati Superintendent Churchill Ail
(IreshfN (iiitberliiK of I''"')'
Teachers In Ciiiiwiitlon
Here .Monday. ,
Fifty Malbour county teachers,
superintendents and mouthers of
school boards gathered In Ontario
Monday to consldor tho cduoutlonul
crisis which tho stato and county Is
racing. Stato Superintendent of Pub
lic Instruction, J. A. Churchill, was
tho principal speaker, Mrs. Fay Clark
Ilurloy, county superintendent, pro
sided. Particular stress was laid on tho
program for tho passage of tho elo
inontpry school tax and In showing
how essontlnl It Is for tho continued
efficiency of tho schools that this
measure bo approved.
Addressos wero dollvcrod by Super
intendent Churchill, Dr. W. J. Wooso,
president of the Ontario school
board; Superintendent K. II. Couklln
of Nyssa and Superintendent II. P.
Invls of tho Ontario schools.
It was shown that many children
not only In Malheur county hut turn
out tho stato wero not ablo to uttond
schools hecauso no teachors could be
sodured, but that many or the teach
ors working In tho country schools
wero absolutely unfitted for their
Tlio provisions or tho Smltli
Hughes act and other school laws
were discussed by Mr. Churchill and
other speakers and a very profitable
session resulted. Tho mooting wero
hold at tho High School auditorium.
Mrs. W. K. Hedge or Junttira
came to Ontario today to meet lior
imithor, who camo bore rrom Port
land enrouto to Nebraska ror a visit.
Some good men and true become
so thoroughly wrapped up In the
work of seloctlgng good mon for
public office that tljy gvgn forgot to
CoiiiiiicitIiiI Missionaries Front the
Temple City Will Spend After
noon mid livening In On
tario Will lie Dan
ilielc(l by Club.
One hundred strong, traveling by
special train, representatives of the
commercial Interests of Rait I-iiko
City will Invade Ontario Monday
afternoon and evening' .May 10.
The parly which is tho first trado
excursion arranged by the Salt Lake
Commercial club hIiico war ''times
leaves home noxt Monday mid will
lmvo spent n week on tlio ronil when
they reach Ontario, which with Nys
hii Is tha only Oregon community to
bo visited.
Tho specl?il Ih duo to reach Ontario
at .1 p. m. mid will bo met by com
mittees from the Commorclnl club
with uuiOH to tnko tho visitors ovor
tho valley to show them what real
alfalfa ranches look like.
In the evening thoro will be a ban
quet nerved In the Commercial club
roojns by the women of tho Ameri
can Legion auxiliary. Tho Salt Lake
men nru such good sportH that In
their advlso to the local club they In
sisted that tho baiikuel bo "Dutch
Treat" mid they would Insist on pay
ing their own way.
Tho club'H ontoMulnment com
mittee, II. C. Smith, J. A. LnkuoMH
mid C. F. Cox have charge of tho
arrangements for showing tlio Halt
Lakers a good time.
OwneiN of IrittN t'lged In See Tlmt
Their Ijileials Are leaned nl
Our,. Cost Will He lie.
(eriiiliii'il Soon,
After trying the sprinkling system
for Irrigation Ontario Ih to return to
tho old ditch system this year. The
committee which has been at work
arranging for ditch water lias prac
tically completed Its work and re
ported to the Commercial club
Wednesday of this week.
It Ih of utinont Importance to the
tironortv owners that the laterals
loading to their lots bo donned In
tlmo to receive wntor at onco. This
tho property owners must do ror
During May It Is anticipated that
throo separate Irrigations will bo
iiiado ovor tho city mid by tho end of
that month tho committee In charge
will bo ablo to determine mid advlso
tho nronorty owners what tho entire
cost of tho service will bo for tho
largest Italicli mid Cnttlo Deal De
ported In Months liivohWI'ruiik.
for of Old Mm Hit Itmicli
Near Malheur City.
Hy adding to their already large
holdings tho 2400 aero runch known
us tho Morfltt ranch near Malheur
city, Rutherford llrothers of this elty
this weok stopped forward unit list
ed theuiselvrM among the vory larg
est land and cnttlo ranchers of East
ern Orogon.
Tho clout which wus negotiated
hero in Ontario aggregated vuluos
amounting to practically $160,000.
Hesldo tho runch there wont with the
deal MOO head or cattle. HO. 000
worth or now rami niuohlnory und
300 to 400 hood or horses and other
Wbilo tho ranch has been known
as tlio Morfltt ranch It bus been op
erated by 8. K. Stonflold for some
time, ho having purchased It two
yoars ago.
To get ratified on tho Journal of
tlio Highway commissions proceed
ings the ordor mado by that body
last Soptombor concerning tho paving
of tho highway from tho east city
limits to tho Snako rlvor bridge a
committee consisting ot J. R. lllack
aby and O. ft. Aiken went to Port
land Saturday night County Judge
E. II. Test ulso wont to attend the
commission's hearing In connection
with work on tho other stato high
ways In tho county.
As tho result of the conference the
commission ordered that bids be call
oil ror on tho paving to tho brldgo
ImmmllutHly upon tlio approval or
the project by tha federal roud
Gharleji Hgcker returned last even
ing from a trip to Holso.
A big biiiirh of Malheur and Har
tley county Masons left Ontario Wed
nesday mid Thursday nvenliiKs for
linker and others will leave for thoro
tomorrow night to hntiR onto the ropo
on the way to tho Shrlno. Among
those who wont enrly In tho weok
nre: C. S. Watson, W. 11. llrooke.
Irwin Troxoll, J. C. McCrolght. Dr.
It. O. Pnyno. A. S. Drown, L, L.
Culbertson, V. H. Staples, II. C.
Smith, Hnrry Hodge, Harry H. Cle
ment, all of Ontnrlo; Dr. llurrows,
It. M. Colo and Oeorgo Lowo of Vale;
Messrs. Gnssert, Hull and McConnelt
of Nyssn; Sam Trlmboll of Crane,
Clarcnco Drlnkwntor of Hums. To
morrow night II. L, Peterson mid
It. 11. Cockrum go to Join tho caravan
to crosH tho desert to tlio El Kador
On Tuesday night ho Hums Mas
ons wero tho guests of Acadia lodgo
hero nt nn Initiation mid banquet
which followed.
Mrs. John E. Wilson, Mother of largo
Family passes Ihivld ('. Dnvl,
I'lonerr or Mountain coiinll j
Called Oiher I'riillliind
NewN of Week.
Sarah Ami Kollh Wilson, wife or
John C. Wilson, died nt her homo
tliroo miles southwest or Friiltlmid
April 17, 1020, her death being duo
to dlnbotoH and it complication or
other diseases. Snrnh Keith wns
married to John Ktlgor Wilson Juno
10, 1800, nt Fort Scott, Kansnr. To
this union eight children wero born;
Mrs. Lesmond Cillun. llelllnghiiin,
Washington. Mrs. Clyde E. Cnnutsor,
Frultlnnd, Roy F, Leslie, Kermlt K.,
Orvlllo M., Melvlno E., mid one sou
who died In Infancy. All of tho
children wero at the mother' bed
side when death camo with the ex
ception of. Mrs. Guinn whoso family
wiih in iiunrnutlnu with munll pox at
her homo, as wiih ii sister of Mrs.
WIIoiih'h, wlio lives nt llelllngliam.
Her mother, Mrs. Frank George has
been over rrom Holso Vnlloy caring
ror her daughter. Her father Ih In
Kansas. Tho funeral services wore
held Tuesday aftornoon nt two o'clock
at tlio Christina Church In I'ayeltejl
holng conducted hy tlio pastor, llov.
Mowe. Tho body wiih laid to rest In
Riverside Cemetery. Payette. The
sympathy or the entire community
goes out to tho bereaved family. Mrs.
Wilson wiih born In Hates County,
Missouri, September 1, 1882, mid
camo to Idnho 14 years ago. She
was a life long member or tho Christ
Inn church mid endeared .hcrsolf to
n largo rlreio ot friends In thU com
l)nld C. Davis Passes
Dnvld C. Davis wiih horn In Utah.
Ho passed awny ot the homo of his
daughter, Mrs. Loulso Ward, on Pen
nsylvania Avenue, near 1 rultland,
Sunday evening at nluo-thlrty, death
being caused by dropsy. Ho leaves
to grlovn for him three daughters
und two sons. Tho body was shipped
to Jerome, Idnho, Monday morning,
for burial. Tho inonibers of tlio
family loft early Monday morning by
auto for Jeromo to he present ror tho
funeral services. Mr. David wus 0G
years und one month old. Ills rather
and mother crossed the philim with
tlm early Mormon solders to Utah,
whoro they sottled and whom the
family grew up.
FRUITLAND. Idaho, April 27. -Russell
It. Thompson wus born
August 18, 1 8 r, 1 , in Loo county.
Illinois,' und passod away In Holy
Rosnry hospital, Ontario, about 0
o'clock Saturday morning, April 24,
1020, (loath duo to burdening or tho
nrterloH and iiranle poisoning. Mr
Thompson was taken suddenly III
Thursday morning at the homo or
Mr. mid Mrs. A. H. Worth near Pay
otto mid the next day was removed
to the hospital In Ontario. He
Boomed bettor .Saturday morning and
his death was a surnrlse because It
happened before any one really
oxpectod' It Mr. Thompson
was married Soptombor If,, 1870, to
Ellon IlnlllH at Sterling, Illinois. To
this union two sons wero born,
Charles, who rosldoM at Topponlsh,
Washington, and Frank E,, who re
sides at Frultlnnd, mid at whoso
homo Mr Thompson resided much or
tho time Charles arrived too late
Saturday evening to seo IiIh father
nllvo. Mr. Thompson resided with
his family ror u tlmo in Iowa mid 13
years ago camo to tho Payotta Valley
whom overy man, woman and child
wjio know him called him their
frlond. Hosldos the two sons ho
loaves u brother, Martin, and a sis
ter, Loulso Rogers, In Shnmbaugh,
Iowa, a sister In Kansas City and u
sister In Rock Falls, Illinois.
Tho funorn! sorvlces wero held
Monday afternoon at tho M K.
church, Frultlnnd. conducted by tho
pastor, llov VnuDousttii. assisted by
the pastor or the River Ilrethron
church. The body was luld to rest In
Klvorsldo cemetery, Puyette. Mr.
Thompson had many friends who
will bo saddoned by Ills going away
and tho sympathy or the community
Is extended to his sorrowing one.
(Continued on Last Page.
Schools .Vinv Crowded He; mill Capa
city Many Children Not In Scl I
Who Should lliivi1 Horn Teachi'i-i
Wiiuo .Must He liaised (Ij in
liasliiin Needed.
Without n dissenting voto tho
members or the ('omnimclnl club nt
u largely attended mooting Inst night
went on record emphatically en
dorsing tha work ot tho k-IiooI board
In tlm past mil assuring tho board It will have their united sup
port lu whatever plans It presents
for maintaining the efficiency of On
tario's school system.
This was the principal subject up
for discussion at the meeting, mid
tilled for it general discussion of
civic problems, covering taxation,
valuations, etc.
Dr. W. J. Weese. president of the
school board presented the prohlom
which tho board Is fnclng, showing
that with but one-twelftlt tho valua
tion ot the county School District
No. 8 Ih called upon to ediicnto one
third ot all the children lu tho coun
ty. Ho snlil that thoro Is not now
room tor nil the children who should
ho In school, that at least fifty hoys
mid girls have run tho streets who
would not have done ho had the
truancy Inws been enforced. Wu
could not enforce the Inws for tho
simple reason that we would have
hud no place to put the children hud
wo done ho; neither would wo lmvo
liiul the touchers necessary to teach
(iyiiiliiisliini Needed.
Dr. Wooso told the board that the
provisions of the slate mid national
education laws provide that physical
education must bo maintained lu the
schools mid that the local school dis
trict can not comply with these re
iiiilrements with Its present building
space. Ho told how the boys mid
girls worn turned out of doom he
iiiiso thoro wan no place for them lu
ivhleli to nlav uiHkot hall, while tun
neighboring schools have these nil
vnntngos. Hn mild tbM bv the construction of
ii gymnasium the present room used
tor nthletlc work lu u s.uull wuy
could bo utilized tor class room anil
thu omergeiioy bridged. To do this
hn snld a bond Issue must be voted or
at least 115,000.
Want Amlciilliiie Tiiugnt.
PrnfftHHiir Elliott. Hiiiiervlsor or vo
cational training under u vocational
training board aildmssed iiiiiiiiiwi
lug mid told or tlm plan tor opornl
lug agricultural cIussoh In High
Schools mid said that ho and other
members or the board desired to sen
the course established In tho On
tnrlo schools, siiiro this Is essentially
an agricultural community mid has
tho possibilities ot leadership In this
work. Ho said that only 10 schools
lu tho stato would get Ibis work this
vnnr. or which six would bo In East
ern Oregon and he was iiiixIoiih to
lmvo Ontario be one or tneni. ne ex
plained tho method of procedure to
got tho work and what It accom
pllshod In other districts.
The matter was discussed by sev
eral of the mon present, all of whom
favored Its udontloil as Part or tlio
Ontnrlo school program. Dr. Weose
(old the Kiithor Inn that two yoars
ago tho board adopted this as part of
tho program but that due to inn war
no capablb Instructor could bo round
and therefore It wns dropped at that
tlmo. Since then tho board has
changed and he said ho could only
speak tor himself In saying that ho
favorod It.
Approved Elementary Schools
Tho report ot the legislative com
mittee was received urging tlio en
dorsement or tho constitutional
iiineiidniont permitting, additional
stato bonds for hlgliwuy work; ap
proving tho mlllago tax for higher
education, but making no recom
mendntlnn no tho matter or tlm
elomontary school tux. This wns ills-
(Continued on Last Page.)
Onlnlrli IL'ntl llu flrut IFntllH Willi
ItH rejuvenated team at Parmu last
Sunday aitornoon. ino score wus
8 to I, but tho gnmo was murred by
llin Knuulflnl uniinlililftll. nt lllfl linillO
guards nt Parma ovor tho players on
Ontario s team. on weunuituuy
Pnrnin Innm nrntnsled tho enlllO 1111(1
Ontario forfeited It.
Noxt Sunday hero In ontnno, on
turlo will play Welsor. tho strongost
Inn, 11 In III., rll-cllll mill tllO first l'Cal
gamo of tho soasou will bo the result.
Ontario and Wolsor aro tlio cmss m
tho loaguo at present, with Pnyetto
practically on n pnr with them, and
Puyotto Is getting stronger overy
week. Tho gamo Sunday will stnrt
at 2:30.