The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 22, 1920, Image 2

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uJIjr GDutann Arxuta
Published Thursdays at Ontnrlo,
Oregon, nnd entered at the Ontnrlo
post offlco for distribution nn 2nd
class matter.
mont League, nnd tho Good Itoadt. mnv rsoult in n sot bnck thnt will
commlttGos of the various orgnnlzn- cnuso tbo buslneHS men to think
t!n?i In thn enmity lo curry tho mo- more seriously about such matters.
boko to tho pcoplo so that tlioy will
undorsand tho proposition, nnd every'
ono who Is Interested In Reed ronds I'A.MHDATKS I.V AIIL'NDANCK.
and tho development of tho stato
should attend tho nicotine of the
I.cnRUo next Saturday where this
nnd other matters of state wldo
tcrest will bo discussed.
(1. K. AlKKN, Managing Keillor
T. McPAltMN (lOtJOH, Sup't.
I'AV Till
On Mny 21 tho pcnplo of Oregon
will deehlo whether or not the ex
cellent highway system which they
hnvo stnrted to construct shall stop
where It U or shall continue until nil
of tho stnto will ho served by it ton
nccted system of good' roads.
It Is strnngo that any nrgument Is
necessary to sccuro tho adoption of
tho commission's plan: nnd none
would bo needed If tin; people nil
understood the true meaning of tho
constitutional amendment Tho
trouble Is that tho nmeudment Is not
understood, and therefore the Reed
roods enthusiasts hnvo this duty to
Tho facts are thnt the licenses paid
by uutonioblllsts nod the gasoline
distillate tax will not only pny the
Interest on tho bonds, but will pro
vide n sinking fund which will re
tiro the bonds as they mature; and
moreover will leave n surplus each
year for direct expenditure on romls.
In other words nil thnt Is asked of
tho people Is that authority he Klvcn
to procceil with the state's credit to
build tho roads and permit the milo
Ids who use the highways to pay
for them with their license money
and tho tax on kunoIIiio and distil
lata. Since this measure will not cost
the general property taxpayer a sin-
irle cent; and will enhance the value
of his property by tho construction
of the roads, ho should Iw for It.
heart nnd soul. The nulolst Is for It
becnusu of tho saving In wear nnd
tour on his machine and the In
creused pleasure which follows the
construction of good roads. Thus
everyone ought to bo for the pro
posed nmeudment. '
In nixes like this, however, the
danger Is that which coinos from
over confidence and the ever present
lethargy of the average voter This
must bo overcome If Oregon Is to
carry out tho road program It Is tho
province of tho Malheur Develop.
1 1 1(1 1 1 WAV
Tho Stnto of Oregon has been far-
tunato Indeed In tho men It has se
cured to servo on tho State Highway
Commission. No higher typo of citi
zenship can bo found nnywhero than
that represented by Simon Ilcnsnn,
It. A. llooth nnd K. K. Kiddle. The
snmo wns truo when V. I Thomp
son was n member.
Those men who servo tho stnto do
so thru their desire to bo of service
They need no recomponso to urgo
them, to give their tluio nnd thnt to
solving tit biggest problem tjio stnto
aces m us iievcioiHiiuui, unit inu
wholo hearted broad minded con
ception they have of their work
should and docs, wc are sure, com
mend tho commission to every think
ing citizen.
Ah an exomple of tho Intorcst
which theso men take In roads mat
ters, tho Argus would call attention
to the visit of Commissioner K. 1".
Klddlo made to this section this
weok, In order that ho might fn in II
Inrlzo himself with tho problems of
this county. To come hero Mr. Kld
dlo travelled from his home In
Island City, In Union County. Ho
left homo early In tho morning,
spent n long dny riding In tho train;
spent an evening listening to argu
ments or the locnl commltteo, rot
lowed that with nn all dny ride In
tho cold wind looking at the various
rond connections between Ontario
and Vale.
Tho iioonlo tnko nil this for grunt
rd; yet many of our citizens, among
them business men who will greatly
profit In tholr private business thru
tho building of these roads, can not
be persunded to give enough of their
time nnd effort to step across tho
street to attend n meeting to further
the cause of highway construction
When men of tho type of Mr. Kid-
die will travel miles at their own ex
pense and give their time to this
work, experience tho badgering of
hectoring critics when some petty
scheme of theirs Is not furthered, tho
apathy of mnuy citizens Is tho more
Perhaps this apathy Is due to the
fact that so many business inon fig
ure thnt tho enthusiast will look out
for their Interest anyway Vet thnt Is
not good business, nnd some day
Perfection's Price
In Tire Building
A' tire-makcTr'fl first problem is To decide how mucfi lie fcall
Hive for the money. This, and every other question in tire)
building, depends upon policies.
'A super-tire, such na The Brunswick7, CaW tfe made" only by 0)
concern which knows well nnd appreciates that there Is noth
infj exclusive in the tire industry except liigh standards
Since 1845 the House of Brunswick has held first place in
every lino it entered. Brunswick Tires, as more and more
motorists come to know them, will certainly be awarded that;
coveted place held only by tho superfine.
Motorists who buy one Brunswick usually adop? i for
complete equipment. Yet this is not strange, since, tho first
one so completely proves Its superiority,
If the name of Brunswick certifies to you, as Xo moai men.
nn extraordinary tire, at no higher price, would, ft not bo fiqpji
business jo Jest one or two Brunswick Tjrcsj!
Portland Headquarter: 46-48 Fifth Street
As tho weeks pass It Is evident
that there Is no dearth of candidates
for tho Presidency on tho part of
either of the great parties, tho the
Democrats hnvo been delayed In get
ting their entries Into tho race,
Until Bomo doflnlto announcement
Is mado at tho Whlto Houso concern
ing the desires of President Wilson
for or ngnlnst a third term, the
Democratic wnr horses are compelled
to keep their blankets on nnd con
flno their activity to their homo
Not only has the sllonce of the
Whlto Houso been a curb on tho pos
sibilities, but added to that tho pre
mature plans of Messrs, Cobb of tho
Now York World nnd Cyrus II. K.
Curtis of tho 8nturdny Evening Post,
Ladles' Home Journal, and Philadel
phia Public I.edgor, to bring Horbert
Iloovor out as the democratic stand
ard bearer. This throw thousands of
Democrats, figuratively speaking,
Into tho nlr, Tlioy wonted n now
deal and realized that tho. third term
trndltlon was n handicap; wanted a
man with a war record without being
a mllltnry man, and Hoover filled
thnt set of specifications to a nicety.
Then Hoover spoiled tho plan, He
announced that ho would seek tho
Ilcpubllcan nominatien: thnt ho had
always been a Itepubllcau, tho ho
had by reason of his profession not
been present In America to voto
It Is admitted that among tho so
cnlled nnd self-styled lenderH In
cither parly did not tnko kindly to
,Mr. Hoovor's candldncy. wnno
among tho rank and file In both
parties It gathered iiurprlslng mo
mentum, and Is growing strong ovon
now. Just whoro It will bo when tho
Chicago convention Is held remains
to be seen.
Thon Senator Johnson of Cali
fornia has mado consldoralilo im
prosslon In tho Middle West. Dur
ing tho past two weeks his star has
been climbing In tho political firma
ment; whether It has renched Us
zenith, no ono can toll now. Tho
political star gazer bollovo that It
bus; nnd those who look to the stars
to rend tho future need only to turn
iimir earn bnck to 1910 and recall
'tho Pulaco hotel Incident to bo cor
toln that If Johnson Is tho Ilepub
llcan nominee thoro will bo n dis
turbance at tho polls In November. .
Tho California primaries will sot
tlo thn situation to n degreo, for If
Iloovor should defeat Johnson In
tholr homo state, tho California sen
ator will bo out of the running no
matter how strong ho may bo In tho
Middle West.
In tho mountlmo tho Wood boom
continues to hold first placo In
promlnenco and power with (lovonior
inuiinn irnlllnc closely behind, whllo
Miles Polndoxtor U back In n shudow
thnt grows blacker ovory day. Tho
Washington Solon Is outclassed. Ills
bnckors, I. o., hlmsolf, should olort
now to drop out of the race and not
omboruss tho delegates from tho
Kvorgrcen state.
What will happen at San Francisco
one man's guess Is as good as an
other's, With .nryan leading tho
Democratic drys and Edwards carry
ing tho buiiuor of the wots; with tho
Wilson forces held In check awaiting
word from Washington, tho fight nt
tho nay City should bo worth going
to see.
Sold On An Unlimited Mileage
Guarantee Basis
8. A. Porklns, for twenty years'
National committeeman from Wash
ington, scorns (loomed to defeat. Ills
homo county. Plcrco, has repudiated
him, To add gall and wormwood to
tho bruising given him his defeat
was administered by his old time
henchmen. Had Washington thrown
Sum over sixteen years ngo tho polit
ical history of that stato would havej
been radically utrtoroni. ino no
was an nstuto business man, Mr
Perkins never mensured up to tho
nosltlon of a National committee
man. Ho lacked vision, political
sagacity, and worst of all trained
with men out of touch with the rank
and file of tho party, Ho functioned
principally as a distributor of polit
ical favors. At that ho was succoss
ful. His passing will not bo regret
tod by many, oven among his old
With Wood apparently In the load
ho will find the other Itepubllcau
candidates unltod against him. Un
less ho can muster enough votes to
give htm tho nomination on the first
ballot his chances for nomination
are no better than his opponents.
Six inches of irrigation nro re
quired to grow 200 bushels of pota
toes, 614 Inches for ono tou of al
falfu, and less than five Inches for u
ton of clover on Corvallls and aim
llnr soil types, says a new bulletin,
Tho Duty of Water In Irrigation,
Just Issued by the O. A. C experi
ment station. This bulletin as well
as two others The Small Irrigation
Pump Plant, and Tho Improvement
and Wutor Requirements of Wild
Meadow and Tule Lands was writ
ton by W. L. Powers, chief of soils,
whoso activities hnvo led to the re
clamatlon of thousands of acres of
waste lands. All of those reclama
tion nnd water control bulletins nro
frco to tho Oregon farmer nnd other
citizens, free for tho nsklng.
for dish washing: and
house cleaning
Wc arc selling NEW
Fordson Tractors
At Wholesale Cost
Write us before buying
Genuine Goodyear Hose
This is positively the best hose on the
Oomes in 25 ft., 50 ft. and 100 ft.
We absolutely guarantee this
Complete stock sizes 1 to 4. These are
a great convience and save lots of time for
the irrigator. Let us show you these.
"Nothing wrong with our balance"
THE right balance of costly Turkish
and Domestic tobaccos, propor
tioned by experts that's why
Chesterfields "satisfy.'
Every puff brings you the full, rich
flavor of genuine Turkish tobacco
and the lively relish of choice Domes
tic leaf.
And theblcnd the manufacturer's
private formula can
not be copied.
Every package enclosed
in glasslne, moisture
proof paper that seals in
the flavor.
StBsm&l 'isra
' ,s.HN& mmmtm