THE 0NTA1U0 AtfGUS. ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1920. lust Where and How Js the Money to be Spent? A businesslike Answer to a businesslike Question THIRTY denominations coopomtlnn In tho Intor church World Movement have budgeted their needs. No business could have done it more scientifi cally. Theyhnvo united to prevent the possibility of duplica tion or waste. At least a million dollars will bo saved by tho fact that thirty individual enmpaiens arc joined in one united effort. Each denomination has arranged its budget under six main heads: 4 FOR RKLIOIOUS TRAINING. At l.titll.noo.oiOclitldftnandxouna' ptepta undtr 21 yr of ait art am ttrmc Amailcan Ufa without anr iall(louatralnlng at all. N.m.mb.r Inc tha lallti of Waihln.ton and Lincoln, do you think thai Amtrlca wllltonllnua to produce Waahlnf lonaand Lincoln. If faith diet out of tha heart. f It. youth? 1 FOR TUB CHURCH'S WORK 1 AT HOME. AKora cllt.m. coma under Ihla htai Contldrr only one. Flea and half million people In the United Stateacannotevenreadand writ tho Knc ll.h Ungual . Who la to carry forward thlt vattwork of Amerlcanliatlan II the church doa not? 2 FOR I I03IUTAL8 AND IIOMRS. Kvery yearthoueandtof men.od womenaerlouilylllareturnedawar from Church ho.pltale becaua of lack of room. Th children', home, are compelled to turn away mora children than they can lecelee. 3 FOR IIIOIIBR KDUCATION. Of th 4JW American alu4enta In Institution of hliher trade, one half are In lntltu(ono founded and eupportedbylheChurches Many of thetelrttllutlona have had no (teal endowment eopln, but their needa ate Ju.t a. pre.tlr.t tha needt of larger achool.l and you have only loreadlhelr Kit of alum, nland alumnae lomeaiurelhe value of their contribution to America. 5 FOR Tlltt CHURCH'S WORK AIIMOAU. Influenia came IW.I from th Orient thirty year aee: nearly all rlaguta are Oriental plafuta. Ho long a Chin lia only on phyalclantoavtryeooucpeorl tha Orient will continue to be a menace. So long aeene-thlrd 01 he behlre of India die before their tee ond year our own babl.a art not tale. A Christian doctor or teacher tent abroad la working for America at truly a. though ho worked at home. 6I'RKACIIKRS' SALARIES. The preacher la tailed tha lorgotten man," ani well lie may be. III (lit out often preacher are paid lata than MO week I Each denomination has its own detailed budget, and will administer its own funds. Your pastor has copies of tho budget: examine them for yourself. In tho week of April 25th-May 2nd you will be given your opportunity to help. You can do it with tho full satisfaction of know ing that every dollar of your gift has its post assigned to it in advance. Every dollar for better America nnd a better world. When your church calls on you give and give with your heart as well as your pocket-book. Untied Financial Campaign April 25 th to May 2nd INTERCHURCH World Movement qfSbrth America llUrlJ dnHmlmMIi. SERVICE SERVICE Genuine ford Service We Make a specialty of repairing Ford cars. Our mechanics are experienced Ford men. We carry a complete stock of Ford Parts and you will not have to wait for them to come from factory or branch house. FORD CARS HAVE THE PREFERENCE HERE OVER ALL OTHER MAKES. Ford Garage ONTARIO, OREGON COUNTY NEWS ITEMS OF RECORD. 11. M- ar-20- tlmco Clark Alaon ot vlr to Oco. Parka. NKUNBU. 3-31-42; l-G- $8000. (loo. 10. Skinner ct ux to A ItitoHli ot ux, 8UNWU etc. 45; 4-10-20. $2000. K. M. Ilnrvey et ux to Geo. Ilan uYr, KV4NBU. G-lG-lfi. $100. Walter (I. ltowo ot ux to Edward Flfor ot ux. Lots 0, 7. S14 G, III. 118. Ontario; 4-10-20. $3000. W. W. I'nlno ot ux to P. M. anil Ilorniinl M. HonlH. NlUiSWU, 23. 10-47; .'1-18-20. $.1200. Imtliol Thompson et Ir to Clmn. II. Troumlale ot ux, 111. 200, Oiilnrlo; 11-17-10. $:tro. Kraltlno Wood ot ux to Tronic W. Hull, Sfe.NWtt. 25-18-4G; 3-0-20. $5148. F. It. Monro to Job. Harvoy nnil O. It. Illlkcr, LotH 1, 2, 3, 4, III. 18, Vnlo; 1-12-20. $8000. Wulff Ililw. & Implnit. Co. to John K. Wurrcn ot ux, KNKtfNB UNKU. 30-1G-47J 3-31-20. $4G0. I,. Hello I.coh ct vlr to A. X. I lick oy, Lota 14, IS. III. 2G2, Ontario; 4-G-20. $1. Frank Hnntllcy ct ux to A. N. Illckoy. I.oIh 11 to lG III. 2G2, On tario; 3-10-20. $2100. Kilw. M. tllodgott ot ux to Hurry J. Smith. N13WNBW, 10.7G acre In SHUNi:1,., 17 ncron In BNW NEM, 12, 21, 4C; 2-24-20. $8000. Ilortlm T. droano ot vlr to S. S. Ilrowor, Lot 23, III. 4, Hlvoriddo Atln. Ontario; 3-20-20. $500. W. II. Doollltlo. trtmtco, to S. 8. Ilrowor, Lot 22. III. 4, Ulvornldo Atln. Ontario; 3-20-20. $86. Mario Tliarp ot vlr to Htollu lloovor. Lot 7 mill 2t Ft. of Lot 8, III. 3, In lYutHcli'H Ailn. Nywta; 3 22120. $000. Loin II. Noahltt ot vlr to Align' LuiiiI. W ft Still. Wft 8KU, 5-10-47; 4-12-20. $20,200. Loonnnl Talior ot ux to Myron A. Patch. Lot 35 Annex, 12-20-10. $1. V. II. McEldownoV ot il to Nath aniel M. DnvloH, SIJUHWU, Lot 4-30-18-47; 3-20-20. $10. Ontario Advancement Co. to Mr. W. C. Johnson, si:iiNi:uNi:u, S- 18-47; 2-11-20. $2000. A. (litrron ot ux to Htollu Mason Cox, LotH 18. 10, 20, III. 72, Ontario; 2-14-20. $1550. TIioh I). Ilnrton to Fred O. I.nckoy, SWUNW'.l. C-18-47; 4-14-20. $300. II. Lou Noo, ulicrlff, to L, Hollo Loot.. KftKft, 20-18-44; 4-13-20. $1224, (loo. Ulan ct ux to L. Oyer, Sft Lot 8, LotH 0, 10, III. 80, Ontario; 3-10-20. $1.00. Cnrolluo A. Moloon ct vlr to Karl llhickuhy. U)Ih 11,12, III. 130, On tario; 1-5.20. $100. J. (1. Allinon ct ux to Martha Ellen I'loIdH, port of III. 00, Nyitmi; 3-30-20. $7G. II. 11. Sherwood ot ux to Joaopli Mnyor. Lot 2, III. 13, Nywa; 4-15-20. $400. Win. K. Lone ct ux and W. I'. IllchardH to Alfred Modln. SB 'I NWll. Lot 2-3, 3-18-47; 3-27-20, $0000. IT. 8. A. to Hury 11. Karp, Kft BW, Wft8Kll, 24; NftNKU. 26-17-37: Lot 1, Soc. 30-17-38. V. 8. A. to Win. 8. Campholl, Nft SKU. 18-10-44; 3-20-20. U 8 A to Saruh B. HoHt, WftSWU 27: WftNWli. 34-23-37: C-5-10. Potor ClirUtonacn to W. Oruvor, WU8K14NBU. 15-21-40; 10-4-10. $800. Anna and Kato N'enhlt to It. II. Loltoy. SftNR'lNW'USKU, 20-18-47: 10-4-10. $760. It. II. Loltoy ot ux to Frank B. Nowhlll ot ux 8ftNWlNV,l8i:l. 29-18-47; 4-16-20. $10. llrldBot Loltoy to Frank B. Now bill ot ux. 8ft8BUNV,l8BU. Sft N W H NW 14 SB 11 , 8V 14 NW 14 SB 14 . SW 4 N W 14 8 B 14 . NB 14 8V 14 SB 11 . NftNWWSWllSB'4. Nft SB 14 NB 4. 29-18-47; 4-15-20. $12,000 CoinpliilnlK In Cliriill Court. IloUo-I'ayotto Lumber Co. vh. CIiiih, Gohbart, rorovory of mouoy, $232.05; 4-13 (loin Stnto Luinbor Co. vh. Hugh M Shuvor at ux, It. M. Horn and Hoy Mobloy, foroclonuro of meohan Ir's Hen, $370; 4-15. Mollno Farms Co. va, Klttlo WII llaina nnd B. C. Heed, forcclosuro MortgaRO, $2044.67; 4-10. Graco Smith vs. Gordon II. Smith, dlvorco, 4-1C-20. Marrlnno LlronscH TIioh. King nnd Ilortlm Carter, 4 14. Horbort 11. Paul and Dorothy Dean Jaqulsh, 4-15. Howard II. Tucker and Gladys Troloar, 4-10. FASH REMINDERS Hea'omil HiiukchIIoiim nn TIiIiik Often Otci'lnokcd, us Keen by Hlnto (Vilh'Ke. Peultry: Italso chlck.s from good -' HtraltiB of layors. then food them In hiicIi n way Hint tho pulletH will keep up tho reputation of tlio Htraln Poor fcoding of (ho rlilrka will re Riilt In poor lay lug of tho pullets no matter whnt tho strain Ih. It piiyn to buy tho best feud. Animal husltantlry: Thin Ih a good time to sot land nulde to ralso com for bIIos. HoriiUh of oxpnrlmuntH carried on by tho Enftturn Oregon oxporlment Htatlon Hhowcd that Htecrs fattened on alfalfa hay gained about one pound dally wlillo thiiso foil on nl fnlfn and Hllago In eight different teatK gained a little more than 1 3-4 pounds Unity. Tho rout ot feed amounted to about tho namo In both rnRos, Dairy; Hulld n hIIo and pay In como tax, Unless tho dairymen be-, gin to market a better grado of cream tho Indications are that tho price of butter fat will bo as tow this an It wan lust oyar or perhaps oven lower. tjTi J urana Op era I In (Iicko days of prices and hlglicr prlcoH wo have a certain amount of sympathy for thoso hardy Rcntlcmcn who for yonr liavo been bonstlng of tho slro of their nppetltes. lltltlOATION AND DHAINAfii: Most of tho more than half a mil lion acres of wild meadow and tulo lands In Oregon can bo reclaimed by drainage and Irrigation anl niudo to double their productiveness by planting of domostlc grasses says tho new bulletin, Tho Improvement and Wator HoqulremontB of Wild Meadow and Tulo Lands, just off tho O. A. C Press. The bulletin was written by W. I Powers, head of tho soils department, under whoso direc tion vast areas havo been redeemed or made more productlvo by wator control Farmers and others Inter ested may get free copies by writ ing the stato collego at Corvallls. Two othor reclamation bulletins Tho Small Irrigation Pumping Plant, and The Duty of Water In Irrigation, are also ready for freo distribution. Bven John D. will have to hand It to Hlrmlngham. Wlillo the public was feverishly organizing "Overall Clubs" to cut the cost of clothing tho dealers suddenly Jumped tho prlco of overbalU from' $2.00 to $6.00 a pair, NOTICK OF HAIilJ OF ISOXDK. Tho City of Ontario. Mainour County. Oregon, offer, for snlo IIk negotiable Hancroft Improvement HoiiiIh In the sum of Five thousand, four hundred, threo and 89-100 ($6403.89) Dollars, bearing Inter est at the rate of not moro than six per cent per annum, to become dun and payablo In ten years from May 1st, 1920, tho date of Ihnuo Inter est payablo Koml-unnunlly. lllds for the snino must bo submitted In wrlt lug, and will bo received subject to tho legality of tho bonds. No bids will bo received or considered for loss than tho par valuo of tho bonds. An unconditional certified check, paynblo to tho order of tho Treas urer of tho City of Ontario, for mi amount equal to five per cent of each hid must accompany said hid lllds will bo received subject to the condition that tho bidder to whom tho samo aro awarded will either ac cept or roject tho same within ten days after receiving a transcript of the proceedings undor which tho said bonds aro Issued. Tho Common Council of tho City of Ontario reserves tho right to ro ject iiuy and all bids. All bids for said bonds must bo filed with tho Hecordor of tho snld City ot Ontario, on or before Bight o'clock p. m. on tho 3rd day of May A. D. 1920, thereafter and on which said day, tho bids will bo opened and action taken thereon by tho said Common Council. Ily order ot tho Common Council ot the City of Ontario, Oregon. It. W. JONB8, Mayor. Attest: CLAY M. 8TBAHN8. (8BAL( City Hecordor. First publication April 22, 1920. Last publication April 29, 1920. T.SenWeiser .Monday Jay 3 The first real Grand Opera this season Curtain 8:20 50 PEOPLE 5 O Curtain 8:20 (lit l.M .V (OSTII.LO Pie-emu TUB SONOMA (.HAND OI'F.HA CO.MI'XW RIGOLETTO Magnificent Costumes! Splendid Sconoryl llrllllant Bnsoinble nnd Chorutt Carrying our own Umnil Opnrn Orchostra. Iguurlo lllieclloii Dol Cast lllo, Maestro TIIK I'HIM ll'U.H llBATHHl: PI.ZOHNI Soprano, from La S ala Milan CONBPU.O MKDIN Coloratura, of tin Colon. lliienos' Ayres flPKUIA CASTKI. Mexxo Snprnmi. from the ItngKhi. Torino KI.ODIA ItODKUTH Roprmio. of the Ciivent Garden, London ALFHBDO GHAZIANA, Tenor, from the Metro- IHilltnn. New York CAHLOK MICJIA Tenor, from the National Havana KDUAHDO LKJAItm Hitrltoiie, of tin1 HoMon Opera. 1GNACIO SOTOMAYOH Maritime, from the Nn tlniml Havana FltANCISCO CHf. Hhmhi, from the Llrlc, Itlo Janeiro. Prices $1.00, $1.50, $2,00, $2.50, Plus Tax Scats on Sale at Cutting Drug Company, Friday, April 30th Mffd?gTOTreaBE Get A Tube Free This is your opportunity to not a standard rod or grey tulip IVpc with each new tin- bought. The slock is fresh and each article Fully k'im' anteed. Tires mounted on your rinis free. united tune and in This offer is for a only to tires in stock:. pplics SERVICE TIRE & BATTERY CO. Phono ()1K. Ontario, Oregon As sure as you are a foot high you will like this Camel Turkish and Domestic li'mmMF tUFEtiSSn blend! jBBd 19 llpllS I m h f gk m m & w l fyaui a 1 1 ll,iW4MMTYJjShVBaJi ' "ttft ' iiwl 13. 'CSpa fVHiaVJj Di-laixii . i-'i Otigttrtfi) vaSl iaffirVllvflj '" ,v" ' ' '" w uxtBt V5h9H ' ' ' srtni ' ''' '. or of- V JKy fi?bm jaj WiA r tuW y ' c wh" u ItMVml ffiWV'SPR'l K J, KKYNOLD3 ??r',mwW TOHACCO CO. WTj:2JXJJT:'i'VlH'"tjm ""A .tM2WjaaV ElBagSaSI HLFNn yyflL VBHRBflt& ' cah TTa -& jPffl?ft3S'j;aTi''iHtaaaati YOU never got such cigarette contentment as Camels hand you. Camels quality and expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic Tobaccos make this goodness possible andmakeyou prefer this Camel blendto either kindo f 'tobacco smoked straight! Camels mellow-mildness is a revelation! Smoke them with freedom without tiring your taste They leave no unpleasant ciga retty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor 1 Give Camels every test then compare them puff-for-puff with any cigarette in the world I