The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 22, 1920, Image 1

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NO. 21.
Jk&WL It JJsJflL JiUif ifcjJB
"v !
."fAsk Commercial Club to Name Com-
mlttee to Co-operate mill Take
Charge r Amusement IVntuioM Nn
Hoard ("mi Devote. Time, to H
E. M. Dcnn of Nyssa Ih tlio now
proslddnt of tlio Mnlliciir Count)
..Fair. Mr. Dcnn wnH elected nt o
meeting of tlio directors held Inst
Saturday ut which tlio work for tho
year was flrnt discussed by tlio nowly
nppnlnted lionril. V. T. Harrett of
Vnlii In tho vlco president tintl V. V.
Illckox of Ontario wns nnmoil sccro
tnry of tho board.
At n niuetliiK of tho board rind
inoiuborH of tho Commercial club
Tuesday evening of (IiIh wcok plans
worn furtliar discussed nnd progress
tnuilo toward getting work Htnrtcd
early enough to ninko tho coming
fair tho moHt micoonnful ever bold.
Hlnco tho fair this year Ih to bo di
rect ml by ranchers It Ih tho general
belief that it greater dogreo of co
operation will bo Kccurnd and Hum
more nnd bettor oxhlhltH will bo
found In tho exhibition ball whon tho
doors open on tho Urst day.
Tho director emphasize tho fact
that they oxpect to devote tho major
porlon of thlor offnrtH to the upbuild
ing of the agricultural fcuturo and
tbut thoy denlrod the assistance of
tho business men of Ontario In hand
ling the entortulnmont fouturns, with
which tho biiHlncHH men thru pro
vIouh oxperlenco aro mora familiar.
Commercial ('lull Will Work.
The uiemborH of tho club prosont
gavo tho directors nHHurnnco that the
fair would bn given iih liberal n do
greo of Htipport for them, oh tho they
woro running It thoinsolves, and
would co-opornto In ovory posuUila
way to assist tho directors to nchlovo
their dcHlru of tho blggCHt fair over
In order to do tblH tho directors
nsked tho Commercial Club to name
u committee to tako chnrgo of tho
entertainment foatures and to deter
mine wlmt portion of tho receipt
shall bo budgotH to tho Bovornl do
pnrtmontB, Tho club'B commlttoo to bo named
by Pronldont E. C. Von Potion will
moot with tho fair board director nn
Saturday of this week to mnko thli
iIIvIhIoii and get work started.
Want DiMillttle to Take Chargo
Tho directors of tho Fair nlso ask
ed that tlio (uostlon of a Bocrotary
for tho fair to tako gonoral chargo
bo Bocurod. Thoy Hold that thoy had
coiiKldored asking W. II. Doollttlo to
tako this poHltlon and Prosldont
Dean wns dologatod to prosont the
mattor to Mr. Doollttlo.
A number of minor mattors such
oh granting permission to tho On
tarlo ball team to use tho grounds
was discussed and permission was
glvon for flvo por cent of tlio goto
receipts, nnd n contract on that
IiiisIh ordored drawn. It was also de
tormlned to nsk Walter I.eavltt, who
Uvea near tlio fair ground, In act ns
uustodlan of tho grounds.
H. II. Tunny, president of tho
board Inst year, was present at tho
meeting to ndvlso with tho now
board concerning many matters with
which ho Is fumlllnr and to assist In
every way to got tho work tjtartod
for this Reason. Mr Tunny told tho
board that alreudy thero was assur
nnco of the largest burobred short
horn exhibit that the fair over know
and declared that ovory Indication
nhowod that tho fair this year would
bo tlio best ever bold,
In tho mattor of premiums for tills
year tho board will mako prizes for
community exhibits that will attract
every community In tho county nnd
will also eliminate some of tho pro
nilums for varieties which only a
fow peoplo ralso nnd which aro not
roally competitive. This will all bo
considered In detail at a meeting of
tho board to bo held soon. No date
has boen set for tho fair as yet but
thai too will he settled In tho course
nt tlio next fow weeks.
i'. i chuhch and Tin: new
A quota of 95113.87 has been set
for the Ontario United Presbyterian
church In tho. Now World Movement
campaign from April 25 t0 May 2j
Tho drive will opon next Sunday
afternoon at two o'clock, with five
minutes silent prayer In which every
United Presbyterian Is asked to Join.
This campaign will be conducted
In tho United Presbyterian Church
by Itev. Cochran, congregational cam
paign director, who will bo assisted
by leading members of tho congrega
tion. It will close tho fo.iowlng
Sunday evening with final reports.
Every day during the campaign
reports will be sent to Ilev. J. 0.
Cunningham director of tho campaign
In the Idaho presbytery, of 'which the
local church Is a member.
At a meeting of tho directors of
tho Nevada Ditch company held at
tho office of tho secretary, u. u
King, yuHtorday afternoon, C, M.
Cramlnll, nttornoy fur thu company,
mndo a report on tho findings of tho
wnter board In tho Mnlhour adjudi
cation. After listening to Mr. Crnn
dall'H report tho board determined
to proceed to contest tho award In
thu courtH.
Ono of Most IiiiMi'tnnl Pieces ol
Work Undertaken Iiy Farm Hnreiiu
Im Well Under Wny Govern
ment Spot'lalNls Co-operating
With County Agent. .1 til Mnlliniip fntinfv furitinrK
got for tholr labor last yonr after
paying nil rami expenses aim allow
ing u fair rato of Interest on their In-
unui.twiiitf Rimift mitulttn Interests
aro of tho opinion that tho farmers
hnvo been mnKing nig money, i uu
rnrntiirti urn tint rnmli to nrcoiln this
ifiinmmit Tim l.'nrm lliirnnil Ih
nnxloiiH to learn tho facts. Thoy
wish (o know for several reasens:
lu tho first place, tho nation wide
organization of farmers has Included
many thlngB In Uh program. An out
standing foaturo Is tho realization
that forming must bo put on u busi
ness ImslH and run In n business like
manner In ordor to Insure agricul
tural ability and to holp put farm
ing whoro It belongH. Thoy riuillru
tfuit business organization nnd busl
noss methodB aro absolutely neces
sary today.
A Farm Management survey of 44
irrigated farms In this county, taken
four years ago from tho calondnr
year 191 B. rovoalod tho fact that tho
nvorago labor lucomo of these farms
was $021. A farm business Burvoy
of 10 farms In tho Ontarlo-Nyssn Ir
rigated district of 1910, recently con-
.i..M...i aiinwii Hut iivnrnirn lnhor III-
como to Im $808. A moro detailed
survoy or tlio Oregon niopo uismci
now being undertaken by tho County
' (Continued on I.nst Page.)
i:. M. Demi MakeK Handsome Offer
for Dent Pig Holecltsl by Malheur
County l-'iilr OiiiiM'llllini
0Mn to County.
ti.i k'viian nnrn lired Poland
Cblnn Pig Club has completed Its or
ganlzatlon and each of tlio eight
..n.l...i will unnn nwll Ills VOUIIg
porkor. Tho club choso tho Poland
Chlnn nroou anu in i"iB "'
which will bo fomulos, will bo or
weaning ago, ..,,.,
K, M. Dean, president of tho Mai-
i.... Pnnniv I.'nlr 1 1 wnl leader of tho
club, has offered to pay $150 for the
i ... i.l.. it lunn lnlnnll China Cllt
liuni mi, i"i i' w.-.. - - --
oxhlbltod by a club member at the
Malheur county rnir nexi uiu. "
offor Is open to mombors of any
club In tho county
K. H, Conklln, Buporlntondont or
tho Nyssa school, Is expecting tlio
club to put out a strong stock Judg-
... ..,... ...I.I.1. nlll rmiuiRtn with
II1K iwwi'i "in-" " ; " i
Blmllar teams from othor purls or
tho county at tlio uouniy ruir in
two high scoring teams In this con
m.t will nrobablv compete In Btato
and Interstate contests.
Miss Mazlo Wlion, touuiy iu
leader, states that thorn will be
.....!.. - Itflnnn ulnllie llVCStOCK
clubs In tho county and that eiicli
club will exhibit at ma uoumy iir
and entor a judging team.
When Viola Dana read the scen
ario of her new play, "Pleaso Cie.t
Married," In which Screon Classics,
Inc., is starring her under the new
fowor and better pictures policy, she
found she would have to get a bath
ing suit of the Mack Suunett variety
When sbo went to buy the creation
she had some difficulty In convoying
an exact Idea of her requirements to
the salesman. She entered the Btore
and as alio walked down the aisle the
liearloreaKers ueninu uiu nmumi
i-nA Iiac ami stmli'tpnlnEr
their ties and brushing back their
hair, became jnBiaauy uieri.
mn ii n Rmllh entertained
Tuesday afternoon with the Vale
Chapter of P. E. O. as her guests
Luncheon was serveu hi uiu umc
Dlrd cafe.
C. It. Peterson came down from
the Circle liar ranch today for a
short visit with IiIb family here.
Tho Ontario Jazz Hounds are going
to Hrogan May 1 to furnish the music
for the May Pole dance which the
community there Is staging.
i:it iikht hicsuit or
Want Ciifoiri'inent of Gopher Kriull.
., nit Ion Iiiuv Wlicio llnurlicrs Do
Not Art Approve b'tirm Itiiintii
Nchh Home . llelteriiientN ,DN-
Ah n means of nrouslng Interest In
tho various communities In tho de
velopment of their agricultural pos
sibilities, tho Farm Iluronu has de
termined to hold community fairs In
various sections of thu county. The
community fairs will have tho same
relation to the county fair that the
county fairs have to tho stnto fair,
Inasmuch oh thoy will result In the
gathorlng of tho best exhibits of tho
various sections, stlmulnto rivalry
and thus tiring about u vastly wider
competitive Interest, furnish a means
of touching the mlvautugcs of now or
bettor methods and generally serve
to Improvo tho agricultural Interests
of tho county.
At tho meeting of tho executive
commlttoo of tho Kami Hureau hold
at tho City Hall last Saturday even
ing Miss Mazlo Wilson, club lender,
explained tlio community fair Idea to
tho commlttoo following tho present
ation of tlio subject by A. A. Out
trldgo of Oregon Slope. President
Demi, Treasurer Herrott, Mrs. Hur
ley and other members nlso favored
tho Idea and It was endorsed
Want Knromil
Attention of tho mombors was
called to tho fact that boiiio or tho
ranchers aro not trying to trap or
poison tho gophers ou tholr places,
and It was determined to cull this to
tho attention of tho County Court no
that prosecutions can bo darted
which will result In ridding tho coun
ty of tboso posts. This action was
urged by President Doan, Messrs,
Horrott, Tonson, Fry nnd Uuttrtdgo.
At tho same time It wns urged t'.n.t
sonio ono capnblo or doing no ho
hired to catch tho gophors,
(iet Car for lendrr
In order to get about thu county
to tho scattered communllos Miss
Wilson, tho county club loader, nskod
timt n cur bo furnished her. nnd told
of tho trouble shu had experienced
thus far. It was tho unanimous
opinion of tho board that this bo
dona and a commlttno consisting of
Ivan E. Oakos. E. M. Dean and P.
Tonson wbh nnmed to find tho means
for getting tho car. This commuioo
actod at once und Miss Wilson start
ed driving tho car today (Thurs
day). ..
Tho directors uiscussou ai iuiikiu
tho quostlon of methods lor rural
hoiiiu betterment and declilod that
this was of such lmporanco that It
bo added to tho bureau's program
for tlio year.
Hill fan NevtH Approved
The hoard discussed nt length tho
subjoct of tho Farm Iluroau News,
tlio first Issuo of which was publish
ed Inst weok. Aftor considering tho
mattor tho paper In Its present form
carrying Biifflclont advertising to pay
for Itself was approved.
Vnlo Chamber of Cnmincrco Delegn.
gallon I'rt'M'iit ItoMilutlon to
roiiimci't'lnl Club Voicing Senti
ment of County Sent,
For tho purpose of personally
assuring tho members of tho Ontario
Commercial club that the untoward
remarks or some or their fellow
mombors did not represent the spirit
of Vale a delegation from the Vale
Chambor of Commerce camo to On
tario Tuosday to have dinner with
the noard of Directors of the Com
mercial club.
Tho visiting mombors extended
tho olivo branch and a harmonious
meeting resulted in hotter feeling all
round. The Incident at Vale last
weok Is therefore past history and
tho two organizations aro going to
forgot past differences and unite In
their offorts to advance the mutual
Interests of every community In Mal
heur county. To that end the Vale
club will arrange their celebration of
July 4 so that It will not conflict
with that planned by Ontario, and
will come to Ontario to enjoy the
hospitality of the city.
The wholehearted spirit of the
county seat men was met with the
same spirit by the local business men.
Among the vale men to attend tuu
meeting here were: A. W. Heed,
Senator Hurley, Ilobt. D. Lytle,
James Harvey, II, 0. Eastbam,
George H. Currey, W, F. Seamen, A.
W. Means.
Gi:oiti: iiuxTiNOTox cuhiikv
iiiiED ix)it m:piti:si:xTATivK
Mix. .Iiilleii A. Hurley Keck He
election David (Jrnlmin mid I.
Qulsenbery Would Place Value on
Property In Malheur County.
Ilcprosuutntlvo P. J. Gallagher has
no opposition for tho republican
nomination for representative From
Friday until yestordny ho did havo.
In tho person of Oeorgo Huntington
Curroy, publisher of thu Vnlo Enter
prise. Mr. Curroy filed his declara
tion by wlro last Friday with Secre
tary of Statu Hon Olcott and with
drew It yesterday.
That tho announcement that Mr.
Currey would contest the nomination
with Mr. Onltagher was n siirprUo
can not he denied. Even Mr. Curry's
friends nt Vale declared It to bo so,
and thoy It wns who secured his
withdrawal realizing that tho pres
ence of too many Vale candidates
militated against tlio success of those
who had filed earlier. Therefore tho
situation was cleared yestorday
with thu announcement of Mr. Cur
rey 's withdrawal.
Dean I'll en for CoiiniilHi.loner
For weeks It has boon apparent
that thorn would ha no candidate) out
for tho position of County Commis
sioner to succeed J, F. Weaver,
whoso term explros. Efforts to so
euro sonio one to accept tho nomina
tion worn not successful until Gilbert
W. Dean was persuaded to do so. Ills
candidacy was filed yesterday.
Mr, Dean linn lived in tho county
for seven years coming hero from
Gray's Harbor county, Washington,
whore ho had oxporlouco In public
offlco. Slnco coming to thu county
ho has devoted his time to his ranch
but has boon nctlvo In the good road
movomont, In tho Grange and Farm
Iluroau und during tho wnr wns ono
of thu active lenders In ovory drive In
his section. With his previous ox
porlouco nnd his Interest In public
nffnlrs ho Is peculiarly fitted to
servo the county for ho has two
grown sons to look after his ranch
whon It will bo necessary for him to
leave It to attend tho sessions or tho
court Mr. Dean was roluctant to no
copt tho nomination and only did so
when It waH npnpront that no ono
elso would undertake thn Job.
Siwiglor Mien Ton
Alter debating for mouths whether
or not to run again It W. Swngler,
district nttornoy, filed his declaration
of cnndldncy Tuesday. Mr. Bwaglor
Is unopposed lor tho Democratic
nomination and tho raca botwaen
him nnd It I). I.ytle, tho only candi
date for tho republican nomination,
will be ono of tho features of thu
campaign In November,
Mr. Hurley KeekN lte-fleilnii
Tho alio had doclared her Intou
Hon not to do so, Mrs. Julleii A Hur
ley, county auporlntondent of schools
filed for thu Democratic nomination
for tho position. Sho Is unopposed.
Mrs. Hurley's entry In tho race sho
declnrod was duo to the numerous
roquestH that sho tako the position
again; many of tho parent-teacher
circles In tho country districts having
passod resolutions calling upon her
to enter tho race.
With the ontry or Mr. Hurley In
the democratic prlmnrloM Malheur
county has tho unique political situa
tion ol ii husband and wife seoklng
political preferment ut the hands or
opposing fuel Ions.
Tin iv AfcM'HMir CmulldateH
To bo assessor seems to bo the
most populur Job at tho court boube
Fallowing tho declaration of II. I..
Poorman last weok comes tho an
nouncement of Andrew Graham of
Juntura, and I. II. Qulsenhery of
Vale. Mr. Gruham has long been a
rosldent of the county, bnvlng boen
omployod In tho bank at Westfall
and for tha past two years has been
engaged in tho mercantile business In
Juntura. Mr, Qulsonbery usod to
operato tho motion picture thuatro at
Offer of Contraclori. Deemed Too
High l-ovxM offer Made $102,-
O(M) County lias Only $)
001) Available.
All bids for the grading of the
Vale to lirogan section of the John
Day Highway were rejected by the
County Court at Vule on Monday.
The lowest bids which was within but
a $1,000 of tho estimate or the
Highway Engineers, were tor $102,
000 while the court has only $00,000
, i:hati:h. stahs knthiitain
Members or the Star Chapter O. E
8. went to Nyswi Ihhi evening to at
tend nn Invitation of cHiidldMtes by
tho Nyssa chapter. Following the
Initiation the Nyssa lodge served a
bnnilllet which wan viirv iniirti mi.
Joyed. This evening the Nyssa Stars
Wll bO tllO BIKMtH of till, fllllnrlll
lodgo at m Inltntltluu and supper.
Mrs. Holm Huston, worthy matron of
the Chanter n Vale will Im mir nf Hie
honored guests at the session this
Ontario leglon Glrs lis Approval to
Effort of Vule Foil to Hint
Monument In (.'ouit Void
At County Sent.
At n meeting of the Ontario Post.
Inst wcok tlio effort on tlm psrt of
tho Vnlo post to have u monument
erected for thu men from Malheur
county .who died In tho srvlca whs
endorsed, und a request made that
Ontnrlnns unite In subiH-rlhlng lo the
funds to pay for the cost of erecting
Tiio iiiotiniiienf Is to lie of rough
mnrblu on which will be plnod h
bronze eagle and ou one side u limine
tablet bearing the mini ot nil lb
men from the county who died In the
Tho cost or erecting Hi mouumetil
Is $1050 or which about one hair has
been raised in und about Vale togel It
er with n large donation from Mr.
and Mrs. T. M. Lowe or Owyhe.
whonu son, Jullun l.owo was one of
tho tlrst to pay thn supreme nsrrl
II co nnd In whose honor the Vain Post
wns nnmed,
In their appeal In the public to sup
port this movement the looal IokIoii
moil declare they will appreciate
ovory girt and ask that the checks In
mndo payable to the American Le
gion und addressed lo Karl Illacksby
ot Ontario.
So far the checks from local imhiiiI
Includo $5 each from L, Adam and
L, J. Akor,
Meeting of CltleiiN Interested hi
liitetM liiirrli .Moteiueiit Called
For Unllml PlvMiy terlau
Church April 'Jft.
In the Intermit of tlm InUr-Chiircb
Wurld Movement n mass niMtliiK
lias boen called for April It at the
Uultoil Presbyterian church, llxv.
W. J. I.usromhe will preach the
sermon nnd tho service will I mi held
In the oveiilng. Tho service will
commnco nt 8 o'clock and a mjcIsI
musical program will lie given.
Thirty evangelical denominations
of Amorlou have unite! In a grant
co-operatlvn work under the name or
tho Intor-Churoh World Movement.
Its object Is to ennoiiraKe church co
operation mid dUcoursKH dupllcwt
Ism; to mnko the toMelilims or Jtmim
Christ the paramount influence In
the social, political ami economic
life of the modern world
Thn ohurrb Is asked to think In
world tonus uud lo deal fairly with
the world's appalling iiwm).
On y a ra Inns soul can pass
thru times like these and not hear a
volco whose will a man must answer
or else low his soul
A budiiet of $1.1X3.000.000 Is
asked for aggressive work. Tim
church Is proposing to do big tilings
In a big way. Ono million sick pen
plo In thn United KtatM annually,
flvo thousand dally, are rafiiMMl ho
pltul service because of Inadequate
People are hskwi io invert m
small sum of six cents dally from
their expenditures for pleasure such
ns the use or chewing gum. be
cronm, cigars, picture shows, etc., In
view or providing this amount for
the doing of big things for me King
dom or our Lord riul Master.
Tho Catholic Ladle's will give a
May Day Ten Irom 3 to C at the
home or Mrs. P. J. Gallagher on
Saturday. May 1. Everyone Invited.
A special suasion of Acacia Lodge
A F & A M. will be held next Tues
day ovonlng. April 27, at which time
work in tlio M. ni. uugree win no ex
emplified. A number of visiting
members are expected and a dinner
will be served following the work.
available for the wuk.
The county court Indicates thai It
would proeoari to do the work Itself
with IU own machinery end equip
ment and It la the opinion of Judge
E. 11. Tokt tlwt the county eau do
thn work shounar than the In weal
I offer.
Progre-x of Slnte Program De
pendent Upon Appiovnl of .Moils.
lire VNIIm Vule anil (Yostes Demi
Ov Flat lit Slorm .Meets Obi
E. E Kiddle. Highway ('mnmls
sinner for linstem Oregon, spent
Monday evening und Tuesday In fa
mlllnrizlng lilmwlf with thu road
problems or Malheur county. He
arrived here on No. ( Monday even,
lug and left Tuesday afternoon by
auto for Welsir, driving scrum Dead
Ox Flat to view the route of tho Old
Oregon Trail Highway, with Divis
ion Engineer It II llnblonk and E.
A. Eraser.
In the morning Mr Kiddle, ac
companied by .1. It, lllaoknby, Mr.
Ilsldook and G K Aiken, drove In
Mr. Illackaby's car down Hie Moldo
va rd toward Nyssa, to Inspect thn
work done on (list highway and then
drove lo Vale to vlmv the crossing of
the Malheur river there and tho ap
proach or the John Day Highway.
Prior to making this trip Mr. Kid
die met ou Monday evening with n
number of good roads eiitlniMlssts nt
nn Informal gathering where the
general road situation In tho stain
was discussed At this gntherlng he
explained the situation In which the
commission Is id need with the funds
available for nun all approplated,
and the system as outlined Incom
plete. Unless the roustltiitlonnl
umendniont permitting the luniie
ot liddltlonnl bonds pusses nt the
May election he ilocinreii mat no
moro road building can bu undertak
en by the state
Uiso Federal t o.operutlou
Not only will the road program
stop but unless the funds nre made
nviillnbln the State will not hn able
lo inntch the federal appropriations
ou the post roads, of which there nru
many mllos nut yet stnrieu in kusi-
eru Oregon.
Mr. K dd e had with him n graphic
chart prepared by tho Counnlsslnii
showing how I he auto licenses and
gasoline and distillate taxes not only
will pay thn Interest ou tlie nouns,
provide n sinking fund to retire the
iirlnolnal or the bonds, but leave u
surplus- each oar to m applied di
rectly In the couBiruoiinu or uigu
ways. Furthermore he said that this
table nnd chart would perhaps be
mora than MIMIed for every ostl-
mate of Income from auto Ikons pro
pared by the commission had neeu
exceeded In fact, and that the money
available would Im greater than the
obarl Indicated
He urged the niNi who desire
good ronds to make tho provisions of
the matter dear to their friends so
that no misapprehension will operato
to keep oltljens from voting for the
Until nt Vale and Ontario Mr. Kid
dle encountered many old time
friends who In lu oarly das when
he was known all over this section as
the nloimer flour miller, purehnsed
supplies from him Among those
friends in Ontario were J It. Illaek
aby, H. A. Eraser and II C Iloyer.
On the trip over ine irnauiwu
lands under the Owyhee uud Shoe
string, tlio WuniiMirlnga nnd tho Or
egon Slope. Mr Kiddle expressed his
surprise at the growth ami develop
ment euiounieieii run ue uuu iimui
here many I lines In years past his
visits had been confined to Ontario,
Vale and Nyssa and had nut In-
(t'ontlnued on Last Pngo
Oianil Jury ltetiirns Three Tine HUN
Coin t Docket Culled Wednes.
iluy nnd Vim t Adjourned
Colli Friday.
At the close or Its deliberations
Tuesday the Grand Jury returned
three true bills Ono or tbeso ohurg
ed L. I Heymuii, allun L. Hlrech.
alias L Harris with obtaining money
under raise pretenses; another charg
ed E. L. Settlor with larceny of
machinery from the wostern raoine
Oil: another placed the chargo of
larceny at the nnor or a man uauiwi
Van Attn, who is alleged to have
taken a teaui or horses from thu
Stnnfleld company
The memliers of the Grand Jury
were 11 II. Cockrum, A. (i rum so,
T. J. Iliosnan. A. L. MoDowell, On-(.in-
i.l. Ciillmi'tiuin. Oreeon Slepe:
Aila in Murray, lleuinn ami jumua
r- ' ......---. -
Harvey, Vale.
iiuii'o nultnii llliiiiu eallMl the
docket In the reh'r term on Wed-
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