THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1920. NOTICES I iii. llCAHINU. X ori-Bon. April 0. 1080. Vale, i""- ' 'rim! OTJCBIS Hh;rV. ,ir tho loi , f the "l'MunuiiH Luluion , ',,,,, rvii' will lin W?., tin County Court of rrt,fV..iiiiiv Oregon. "l ll H,l" l". . if' nW County Court ?r "cm. I room of suld 'Vihe 1 ltlt .lay of M.iy. 102". E' " A M MOODY. EAU) r"lnrk of Mnlhour County, Oregon. Ily II. 9 sackbtt, 1 ' Doputy. ip rlllCt'lT COURT OF THE !& OK 1HKC10N. FOR TA.! ', ..i-i'ii COUNTY. ,PMTTi:UOI'THKOHOAN ffwW '"IB "l.'AIHMOHB HIOATION limn"' .. ...Hon. thi. County Court, f '". " i...oi..iiii imtltloiiurH Vfc I' U,,,V.P .'"'...I ulmu. In l?'"?..r iri. Vol w: 1. I ....nil nf IIM. oltllOr ll WO Hll'l I -.. "" ,,l, or wwrnlly. nr.. tliu ownem m : - .-...i ,r (iiiii nr morn .within tli lioiui'liirlt'H of tlui " ". .....I.... .Ilulrln) III llliril. H-" ".LI' . ...V. Jnrll. ..I. .....I te constitute more than fifty (t oi mo hhhti'iii """"" " II -tllln Mill pnuiiii-i.i " ! ....,iai,in if Irrigation from proponed nyntcm. nt all of tlio litiuls wllliln tlio 7 . - .1 .1.1 ..on. t, .unit Irrl. inurics oi in" i"" i""i'""'" lea dlnttlct, nil.l us iiuruiiiuiii. rriil. aro MimcMitnlilo of prac- I Irrlitatlon fr.iiu tlio hiiiiio hdutcu Irom the Kami' system oi worm. I mimnlnB lilailt. Iiy IlienilH of Jcl It I proposed lo tuka water fi Snake river ny iiii'iuih oi puiiiph color for tlio Irrigation thereof. 3. mi vnur iiptltlniicrH deslro to ids proposo to organize nn Irrlgn !Mrlci iin.lur tlui irrigation of the Statu of Oreg Chopt. ture 743. lawn of 1017. and tlio amendatory thereto, for tlio pom of furnl'hliiK water for tlio nation of llio Iuihih witiiiu inn adirlen of tlio unit) proponed tils- :l, 4. 'bat tlio lioundarli'H of tlio propos- Irritation district Inclosing tlio it which It Is desired to liiivo in- d thln Dalit Irrgiitlon district, at follow h, lo-wlt: 'oomenclng at tlui 8W corner of NKU.SOC 0, UlCIICU CHHt to till) corner of tlio WH8I.UNI-.U, Sec 10; tlii'iico uortli to tlio corner of tlio WM8E',iNB,i of Sec 10; thence oiiHt to tlio SB of tlio NWUNWtf, 8ec. 11; ce north to NK cornor of SWH 't.Sec 2; thence wont 100 rods; c north to tlio north lioundnry fci.N'BUof HE'.. 8oc. 3: tlionco tlo.NW cornor of 8B. 8oc.n; (i loutli to Iho plni'o of lior.ln , rontaluliiK 370 ncron. mom or of IrrUatcil IuiiiIh. mid nil In T II. 47 K. W M. In Mu hour sir. Oregon, S. tit all of tlio xnlil IuiiiIh linvo, tofore, licon linporfertly and In Iclently wntorod mid uttomptiid watered irom nn Inudoiiuuto impraciicni Hourco and HyHtom, oilng to iho liiHiifflcloncy of Hiild ce and 8V8toiii. your nutl- fi liavo Buffered Kroat 1oh mmage io tiiulr crops mid lands, l J loi.1 and clainaL'n llirnntim lr Haue. and will rontlnuo If your 'lAnAra Mn.nn. 1. ,ii minim nucuro u niuiur different water supply for tliolr lands. MEREFOHB, Your potltlonors ctfully nsk tlilu Ilonoroblo Court o and outer an ordor horoln, aUlnir inlil nrnnnmul Li-Uailnn I'ltt, and that Dm lintnn nf tlin .""P,?.8"'! Irrigation ho tlio CT" ' "In Martin. rWnrln r. ...... Martin, Ontario, QroKon. :'' -,iamn. Ontario. OroRon. fflma cook, Ontario. Oregon. ' Hynn. Ontario, Orogon. ; riynn, Ontario, Oregon, . v, uiunrio, urcgou. Josephine Wlilto. Onturlo, Oro- . S. Pvn ...,....'. i E t:( . uiiuiiniBiraior tor Iohn 2! """"". ureBoii. m Zlraineriiinn, Ontario, Oro- 11 Berry, Ontario, Orogon. it A " u,""o, uregon. ;n, pi. ' vdiiano, uregon. ;6m 8,e.r'nl"'i.. Oregon. 'ttoTTi...",.: sv .ulo, Oregon. arah r 1 ! un,"o. Oregon. arsh p m '" u'"riu, urugon. caeE-Turner, Ontario, Orogon. 'PM,,,iPn,ar,' Oregon. II n i II w"l". urogon, C'd1 feP 0!rto. Oregon. on "u" uol' uninno, McDetmott Itoo, Ontario, ."'& M,.,,,rea my h ,ee Ul. tliolr guardian and i? ." -.., uiuf u, iysu. N.r"" VK WEi i X v u I0r uualnesB QOnn ?.? FOOD 4 Orth - ' A B'30 a.m. to 12 p.m. 4 ""'-rio, orogon . HUAI.MONH VMl I'UHI.K'ATION. IN TUB CIHCUIT COUHT OF TUB HTATB OF OHBOON IN AND FOR MAMIBUR COUNTY. FRBI) li. l'ANIKB, I'liilnjlff. VH. M. RUMBIiBV IIUMI'ANY. n Cor poration, unit RUMIfliY PRO DUCTS COMI'ANY, n Corporntlou. DofoniliuilH, i IN TUB NAMB OF TIIB?8TATB OF ORIKION: To thn ilefendlitllH, M. Rllinely Company, 11 corporation, anil Rutuoly 1'roductH Coinpaiiy, n ciirporatlen: You mill eurli of you urn hereby rouulred to uppenr nnd'niiHwuur tlio complaint of tlio plaintiff filed iiKnltiHl you In tliu ubovo untitled ac tion 011 or huforu tlio. I!:' nil day of April, 1020, thn hiiiiiu bolug tliu hint day of tlio tlinn pruHcribod by ordor of court directing Korvlcn of mitn moiin In Hald action to bit made by publication, and If you full no to aiiHwur, for wtj tlmreof, plnlntlff will apply to tliu court for Iho relief ilumnndcd In tlio complaint, to-wlt For a ilocrco adjudging the plnlntlff to ho tlio ownor of tlio fen Hlmplu and iinlmcumborcil tltlo to tlio Hoiith- ennt quartor of Section 'i In Town Hblp 1G .South of Hnngo 47 B. V. M.. and for Judgment, canceling and de claring null and void n pretended mortgage of defendants against hiiIiI IniiiU and ilocrnolng and adjudging that the ilefoudantH have 110 Interest, oitilty, claim or entato In and to mild land or any part thereof, urn) re straining them from atsortlng any eiiulty DHtuto or Intercut In and to mild IuiiiIh. You are further notified Hint (IiIh MiimmonM Ih nerved upon you by pub lication In puriuinnro of an order of Hon. Dalton Dlgg", which order wuh inado 011 tlio 8th day of March, 1020, anil duly signed and ontorcd In tlio ubovo entitled action on tlio 0th day of March, 1020, and which order di rected thnt mimmonR bo published onco u week for six mircesHlvo wooks In Ontario Argun, a uawspaper of gonornl circulation nt Ontario, Ore gon, commencing with tlio said Issue of 11th day of March, 1020. FRBI) h. l'ANIKB, lMalntlff. Bd. H, Coultor, attornoy for l'liilu- tiff, residing nt Wolier, Idaho. Dato of first p ubllcatlon, March 11, 1020. Dato of last publication April 22, 1020. NOTICU (,,- vism, HinTLKMBNT 01 deg. 30 mln. WcRt, 2 chains and NOTICM Ih linrnl,,,, II, n, ,l, iindorslgned admliilBtratrlx of tlio eKtnlii (if .tfwtwiu .p :ii..,n..i .1 . ..... . . v ionium, iiuvviih- cd, bus filed In tho' County Court of uiu nmiu 01 uregop ror tlio County of Mulliuur, her final account of her adiillnlHtratloti iitiiin until ..uini,. ,,.,,1 Unit Saturday, thn 1st day of Mny, ju, in mo uoiir; or 11 o'clock u. in. of said day, at tliu Court Hoiihii In VlllU. Ori'LMlll. lulu lllW.M illllv flvn.l 1... said Court us tio tlmu und place for miiiiiiiK sain iinai account and set tling Mllld CHlnt'o Anv unit ll ..r. sons InteroHted Jn tho said estoto tiro hereby notified to appear nt said J mo and place and file tliolr objec tions III WrlllllJ. If IIMV llllirn nrn In said final account mid context thn sumo. I D0110 nail iliftcd and first publish ed this 1st dayiof April, 1020. nr 1V1.' r m.piimw Administratrix of Bstato of James 1 . 1 loiiieni, nucensed. First publication April 1, 1020. Lust publication April 20, 1020. rteTiri: of ii.vai, HinTi.KMr.XT. NOTICB Is horobyl given thnt tho undersigned Joint) administra tors of tho estate iif James O. Fret well, deceased, pavo filed In tho county court oT tho Htate of Orogon for the County of Malheur, their final account oMhelr ailnilnlH- trntlon upon said cs ate, and that Saturday, tho 1st day of May, 1020, at tlio hour of 11 o clock A. M. of said day, at tho court Iiouho In Vale, Orogon, has boon tlui ' fixed by said court as tho (lino and plnco for hear lug said final account ami seining said cstuto. All persons Interested In Bald ostato aro horebylnotlflcd to np- pour at suld tlmo nndlpiaco, unit 1110 tliolr objections in Writing. If any thero aro, to suld final account, and contest tho samo. I Dono and dated and first published this 1st day of April. 1920. FRi;D J. 1'AL.MKIl, anil HAMUKL II. FltBTWKMi. Joint Administrators ot'iho Bstato of Jnmos O. Frotwoll, Deceased. First publication April 1, 1920. Last publication April p, 1020. L .vouch or i-inai, Hirrn,i:.Mi:NT NOTICB Is horoby lvon that tho iindorslgned niliiilnlstrator of tho os tato of James J. Coart, deceased, has filed In the Courtv Court nf thn Htnto of Oregon for the County of Malheur, his flnnl iccount and sup plomciital flnnl ncount of his ndmln Istrntlon iinon saldf estate, nnd thnt Saturday, tho 1st ifay of May, 1020, at tho hour of 1 1 J o'clock A. M. of snld day, at tho Cofirt Houso at Vale, Oregon, has been iuly fixed by said Court as tho tlmo ttnil plnco for hear ing suld final accounts and settling said eslnto, AH Jiorsons Interested In said estate uro (hereby notified to appear at said tlmo and plnco, and file tholr objections In writing, If nny thorn nro, to (said final account, nnd contest Iho sJtue. Dono and dated nnd first publish ed this 1st day or, April, 1020. Jl R. I1I.ACKA11Y. Administrator Jf tho Kstnto Jamos J. Cozurt, Doccnscd. First publlcntfon April 1, 1020. Last publication April 20, 1020. of NOTICB OF FINAL SETTLBMKNT NOTICB Is horoby given thnt tho undorHlgnod administrator of tho es tate of John L. McDonald, decoased, bus fllod In tho CountylCourt of tho Stato of Orogon for thb County of Malheur, his final account of his ad ministration upon said ) estato and Hint Saturday, tho 24th (lay of April, 1020, at tho hour of 11 9'clock A. M. of said day, nt tho Court Houso In Vulo, Oregon, has boon d,uly fixed by said Court as tho tlmo apd plnco for lioartng said Iinai account aim mi lling said ostato. Any and all per sons Intorested In tho sale) cstuto aro horoby notified to apppar at said tlmo and placo and file tholr objec tions in writing, if any thero aro, to said final account nnd contest the samo. Dono and datod and first publish ed this 26th day of March 1920. II. II. COJ'KUUM, Administrator of Estato of John L. McDonald, Deceased. First publication Marclf 25, 1020. Last publication April 22, 1920. NOTICB TO CHKD1TOH8. WflTIPR la linrnliv clven that tllO iinilnrulinni1 Imu linen anointed ad ministratrix of the estate of Sarah Francos Ryan, deceased, by ordor of tho County Court of tho State of Or egon, for tho County, of Malheur, Any and all persons jjiavlng claims against tho said estate aro hereby notified to present the samo, duly vnrlflml nu liv Inw rnmilrod. to the underslgnod administratrix at her rosidenco In Ontario, Oregon, wunin six months from tlio date of tho first publication of tills notice. Done and datod and! first publish ed this 25th day of March, 1920. JESSIE CLA11A SCOTT. Administratrix of tlfe Estate of Sarah Frances Hynnf Deceased. First publication March 25, 1920. Last publication April 22, 1920. F Job was a patient man but thou Job didn't try to get rjch quick. I't'llLIHIIIMI SUMMONS. IN THB CIRCUIT COURT OF TUB STATE OF OHKC10N. FOR MAI. IIBUR COUNTY. J. II. WHITE, Plnlntlff, vs. THOMAS CLOOVAN and MARY DOB CLOONiN, husband nnd wlfo, the unkrjown heirs of snld Thomas Cloomui.lf ho bo deceased, BLIZA1IBTH UVALB (formerly Lizzie Lynn) and CHARLES WALE, wlfo nnd husband, IMIIL- IP LYNN and MARY LYNN, bus linnd and wife,! FRED L. JOHN SON, II, A. tjARDWELL. I). K. WOH8HAM, I'RIZADY WOK SHAM, JOHN w. O'NEILL nnd MARY O'NEILL, husband nnd wlfo, EDWARD) EDOE, JR., N. IJ MATTHIE88EN, M. O. HOPE, mid generally any and all persons nnd parties unknown and claiming any right, estate, tltlo, Hen or Interest in mid to the) real estato de scribed In tho iComplnlnt horoln, Defendants, To Thomas Cloonan mid Mary Doc Cloonnn, husbandnnd wife, tho un- Known noirs or sain ruouias uioon nn, It ho bo deco'nscd, Philip Lynn nnd Mary Lynn, husband nnd wlfo, Fred L, Johnson, ll. A. Cnrdwell, John V. O'Nolll and Mary O'Neill, husband and wlfc.iund generally any and all persons nna parties unknown and claiming any right, estate, title, Hon or Interest in and to thn real or lato descrlbod In tho Complaint hero liij certain of thojdefciidnnts ubovo named; IN THE NAMEIOF THE STATE OF OREGON, You, nnd each of you, aro horoby required to appear nnd answer tho complaint filed against you In tho above, entitled suit on or boforn th? expiration of tho laH iluy of the tlmo prescribed In tho order of publication herein, to.'.vlt: On or before six weoks from thn dato of the firs' publication of this summons and if you fall to answer and other wlso pioad to snllj complaint, for want thereof tlio plaintiff will take u default against y$u nnd will thin apply to tho Court for tho relief prayed for in tho complaint heroin, vl; Jj That said ilofondants, and each thoroof, bo required to nssert and set forth tho nature or chaiarter of tliolr soveral udvorio claims, rights, ostates or Interests In and to tho real proporty herelnboforo descrlbod und sot out, to-wlt: That certain patent ed placor mining 'claim designated as Mineral Entry Js'umbored 13 nnd as Lot numbered 9 nnd embracing a portion of sections 29 and 32, in Township 13, 8 R. 41, E. W. M , la the Shasta Mining District, formeily In tho County of Baker and Stato of Oregon, but now of the County of Malheur, In the stato of Oregon, in the district of land subject to sale at LaQrande, containing 24.91 acres, moro or less, the, same being bound' od, described and platted as follows, with magnetic yarlatlon of 20 de grees and 35 minutes nasi, to-wit; Beginning nt Oorner No, 1 Post in mound marked l L and C 1;" from which the corner common to sec tions 31 and 32, 'in Township 13, S., II. 41, E. W. M., nnd Sections 5 nnd 6 In Township 14, 8., R. 41, E. W. M bears South 20 deg. 30 mln. West, at the distance of 19 chains; thenco from said Post North 93 links to cornor No. 2 Post marked "J L and C 2;" thenco North 40 deg. 15 mln. East, 15 chains and 50 links to corner No. .1 Post marked "J L nnd C 3;" thenco North 52 deg. and .10 mln. West 2 chains to corner No. 4 Post marked ''J L & V 4;" tlionco North .10 mln. Bast, 24 pIiiiIus and 40 links to corner No. 5 Post marked "J Lt C 5" thenco North C deg. West, 5 chnlns nnd 07 links to corner No. 0 Post marked "J L & C C;" thenco North 24 deg. West, 7 chains to corner No. 7 Post marked "J I, ft ( !;" thenco North 21 deg. 45 mlu. West, 12 chnlns mid 30 links to Intersection of lioundnry between said sections 29 and 32, from which tho corner common to sections 29, 30, 31 nnd 32, In said TownBhlp 13, S 11. 41, B. W. M., bears West nt tho dlstanco of 4 chains and 73 links, 15 chains and 00 links to cornor No, 8 Post marked "J L fi O 8;" thenco North 11 dog 30 mln. Bast, 2 chains and 43 IIhUh to comer No. 0 Post marked "J L & C 9;" thenco South 80 deg. 15 mln Bast, 3 chains to cornor No. 10 Post marked "J L &. C 10;" thenco South 24 deg, 30 mln. East, 21 chains and 20 links to corner No, 11 Post marked "J L & C 11;" thenco South 13 deg. East, 2 chains nnd 58 links to corner No, 12 Post mnrked "J L & C 12;" thenco South 4 deg. Hast, 13 chains and 40 links to cornor No. 13 Post mnrked "J L & C 13;" tlionco South 14 dog. 45 mln West, 8 chnlns and 20 links to corner No. 14 Post mnrked "J L & C 14;" thenco South 3 deg. 15 mln. East, 12 chains to cornor No. 15 Post marked "J L & C 1G;" thenco South 37 deg. West, 15 chains to tho plnco of be ginning, containing 24.91 acres of land, moro qr less, In Malheur Coun ty, Oregon; that all sevoral nnd ad vorso claims and rights of tho said dofondants, or cither of thorn, ho subject to determination by decrco of this Court; and that by said do creo It bo dcclarod and determined that plaintiff is tho ownor In fee nlmplo absoluto of the promises nhovo described, and each nnd ovory part thereof, and that tho said do fondants, or either or any of them, havo no estato, right, claim, tltlo or Interest whatsoever In nnd to tho aforesaid lands nnd premises, nnd that tho said dofondants. nnd ench and ovory 0110 of thorn, and nny and all persons claiming or to claim by and under them, or any of thorn, bo declared to hnvo no right, tltlo, In terest, estate or right of possession In nnd to said premises,' or nny part thoroof, and nro forever barred from assorting nny claim or intorost what soever In or to said Inuds and prom ises ndvorso to tho plaintiff, or other wise, togothor with such' other, fur- thor nnd general rellof ns to this Court shall doom proper. This summons Is published by order of tho Hon. Dalton Illggs, Judga of tho nbovo ontltlod Court, as duly miulo nnd ontorod on tho Otli day of March, 1920, ordering this summons to bo published, for a full porlod of nix consocutlvo weeks. Tho dato or tho first publication horoof is tho 1 8 tli day of March, 1920, and the dnte of tho last pub lication horcof is tho 29th day or April, 1920. Dated this lltb day or March, 1920. C. T. GODWIN, Attorney ror Plnlntltr, residing nt Ilaker, Oregon. Local address: Sommor Building. Tho News while It Is Nows Read The Ontario Argus. 001 Top Repairing and PainJimi'OurSueciaiiV NothiiibBjjt thebest quaflttyuseu. Seguine Auto Co... Oldest Garage in Malheur County After yoa-egte-alwayn tako M (TtiK YOUH AClChSTOMiftCgr Bloat. McDowell Undertaking Parlors A. L. McI2QjylJiPr()). J. O. IMiilWbaiiin. IitccrutaNSmbnlmcr v unert V Ti),i tiiitl .. . .1' iiiiumiid 1 V ....! I.. 1 tt X...2 xuiiu r unurjjAj.iri:i.mT m'cetcd fvom tKe nnrU nr from thdViurtfli of y i r-cliapcl, flic ur choice home, 1 PaiHors situated W a aiiiOt district s Fir.stMdiu5Jrtrrrhjcs rendered to all Experienced Lady Assistant my Phone 30GW Night Phone 8f)M Hides, Furs and Pelts Ranchers, Stotonen, Tapjs: If youlmve any hides, furs or pelts send them to us. We jm thehighest market prices. I We pi iv c Rogefrn&ompany Ontario, Oregon Telephone 185-W 01JH4EW DiKeeroRYi A now ditcclory is now bciW tloliv u. Save troiUVio by dcRjVroying' your ..,..,., IF YOUvWANT PROPER LISTING NEW Pi0aiAIlWBfrtjS AT ONGK Every Bell Telephone is a Lonjr Distunrc Station. Malheur Home lelephone uo. 1 nutantl v telle vea Ufrtburn. ed Gauy FeerosKOtops food eourlng, repeatinf, and all stomach misories. AliidliMlionuid ppllt.. Kpi tomch Mtttud iron. InauKtViUliHrsudi'vp. CATONICU tba Ut remeJr. To of thou wnd wooderfiOly UntAlnl. polycoUceiit or two d. to u It. 1'iMllifcly uruteid to pImm or we will rcfuod money. Ct a U laiUAiJ. YounillMt. Ontario Pharmacy HfAMieHT STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CALirOHNIA) O. H. TEST, Special Agent STANDARD OIL COMPANY ONTARIO, OREGON THE H. F. NORTON COMPANY lampa, Idaho. MJobtiiv, liw Dealors lipv PeltK, Wool Furs and Talk ices iTtftLr-Corrccty otmuis made. s Hides, Top market pices prvKU-eoiTCctweiijlits given and prompt i'i No shipments too large, nor too small, wo so licit them all. Write us for prices, shipping tags mailed upon request. lEim AHI IftjUVllI''' . Cnrmci- vrmrkCUWm wrtSTVivicrtai r, .. it,-, . j, BbNbO 3- HOWTOUgH, I M r UwCvvrVIieil 7 monthly hsa m -j idri ixiT w v s-sk 1 lJA'v fa) V-S.SO Tho Yortr jm XA HillDll IHKS ffl Send ifNJVntH lC San.plo Ci w Uiveus jw ,o English v.iNi: r Collect KukIIsIi I'liblUlilui; Co. KVA.N8TON. ILLINOIS ..